Dhī Contents

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Contents of Dh!" (Journal of Rare Buddhist Texts) Issues 143, 19862007 With some annotations and corrections Centre for Tantric Studies, Hamburg 2007 Dh!" 1 (1986) Stotras #r!vajrayogin!pra$%maikavi&'ik% 13 #r!vajravil%sin!stotram 46 Rare Texts: A Bibliographical Note 763 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Guhyasamayas%dhana-Sa&graha 2. Bauddha Stotra-Sa&graha Lost Buddhist Texts 6480 Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 8198 [Sekkode'a-)!k%] Comparative Entities in Indian Tantrism 91105 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) K*emar%ja on the Premise of Initiation in Buddhism 106112 Some Spiritual Attitudes (Mudr%) 113136 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) P!)ha and Upap!)ha in the Buddhist Tantras 137148 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, Mahendraratna Vajr%c%rya) The Four Supplements of Sekkode'a-)!k% 149176 Essence of the System of N%(i and Cakra in the Buddhist Tantra 177203 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) N%(!-cakra (The Nervous System) 204219 (Ban%ras! L%l) ,ryamaju'r!-n%ma-sa&g!ti (A Text-Analysis) 220238 (Ban%ras! L%l) Two Lists of Eight Four Siddhas (After Vajr%sanap%da and #r!sena) 239256 (Wa-chug Dorje) Siddha and Apabhra&'a Literature : A Critical Survey 257298 (Jagann%tha Up%dhy%ya, Ban%ras! L%l) Dh!" 2 (1986) #r!bhagavaty%ryat%r%devy% namask%raikavi&'atistotram 13 Trik%yavajrayoginya" .o(a'a'lok%tmik% Pi$(%rthastuti" 45 Introduction to rare Buddhist texts 649 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 3. Dh%ra$y%disa&gra"a 4. Stotrasa&graha

Lost Buddhist texts 5063 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) [Tattvaj%nasa&siddhi)!k% (Marmakalik%?), Vasantatilaka)!k%, S%dhanam%l%, Guhyasamayas%dhanasa&graha, Hevajratan Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms .. 6481 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) [Advayavajrasa-graha] The five Supplements of Advayavajra-Sa&grah 82107 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, Mahendraratna Vajr%c%rya) Sources for Rare texts 108115 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Essence of the system of N%(i and Cakra in the Buddhist Tantra 116125 (+h%kura Sen Neg!)

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Brief notes related to Siddhas 126137 (Wa-chug Dorje) Dh!" 3 (1987) Praj%p%ramit%-stotra 12 ,rya'r!vasudh%r%n%ma-Dh%ra$!-Stotram 34 Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts 534 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Cary% sa&graha 2. Cary% grantha 3. Cary% pustaka The Obsolete Bauddha-Vacana sa&graha 3547 (Vrajvallabha Dvived!, Mahendraratna Vajr%c%rya) [Subh%*itasa-graha, Gu$avat! mah%m%y%tantra)!k%, Kriy%samuccaya, Vajr%val!, Guhyasamayas%dhanasa-graha] Connotations of Buddhist Technical Terms 4867 (Ban%ras! L%l) [S%dhanam%l%, Tattvaj%nasa&siddhi)!k%, Dohako*a-Vy%khy%, Cary%ko*a-vy%khy%] P!)hopap!)ha Classifications (2) 6569 (Ban%ras! L%l) Some Postures of Bauddha Tantra (2) 7087 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Bauddha-#aiva-#%kta-Tantras 8896 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Source of Rare Texts 97113 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Material for The study of N%ma-Sa&g!ti 114140 (Ban%ras! L%l) Bindu in Bauddha Tantra 141152 (Do. +h%kura Sen Neg!) A survey of siddha and Apabhra&'a Literature 153161 (Wa-chug Dorje) Dh!" 4 (1987) Mahogra T%r%-Stuti 12 Kaly%$a Pacavi&'ati-Stuti 36 An Introduction to Rare Buddhist Tests 723 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 8. Vajrav%r%h! Parama Rahasya tantra 9. Sa&vara Rahasya S%dhana 10. Cakrasa&vara Mah%prabhu Ma$(ala P0j%-Vidhi 11. Heruk%bhisamaya Tantra 12. Cint%ma$i Stotra )!ka 13. Hayagr!va Kalpa (Hayagr!va Tantra) 14. Catu* P!)hama$(alop%yik% 15. N%n%siddhopade'a 16. Yog%vat%ra 17. Sv%dhi*)h%na Prabheda 18. #0nya Sam%dhi 19. Guhya Sam%dhi Obsolete Buddha-Vadanas 2435 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) [Subh%*itasa&graha] Meanings of Buddhist Technical Terms 3648 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) [Guhy%*)asiddhi] Buddhist Divinites in the T%ntriks Texts (1) 4954 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [T%r% from the S%dhanam%l%] Basic Material for Rare Texts 5469 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Material For Study of the N%masa-g!ti (3) 7082 (Ban%ras! L%l)

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The Vajradeha in T%ntrika Texts 8397 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Tantra and Its Divergent Forms 98112 (Wa-chug Dorje) The J%nodaya 113136 Dh!" 5 (1988) Praj%p%ramit%-stotra 1 Ga$(!stava 26 An Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts .. 728 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 20. #r!yog%mbara-vidhi" 21. K1*$ayam%ritantram 22. Cakrasa&vara-Kalpamah%tantrar%ja 23. K%lacakr%vat%ra" (Abhay%karaguptap%da) 24. Cakrasa&varamah%tantrar%ja dhy%nayoga" 25. /%kin!vajrapajara)ippa$! 26. Herukh%bhyudayapajik% (Kum%racandra) 27. #i*y%nugrahavidhi" 28. Vajrayoginy%" 'i*%nugrahavidhi" (Jayendrasena) 29. Hevajraprak%'a" (R%hulagupta) 30. Da'atattvasa&graha (Pa$(ita K*itigarbha) 31. J%n%ve'avidhi" (#0nyasam%dhip%da) 32. Praj%karmasamucc%ya" (#0nyasam%dhip%da) 33. Mah%k%las%dhanam 34. Vasantatilakatantram (1) ,c%rya #r!ghana 35. Vasantatilakatantram (2) Da'abal%c%rya Apabhra&'a Vacana-Sa-gra" 2936 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) [Hevajratantra, Yogaratnam%l%, Sekodde'a)!k%, Kriy%samuccaya] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 3756 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Hevajratantra comm., Yogaratnam%l%] Buddhist Divinites in the T%ntrika Texts (2) 5762 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) ["Vajrapada" deities according to S%dhanam%l% & Guhyasamayas%dhanasa-graha] Classification of the Buddhist Tantras 6382 (Ban%ras! L%l) Four Supplements of the S%dhanam%l% 83130 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) Basic Material for Rare Buddhist Texts 131145 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Gotra Comprehension in Buddhist #%stra 146151 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Tantra and its divergent forms 152169 (Wa-chug Dorje) Dh!" 6 (1988) A. Vasudh%r%-n%ma-dh%ra$! Stotram B. P!)hastava" Introduction to R%re Buddhist Texts 928 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 36. Prak!rnaka Caityalak*a$a (St0pak%rik%) 37. St0pak%rik% Vivecana 38. S%dhana-Samuccaya 39. Yogar%ja Tantra 40. Guhyasam%ja Apar%dha 41. Paramagambh!ra-#r!vajra-Yogin!-mantr%rtha-tattva-nirde'a 42. Yogasiddh%ntabuddha-siddhi Tantra 43. Ma$(ala s%dhanavidhi 44. Siddhaikav!raprati(m%)-bhed%ntara 45. Dh%ran!h1daya-Sa&graha Lost Bauddha-Vacana Sa&grah 2947 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!)

