Sample Subpoena For Respondent

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE National Prosecution Service OFFICE OF THE CITY PROSECUTOR Zamboanga City


NPS DOCKE NO! "##$%%$%&E$''&()$ +or, VIOLATION OF

* Complainant $versus$ REPUBLIC ACT 4885, SEC 1


Respon-ent! .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/ SUBPOENA O, EARL LARRODER

5678 WHKC Building, Tumaga-Lunzuran Road, Zamboanga City

G R E E T I N G S: 0n-er an- by virtue of the authority veste- in me by la1, you are hereby -irecte- to submit your counter$affi-avit an- other supporting -ocuments or affi-avits of your 1itness/es if any, to be s1orn before me on *ugust 2, &'%( at &,(' o3cloc4 in the afternoon at the Office of the City Prosecutor, 5roun- +loor, 6all of 7ustice, Zamboanga City! *ttache- is a copy of the complaint an- other evi-ence submitte- by the complainant! 8ou are hereby 9*RNED that failure on your part to comply 1ith the subpoena shall be consi-ere- as a 1aiver of your right to present your -efense an- the case shall be consi-ere- submitte- for resolution base- on the evi-ence on recor-! 9# NESS :8 6*ND this &;th -ay of 7uly &'%( at Zamboanga City, Philippines!

JOSE CARLO S, ARAOJO Prosecutor #" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CER #+#C* E O+ SER"#CE his is to certify that this <<< -ay of <<<<<<<<<<, &'<<<<, # have serve- a copy of the S0=POEN* upon the person/s to 1hom it is a--resse- in accor-ance 1ith la1, an- ac4no1le-ge- receipt of proper service as evi-ence- by his/her/their signature/s ma-e hereof by <<<<<<in my presence or maile- it un-er Registere:ail No! <<<<<, -ate-<<<<<<<<!


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