Robbery With Homicide (As Continued Crime)
Robbery With Homicide (As Continued Crime)
Robbery With Homicide (As Continued Crime)
179943 Presen ! YNARES-SANT A!", J., Chairperson, C# C"-NA$AR ", %E&ASC", 'R., NAC#(RA, an) PERA&TA, JJ. DE LEON Appellant. Pro"#$%& e'! 'une *+, *,,-
.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. DE(ISION PERALTA, J.! This is an appeal from the /ecision 012 of the Court of Appeals 3CA4, affirmin5 6ith mo)ification the /ecision0*2 of the Re5ional Trial Court 3RTC4, 7ranch 8+, San Mateo, Ri9al, fin)in5 appellant Marlon &ambert /e &eon : #omo 5uilt: be:on) reasonable )oubt of the crime of robber: 6ith homici)e. The factual an) proce)ural antece)ents are as follo6s; Accor)in5 to the prosecution, in the earl: mornin5, aroun) * o<cloc= of 'anuar: 8, *,,,, E)uar)o $ulueta an) >ortunato &acambra , both 5asoline bo:s? 'ulieta Amistoso, cashier? an) E)ralin Macahis, securit: 5uar)? all emplo:ees of Ener5e. !asoline Station, locate) at Barangay !uina:an, San Mateo, Ri9al, 6ere on )ut: 6hen a mint 5reen-colore) Tamara6 >@ arrive) for service at the sai) 5asoline station. 0A2 E)uar)o $ulueta 6as the one 6ho atten)e) to the sai) vehicle. #e 6ent to the )riverBs si)e in or)er to ta=e the =e: of the vehicle from the )river so that he coul) open the 5as tan=. #e sa6 throu5h the lo6ere) 6in)o6 shiel) that there 6ere about si. to seven persons aboar) the vehicle. #e procee)e) to fill up PC,.,, 6orth of )iesel in the 5as tan=. After )oin5 this, he returne) the =e: to the )river. Dhile returnin5 the =e:, the )river tol) him that the en5ine of the vehicle 6oul) not start.0E2 E)uar)o $ulueta offere) to 5ive the vehicle a push. Dhile E)uar)o $ulueta an) fello6 5asoline bo: >ortunato &acambra 6ere positione) at the bac= of the vehicle, rea): to push the same, the si. male passen5ers of the same vehicle, e.cept the )river, ali5hte) an) announce) a hol)-up. The: 6ere arme) 6ith a shot5un an) .AF caliber pistol. 0C2 >ortunato &acambra 6as or)ere) to lie )o6n, 0+2 6hile E)uar)o $ulueta 6as )irecte) to 5o 082 near the Car Dash Section. At that instance, 5uns 6ere po=e) at them.0F2 Appellant, 6ho 5uar)e) E)uar)o $ulueta, po=e) a 5un at the latter an) too= the latter<s 6allet containin5 a pa6nshop tic=et an) PC,.,,, 6hile the companion of the former, hit the latter on his nape 6ith a 5un.0-2 Mean6hile, four members of the 5roup 6ent to the cashier<s office an) too= the mone: 6orth PA,,,,.,,.01,2 Those four robbers 6ere also the ones 6ho shot E)ralin Macahis in the stomach.0112 Thereafter, the same robbers too= E)ralin Macahis< service firearm. 01*2 After he hear) successive 5unshots, E)uar)o $ulueta sa6 appellant an) his companions imme)iatel: leave the place.01A2 The robbers boar)e) the same vehicle an) procee)e) to6ar) San Mateo, Ri9al.01E2 Dhen the robbers left, E)uar)o $ulueta stoo) up an) foun) 'ulieta Amistoso, 6ho tol) him that the robbers too= her ba5 an) Ge6elr:. #e also sa6 that E)ralin Macahis ha) a 5unshot 6oun) in the stomach. #e imme)iatel: haile) a vehicle 6hich transporte) the inGure) E)ralin Macahis to the hospital.01C2 &ater on, E)ralin Macahis )ie) at the hospital )ue to the 5unshot 6oun).
The follo6in5 )a:, E)uar)o $ulueta i)entifie) appellant as one of the robbers 6ho po=e) a 5un at him.0182 #o6ever, accor)in5 to appellant, from 'anuar: E to +, *,,,, he sta:e) at the house of his Tita Emma at Panto=, 7inan5onan, Ri9al, helpin5 the latter in her canteen. "n the evenin5 of 'anuar: +, at appro.imatel: - o<cloc=, appellant as=e) permission from his Tita Emma to 5o to Antipolo. Catherine #omo, appellant<s cousin an) the latter<s :oun5er brother, accompanie) appellant to the terminal. Dhile 6aitin5 for a ri)e, the vehicle, a Tamara6 >@, of a certain Christian !ersalia, a relative of appellant an) Catherine #omo, passe) b:. Catherine #omo as=e) Christian !ersalia if he 6oul) allo6 appellant to hitch a ri)e on his vehicle. Christian !ersalia a5ree). Asi)e from Christian !ersalia, there 6ere other passen5ers in the sai) vehicle. 01F2 Dhen the vehicle reache) Masina5, 6here appellant 6as suppose) to ali5ht, he 6as not allo6e) to )o so? instea), he 6as as=e) b: the other passen5ers to Goin them in their )estination. Dhile on the roa), appellant fell asleep. Dhen he 6o=e up, the: 6ere in a 5asoline station. #e then sa6 Christian !ersalia an) the other passen5ers con)uctin5 a hol)-up. #e never left the vehicle an) 6as not able to )o an:thin5 because he 6as over6helme) 6ith fear. After he hear) the 5unshots, Christian !ersalia an) the other passen5ers 6ent to the vehicle an) procee)e) to6ar)s Mari=ina. "n their 6a:, the: 6ere follo6e) b: policemen 6ho fire) at them. The other passen5ers fire) bac= at the policemen. t 6as then that the vehicle hit a 6all promptin5 the other passen5ers to scamper in )ifferent )irections leavin5 him behin). Dhen the policemen arrive), he 6as imme)iatel: arreste).01-2 As a result of the above inci)ent, four nformations for Robber: 6ith #omici)e 6ere file) a5ainst appellant, Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, an alias HRe:,I an alias H'onar),I an alias HPrecie,I an) an alias HRenato,I 6hich rea) as; Criminal Case No. E8E8 That on or about the 8th )a: of 'anuar: *,,,, in the Municipalit: of San Mateo, Province of Ri9al, Philippines, an) 6ithin the Guris)iction of this #onorable Court, the above-name) accuse), conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias H PrecieI an) Alias HRenatoI 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e, an) conspirin5 an) mutuall: helpin5 an) assistin5 one another, 