Mastering Your Income

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Hans Jakobi is an international speaker and best-selling author who teaches strategies for wealth creation. He believes it is everyone's birthright to be wealthy.

Hans Jakobi is an international speaker and best selling author. His first book,
How To Be Rich & Happy On Your Income 
 led to him being known as
Australia’s Wealth Coach 
.He is a man who truly walks his talk. He has achieved the balance between his personal and business life that most people only dream about. He enjoys life on a country estate with his family and travels the world teaching wealth creation strategies and speaking about his books.“Playing the money game and the game of life successfully is not a matter of luck, education, race or religion.” Hans says. “It’s a matter of choice.
MasteringYour Income
“I’m flexible – I want to be rich and famous, but I’ll settle for rich.”
by Hans Jakobi
 Australia’s Wealth Coach
It’s your right to be rich! 
You were born into this world to be rich. It isyour birthright to receive riches as a perfect-ly normal way of life. The material riches ofthe universe are at your disposal. They arelife’s gifts to those who desire them, seek them out, strive for them, share them andintend to do good with them. The abundantfountain of life’s luxuries, glories and beau-ties never runs dry. There is more thanenough to benefit all of us. The source ofsupply is inexhaustible. Recognise and takeup your right to a fair share of nature’s beau-ty and abundance.
Riches are within you 
Your desire to live in a luxurious home, drivea beautiful car, operate a successful busi-ness, travel the world, paint beautiful pic-tures, compose and play wonderful music,dress elegantly, become financially inde-pendent, experience a happy family relation-ship and lead a comfortable lifestyle can all
Mastering Your Income
First published 2000 by Wealth Dynamics International Pty Ltd
(ABN 38 081 878 499)
PO Box 167 Portland NSW 2847 AustraliaTelephone: (02) 63 555 800 Fax: (02) 63 555 855E-mail: Website:© Copyright Hans Jakobi 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted inany form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, magnetic, the Internet, recording or otherwise,without the prior written consent of the publisher.Cover design, typesetting and layout by Michael Shaw (02) 9882 3444Colour Consultant – Debourah Borg-Sayer 0414 988 876Edited by Kay Batstone (02) 9968 4416Printed in Australia by Central Commercial Printers Pty Ltd (02) 9439 3933This publication is designed to provide accurate andauthoritative information in regard to the subject mattercovered. It is published with the understanding that thepublisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal,accounting or other professional services. If legal advice orother professional advice, including financial, is required,the services of a competent professional person should besought.
I’ve got some good news and some bad newsfor you.Firstly, the good news. If you are like the aver-age Australian, earning between $25,000 and$35,000 a year, then in your lifetime, over $1million will flow through your hands. Nowthat’s a lot of money. What that means is thatyou are already on the road of possibilitytowards becoming a millionaire.Now for the bad news. If you are like mostpeople, you’ll spend it all and after a lifetimeof working and earning, you’ll end up withalmost nothing. In fact, you may be headingtowards a retirement dependent on govern-ment assistance. Why is this the case?The reason is that we are not taught moneyskills at school and we enter the workforcewith a better understanding of how to borrowand spend on credit than of how to earn andmanage our earnings. We absorb attitudesbe fulfilled. Your first move is to conditionyour mind to accept the possibilities andopportunities which are within your reach,ready for you to apply everything you need tolive a productive and affluent life.
Money may not buy happiness,but it surely allows you to lookfor it in more interesting places.

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