Test For Past Simple Tense and Reading Comprehension

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1 Write the verbs in the correct column and then write the Past Simple forms.

study meet give win buy visit speak become stay leave start get enjoy stop do lose REGULAR VERBS IRREGULAR VERBS ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 2 Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F) CHARLES DICKENS !harles "ic#ens is a famous writer in the $n%lish lan%ua%e. &e wrote about the real world of $n%land and man' of the people in his boo#s were not rich( but poor and hun%r'. !harles "ic#ens)s famil' lived in *ondon and his father wor#ed in an office. +t was a %ood ,ob( but he alwa's spent a lot of mone' and often there was no mone' to bu' food. There were ei%ht children in the famil'( so life was hard. !harles went to school and his teachers thou%ht he was ver' clever. -ut when !harles was onl' eleven( his father lost all his mone' and the famil' left their house. !harles %ot a ,ob washin% bottles. &e wor#ed ten hours a da' and he earned six shillin%s (./p) a wee#. $ver' ni%ht( after wor#( he wal#ed four miles bac# to his room. !harles hated it and never for%ot it. &e used it in man' boo#s( for example David Copperfield and Oliver Twist. 1 Charles Dickens was born in 1812. ___ 2 Charles Dickens wrote in English. ___ 3 Charles Dickens only wrote about rich people. ___ 4 Charles Dickens father ha a !ob in an office. ___ " Charles Dickens life was ifficult because he ha eight chil ren. ___ # Charles Dickens was goo at school. ___ $ Charles Dickens spent all his fathers %oney. ___ 8 Charles Dickens worke e&ery night. ___ ' Charles Dickens earne &ery little %oney. ___ 1( )li&er *wist was Charles Dickens frien . ___ 3 !omplete the sentences with a verb from the box in the Past Simple. 0a#e one of the verbs ne%ative. marry earn die stay come be born become have help work study speak stop like +y gran parents (1) ____________ in ,ungary in the1'2(s. *hey (2) ____________ to Englan in 1'4#- after the war. +y gran father worke in a factory in .ir%ingha% an he (.) ____________ English at night. +y gran %other (3) ____________ at ho%e because she only (4) ____________ ,ungarian an so she coul nt get a !ob. /ife was ifficult because %y gran father (5)____________ %uch %oney in the factory. +y gran parents (6) ____________ three chil ren- %y %other an %y two uncles. *hey (7) ____________ their parents as %uch as they coul . +y gran parents 8) ____________ work when they were si0ty an they like ha&ing a lot of free ti%e together. 1nfortunately- %y gran father (1/) ____________ in 1''4- but %y gran %other is still ali&e.

4 Write sentences about someone in 'our famil'. Where and when was he9she born Where did he9she live when he9she was small What did he9she stud' What did he9she do in his9her free time Also write about his9her first ,ob.

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