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms an) actin5 as a ban), 6ith intent of 5ain 6ith a55ravatin5 circumstances of treacher:, abuse of superior stren5th an) usin5 )is5uise, frau) or craft an) ta=in5 a)vanta5e of ni5httime, an) b: means of motor vehicle an) b: means of force, violence an) intimi)ation, emplo:e) upon ENER!E@ !AS"& NE STAT "N, o6ne) b: Re5ino C. Nativi)a), an) represente) b: Macario C. Nativi)a), )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: rob, steal an) carr: a6a: its cash earnin5s 6orth PA,,,,.,,, to the )ama5e an) preGu)ice of sai) Ener5e. !asoline Station in the aforesai) amount of PA,,,,.,, an) on the occasion of the sai) robber:, the above-name) accuse), 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms 6ith intent to =ill, conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias HPrecieI an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: attac=, assault an) shoot one E/RA& N MACA# S, a Securit: !uar) of Ener5e. !asoline Station, thereb: inflictin5 upon him 5unshot 6oun) on his trun= 6hich )irectl: cause) his )eath. Contrar: to la6. Criminal Case No. E8EF That on or about the 8th )a: of 'anuar: *,,, in the Municipalit: of San Mateo, Province of Ri9al, Philippines an) 6ithin the Guris)iction of this #onorable Court, the above-name) accuse), conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 , to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias H PrecieI an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e an) conspirin5 an) mutuall: helpin5 an) assistin5 one another, 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms an) actin5 as a ban), 6ith intent of 5ain, 6ith a55ravatin5 circumstances of treacher:, abuse of superior stren5th an) usin5 )is5uise, frau) or craft an) ta=in5 a)vanta5e of ni5httime, an) b: means of a motor vehicle an) b: means of force, violence an) intimi)ation, emplo:e) upon the person of '(& ETA A. AM ST"S", the Cashier of Ener5e. !asoline Station, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: rob, steal an) carr: a6a: the follo6in5, to 6it; a4 "ne 314 la)ies rin5 6ith sapphire stone value) at P1,C,,.,, b4 "ne 314 "mac la)ies 6rist6atch value) at P*,,,,.,, c4 !uess blac= ba5 value) at PC,,.,,
)4 &eather 6allet value) at P1C,.,, e4 Dhite T-Shirt value) at P18C.,, to her )ama5e an) preGu)ice in the total amount of PE,A*C.,, an) on the occasion of the sai) robber:, the above-name) accuse) 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms 6ith intent to =ill, conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias HPrecieI an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: attac=, assault an) shoot one E/RA& N MACA# S, a Securit: !uar) of Ener5e. !asoline Station, thereb: inflictin5 upon him 5unshot 6oun) on his trun= 6hich )irectl: cause) his )eath. Contrar: to la6. Criminal Case No. E8EThat on or about the 8th )a: of 'anuar: *,,,, in the Municipalit: of San Mateo, Province of Ri9al, Philippines an) 6ithin the Guris)iction of this #onorable Court, the above-name) accuse), conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias HPrecieI an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e, an) conspirin5 an) mutuall: helpin5 an) assistin5 one another, 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms an) actin5 as a ban), 6ith intent of 5ain, 6ith a55ravatin5 circumstances of treacher:, abuse of superior stren5th an) usin5 )is5uise, frau) or craft an) ta=in5 a)vanta5e of ni5httime, an) b: means of a motor vehicle an) b: means of force, violence an) intimi)ation, emplo:e) upon E/RA& N MACA# S, a Securit: !uar) of Ener5e. !asoline Station, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: rob, steal, an) carr: a6a: his service firearm .1* 5au5e shot5un 6ith serial number 1A*+C value) at P1*,,,,.,, o6ne) b: Alert an) Juic= 3A-J4 Securit: Services ncorporate) represente) b: its !eneral Mana5er Alberto T. Juintos to the )ama5e an) preGu)ice of sai) Alert an) Juic= 3A-J4 Securit: Services ncorporate) in the aforesai) amount of P1*,,,,.,, an) on the occasion of the sai) robber: the abovename) accuse), 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms, 6ith intent to =ill conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:I, Alias H'onar)I, Alias H PrecieI an) Alias HRenatoI, 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: attac=, assault an) shoot one E/RA& N MACA# S, thereb: inflictin5 upon him 5unshot 6oun) on his trun= 6hich )irectl: cause) his )eath. Contrar: to la6. Criminal Case No. E8C, That on or about the 8th )a: of 'anuar: *,,,, in the Municipalit: of San Mateo, Province of Ri9al, Philippines, an) 6ithin the Guris)iction of this #onorable Court, the above-name) accuse), conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias HPrecieI an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e an) conspirin5 an) mutuall: helpin5 an) assistin5 one another, 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms an) actin5 as a ban), 6ith intent of 5ain, 6ith a55ravatin5 circumstances of treacher:, abuse of superior stren5th an) usin5 )is5uise, frau) or craft an) ta=in5 a)vanta5e of ni5httime, an) b: means of a motor vehicle an) b: means of force, violence an) intimi)ation, emplo:e) upon the person of E/(AR/" $(&(ETA, a 5asoline bo: of Ener5e. !asoline Station, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: rob, steal an) carr: a6a: the follo6in5 to 6it; a4 Pa6nshop Tic=et from M. &huiller Pa6nshop for one 314 blac= Citi9en men<s 6atch 3automatic4 value) at P*,,,,.,, b4 Cash mone: 6orth PC,.,, to his )ama5e an) preGu)ice in the total amount of P*,,C,.,, an) on the occasion of the sai) robber:, the above-name) accuse), 6hile arme) 6ith unlicense) firearms 6ith intent to =ill, conspirin5 an) confe)eratin5 to5ether 6ith Ru): !ersalia, Christian !ersalia, /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias HPrecieI an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) still at-lar5e, )i) then an) there 6illfull:, unla6full: an) feloniousl: attac=, assault an) shoot one E/RA& N MACA# S, a