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[Prad!podyotana, Subh%*itasa-graha] A Glossary of Technical Words 4865 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Prad!podyotana] Divinities in Buddhist Tantras (3) 6672 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [S%dhanam%la, Ni*pannayog%val!, S%dhana-samuccaya, K1*$ayam%ri-tantra] Saptavidh%la&k%r%khy%yik% Ny%ya 7386 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Grantha-Pacaka Pari'i*ta 87124 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Anuttarasandhi, ,lokam%l%, Catu"'ataka, Cittavi'uddhiprakara$a, Pacakrama] Basic Material for Rare Buddhist Texts 125137 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Meaning of Y%na in Buddhist Tantra Literature 138147 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Nature of Tantra and its Esoteric Forms (3) 148159 (Wa-chug Dorje) Dh!" 7 (1989) Vajradev! Stotram 12 Dharmaga$(!-Stava" 38 Introduction to Rare Texts 930 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 46. Vajraprad!p% n%ma Hevajras%dhana )ippa$! 47. Caturyogin!nirde'a Tantra 48. Jv%l%val! Vajram%l% Tantra 49. Catu*p!)ha-mah%yogin! Tantra 50. Yog%mbara Tantra 51. Ni*panna Yog%mbara Tantra 52. Kurukull%-Kalpa a. Cakrasa&var%bhisamaya b. Am1taprabh%n%ma cakra S%dhanop%yik% c. Kurukull%-S%dhana d. Arapacana-S%dhana 53. Vajrasattva-Tath%gata-K%ya 54. T%rakalpa 55. Cakrasa&vara-prayoga 56. Vajrasattva-p%r%jik% 57. Loke'vara-p%r%jik% 58. Yogin!j%la Mah%tantra 59. Kalpar%ja Mah%tantra 60. Praj%vajr%vat%ra$a yoga Lost Buddhist Discourses 3143 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Prad!podyotana] Meaning of Buddhist Technical Terms 4460 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Vimalaprabh%] Indriya : Classification and Definition 6166 (/o. Karu$%'a&kara Dube) Bhagv%n in Buddhist Texts 6770 (/o. L%laj!) Mudr% (3) 7183 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Maju'r!m0lakalpa, Sarvatath%gata Tattvasa&graha] Concept of Five Tath%gats 8490 (Ban%ras! L%l) The Half-Verse Index from the K%lacakra-Tantra 91122 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) Basic Material of the Rare Texts 123143 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Description of First Ca$(%l! Practice Traceable in the Yoga of the six principles of N%(ap%da 144151 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!)

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The Tantricism and its Esoteric Methods 152168 (Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) Dh!" 8 (1989) A. Paca Rak*% devi stotr%$i 13 B. Saptavidh%nuttara Stotra& 45 Introduction of Rare Texts 634 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 61. S%dhana-Vidh%na 62. Samayagu)ika Nirm%$avidhi" 63. Vajrav%r%h! Japavidhi" 64. Vidy%dhara Vinodatantra& (Acalan%tha) 65. K%lacakra& 66. Nair%tmyaparip1cch% 67. G%th%)ippa$! (N%g%rjunap%da) 68. Ga$acakraniyama Vidhi" 69. Nava'loki (Kambal%mbarap%da) 70. .a(a-gayoga" 71. ,dibuddhatantre mantras%dhan%&'a" 72. Nak*atr%nus%re$a Vand%prayoga" 73. Ga$ama$(alamadanag%th% 74. D%kin!guhyopade'a" 75. Mah%m%y% 'ma'%n%ni 76. Vajrav%r%h! Kalpa" 77. Vajrayogin! S%dhana& (according to #abarap%da) 78. Vajrav%r%h! Rahasy%rcanavidhi" 79. Dvibhujasa&varopade'a" (Abhay%karagupta) 80. Dvibhujasa&varopade'a" (Ratan%karagupta) 81. Adhi*)h%nakrama" (Vajragha$)%p%da) 82. Sv%dhi*)h%nakrama" (Vajragha$)%p%da) 83. Sa&varodaya )ippa$i 84. Cittas%dhanop%ya" 85. V%das%r%val! 86. Ekallav!rakalpam 87. Siddhopade'a" 88. Guhy%val! sa)!k% (Daul!p%da) 89. Mah%m1tap%papu$yanir$aya 90. /%kin!guhya Samayas%dhanam (Ana-ga Yog!) 91. M%r!c!kalpa" 92. Herukatantrar%ja" 93. Ma$(alaprakriy% 94. Bh0)a(%maratantram Lost Buddha-Vacana-Sa&graha 3543 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Tattvasiddhi] Meaning of Buddhist Technical Terms 4474 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Vasantatilak%] Forms of the Devas in the Bauddha Tantra (4) 7583 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Hevajratantra : Half-verses indices 84104 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!, +hinaler%ma #%'an!) Source Material of Rare Texts 105123 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Naropa's M%y%k%ya Yoga 124131 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Abhi*eka in Bauddha Tantra 132140 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) Review .. 141150 [Rastogi, 'Introduction to the Tantr%loka'] Dh!" 9 (1990) #r! Cakrasa&vara-Stuti 12 Buddhaga$(!-Stava 38 Introduction to Rare Texts 927 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Mah%pratya-gir% Tantra 2. Sa&varodaya pajik% (Padmin!)

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3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Vajrav%r%h!-Kalpa ,dikarmavidhi (,dikarma Racan%) Ca$(amah%ro*a$a Tantra Kalpa-Sa&graha Karm%dhik%ra-Vidh%na ka. Hira$yam%l% da'akriy%vidhi kha. V%rihira$ya-saptaka 8. ,'carya Yogam%l% 9. Mah%k%la Tantra The lost Bauddha-Vacanas 2841 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) [#ik*%samuccaya, Am1taka$ik%)!k%, Kriy%sa-graha, Khasamatantra)!k%] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 4258 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Guhyasam%jatantra, Khasamatantra)!k% of Ratn%k%ra'%nti] Kriy%samuccaya and Vajr%val! 5970 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) The Ma$(ala-N1tya, Specific Postures 7180 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [according to the Vajr%val!] Basic Material of Rare Texts 81103 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Reflections on Kula in the Bauddha Tantra 104114 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) The Esoteric Practices of N%rop% : The Dream State 115123 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) The Tantra : Its Forms and Esoteric Structure 124135 (Wa-chug Dorje) The Mah%mudr% Concept 136144 (+a'! Samphel) /%kin!j%lasa&vararahasyam of Ana-gayog! 145161 Dh!" 10 (1990) #r!manmah%bodhi-vandan%*)akam and ,dibuddha-stotra 12 Introduction to Rare Texts 325 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Mantra-Samuccaya. 2. Dh%ra$!sa&grah-Pur%$a mah%y%nas0trar%ja. 3. Sa&'aya-pariccheda. 4. Amanasik%ra-krama. 5. /%k%r$ava. 6. Adhy%tma S%ra'ataka (Prabh%karagupta). 7. Sv%dhi*)h%na-Prabheda (,ryadeva). Collection of Lost Bauddha Vacanas 2531 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) [Prasannapad%, Bodhicary%vat%ra, /%kin!j%la-Sa&vara-rahasya] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 3250 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Am1taka$ik%n%ma'r!n%ma-Sa-g!ti-)ippa$!, /%kin!j%la-Sa&vararahasya] The Samayamudr%s of Four Buddhakulas 5155. (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Tath%gatakula 2. Vajrasattvakula 3. Padmakula 4. Ma$!kula Sarvatath%gata-Tattvasa-graha (Half-verse Index) 5689 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) Source Material of the Rare Texts 89139 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!)

