Namaz Eng 2.5 Web Read

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Easier than you think

Version 2.5

About this book

The objective of this book is to explain that Namaz is really simple to perform. With simple images & simple language, it is very easy to remember the steps. Only a few steps are needed to complete the basic Namaz. This book will help you in performing the Namaz correctly & also help to convince others who do not offer Namaz. This book is designed to fit in the pocket, so you can easily carry it with you. Do not carry this book inside the toilet. You can carry, hold & read any part of this book, including surah, ayat and dua, even without wuzu or ghusl.* (wuzu or ghusl is compulsory when you are holding the Quran.)
*Al Hidaya, Maadiraya, Issue No. 1, Page No. 49

Namaz Time & Rakat

Name of Namaz Fajr Zohar Asar Magrib Esha Jumma 4

Sunnat 2 4 4

Farz 2 4 4 3 4 2



Witr Waajib


No. of Rakats 4

12 8

2 2 4, 2

2 2 2 3 2

7 17 14

* It is recommended to offer pending Qaza Namaz instead of Nafil Namaz # Sunnat-e-ghair muakkadah - These are not obligatory but when offered are beneficial

2 Rakat Namaz 1st Rakat

Takbeer-eTahreema Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah

Method of Namaz
2nd Rakat
Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah (Akhira) Salaam

3 Rakat Namaz 1st Rakat

Takbeer-eTahreema Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah

3rd Rakat
Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah (Akhira) Salaam

2nd Rakat
Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah

3rd Rakat of Witr

Qiyaam Takbeer-e Qiyaam Qunut Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah (Akhira) Salaam

4 Rakat Namaz 1st Rakat

Takbeer-eTahreema Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah

3rd Rakat
Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah

2nd Rakat
Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah

4th Rakat
Qiyaam Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah (Akhira) Salaam

Farz (Compulsory) The Farz actions are compulsory & you cannot miss these actions. If you miss them, you have to perform the namaz again. Wajibaat (Essential) The Wajibaat actions are essential & if you miss them, you have to perform Sajdah Sahw (two extra sajdahs). If you forget Sajdah sahw you have to repeat the namaz. Sunnah (Preferred) The Sunnah actions make the namaz better, & performing these is preferred. If you miss any Sunnah, your prayers will still be valid.

FARZ (Compulsory)
There are FIVE Farz in namaz. 1. Qiyaam - Stand until the Farz Qiraat is completed 2. Qiraat - Pray at least 3 short or one long aayat of the Holy Quran 3. Rukoo - Bend so that the hands reach the knees 4. Sujood (Sajdah) - Bend down on the floor with the forehead, nose, palm, knees & atleast 1 toe of each leg touching the ground 5. Qa'adah-e-Akhira (last Qa'adah) - Sitting in the last rakat of the namaz for the duration it takes, so the whole of Tashahhud (attahiyat) is completed until Rasooluhu


WAJIBAAT (Essential)
Wajib (essential) actions of Namaz (These are a few important wajibaats) In the Takbeer-e-Tahrima to use the words 'Allah-o-Akbar To pray the whole of the Alhamdo Surah (Surah Fateha). To join a Surah or a verse (Aayat) with Surah Fateha. In a Farz Namaz for the first two Rakats and in a Witr, Sunnat or Nafl Namaz in all the Rakats. To pray before a Surah or Aayat, Alhamdo only once. To go into Rukoo as soon as the Qiraat is finished. Qaumah, meaning to stand up straight after Rukoo. To perform one Sajdah after another without having a delayed gap in between. The gap must be no more than one Rukn, meaning the time it takes someone to say 'Subhanallah' three times. To pause between actions, meaning a gap of time the same as at least one 'Subhanallah' between, Rukoo, Qaumah, Sajdah and Jalsa. When in Sijdah to have three toes of each foot to be flat on the ground and the tips pointing towards Qibla. Jalsa, meaning to sit up between two Sajdahs.



Qaidah-e-Oola, meaning to sit after two Rakats, if there are more than two Rakats in a namaz, whether it is a Nafl (voluntary) Namaz. To pray in both Qaadahs the whole of Tashahhud, in fact, regardless of the amount of Qaadahs in a Namaz to pray the whole of Tashahhud is Wajib, if even one word is left out of Attahiytat the Wajib will be missed. In both Salaams the word Salaam is Wajib, the words 'Alaikum Wa Rahmutullah' is not Wajib. To pray 'Dua-e-Qunoot' in Witr. To perform Takbeer in Qunoot (To lift your hands and say Allah-o-Akbar in the third Rakat of Witr). To pray all Farz and Wajib within the Namaz in sequence (meaning to pray the before one's before and the after one's after). To perform only one Rukoo in every rakat and to perform only two Sijdahs. To perform a Qaadah only in 2nd & last rakat. There is not to be a gap between two Farz actions or between two Wajib actions or a Farz and a Wajib actions longer than the time it takes to say Subhanallah three times. If the Imam is performing Qiraat, whether it is loudly or quietly, the Muqtadees should remain completely quiet.

