Tata Kelola Organisasi

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Culture - Budaya Sebagai Dasar Tata Kelola Organisasi

Apol Pribadi
Workshop Tatakelola TI Dinas Kominfo Provinsi Jawa Timur Sidoarjo, 2013

Organizational Stakeholders

Culture collective programming of the mind

Based on Values & Norms

National Culture

Values deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a persons behavior Norms unwritten rules and codes and conduct that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations and shape the behavior of people toward one another.

Organizational Culture
A system of shared meanings and common beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in a large degree, how they act towards each other.

The Organizations Culture

The way we do things around here.

Values, symbols, rituals, myths, and practices

Culture is a perception. Culture is shared. Culture is descriptive.

Dimensions of Organizational Culture

Contrasting Organizational Cultures


Organization A

Organization B

Attention to Detail Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Aggressiveness Stability Innovation and Risk Taking

High Low

Low High

Low Low High

High High Low



Strong Cultures
Are cultures in which key values are deeply held and widely held. Have a strong influence on organizational members.

Strong versus Weak Cultures

Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture

Size of the organization No impact with IT Age of the organization Rate of employee turnover Strength of the original culture Clarity of cultural values and beliefs

2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Creates a stronger employee commitment to the organization.

Benefits of a Strong Culture

Aids in the recruitment and socialization of new employees. Fosters higher organizational performance by instilling and promoting employee initiative.

Sources of Organizational Culture

The organizations founder
Vision and mission

Organizational Culture

Past practices of the organization

The way things have been done

The behavior of top management

Continuation of the Organizational Culture

Recruitment of like-minded employees who fit

Socialization of new employees to help them adapt to the culture

Strong versus Weak Organizational Cultures

Narratives of significant events or actions of people that convey the spirit of the organization

How Employees Learn Culture

Repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the values of the organization

Material Symbols
Physical assets distinguishing the organization

Acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, and word meanings specific to an organization

Cultural Constraints on Managers

How Culture Affects Managers

Whatever managerial actions the organization recognizes as proper or improper on its behalf
Whatever organizational activities the organization values and encourages The overall strength or weakness of the organizational culture Simple rule for getting ahead in an organization:

Find out what the organization rewards and do those things.

How an Organizations Culture Is Established and Maintained

Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture

Planning The degree of risk that plans should contain Whether plans should be developed by individuals or teams The degree of environmental scanning in which management will engage Organizing How much autonomy should be designed into employees jobs Whether tasks should be done by individuals or in teams The degree to which department managers interact with each other

Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture (contd)

Leading The degree to which managers are concerned with increasing employee job satisfaction What leadership styles are appropriate Whether all disagreementseven constructive onesshould be eliminated Controlling Whether to impose external controls or to allow employees to control their own actions What criteria should be emphasized in employee performance evaluations What repercussions will occur from exceeding ones budget

Spirituality and Organizational Culture

Workplace Spirituality The recognition that people have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work that takes place in the context of community.

Characteristics of a Spiritual Organization Strong sense of purpose

Focus on individual development Trust and openness Employee empowerment Toleration of employees expression

Improved employee productivity

Reduction of employee turnover

Benefits of Spirituality

Stronger organizational performance Increased creativity

Increased employee satisfaction

Increased team performance Increased organizational performance

The Role of Culture in Governance

Helps us organize our world

Shared values, understandings, assumptions and goals (values, beliefs, norms)


Learned from earlier generation

Imposed by present members of society

Culture and Its Effects on Organizations

Once upon a time there was a great flood, and involved in this flood were two creatures, a monkey and a fish. The monkey, being agile and experienced, was lucky enough to scramble up a tree and escape the raging waters. As he looked down from his safe perch, he saw the poor fish struggling against the swift current. With the best of intentions, he reached down and lifted the fish from the water. The result was inevitable.

Culture and Its Effects on Organizations


Hofstede Cultural Framework

1. Power Distance 2. Individualism vs. Collectivism 3. Masculinity vs. Femininity 4. Uncertainty Avoidance 5. Long Term (Time) Orientation

Power Distance
Power Distance degree to which societies accept the economic

and social differences in wealth, status, and well-being that result from differences in individual capabilities.

Low PD large inequities are not allowed e.g., USA & UK High PD large gap between rich and poor E.g., Russia, China, & France

Power Distance
High Power Distance Order of inequality Special privileges Subordinates are different from superiors Boss should know all
Low Power Distance Minimize inequalities Equal rights Subordinates and superiors are equals Ok for boss to ask subordinates for answers

Power Distance Comparisons

100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0


U.S.A. Canada Germany Japan France


Netherlands Hong Kong Indonesia West Africa Russia P.R.C

High Power Distance Employee Expectations

Wrong to disagree with the boss Paternalistic (father-like) management style Boss should know all the answers Boss should have more privileges

Uncertainty Avoidance
Uncertainty Avoidance refers to differences in tolerances for

uncertainty and risk.

