Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,555,282 B1

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(12) Ulllted States Patent

Kahn et a].

(10) Patent N0.:

(45) Date of Patent:

US 8,555,282 B1
Oct. 8, 2013


_ _
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(21) App1.N0.: 11/829,813 EP

1 104143
0 833 537


(22) Filed:

Jul. 27, 2007


Access and Terminals (AT); Multimedia Message Service (MMS)
for PSTN/ISDN; Multimedia Message Communication Between a
FiXedNetWorkMultimedia Message TerminalEquipment andaMul.

Int. Cl. G06F 9/46

U-s- Cl-

USPC .......................... .. 718/102; 718/ 100; 718/104


Field Of Classi?cation Search

USPC ........................................ .. 718/100, 102, 103

timedia Message Service Centre, ETSI AT-F Rapporteur Meeting,

Feb. 4-6, 2003, Gothenburg, DES/AT-030023 V0.0.1 (Mar. 2003).

See application ?le for complete search history.

Primary Examiner * Emerson Puente
Assistant Examiner * Charles Swift


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gies and Standards, LG Electronics MobileComm, IEEE ICC, 2008, Beijing, pp. 1-66 (part I of 3). Wang, Shu, et a1, Location Based Services for Mobiles: Technolo gies and Standards, LG Electronics MobileComm, IEEE ICC, 2008, Beijing, pp. 67-92 (part 2 of 3). Wang, Shu, et a1, Location Based Services for Mobiles: Technolo gies and Standards, LG Electronics MobileComm, IEEE ICC, 2008, Beijing, pp. 93-123 (part 3 of3).

Aug. 23-26, 2007, pp. 5271-5275. Zypad WL 1100 Wearable Computer, <WWW.eurotech.?/products/ manuals/Zypad%20WL%20ll00isf.pdf>, Jan. 16, 2008, 2 pgs.

* cited by examiner

US. Patent

0a. 8, 2013

Sheet 1 of6

US 8,555,282 B1

Server 1 30

1 20


1 50

Mobile Device 110





Sensor 1 70


Fig. 1

US. Patent

Oct. 8, 2013

Sheet 2 0f 6

US 8,555,282 B1

Scheduler 160

Resii'srfe ID



Future Task

Current Task




Stop Logic

Motion Data

Motion Info

Active App.





Fig. 2

US. Patent

Oct. 8, 2013

Sheet 3 0f 6

US 8,555,282 B1

Log motion
data 310

Identify current
& future motion 315

Identify active


there a con?ict?

a future task?




Identify con?icting

Initiate future task 340


Identify lowest priority app.

using resource 355

Throttle lowest

priority app

Stop lowest priority app

Add app to future tasks list 375

Fig. 3

US. Patent

0a. 8, 2013

Sheet 4 of6

US 8,555,282 B1

Identify applications
410 Determine apps

needing real
time feedback 415

such apps?
No Determine apps
with user

Set as highest


interaction 425


Set as next

such apps?


highest priority

No <

apps 435
Any Set as next

such apps?

highest priority

( To Fig. 4B

Fig. 4A

US. Patent

0a. 8, 2013

Sheet 5 of6

US 8,555,282 B1

Determine apps

with periodic



Set as next

such apps?

highest priority

Set remaining
apps as lowest


Reprioritize within
resource con?icts category based on

between equals?

usage stats 462

Provide priorities to
user and enable user

to change priorities

Save priority


Fig. 48

US. Patent

0a. 8, 2013

Sheet 6 of6

US 8,555,282 B1

Resources Used

Game 1 Game 2

UI, storage bandwidth, RAM, non-volatile memory UI, storage bandwidth, RAM, network bandwidth
Network bandwidth


Network bandwidth, storage bandwidth, non-volatile memory



Fig. 5

US 8,555,282 B1

loW latency in their execution in order to operate accurately. In particular, programs that receive and process the input from integrated or Wirelessly tethered sensors degrade rap idly in performance and accuracy as latency increases. Many of these sensor programs analyZe data in real time, sampling
a sensor from 1 to 300+HZ. In a preemptive operating system

The present invention relates to preemptive operating sys tems, and more particularly to scheduling in preemptive oper

Where the host processor interfaces directly With a given

sensor, a higher priority task such as a phone call or data

ating systems.

transfer Will preempt the loWer priority task of real time data

analysis. If system bandWidth is limited, the loWer priority task may be halted entirely, signi?cantly degrading the pro

Mobile devices are gaining increasing functionality and

importance in our daily lives. Accelerometers may be incor porated in these devices for measuring the motion that the device experiences. More and more of these mobile devices

grams performance.
FIG. 1 is a netWork diagram illustrating a netWork in Which the present system may Work. The system includes a mobile device 110. The mobile device 110, in one embodiment,
receives data from one or more sensors 120, 170. The sensors

have multi-tasking preemptive operating systems that alloW

the device to run several programs or applications at once.

