BOURAS The Soteira Lykodemou at Athens Architecture PDF

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The Soteira Lykodemou at Athens.


Charalambos BOURAS

(2004) . 11-24

Charalambos Bouras


A he architecture of the church of the Soteira Lykodemou at Athens, now known also as the Russian church (Fig. 1), has never been the subject of systematic scholarly investigation. The reason for this is clear: the damage it suffered during the Greek War of Independence and the drastic repair it underwent just after 1850 gave rise to serious doubts as to whether it was an authentic Byzantine monument and deterred scholars from turning their attention to the question. It was in any case regarded as a published monument, since five drawings of the church, made, moreover, before 1840, appeared in A. Couchaud's now inaccessible book on the Byzantine monuments of Greece1. Nothing published since that time is based on primary research2, with only a few exceptions: the two drawings of the modern condition of the church made by Schultz and Barnsley3 and a few observations by A.H.S. Megaw seventy years ago4. The monument is, however, the largest church in Byzantine Athens and deserves to take its place in the history of Middle Byzantine Helladic architecture, the first step being to verify its disputed authenticity in terms both of the general design and of individual parts and architectural forms. The fairly recent publication of old drawings made before the damage and repair to the church of the Soteira provides an opportunity for a preliminary approach to this question. A few points of clarification and references to more or less well-known matters may be useful, if not indispensable, at this point. First, the name. The name Hagios Nikodemos once used of the church is of modern origins. The church, probably the katholikon of a monastery, honours the name of the Virgin as the Saviour (Soteira) of the World5. The name of Lykodemos is probably to be associated with one of the founders of the monastery. Surnames compounded with Lykos are known in the small aristocracy of Byzantine Athens6. Amongst the akidographimata, or graffiti, of the church copied before it was damaged and published by Antonin7, the name is mentioned of the protoktitor, Stephanos, who died in 1044 and is believed8 to have born the name Lykos. The word/?rotoktitor possibly implies that there was a second founder of the Soteira, before 1044. The akidographimata-TQCoilection notes of the church were valuable in dating the monument, since the earliest of them

* This paper was first presented in Greek language to the Annual Conference of the Christian Archaeological Society, on May 16, 2003. I would like to thank the Library of the Copenhagen's Academy of Fine Arts and the Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive (ELIA) for the permission to reproduce the drawings, Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7. I feel also indebted to Hel. Tsofopoulou-Ghini, Ephor of Byzantine Antiquities, A. Papanicolaou-Christensen, M. Charitatos and the architects M. Vournous, C. Koliopoulos and CI. Aslanides for their help. The paper was translated by David Hardy. 1. A. Couchaud, Choix d'glises byzantines en Grce, Paris 1842, 18, pi. 11-13. 2. Like the A. Xyngopoulos extensive entry on the monument and the previous bibliography, in the Eureterion {EMME 1, 2, Athens 1928, 8083). See also R. Janin, Les glises et les monastres des grands centres byzantins, Paris 1975,320-322. R. Krautheimer, , Athens 1991,500,519,613,621. C. Mango, Byzantine Architecture, New York 1976, 222, 224, 252. Ch. Bouras, Bv-

, Athens, 2001,92,124, fig. 120. 3. R.W. Schultz - S.H. Barnsley, The Monastery of Saint Luke ofStiris, London 1901,15, fig. 8. 4. A.H.S. Megaw, The Chronology of Some Middle Byzantine Churches in Greece, BSA 32 (1931-32), 95-96,102-104,115,116,118,120,122, 124,126, pi. 31. 5. The name Sotera is common in Greece for churches also dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Saviour. 6. E. Granstrem -1. Medvedev - D. Papachryssanthou, Fragment d'un Praktikon de la rgion d'Athnes, REB 34 (1976), 5-44, (p. 30) and (p. 36). 7. Antonin, Drevnikh Kristianskikh Nadpis ' ach u Afinakh, St. Petersburg 1874,4 and facsimile, pi. Ill, no. 4. The same were published by K. Pittakis inAEphem 1853,936-938, nos. 1574-1589. 8. D. Kambouroglou, ', ', Athens 1890,282-285. M. Chatzidakis, Athnes byzantines, Athens 1958,11.



