D2321-05 Standard Practice For Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe For Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications 1

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The key takeaways are that this standard provides recommendations for installing buried thermoplastic pipe used in sewers and other gravity-flow applications to ensure a stable underground environment under various service conditions. However, the standard does not address product performance criteria or safety concerns associated with use of the standard.

The scope of this standard practice is to provide recommendations for installing buried thermoplastic pipe used in sewers and other gravity-flow applications. It necessarily excludes product performance criteria and does not address all safety concerns associated with using the standard.

Factors important in achieving a satisfactory installation according to the standard include proper selection of embedment and backfill materials, adequate trench width and depth, proper compaction of embedment and backfill materials, adequate pipe cover, and accommodating movements of pipes and appurtenances.

Designation: D 2321 05

An American National Standard

Standard Practice for

Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications1
This standard is issued under the xed designation D 2321; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 1.1 This practice provides recommendations for the installation of buried thermoplastic pipe used in sewers and other gravity-ow applications. These recommendations are intended to ensure a stable underground environment for thermoplastic pipe under a wide range of service conditions. However, because of the numerous exible plastic pipe products available and the inherent variability of natural ground conditions, achieving satisfactory performance of any one product may require modication to provisions contained herein to meet specic project requirements. 1.2 The scope of this practice necessarily excludes product performance criteria such as minimum pipe stiffness, maximum service deection, or long term strength. Thus, it is incumbent upon the product manufacturer, specier, or project engineer to verify and assure that the pipe specied for an intended application, when installed according to procedures outlined in this practice, will provide a long term, satisfactory performance according to criteria established for that application. A commentary on factors important in achieving a satisfactory installation is included in Appendix X1.
NOTE 1Specic paragraphs in the appendix are referenced in the body of this practice for informational purposes. NOTE 2The following ASTM standards may be found useful in connection with this practice: Practice D 420, Test Method D 1556, Method D 2216, Specication D 2235, Test Method D 2412, Specication D 2564, Practice D 2657, Practice D 2855, Test Methods D 2922, Test Method D 3017, Practice F 402, Specication F 477, Specication F 545, and Specication F 913. NOTE 3Most Plumbing Codes and some Building Codes have provisions for the installation of underground building drains and building sewers. See them for plumbing piping applications.

priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 D 8 Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pavements D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids D 698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft (600 kN-m/m)) D 2487 Test Method for Classication of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unied Soil Classication System) D 2488 Practice for Description and Identication of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) D 3839 Practice for Underground Installation of Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe D 4318 Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems 3. Terminology 3.1 GeneralDenitions used in this practice are in accordance with Terminologies F 412 and D 8 and Terminology D 653 unless otherwise indicated. 3.2 Denitions of Terms Specic to This Standard: 3.2.1 foundation, bedding, haunching, initial backll, nal backll, pipe zone, excavated trench widthSee Fig. 1 for meaning and limits, and trench terminology. 3.2.2 aggregatea granular material of mineral composition such as sand, gravel, shell, slag or crushed stone (see Terminology D 8). 3.2.3 deectionany change in the inside diameter of the pipe resulting from installation and imposed loads. Deection

1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on Plastic Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.62 on Sewer Pipe. Current edition approved August 1, 2005. Published September 2005. Originally approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 2321 04e1.

2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 2321 05
5. Materials 5.1 ClassicationMaterials for use as foundation, embedment, and backll are classied in Table 1. They include natural, manufactured, and processed aggregates and the soil types classied according to Test Method D 2487.
NOTE 4See Practice D 2488 for a visual-manual procedure for eld identication of soils. NOTE 5Processed materials produced for highway construction, including coarse aggregate, base, subbase, and surface course materials, when used for foundation, embedment, and backll, should be classied in accordance with this section and Table 1 according to particle size, shape and gradation.

FIG. 1 Trench Cross Section Showing Terminology

may be either vertical or horizontal and is usually reported as a percentage of the base (undeected) inside pipe diameter. 3.2.4 dense-graded aggregatean aggregate that has a particle size distribution such that, when it is compacted, the resulting voids between the aggregate particles, expressed as a percentage of the total space occupied by the material, are relatively small. 3.2.5 engineerthe engineer in responsible charge of the work or his duly recognized or authorized representative. 3.2.6 manufactured aggregatesaggregates such as slag that are products or byproducts of a manufacturing process, or natural aggregates that are reduced to their nal form by a manufacturing process such as crushing. 3.2.7 open-graded aggregatean aggregate that has a particle size distribution such that, when it is compacted, the voids between the aggregate particles, expressed as a percentage of the total space occupied by the material, are relatively large. 3.2.8 optimum moisture contentThe moisture content of soil at which its maximum density is obtained (see Test Methods D 698). 3.2.9 processed aggregatesaggregates that are screened, washed, mixed, or blended to produce a specic particle size distribution. 3.2.10 standard proctor densitythe maximum dry unit weight of soil compacted at optimum moisture content, as obtained by laboratory test in accordance with Test Methods D 698. 4. Signicance and Use 4.1 This practice is for use by designers and speciers, installation contractors, regulatory agencies, owners, and inspection organizations who are involved in the construction of sewers and other gravity-ow applications that utilize exible thermoplastic pipe. As with any standard practice, modications may be required for specic job conditions or for special local or regional conditions. Recommendations for inclusion of this practice in contract documents for a specic project are given in Appendix X2.

