Past Perfect Exercises

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Fill in the correct form: past simple or past perfect simple

1. When I through Oxford I about the good times I there as a student. (walk; think; spend) 2. As soon as he .mowing the lawn he .cutting the bushes. (finish; start) 3. After I ..the letter I .that it was too late to post it. (write; see) 4. She me if I .away on holiday. (ask; be) 5. When I home last night, the house .dark and silent. Everybody bed or out. (come; be; either go; go) 6. I ..worried about Samantha because I her several times but she the phone. (be; call; never answer) 7. When Mr Brown's neighbor. to see him he ..that he killed, so he immediately .the police. (go; see; be; inform) 8. I ..Kevin on the street yesterday and he he ill for a week. He still good. (meet; tell; be; not look) 9. Linda ..out of bed one night because she .some noises. She ..downstairs and ..a stranger in her kitchen. (get; hear; go; find) 10. When it ..finally my turn at the check-in desk, I .find my ticket. So I .. rush back home to get it. (be; cannot; must) PAST PERFECT Multiple choice: Question 1: I _______ (find out) that he ____ (spend) three years in jail! 1. had found out/ spent 2. found out/ spent 3. had found out/ had spent 4. found out/ had spent Question 2: They ______ (live) in a small apartment before they _____ (move) to a new house. 1. lived/ had moved 2. lived/ moved 3. had lived/ moved 4. had lived/ had moved Question 3: Someone ______ (break into) a museum and ______ (take) a valuable painting. 1. had broken into/ had taken 2. broke into/ took 3. broke into/ had taken 4. had broken into/ took

Question 4: If only we _________ (know) the truth about him. 1. have known 2. knew 3. were knowing 4. had known Question 5: The patient _____ already (die) when the doctor ______ (arrive). 1. had already died/ had arrived 2. died/ arrived 3. had already died/ arrived 4. died/ had arrived Question 6: He _______ (get) a promotion and thus ____ (make) his wife very happy. 1. got/ had made 2. got/ made 3. had got (gotten) / made 4. had got (gotten)/ had made Question 7: He _____ (leave) his home before I ______ (come) there. 1. had left/ came 2. was leaving/ came 3. left/ came 4. had left/ had come Question 8: When we _______ (arrive) she _______ already (go) out. 1. arrived/ had already gone out 2. had arrived/ went out 3. arrived/ already went out 4. had arrived/ had already gone out Question 9: After they _____ (finish) their assignment, students ________ (go out). 1. had finished/ had gone out 2. had finished/ went out 3. finished/ went out 4. finished/ had gone out Question 10: They ________ (spend) all their money before their father ______ (come back). 1. spent/ had come back 2. spent/ came back 3. had spent/ came back 4. had spent/ had come back

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