Song of Drums and Shakos Errata Clarifications Etc

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Song of Drums and Shakos

Version 1.1 (12/02/2011) : Note: this information come from the excellent Sergios blog : And the yahoogroups : Errata : British Line Infantry Grenadier Company Q4 C2 Musket - Strong 32 points Wurttemberg Jaeger Q4 C2 Rifle - Elan Light 47 points Clarifications : Wooded Areas and shooting (page 14) A model inside a wood and not in contact with its internal edge cannot shoot nor be shot, unless the target is also inside the same wood and within 1S. This fire is at -1 for cover. A model inside a wood but in contact with its internal edge can shoot outside, and be shot with the cover modifier (-1). A model partially in a wood (i.e. with its base touching the wood, but also touching clear terrain) can shoot and be shot normally. A can shoot at E if they are within 1S, and the reverse is also true. Both have -1 for cover. A cannot shoot at D, nor it can be shot by D. B can shoot at F or G normally, and can be shot by both with the -1 cover modifier. C is not considered in the wood, and can be shot normally (by G for example), without the cover modifier Declaring actions : I noticed - while demoing SDS - that many player "declare" what they want to do before rolling dice for activation ("this soldier tries to reload his musket!"). Note that this is NOT required by the rules and should be avoided. Just declare which model you are going to activate, roll 1, 2 or 3 dice and then decide what you want to do. The same applies to Group Actions: each model in the group gets the number of actions you generated and then each model can perform that number of actions. What each model does is up to you :) Charge and Cavalry : On page 12, cavalry charging infantry. Does this procedure replace the normal contact and attack procedure completely, or do you still need to spend one action to attack once you move into contact ? We had situations where the cavalry would declare the charge, then move into contact, but then had no action to attack. From page twelve it seems that the combat should be resolved immediately or else you would have to mark figures for combat status. Cavalry still needs an action to attack. Infantry testing Morale is something you do in addiction to the normal attack procedures. Therefore, if cavalry has enough action to close the contact, but no actions left to attack, there will be no close combat until a player spends one (or 2) action to attack. Note that there is no need to mark the combat status: two figues in base to base contact are always in such status.

That's interesting. I had been allowing the cavalry to attack as part of the action cost of charging in. So if the infantry figure gets the next activation then he/she can attack the cavalry figure. Would there be any advantages to the infantry figure for making the attack first? There is no particular advantage for infantry attacking cavalry in subsequent activations but - being your turn the trick is to bring 2-3 other pieces in contact with the cavalryman and then attack with the benefit of 2 or more overlaps..... This illustration on the right shows a British Cavalry model moving into contact with a French Infantry model. 1. The Cav rolled three actions and moves three times into contact with the Inf. Is this contact valid, i.e. may Cav make contact with Inf that is inside the woods (i.e. on the edge)? 2. It seems very clear to us that no charge is possible because the Inf is not in open terrain. Correct? 3. No melee takes place this turn because the Cavalry model has expended all its actions. Correct? Yes, cavalry can contact infantry at the edge of the wood. In this case (cavalry is not ENTERING the woods) cavalry will loose the +1 for being mounted and the target of the charge will NOT test Morale. No combat will take place. This illustration shows the Cav model charging the Inf model that is in open terrain.

1. The Cav's player rolled two actions and moves tow times as show. 2. The Inf's player rolls the three dice morale check and passes all three. 3. This would permit the Inf's player to add his C + weapon's modifier to a melee roll, but no melee will take place because the Cav model has no actions remaining. What wrong here?