5.2 Installation and UseTable 2 provides recommendations on installation and use based on class of soil or aggregates and location in the trench. 5.2.1 Use of Class I to Class IVA Soils and Aggregates These materials may be used as recommended in Table 2, unless otherwise specied. 5.2.2 Use of Class IV-B and Class V Soils and Frozen MaterialsThese materials are not recommended for embedment, and should be excluded from the nal backll except where allowed by project specications. 5.3 Description of Embedment MaterialSections 5.3.1 through 5.3.5 describe characteristics of materials recommended for embedment. 5.3.1 Class IA MaterialsClass IA materials provide maximum stability and pipe support for a given density due to angular interlock of particles. With minimum effort these materials can be installed at relatively high densities over a wide range of moisture contents. In addition, the high permeability of Class IA materials may aid in the control of water, and these materials are often desirable for embedment in rock cuts where water is frequently encountered. However, when ground water ow is anticipated, consideration should be given to the potential for migration of nes from adjacent materials into the open-graded Class IA materials (see X1.8). 5.3.2 Class IB MaterialsClass IB materials are processed by mixing Class IA and natural or processed sands to produce a particle size distribution that minimizes migration from adjacent materials that contain nes (see X1.8). They are more densely graded than Class IA materials and thus require more compactive effort to achieve the minimum density specied. When properly compacted, Class IB materials offer high stiffness and strength and, depending on the amount of nes, may be relatively free draining. 5.3.3 Class II MaterialsClass II materials, when compacted, provide a relatively high level of pipe support. In most respects, they have all the desirable characteristics of Class IB materials when densely graded. However, open graded groups may allow migration and the sizes should be checked for compatibility with adjacent material (see X1.8). Typically, Class II materials consist of rounded particles and are less stable than angular materials unless they are conned and compacted. 5.3.4 Class III MaterialsClass III materials provide less support for a given density than Class I or Class II materials. High levels of compactive effort may be required unless

D 2321 05
TABLE 1 Classes of Embedment and Backll Materials
Soil Group Symbol D 2487 None Description Percentage Passing Sieve Sizes 112 in. No. 4 No. 200 (40 mm) (4.75 mm) (0.075 mm) 100 % #10 % <5 % Atterberg Limits LL PI Non Plastic Coefficients UniCurvaformity ture CU CC

Class IA

Type Manufactured Aggregates: open-graded, clean.


Manufactured, Processed Aggregates; densegraded, clean.



Coarse-Grained Soils, clean


Angular, crushed stone or rock, crushed gravel, broken coral, crushed slag, cinders or shells; large void content, contain little or no nes. Angular, crushed stone (or other Class 1A materials) and stone/sand mixtures with gradations selected to minimize migration of adjacent soils; contain little or no nes (see X1.8). Well-graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures; little or no nes. Poorly-graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures; little or no nes. Well-graded sands and gravelly sands; little or no nes.

100 %

#50 %

<5 %

Non Plastic

100 %

<50 % of Coarse Fraction

<5 %

Non Plastic


1 to 3



<1 or >3


>50 % of Coarse Fraction


1 to 3


Poorly-graded sands and gravelly sands; little or no nes. Coarse-Grained Soils, bor- e.g. GW-GC, Sands and gravels which are derline clean to w/nes SP-SM. borderline between clean and with nes. Coarse-Grained Soils With GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt Fines mixtures. GC SM Clayey gravels, gravel-sandclay mixtures. Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures. Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very ne sands, rock our, silty or clayey ne sands, silts with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravely clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous ne sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. Peat and other high organic soils.



<1 or >3

100 %


5 % to 12 % 12 % to 50 %

Non Plastic

Same as for GW, GP, SW and SP

100 %

<50 % of Coarse Fraction

<4 or <A Line <7 and >A Line

>50 % of Coarse Fraction

>4 or <A Line >7 and >A Line <4 or <A Line

SC IVAA Fine-Grained Soils (inorganic) ML

100 %

100 %

>50 %



>7 and >A Line


Fine-Grained Soils (inorganic)


100 %

100 %

>50 %


<A Line

>A Line 100 % 100 % >50 % <50 >50 <4 or <A Line <A Line

Organic Soils


Highly Organic


A Includes Test Method D 2487 borderline classications and dual symbols depending on plasticity index and liquid limits. NoteCoarse Fraction as used in this table is dened as material retained on a No. 200 sieve.