Securit: !uar) of Ener5e. !asoline Station, thereb: inflictin5 upon him 5unshot 6oun) on his trun= 6hich )irectl: cause) his )eath. Contrar: to la6. (pon arrai5nment on March *A, *,,,, appellant, 6ith the assistance of counsel de parte, entere) a plea of not 5uilt: on all the char5es. Thereafter, trial on the merits ensue). The prosecution presente) five 6itnesses, namel:; Macario C. Nativi)a), 0*,2 then officer-inchar5e of Ener5e. !asoline Station 6here the inci)ent too= place? E)ito Macahis, 0*12 a cousin of the )ecease) securit: 5uar) E)ralin Macahis? >ortunato &acambra , 0**2 a 5asoline bo: of the same 5as station? E)uar)o $ulueta,0*A2 also a 5asoline bo: of the same 5as station, an) Alberto Juintos, 0*E2 5eneral mana5er of Alert an) Juic= Securit: Services, nc., 6here the )ecease) securit: 5uar) 6as emplo:e). The )efense, on the other han), presente) t6o 6itnesses, namel:; Catherine #omo, 0*C2 a cousin of appellant an) the appellant0*+2 himself. "n /ecember *,, *,,1, the RTC ren)ere) its /ecision 0*82 convictin5 appellant be:on) reasonable )oubt of all the char5es a5ainst him, the )ispositive portion of 6hich rea)s; 1. n Criminal Case No. E8E8, fin)in5 accuse) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo 5uilt: be:on) reasonable )oubt of the crime of Robber: 6ith #omici)e, as )efine) an) penali9e) un)er No. 1 of Art. *-E of the Revise) Penal Co)e, as amen)e) b: Sec. - of R.A. 8+C-, in relation to Sec. 1 of P./. 1F++, as further amen)e) b: Sec. 1 of R.A. F*-E, havin5 acte) in conspirac: 6ith other malefactors 6ho have, to )ate, remaine) at-lar5e, an) sentencin5 the sai) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo to the penalt: of /eath, ta=in5 into consi)eration the use of an unlicense) firearm in the commission of the crime as an a55ravatin5 circumstance? to pa: Ener5e. !asoline Station o6ne) b: Re5ino Nativi)a) an) represente) b: Macario C. Nativi)a) the amount of PA,,,,.,, as compensator: )ama5es an) to pa: the costs? *. n Crim. Case No. E8EF, fin)in5 accuse) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo 5uilt: be:on) reasonable )oubt of the crime of Robber: 6ith #omici)e, as )efine) an) penali9e) un)er No. 1 of Art. *-E of the Revise) Penal Co)e, as amen)e) b: Sec. - of R.A. 8+C-, in relation to Sec. 1 of P./. 1F++, as further amen)e) b: Sec. 1 of R.A. F*-E, havin5 acte) in conspirac: 6ith other malefactors 6ho have, to )ate, remaine) at-lar5e, an) sentencin5 the sai) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo to the penalt: of /eath, ta=in5 into consi)eration the use of an unlicense) firearm in the commission of the crime as an a55ravatin5 circumstance, an) to pa: the costs? A. n Crim. Case No. E8E-, fin)in5 accuse) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo 5uilt: be:on) reasonable 5roun) of the crime of Robber: 6ith #omici)e, as )efine) an) penali9e) un)er No. 1 of Art. *-E of the Revise) Penal Co)e, as amen)e) b: Sec. - of R.A. 8+C-, in relation to Sec. 1 of P./. 1F++, as further amen)e) b: Sec. 1 of R.A. F*-E, havin5 acte) in conspirac: 6ith other malefactors 6ho have, to )ate, remaine) at-lar5e, an) sentencin5 the sai) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo to the penalt: of /eath, ta=in5 into consi)eration the use of an unlicense) firearm in the commission of the crime as an a55ravatin5 circumstance? to in)emnif: the heirs of E)ralin Macahis in the amount of PC,,,,,.,, as )eath in)emnit:? to pa: P1*,,,,.,, as compensator: )ama5es for the stolen service firearm if restitution is no lon5er possible an) PC,,,,,.,, as moral )ama5es, an) to pa: the costs? E. n Crim. Case No. E8C,, fin)in5 accuse) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo 5uilt: be:on) reasonable )oubt of the crime of Robber: 6ith #omici)e, as )efine) an) penali9e) un)er No. 1 of Art. *-E of the Revise) Penal Co)e, as amen)e) b: Sec. - of R.A 8+C-, in relation to Sec. 1 of P./. 1F++, as further amen)e) b: Sec. 1 of R.A. F*-E, havin5 acte) in conspirac: 6ith other malefactors 6ho have, to )ate, remaine) at-lar5e, an) sentencin5 the sai) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo to the penalt: of /eath, ta=in5 into consi)eration the use of an unlicense) firearm in the commission of the crime as an a55ravatin5 circumstance an) to pa: E)uar)o $ulueta, victim of the robber:, in the amount ofP*,,C,.,, as compensator: )ama5es for the stolen properties if restitution is no lon5er possible an) to pa: the costs. As a5ainst accuse) Ru): !ersalia an) Christian !ersalia, 6ho have, to )ate, remaine) at-lar5e, let a 6arrant of arrest be issue) a5ainst them an) let these cases be, in the meantime, sent to the archives 6ithout preGu)ice to their reinstatement upon apprehension of the sai) accuse). As a5ainst accuse) /on)on 7renvuela, 'onathan 7renvuela, Panto: Servantes, Alias HRe:,I Alias H'onar),I Alias HPrecie an) Alias HRenato,I 6hose true names, i)entities an) present 6hereabouts are still un=no6n an) are still at-lar5e, let these cases be, in the meantime, sent to the archives 6ithout preGu)ice to their reinstatement upon the i)entification an) apprehension of the sai) accuse).