Intention of Namaz
Stand facing the quiblah in a state of wuzu with a distance of four fingers between your feet. Now make a firm intention in your heart for the Salah that you are about to pray. To say it verbally is even better. The intension is made in the following manner: I intend to pray <2 or 3 or 4> rakat <Farz or Witr wajib or Sunnat or Nafl or juma> namaz-e-<fajr or zohar or asr or maghrib or isha> for Allah, facing towards the Kaabah Add the phrase behind the imam if you are praying in a congregation (collective prayer behind the imam)

Raise both hands and touch your ear lobes from behind with your thumbs. Your fingers should not be too wide apart or too close together, in fact they should remain in a normal position & be facing the qiblah. At this point you should look at the place of sajdah.

Allaho Akbar" Allah is the Greatest



After Takbeer-e-Tahreema place your left hand on the navel, then hold the wrist of the left arm with the thumb & little finger of the right hand. Keep the remaining three fingers of the right hand straight on the left arm. Keep looking at the place of Sajdah. Now recite the Sana, then Surah Fateha Sana

A-dhu-bil-l-hi minashaitnir rajm. Bismilhir rahmnir rahm. I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan. In the Name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Surah Fateha
Alhamdu lil-lhi rab-bil 'lamn. Ar-rahm-nir rahm. Mliki yau-mid-dn. iyy-ka n'abudu wa-iyyka nasta'n. Ihdi-nas-sir-tal mustaqm. Sir tal-ladhna an-'amta 'alahim. Ghair-il maghdubi 'alahim. Walad-dl-lin (amin) Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful Master of the Day of Judgement Thee alone we worship and to thee alone we turn for help. Guide us in the straight path. The path of those whom You favored. Not of those who have earned Your anger nor of those who have gone astray.

Subhna-kallh-hum-ma wa bi-hamdika, watabrakas-muka wata'l jadduka, wa-la ilha gharuk. O Allah, Glorified, praise-worthy. and blessed is Thy Name and exalted Thy Majesty. and there is no deity worthy of worship except You. 15


Note: Read only Sana, if you are praying in a congregation behind the imam

After Surah Fateha, pray at least three short or one long aayat of the Holy Quran. In Wajib, sunnat & nafl namaaz additional Surah must be added in all rakats. Note: In farz namaaz additional Surah is not added in the 3rd & 4th rakat. Apart from this you can also recite other surah or aayats you may know.

Surah Ikhlas

By saying Allahu Akbar, Go down to Rukoo After qiyaam bend down at the waist, place palms of the hands on the knees. Spread the fingers and hold the knees firmly. Back should be parallel to the ground, such that if a glass of water were on the back, it would not spill. Eyes looking down, between the big toes of the feet.

Qul huwallahu Ahad Allahus Samad Lam yalid walam yulad Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad. Proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him), He is Allah, He is One. Allah is the Un-wanting. (Perfect, does not require anything) He has no offspring, nor is He born from anything. And there is none equal to Him. 17

In the rukoo, read the following Tasbeeh at least three times

Subhana Rabbiyal-Azim (Holy is my Creator, the Magnanimous)


After the rukoo return to standing position (qaumah) arms at side, looking at the place of sajdah. While getting up from rukoo recite...

By saying Allahu Akbar, Go down to Sajdah

First, knees should touch the ground, then hands, then nose and then forehead. The abdomen should not touch the thighs and the arms not touch the armpits. The fingers of the hand and toes should be pointing to the Qibla. Atleast 3 toes of each feet should touch the ground

Sami-Allaho liman hamidah (Allah hears those who praise Him)

When standing up straight in qaumah, recite...

In Sajdah, read the following Tasbeeh at least three times

Rabana wa lakal hamd (Our Lord, praise be to You) 19

Subhana Rabbiyal- Ala (Glory be to my Creator, The Highest)



By saying Allahu Akbar, Go down to Sajdah In Sajdah, read the following Tasbeeh at least three times

By saying Allahu Akbar", rise from Sajdah, and assume the sitting posture

Subhana Rabial Ala (Glory be to my Creator, The Highest) After completing first rakat, stand up straight for second rakat start with Bismillah & then recite Surah Fatiha & another surah, then do the rukoo & sajdahs as you did in the first rakat



by saying

Qaadah Akhira
Allaho Akbar", and assume the sitting posture, then recite Tashahhud

If this is Qaadah Akhira (Qaadah of the last rakat ) then, After Tashahhud recite Darood-eEbrahim and Dua-e-Masurah or else stand up for the next rakat after Tashahhud Darood-e-Ebrahim Dua-e-Masurah*

After completing the second sajda of second rakat rise from this position


At-tahiyyatu Lillahi was-Salawatu wat-Tayyibaatu As-salaamu 'alayka ayyuhan-Nabiyyu Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu Was-salamu 'alayna wa 'ala ibadillahis-Saliheen As-shadu an la ilaha illallhu Wa as-shadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasooluhu
All oral, physical and monetary worship is for Allah Peace be on you, 0 Prophet and the mercy of Allah and His blessings Peace be on us and on the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that no-one else is worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad(pbuh) is His servant and messenger

Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin Kama Sallayta 'ala Ibrahima wa 'ala ali Ibrahima Innaka Hamidun majid Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin Kama Barkata 'ala Ibrahima wa 'ala ali Ibrahima Innaka Hamidun Majid
0 Allah! send mercy on Muhammad(pbuh) and his family as You sent mercy on Ebrahim and his family Truly You are the Praise worthy and Glorious 0 Allah, bless Muhammad and his family as You blessed Ebrahim and his family Truly You are the Praise worthy and Glorious

Allahuma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman kaseer-an wala yaghfiruz-zunooba illa anta faghfirli maghfiratam min 'indika warhamni, innaka antal ghafoor-ur rahim.
O Allah I have been extremely unjust to myself and none grants forgiveness against sins but You, forgive me, with the forgiveness that comes from You and have Mercy, upon me. Verily You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.

*Note: Apart from this you can also recite any other dua-e-Masurah you may know



Bend the head down towards the chest, and turn slowly to the full right. The eyes should glance back over the right shoulder, and recite:

Sajdah Sahw
After reciting Tashahhud perform salam only to the right side then repeat step no. 5 to 9. Even if you miss more than one wajib perform sajdah sahw only once. If you commit an error while performing sajdah sahw, there is no need to repeat it.

As-salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you) Now bend the head down towards the chest, and slowly turn to the left. The eyes should glance back over the left shoulder, and recite:




Qaadah (Akhira)


As-salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon you) 25 Note : In both Salaams the word Salaam is Wajib, the words 'Alaikum Wa Rahmutullah' is Sunnah.


Method of Witr 3rd Rakat of Witr

Qiyaam Takbeer-e Qiyaam Qunut Rukoo Qaumah Sajdah Jalsa Sajdah Qaadah (Akhira) Salaam

Allah humma inna nasta-eenoka wa nastaghfiruka wa nu'minu bika wa natawakkalu alaika wa nusni alaikal khair, wa nashkuruka wala nakfuruka wa nakhla-oo wa natruku mai yafjuruka, Allah humma iyyaka na'budu wa laka nusalli wa nasjudu wa ilaika nas aaa wa nahfizu wa narju rahma taka wa nakhshaa azaabaka inna azaabaka bil kuffari mulhikun
O' Allah! We implore You for help and beg forgiveness of You and believe in You and rely on You and extol You and we are thankful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we alienate and forsake those who disobey You. O' Allah! You alone do we worship and for You do we pray and prostrate and we betake to please You and present ourselves for the service in Your cause and we hope for Your mercy and fear Your chastisement. Undoubtedly, Your torment is going to overtake infidels

Witr namaaz is of three rakats. After reciting Tashahud (Attahiyyat) in the second rakat, stand up for the third rakat. In the Qiyaam recite Surah Fatiha, then add another surah or ayat as explained in Qiyaam.
Now say Allaho Akbar", (Takbeer-e-Qunut) & raise your hands upto your earlobes.

Note: If you don't know dua-e-Qunut, you can recite "Allah humma Rabbana Atina fidunya hassanatan wa fil akhirati hassanatan wa qinna adhaban nar" one time or Allah hummaghfirli" three times or "Ya Rabbi three times

After this take the qiyaam position again & recite the dua-e-Qunut. 27


After dua-e-qunoot complete your namaz with rukoo, Qaumah, Sajdah, Jalsa, Sajdah, Qa'adah Akhira & Salaam.

Method of Women Namaz

There are very few differences in the method of namaz between men & women For the takbeer women should raise their hands only upto their shoulder. Keep the hands inside the veil. In qiyam women should place their hands on the chest. The right hand is just placed over the left hand, without gripping it. Keep the fingers loosely together. Keep the hands inside the veil.

In the ruku, women should bend down just enough to place their hands on their knees. Keep the arms close to the body & the fingers of the hands should be together.

In the sajdah, women should sit directly on the floor & not on their feet. Both the feet should come out on the right hand side. Then bend forward without lifting the back, so that the stomach touches the thigh. Keep all the body parts close together.



Easier than you think
The book has been made possible with the knowledgeable help of the following people.

Muhyiddeen Mohammed Ashrafi

Ashrafiyya Arabic College, Kerela

Mohammed Mueenuddin Al Hudavi

Darul Huda Islamic University, Kerala

Mohammed Hafiz Ashrafi

Mubbalig-e-Sunni Dawate Islami, Mumbai

Khan Ishtiyak Hassan

Concept & Graphic Design

Siddiqui Nadeem Ahmed

Printing Co-ordinator

Prakash Joshi
Illustrations We are thankful to all the people, known & unknown to us, who have helped us in this noble cause.

It has been our effort to explain the method of performing the namaz in simplest possible way, to encourage more and more people to offer namaz. Every caution has been taken to ensure that the methods, images & writing are correct. However if you find errors or discrepancies, please write to [email protected] with complete details of the error & contact details This book is intended for a noble cause. It can be reprinted in its original form & content. However please seek prior permission before making any changes to the original content. You can download a printable form of this book from the website. This book has been prepared with references from Bahar-e-shariat & Hidaya

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