SEM Intro

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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can provide information about surface topography, crystalline structure, chemical composition, and electrical behavior of materials. It has higher magnification and resolution than optical microscopes and can provide additional information beyond surface topography.

SEM can provide information on surface topography, crystalline structure, chemical composition and electrical behaviour of the top 1 μm or so of specimen. It allows examination of behavior under various conditions using specialized stages.

SEM has a large depth of field, higher magnifications, possibility of additional information like composition and properties, and ability to examine large specimens non-destructively compared to optical microscopes.


Scanning Electron Microscopy: an introduction

K D Vernon-Parry, Centre for Electronic Materials, UMIST I
In this article, aimed at the non-specialist microscopist rather than the experienced user, we introduce the fundamentals of Scanning Electron Microscopy and the information that can be gained from this technique. A companion article on Transmission Electron Microscopy will follow in a future issue.

he maximum useful magnification obtainable in a conventional optical microscope is about 1000x. For better resolution (and higher useful magnification) the wavelength of the imaging radiation must be

decreased. In electron microscopy the electrons are usually accelerated to high energies of between 2 and 1000 keV (i.e. wavelengths of 0.027-0.0009 nm). There are many possible interactions between the high-energy


electron beam and the atoms in the specimen (see Figure 1). If the specimen is very thin, then electrons may be transmitted through it unabsorbed and used to form the image in TEM. If the specimen is thicker, then electrons are no longer transmitted so only particles (e.g. electrons, x-rays and pho tons) emerging from the surface can give us information.These are the signals used in a conventional SEM.

Why scanning electron miscroscopy?

SEM can provide information on surface topography, crystalline structure, chemical composition and electrical behaviour of the top 1 urn or so of specimen. Various specialised stages (e.g. hot, cold or designed to permit in situ mechanical testing) can be attached to enable behaviour under various conditions to be examined. For example, cathodohuuinescence (emission of light) at temperatures near absolute zero is much stronger than at room temperature, so images formed from the light emitted by a cold specimen are much less noisy Further advantages of SEM over optical microscopy include: SEM benefits from a large depth of field so most of the specimen surface is simultaneously in focus whatever the surface roughness. Optical microscopes operating at high magnitication have a very small depth of

Figure 1. Some atom-high energy electron interactions. The inner electron shells of atoms are labelled according to standard notation (the innermost states are K, L etc). The incident particle is arro wed. (a) Low-angle scattering - electrons scattered in this way pass to the next layer of atoms with very little loss of energy (b) Back (or high-angle) scattering; (c) Emission of a secondary electron and characteristic x-rays; (d) Emission of a secondary electron and an Auger electron.


Ill-Vs Review


Vol.13 No.4 2000

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field so image quality is very dependent on the surface being smooth. Much higher magnifications can be achieved (up to 1,000,000x), with an ultimate resolution of 1 nm. The maximum useful magnification in an optical microscope is around 1000x. The possibility of getting more information than just the surface topography, e.g. crystal structure, chemical composition and electrical properties. Switching between different imaging techniques enables information to be Figure 2. Schematic diagram showing the main components of a scanning electron cross-correlated microscope. After P J Goodhew and F J Humphreys with confidence. Advantages of SEM over TEM increasing the cost of FEG . The most common is the tunginclude: sten hairpin filament which is heatmicroscopes. Large specimens (200 mm died (by passing a current through it) Two or three electromagnetic ameter wafers, or even larger in to over 2500C to produce condenser lenses demagnify the specially adapted SEMs), compared thermal emission of electrons from electron beam into a fine probe to just 2.3 mm or 3 mm in diameits tip. which is scanned across a selectter for TEM. Lanthanum hexaboride (LaBG) ed area of the specimen surface . SEM permits non-destrucin a raster by scan coils.The elecfilaments also work by thermionic tive evaluation of the specimen emission, but advantages include a trons penetrate the specimen in a (TEM is effectively a destructive larger maximum beam current, teardrop-shaped volume whose technique because of the specii.e. a brighter beam (because overall dimensions are determined by the energy of the elecmen preparation required). LaBG has a lower work function . tron beam, the atomic masses of short specimen than tungsten) and a longer workVery preparation time (maybe only a ing lifetime. However, these filaelements in the specimen and few seconds) while the specimen ments are more expensive. the angle at which the electron beam hits the specimen. The is attached to a stub (specimen Field emission guns (not heatpenetration depth increases holder).TEM specimen preparation ed, so also known as cold cathwith higher electron-beam eneris more complex and timeprovide the ode emitters) gy, incidence angle, and lighter consuming. brightest beam with very small atomic mass, e.g. lum into GaAs deviations in electron energy by for 20 keV electrons and normal applying a very high electric field Basic SEM optics and incidence. to a finely pointed tip until quanoperation _ The interaction of the electum mechanical tunnelling of tron beam with the specimen In an SEM the incident electrons electrons occurs. Whereas produces secondary, backscatthermionic guns need a vacuum (from an electron gun) typically tered and Auger electrons, x-rays near the gun of only lo6 Tort-,field have energies of 2-40 keV There and perhaps light (see Figure l), are three types of electron gun in emission guns need better than collected by various detectors in lo- Torr to preserve the tip, general use:
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Vol.13 No. 4 2000