Low uncertainty avoidance countries are easygoing, value diversity, and tolerate differences in personal beliefs and actions e.g., USA & UK High uncertainty avoidance countries are more rigid and skeptical about people whose behaviors or beliefs differ from the norm. e.g., Russia, China, France, & Japan

Uncertainty Avoidance
High Avoid risks Dissonance is dangerous Time is money Need written rules and regulations Believe in experts

Willing to take risks Accept disagreements Time is free

Prefer common sense to rules

Logic and common sense better than expert opinions

Uncertainty Avoidance
High avoidance of risk
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Willing to take risks


Hong Kong



West Africa








Individualism v. Collectivism
Individualism worldview that values individual freedom and self-expression

and adherence to the principle that people should be judged by their individual achievements rather than their social background. e.g., USA, UK, Russia, & France
Collectivism worldview that values subordination of the individual to the goals

of the group and adherence to the principles that people should be judged by their contribution to the group. e.g., China & Japan

Responsible for self and immediate family


Identity based on the individual Autonomy, variety, pleasure and individual financial security Individual decisions

Extended families, loyalty, protection


Identity in the social system Expertise, order, duty, security provided by the in-group Group decisions

Average =51
100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0



U.S.A. Canada Germany Japan France


Netherlands Hong Kong Indonesia West Africa Russia P.R.C



Masculinity v. Femininity
Masculinity values such individual qualities as assertiveness,

performance, success, competition, and results. e.g., USA, UK, & Japan
Femininity values the quality of life, warm personal relationships,

and services and care for the weak. e.g., Russia & France


Feminine Quality of life Relationships Concern for weak Work to live Men & Women nurture Disapprove of high achievers

Masculine Feminine

Material success

Ambition, assertive
Competitive Live to work Women are nurturers Achievement












U.S.A. Canada Germany Japan France


Average = 51

Netherlands Hong Kong Indonesia West Africa Russia P.R.C


Time Orientation
Long-Term rests on values such as thrift (savings) and

persistence in achieving goals.

e.g., USA, UK, Russia, & France

Short-Term concerned with maintaining personal stability or

happiness and living for the present

e.g., China & Japan

Long term Orientation

Truth vs. Virtue: What one believes vs. What one does

Short Term







U.S.A. Canada Germany Japan France Netherlands Hong Kong Indonesia West Africa Russia P.R.C
Long Term Average - 51

Cultural Dimensions Summary

Power Distance how should the boss act Uncertainty Avoidance rules or common sense Masculine/Feminine material rewards or quality of life Individualism/Collectivism I versus we Short term /Long term truth or virtue

Cultural Dimensions Summary

Result in Indonesian Management Practice

National Ranking on Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions

Power Distance



Uncertainty Avoidance

Long-Term Orientation

USA UK Russia China France Japan






Source: Nath & Sadhu (1988)

Contoh Kasus
PT. Kompas Gramedia, penerbit harian Kompas dan sejumlah media cetak lainnya, telah mengembangkan filosofi perusahaan. Kepada setiap karyawan yang baru masuk, selalu ditanamkan falsafah kejujuran, rendah hati dan kebersamaan. Kepada seluruh pria (tua maupun muda, apa pun latar belakang dan asal sukunya) diberi tahu bahwa mereka akan dipanggil dengan sebuat mas. Dan kepada wanitanya akan dipanggil dengan sebutan mbak

Sintesa Dengan Hofstede

Power Distance
Sebagai karyawan baru, yang memiliki latar belakang berbeda, tapi dengan Nation Culture yang sama, maka penerimaan terhadap kekuasaan atasan/ pimpinan adalah bersifata High. Maka akan sangat mudah untuk embentuk kultur sesuai dengan yang diinginkan perusahaan.


Kompas mengharapkan bahwa kerjasama antar team lebih didinginkan dan lebih diutamakan daripada individualism


Kompas menyetarakan antara Masculine dan Feminime dalam kultur perusahaan.

Uncertainty Avoidance

Ketidak pastian yang ada disini adalah apakah kelangsungan bisnis media masih akan tetap erah. Disamping itu karyawan baru tidak meiliki terlalu banyak posisi tawar. Artinya disini Uncertainty Avoidancenya bersifat rendah, dan Manager dapat

Sintesa Menurut Denison

Involvement (Dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai kejujuran, rendah hati dan

kebersamaan, maka Kompas grup berusaha untuk lebih memberikan rasa ikut serta dalam menjalankan gerak perusahaan, apalagi dengan penyetaraan panggilan mbak atau Mas, yang akan semakin membuat team work lebih kental) Consistency (Bahwa sejak awal Kompas sudah menanamkan nilai-nilai kejujuran, rendah hati dan kebersamaan yang harus secara konsisten dan terus menerus ditekankan sebagai budaya perusahaan menuju posisi Keunggulan bersaing Adaptability (Dengan tanpa memperhatikan latar belakang, maka semua karyawan diharapkan untuk menjadi adaptive, baik dengan sebutan baru (Mbak/Mas) yang sama, ataupun dengan memfokuskan pada customer dengan tetap memegang nilai kejujuran, rendah hati dan kebersamaan Mission. (Tujuan jangka panjang yang bisa diraih adalah dengan menegaskan misi perusahaan yg mengedepankan sifat-sifat tadi)

Could You govern or even manage your ENTITY without Culture?

Memaknai Tata Kelola Organisasi

Anisah Herdiyanti

Workshop Tatakelola TI Dinas Kominfo Provinsi Jawa Timur Sidoarjo, 2013

Tantangan penyediaan layanan TI

Which path should we choose?

Whom we should follow?

How about governing together?

Have we put control on everything?

Why Governance is so important ?

Governance is a general term used to describe legal, managerial and moral responsibilities arising from trusteeship.

What a governance is?

specifies the rules and procedures for making decisions

What a governance is?

distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation

What a governance is?

Governance is the act of governing. It relates to decisions that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance.

It consists of either a separate process or part of management or leadership processes.

Governance is not about steering the ship Even more it is not about rowing the ship

What a corporate governance is?

A set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation (or company) is directed, administered or controlled

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