Fig. 1. The north faade looking west.

provides a terminus ante quern for its erection of 10319 or 104410. The fact that the Soteira is a copy of the katholikon of Hosios Loukas, whose erection was already completed by 101111, also furnishes a terminus post quern, and makes it almost certain that the monument under examination was erected between 1011 and 1031 (or 1044). Alison Frantz 12 dates it between 1000 and 1044. Apart from the akidographimata, no other Byzantine literary sources survive for the Soteira. The earliest information is to be found in the Anargyreia Apospasmata, and is unconnected with the architecture of the church13. The earthquake in the early ninteenth century that damaged the monument14 is known to have occurred on 3rd September 170515. It is conjectured that just after this there was extensive repair work and the church was given new wall-painted decoration16, though according to the statements of Antonin17 it had already been abandoned in the seventeenth century and was situated in a deserted part of Athens; this is also confirmed by the depictions of the east part of the city by foreign travellers in the seventeenth and eighteenth century18. During the siege of the Acropolis in 1821, according to a statement by Pittakis, a bomb destroyed a large part 19 of the dome and the west wall, that is the faade of the church, which had been on the point of collapse .... The vaults roofing the narthex, both on the ground floor and the upper storey, probably collapsed completely or partly. It thus seems that the church was in a ruined state when it was presented in 1847 to the Russian community of Athens20 on condition that its old form should not be changed during the repairs. The very poor state of the build-

9. Chatzidakis, ibid. N. Gioles, , Athens 1987,167 and Xyngopoulos, op.cit. 10. G. Millet, L'colegrecque dans l'architecture byzantine, Paris 1916, 7, n. 1. Megaw, The Chronology, op.cit., 99. Unfortunately I did not examine the under dispute no. 8 graffiti, in the Antonin's fascimile publication. 11. M. Chatzidakis, propos de la date et du fondateur de Saint Luc, CahArch 19 (1969), 129,140,141. 12. A. Frantz, The Church of the Holy Apostles, The Athenian Agora XX, Princeton, N.J. 1971,22, n. 25. See also p. 23,25, n. 11 and p. 26. 13. Kampouroglou, op.cit., A, Athens 1891,45. 14. As of the east wall of the Athenian Acropolis. M. Korres, Seismic Damage to the Monuments of the Athenian Acropolis, Archaeoseismology (S. Stiros, R.E. Jones, eds), Athens 1996,73. 15. N.N. Ambraseys, Material for the Investigation of the Seismicity of Central Greece, ibid., 26-27. 16. S. Kalantzopoulou, ' -

va Paul Durand (Ph.D.), Athens 2000, A, 250-251 (hereafter: ). 17. Antonin Archimandrite, ... xrj , AEphem 12-13 (1856-57), 1449, note. 18. J. Skene, 1838-1845, Athens 1985, figs. 15 and 16. J. Demakopoulos, To Bassano (1670), , 58 (2001), 60, 63. Thomas Hope, 18 , Athens 1985, 87, fig. 24, p. 224. De Laborde, Athnes au XVe, XVIe et XVIIe sicles, Paris 1854, v. II, pl. 48. H. Omont, Athnes auXVIIe sicle, Paris 1898, pl. XXXIV and XXXV. 19. After Couchaud, Choix, op.cit., the two thirds of the dome were destroyed. 20. C. Biris, ' 19 20 , Athens 1966,142,143. Xyngopoulos, EMME (n. 1), 82.



ing is confirmed by the reports submitted by a committee of technical experts (Smolens, Riedl, Kaftantzoglou and Schiodel (?) on 12th April 1847) and also by Kaftantzoglou himself, to the effect that "...the church, being in a very ruined state, must be razed to the foundations and erected anew... ". This information is recorded for us forty years later 21 by G. Lambakis , who appears to have derived it from the military architect responsible for the work, Telemachos Vla22 23 sopoulos , who was still alive in 1894 at least . In the end, the church was fortunately not demolished but radically repaired, with parts of it being reconstructed. Lambakis, who 24 was not even born at this time , knew the plans that had been drawn up by Vlasopoulos, one of which - the section of 25 the dome - he published (Fig. 2) . The work was carried out between 1850 and 1855. The series of drawings, presumably based on measurements taken of the Soteira, has been destroyed or mislaid. It was handed over to the Christian Archaeological Society, received into the collection assembled by Lambakis during his travels26, and displayed in the Zappeion in 189127. It is not known whether the collection, or even a list of the drawings, was ever published28. A. Xyngopoulos was presumably unaware of their existence in 1929. Questions about the restoration of the Soteira were first raised during the 1890s, after the restoration of the dome of the Daphni monastery. This was severely criticised by Lambakis29, who contrasted it with the restoration of the Soteira, which he regarded as successful. In fact, only the parts in danger of imminent collapse - the west side and almost all the vaults - seem to have been re-

Fig. 2. Section of the original dome by T. Vlasopoulos, after Lambakis.

