Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Any child one of whose parents are a Hindu and who is brought up a member of a family to which such parents belongs. Who converts or reconverts to Hinduism.
Hindu marriage act: Conditions for a valid Hindu marriage are Both the man and women must be Hindus. Neither party should have a spouse living at the time of marriage. If a person wants to marry while the spouse is living a divorce should be obtained and it is granted by the court on valid grounds and the divorced person may remarry.
PROHIBITED RELATIONSHIP: The bride and bridegroom should not be within the degrees of prohibited relationship a. A lineal ascendant. (i.e.) father and daughter, mother and son b. Wife or husband of lineal ascendant or descendant (i.e.) father in law and the widow daughter in law. c. Widow of the brother or of a fathers brother or of mothers brother or of grandfathers brother or of grand mothers brother. d. Brother & sister; uncle & niece on the nephew. Under the customary law, certain marriages are valid. In south India marriage b/w the children of the brother & sister and b/w a male and his sisters daughter are common. MARRIAGABLE ACT: The bridegroom should have completed the age of 21 years and a bride should be the age of 18 yrs at the time of marriage. If either party is a lunatic, or an idiot, the marriage is voidable. If either the party is suffering from any kind of mental disorder or mental illness / epilepsy the marriage is voidable.
OTHER GROUNCE: 1. The bride being at the time of marriage is pregnant by some other person that the bridegroom is ignorant of it. 2. If the consent of the either party for the marriage is obtained by force / fraud.
MARRIAGE CEREMONIES: According to the Hindu Marriage, SAPTAPADI is an important ceremony. SAPTAPADI means taking 7 steps around the sacred fire. If even before the 7 th step both the parties can disperser from the marriage. SUYAMARIYADHAI & SEERTHIRUTHA MARRIAGE: The conditions of such marriages are 1. 2. 3. 4. The marriage should take place in the presence of relations and friends. Each party to the marriage should declare that he or she takes other as wife or husband. Each party to the marriage should garland the other or a sign. The bridegroom should tie a thali around the neck of the bride.
It was in 1967, the Hindu Marriage Madras Amendment Act 1967 was passed & Sec 7 (A) was introduced into the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. This section deals with the suyamariyadhai and seerthirutha marriage. DIVORCE : It is the dissolution of the marriage. It puts an end to the relationship of husband and wife. It can be done only by mean of court. GROUND FOR DIVORCE: The husband or the wife may petition for divorce under the following conditions. 1. Extra marital affair with the third person. 2. Renounce the world by entering the religious order / conversion to another religion. 3. Incurable of unsound mind or suffering from incurable leprosy or vulnerable disease in a communicable form. 4. Not been heard for 7 yrs THE WIFE HAS FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE: 1. That the husband has been guilty of rape. 2. The brides marriage solemnized at the age of 15 yrs 3. There is no cohabitation for 1 yr / upwards. TIME FOR THE DIVORCE PETITION: Before the expiry of 1 yr from the date of marriage.
PROCEEDINGS TO BE IN CAMERA: Proceedings for divorce and other proceedings under this act shall be conducted in camera. The public will be excluded run the court as the partys may have to wash their dirty linen in the court. The proceedings cannot be printed /published except with the previous permission of the court. Any violation of this is punishable with the fine extending to Rs 1000. DUTY OF THE COURT: 1. The court should bring about the reconciliation b/w the parties. 2. It should provide for the maintenance and education of the minor children. 3. It may direct monthly payments to be made for the maintenance of the petitioner. REGISTERATION OF MARRIAGE: For the purpose of facilitation, proof of Hindu Marriages, provision for registering may be made by the state govt. under this Act. The particulars relating to the marriage may be entered in the marriage register maintained under the rules made by the state govt. But omission to register the marriage does not affect the validity of Hindu Marriage. However register of marriage would give certain advantages since a registration certificate is normally considered by immigrant authorities, passport authorities as valid proof of marriage. SPECIAL MARRIAGE ACT 1954: Any 2 persons irrespective of their religion can marry under the Special Marriage Act 1954 and the inter caste can be registered under this act. CONDITIONS FOR MARRIAGE : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Neither the party should have a husband / wife living at the time of marriage. Neither party is an idiot or lunatic. The bridegroom must have completed the age of 21 yrs and the bride age of 18 yr Both the parties are not within the degree of prohibition relationship. At the time of marriage both the party should be the citizen of the territory to which the Act applies.
NOTICE: The formalities for a civil marriage under this act began with the notice given by the bride and the bridegroom to the marriage officer of the district immediately before the notice for at least 30 days. MARRIAGE NOTICE BOOK AND PUBLICATION:
The marriage officer records the notice of the marriage in the marriage notice book and affixes & copy in this office and sends a copy to the marriage officer of that district. This is open to the public & can be inspected without the fee. OBJECTION: 1. This public notice is an announcement of the marriage and an indication for the objection of any. 2. When the notice is published by the marriage officer, 30 days time is given for any person to raise any objections. 3. From the date of receipt of the objections within 30 days, the marriage officer should enquire into the objections. If he uphold the objections either the party may prefer and appeal to the district court whose decisions shall be final. 4. When there is no objection, both the parties with 3 witness sign in the presence of a marriage officer & the officer declare that they are unmarried and not related within the prohibited relationship and have completed the marriage age. CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE: The certificate of the marriage officer is the evidence of the marriage under this act. DOWRY ABOLITION ACT 1961: According to Websters dictionary dowry refers to the money/ goods/ estate that a women bring to her husband in marriage or a gift of property by a person to the bride. As per the Act dowry means, any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly by on party of the marriage to the other marriage party. This law says that 1. 2. 3. 4. Giving dowry is an offence. Taking Asking To help in giving and taking dowry is offence.
PENALITIES UNDER THE ACT: It is the criminal offence punishable by up to 5 yrs imprisonment and a fine not less than Rs. 15000 or the amount of the value of the dowry whichever is more. Imprisonment for a term not less than 6 months but may extend up to 2 yrs and a fine of minimum Rs. 10000. The Act prohibits advertisement in any newspaper by a person offering any share in his property. Any violation of this is a punishable offence and the imprisonment is for at least 6 months and a fine of Rs.15000. WHO CAN FILE A COMPLAINT?
Any police officer Any person who is a victim of dowry. The parents or relatives of victim of dowry. Any social work org. (i.e.) NGO recognized by the govt. If the court gets such information it can start a case itself.
An offence under this act are declared to be non bail-able incase of dowry. Death within 7 yrs of a marriage by the cruelty or harassment by her husband or relatives, they can be jailed for 7 yrs of life term.