Incident electrons Secondary electrons Backscattered electrons X-rays, CL and EBIC

Figure 3. The specimen-beam interaction volume and the regions from which backscattered electrons and x-rays may be emitted

Various signals from the specimen can be collected and used to form images. The interaction volumes Specimen preparation from which the signals arise are shown in Figure 3. The following For semiconductors, no special comments on imaging modes apspecimen preparation is required. ply specifically to semiconductor The surface to be examined is materials. mounted on a special SEM stub 1. Secondary Electron (SE) images Secondary electrons are those that escape from the specimen with energies below 50 mainly eY knocked out of their orbits around Figure 4. Identical-area SEM images of a GaAsIAlGaAs hetan atom by an incierosttucture imaged by (a) backscattered electrons at 30 kV (only dent electron (see the Ga4s/A10,,Ga0,.+ superlattice is visible) and (b) secondary Figure 1). These electrons at 20 kV (both the superlattice and doped regions can provide the highbe seen). From M R Caste/l, D D Perovic, A Howie, D A Ritchie, est spatial resoluC Lavoie and T Tiedje, Inst. Phys. Conf. Sets No. 146 pp 281-284 (1995) tion images, as

the specimen chamber.The signal from each detector can be fed to a monitor, which is rastered in synchronisation with the electron beam (see Figure 2). The magnification of the image is determined by the ratio of the side length of the monitor display to the side length of the raster on the specimenThe best resolution for secondary electron images achieved in FEG SEMs is about 1 nm, but is typically only 5 nm or so for LaB6 and W filaments.

with electrically conducting pads. If the specimen is mounted on an insulator then to prevent the specimen from charging (which distorts the image) a conduction path to ground is required. If EBIC or voltage contrast is being used, then suitable electrical connections are also required.

Signals available in the SEM

they can only escape from a very shallow, near-surface layer of material and the signal comes from an area about the size of the electron probe. Primarily, they give topographic information but, since a few back-scattered electrons are collected by the secondary electron detector, some compositional contrast is also present. Secondary electrons give rise to doping contrast by a mechanism akin to voltage contrast imaging (see below) see Figure 4 for comparison with a backscattered electron image. 2. Backscattered Electron (BSE) images Backscattered electrons are those incident electrons that approach the nucleus of an atom sufficiently closely to be scattered through a large angle and reemerge from the surface. They are not as numerous as secondary electrons, but have much higher energies. Images have slightly less resolution than secondary electron images because they come from slightly deeper in the specimen, so the area giving rise to the signal is larger than the probe size. Mostly, they provide compositional information: elements of higher atomic mass give brighter contrast. Backscattered electrons can also provide crystallographic information, as electron channelling occurs (similar to ion channelling during ion implantation). Electron backscattered diffraction pattern analysis has been used for strain measurements in semiconductors, and its use in studying

Figure 5. EBIC micrograph showing antiphase boundaries in a GaAslGe solar cell. Courtesy Professor D B Holt, Imperial College, London