moved, including the dome. The entire east side and parts of the north and south were preserved, all the bearing elements retained their original position, as did the lower parts of all the walls30, while the arches and vaults were restored, using as a guide their springings, which were preserved in the side walls and in the area of the sanctuary and the east wall (Fig. 3). Unfortunately, Vlasopoulos removed all the internal non-bearing walls, both original and later (which will be discussed in brief below), following the arbitrary interventions in the drawing by A. Couchaud31, and this resulted in the deterioration of the interior space and the loss of the link between function and spatial units inside the church. The new vaults, though retaining the springing of the original ones, had a different form32. The elaborate doorways, window mullions and above all the

21. G. Lampakis, , , 1885,557 f., 575. See also . Papageorgiou-Venetas, , Athens 1999,75-77, Document no. 4, St. Nikodimos, demolir. 22. See , ', Athens 1984,314. 23. G. Lampakis, AL , ' (1894), 63: , . . 24. G. Lampakis, 1854-1914. 25. Lampakis, , op.cit., 475. Lampakis asserts as true that ... ... and lets to conclude that the new existing dome is in a great part the original one. 26. G. Lampakis, , Athens 1891, 41 f., 44, no. 27. 27. Ibid. 28. G. Lampakis in of the year 1885, 575 notes ...

.... See also D. Pallas, , ' (1936), ': 184 . . 29. Lampakis, , op.cit. For his involvment to the Daphni restorations debate in 1885, see also Elias Apostolidis, , Athens 1959,69-71. 30. The fact is testified by the drawings of Couchaud and Lenoir, made before the intervention, as well as by the bulky blocks at the lower part of both corners of the west faade. See also Gioles, op.cit. (n. 9), 167, n. 12. 31. Couchaud, Choix (n. 1), 18. Dans les dessins que je donne de cette glise toutes les ouvertures actuellement mures ont t indiques dans leur tat primitif. Obviously, he could not distinguish the original from the new walls. His drawing of the longitudinal section of the church shows an evidently new wall, about which see below. 32. In fact, the existing now, new vaults do not have clear geometric forms; they are domed and defaced. Modern plasters and murals prevent the direct observation of their structure.



Fig. 3. Isometric section of the church, showing the existing original paris of the building, by C. Koliopoulos.

high chamfered marble crpis added by Vlasopoulos (Fig. 1) detracted from the monument's authenticity, and the old marble templon, the form of which is preserved by Lenoir33, appears to have been carried off before the work began34. The almost total destruction of the wall-paintings in the church (which will be discussed below) confirms the great scale of the removal of walls and vaults during Vlasopoulos's intervention. The excavations of Antonin brought to light the hypocausts of a room in a Roman bathhouse35. They have no connection with the Middle Byzantine church with which we are concerned. The much more recent excavations and repairs carried out by the 1st Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities36 are also not relevant.

I now turn to the visual documentation - the plans and freehand drawings of the Soteira Lykodemou which were made before the radical intervention of 1850-55. A. Couchaud published five drawings of the monument37 (plan, section, and three elevations), four of which were republished in EMME in 1928. All these drawings are flawed by a general error regarding the dimensions38 and the monument is shown as much smaller than it actually is. Worst of all, however, the drawings published by Couchaud were not of the condition of the church at the time, but of a reconstruction of what he believed the church would originally have been, a circumstance that makes the drawings completely unreliable. In his text, he states that he did not draw the later walls, but he obviously also omitted the original non-bearing walls. He also failed to provide in the conventional manner projections of groins and inclinations of arches of the vaults, which were removed a few years later39. The earliest of the depictions, possibly dating from the beginning of the ninteenth century has recently been published. It was drawn by L. Fauvel and depicts the Soteira "from the side facing the Lykeion", that is, from the northwest40. The drawing is small but meticulously executed. The dome is depicted intact, covered by tiles. The west side of the church is crowned by a horizontal cornice and all the windows are shown walled up. The upper part of one two-light window on the north side remains unsealed, and a loophole has been created in the brickwork sealing the other. The Danish architect M.G. Bindesbel41 has bequeathed us a drawing of a transverse section and two rough sketches (Fig. 4), which bear the title "Byzantine church in Athens". The church is clearly the Soteira, since the drawing shows the two squinches either side of the east arm, the wide, low dome, and the templon with its two columns in front of the sanctuary. The two sketches depict the apses of the prothesis and

