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Balance in Design Principles

The elements of design converge to create a equal distribution of visual weight within the particular composition. The design or arrangement of elements that appear to be a whole with equilibrium. The simplistic type of balance is called symmetrical balance which has a basic appeal to the viewer. Asymmetrical balance is achieved by unlike object that have equaleye attraction. Asymmetrical balanceis based on: -Balance by Value and Color -Balance of Shape and texture -By Position and Eye direction

Balance Balance is the arrangement of lines, colors, values, textures, forms, and space. their are three types of balance: formal or symmetrical or informal or asymmetrical and radial balance. Formal or symmetrical balance has equal weight on both sides. Informal or asymmetrical balance has a different weight on on each side to maintain balance. Radial balance is a circular balance moving out from a central object to maintain balance. Balance in architecture OBJECTIVE: To explore the compositional tool of "balance" in creating a composition. BACKGROUND: "Balance" is a simple visual concept that relates to our experience of physical balance. If a painting or photograph is "out of balance" we immediately recognize it and try to rehang it or "crop" it to make it balanced. It is a natural tendency to want the world, including the visual world,

to be "in balance." Examples of out of balance compositions would include those with all of the interest or activity on one side of the artwork, "top heavy" sculptures, and directional compositions with all of the movement running in a diagonal direction. Because we as people are "land based" and stand erect with two feet on the ground, we tend to relate visual balance to the horizon. This is particularly true in architecture, since buildings must be built on the ground. Balance in architecture can easily be achieved, and unless there is a very strong reason for not doing so (such as an attempt to call special attention to a structure or part of the building), balance should always be strived for in architectural composition. Methods of achieving balance can be classified as follows: a. Axial symmetrical balance (arranging visually equal elements on both sides of a single axis, like the human body, or most traditional Christian churches, for example) b. Biaxial symmetrical balance (arranging visually equal elements in each of the four quadrants created by a pair of crossed axes, like the Shedd Aquarium building, for example) c. Radial balance (arranging visually equal elements at an equal distance from a center point and spaced at an equal distance apart from one another, like the petals of a flower, for instance) d. Asymmetrical balance (arranging visually un equal elements around a point such that their visual weight of each element multiplied times their distance from the point of balance all equal one another, like the careful placement of stones in a Japanese garden, or the composition of the three black buildings by Mies van der Rohe and red sculpture by Alexander Calder which make up the Federal Building complex on Dearborn Street in Chicago, for example). This type of balance is the most widely used in architectural composition today, due to the extreme complexity of most building functional programs, which prevent total symmetry. Gestalt Principles In Architecture: Achieving Design Balance The science of Architecture strives to achieve a symmetrical or asymmetrical balance in designing principles. In the formulation of such designs architects take into consideration theories relating to how people perceive. All senses are

taken into account and theories like Gestalt Principles highlight the various design principles. Just to give you an example it is possible that the observer pulls one of Gestalt Principles when he views a structure from all perspectives and distances. A set of elements that reflects closure, similarity, proximity, figure/ground and continuation are picked by the designing principles. How different observers perceive balance and patterns is a very amazing subject. Why are human brains tilted towards finding symmetry? The answer to this could provide a detailed subject for the architects and designers. How is a scene viewed with all its elements from a brain and why is it perceived in such a manner makes one understand what architecture is all about. All the various elements have to be synchronized together to form a complete system this gives balance. This is what architects and designers are all about. It is possible for human brains to deconstruct such systems very rapidly. In its truest sense, the branch of architecture is like a melodious language that does the balancing act using various elements. When design principles and interior design ideas are able to create some kind of patterns to fill voids of spaces, there is a kind of balance created. Architecture involves all the human senses and due this it is as simple to achieve a true design as it is complex. Adopting design principles like the Gestalt it is possible for architecture to become instinctive and groundbreaking success. The percepts that will emerge from a visual system are determined by Gestalt principles. The basis of these principles is that some figure is always perceived by us and we try and articulate the visual scene in figures and patterns. Due to the design principle adopted by our senses we look at things like they appear to us. As perception includes all senses the German school of psychology known as Gestalt psychology mainly derives from the visual sense. In todays times it is also equally important to have an interaction with the computer to understand mentation and perception.

Symmetry and balance in architecture As you would expect, planning departments will pass judgement on a planning application and will often refuse a planning application if the main elevation is symmetrical. This comes as a bit of a shock to some of our clients to whom a perfectly symmetrical facade is the epitome of beauty. How do I reconcile this difference of opinions? It seems to me that the appeal of symmetry is based upon our general preference for order. Squirt some ink on a piece of paper and you have instant disorder. Fold the paper in two and you have a symmetrical pattern usually known as an Ink Devil. To most this is a more satisfying pattern than the squirt of ink. I think this is because a singular entity is just that and has no twin, its shape is just an accident. ontrasts in Balance Architecture by Di Vece Arquitectos This is an architecture of light and shadow composition that is optimized for the contrast generated by the light and dark, for the mass and vacuum, interior views are complemented by external views of the surrounding area. This is an architecture that celebrates the tension generated between the elements that favor the contrast. The architectural concept for this residential project is to propose a composition that is achieved through the manipulation of contrasts in balance. Contrasts in Balance Architecture by Di Vece Arquitectos Contrast between the scales within the sequences of spaces are organized around the central courtyard, contrasts in the use of lights and shadows that overlap in the interior space to maximize their relationship with the outside world and its immediate landscape, contrast in the use of man-made materials and natural materials that are confronted with the natural elements dispersed within the interior space. Moreover, the sense of balance is evident at first sight in the presence of the facades for their contrast of quantity which is accomplished by volumetric composition, the exterior has been articulated as a solid volume which cuts and bumps are only the reflection programmatic needs of the interior. The mass dominates the vain just to make apparent that the inclusion of natural light and views to search for natural landscapes and cityscapes, have to be exploited for maximum comfort of its inhabitants

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