These preemptive operating systems have schedulers to pri oritiZe tasks. In prior implementations, these schedulers
based their decision on the priority of each application or

120, 170 may be coupled to the mobile device 110 via a Wireless connection 120 such as 802.11 WiFi, Bluetooth, etc or may be integrated in the mobile device 170. The integrated
20 sensors 170, in one embodiment include an inertial sensor.

function, and occasionally on the time of day.


The mobile device 110 can also retrieve data from a server 130 via netWork 140, or send data to a server 130 via netWork

140. The netWork may be the Internet, a cellular telephone netWork, or any other netWork. The mobile device 110 may be

A method and apparatus to provide a scheduler comprising receiving motion information from a mobile device, deter
mining a current use characteristic for the mobile device based on the motion information, and scheduling a task based
on the current use characteristic.

getting data from the netWork via various protocols including Wireless Access Protocol (WAP), HTTP, or other protocols.
The mobile device 110 may also obtain data from other another mobile device 150 either through a direct connection or through netWork. The scheduler 160 in mobile device 110 determines When the various tasks and communications



occur. This may include obtaining data from, and sending data to, servers 130, sensors 120, and other mobile devices
150, as Well as internal processes such as programs and tasks. FIG. 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of the sched uler. The scheduler 160 in one embodiment is a softWare application Which runs on a mobile device. In another embodiment, the scheduler 160 may have a client and a server

The present invention is illustrated by Way of example, and not by Way of limitation, in the ?gures of the accompanying
draWings and in Which like reference numerals refer to similar elements and in Which: FIG. 1 is a netWork diagram illustrating a netWork in Which

the present system may Work.

FIG. 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of the sched uler. FIG. 3 is a ?owchart of one embodiment of scheduling. FIGS. 4A and 4B is a ?owchart of one embodiment of

component. The functionality may be split betWeen the client

and the server. In one embodiment, the preference settings,
and calculations may be on the server Which has more pro

cessing poWer and storage available, While the implementa

tion/use aspects reside on the client. For simplicity, the beloW description refers to any schedulable task, program, or data
communication as a task.

setting scheduling preferences.

FIG. 5 is a list of exemplary tasks and the associated
resources used.

Scheduler 160 includes a resource identi?cation list 210, Which includes a listing of one or more potential tasks and the


resource(s) that the task uses. For example, a doWnload task

The method and apparatus described is for providing a preemptive operating system Which schedules tasks in a
mobile device. Prior art schedulers have had no aWareness as

utiliZes netWork bandWidth, storage bandWidth (memory bus), and storage. By contrast, a telephone call task only uses

netWork bandWidth. FIG. 5 lists a number of exemplary tasks

and their associated resources.

to the motion that the device is experiencing and in particular What the users motion implies about the state of the device
and the likelihood of the user to perform certain actions With

PrioritiZer 220 includes a list of tasks and their relative

the device. In prior art, these schedulers knoW only of the

current state of various programs and Whether the device has
the screen turned on or off but have no aWareness of the


priorities. For example, a task Which is observed by the user is a higher priority than a task Which is generally not observed by the user. A task Which provides semi-real-time feedback or other data processing is higher priority than a task Which

provides background doWnload, synchronization, or similar

features. In one embodiment, user may use a user interface

motion that a device is experiencing. The scheduler of the present invention in one embodiment

optimiZes these preemptive operating environments using

motion information. The scheduler optimiZes tasks, pro
grams, and data communications based upon the devices use characteristic, determined based on the motion information.

225 to prioritiZe tasks. In one embodiment, the system comes With a default set of priorities, Which may be edited or

adjusted by the user.