33. A. Lenoir, Architecture Monastique, Paris 1856,343, no. 238. Republished in EMME (. 2), 81, fig. 80. 34. The marble templon is not represented in the Durand drawings which are made some years later. 35. Antonin Archimandrite, , op.cit. (n. 17), 1449-1456. John Travlos {Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, London 1991,181) suggests that this room was part of the bathing complex no. L, probably belonging to the gymnasium of the ancient Lykeion. On another adjoining bath see O. Zachariadou, , , exhibition catalogue, Athens 2000,135. 36. P. Lazaridis, -, ADelt 16 (1960), 65; ADelt 23 (1968), Chronika, 114; ADelt 24 (1969), Chronika, 95. 37. Couchaud, Choix (n. 1), pis. 10,11 and 12. 38. He gives as reducing scale 9 mm. per metre for the elevations and

the section and 4,5 mm. per metre for the plan. The general dimensions of the building differ from one drawing to another. 39. We note the different way of drawing of the west elevation of the Soteira with simple lines and no shading (Couchaud, Choix, pi. 11, fig. 1). This, may be an indication that Couchaud would not like to represent the original form of the faade which was already in ruins. 40. Byzance retrouve. Erudits et voyageurs franais XVI-XVIII sicles, Paris 2001, exhibition catalogue, 163, no. 91, fig. 96. Comments and Bibliography by N.L. Demesnil. 41. M. Bendtsen, Sketches and Measurings, Danish Architects in Greece 1818-1862, Copenhagen 1993, 305 no. G.B. 074 of 1835. The drawing has not reducing scale and is limited to the central square of the church, not showing the thickness of the walls and the vaults.



diakonikon and can be identified from the iconographie themes, which are known from Durand's drawings. From the same year, 1835, dates a drawing of a detail by Christian Hansen42, which is not particularly useful, since the cufic decoration it depicts is still well preserved. The drawings by Lenoir were probably made in 1840, though they were published only later43. They preserve the form of the original (?) marble templon, a cavetto moulding with painted cufic ornaments, decorative brickwork in the walls, and the arrangement of the wall-paintings of the dome. Lenoir's drawings are not very reliable44. The drawings in the collection of the University of Karlsruhe, which were made between 1842 and 184545, include a plan, longitudinal section and west elevation of the Soteira and are still unpublished46. Their anonymous compiler probably copied Couchaud's drawings and made some minor corrections47 to them, after seeing the church for himself. The sketch made by L.A. Winstrup (Fig. 5)48, also of Denmark, depicts the east faade of the church, which is in a very good state of preservation, and is useful for the walledup windows in this faade. The most valuable of the depictions of the Soteira before the repairs are the two drawings by Paul Durand, which have recently been published49. These are two perspective line drawings showing the existing condition of the interior of the nave with unusual accuracy50. The first (32/2) was taken

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Fig. 4. M.G. Bindesbel. Athens, Byzantine Church, 1835. Library of the Copenhagen Academy of Fine Arts, G.B. 074.

42. Bendtsen, op.cit., 126 no. 88, p. 247. See also A. PapanicolaouChristensen et al., ' 1818-1853. " , Athens 1885,86, fig. 93. 43. . Lenoir, Architecture monastique, Paris 1856,266,277,295,329 no. 230,343 no. 238, 369 no. 269. 44. There are some mistakes in the representation of certain elements of the sanctuary, behind the templon. Two of the Lenoir drawings are republished by Xyngopoulos in EMME (. 2), 83, fig. 78 and p. 84, fig. 80). 45. S. Sinos, Die sogenannte Kirche des Hagios Elias zu Athen, BZ 64 (1971), 352. 46. I would like to thank prof. W. Schirmer, who kindly have sent me photo-copies of the drawings. 47. The original walls between the narthex and the central part of the church are well indicated in his plan. They are missing from the Couchaud plan. 48. Bendtsen, op.cit., 126 no. 87 (LAW 094). 49. Kalantzopoulou, , A, 35-38, 237-251 and B', pis. 54-63. T. Kalantzopoulou, . Durand, Athens 2002 (ed. ), 42-51. 50. It is almost sure that Paul Durand used a camera obscura with lens and a transparent board. This is testified by the fact that almost all his drawings from Athens are made with pencil, on a very thin and translucent paper consequently attached to a sheet of hard paper. Besides,

Fig. 5. LA. Winstrup. The Byzantine Church ofSotira


Library of the Copenhagen Academy of Fine Arts, LAW 094.