With 3 successes in Morale test, infantry can immediately shoot cavalry at -1. After applying the results, if the models remain in contact no close combat will take place. In case 2 I see that the infantry will shoot with three successes, and if the cavalry has no action left that no combat will take place but I am not clear on why the shooting is at -1? Do you mean -1 to the cavalry die for aimed fire? Sorry, I was not clear. Infantry fire will suffer a modifier of -1 for hasty shooting. As an example, a standard line infantryman (Q4 C2 musket) would fire adding 3 (C2 + 2 musket at first band range, minus 1 for hasty fire). No aimed fire allowed. Where does the -1 mod for hasty fire come from? I have been looking like mad and cannot find it any place in the rules. It is an amendment he introduced in the tournament rules. On a leader rolling 2 fails and 1 pass. Can he make his 1 activation a group activation and then the group rolls/performs its action before ending the players turn? No. If he uses the success to give a group order, then the turn immediately ends, so the group cannot act. In this case the only activity he can perform is move once (or shoot)... In the rules SDS "A Leader can give more than 1 Group Order in a turn." Does that mean he can give more than one order to the same group? Can a group do a group move commanded by the leader and then do a volley fire commanded by the same leader. All of course with successful rolls. Or does the leader have to give the commands to move and volley fire. Then the group would roll two or three dice to get the two actions. If they only get one action I assume they could do one of the actions. I guess the real question is can a group (or figure) carry out a leaders order and then be commanded to do something else? No model may be activated more than once per turn, therefore the leader may give different group orders to different groups but not to the same group. You don't have to specify what the group order is at the moment of rolling. Once you know how many actions the group has, you specify. Can a figure fire it's weapon in any direction or does it have to use an action to turn ? Yes, any direction, no facing in the rules Is a figure under penalty if attacked from behind or the side ? Likewise, no penalty as figures have no rear. One further point please - where a group of 6 are in line to fire a volley. Can they fire forward and backward. I assume only the two end figures could fire left or right respectively as they would block the line of sight of the centre two. Forward and backward yes. Yes, One adjacent figure may fire over the shoulder of a friend so in most cases the two last figures in line are able to fire as you state. 1 - Does it cost an action to change face? If my figure is facing north and wants to go east. Does he have to use an action to turn to the east and then another action to move? There is no facing in the game,so no cost to turn. 2 - Volley fire, If I have a group of three figures volley firing on a group of three figures. How do I work out the shooting? I understand it against one figure but not sure against a group. Volley is always against one target, if firing at several targets you can do two volleys by breaking up the group, e.g. If you have 5 shooters you can do a 3 men volley against a figure and then a 2 men volley against another. 3 - reload, If I get one action in a turn but it takes two to reload, can I spread it out over two turns? no, reloading actions must be spent in the same turn, you can't spread them Can a figure fire it's weapon in any direction or does it have to use an action to turn. Yes, any direction, no facing in the rules; Is a figure under penalty if attacked from behind or the side Likewise, no penalty as figures have no rear.

If you move Private Bloggs into base contact with Fusilier Le Roux, but Bloggs does not have an action point left to initiate hand-to-hand combat, do the two guys just stare at each other until one or other of them gets the chance to use a subsequent turns action to initiate the fight? Bloggs cant attack - you can assume that the two are fighting (parrying, dodging, studying the opponent) but no telling blow is struck. If Bloggs is forced to flee due to morale, then Le Roux runs after him in his turn and reaches him with enough action to initiate hand-to-hand combat, is Bloggs regarded as rallied and so fighting normally, or does Le Roux get a free hack at his back. In other words, when does a fleeing man rally so that he is capable of normal combat again? The moment the foe disengages he receives a free hack but after that he is fighting at full potential -- no need to rally. The free hack happens during the fleeing models turn (if applicable). In subsequent turns the model is considered rallied. Beta rules : Dismounting rules : The following rule is still in playtesting. Single models: it takes 1 action to dismount. The horse is considered to run away immediately. From that moment on, the soldier fights as an infantryman. Groups: a group of cavalrymen can dismount only with a Group Order given by a Leader, and 1 of them must act as a horse holder. As a result of the group order, the player spends 2 actions and places the dismounted troopers in front of the horses and the horse holder in contact with the horses. Dismounted model can then move away freely, while the horse holder cannot move. If the horse holder is wounded, killed, engaged in hand to hand combat, or if it fails a Morale check, the horses flee immediately. Mounting is also a result of a Group Order given by a Leader. Spending 2 actions the player gets the reverse result, i.e. all troopers mounted and in base contact. If there are more horses than troopers, the excess horses flee. A horse can never be targeted by enemy attacks (close combat or ranged). I want to use the Though Special rule from SBH in SDS. The cost is 15 in the original game. Should I keep that value in SDS? Has anyone some idea of the cost exchange in the Napoleonic system? I suppose 15 points will work. Limit to one figure or you will create a team of superheroes... One of the key factor in SDS is that any man can be taken down by a bullet New profiles : Royal Marine profils : RM Officer Q3 C2 Sword Pistol Leader 60 points RM NCO Q3 C2 Sword Pike NCO Strong 60 points RM Q4 C2 Musket Strong 32 points RM Drummer Q3 C1 Musician 16 points French Marines of the Imperial Guard Officer Q2 C2 Sword, pistol - Leader 75 points NCO Q3 C3 Sword, musket - NCO 66 points Marine Q3 C3 Sword, musket - none 50 points Drummer Q3 C1 Sword - Musician 22 points Italian Light Infantry Voltigeur Q4 C2 Musket - Light Elan Marksman 50 points Carabinier Q4 C2 Musket - Light Elan Strong 48 points