Motion information logic 230 receives motion data. In one embodiment, motion data is received from an accelerometer
or other inertial sensor. In one embodiment, motion data is

Data communications may include pulling data from and pushing data to the netWork. While the scheduler improves the performance of all pro
grams on a mobile device, some programs require especially

received from a 3-dimensional accelerometer that is part of the device. Motion logic 230 determines a current motion, and based on an identi?ed activity of the user, determines

US 8,555,282 B1
expected future motion as Well. For example, if the user is Walking at a rapid cadence, it is likely that he or she Will
continue to Walk. If the user is playing a game, he or she is

future tasks. Future tasks are tasks either scheduled by the user to be executed in the future, or halted previously. If there
are no future tasks, the process returns to block 310 to con

likely to continue moving the device and playing the game.

In one embodiment, the system further includes an active

tinue logging motion data.

If there are future tasks, the process, at block 335, deter
mines Whether there are resources available currently to execute the future task. In one embodiment, this is determined based on the motion data. In one embodiment, this is deter

application detector 240. In one embodiment, active applica tion detector detects When an application is active (i.e. being
used), even if there is no associated motion. For example, the
user may open an application such as a Web doWnload appli

cation While keeping the mobile device stationary.

Current task scheduler 250 prioritizes current tasks based
on prioritiZer 220 data and resource ID 210 data. The current tasks are determined by current task scheduler 250 based on

mined based on the motion data and the active application data. In one embodiment, this is determined based on the

motion data and time-of-day data.

If the resources are available, at block 340 the future task is initiated. The process then returns to block 330, to query
Whether there are any more future tasks to be scheduled. In one embodiment, the future tasks are scheduled in order of

active app. detector 240 and motion logic 230. If the current task scheduler 250 determines that tWo appli
cations con?ict, it can in one embodiment, send a stop mes

sage to application stop logic 270. In one embodiment, cur rent task scheduler 250 also then sends the stopped task to future task scheduler 260. In one embodiment, current task
scheduler 250 may also utiliZe resource restrictor 280 to reduce available resources for loWer priority tasks. In one

priority. That is the ?rst query is for the highest priority future
task, then for the next highest priority, and so on. In one

embodiment, each future task is evaluated by this process. If

there are no remaining future tasks, the process returns to

block 310 to continue logging motion data.

If, at block 325, the process found that there Was a con?ict betWeen the current applications, the process continues to block 350. At block 350, the con?icting resource is identi?ed. This

embodiment, current task scheduler 250 uses prioritiZer data to determine Which application(s) to throttle. Resource restrictor 280 may be used to reduce the available
resources to one or more of the currently active applications. 25

This may include reducing available bandWidth.

Future task scheduler 260 receives future tasks for sched uling. In one embodiment, these future tasks may be received from current task scheduler 250. In one embodiment, future
tasks may be received from the user. The user may, in one 30

may include netWork bandWidth, memory bandWidth, dis play, etc. At block 355, the loWest priority application Which uses
that resource is identi?ed. In one embodiment, the loWest priority resource may be one that is restartable, not vieWed or

embodiment, add tasks to a list of future tasks Which should be performed When there are resources available. For example, for a larger doWnload or upload project, the user may indicate that the project is a future task instead of

directly initialiZing the task.

Future task scheduler 260 passes a task to current task


actively utiliZed by the user. For example, a backup applica tion may be the loWest priority application. At block 360, the process determines Whether throttling should be used. In one embodiment, throttling is alWays used When available. In one embodiment, throttling is only used if
the application is a non-interruptible application. In one embodiment, the user may set a preference for throttling. If throttling should be used, the process, at block 365 throttles the con?icting applications use of the con?icting
resource. The process then returns to block 325, to determine Whether there is still a con?ict.

scheduler 250 When the motion info logic 230 and active application detector 240 indicate that the time is good for performing that task. For example, When the device is not in motion, and there are no applications using netWork band Width, a upload or doWnload future task may be scheduled. In one embodiment, future task scheduler 260 passes tasks for data calls to the server for uploads, doWnloads, and synchro
niZation to the current task scheduler 250 When the device is idle. In one embodiment, the device is idle When no motion is detected. In one embodiment, the device is idle When no motion is detected and the user is not interacting With any