S" "R/ERE/. The cases 6ere appeale) to this Court, ho6ever, on September, *1, *,,E, 0*F2 in conformit: 6ith the /ecision )ate) 'ul: 8, *,,E in !.R. Nos. 1E8+8F-F8 entitle) The People of the Philippines v. Efren Mateo y Garcia, mo)if:in5 the pertinent provisions of the Revise) Rules of Criminal Proce)ure, more particularl: Sections A an) 1, of Rule 1*C an) an: other rule insofar as the: provi)e for )irect appeals from the RTCs to this Court in cases 6here the penalt: impose) is )eath, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, as 6ell as the Resolution of this Court, en banc )ate) September 1-, 1--C, in H nternal Rules of the Supreme CourtI in cases similarl: involvin5 the )eath penalt:, pursuant to the Court<s po6er to promul5ate rules of proce)ure in all courts un)er Article % , Section C of the Constitution, an) allo6in5 an interme)iate revie6 b: the CA before such cases are elevate) to this Court. This Court transferre) the cases to the CA for appropriate action an) )isposition. The CA, on 'une *-, *,,8,0*-2 affirme) 6ith mo)ification, the /ecision of the RTC, 6ith the )ispositive portion rea)in5; D#ERE>"RE, the appeale) )ecision is A>> RME/ 6ith M"/ > CAT "N. Accuse) Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo is hereb: foun) 5uilt: be:on) reasonable )oubt of the crime of Robber: 6ith #omici)e of onl: one count. !iven the passa5e of Republic Act -AE+ 6hich too= effect on *E 'une *,,+, the penalt: impose) upon Marlon )e &eon : #omo is hereb: re)uce) or commute) to reclusion perpetua. S" "R/ERE/. "n /ecember 1,, bein5 reclusion perpetua. *,,8, this Court accepte) the appeal, 0A,2 the penalt: impose)
The "ffice of the Solicitor !eneral 3"S!4, on >ebruar: F, *,,F, file) its Manifestation an) Motion n &ieu of the Supplemental 7rief 0A12 )ate) >ebruar: E, *,,F statin5 that it 6ill no lon5er file a supplemental brief, consi)erin5 that appellant has not raise) an: ne6 issue that 6oul) reKuire the filin5 of a supplemental brief. Appellant file) a Manifestation 0A*2 on >ebruar: **, *,,F statin5 that he re-plea)s an) a)opts his Appellant<s 7rief an) Repl: 7rief as Supplemental 7rief. Appellant, in his 7rief,0AA2 assi5ne) the follo6in5 errors; T#E TR A& C"(RT !RA%E&Y ERRE/ N > N/ N! ACC(SE/-APPE&&ANT A C"C"NSP RAT"R N T#E C"MM SS "N "> T#E CR ME C#AR!E/ /ESP TE T#E >A &(RE "> T#E PR"SEC(T "N T" PR"%E T#E SAME AN/ !( &T 7EY"N/ REAS"NA7&E /"(7T.
"N T#E ASS(MPT "N T#AT ACC(SE/-APPE&&ANT S !( &TY "> R"77ERY D T# #"M C /E, T#E TR A& C"(RT !RA%E&Y ERRE/ N MP"S N! >"(R 3E4 /EAT# PENA&T ES /ESP TE T#AT T#E CR ME C#AR!E/ DAS PR"/(CE/ 7Y "NE S N!&E ACT D# C# S#"(&/ 7E METE/ D T# A S N!&E PENA&TY. The "S!, in its Appellee<s 7rief, 0AE2 insiste) that all the elements of the crime an) the appellant<s participation in the crime ha) been establishe). Appellant, in his Repl: 7rief,0AC2 ar5ue) that the penalt: shoul) not be )eath, but onl: reclusion perpetua, because the a55ravatin5 circumstance of use of unlicense) firearm, althou5h alle5e) in the nformation, 6as not alle5e) 6ith specificit:. Article *-E, para5raph 1 of the Revise) Penal Co)e provi)es; Art. *-E. Robbery ith violence against or inti!idation of persons " Penalties. # An: person 5uilt: of robber: 6ith the use of violence a5ainst or an: person shall suffer; 1. The penalt: of reclusion perpetua to )eath, 6hen b: reason or on occasion of the robber:, the crime of homici)e shall have been committe), or 6hen the robber: shall have been accompanie) b: rape or intentional mutilation or arson.
n People v. $e Jesus,0A+2 this Court ha) e.haustivel: )iscusse) the crime of robber: 6ith homici)e, thus; >or the accuse) to be convicte) of the sai) crime, the prosecution is bur)ene) to prove the confluence of the follo6in5 elements; 314 the ta=in5 of personal propert: is committe) 6ith violence or intimi)ation a5ainst persons? 3*4 the propert: ta=en belon5s to another? 3A4 the ta=in5 is ani!o lucrandi? an) 3E4 b: reason of the robber: or on the occasion thereof, homici)e is committe).0A82 n robber: 6ith homici)e, the ori5inal criminal )esi5n of the malefactor is to commit robber:, 6ith homici)e perpetrate) on the occasion or b: reason of the robber:.0AF2 The intent to commit robber: must prece)e the ta=in5 of human life. 0A-2 The homici)e ma: ta=e place before, )urin5 or after the robber:. t is onl: the result obtaine), 6ithout reference or )istinction as to the circumstances, causes or mo)es or persons intervenin5 in the commission of the crime that has to be ta=en into consi)eration.0E,2 There is no such felon: of robber: 6ith homici)e throu5h rec=less impru)ence or simple ne5li5ence. The constitutive elements of the crime, namel:, robber: 6ith homici)e, must be consummate). t is immaterial that the )eath 6oul) supervene b: mere acci)ent? or that the victim of homici)e is other than the victim of robber:, or that t6o or more persons are =ille), or that asi)e from the homici)e, rape, intentional mutilation, or usurpation of authorit:, is committe) b: reason or on the occasion of the crime. &i=e6ise immaterial is the fact that the victim of homici)e is one of the robbers? the felon: 6oul) still be robber: 6ith homici)e. "nce a homici)e is committe) b: or on the occasion of the robber:, the felon: committe) is robber: 6ith homici)e. All the felonies committe) b: reason of or on the occasion of the robber: are inte5rate) into one an) in)ivisible felon: of robber: 6ith homici)e. The 6or) Hhomici)eI is use) in its 5eneric sense. #omici)e, thus, inclu)es mur)er, parrici)e, an) infantici)e. ntent to rob is an internal act, but ma: be inferre) from proof of violent unla6ful ta=in5 of personal propert:. Dhen the fact of asportation has been establishe) be:on) reasonable )oubt, conviction of the accuse) is Gustifie) even if the propert: subGect of the robber: is not presente) in court. After all, the propert: stolen ma: have been aban)one) or thro6n a6a: an) )estro:e) b: the robber or recovere) b: the o6ner.0E12 The prosecution is not bur)ene) to prove the actual value of the propert: stolen or amount stolen from the victim. Dhether the robber =ne6 the actual amount in the possession of the victim is of no moment, because the motive for robber: can re5ar)less of the e.act amount or value involve). 0E*2 Dhen homici)e is committe) b: reason or on the occasion of robber:, all those 6ho too= part as principals in the robber: 6oul) also be hel) liable as principals of the sin5le an) in)ivisible felon: of robber: 6ith homici)e,althou5h the: )i) not actuall: ta=e part in the =illin5, unless it clearl: appears that the: en)eavore) to prevent the same.0EA2 f a robber tries to prevent the commission of homici)e after the commission of the robber:, he is 5uilt: onl: of robber: an) not of robber: 6ith homici)e. All those 6ho conspire to commit robber: 6ith homici)e are 5uilt: as principals of such crime, althou5h not all profite) an) 5aine) from the robber:. "ne 6ho Goins a criminal conspirac: a)opts the criminal )esi5ns of his co-conspirators an) can no lon5er repu)iate the conspirac: once it has materiali9e).0EE2 #omici)e is sai) to have been committe) b: reason or on the occasion of robber: if, for instance, it 6as committe) 3a4 to facilitate the robber: or the escape of the culprit? 3b4 to preserve the possession b: the culprit of the loot? 3c4 to prevent )iscover: of the commission of the robber:? or, 3)4 to eliminate 6itnesses in the commission of the crime. As lon5 as there is a bet6een the robber: an) the homici)e, the latter crime ma: be committe) in a place other than the situs of the robber:. >rom the above )isKuisition, the testimonies of the 6itnesses, an) pieces of evi)ence presente) b: the prosecution, the crime of robber: 6ith homici)e 6as in)ee) committe). There 6as no mista=in5 from the actions of all the accuse) that their main intention 6as to rob the 5asoline station an) that on occasion of such robber:, a homici)e 6as committe). The Kuestion no6 is 6hether there 6as conspirac: in the commission of the crime. Accor)in5 to appellant, the prosecution faile) to prove that he 6as a co-conspirator. #o6ever, this Court fin)s no merit to appellant<s ar5ument.
