Curicullum Vitae DR Erica

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Curicullum Vitae dr.

Erica Gilda Simanjuntak, SpAn

Identitas Pribadi Nama Tanggal Lahir Agama Alamat Status No. Telepon Email Pendidikan Formal 1. SD 2. SMP 3. SMA 4. S1 5. Spesialis Pengalaman Bekerja 1. PTT mulai 1 Agustus 1994 sampai dengan 1 Juli 1997 sebagai Kepala Puskesmas Kabupaten Bengkulu-Selatan. 2. Dokter Anestesiologi RS Siloam Cikarang 2005 2009. 3. Dokter Anestesiologi RS Karya Medika Tambun 2005 sekarang. 4. Staff pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran UKI. 5. Dokter Anestesiologi RS Umum Fakultas Kedokteran UKI 2005 - sekarang. 6. Dokter Anestesiologi RS Prof. Satyanegara Jakarta 2008 sekarang. 7. Instruktur Primary Trauma Care. 8. Instruktur Advanced Trauma Life Support. : dr. Erica Gilda M. Simanjuntak, SpAn. : Jakarta, 30 Desember 1967 : Kristen Protestan : Jl. Batu Wulung No. 18 Jakarta 13210. : Belum Menikah : (021) 4715604 0818967856 : [email protected] [email protected] : SD Sumbangasih tahun 1980 di Jakarta. : SMP Sumbangasih tahun 1983 di Jakarta. : SMA Negeri 3 tahun 1986 di Jakarta. : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta tahun 1993. : Ahli Anestesiologi & Reanimasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, 10 September 2004.

1. Primary Trauma Care Management, World Federation of Anesthesiologists, 18-20 Januari 2002. 2. Advanced Trauma Life Support, Pelatihan Advanced Trauma Life Support, Komisi Trauma Committee on Trauma Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Indonesia, Indonesian Surgeons Association I K A B I, 17-19 Februari 2006. 3. Basic Course on Mechanical Ventilation Continuing Educational Program (CEP) of PERDICI 2006, Organized by Indonesian Society of Intensive Care Medicine (PERDICI), 16-17 Maret 2006. 4. Advanced Course on Mechanical Ventilation Continuing Educational Program (CEP) of PERDICI 2006, Organized by Indonesian Society of Intensive Care Medicine (PERDICI), 14-15 Juni 2006. 5. Advance Hemodynamic Monitoring, Continuing Professionalism Development Indonesia Society of Anesthesiologies and Reanimateurs RS. Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang, 6-7 October 2010. 6. New York School Of Regional Anesthesia, Ultrasound Guided : Peripheral Nerve Blocks, 15 Februari 2007.

1. Facing the Challenge : ICU Without Walls in conjunction with Surviving Sepsis Campaign PERDICI Road Show Bandung, 18 Maret 2006. 2. Neuro Anesthesia And Critical Care Course by : Indonesian Society of Neuro Anesthesia and Critical Care (ISNACC), 11 Maret 2007. 3. The 4th Symposium On Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Patient Safety in Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Pre-Symposium : Cardiac and Pulmonary Emergency Course, 8 Mei 2008. 4. 3rd National Scientific Meeting of PERDICI (ISICM) with the theme One Management And Multidiscipline Approach in the ICU : Right Care, Right Now, 13-14 Juni 2008. 5. 15th International Symposium on Critical Care & Emergency Medicine 2008 by The Indonesian Medical Association, 14-16 Agustus 2008. 6. 10th Anniversary of ISICM ICU : Where Are We Now ? Indonesian Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 07 Juni 2009. 7. Joint Meeting 7th Obstetrics Anesthesia Society of Asia Oceania (OASAO) & 7th Annual Meeting of ISOA ISRA & Pain Medicine, 19-20 Februari 2010. 8. Discussion An Update Role Of Opioid In Anesthesiology, 16 Juli 2011. 9. 11th Asian & Oceanic Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Congress, 2526 Mei 2011.

10. Symposium Old Inhalation In New Perspective Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif Indonesia ( PERDATIN ), 24 September 2011. 11. Pertemuan Ilmiah Berkala PERDATIN 2011 The Multidisciplinary Approach in Perioperative Patient : Where are we Now?, 19-20 Oktober 2011. 12. 2nd Symposium On Anesthesia Complication Focuse on Obstetric Anesthesia Complication by IDI, 16-17 November 2012. 13. The 5th National Congress of Indonesian Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ISICM) in conjunction with: 2nd World Sepsis Day with the theme : Stop Sepsis Save Lives, 1314 September 2013. 14. 10th National Congress Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologist and Intensive Care Unity in Diversity , 28-31 Agustus 2013.

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