If throttling should not be used, at block 370 the loWest

priority application is stopped. It is then, at block 375, added


In one embodiment, the system may have tasks that are interruptible (such as doWnloads) and tasks that are not inter ruptible (such as installation of applications). In one embodi
ment, future task scheduler 260 may also have as an input a clock. In one embodiment, the future task scheduler may take into account the likelihood of a user initiating a con?icting

to the future tasks list. In this Way, the system ensures that the task Will be performed at some future time. The process then returns to block 325, to determine Whether there is still a con?ict. In this Way, the system provides a methodto ensure that loW priority applications are throttled based on motion data, and potentially other data. Note that While this and other pro cesses are shoWn in ?oWchart form, the actual implementa

tion need not be sequential as described. Thus, for example, future tasks may also be monitoring the resource availability

task, prior to passing a non-interruptible task to the current task scheduler 250.
FIG. 3 is a ?owchart of one embodiment of scheduling. The process starts at block 305.

for tasks on the list. In one embodiment, con?icts may be tested for every time there is a change in state in the device, ie a neW application is started, a neW motion type is detected,

FIGS. 4A and 4B are a ?oWchart of one embodiment of in one embodiment in a buffer or similar temporary memory. 60 setting scheduling preferences. The process starts at block

At block310, motion data is logged. Motion data is logged,

At block 315, current motion is identi?ed, and future expected motions are identi?ed. At block 320, the active applications are identi?ed. At block 320, the process determines Whether there is a
con?ict betWeen the motions/ sensors and any current tasks. If there is no con?ict, the process continues to block 330. At block 330, the process determines Whether there are any

405. In one embodiment, this process is performed on the mobile device. I another embodiment, this process may be
performed on a remote server, and the results may be

uploaded to the mobile device. In one embodiment, the pro

cess may be split betWeen the mobile device and a server.

At block 410, the applications on the mobile device are identi?ed. In one embodiment, this process is triggered each

US 8,555,282 B1
time a new application is added to the mobile device. In one

of it at all. In one embodiment, if the user loWers the priority of an application Which requires real-time feedback or has user interaction, the user is Warned of the risk of such a

embodiment, only neW applications are evaluated and priori

tized in that instance. At block 415, the process identi?es any applications need ing real-time feedback. Such applications may include sen

At block 470, the priorities are saved. The process then ends at block 475. In one embodiment, this process may be

sors Which require real-time control commands, applications

such as telephone applications Where even short delays can

impact the user experience.

At block 420, the process determines Whether there are any

invoked by the user at any time, may be automatically trig gered periodically, may be triggered Whenever a neW appli
cation is added to the mobile device, or may be started by

such applications. If so, at block 422, these applications receive the highest priority. The process then continues to
block 425. If there are no such applications, the process

another trigger.
In the foregoing speci?cation, the invention has been described With reference to speci?c exemplary embodiments thereof. It Will, hoWever, be evident that various modi?ca tions and changes may be made thereto Without departing
from the broader spirit and scope of the invention as set forth

continues directly to block 425. At block 425, the process identi?es any applications hav ing direct user interactions. Such applications may include

games, productivity applications, and other applications

Where delays can impact the user experience.
At block 423, the process determines Whether there are any

in the appended claims. The speci?cation and draWings are,

accordingly, to be regarded in an illustrative rather than a
restrictive sense.

such applications. If so, at block 432, these applications receive the next highest priority. The process then continues
to block 435. If there are no such applications, the process

What is claimed is:


1. A method comprising: receiving motion information from a mobile device;

continues directly to block 435. At block 435, the process identi?es any non-interruptible

applications. Such applications may include softWare instal lation, games requiring periodic memory access, and other applications that cannot be terminated Without causing prob
lems. At block 440, the process determines Whether there are any


receiving active application data from the mobile device, the active application data identifying a currently active application, and resources used by the currently active application, the resources including netWork bandWidth,
storage bandWidth, memory, and sensor data;
determining a current use characteristic for the mobile device based on the motion information and the active

such applications. If so, at block 442, these applications receive the next highest priority. The process then continues
to block 445. If there are no such applications, the process

application data;

calculating expected future motions based on the motion

information; and
determining resources used by a task, the resources includ
ing one or more of:

continues directly to block 445. At block 445, the process identi?es any applications including periodic reporting. This includes sensors that have periodic updates, applications Which report out to the user,
applications such as email Which use periodic data pulls, etc. At block 450, the process determines Whether there are any

netWork bandWidth, storage bandWidth, memory, and sen



scheduling the task based on the current use characteristic,

the expected future motions, and the resources used by

the task.

such applications. If so, at block 452, these applications receive the next highest priority. The process then continues
to block 455. If there are no such applications, the process

continues directly to block 455.