D 2321 05
TABLE 2 Recommendations for Installation and Use of Soils and Aggregates for Foundation, Embedment and Backll
Soil Class (see Table 1)A General Recommendations and Restrictions Class IA Do not use where conditions may cause migration of nes from adjacent soil and loss of pipe support. Suitable for use as a drainage blanket and underdrain in rock cuts where adjacent material is suitably graded (see X1.8). Class IB Process materials as required to obtain gradation which will minimize migration of adjacent materials (see X1.8). Suitable for use as drainage blanket and underdrain. Class II Where hydraulic gradient exists check gradation to minimize migration.Clean groups suitable for use as drainage blanket and underdrain. Class III Do not use where water conditions in trench may cause instability. Class IV-A Obtain geotechnical evaluation of proposed material. May not be suitable under high earth lls, surface applied wheel loads, and under heavy vibratory compactors and tampers. Do not use where water conditions in trench may cause instability. Suitable only in undisturbed condition and where trench is dry. Remove all loose material and provide rm, uniform trench bottom before bedding is placed. Suitable only in dry trench conditions and when optimum placement and compaction control is maintained. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Level nal grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 in. (6 in. in rock cuts). Suitable only in dry trench conditions and when optimum placement and compaction control is maintained. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support. Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact to a minimum of 6 in. above pipe crown. Minimum density 95 % Std. Proctor.C Use hand tampers or impact tampers. Maintain moisture content near optimum to minimize compactive effort. Suitable as restricted above. Compact as required by the engineer.


Suitable as foundation and for replacing over-excavated and unstable trench bottom as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Suitable as restricted above. Install in 6-in. maximum layers. Level nal grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 in. (6 in. in rock cuts).

Suitable as foundation and for replacing over-excavated and unstable trench bottom. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers.

Suitable as a foundation and for replacing over-excavated and unstable trench bottom as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Level nal grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 in. (6 in. in rock cuts).


Install and compact in 6in. maximum layers. Level nal grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 in. (6 in. in rock cuts).

Suitable as foundation and for replacing over-excavated trench bottom as restricted above. Do not use in thicknesses greater than 12 in. total. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Suitable only in dry trench conditions. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Level nal grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 in. (6 in. in rock cuts).


Suitable as restricted above. Install in 6-in. maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.

Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.

Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.

Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-in. maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.

Initial Backll

Suitable as restricted above. Install to a minimum of 6 in. above pipe crown.

Install and compact to a minimum of 6 in. above pipe crown.

Embedment CompactionB Place and work by hand to insure all excavated voids and haunch areas are lled. For high densities use vibratory compactors.

Minimum density 85 % Std. Proctor.C Use hand tampers or vi bratory compactors.

Final Backll

Compact as required by the engineer.

Compact as required by the engineer.

Suitable as restricted Suitable as restricted above. Install and above. Install and compact to a mincompact to a minimum of 6 in. above imum of 6 in. above pipe crown. pipe crown. Minimum density 90 % Minimum density 85 % Std. Proctor.C Use Std. Proctor.C Use hand tampers or vihand tampers or vibratory compactors. bratory compactors. Maintain moisture content near optimum to minimize compactive effort. Compact as required by Compact as required by the engineer. the engineer.

Class IV-B (MH-CH) and Class V (OL, OH, PT) Materials are unsuitable as embedment. They may be used as nal backll as permitted by the engineer. When using mechanical compactors avoid contact with pipe. When compacting over pipe crown maintain a minimum of 6 in. cover when using small mechanical compactors. When using larger compactors maintain minimum clearances as required by the engineer (See X1.7). C The minimum densities given in the table are intended as the compaction requirements for obtaining satisfactory embedment stiffness in most installation conditions (see 7.5.1).

moisture content is controlled. These materials provide reasonable levels of pipe support once proper density is achieved. 5.3.5 Class IV-A MaterialsClass IV-A materials require a geotechnical evaluation prior to use. Moisture content must be

near optimum to minimize compactive effort and achieve the required density. Properly placed and compacted, Class IV-A materials can provide reasonable levels of pipe support; however, these materials may not be suitable under high lls,