Exposition of Seats and auxiliary Seats in Tantra Literature (3) 140152 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) ["the forms of the V!ras and V!re'varies in the ma$(ala of Heruka on the basis of Da'abal%c%ryas Vasantatilak%] Prabh%svara Yoga S%dhan% of N%rop% 153160

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(/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Mah%mudr% and its Conventional Practice (2) 161169 (+a'! Samphel) Dh!" 11 (1991) Sapt%k*ara-Stotram 1 #r!-Ca$(ik%da$(aka-Stotram 23 Introduction of Rare Texts 426 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Laghutantra)!k%Vajrap%$i as commentator 2. Sa&varodaya )ippa$! 3. K%lacakra bhagavats%dhan%vidhi of Mah%pa$(ita Dharam%kara #%ntip%da 4. Nair%tm%devih1dayamantra 5. Rahasya-Kallolin! 6. Vasudh%r% Kalpa 7. Dh%ri$!mantra-%di sa&graha (tracts). The lost Bauddha-Vacanas 2734 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) [Subh%*itasa-graha] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 3556 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Am1taka$ik%n%ma'r!n%masa-g!ti)ippa$!, /%kin!j%lasa&vararahasya] Exposition of P!)ha-Upap!)ha Specifics in Bauddha Tantras (4) 5762 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) ["We recall here the dhy%nas of V!ras as they are found in the Sa&vara Ma$(ala"] Mah%mudr% Symbolism 6370 (+a'! Samphel) ,rya Maju'r!n%masa&g!ti #lok%rdh%nukrama$! 7176 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) Basic Material of Rare Texts 77119 The Fifth Practice of the Bardo States of Naropa 120133 (/o. +hakurasena Neg!) Simile in Bauddha Doh%s 133146 (Penp% Dorje) Nature and Orders of Tantra 147157 (/o. Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) Elements and Practices of Editing 158166 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Dh!" 12 (1991) #ri-Mah%k%la and #ri-Mah%pratis%ra-Stotram 16 Introduction of Rare Texts 724 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Ekallav!r%khya Ca$(amah%ro*a$a Tantra 2. Ekallav!r%khya Ca$(amah%ro*a$a Pajik% "Padm%vat!" Mah%sukhavajrap%da 3. Catu*p!)hamah%tantrar%ja 4. Catu*p!)hamah%tantrar%javiv1tti 5. Catu*p!)hamah%tantrar%ja Pajik% 'Mitapad%' Durjayacandra 6. Karav!ra H1dayatantra 7. Kurukull%tantra 8. Cakrasa&vara Viv1tti 9. Cakrasa&vara Pajik% Jayabhadra 10. #ucikara$a-Kanerip% 11. Adhi*)h%namantra The lost Bauddha Vacanas 2534 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) [Vimalaprabh%] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 3552 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Vimalaprabh% III & IV] Mudr%s in Buddhist Tantra 5358

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(Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Tath%gatamudr%, Cihnamudr%, Kulamudr%] Vajradh%tu Mah%ma$(ala 5966 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) Sa&varodayatantram #lok%rdh%nukrama$i 6788 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) Basic material for Rare Buddhist Texts 89113 (/o. +h%kura Sen Neg!) Sa&krama$a Yogas%dhana of Narop% 114118 (/o. +h%kura Sen Neg!) Brief introduction of traditional Philosophy and Practice of rNying ma Sampr%daya 119131 (/o. +a'! Samphel) Nature and Orders of Tantra 132142 (/o. Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) Elements and Practices of Editing 143152 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Dh!" 13 (1992) Karu$%stava and Majuvajrastotra 16 Introduction of Rare Texts 720 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Heruk%bhidh%na 2. Nair%tmyatantra 3. Pratim%lak*a$a 4. ,treyatilaka 5. ,diyogan%ma sam%dhi 6. M%nasicakra 7. Gurupaca'ik% (A'vagho*a) The lost Bauddhavacanas 2124 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) [Bh%van%krama] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 2532 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Gu$avat!] Vasudh%r% and K1*$ayam%ri S%dhana 3344 (Vrajavallabh Dvived!) [I'%na'ivagurudevapaddhati] ,ryadeva and his Tantric Works 4560 (/o. Ban%rasi L%l) [Sv%dhi*)h%nakramaprabheda, Pratipattis%ra'ataka, Cittvi'uddhiprakara$a] Ca$(amah%ro*a$atantra 6170 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Prose & verse indices] Basic Materials for Rare Buddhist Texts 7185 (/o. +h%kura Sen Neg!) Vajray%na's Origination 8694 (/o. +h%kura Sen Neg!) Nature and order of Tantra 95104 (/o. Wa-chug Dorje Negi) Philosophy and Practice of bKa" brGyud 105122 (/o. +a'! Samphel) Abhisamayamajar! 123154 Dh!" 14 (1992) Sattv%r%dhana G%th% 12 #r!'%kyasi&hastotram 34 Introduction of Rare Texts 524 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey)

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

/%k%r$avatantravy%khy% (Vohit%) Tattvaratn%valoka and Tattvaratn%valokavivara$a Sahaj%loka Sarvavajrodak% ,ryapacavi&'atis%hasrik% Praj%p%ramita Buddhakap%latantra)!k%