f it is prove) that t6o or more persons aime) b: their acts to6ar)s the accomplishment of the same unla6ful obGect, each )oin5 a part so that their combine) acts, thou5h apparentl: in)epen)ent, 6ere in fact connecte) an) cooperative, in)icatin5 a closeness of personal association an) a concurrence of sentiment, a conspirac: ma: be inferre) thou5h no actual meetin5 amon5 them to concert means is prove). That 6oul) be terme) an implie) conspirac:.0EC2 The prosecution 6as able to prove the presence of an implie) conspirac:. The 6itnesses 6ere able to narrate in a convincin5 manner, the circumstances surroun)in5 the commission of the robber: an) positivel: i)entifie) appellant as one of the robbers. Ditness E)uar)o $ulueta testifie) that appellant 6as one of the robbers 6ho po=e) a 5un at him, thus; J. Dere :ou able to i)entif: those t6o arme) male persons 6ho po=e) their 5uns at :ouL A; Yes, sir. J; Min)l: loo= aroun) insi)e this courtroom an) inform the #on. Court 6hether those t6o 3*4 persons 6ho po=e) their 5uns at :ou 6ere 3sic4 present no6L A; "nl: one, sir, an) there he is. 3At this Guncture, 6itness pointin5 to a certain person 6ho ans6ere) b: the name of MAR&"N A&7ERT /E &E"N 6hen as=e).4 J; This Marlon /e &eon 6as he the one 6ho 5uar)e) :ou in the car6ash or notL A; Yes, sir. J; No6, 6hat happene) to :ou at the car6ash 6here this Marlon /e &eon 6as 5uar)in5 :ouL A; #is 5un 6as po=e) at me, sir. J; Dhat else transpire), Mr. Ditness, or 6hat else happene) to :ou asi)e from thatL A; #e hit me 6ith his 5un on m: nape, sir. J; Dhat else, Mr. DitnessL A; #e 5ot m: 6allet from m: poc=et, sir. J; Dho hit :ou 6ith a 5unL A; #is other companion, sir.0E+2 Appellant 6as also i)entifie) b: 6itness >ortunato &acambra , thus;
J; Dhat about that person 6ho or)ere) $ulueta to 5o to the car6ash section an) hit him, 6as he also arme)L A; Yes, sir. J; Dhat =in) of firearm 6as he carr:in5 thenL A; Also .AF caliber, sir. J; Dere :ou able to i)entif: or reco5ni9e that person 6ho approache) an) or)ere) $ulueta to 5o to the car6ash sectionL A; Yes, sir. J; f that person is insi)e the courtroom, 6ill :ou be able to i)entif: himL A; Yes, sir. J; Min)l: point to himL A; That man, sir. 3Ditness pointe) to a person 6ho ans6ere) b: the name of Marlon Albert )e &eon4.0E82 Therefore, it can be inferre) from the role appellant pla:e) in the commission of the robber:, that a conspirac: e.iste) an) he 6as part of it. To be a conspirator, one nee) not
participate in ever: )etail of the e.ecution? he nee) not even ta=e part in ever: act or nee) not even =no6 the e.act part to be performe) b: the others in the e.ecution of the conspirac:. Each conspirator ma: be assi5ne) separate an) )ifferent tas=s 6hich ma: appear unrelate) to one another but, in fact, constitute a 6hole collective effort to achieve their common criminal obGective. 0EF2 "nce conspirac: is sho6n, the act of one is the act of all the conspirators. The precise e.tent or mo)alit: of participation of each of them becomes secon)ar:, 0E-2 since all the conspirators are principals. As to the cre)ibilit: of the 6itnesses, the RTC<s fin)in5s must not be )isturbe). The 6ellsettle) rule in this Guris)iction is that the trial courtBs fin)in5s on the cre)ibilit: of 6itnesses are entitle) to the hi5hest )e5ree of respect an) 6ill not be )isturbe) on appeal 6ithout an: clear sho6in5 that it overloo=e), misun)erstoo) or misapplie) some facts or circumstances of 6ei5ht or substance 6hich coul) affect the result of the case.0C,2 >or his )efense, appellant merel: )enie) participatin5 in the robber:. #o6ever, his presence )urin5 the commission of the crime 6as 6ell-establishe) as appellant himself testifie) as to the matter. !rantin5 that he 6as merel: present )urin5 the robber:, his inaction )oes not e.culpate him. To e.empt himself from criminal liabilit:, a conspirator must have performe) an overt act to )issociate or )etach himself from the conspirac: to commit the felon: an) prevent the commission thereof.0C12 Appellant offere) no evi)ence that he performe) an overt act neither to escape from the compan: of the robbers nor to prevent the robber: from ta=in5 place. #is )enial, therefore, is of no value. Courts 5enerall: vie6 the )efenses of )enial an) alibi 6ith )isfavor on account of the facilit: 6ith 6hich an accuse) can concoct them to suit his )efense. As both evi)ence are ne5ative an) self-servin5, the: cannot attain more cre)ibilit: than the testimonies of prosecution 6itnesses 6ho testif: clearl:, provi)in5 thereb: positive evi)ence on the various aspects of the crime committe).0C*2 ConseKuentl:, the CA 6as correct in rulin5 that appellant 6as 5uilt: onl: of one count of robber: 6ith homici)e. n the crime of robber: 6ith homici)e, there are series of acts, borne from one criminal resolution, 6hich is to rob. As )eci)e)0CA2 b: the Court of Appeals; A continue) 3continuous or continuin54 crime is )efine) as a sin5le crime, consistin5 of a series of acts but all arisin5 from one criminal resolution. 