D 2321 05
surface applied wheel loads, or under heavy vibratory compactors and tampers. Do not use where water conditions in the trench may cause instability and result in uncontrolled water content. 5.4 Moisture Content of Embedment MaterialThe moisture content of embedment materials must be within suitable limits to permit placement and compaction to required levels with reasonable effort. For non-free draining soils (that is, Class III, Class IVA, and some borderline Class II soils), moisture content is normally required to be held to 63 % of optimum (see Test Methods D 698). The practicality of obtaining and maintaining the required limits on moisture content is an important criterion for selecting materials, since failure to achieve required density, especially in the pipe zone, may result in excessive deection. Where a chance for water in the trench exists, embedment materials should be selected for their ability to be readily densied while saturated (that is, freedraining, cohesionless granular materials). 5.5 Maximum Particle SizeMaximum particle size for embedment is limited to material passing a 112-in. (37.5-mm) sieve (see Table 1). To enhance placement around small diameter pipe and to prevent damage to the pipe wall, a smaller maximum size may be required (see X1.9). When nal backll contains rocks, cobbles, etc., the engineer may require greater initial backll cover levels (see Fig. 1). 6. Trench Excavation 6.1 GeneralProcedures for trench excavation that are especially important in exible thermoplastic pipe installations are given herein. 6.1.1 ExcavationExcavate trenches to ensure that sides will be stable under all working conditions. Slope trench walls or provide supports in conformance with all local and national standards for safety. Open only as much trench as can be safely maintained by available equipment. Backll all trenches as soon as practicable, but not later than the end of each working day. 6.2 Water ControlDo not lay or embed pipe in standing or running water. At all times prevent runoff and surface water from entering the trench. 6.2.1 Ground WaterWhen groundwater is present in the work area, dewater to maintain stability of in-situ and imported materials. Maintain water level below pipe bedding and foundation to provide a stable trench bottom. Use, as appropriate, sump pumps, well points, deep wells, geofabrics, perforated underdrains, or stone blankets of sufficient thickness to remove and control water in the trench. When excavating while depressing ground water, ensure the ground water is below the bottom of cut at all times to prevent washout from behind sheeting or sloughing of exposed trench walls. Maintain control of water in the trench before, during, and after pipe installation, and until embedment is installed and sufficient backll has been placed to prevent otation of the pipe. To preclude loss of soil support, employ dewatering methods that minimize removal of nes and the creation of voids in in-situ materials. 6.2.2 Running WaterControl running water emanating from drainage of surface or ground water to preclude undermining of the trench bottom or walls, the foundation, or other

zones of embedment. Provide dams, cutoffs or other barriers periodically along the installation to preclude transport of water along the trench bottom. Backll all trenches after the pipe is installed to prevent disturbance of pipe and embedment. 6.2.3 Materials for Water ControlUse suitably graded materials in foundation or bedding layers or as drainage blankets for transport of running water to sump pits or other drains. Use well graded materials, along with perforated underdrains, to enhance transport of running water, as required. Select the gradation of the drainage materials to minimize migration of nes from surrounding materials (see X1.8). 6.3 Minimum Trench WidthWhere trench walls are stable or supported, provide a width sufficient, but no greater than necessary, to ensure working room to properly and safely place and compact haunching and other embedment materials. The space between the pipe and trench wall must be wider than the compaction equipment used in the pipe zone. Minimum width shall be not less than the greater of either the pipe outside diameter plus 16 in. (400 mm) or the pipe outside diameter times 1.25, plus 12 in. (300 mm). In addition to safety considerations, trench width in unsupported, unstable soils will depend on the size and stiffness of the pipe, stiffness of the embedment and in-situ soil, and depth of cover (see X1.10). Specially designed equipment may enable the satisfactory installation and embedment of pipe in trenches narrower than specied above. If it is determined that the use of such equipment provides an installation consistent with the requirements of this standard, minimum trench widths may be reduced, as approved by the engineer. 6.4 Support of Trench WallsWhen supports such as trench sheeting, trench jacks, trench shields or boxes are used, ensure that support of the pipe and its embedment is maintained throughout installation. Ensure that sheeting is sufficiently tight to prevent washing out of the trench wall from behind the sheeting. Provide tight support of trench walls below viaducts, existing utilities, or other obstructions that restrict driving of sheeting. 6.4.1 Supports Left in PlaceUnless otherwise directed by the engineer, sheeting driven into or below the pipe zone should be left in place to preclude loss of support of foundation and embedment materials. When top of sheeting is to be cut off, make cut 1.5 ft (0.5 m) or more above the crown of the pipe. Leave rangers, whalers, and braces in place as required to support cutoff sheeting and the trench wall in the vicinity of the pipe zone. Timber sheeting to be left in place is considered a permanent structural member and should be treated against biological degradation (for example, attack by insects or other biological forms) as necessary, and against decay if above ground water.
NOTE 6Certain preservative and protective compounds may react adversely with some types of thermoplastics, and their use should be avoided in proximity of the pipe material.

6.4.2 Movable Trench Wall SupportsDo not disturb the installed pipe and its embedment when using movable trench boxes and shields. Movable supports should not be used below the top of the pipe zone unless approved methods are used for maintaining the integrity of embedment material. Before moving supports, place and compact embedment to sufficient

D 2321 05
depths to ensure protection of the pipe. As supports are moved, nish placing and compacting embedment. 6.4.3 Removal of Trench Wall SupportIf the engineer permits the use of sheeting or other trench wall supports below the pipe zone, ensure that pipe and foundation and embedment materials are not disturbed by support removal. Fill voids left on removal of supports and compact all material to required densities. 6.5 Rock or Unyielding Materials in Trench BottomIf ledge rock, hard pan, shale, or other unyielding material, cobbles, rubble or debris, boulders, or stones larger than 1.5 in. (40 mm) are encountered in the trench bottom, excavate a minimum depth of 6 in. (150 mm) below the pipe bottom and replace with proper embedment material (see 7.2.1). 7. Installation 7.1 GeneralRecommendations for use of the various types of materials classied in Section 5 and Table 1 for foundation, bedding, haunching and backlls, are given in Table 2.
NOTE 7Installation of pipe in areas where signicant settlement may be anticipated, such as in backll adjacent to building foundations, and in sanitary landlls, or in other highly unstable soils, require special engineering and are outside the scope of this practice.