The lost Bauddha Vacanas 2534 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) [Apabhra&'a citations in Vimalaprabh%, Khasamatantra)!k%, Kriy%sa&graha, Am1taka$ik%, K1*$ayam%ritantra] Buddhist Technical Terms 3546 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [K1*$ayam%ritantra] Mantra and Tantra in Indian Thought 4752 (#r! Sun!tikum%ra P%)haka) Method of Abhi*eka Narrated in K1*$ayam%ritantra 5362 (/o. Ban%ras! L%l) Dharmasamuccaya 6384 (/oka)ara Vijaya'a&kara Caube) Basic Material for Rare Buddhist Texts 85105 (/o. +h%kura Sen Neg!) Analysis of N%(i, Dh%tu and P!)has 106120 (/o. +h%kura Sen Neg!) System of Utpattikrama in Anuttara Tantra 121140 (/o. Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) Philosophy and Practice of bKa" brGyud 141148 (/o. +a'! Samphel) Life and works of Nepalese Vajr%c%ryas 149154 (Vijayar%ja Vajr%c%rya) Dh!" 15 (1992)* Suprabh%ta Stotram 14 Ratnam%l% Stotra 58 Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts 925 1. Kriy%sa-graha Pajik% of Kuladatta 2. Abhidh%nottara Tantra 3. Yogin!-Sac%ra Tantra 4. Yogin!-Sac%ra Tantra )!k% of Alaka Kala'a 5. Guhy%vali of Dau(ip%da Introducing Rare Texts 2628 Collection of lost Bauddha Vacanas 2946 Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 4766 The Bodhip%k*ika dharmas 6780 Four Brahmavih%ras 8196 K%ya Vyavasth% in Buddhist System 97120 The Tattvasiddhi of #%ntarak*ita 121134 Subh%*ita Sa-graha : #lok%rdh%nukrama$i 135148 Buddhist Esoterism in China 149153 Dharmasamuccaya-Vic%radar'ana 154166 The Source Material of Rare Texts 167191 The Source Material of Rare Texts : Miscellaneous Appendix 192207 Nature of Disease Causing Elements in Physical Body 208220 Ni*pannakrama Order in M%t1 (Praj%) Tantra 221244 Param%rtha Bodhicitta in P%ramit%y%na and Vajray%na 245258 Grantha Catu*tay! Vimar'a 259288

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The Kargyud Lineage : Its Tradition, Metaphysic and Practice 289302 Biographies of the Siddha Vajr%c%ryas and Their Works - 2 303310 Choma : Introduction and Analysis 311320 The Buddhist Esoteric Literature : Guhyasam%jatantra 321336 Dhi" : A Summary Discussion and Index 337352 * NB: No authorship information available Dh!" 16 (1993) Svayambh0-Stotram 12 #r!buddhabha))araka-Stotram 34 Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts 518 1. Hevajrasya bhramahara& n%ma s%dhanam by #r! Ratn%kara #%ntip%da 2. Siddhaikav!ra-mah%tantrar%ja 3. Hevajrapajik% (Ratn%val!) by #r!-Kamalan%tha 4. Sampu)odbhavatantra-)!k% (prakara$%rthanir$aya) 5. N%mamantr%rth%valokin! (N%masa-g!ti-)!k%) by ,c%rya Vil%savajra 6. Am1taka$ik% (N%masa-g!ti-)ippa$!) by ,c%rya Ravi'r!j%na 7. Am1taka$ikoddyotanibandha by Pa$(it%c%rya-Vibh0ticandra 8. Sa&k*ipt%bhi*ekavidhi by #r!-V%g!'varak!rti Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Literature 1944 (+a'! Samphel) 1. Guhyasam%ja-tantra (Tibetan Sources)

Five Texts: An Index to the hemistichs of citations 4570 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Guhyasamayas%dhanasa&graha, C%ryag!tiko'a)!k%, J%nasiddhi, Mah%sukhaprak%'ika Tattvasa&siddhi)!k% and Doh%ko*a Var$alipi and Tantra'%stra 7176 (Sun!tikum%ra P%)hak) Mah%pa$(ita V%g!'varak!rti and His Works 7784 (Ban%ras! L%l) (i) Tattvaratn%valoka, (ii) Tattvaratn%valoka)!k%, (iii) Sa&k*ipt%bhi*ekas%m%sik% and (iv) M1tyuvacanasitat%r%s%dhana Dharmasamuccaya: A Survey - III 85102 (Vijaya'a&kara Caube) The source Material of Rare Texts 103123 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) The Five Preliminary Practices in the Ca$(%l!-Yoga-s%dhana 124138 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Advaya Tantra : Their Contents and Practice 139154 (Wa-chug Dojre Neg!) Dh!" 17 (1994) #r!vajrayogin!stutipra$idh%nam 12 Vajravil%sin!stava" 34 Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts 524 1. Yogin!sarvasva of Vajravil%sin! by Siddh%c%rya #abarap%da [repr. 1997] 2. Pac%k%ra by by Bha))aratn%kara 3. Pac%k%r%bhisambodhi, "an anonymous work" The Buddhist Tantric Mudr%s: in the Special Context of the Cary%padas 2536 (N%gendran%tha Up%dhy%ya) The #amaka Tradition 3740 (Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) The Tradition, Philosophy and Practice in the Sa sKya School 4055 (+a'! Samphel) An Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Literature 5684 (+a'! Samphel) 1. Guhyasam%jatantrabho)akha$(a Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Literature 7590 (Ban%ras! L%l)

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The Source Material of Rare Texts 91111 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) The Higher Meditation Practices in the Ca$(%l! Yoga of N%rop% 11224 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Lives and Works of the Siddha Vajr%c%ryas of Nepal 125136 [#%ntikar%c%rya, #%'vatavajra, #ivavajra, Samarasavajra, H%savajra and H0&k%ravajra] The Course of Discipline and Necessary Preparation Required Prior to Tantric, Mantray%na Consecration 138148 (G. W. Farrow) [Eng.] Fragments of the Sekodde'a 149154 (S. S. Bahulkar) [Eng.] Dh!" 18 (1994) #r!-'%rad%*)aka-stotram 12 M0latantrokta" Pac%k%rastava" 34 [from K%lacakrap0j%vidhi] Introduction to Rare Texts 518 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Ma$(al%bhi*eka" 2. #r!-K%lacakrap0j%vidhi" 3. Samp0r$acakrasa&varasam%dhi" 4. Sac%ratantranibandha" 5. Bhagavat!sved%mbuj%tantrar%ja" 6. N%n%siddhopade'a" [entire text] An Introduction the Buddhist Tantric Literature (K%lacakratantra) 1934 (Ban%ras! L%l) An Introduction the Buddhist Tantric Literature (Guhyasam%jatantra (Tibetan Texts)) 3548 (+a'! Samphel) The Source Material of Rare Texts 4969 (+hakurasena Neg!) The Realization of the Ultimate Truth through Six Yogas 7076 (+hakurasena Neg!) The Intensity-Immensity Singularity: A New Approach to Tantra 77120 (H. Guenther) A Tantric echo in Sinhalese Therav%da? Pirit ritual, the book of Paritta and the Jinapajaraya 121140 (Roger R. Jackson) [Eng.] The Kula or Family System of 'In Character' Deities Inherent to the Method of the Mantray%na tradition 141152 (G. W. Farrow) [Eng.] Dh!" 19 (1995) Unpublished Stotras 13 Sadavapa)hanastotra Majugho*astotra [from Majuvar%khyatantra of #r!p0r$%nandagiri] Introduction to Rare Texts 420 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Sekodde'a)ippa$! by S%dhuputra #r!dhar%nanda 2. Mah%vajrabhairavakalpa 3. Majuvar%khyatantra by #r!p0r$%nandagiri 4. Maju'r!s%dhana 5. Buddhapratim%lak*a$a 6. Mah%p!)hayogin!tantrar%ja 7. Buddhoktasa&s%r%maya 8. ,ryasiddhaikav!ras%dhana A Compendium of Quotations from the Lost Buddhist Texts 2130 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Am1taka$ikodyota, Vimalaprabh%] A Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 3150 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Vimalaprabh% V, vol.III]