Fig. 6. Interior of naos facing south-east. P. Durand, no. 32.2, Hel- Fig. 7. Interior of naos facing north-west. P. Durand, no. 32.16, Hellenic Literary and Historic Archive (). lenic Literary and Historic Archive ().

from the level of an observer at the lower level, looking to the south-east (Fig. 6). It depicts the south part of the sanctuary with its shallow apse and the corner of the nave. The second (32/16) was taken from the level of the galleries (Fig. 7) and depicts the south-west corner and parts of the ruined west arm and narthex, as well as the dome, which has partly collapsed. Both these drawings, and indirectly the 22 others depicting wall-paintings 51 , provide a great deal of information on the form of the Soteira after the Greek Uprising, which I shall try to exploit in what follows. The attempted restoration of the Soteira in the form it originally had (Fig. 8) and in the form it received after the 1705

earthquake is based on the assumptions that the measured drawing of the original dome by T. Vlasopoulos 5 2 was accurate and that the reconstruction followed it faithfully. It is only by making these assumptions that it is possible to use as a base the much later drawings of the plan and section of the present form of the Soteira by R. Schultz and S. Barnsley 53 , which, when checked, proved to have a satisfactory degree of accuracy 54 . The dome, then, did not have an internal tympanum, and the sixteen windows created around the edge of it penetrated its hemisphere. There was a low tympanum only on the exterior. From Durand's drawing 32/16 it can be calculated

some of his subjects are represented in perspective, without sense (see e.g. Kalantzopoulou, op.cit., 70,85,140,145,146). 51. Kalantzopoulou, , A, 35-38,237-251 and B', pis. 54-62. 52. For the section drawing of the dome, see above n. 25. 53. Schultz - Bamsley, op.cit. (n. 3), 15,fig.8. The two drawings are repub16

lished by O. Wulff, Das Katholikon von Hosios Lukas und verwandte byzantinische Kirchenbauten, Die Baukunst, II, 11,1903,12-13,figs.9,10, and E. Stikas,L'eg&e byzantine de Christianou, Paris 1951, fig. 71. 54. Curiously, in the Schuhs - Barnsley section drawing of the church the squinches which support the dome are omited.


that the two main axes of the nave coincided at the dome not with windows but with a section of wall between two windows. This feature further reveals the similarity of the dome of the Soteira with that of the katholikon of the monastery of Hosios Loukas. The breach created by the bomb must have been above the south-west pillar and, according to Couchaud, it destroyed two thirds of the dome. There was a painted strip above the window arches. In Durand's drawings, the thickness of the face of the arches bearing the dome can be made out, as well as that of the unified surface of the circumscribed sphere above them. Both were probably equal to the length of a brick. The major problem in the reconstruction is the precise form taken by the rest of the vaulting of the church. From Durand's drawing 32/2 it emerges that the east arm was covered by a cross-vault and from 32/16 that the west probably also had an elevated cross-vault or low domes carried on pendentives. All the other vaults in the drawings (8 and 9 are unaccompanied by any substantial information regarding the original form. The galleries did not extend above the west arm of the cross, as erroneously indicated in a section drawing by Couchaud55. As in Hosios Loukas, they were confined to the area above the narthex and the side aisles. This is clearly attested by the chamfered cornice-cum-stylobate in Durand's drawing 32/16. Here there was a colonnette on the axis which had been replaced in this position by Vlasopoulos (Fig. 12). Neither of the side openings of the galleries facing on to the west arm were two-light windows with mullions, but plain arches, presumably with parapets at the bottom for safety reasons. A characteristic feature is that, as at Hosios Loukas, the galleries and the chamfered cornice were recessed by about 30 m. to the right and left above the two transverse arms, so as clearly to suggest the cruciform plan56. The reconstruction of the original form of the west faade of the church presents a more difficult problem. Couchaud drew and explicitly referred to three doors, which have no function, given that another two opened on to the narthex from the sides. Windows can be seen in Fauvel's sketch, made before the destruction, though higher than the arch of

the main door. It is equally probable, therefore, that there were two windows, one either side of the door, as in the katholikon of the monastery of Hosios Loukas. The upper line of all the faades is also unknown. Both Couchaud and Winstrup and Bindesbel drew a raised part with a flat roof in the position of the arms, but it is virtually certain that the roofs were originally pitched57 and covered the barrel vaults or the cross vaults over the arms. The large openings on the lateral axis of the church58 are 1.83 m. wide on the ground floor. They presumably still have the original width, though this is disproportionately large for ordinary windows59. The corresponding openings on the upper storey are narrower. These, too, have presumably not been altered perceptibly, since the poros imposts of the pilasters at either side are still in situ. The openings did not have sills, like ordinary windows, but extended down to the floor of the galleries. The marble columns on the axis of the upper storey at present appear to be reconstructed. It thus seems to be a reasonable hypothesis that the architectural solution was similar to the one applied in the case of the katholikon of Hosios Loukas, with two vertically articulated windows on the sides. In this case they were two-light windows, instead of the three-light windows of Hosios Loukas. That is, the same principle was followed in the interior of the church as in the opening on the axis of the gallery inside the church. The reconstruction above the two-light windows of the galleries is uncertain; here Couchaud drew a small window, also with two lights, while in Fauvel's sketch the tympanum is solid. Similar questions arise in the case of the side openings of the narthex, both on the ground floor and in the galleries. They have the same width: 1.41 m. The upper opening was converted by Vlasopoulos into a two-light window, while the lower one remains a disproportionately large door. All the roofs are assumed originally to have been tiled60. The reconstruction of the Soteira in the form it took after the repairs necessitated by the 1705 earthquake and before the Greek Uprising of 1821 (Fig. 9) is based on the same documentation, mainly on P. Durand's drawings. Both drawings testify to the fact that all the arches opening