0CE2 Althou5h there is a series of acts, there is onl: one crime committe)? hence, onl: one penalt: shall be impose).0CC2 n the case before (s, 0appellant2 an) his companions inten)e) onl: to rob one place? an) that is the Ener5e. 5asoline station. That the: )i)? an) in the process, also too= a6a: b: force the mone: an) valuables of the emplo:ees 6or=in5 in sai) 5asoline station. Clearl: inferre) from these circumstances are the series of acts 6hich 6ere borne from one criminal resolution. A continuin5 offense is a continuous, unla6ful act or series of acts set on foot b: a sin5le impulse an) operate) b: an unintermittent force, ho6ever lon5 a time it ma: occup:. 0C+2 This can be sai) of the case at han). A=in to the e.tant case is that of People v. $e la Cru%,0C82 6herein the robber: that too= place in several houses belon5in5 to )ifferent persons, 6hen not absolutel: unconnecte), 6as hel) not to be ta=en as separate an) )istinct offenses. The: forme) instea), component parts of the 5eneral plan to )espoil all those 6ithin the vicinit:. n this case, the Solicitor !eneral ar5ue) that the 0appellant2 ha) committe) ei5ht )ifferent robberies, because the evi)ence sho6s )istinct an) )ifferent acts of spoilation in )ifferent houses, 6ith several victimi9e) persons. 0CF2 The #i5hest Tribunal, ho6ever, rule) that the perpetrate) acts 6ere not entirel: )istinct an) unconnecte) from one another.0C-2 Thus, the sin5le offense or crime. No6, this Court comes to the penalt: impose) b: the CA. The )ecision0+,2 merel: states that, in vie6 of the enactment of R.A. -AE+, the sentence of /eath Penalt:, impose) upon appellant, is automaticall: commute) to reclusion perpetua, but is silent as to ho6 it ha) arrive) into such a conclusion. (n)er Article *-E of the Revise) Penal Co)e, as amen)e) b: R.A. No. 8+C-, robber: 6ith homici)e is punishable b: reclusion perpetua to )eath, 6hich are both in)ivisible penalties. Article +A of the same Co)e provi)es that, in all cases in 6hich the la6 prescribes a penalt: compose) of t6o in)ivisible penalties, the 5reater penalt: shall be applie) 6hen the commission of the )ee) is atten)e) b: one a55ravatin5 circumstance. 0+12 t must be remembere) that the nformations file) 6ith the RTC alle5e) the a55ravatin5 circumstance of the use of unlicense) firearm. Pursuant to the thir) para5raph of Section 1 of P./. No. 1F++, as amen)e) b: R.A. No. F*-E, such use of an unlicense) firearm is a special an) not a 5eneric a55ravatin5 circumstance in the homici)e or mur)er committe). As e.plaine) b: this Court in Palaganas v. People&0+*2 !eneric a55ravatin5 circumstances are those that 5enerall: appl: to all crimes such as those mentione) in Article 1E, para5raphs No. 1, *, A, E, C, +, -, 1,, 1E, 1F, 1- an) *,, of the Revise) Penal Co)e. t has the effect of increasin5 the
penalt: for the crime to its ma.imum perio), but it cannot increase the same to the ne.t hi5her )e5ree. t must al6a:s be alle5e) an) char5e) in the information, an) must be proven )urin5 the trial in or)er to be appreciate). 0+A2Moreover, it can be offset b: an or)inar: miti5atin5 circumstance. "n the other han), special a55ravatin5 circumstances are those 6hich arise un)er special con)itions to increase the penalt: for the offense to its ma.imum perio), but the same cannot increase the penalt: to the ne.t hi5her )e5ree. E.amples are Kuasi-reci)ivism un)er Article 1+, an) comple. crimes un)er Article EF of the Revise) Penal Co)e. t )oes not chan5e the character of the offense char5e). 0+E2 t must al6a:s be alle5e) an) char5e) in the information, an) must be proven )urin5 the trial in or)er to be appreciate). 0+C2 Moreover, it cannot be offset b: an or)inar: miti5atin5 circumstance. t is clear from the fore5oin5 that the meanin5 an) effect of 5eneric an) special a55ravatin5 circumstances are e.actl: the same e.cept that in case of 5eneric a55ravatin5, the same CAN be offset b: an or)inar: miti5atin5 circumstance 6hereas in the case of special a55ravatin5 circumstance, it CANN"T be offset b: an or)inar: miti5atin5 circumstance. Asi)e from the a55ravatin5 circumstances abovementione), there is also an a55ravatin5 circumstance provi)e) for un)er Presi)ential /ecree No. 1F++,0++2 as amen)e) b: Republic Act No. F*-E, 0+82 6hich is a special la6. ts pertinent provision states; f homici)e or mur)er is committe) 6ith the use of an unlicense) firearm, such use of an unlicense) firearm shall be consi)ere) as an a55ravatin5 circumstance. n interpretin5 the same provision, the trial court reasone) that such provision is Hsilent as to 6hether it is 5eneric or Kualif:in5.I 0+F2 Thus, it rule) that H6hen the la6 is silent, the same must be interprete) in favor of the accuse).I 0+-2 Since a 5eneric a55ravatin5 circumstance is more favorable to petitioner compare) to a Kualif:in5 a55ravatin5 circumstance, as the latter chan5es the nature of the crime an) increase the penalt: thereof b: )e5rees, the trial court procee)e) to )eclare that the use of an unlicense) firearm b: the petitioner is to be consi)ere) onl: as a 5eneric a55ravatin5 circumstance.08,2 This interpretation is erroneous, since 6e alrea): hel) in several cases that 6ith the passa5e of Republic Act No. F*-E on + 'une 1--8, the use of an unlicense) firearm in mur)er or homici)e is no6 consi)ere) as a SPEC A& a55ravatin5 circumstance an) not a 5eneric a55ravatin5 circumstance. 