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An Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Literature 5168 (+a'! Samphel) [Tibetan Guhyasam%ja literature] The Tradition, Philosophy and Practice in the Gelug (dGe-lugs) School 6978 (+a'! Samphel) The Source Material of Rare Texts 7999 (+h%kur Sen Neg!) The Funamentals of the Mah%mudr% Practice 100-108 (+h%kur Sen Neg!) Lives and Works of the Vajr%c%ryas of Nepal 109122 (Vijayar%ja Vajr%c%rya) Dharmasamuccaya: A Survey 123134 (Vijaya'a-kara Caube) Twenty-Four Places in 12th Century Indian Geography 135162 (Alex Wayman) [Eng.] The Lokadh%tupa)ala (Chapter 1) of the K%lacakra Tantra 163182 (S. S. Bahulkar) [Eng.] Dh!" 20 (1995) ,ryat%r%n%mah1daya #r!m1tyujayastotra 16 Introduction to Rare Texts 716 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Sampu)odbhavatantra 2. S0k*mapacarak*% 3. Yogin!j%lamah%tantrar%ja 4. Vajra(%kamah%tantra Compendium of the Apabhra&'a Citations 1726 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Am1taka$ikodyota] Sekodde'a: An Index to the hemistichs 2732 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) Some Mudr%s in the Buddhist Tantras 3340 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Bh0ta(%maratantra] A Short Avad%na of ,c%rya N%g%rjuna 4150 (Pem% Tenajin) [from Tib., after Buddhagupta, written 1566 by Ngag gi dBang Phyug] Sources of Rare Texts 5171 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) A Brief Account of the Four Nik%yas of Vajray%na 7286 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Ati'a on Tantra 8798 (Rame'acandra Neg!) Introduction to Buddhist Tantric Literature 99136 (+a'! Samphel) [Tibetan K%lacakra works] An Historical Review of Buddhist Tantras 137153 (Alex Wayman) [Eng.] Dh!" 21 (1996) Var$%rhavar$a-stotra of M%t1ce)a 110 [parts 12] Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts 1128 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Vajr%val! (Mah%pa$(ita Abhay%karagupta) 2. Kriy%samuccaya (,c%rya Jagaddarpa$a) 3. Hevajrasam%dhi 4. Mah%sa&vara-saparikara-ma$(al%rcana-vidhi (Ratnasena)

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5. .a(a-gayoga)ippa$! (Ravi'r!j%na) 6. Ratnagu$a-sacayag%th%-vy%khy% (,c%rya Haribhadra) Introduction to Buddhist Tantric Literature: Yam%ritantra 2940 (Ban%ras! L%l) Descriptive Analyses of P!)hopap!)"as in Buddhist Tantric Literature (5) 4146 (Ban%ras! L%l) Indian Esoterism (Tantra-#%stra) 4762 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Basic Material of Rare Texts 6383 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Hevajraprad!pa'0lopam%v%da and Hevajra-ma$(ala-vidhi 8490 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Gelug (Dge-lugs) sect : Tradition, Philosophy and Practice 91100 (+a'! Samphel) The Guhyasam%janid%na K%rik% 101116 (S. S. Bahulkar) V%jray%na: An Introduction 117128 (Wangchuk Dorjee Negi) [Eng.] Tattvaratn%valoka and Its Vivara$a 129149 (V%g!'varak!rti viracita") Dh!" 22 (1996) Var$%rhavar$a-stotra of M%t1ce)a 110 [34] Introduction to Rare Buddhist Texts 722 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Sa&varodaya-tantram 2. Sa&varodaya-)ippa$! 3. Amoghap%'ah1dayam-n%ma-mah%y%na-s0tram 4. Vajrav%r%h! mukh%khy%nam 5. Bauddhada'akriy%s%dhanam-Ga$atantra-Kriy% ca 6. Apar%jit%kalpa" 7. T%ri$! Niry%rcana-vidhi" K%lacakra-Ma$(ala and the Divinity Circle 2328 (Ban%ras! L%l) The Purpose of Abhi*eka 3946 (Wa-chuk Dorje Neg!) Basic Material of Rare Texts 4773 (+hakurasena Neg!) Naropa's Highest C%$(%l! Yoga 74100 (+hakurasena Neg!) Review of K%lacakra Tantra-Vimalaprabh% Commentary 101122 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Adhy%tma-s%ra'ataka and its )!k% 123126 (Prabh%karagupta) Dh!" 23 (1997) Var$%rhavar$a-stotra of M%t1ce)a 110 [46] Introduction of Rare Texts 722 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Dh%ra$!-mantra-sa&graha 2. Pratisar%kalpa-dh%ra$! 3. Mahograheruka-s%dhanap0j%-vidhi 4. J%nolka-homa-k%rik% 5. Ma$(al%val! 6. Am1t!kara$a 7. Sarva(%kin!-rahasya 8. A*)ap!)ha-p0j%vidhi Introduction of Rare Buddhist Tantric Literature 2540

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(Ban%ras! L%l) (Sarvatath%gata-tattva-sa-graha and Durgati-pari'odhana-tantra) Sacrament of Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem 4156 (Wa-chuk Dorge Neg!) A critical Appraisal of Abhidh%rmic Literature 5764 (R%ma'a-kara Trip%)h!) Source Material of Rare Texts 6595 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Brief Description of Ni*panna-Krama in Hevajra-Prak%'a 96112 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Brief Notes on the Beginning of the K%lacakra Literature 113126 (Claudio Cicuzza and Francesco Sferra) [Eng.] Eva& Suggests Plurality, Duality and Oneness 127132 (Bhakti De) Tantrasamaya: Esoteric Commitments 133142 (Chhog Dorjee) Siddhaikav!ra-Mah%tantram 143166 Dh!" 24 (1997) The Var$%rhavar$a Buddha Stotra 16 [parts 46] Introduction of Rare Texts 718 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. ,ryapar$a'abar! T%r% 2. Maju'r! P%r%jik% 3. Sugat%vad%na 4. Durgati-Pari'odhana P0j% Vidh%na (Including mudr%s) Introduction of Buddhist T%ntric Literature 1928 (Ban%ras! L%l) (Mah%m%y% and Catu*p!)ha) The Esoteric View of K%ya 2946 (Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Vajray%na : Religion, Philosophy and VIsion 4786 (Jagann%tha Up%dhy%ya) Sources of Rare Texts 87125 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Review 126 (N. H. Samtani) [Rajagopala Rao, #0nyat%saptati (in Telugu)] K%lacakrabhagavats%dhanavidhi 127174 (Dharm%kara'%ntip%da) Dh!" 25 (1998) Var$%rhavar$a-stotra of M%t1ce)a 18 9. Aprat!k%rastava" 10. #ar!raikade'astava" Introduction of Rare Texts 918 (Jan%radana P%$(eya) 1. Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa 2. Tath%gataguhyaka-mah%y%nas0tra 3. /%k%r$ava-tantras%ra 4. Var*apa$as0tra 5. Var*apa$avidhisa&graha The Names of the Tath%gatas According to the Bhadrakalpikas0tra 1990 (Semp% Dorje) Introduction of Buddhist Tantric Literature 9196 (Ban%ras! L%l) A Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 97130 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!)