7.2 Trench BottomInstall foundation and bedding as required by the engineer according to conditions in the trench bottom. Provide a rm, stable, and uniform bedding for the pipe barrel and any protruding features of its joint. Provide a minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) of bedding unless otherwise specied. 7.2.1 Rock and Unyielding MaterialsWhen rock or unyielding material is present in the trench bottom, install a cushion of bedding, of 6 in. (150 mm) minimum thickness, below the bottom of the pipe. 7.2.2 Unstable Trench BottomWhere the trench bottom is unstable or shows a quick tendency, excavate to a depth as required by the engineer and replace with a foundation of Class IA, Class IB, or Class II material. Use a suitably graded material where conditions may cause migration of nes and loss of pipe support (see X1.8). Place and compact foundation material in accordance with Table 2. For severe conditions, the engineer may require a special foundation such as piles or sheeting capped with a concrete mat. Control of quick and unstable trench bottom conditions may be accomplished with the use of appropriate geofabrics. 7.2.3 Localized LoadingsMinimize localized loadings and differential settlement wherever the pipe crosses other utilities or subsurface structures, or whenever there are special foundations such as concrete capped piles or sheeting. Provide a cushion of bedding between the pipe and any such point of localized loading. 7.2.4 Over-ExcavationIf the trench bottom is overexcavated below intended grade, ll the over-excavation with compatible foundation or bedding material and compact to a density not less than the minimum densities given in Table 2. 7.2.5 SloughingIf trench sidewalls slough off during any part of excavating or installing the pipe, remove all sloughed and loose material from the trench.

7.3 Location and AlignmentPlace pipe and ttings in the trench with the invert conforming to the required elevations, slopes, and alignment. Provide bell holes in pipe bedding, no larger than necessary, in order to ensure uniform pipe support. Fill all voids under the bell by working in bedding material. In special cases where the pipe is to be installed to a curved alignment, maintain angular joint deection (axial alignment) or pipe bending radius, or both, within acceptable design limits. 7.4 JointingComply with manufacturers recommendations for assembly of joint components, lubrication, and making of joints. When pipe laying is interrupted, secure piping against movement and seal open ends to prevent the entrance of water, mud, or foreign material. 7.4.1 Elastomeric Seal JointsMark, or verify that pipe ends are marked, to indicate insertion stop position, and ensure that pipe is inserted into pipe or tting bells to this mark. Push spigot into bell using methods recommended by the manufacturer, keeping pipe true to line and grade. Protect the end of the pipe during homing and do not use excessive force that may result in over-assembled joints or dislodged gaskets. If full entry is not achieved, disassemble and clean the joint and reassemble. Use only lubricant supplied or recommended for use by the pipe manufacturer. Do not exceed manufacturers recommendations for angular joint deection (axial alignment). 7.4.2 Solvent Cement JointsWhen making solvent cement joints, follow recommendations of both the pipe and solvent cement manufacturer. If full entry is not achieved, disassemble or remove and replace the joint. Allow freshly made joints to set for the recommended time before moving, burying, or otherwise disturbing the pipe. 7.4.3 Heat Fusion JointsMake heat fusion joints in conformance with the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer. Pipe may be joined at ground surface and then lowered into position, provided it is supported and handled in a manner that precludes damage. 7.5 Placing and Compacting Pipe EmbedmentPlace embedment materials by methods that will not disturb or damage the pipe. Work in and tamp the haunching material in the area between the bedding and the underside of the pipe before placing and compacting the remainder of the embedment in the pipe zone. Follow recommendations for compaction given in Table 2. Do not permit compaction equipment to contact and damage the pipe. Use compaction equipment and techniques that are compatible with materials used and location in the trench (see X1.7). Before using heavy compaction or construction equipment directly over the pipe, place sufficient backll to prevent damage, excessive deections, or other disturbance of the pipe. See 7.6 for minimum cover. 7.5.1 Minimum DensityThe minimum embedment density should be established by the engineer based on an evaluation of specic project conditions. Higher or lower densities than those recommended in Table 2 may be appropriate (see X1.6.2). In the absence of an engineering evaluation, the minimum densities given in Table 2 are intended to provide satisfactory embedment stiffness in most installation