55. Correctly, Vlasopoulos did not repeat this fault in the restoration of the church. 56. The architectural feature of the short retreat of the galleries at both sides of the central square of the church can be connected with much older Byzantine monuments as St Sophia in Thessaloniki, St Clement in Ankara and the Dormition of the Virgin in Nicaea. 57. In the Vlasopoulos restitution of the church, the gabled roofs were

restored, though, at least at the west faade, the form of its upper part was unknown. 58. The width according to Couchaud was about 1,90 m. 59. Marble frames and arcs enclosing the doors, added in the Vlasopoulos restoration, reduced in some way the great width of their opening. 60. In the 1855 restoration, the roofs of the church were covered with bronze sheets (Stikas, op.cit.. fig. 19) substituted later by tiles.



Fig. 8. Reconstruction of the church in its original form. a. Plan at ground level, b. Plan at gallery level, c. Longitudinal section. L8

Fig. 9. Reconstruction of the church as in 1820. a. Plan at ground level, b. Plan at gallery level, c. Longitudinal section.


on the central square of the church were walled up from the level of the gallery up to their keystones and gave the impression of blind arches. Only the east side, facing the sanctuary, remained free. It is evident from drawing 32/16 (Fig. 7) that at the west the unified arm was bridged by an arch, above which the new wall was built. These actions, and the walling up of all the external openings61, were presumably designed to support the four large arches that carried the dome, and to strengthen the octagonal infrastructure of both the dome and the entire building. Couchaud's section drawing confirms this intervention which, though intended as a rescue operation, completely distorted62 the interior of the monument. The terminus ante quern for it is provided by the date of the wall-paintings executed on the new walls63, which will be discussed below. The preserved archways either side of the sanctuary on the upper floor (parakyptika?) have also been walled up. Couchaud's plan shows reinforcing walls in front of the apses of the prothesis and diakonikon, though Durand's and Bindesbel's drawings of the wall-paintings indicate that these walls did not exist. The south-east side-chapel was isolated at the west by a transverse wall, in which a small door was created. Finally, the staircase at the south-west extreme of the church in Couchaud's plan, which pierced the corner vault, certainly did not belong to the original form of the building64. Very little survives of the sculptural decoration of the Soteira. Mullions are all that remain in situ of all the windows on the east side and of the two-light windows at the east end of the galleries (Figs. 10-11). As noted above, Vlasopoulos's restoration respected the axial column with its Ionic capital integral with the impost block (Fig. 12), a form common in the Early Christian period65 though not unknown in the katholikon of the monastery of Hosios Loukas66. The decorative motifs of the capitals and impost blocks above the mullions are very simple and commonly found in the eleventh century (six-point rosettes and

Fig. 10. The mullion capitals of the east faade windows. The imposts are modern (1850).

61. Comments by N.L. Demensil, in Byzance retrouve (. 40), p. 136. 62. The first notion from the section drawing of Couchaud is that Soteira had no galleries at all. See N. Gioles, , Athens 1987,167 . 12. 63. Kalantzopoulou, , A, 250. 64. The access to the galleries of all the known churches of the greekcross octagon type is done by external staircases. 65. A.C. Orlandos, , Athens 1954, ', 314-325. V. Verni, Les chapiteaux ioniques l'poque palochrtienne, Paris 1989. 66. Schultz - Barnsley, op.cit. (n. 3), pi. 26a.

Fig. 11. The mullion capitals and imposts of the triple window of the bema apse.



Fig. 12. Capital and impost of the colonette at thecais of the gallery.