British Heavy Cavalry Officer Q2 C3 Sword - Leader Fear Mounted 123 points Prussian & Russian Guard Officer Q2 C2 Sword, pistol - Leader 75 points NCO Q3 C3 Sword, musket - NCO 66 points Ready made squads : FRANCE (all LIGHT INF.) 1 Officer, 1 NCO, 1 Drummer, 2 Chasseurs, 2 Voltigeurs, 1 Carabinier Total Points 396 Comments: no Flag.... this means you have to reach a central position as soon as possible. Your Q4 + Elan soldiers are war machines if in command (they activate at 2+), but when it's time to test Morale they drop down to 3+ if in command and 4+ if OOC.. It could be worth to detach the 2 Voltigs with the NCO for a flank move, and aim to the enemy's Officer. If in command, shooting and reloading in the same turn is a must, but always remember that you only have 8 men! FRANCE (Mixed squad) 1 Infantry Officer, 1 Infantry NCO, 1 Drummer, 1 Standard bearer, 2 Line Grenadiers, 2 Cuirassiers. Total points 404. Comments : The key to success is a wise use of the 2 Cuirassiers, that can give you victory if you spare them for a very crucial task, or defeat if you launch them forward without support (which is exactly what happened when this squad was badly beaten). In Tournament play, being the defender with this squad will require a table with some heavy cover in the middle (to let the infantry advance) and as much as possible open flanks, to exploit the speed of the cavalrymen.If the opponent is the defender, hell probably use some woods to be protected from cavalry charges. If he does so, use the NCO and the 2 Grenadiers to attack him into the woods. AUSTRIA 1 Officer, 1 Drummer, 1 Standard Bearer, 6 Line Infantrymen, 1 Grenadier, 1 Cuirassier Total Points 399 Comments: without an NCO, you must keep all soldiers within the command range of the Officer, if you want to avoid some 4+ activations, but your Secret weapon is the Cuirassier. Keep him covered from enemy musketry fire as long as you can, and when you decide to charge (remember to use his Fear special rule) plan the action carefully and do not leave him alone in the middle of the enemy line. If you do, you'll probably be surrounded by a swarm of enemies in no time. BRITISH LINE 1 Officer, 1 NCO, 1 Standard bearer, 1 Drummer, 7 Line Infantrymen, 1 Rifle Total points 390 Comments: those 10 points left hurt... but in "More Drums and Shakos" the supplement about to be released, you'll be able to use them :) Here your Rifleman could make the difference: keep him within2 Long from the enemies and use your rifle at his best (an aimed shot is normally 4:1 at this range) and when it is loaded - and you get 3 actions - try to snipe some VIP (Officer? who said Officer?) closing within 1Medium and... aiming! (your Rifleman is a Marksman isn't he?). Don't be too shy with your Infantrymen, after all you can afford to loose 6 figures before testing Morale. Drum beating, group forward! BRITISH VETERANS 1 Officer, 1 NCO, 1 Standard bearer, 1 Drummer, 6 Line Veterans Total points 404 Comments: well, if your opponent allows you to play with 4 excess points (you could allow him to do the same), this is what I call a simple but deadly bunch. 10 soldiers grant a Morale test for half squad at 6 losses and, with 7 Steadfast soldiers - and the National Rule for Britain in effect - these guys are very hard to break.