0812 Republic Act No. F*-E applies to the instant case since it too= effect before the commission of the crimes in *1 April 1--F. Therefore, the use of an unlicense) firearm b: the petitioner in the instant case shoul) be )esi5nate) an) appreciate) as a SPEC A& a55ravatin5 circumstance an) not merel: a 5eneric a55ravatin5 circumstance. n another case,08*2 this Court rule) that, the e.istence of the firearm can be establishe) b: testimon:, even 6ithout the presentation of the firearm. 08A2 n the sai) case, it 6as establishe) that Elmer an) Marcelina#i)al5o )ie) of, an) Pe)ro #i)al5o sustaine), 5unshot 6oun)s. The ballistic e.amination of the slu5s recovere) from the place of the inci)ent sho6e) that the: 6ere fire) from a .A, carbine rifle an) a .AF caliber firearm. The prosecution 6itnesses positivel: i)entifie) appellant therein as one of those 6ho 6ere hol)in5 a lon5 firearm. t 6as also establishe) that the same appellant 6as not a license) firearm hol)er. #ence, this Court rule) that the trial court an) the CA correctl: appreciate) the use of unlicense) firearm as an a55ravatin5 circumstance. After a careful stu): of the recor)s of the present case, this Court foun) that the use of unlicense) firearm 6as not )ul: proven b: the prosecution. Althou5h Gurispru)ence )ictates that the e.istence of the firearm can be establishe) b: mere testimon:, the fact that appellant 6as not a license) firearm hol)er must still be establishe). The prosecution faile) to present 6ritten or testimonial evi)ence to prove that appellant )i) not have a license to carr: or o6n a firearm, hence, the use of unlicense) firearm as an a55ravatin5 circumstance cannot be appreciate). >inall:, it is 6orth notin5 that the RTC or)ere) appellant to in)emnif: the heirs of E)ralin Macahis the amount of PC,,,,,.,, as )eath in)emnit:, P1*,,,,.,, as compensator: )ama5es for the stolen service firearm if restitution is no lon5er possible an) PC,,,,,.,, as moral )ama5es. Actual )ama5es 6ere never proven )urin5 the trial. #ence, this Court<s rulin5s 08E2 on temperate )ama5es appl:, thus; n People vs. 'bra%aldo,08C2 6e lai) )o6n the )octrine that 6here the amount of actual )ama5es for funeral e.penses cannot be )etermine) because of the absence of receipts to prove them, temperate )ama5es ma: be a6ar)e) in the amount of P*C,,,,08+2 This )octrine specificall: refers to a situation 6here no evi)ence at all of funeral e.penses 6as presente) in the trial court. #o6ever, in instances 6here
actual e.penses amountin5 to less than P*C,,,, are prove) )urin5 the trial, as in the case at bar, 6e appl: the rulin5 in the more recent case of People vs. (illanueva0882 6hich mo)ifie) the Abra9al)o )octrine. n (illanueva, 6e hel) that H6hen actual )ama5es proven b: receipts )urin5 the trial amount to less than P*C,,,,, the a6ar) of temperate )ama5es for P*C,,,, is Gustifie) in lieu of the actual )ama5es of a lesser amount.I To rule other6ise 6oul) be anomalous an) unfair because the victimBs heirs 6ho trie) but succee)e) in provin5 actual )ama5es of an amount less than P*C,,,, 6oul) be in a 6orse situation than those 6ho mi5ht have presente) no receipts at all but 6oul) no6 be entitle) to P*C,,,, temperate )ama5es.08F2
)HEREFORE, the /ecision )ate) 'une *-, *,,8 of the Court of Appeals is hereb: AFFIRMED 6ith MODIFI(ATION. Appellant Marlon Albert )e &eon : #omo is hereb: foun) 5uilt: be:on) reasonable )oubt of the crime of Robber: 6ith #omici)e, the penalt: of 6hich, is reclusion perpetua in vie6 of the absence of an: miti5atin5 or a55ravatin5 circumstance. Appellant is also liable to pa: the heirs of the victim,P*C,,,,.,, as temperate )ama5es, in a))ition to the other civil in)emnities an) )ama5es a)Gu)5e) b: the Re5ional Trial Court, 7ranch 8+, San Mateo, Ri9al. SO ORDERED.
DIOSDADO M. PERALTA Associate 'ustice )E (ON(*R! (ONS*ELO +NARES,SANTIAGO Associate 'ustice Chairperson
ANTONIO ED*ARDO B. NA(H*RA Associate 'ustice ATTESTATION attest that the conclusions in the above /ecision ha) been reache) in consultation before the case 6as assi5ne) to the 6riter of the opinion of the CourtB /ivision.
(ERTIFI(ATION Pursuant to Section 1A, Article % of the Constitution, it is hereb: certifie) that the conclusions in the above /ecision 6ere reache) in consultation before the case 6as assi5ne) to the 6riter of the opinion of the CourtBs /ivision.