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[Yogin!sa&c%ratantranibandha] Sources of Rare Texts 131155 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) In Search of the Verses Quoted in the Vimalaprabh% 156 (S. S. Bahulkar) [Eng.] Significance of Bodhicitta in Tantra 157164 (Chog Dorje) K%lacakrap0j%vidhi .. 165188 Dh!" 26 (1998) Var$%rhavar$a-stotra of M%t1ce)a 18 11. Prabh0tastava" 12. Bhavodvejaka" stava" Introduction to Rare Texts 716 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Kaly%$ak%madhenuvivara$aN%g%rjunap%da 2. Vajrayogin!s%dhana,c%rya Vijayavajra 3. Sa&k*iptacakrasa&varabalividhi 4. P%r%jik%nirde'a 5. Marmakalik% (Tattvaj%nasa&siddhipajik%)Bhik*u V!ryamitra 6. Da'akriy%vidh%na Alphabetical Groupings and Grammar 1724 (J%nak!pras%da Dvived!) Division of Prerogatives in Buddhist Tantra 2540 (N%gendran%tha Up%dhy%ya) The Methodology of K%lacakra Practice 4155 (Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) In Praise of the Vajraguru Mantra 5660 (Ban%ras! L%l) .a(dhy%nadharmavyavasth%nam 6168 (Cheri&ga /olakara) [by Avadh0tip%da; Skt. translation from Tib.] Sources of Rare Texts 6989 (+hakurasena Neg!) An Explanation of the Yogasam%dhis Described in Hevajras%dhana Treatises 90105 (+hakurasena Neg!) /%kin!j%lacakravart! #r!sa&vararajasyam N%ma S%dhanam 107137 (Mah%pa$(ita #r!kalaha&sakum%rap%da) Dh!" 27 (1999) Bhagavatstuti" 14 Bhadrakalp%vad%na Acala stuti Introduction to Rare Texts 516 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Avad%nasa&graha 2. Avad%nam%l% 3. Bhadrakalp%vad%na 4. Avad%naratnam%l% 5. A'ok%vad%nam%l% Sam%dhi in Buddhist Spiritual Practice 1724 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Introduction to Buddhist Tantric Literature (Vajrabhairavatantra) 2532 (Ban%ras!l%la) Divisions of Anuttaratantra 3338 (Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) The Special Yoga of Divine Untainted Form of the World in Buddhist Tantra 3942 (Thubatan Choga(ub) Sources of Rare Texts 4369

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(+h%kura Sen Neg!) The Importance of Initiation 7074 (Chog Dorje) M%dhyamika #0nyat% Philosophy and Nirgu$a Brahmhav%da: A Comparative Analysis 7586 (/o. J!. S! N%yaka) The Concept of Mah%r%ga 8794 (Ban%ras! L%l) Heruk%dyavajrav%r%h!yogar%jottamaparamarahasya 95138 Dh!" 28 (1999) Buddhabha))%rakastotra 14 Saptabuddhastava Introduction to Rare Texts 512 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Heruk%bhidh%n%pajik% (S%dhananidhi) of Kambalap%da 2. Hevajra(%kin!j%lasa&varatantra 3. Raktayam%ritantra K%yaviveka 1324 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [of the Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa] Introduction to Buddhist Tantric Literature 2542 (Ban%ras! L%l) Temporality in Buddhist Philosophy 4354 (R%ma'a&kara Trip%)h!) Sahajay%na: Philosophy and Practice 5580 (N%gendran%tha Up%dhy%ya) Sources of Rare Texts 81107 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Some Important Points in Hevajras%dhana 108120 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Indian, Tibetan and Chinese Astrology: A Comparative Study 121126 (Girije'a Kum%ra P%$(eya) ,ryamah%pratisar%vidy%r%j! 127142 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Sekodde'a: Edition of the Sanskrit Text 143166 (Raniero Gnoli) [Eng. & Skt.] Dh!" 29 (2000) Durgati'odhanayam%ntakastotram and Lokan%thasundar%*)aka 14 [from Yam%risa&k*iptap0j%vidhi & Loke'varag%th%sa&graha] Introduction to Rare Texts 512 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Bhagavat!pacarak*%stuti 2. Loke'varag%th%sa&graha 3. Sam%dhividhi 4. Yam%risa&k*iptap0j% 5. Cakramukh%khy%nap0j%vidhi V%gviveka (Mantratattva) 1320 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Compilation of Lost Bauddha Vacanas 2150 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 5174 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa] Tath%gataguhy%cintyas0tra: A Study 7582 (Ban%ras! L%l)

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Sources of Rare Texts 83113 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Implicational Meanings of the Twilight Language of Tantric Ritual 114122 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Synopsis of the Abhayapaddhati Commentary of Buddhakap%latantra 123132 (Chog Dorje) Review 133152 (Vrajavall%bha Dvived!) Dh!" 30 (2000) #r!loke'varasundar%*)aka& 14 [w/ #r!triratnasundara*o(a'!stotram; from Loke'varag%th%sa&graha] Cittaviveka and Karm%ntavibh%ga 516 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Compilation of Lost Bauddha Vacanas 1726 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Marmakalik%] Compilation of Lost Bauddha Vacanas : Appendix 2742 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Index to issues v.1630] Mantroddh%ra : A Review 4372 (Ban%ras! L%l) Concept of Diamond Body in the Highest Yoga Tantra 7384 (Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) Sources of Rare Texts 85111 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Sources of Rare Texts: Appendix 112134 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Rise of Vajray%na According to the Oral Tradition 135146 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Sanskrit Restoration of Suh1llekha and Vyaktapad% Commentary 147156 (Pema Tenajina) Authenticity of Mah%y%nas0tras as Buddhavacana 157164 (Vijayar%ja Vajr%c%rya) Glossary of Buddhist technical terms: Appendix 165192 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Vimalaprabh% III, Yogin!sacaratantra, etc.] Dh!": A Lion's Vision 193210 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) Kurukull%kalpa 211250 Dh!" 31 (2001) Saptajinastava and A*)am%t1k%stotram 14 Introduction to Rare Texts 512 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) 1. Abhi*ekavidhi 2. Bh0ta(%maramukh%khy%na 3. Saddharmap%r%jik% 4. Subh%*itasa-graha Sa&v1tisatya and Param%rthasatya 1320 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa chs. 67] Compilation of Lost Buddha Vacanas 2128 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Yogimanohar%] A Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 2940 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Yogimanohar%]