Q3 allows you to maneuver with relative ease, and keep a high volume of fire on the enemy. Just keep your Officer and Standard bearer safe (i.e. properly covered) because what can spoil your perfect toy is loosing them early in the game... PRUSSIAN Landwehr squad 1 Officer, 1 NCO, 1 Standard bearer, 1 Drummer, 12 Landwehr infantry Total points: 390 Comments: 16 figures and you still have 10 points to spend! That's a lot of Muskets, but you must use them carefully, due to the Green and Unreliable Special Rules. Unfortunately the combination of the two works against you: on one side you want to keep them in groups within 1M from the Leader, on the other a model killed in action (tripled in combat) will cause a Morale Test for all Green models within 1L... So, move the Flag forward as soon as possible, keep the soldiers packed in 2 groups and go ahead, trying to overwhelm your opponent with number. I'd say just one volley and then charge! BAVARIAN Squad 1 Officer, 1 NCO, 1 Drummer, 1 Standard Bearer, 4 Line Infantrymen, 2 Light Coy, 1 Chevau Legre, 1 Schuetzen. Total 398 points. Comments : As first ready made squad from More Drums & Shakos to be published here, I chose the Bavarians. This is a standard squad, well balanced, with a couple of aces in your sleeve: the Schuetzen and the Chevau Legre. Use them wisely (remember that the rifle shoots at 2L with the same modifier of +2) and they could decide the fight in your favour. For the rest, keep an eye on your Green Line Infantrymen and - as usual - move the Flag in a central position as soon as you can. ESPANA Squad : 1 Officer, 1 NCO, 1 Standard bearer, 1 drummer, 8 Line Infantrymen, 5 Partisans with musket, 1 Priest with musket. Total points 398 Comments : A basic Spanish squad, not so easy to deploy and manage effectively, but if you do, a very hard nut to crack. Your Officer has a reduced command range, but you have an NCO and (for the Partisans) a Priest: use them to keep going. Time is against you as in the long run disciplined and motivated foes (French, generally) should prevail, but you have the number in your favour. 18 soldiers mean a test after 10 losses so be aggressive! Be careful with your Priest: being a Civilian, if your losses are high you risk to find your Partisans without their (spiritual) guide..... ITALIAN Squad: 1 Italian Infantry Officer (54), 1 Italian drummer (16), 5 Italian Guard Velites (165) and 3 French Young Guards (165) for a Total of 400 points Comments (Marco Gasbarri (Italian SDS and FIW Champion)) : Every turn I try to activate the Young Guards first (and that should not be a problem considering their Q) trying to keep them in cover, better if in a wood. Then, I move forward the group of Velites, using any possible cover and keeping them always in command. The Officer must always be screened by the drummer. After a couple of turns, I move the Young Guards in the area where the enemy Command group is deployed: the idea i sto engage the enemy in a close firefight with the Velites (C3), thus allowing the Young Guards to attack the enemy Officer or Standard Bearer. When the YG attack, never let them alone, but follow them closely with the rest of the soldiers. Otherwise they would probably be killed in no time. This all out attack may expose your Officer, but it is a risk you have to take. A squad like this can win also without a Leader, but only if the enemy has been previously weakened. Wrapping up: Use cover Protect your Officer When you decide to attack, do it with all available soldiers Enemy Officer and Standard Bearer are your priority targets and clearly keep your musket loaded!

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