At block 455, the remaining applications receive the loWest

At block 460, the process determines Whether there is

2. The method of claim 1, further comprising: scheduling the task to be immediately executed. 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising: Wherein receiving the active application data from the mobile device, comprises receiving an indication that
there is no active application.

likely con?icts betWeen equally prioritized applications. For

example, it is unlikely that a user Will be playing tWo games simultaneously, but the user may Walk and make a telephone call at the same time. If there are equally prioritized applica tions Which may con?ict, the process continues to block 462.

At block 462, the con?icting applications are reprioritized

based on usage statistics or other measurements. In one


4. The method of claim 1, further comprising: determining a con?ict betWeen an existing operation and the task; and When the task is a higher priority than the existing opera tion, altering a use pro?le of the existing operation. 5. The method of claim 4, Wherein altering the use pro?le
comprises throttling one or more of the resources used by the

embodiment, the prioritization occurs Within the same cat

active application.
6. The method of claim 4, Wherein altering the use pro?le

egory. That is, the loWest priority application Within a cat egory is still a higher priority than the highest prioritization in
the next loWer category. In one embodiment, more frequently

comprises terminating the active application.

7. The method of claim 6, Wherein When the currently application is terminated, the current application is placed on
a future task list to be executed When the resource becomes

used applications receive higher priority. In one embodiment, delay-sensitivity is used for prioritizing Within the category.
In one embodiment, this step is skipped entirely, and the user is prompted to make prioritization decisions. In one embodi ment, if tWo such applications are found in con?ict during
use, the one Which Was activated later is considered the higher

available again.
8. The method of claim 1, further comprising:
prioritizing tasks based on resource use and application

9. The method of claim 1, Wherein the task is a data call, and Wherein the data call task is scheduled When the motion information indicates that the device is idle. 10. The method of claim 9, Wherein the data call is for one or more of: uploading, doWnloading, and synchronizing data
With a server.

priority application.
At block 465, in one embodiment the priorities are pro vided to the user, and the user is permitted to make changes. In one embodiment, this only occurs if the user speci?cally requests it. Otherwise, the entire scheduling process is com pletely transparent to the user, and the user need not be aWare

US 8,555,282 B1
11. The method of claim 9, wherein the device is idle When
the device is motionless, and no user interaction With the

17. A mobile device comprising:
a motion information logic implemented in a processor to

device is occurring.
12. The method of claim 9, Wherein the device is idle When the device is motionless and no voice call is being made. 13. A mobile device comprising: a motion information logic implemented in a processor to
receive motion information from a sensor in a mobile device, and to determine a current use characteristic and

receive motion data, and calculate current and expected

future user activities;
an active application detector to detect a current use of the mobile device, including one or more resources used by the current use of the mobile device, the one or more

an expected future motion based on the motion informa

resources including: netWork bandWidth, storage band Width, memory, and sensor data; and
a scheduler to schedule tasks based on the current use, and

an active application detector to identify an active applica
tion, and one or more resources associated With the active application, the one or more resources including:

the current and expected future user activities, and resource requirements of the tasks.

18. The mobile device of claim 17, further comprising:

a resource restrictor to restrict resources to an active appli

netWork bandWidth, storage bandWidth, memory and

sensor data; and
a scheduler to schedule a task based on the current use

cation, based on the current and the expected future user activities.

characteristic, the expected future motion, and a

resource requirement associated With the task.

19. The mobile device of claim 17, further comprising:


14. The mobile device of claim 13, further comprising: the scheduler scheduling the task to be immediately executed. 15. The mobile device of claim 13, further comprising:
a prioritizer determining a con?ict betWeen an existing

the scheduler to determine a category of the current use and the task, and to order the current use and the tasks based on the category.

20. The mobile device of claim 19, further comprising: the scheduler prioritizing tasks Within each category, to
order the current use and the tasks Within each category.

operation and the task; and

a resource restrictor throttling one or more of the resources

21. The mobile device of claim 17, further comprising: the scheduler prioritizing a frequently used application above a

available to the existing operation. 16. The mobile device of claim 13, further comprising:
the scheduler scheduling a task When the mobile device is idle, Wherein the mobile device is idle When the mobile device is motionless and no voice call is being made.

less frequently used application.

22. The mobile device of claim 17, further comprising: a
user interface to enable a user to alter a prioritization of tasks,

the altered prioritization used by the scheduler.

* * * * *

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