D 2321 05
conditions. They are based on attaining an average modulus of soil reaction (E8) of 1000 psi. 7.5.2 Consolidation by WateringConsolidation of cohesionless material by watering (jetting or puddling) should only be used under controlled conditions when approved by the engineer. At all times conform to the lift thicknesses and minimum densities given in Table 2. 7.6 Minimum CoverTo preclude damage to the pipe and disturbance to pipe embedment, a minimum depth of backll above the pipe should be maintained before allowing vehicles or heavy construction equipment to traverse the pipe trench. The minimum depth of cover should be established by the engineer based on an evaluation of specic project conditions. In the absence of an engineering evaluation, the following minimum cover requirements should be used. For embedment materials installed to the minimum densities given in Table 2, provide cover (that is, depth of backll above top of pipe) of at least 24 in. (0.6 m) or one pipe diameter (whichever is larger) for Class IA and IB embedment, and a cover of at least 36 in. (0.9 m) or one pipe diameter (whichever is larger) for Class II, III, and IVA embedment, before allowing vehicles or construction equipment to traffic the trench surface, and at least 48 in. (1.2 m) of cover before using a hydrohammer for compaction. Do not use hydrohammer-type compactors unless approved by the engineer. Where construction loads may be excessive (for example, cranes, earth moving equipment, etc.), minimum cover shall be increased as determined by the engineer. 7.7 Vertical RisersProvide support for vertical risers as commonly found at service connections, cleanouts, and drop manholes to preclude vertical or lateral movement. Prevent the direct transfer of thrust due to surface loads and settlement, and ensure adequate support at points of connection to main lines. 7.8 Exposing Pipe for Making Service Line Connections When excavating for a service line connection, excavate material from above the top of the existing pipe before removing material from the sides of the pipe. Materials and density of service line embedment should conform to the specications for the existing line, or with this practice, whichever is more stringent.
NOTE 8Special construction techniques and considerations are required when more than one pipe is installed in the same or adjacent trenches, to ensure that the integrity of the embedment is maintained.

7.9 Pipe Caps and PlugsSecure caps and plugs to the pipe to prevent movement and resulting leakage under test and service pressures. 7.10 Manhole ConnectionsUse exible water stops, resilient connectors, or other exible systems approved by the engineer to make watertight connections to manholes and other structures. 7.11 Field MonitoringCompliance with contract documents with respect to pipe installation, including trench depth, grade, water conditions, foundation, embedment and backll materials, joints, density of materials in place, and safety, should be monitored by the engineer at a frequency appropriate to project requirements. Leakage testing specications, while not within the scope of this practice, should be made part of the specications for plastic pipe installations, when applicable. 8. Inspection, Handling, and Storage 8.1 InspectionUpon receipt, inspect each shipment of pipe and ttings for conformance to product specications and contract documents, and check for damage. Reject nonconforming or damaged pipe, and remove from the job. If not returned to supplier, dispose of legally. 8.2 Handling and StorageHandle and store pipe and ttings in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer.

(Nonmandatory Information) X1. COMMENTARY

X1.1 Those concerned with the service performance of a buried exible pipe should understand factors that can affect this performance. Accordingly, key considerations in the design and execution of a satisfactory installation of buried exible thermoplastic pipe that provided a basis for the development of this practice are given in this Appendix. X1.2 GeneralSub-surface conditions should be adequately investigated prior to construction, in accordance with Practice D 420, as a basis for establishing requirements for foundation, embedment and backll materials and construction methods. The type of pipe selected should be suited for the job conditions. X1.3 Load/Deection PerformanceThe thermoplastic pipes considered in this practice are classied as exible conduits since in carrying load they deform (deect) to develop

support from the surrounding embedment. This interaction of pipe and soil provides a pipe-soil structure capable of supporting earth lls and surface live loads of considerable magnitude. The design, specication and construction of the buried exible pipe system should recognize that embedment materials must be selected, placed and compacted so that pipe and soil act in concert to carry the applied loads without excessive strains from deections or localized pipe wall distortions. X1.4 Pipe DeectionPipe deection is the diametral change in the pipe-soil system resulting from the process of installing the pipe (construction deection), static and live loads applied to the pipe (load-induced deection), and time dependent soil response (deection lag). Construction and load induced deections together constitute initial pipe deection. Additional time dependent deections are attributed primarily

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to changes in embedment and in-situ soils, and trench settlement. The sum of initial and time dependent deections constitutes total deection. X1.4.1 Construction Deection Construction deections are induced during the process of installing and embedding exible pipe, even before signicant earth and surface loads are applied. The magnitude of construction deections depends on such factors as the method and extent of compaction of the embedment materials, type of embedment, water conditions in the trench, pipe stiffness, uniformity of embedment support, pipe out-of-roundness, and installation workmanship in general. These deections may exceed the subsequent load-induced deections. Compaction of the side ll may result in negative vertical deections (that is, increases in pipe vertical diameter and decreases in horizontal diameter). Approaches given in Practice D 3839 provide allowances for construction deection. X1.4.2 Load-Induced Deection Load-induced deections result from backll loads and other superimposed loads that are applied after the pipe is embedded. Traditionally, typical soil-structure interaction equations such as the Iowa Formula, attributed to Spangler, or other methods have been used to calculate deections resulting from these loads. X1.4.3 Initial Deection Initial deection is the deection in the installed and backlled pipe. It is the total of construction deections and load-induced deections. X1.4.4 Time Dependent Factors Time dependent factors include changes in soil stiffness in the pipe embedment zone and native trench soils, as well as loading changes due to trench settlement over time. These changes typically add to initial deections; the time involved varies from a few days to several years depending on soil types, their placement, and initial compaction. Time dependent factors are traditionally accounted for by adjusting loadinduced deections by a deection lag factor. The deection lag factor is the ratio of nal load-induced deection to initial load-induced deection. Selection of a deection lag factor is considered in Practice D 3839. X1.4.5 Final Deection Final deection is the total long term deection of the pipe. It consists of initial deection adjusted for time dependent factors. X1.5 Deection CriteriaDeection criteria are often set as limits for the design and acceptance of buried exible pipe installation. Deection limits for specic pipe systems may be derived from both structural and practical considerations. Structural considerations include pipe cracking, yielding, strength, strain, and local distortion. Practical considerations include such factors as ow requirements, clearance for inspection and cleaning, and maintenance of joint seals. Initial and nal deection limits should be based on available structural properties with suitable factors of safety applied.
NOTE X1.1Some ASTM standard specications for thermoplastic pipe, such as Specications D 3034, F 679, F 714, and F 949, provide recommended limits for installed deections. NOTE X1.2Deections may not be indicative of strain levels arising from local distortions caused by non-uniform embedment stiffness or localized loadings. When local distortions may be signicant, the engineer needs to establish methods for controlling and monitoring distortion levels.