Fig. 13. Impost over modern mullion on the south faade.

crosses) (Fig. 13). Unfortunately, none of the marble doorframes of the church survives. They were probably removed during the long period of its abandonment. The bowls in the tympana of the three-light window of the bema apse have been replaced by later small decorative disks. According to Lenoir's drawing, the templon of the Soteira had two columns (presumably spolia in second use), with Corinthian capitals, Ionic bases and shafts of coloured (?) marble, which supported a straight architrave with relief decoration67. The closure slabs were of masonry, with the undulating lines familiar during the Ottoman period that represent a nave imitation of marble slabs with coloured veins. The use of heavy columns in a templon is completely inexplicable, particularly in the period at which the church was built, and in Greece.

Couchaud notes that "...the icons that are still preserved have dazzling colours and gildings". The publication by St. Klantzopoulou of 18 of Durand's 22 drawings, has revealed the wealth of the monumental painting of the Soteira, of which all that now survives is the representation of the bust of Christ and two angels in a blind arch on the south wall of the church68. Klantzopoulou proposed three painting phases in the monument69, none of which is the original and the last of which is dated to the early eighteenth century, after the repair to the damage caused by the 1705 earthquake. In fact, the excellent drawings by Durand attest that many of the wall-paintings in the sanctuary had the iconographie discipline and also the elegance of the figures of the Cretan "school", which, particularly in Attica and Athens70, experienced a fresh flowering at this late date, after the vicissitudes

67. Our research in order to identify this shafts and capitals with other columns in the Byzantine Museum of Athens was fruitless. 68. Xyngopoulos, EMME, A2, 81, fig. 81. About the unreasonable destruction of Byzantine and Postbyzantine murals in Athens, at the middle of the ninteenth century, see also .. (Lyssandros Kaftantzoglou), , , of the 9th July 1862. 69. Klantzopoulou, , A, 250. 70. M. Chatzidakis, " " (1450-

1830), Athens 1987, A, 102, 114-115. A. Xyngopoulos, ", Athens 1957, 284-289. . Chatzidaki, ', Athens 2000, 276,277, fig. 39 (Frescoes in the bema apse of the katholikon of Kaisariani monastery. The iconographie program and the style are very close to Soteira).



of the Venetian campaign. However, it could be agreed, on the basis of purely iconographie evidence, that the wallpaintings in the dome belonged to the original painted decoration of the church in the eleventh century. The drawings by Lenoir, Couchaud, and especially Durand confirm that above the zone of the windows (between which there were representations of full-length prophets) were depicted eight standing frontal angels, who probably71 supported the circular glory of the Pantokrator. The early date of the theme of angels-caryatids is attested by its adoption in the church of the Metamorphosis at Koropi in Attica72, which is dated to the third quarter of the tenth century73. The same rare motif also adorned the dome of another Athenian church of the Saviour74, now destroyed, of which almost nothing is known. The exterior surfaces of the preserved original walls of the Soteira are adorned by pseudo-cufic ceramics (Fig. 14). Some of them are placed individually amongst the dressed stones of the masonry, which are separated by double courses of bricks (Fig. 15), and some are set in a continuous frieze encircling three sides of the building at roughly the level of the springing of the window arches. An interesting technique is used in the frieze, which consists of clay plaques with champlev ornaments and with the background filled with white lime plaster (Fig. 16). This is a version in cheaper materials of the champlev technique used in Middle Byzantine sculpture. The cufic and pseudo-cufic motifs on the walls of the Soteira have been treated directly or indirectly by G. Sotiriou75, A.H.S. Megaw76, G. Miles77, P. Vocotopoulos78, A. Frantz79 and N. Nikonanos80. Depictions of them have already been published by Chr. Hansen81, A. Lenoir82 and G. Lambakis83. Despite the destruction of a large part of the ceramic decoration, it is immediately apparent that the motifs of the individual cufic patterns and the system by which they were ap-



Fig. 14. Cut brick pseudo-cufic patterns.

Fig. 15. Detail of the masonry on the south faade.

71. The notes of Paul Durand assure that the figures on this zone of the dome were those of angels. In his drawing no. 32/16 we see the lower part of their bodies but not their hands. It is sure that the hands were extended towards up. 72. Ch. Bouras, , Athens 2001,71, fig. 55. 73. A.C. Orlandos, ', ' (1961), 29, figs. 9,15,18. 74. N.H.J. Westlake, On Some Ancient Paintings in Churches of Athens, Archaeologia LI, 1888,173-188. O.M. Dalton, Byzantine Art and Archaeology, Oxford 1911, 248, fig. 153. Kalantzopoulou, , ', pi. 67 (34.1). 75. G. Sotiriou, , ' (1936), 64-65.