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Vol.13 No.4 2000


beam interaction volume, so have a resolution of about 1 nm. Figure 6 compares (a) the secondary electron image and (b) a CL micrograph (taken using emitted light of 790 nm wavelength with the specimen cooled to 6.2K) of Figure 6. Micrographs of a GaAsfAIGaAs double heterostructure laser: (a) secondary electron image; (b) CL a GaAs/AlGaAs image using monochromatic A = 790 nm light with the specimen cooled to 6.2K. Courtesy Professor D 13Ho/t, hetdouble Imperial College, London erostructure laser. 5. Voltage-contrast imaging specimen at that point, the lifetime the epitaxy of GaN on sapphire is being explored. of the electrons and holes, and When a voltage is applied across their mobilities.This technique can a semiconductor in the SEM, the Electron channelling contrast secondary electron image will be be used for mapping varying conis an alternative method for gaindifferent from that with no voltcentrations of electrically active ing crystallographic information developed defects, and determining failure that gives better angular resoluage : the potential points in devices. Figure 5 shows across the active regions changes tion at the cost of decreased spaanti-phase domain boundaries in the number of secondary (low tial resolution. GaAs/Ge solar cells imaged by energy) electrons emitted from 3. Electron beam induced current those areas. More electrons can EBIC. (EBIC) escape from active regions where 4. Cathodoluminescence Every incident electron generates (CL] a negative voltage develops, so hundreds of electron-hole pairs in When the electron-hole pairs these appear brighter regions the specimen. Normally, most regenerated by the incident elecwhere a positive voltage develcombine within about lo-l2 s. tron beam recombine they may ops. However, if an electric field (e.g. emit light. The wavelength deThis is another technique that from a p-n junction) separates the pends on the bandgap energy of electrons and holes before they can is useful in failure analysis. Figure 7 the specimen and, therefore, on recombine, an induced current flow the composition. The signal may shows an LS 138 multiplexer chip: be passed through a spectrome(a) is the secondary electron image between the electrodes will occur, forming an EBIC image. A related ter before being measured by a without an external electrical contechnique, EBIV, displays the spatial suitable detector. This technique nection to the chip; (b) when a is excellent for revealing defects voltage is applied.The circuit pathvariation of the induced voltage. The current flowing from (or that degrade radiative properties. ways display different intensity levels, related to the applied voltage voltage across) each point will deCathodoluminescence signals come from the entire specimenacross each region of the device. pend on the conductivity of the 6 Auger electrons and x-rays electrons Auger are emitted from atomic layers very close to the surface and give valuable information about the surface chemistry. Because of the low numbers of Auger electrons and the need to measure Figure 7. Secondary electron microgmphs of a LS 138 multiplexer chip: (a) without a voltage; (b) an operating their energies voltage applied, showing the effects of voltage contrast. From R S Come//, JEOL Inc.




Vol.13 No. 4 2000



with precision, Auger electron imaging is usually performed in dedicated instruments and requires advanced detectors and instrumentation. Characteristic x-rays are generated by atoms when the incident high-energy particle knocks out an inner-shell electron and an outer-shell electron moves into the empty orbit (see Figure l(c)). There is now a progression of electron jumps from higher to lower energy states (e.g. from L to K, then M to L etc) until all the electron states are refffled.At each stage, x-rays are emitted to conserve energy. Measurement of the energies (or wavelengths) of these x-rays gives information about the chemical composition of the specimen. Characteristic x-rays are emitted from the entire specimen-beam interaction volume, so resolution is no better than 1 w or so. The x-rays are detected by either an

energydispersive or a wavelengthdispersive spectrometer. Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) is the more common attachment to SEMs as it provides rapid qualitative analysis of the specimen. Semiquantitative analysis can be obtained with care, but accurate microanalysis requires a wavelengthdispersive spectrometer and use of standards to allow for x-ray absorption in the specimen and fluorescence (the excitation of lower-energy x-rays by higher-energy ones). An Electron Microprobe is a scanning electron microscope fitted with wavelengthdispersive x-ray spectrometers and analysis software and is dedicated to this type of chemical analysis.

in the range 1 pm to 1 nm, depending on the microscope and the signal used to form the image. Information about electrically active defects can be obtained using techniques such as EBIC and CL, and these data can be correlated with the microstructure obtained in secondary electron images.

Further reading
Electron Microscopy and Analysisby P J Goodhew and F J Humphreys conlzzct: K D Vernon-Parry Centre for Electronic Materials, UMIST PO Box 88, Manchester M60 lQD,UK Tel: +44 161 200 4751 Fax: +44 161 200 4770 Email: [email protected]

Scanning electron microscopy can provide a variety of imaging techniques with resolutions

The 27th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors will be held in Monterey, California. It will continue a series started in Reading, England in 1966. The Symposium is a forum for papers on all aspects of all compound semiconductors including growth, processing, devices, and ICs. These materials include III - V compounds including nitrides; Sic; wide bandgap II - VI compounds such as ZnSe, ZnS; IV - IV materials such as SiGe; etc.

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Ill-Vs Review


Vol.13 No.4 2000

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