X1.6 Deection ControlEmbedment materials should be selected, placed, and compacted so as to minimize total deections and, in any event, to maintain installed deections within specic limits. Methods of placement, compaction, and moisture control should be selected based on soil types given in Table 1 and on recommendations given in Table 2. The amount of load-induced deection is primarily a function of the stiffness of the pipe and soil embedment system. Other factors that are important in obtaining deection control are outlined below. X1.6.1 Embedment at Pipe Haunches Lack of adequate compaction of embedment material in the haunch zone can result in excessive deection, since it is this material that supports the vertical loads applied to the pipe. A key objective during installation of exible thermoplastic pipe (or any pipe) is to work in and compact embedment material under pipe haunches, to ensure complete contact with the pipe bottom, and to ll voids below the pipe. X1.6.2 Embedment Density Embedment density requirements should be determined by the engineer based on deection limits established for the pipe, pipe stiffness, and installation quality control, as well as the characteristics of the in-situ soil and compactibility characteristics of the embedment materials used. The minimum densities given in Table 2 are based on attaining an average modulus of soil reaction (E8) of 1000 psi, according to Table A 6 of Practice D 3839, which relates soil stiffness to soil type and degree of compaction. For particular installations, the project engineer should verify that the density specied meets performance requirements. X1.7 Compaction MethodsAchieving desired densities for specic types of materials depends on the methods used to impart compactive energy. Coarse-grained, clean materials such as crushed stone, gravels, and sand are more readily compacted using vibratory equipment, whereas ne materials with high plasticity require kneading and impact force along with controlled water content to achieve acceptable densities (see 5.4). In pipe trenches, small, hand-held or walk-behind compactors are required, not only to preclude damage to the pipe, but to ensure thorough compaction in the conned areas around the pipe and along the trench wall. As examples, vibratory plate tampers work well for coarse grained materials of Class I and Class II, whereas hand tampers or air driven hand-held impact rammers are suitable for the ne-grained, plastic groups of Class III and IVA. Gas or diesel powered jumping jacks or small, walk-behind vibratory rollers impart both vibratory and kneading or impact force, and hence are suitable for most classes of embedment and backll material. X1.8 MigrationWhen coarse and open-graded material is placed adjacent to a ner material, nes may migrate into the coarser material under the action of hydraulic gradient from ground water ow. Signicant hydraulic gradients may arise in the pipeline trench during construction when water levels are

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being controlled by various pumping or well-pointing methods, or after construction when permeable underdrain or embedment materials act as a french drain under high ground water levels. Field experience shows that migration can result in signicant loss of pipe support and continuing deections that may exceed design limits. The gradation and relative size of the embedment and adjacent materials must be compatible in order to minimize migration (see X1.8.1 below). In general, where signicant ground water ow is anticipated, avoid placing coarse, open-graded materials, such as Class IA, above, below, or adjacent to ner materials, unless methods are employed to impede migration such as the use of an appropriate stone lter or lter fabric along the boundary of the incompatible materials. To guard against loss of pipe support from lateral migration of nes from the trench wall into open-graded embedment materials, it is sufficient to follow the minimum embedment width guidelines in X1.10. X1.8.1 The following lter gradation criteria may be used to restrict migration of nes into the voids of coarser material under a hydraulic gradient: X1.8.1.1 D15 / d85< 5 where D15 is the sieve opening size passing 15 % by weight of the coarser material and d85 is the sieve opening size passing 85 % by weight of the ner material. X1.8.1.2 D 50/d50< 25 where D 50 is the sieve opening size passing 50 % by weight of the coarser material and d50 is the sieve opening size passing 50 % by weight of the ner material. This criterion need not apply if the coarser material is well-graded (see Test Method D 2487). X1.8.1.3 If the ner material is a medium to highly plastic clay without sand or silt partings (CL or CH), then the following criterion may be used in lieu of X1.8.1.1: D15< 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) where D15 is the sieve opening size passing 15 % by weight of the coarser material.
NOTE X1.3Materials selected for use based on lter gradation criteria, such as in X1.8.1, should be handled and placed in a manner that will minimize segregation.