76. Megaw, op.cit. (n. 4), 103,104. 77. G. Miles, Byzantium and the Arabs. Relations in Greece and the Aegean Area, DOP 18 (1964), 3-32, fig. 24. 78. P. Vocotopoulos, , ' (1969), 163-169. 79. Frantz, Holy Apostles (n. 12), 8, fig. 2, p. 25 n. 11, p. 26. 80. N. Nikonanos, , ' . , Thessaloniki 1983,336-338, fig. 3, dr. 2-4. 81. Bendtsen, op.cit. (n. 41), 126,247. 82. Xyngopoulos, EMME, A.2,83, fig. 78. 83. G Lampakis, Mmoire sur les antiquits chrtiennes de la Grce, Athens 1902,42 n. 55-67.



Loukas may be added those of the main dome (which have already been discussed), the composite windows at the ends of the arms of the cross, the parakyptikon from the galleries to the sanctuary, the general tracing of the octagonal support of the dome87 and the existence of an arcosolium with a tomb to the left as one enters the nave. The champlev technique used on relatively large surfaces recalls the elaborate dome88 of the Panayia in the monastery. However, the most striking indication of the direct relation between the katholikon of Hosios Loukas and the Soteira Lykodemou consists of certain magnitudes of the central core of the church which are of decisive importance. In fact, five basic dimensions of the transverse section of the church of the Soteira are equal, with a satisfactory degree of approximation89, to three quarters of the corresponding dimensions of the katholikon.

Fig. 16. North faade. Detail of the frieze.

Hosios Loukas Diameter of dome 8.625 m. 8.70 m. 17.55 m. 11.90 m. 15.80 m.

6.468 m. 6.525 m. 13.16 m. 8.925 m. 11.85 m.

Soteira 6.50 m. 6.50 m. 13.30 m. 8.90 m. 11.90 m.

plied bear great similarity to those of the churches of the Panayia at Hosios Loukas and of the Hagioi Apostoloi in the Athenian Agora. The former monument is earlier and the latter roughly contemporary with the Soteira. G. Millet84 and E. Stikas85 have written on the typological similarities of the church under examination and the katholikon of Hosios Loukas. The Soteira is clearly the earliest and most faithful copy of the great church in Phokis. As for the morphology, the direct relationship with the churches of Hosios Loukas was noted seventy years ago by A.H.S. Megaw86, who analysed the individual forms: the motifs of the cufic decorative brickwork, the courses of bricks in relation to the frieze, the dentil courses, the step pattern, the three-light window with the lights of equal height and encircling arch, and finally the filling of the tympana of the windows. To the similarities with the katholikon of Hosios

Side of central square Internal height of dome Internal height of main arches General internal width

This observation attests both to the direct relationship between the two monuments and to the existence of a plan. The transfer and reproduction to scale of the dimensions of the katholikon presupposes some plan of the original composition or measured drawings of the model. Further investigation of this subject would be of great interest for the history of Byzantine architecture.

84. G. Millet, L'cole grecque dans l'architecture byzantine, Paris 1916, 105-118,160 n. 3. 85. Stikas, Christianou (n. 53), 35-46. 86. Megaw, op.cit. (n. 4), 102-104,115,116,120,122,124,126 and pi. 36 no. 4. 87. The span off the squinches is a little larger than the span of the four main arches. That means that the octagon of the general plan, in both

cases, is not regular. 88. L. Bouras, , Athens 1980,22-34. 89. We use the dimensions from the measured drawings of Schultz and Barnsley for both monuments and we admit that the height of the dome was not changed in the restoration of 1850.



A more general question, equally worth investigation, is that of the links between the architecture of Athens just after the year 1000, particularly of the Hagioi Apostoloi and the Soteira Lykodemou, and the two churches of the great

monastery in Phokis, which were pioneering in their day and whose decisive role in the creation of the so-called "Helladic 90 School" is repeatedly confirmed .

X T 1850, , . ' : Couchaud, , . EMME 1928 . , . , 1015-1031. 17 3 1705. . , , , . (1852), (1891) , , . , . , 18 . . . , , , . , . Durand, , . (. 8)

90. Bouras, op.cit. (n. 72), 92-94, 96-98, 100, 101, 103-110. Ch. and L. Bouras, 12 , Athens 2002, 395,396,373 n. 94,398,403,600,601.



(. 9), 1852 : ) . Fauvel 19 ., ) M.G. Bindesbel, 1835, ) Chr. Hansen, 1835, ) . Durand, 1843-1844, ) , 1842-1849, ) . Lenoir, 1840 (;) ) L.A. Winstrup, 1851. . Durand, Couchaud 18 , , , , . , ,

. . ' ' , . . ( A.H.S. Megaw) 1000 ( ) , .


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