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Buddhist Meditative Practics in Apabhra&'a Literature 4150 (Sun!tikum%ra P%)haka) Sources of Rare Texts 5175 (+hakurasena Neg!) Introducing Anuyoga and Atiyoga as found in Nyingma Tradition 7688 (+hakurasena Neg!) P%ramit%naya and Mantranaya: The Basic Differences 8994 (Jamya- Jalachena) Restoration of the Suh1llekha and Vyaktapad% in Sanskrit 95112 (Pem% Tenajina) Exposition of the Bauddha Tantra and Excellence of Buddha Vacana 113120 (Ban%ras! L%l) Outline of the Esoteric Literature 121134 (Cheri-ga Dolakara) Vimalaprabh%)!k% on the Laghuk%lacakratantra (2.7.161180): Comments 135142 (Prof. Kameshwar Nath Mishra) [Eng.] Significance of K%ya in R%ga 142153 (Bhakti De) [Eng.] Dh!" 32 (2001) Vajramah%k%lastotra 14 [& Vajrayogin! Pi$(%rtha-stuti] Immaculate Body and Awakened Wisdom 518 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa Hind! tr. chs. 89] Collection of lost Bauddha Vacanas 1922 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Sekodde'a-)ippa$!, Sekkode'a-Pajik%, ,dikarma-prad!pa] A*)a-Mah%'ma'%na: Nature and Significance 2342 (Ban%ras! L%l) #a)a-Karma and ,bhic%rika-Karma in the Views of Padmavajra 4350 (Pro. Sun!tikum%ra P%)haka) The P!)ha-sth%nas Reviewed 5160 (Pro. Vrajavallabha Dvived!) Source Material of Rare Texts .. 6193 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Emanation of ri--ma-pa Revealed Treatises 94104 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) The Buddhist Iconography: A Succinct Review .. 105120 (Pro. A-ganel%la) Outline of the Esoteric Literature 121126 (Cheri-ga Dolakara) A Commentary on the Dohako*a 127155 [Am1tavajra's comm. on K1*$avajrap%da's Doh%ko*a] Dh!" 33 (2002) Dharmadh%tup0j%vidhistotram and .o(a'ayogin!-stotram 16 Ni*prapacacary% and Atyanta Ni*prapaca-cary% 716 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Cary%mel%pakaprad!pa 716] Collection of Lost Bauddha Vacana's 1726 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Hevajrapajik%mukt%val!] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 2766 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!)

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Mah%y%na Buddhist Divinities: Their Manifestation for which they are Manifested 6772 (Pro. K1*$an%tha) Guhyasam%ja : A Survey 73100 (Wa-chug Dorje Neg!) Constituent Elements of Bodhi with Visualization of Titular Deities in Accordance with Mantranaya System 101112 (Ban%ras! L%l) Outline of the Esoteric Literature 113122 (Cheri-ga /olakara) Source Material of Rare Texts 123143 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Sit%tapatr% 145154 Nityakarmap0j%vidhi" 155166 Dh!" 34 (2002) Bhagavann%m%*)ottara'atastotram 12 [Sarvatath%gatatattvasa&graha] Ma$(aladev!stuti" 34 [Ma$(alas%dhanavidhi] Science of Medicine in the K%lacakratantra 510 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Five J%na Elements as Conceived by Padmavajra 1112 (Pro. Sun!tikum%ra P%)haka) [cf. Tantr%rth%vat%ra] Caturdharmodd%nas0tra: A Brief Introduction 2330 (Jalachena Nama(ola) [cf. ,ryas%garan%gar%japarip1ccha; Skt. translated from Tib.] The Ethical Classical Aspects of Tantrik Abhi*eka 3136 (Ban%ras! L%l) Source Material of Rare Texts 3758 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) A critical Analysis of the V%ts!-putr!ya Pudgala (In the light of Tattvasa&graha) 5972 (Pem% Tenajina) Outline of Esoteric Literature 7390 (Cheri&ga /olakara) Importance of the .a(ak*ar!-mantra 9196 (Vijayar%ja Vajr%c%rya) [cf. Hemr%j #%kya, 'Nep%la Sa&sk1tiya Mulukha"] Symbols and #akti Worship [Eng.] 97108 (N. C. Panda) Buddhist Tantric Texts: A Bibliography [Eng.] 109128 (Banarsi Lal) Ma$(alas%dhanavidhi" 129144 Dh!" 35 (2003) Stotra 14 1. Namask%r%*)akam [Sampu)atantra II.i.2229] 2. Bhagavann%ma*)ottara'ata [Sarvatath%gatatattvasa&graha pa)ala 26] 3. Pac%k*arastotra [Bauddhastotrasa&graha] The Buddhist Esoteric Literature: Sampu)a and Pacakrama 514 (Ban%ras! L%l) Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 1544 (+hinaler%ma #%san!) [Heruk%bhidh%na Cakrasa&aratantraviv1ti of Bhavabha))a] ,ryacaturdharmanirde'as0tram 4552 (Jalachena Nama(ola) [Tr. into Skt. from Tib.]

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The Eight Bauddha-mah%caitya : Their form and Varieties 5362 (Losa&ga Dorje) Sources of Rare Texts 6383 (+h%kura Sen Neg!)

Reflecting Over J%nacakra as Expounded in Hevajras%dhana 8498 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) [cf. Hevajras%dhanavajraprad!pa)ippa$! by J%landharap%da and Prak%'an%ma Hevajras%dhana by ,c%rya R%hulaguptap%d Outline of Esoteric Literature 99110 (Cheri&ga /olakara) Review : "K%'m!ra #aiv%vayav%da k! M0la Avadh%ra$%e-" 111116 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Samyaksambuddhabh%*ita Pratim%lak*a$am 117136 (Ban%ras! L%l) ,treyatilakam (Pratibimbalak*a$am) 137154 Dh!" 36 (2003) Stotra 16 1. Saptavidh%nuttarastotra 2. Da'ap%ramit%stotra Apabhra&'a in the Buddhist Tantra Literature 718 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Collection of Lost Bauddha Vacanas 1930 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Cakrasa&varaviv1ti & Gu$abhara$!] Bodhicittotp%davidhi of ,c%rya N%g%rjuna 3148 (Jalachen Nama(ola) The Nature of Mantra in Buddhist Tantra 4960 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) Sources of Rare Texts 6182 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Praj%p%ramit% Vimar'a 8396 (Vijayar%ja Vajr%c%rya) Development of Bodhicitta in Vajray%na 97106 (Ban%ras! L%l) General and Condensed Presentation of Tantra 107120 (Cheri-ga /olakara) The Nature of D!k*% in Buddhist and non-Buddhist Schools 121130 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) Hevajras%dhanop%yik% 131144 Cakrasa&varasam%dhi" 145158 Dh!" 37 (2004) Stotra 14 Buddhastotram [Mah%y%nas0tr%la-k%ra] ,k%'agarbhabodhisattvan%ma'at%dhye*a$am [Sarvatath%gatatattvasa&graha] Rahasye Parame Ramye 510 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [According to Cakrasamvaratantra and Vasantatilak%] Mudr%s in Bh0ta(%maratantra 1116 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) ,ryatriratn%nusm1tis0tram 1732 (Jalachena Nama(ola) [3 texts tr. from Tib. to Skt.] Greatness of Guru in Mah%y%na and Tantr%yana 3350 (Ban%ras! L%l) Sources of Rare Buddhist Texts 5172