FIG. X1.1 Minimum Embedment Width When Trench and Native Soil Can Sustain a Vertical Cut

Class II granular material or a Class I crushed rock as specied in Section 5 of this standard. If other embedment materials are used, the engineer should establish the minimum embedment width based on an evaluation of parameters such as pipe stiffness, embedment stiffness, nature of in-situ soil, and magnitude of construction and service loads. Regardless of the trench width required for adequate support, the trench must be of sufficient width to allow the proper placement of embedment in accordance with 6.3.
NOTE X1.4Installation in hydraulic or under-consolidated soils may require additional treatment, for example, soil stabilization or permanent sheeting. NOTE X1.5The embedment over the top of the pipe shown in Fig. X1.1 and Fig. X1.2 represent minimum cover for impact protection, not for pipe support. Regardless of the minimum cover shown, the requirements of 7.6 must be met. NOTE X1.6Refer to X1.6 for backll material and density requirements to control deection.

X1.9 Maximum Particle SizeLimiting particle size to 34 in. (20 mm) or less enhances placement of embedment material for nominal pipe sizes 8 in. (200 mm) through 15 in. (380 mm). For smaller pipe, a particle size of about 10 % of the nominal pipe diameter is recommended. X1.10 Embedment Width for Adequate SupportIn certain conditions, a minimum width of embedment material is required to ensure that adequate embedment stiffness is developed to support the pipe. These conditions arise where in-situ lateral soil resistance is negligible, such as in very poor native soils or along highway embankments. Examples of poor native soils include poorly compacted soils with blow counts of ve or less, peat, muck, or highly expansive soils. Under these conditions, if the native soil is able to sustain a vertical cut, the minimum embedment width shall be 0.5 pipe diameters on either side of the pipe as shown in Fig. X1.1. Under these conditions, if the native soil can not sustain a vertical cut or if it is an embankment situation, the minimum embedment width shall be one pipe diameter on either side of the pipe as shown in Fig. X1.2. In either case, the embedment material shall be a

X1.11 Lumps, Clods and BouldersBackll materials should be free of lumps, clods, boulders, frozen matter, and debris. The presence of such material in the embedment may preclude uniform compaction and result in excessive localized deections. X1.12 Other Design and Construction Criteria The design and construction of the pipe system should recognize conditions that may induce excessive shear, longitudinal bending, or compression loading in the pipe. Live loads applied by construction and service traffic may result in large, cumulative pipe deections if the pipe is installed with a low density embedment and shallow cover. Other sources of loads on buried pipes are: freezing and thawing of the ground in the vicinity of the pipe, rising and falling of the ground water table,

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FIG. X1.2 Minimum Embedment Width When Native Soil Can Not Sustain a Vertical Cut or When Installed in the Embankment Condition

hydrostatic pressure due to ground water, and localized differential settlement loads occurring next to structures such as manholes and foundations. Where external loads are deemed to be excessive, the pipe should be installed in casing pipe or other load limiting structures. X1.13 Deection TestingTo ensure specied deection limits are not exceeded, the engineer may require deection testing of the pipe using specied measuring devices. To allow for stabilization of the pipe soil system, deection tests should

be performed at least 30 days after installation. However, as a quality control measure, periodic checks of deection may be made during installation. X1.13.1 Optional devices for deection testing include electronic deectometers, calibrated television or video cameras, or a properly sized go, no-go mandrel. Deection measurements can be made directly with extension rulers or tape measures in lines that permit safe entry. To ensure accurate measurements, clean the lines before testing.


X2.1 This practice may be incorporated, by referral, into contract documents for a specic project to cover requirements for installation of exible thermoplastic pipe in sewers and other gravity-ow applications. Application to a particular project should be made by means of a list of supplemental requirements. Suggested modications to specic sections are listed below (the list is keyed to applicable section numbers of this practice): X2.2 Sections 5.1, 5.2, and Table 2 Further restrictions on use of Classes of embedment and backll materials. X2.3 Section 5Specic gradations of embedment materials for resistance to migration. X2.4 Section 5.5Maximum particle size, if different from Table 1. X2.5 Section 6.2Restrictions on mode of dewatering;

design of underdrains. X2.6 width. Section 6.3Requirements on minimum trench

X2.7 Section 6.4Restrictions or details for support of trench walls. X2.8 Section 7.5Specic restrictions on methods of compaction. X2.9 Section 7.5.1 and Table 2 Minimum embedment density if different from these recommendations; specic density requirements for backll (for example, for pavement subgrade). X2.10 Section 7.6Minimum cover requirements if different from this paragraph.

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X2.11 Section 7.7Detailed requirements for support of vertical risers, standpipes, and stacks to accommodate anticipated relative movements between pipe and such appurtenances. Detailing to accommodate thermal movements, particularly at risers. X2.12 Section 7.10Detailed requirements for manhole connections.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ve years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).

X2.13 Section 7.11Requirements on methods of testing compaction and leakage. X2.14 Section X1.13Requirements on deection and deection measurements, including method and time of testing.


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