Penne) b: Associate 'ustice Enrico A. &an9anas, 6ith Associate 'ustices Reme)ios S. >ernan)o an) Rosalin)a Asuncion-%icente, concurrin5? rollo, pp. A-*A. 0*2 Penne) b: 'u)5e 'ose C. Re:es, 'r. 3no6 'ustice of the Court of Appeals4? CA rollo, pp. A+-CE. 0A2 Recor)s, pp. *,+-*,-. 0E2 )d. at *,8-*,F. 0C2 )d, at *,+ an) *,F. 0+2 )d. at *,+. 082 )d. at *,F. 0F2 )d. at *,+ an) *,F. 0-2 )d. at *,F. 01,2 )d. at *,F-*,-. 0112 )d. at *,+. 01*2 )d. 01A2 )d. at *,F. 01E2 )d. at *,+ 01C2 )d. at *,F 01+2 )d. at *,C. 0182 )d. at *,F. 01F2 )d. at *1, an) *11. 01-2 )d. at *11. 0*,2 TSN, Ma: E, *,,,. 0*12 TSN, Ma: 11 an) /ecember 1E, *,,,. 0**2 TSN, Ma: 1F, *,,,. 0*A2 TSN, Ma: *C an) 'une 8, *,,,. 0*E2 TSN, September + an) *1, *,,,. 0*C2 TSN, Ma: A, *,,1. 0*+2 TSN, Ma: A,, *,,1 an) 'ul: A, *,,1. 0*82 Recor)s, pp. *,A-*1-. 0*F2 Rollo, p. *. 0*-2 )d. at A-*A. 0A,2 )d. at *F 0A12 )d. at *--A, 0A*2 )d. at A*-AA. 0AA2 CA rollo, pp. ++--E. 0AE2 )d. at 1**-1EC. 0AC2 Recor)s, pp. 1C*-1C+. 0A+2 !.R. No. 1AEF1C, Ma: *8, *,,E, E*- SCRA AFE. 0A82 )d. at E,1-E,*, citin5 People v. Pedroso, A-1 Phil. EA, C+ 3*,,,4. 0AF2 People v. *ala%ar, !.R. No. --ACC, Au5ust 11, 1--8, *88 SCRA +8? People v. 'buyan, !.R. No. 88*FC, September E, 1--*, *1A SCRA C+-, CF*. 0A-2 People v. Ponciano, !.R. No. F+ECA, /ecember C, 1--1, *,E SCRA +*8, +A-. 0E,2 People v. Mangulabnan, -- Phil. --* 31-C+4. 0E12 See People v. Puloc, !.R. No. -*+A1, September A,, 1--1, *,* SCRA 18-, 1F+. 0E*2 People v. Corre, Jr., E1C Phil. AF+, A-F 3*,,14. 0EA2 People v. Carro%o, A-+ Phil. 8+E, 8F* 3*,,*4 People v. Pedroso, supra note A8? People v. (er%osa, !.R. No. 11F-EE, Au5ust *,, 1--F, *-E SCRA E++. 0EE2 People v. Pali+on, A-8 Phil. CEC, C+1 3*,,,4. 0EC2 People v. $el Rosario, !.R. No. 1*88CC, April 1E, 1---, A,C SCRA 8E,, citin5 People v. ,urugganan, 1-A SCRA E81 31--14. 0E+2 TSN, Ma: *,, *,,,, pp. 8-F. 0E82 TSN, Ma: 1F, *,,,, p. +. 0EF2 People v. Tulin, E1+ Phil. A+E, AF+ 3*,,,4. 0E-2 People v. -uinicio, E18 Phil. C81, CF+ 3*,,,4. 0C,2 People v. .atco, E*- Phil. 1+A, 18A 3*,,,4, see also People v. Bo/uirin, EA* Phil. 8**, 8*F, 8*- 3*,,*4, People v. Taboga, E*+ Phil. -,F 3*,,*4. 0C12 People of the Philippines v. ,elipe dela Cru%, !.R. No. 1+F18A, /ecember *E, *,,F, citin5 People v. $o!inador 0erba, EA1 SCRA EF* 3*,,E4? People v. Morial, A+A SCRA -+ 3*,,14. 0C*2 People v.0erba, supra, at E-C. 0CA2 Rollo, pp. *,-*1. 0CE2 Re:es, The Revise) Penal Co)e, 7oo= "ne 3>ourteenth E)., Revise) 1--F4 p. +81. 0CC2 )d. 0C+2 )d.
No. &-18EC. Ma: *A, 1-C,. En 7anc. &iste) as unpublishe) in FF Phil. 8FE. Supreme Court (npublishe) /ecisions 3%olume 14, 'u)5e /avi) Nitafan an) the E)itorial Staff of the Central &a6boo= Publishin5 Co., nc., pp. AE--ACE. 0CF2 )d. at ACE. 0C-2 )d. 0+,2 Rollo, p. **. 0+12 People v. Montinola, E1A Phil. 18+, 1-* 3*,,,4. 0+*2 !.R. No. 1+CEFA, September 1*, *,,+, C,1 SCRA CAA, CC8-CC-. 0+A2 Revise) Rules on Criminal Proce)ure, Rule 11,, Secs. F an) -. 0+E2 People v. 'gguihao, !.R. No. 1,E8*C, March 1,, 1--E, *A1 SCRA -, *1. 0+C2 CA rollo, pp. E1-E*? TSN, 'ul: *8, 1--F, pp. *-F. 0++2 C"/ >Y N! T#E &ADS "N &&E!A&N(N&AD>(& P"SSESS "N, MAN(>ACT(RE, /EA& N! N, ACJ( S T "N "R / SP"S T "N, "> > REARMS, AMM(N T "N "R E@P&"S %ES? AN/ MP"S N! ST >>ER PENA&T ES >"R CERTA N % "&AT "NS T#ERE"> AN/ >"R RE&E%ANT P(RP"SES. 0+82 AN ACT AMEN/ N! T#E PR"% S "NS "> PRES /ENT A& /ECREE N". 1F++, AS AMEN/E/, ENT T&E/; C"/ >Y N! T#E &ADS "N &&E!A&N(N&AD>(& P"SSESS "N, MAN(>ACT(RE, /EA& N! N, ACJ( S T "N "R / SP"S T "N, "> > REARMS, AMM(N T "N "R E@P&"S %ES? AN/ MP"S N! ST >>ER PENA&T ES >"R CERTA N % "&AT "NS T#ERE"> AN/ >"R RE&E%ANT P(RP"SES.3 + 'une 1--84 0+F2 Rollo, pp. 81-8*. 0+-2 )d. at 8*. 08,2 )d. 0812 People v. Malinao, !.R. No. 1*F1EF, >ebruar: 1+, *,,E, E*A SCRA AE, C1? People v Castillo, AF* Phil. C,A 3*,,*4? People v. 1u!ilan, AF, Phil. 1AA, 1EC 3*,,,4. 08*2 People v. $ulay, !.R. No. 18E88C, "ctober 11, *,,8, CAC SCRA +C+. 08A2 People v. Malinao, E+8 Phil. EA* 3*,,E4. 08E2 People v. 0erba, supra note C1, at E--. 08C2 !.R. No. 1*EA-*, >ebruar: 8, *,,A, A-8 SCRA 1A8. 08+2 )d. 0882 EC+ Phil. 1E 3*,,A4. 08F2 )d.