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(+h%kura Sen Neg!) Various Forms of Buddhist Goddess T%r% 7398 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Sacaka : Method of Construction and its Greatness 99116 (Losa&ga Dorje) The Nature of D!k*a in Buddhist and non-Buddhist Schools (2) 117122 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) General and Condensed Presentation of Tantra (7) 123138 (Cheri-ga /olakara) Presentation of Vajray%nas Grounds and Paths (1) 139148 (Chog Dorje) Katipay%k*ar%pajik% on Heruk%bhyudayamah%yogin!tantra 149170 Dh!" 38 (2004) Stotra 14 Rahasye Parame Ramye 58 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [According to Sampu)odbhavatantra] Collection of Lost Bauddha Vacanas 914 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Laghutantra)!k%] Apabhra&'a in Buddhist Tantric Literature (2) 1526 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Vajra(%ka; Sampu)odbhava; Vajr%val!; Vajrav%r%h!kalpa] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 2750 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Gu$abhara$!] The Development of Mantranaya from ,ryamaju'r!m0lakalpa 5164 (Pro. Sun!ti Kum%ra P%)haka) Triratnastotra [Triple-Gem Hymn] of the Poet ,c%rya M%t1ce)a 6574 (Jalachena Nama(ola) Sources of Rare Buddhist Texts 7595 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) The Characteristics of Buddhist Divine Lineages 96116 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) The Qualities of the Disciples in Buddhist Tantras 117128 (Ban%ras! L%l) The Brief and Conventional Arrangement of Tantra (8) 129138 (Cheri-ga /olakara) The Ground and Path Arrangement of Tantra (2) 139150 (Chog Dorje) D!k*%, Initiation in Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Systems 151156 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) ,ry%moghap%'an%mamah%y%nas0tra 157169 Dh!" 39 (2005) Stotras: 1. Sarvatath%gata stotra [Suvarnaprabhasa 20] 13 2. Avalokite'vara n%m%stadhye*a$% [SaTaTaSa&, ed. pp.109110] 45 3. Vasudhara sa2gita stutih [S%M% 1, Trisamayar%jas%dhana] 66 Commentary on Four Verses 712 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) [Yoginisac%ra tantra] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 1336 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [Laghutantra)!k%]

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Philosophy and Spiritual Practice of Siddhas 3750 (Ge'e Ye'e Thapakhe) Trik%yastotra of Mah%c%rya ,rya N%g%rjuna 5166 (Jalachena Nama(ola) Sources of Rare Buddhist Texts 6788 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Various Forms of Avalokite'vara 8998 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Reflections on the Master and the Disciple in the Non-Buddhist Tantras 99120 (Ban%ras! L%l) The General and Concise Arrangement of Tantra (9) 121134 (Cheri-ga /olakara) D!k*%: Initiation in Buddhist and non-Buddhist systems (4) 135148 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) #r!cakrasa2vara pacakrama 149168 ,ryagraham%trkan%ma Dh%ra$i 169176 Dh!" 40 (2005) Stotras 14 [1. Bhagavann%m%*)ottara'atastotram, Sarvatath%gatatatttvasa&graha II] [2. Sarvatath%gatak%yav%kcittastotram, Guhyasam%ja XVII] [3. Mah%vajradharastuti", Guhyasam%ja XVII] Apabhra&'a in Buddhist Tantric Literature 58 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Collection of Lost Bauddha Vacanas 914 (Ban%ras! L%l) [.a)s%hasrik%hevajra)!k%] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 4152 (+hinaler%ma #%'an!) [,ryamaju'r!m0lakalpa] M0rti and Ma$(ala in ,ryamaju'r!m0lakalpa 5360 (Sun!ti Kum%ra P%)haka) Triratnama-galag%th% 6176 (Jalachena Nama(ola) [Vajr%val! & Kriy%samuccaya] Sources of Rare Buddhist Texts 7797 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Deities Emanated from the Paca-Buddha 99110 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Accomplishment : Their Nature and Main Divisions in Buddhist Tantras 111128 (Ban%ras! L%l) General and Concise Arrangement of Tantra (10) 129140 (Cheri-ga /olakara) D!k*%: Initiation in Buddhist and non-Buddhist Systems (5) 141148 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) Conception of K*a$a-Sampad 149158 (Pem% Tenajina) ,ryavajravid%ra$% N%ma Dh%ra$! 159164 Dh!" 41 (2006) Stotras 14 [1. from Lalitavistara XXIII] [2. A*)ama-galag%th% from Vajr%val! & ,c%ryakriy%samuccaya] Glossary of Buddhist Technical Terms 532 (+hinalerama #%'an!) [Maju'r!m0lakalpa XVIXXXIII]

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Bh0ta(%maratantra : A Brief Introduction 3338 (Janardana P%$(eya) Refutation of Caste-Class-Discrimination in Buddhist Tantric Literature 3950 (S. S. Bahulkar) The Colophon of the 'Prasannapad%', a Commentary on the M0lamadhyamakak%rik% 5180 (Jalachen Nama(ola) [Skt. ed. of 'Madhyamaka'%stra-stuti'] Pada-,sana-,k*epa-,bhinaya and Mudr% 8192 (Ban%ras! L%l) [Vajr%val! & Kriy%samuccaya] Sources of Rare Buddhist Texts (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Various Forms of the Female Deities Emanated from the Five Buddhas 115134 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) General and Concise Arrangements of Tantra (11) 135142 (Cheri-ga /olakar) Arrangement of the Ground and the Path of the Vajray%na (3) 143152 (Chog Dorje) D!k*% : Initiation in Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Systems 153158 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) A List of Buddhist and Other Sanskrit MSS in Tibet 159182 Dh!" 42 (2006) Stotras 14 [1. from Lalitavistara XXIII] [2. from Sam%dhir%ja] Bh0ta(amaratantra: A Brief Introduction 518 (Jan%rdan P%$(ey) Understanding the Concept "the Buddhahood in this Very Life" 1926 (Ban%ras! L%l) Paramak*etradv%rodgh%)ana-n%maka-sukh%vati-k*etra-janmagraha$a-pra$idh%na 2736 (Jelachen Nama(ol) Text Critical Notes on Buddhist Tantras (1) 3744 (S. S. Bahulkar [Eng.]) Pra$ava in the Prapacas%ra Tantra (Narasi&ha Cara$a Pa$(%) Sources of Rare Buddhist Texts 5982 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Various Forms of the Five Protection Deities .. 8394 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) D!k*%: Initiation in Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Systems (7) 9598 (Rajanakum%ra #arm%) [Vaidika G%$apatya D!k*%] General and Concise Arrangement of Tantra (12) 99108 (Cheri-ga /olakara) #r!guhyasam%jama$(alavidhi 109154 ,rya-M%r!c!-N%ma-Dh%ra$! 155158 Dh!" 43 (2007) Stotras 14 [1] Yam%ntakastotra (from Yam%risa-k*iptap0j%) [2] Tath%gatasa&stava (Lalitavistara 23) Introduction of Rare Texts 530 ["The manuscripts described in this issue belong to H. H. the 17th Karmapa."] (1) K%ra$(avy0ha

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(2) Graham%t1k% n%ma Dh%ra$! (3) Pacarak*%s0tra and (4) Buddhakap%latantra Regaining the Heritage of Lost Buddhist Sanskrit Texts : A New Dimension of Sanskrit Studies 3162 (S. S. Bahulkar) [Eng.] Philosophy of Vipassan% Meditation : Appreciating the Rationale Basis of the Insightful Meditation 63100 (Sonam Thakchoe) [Eng.] Review of the Words of Tath%gata Vairocana as Found in the Guhyasam%ja Tantra 101106 (Jelachen Nama(ol) Source Material of Rare Texts 107128 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Various Aspects of Mudr%s in Buddhist Tantras 129138 (+h%kura Sen Neg!) Introduction to the Tradition of the Early Translations of S0tra & Tantras in Tibet (1) 139152 (Pem% Tenajina) General and Concise Arrangement of Tantras (13) 153162 (Cheri&ga /olakara) #r!vajrabhairavamah%yogatantra 163176

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