Karave, Nerul, Navi Mumbai - 400 70 Tel: 91-22-27701 1!"2770#$0%, &a' (o: 91-22-2771#$0! )*ail : dire+tor.*,*-ai+a*.,s/i*,.+o.in
AG) 4I5IT : Candidates -elon2in2 to General 6 78C +ate2ories s0o,ld not -e *ore t0an 1$! years (i) &or 5ale 2! years and t0ose -elon2in2 to 9C 6 9T +ate2ories s0o,ld not -e *ore t0an Cadets st (&,ll ti*e residential 0 years as on 1 7+to-er. (Gen ? 9 2,20,000"and re2i*ental de2ree :UA4I&ICATI7(: 78C- !0 .er ann,* +o,rse) (i) A +andidate *,st 0ave .assed /30 < 01 E8ami)a-i.) ;it0 <0ysi+s, 9C - 2$ C0e*istry, 5at0e*ati+s and )n2lis0 at t0e ti*e of a..earin2 for 9T - 1%) (ii) &or Girl Ad*ission t0ro,20 +o,nsellin2. Cadets IIT-3)) A(= 1,%0,!00"(ii) Candidates -elon2in2 to General 6 78C +ate2ories *,st se+,re at least .er ann,* #0> *ar1s and 9C 6 9T +andidates *,st se+,re at least !!> *ar1s in a22re2ate in t0e /30<01 E8ami)a-i.)$ Note : IMU information brochure may be referred for further details regarding admission procedures of B.Sc. (Nautical Science) Degree ourse. !)e Year Di=l.ma i) Nau-i(al S(ie)(e /DNS1 ;ea>i)+ -. B$S($ /Nau-i(al S(ie)(e1 Ad*ission t0ro,20 I5U C)T (&,ll ti*e residential and re2i*ental de2ree +o,rse) E>u(a-i.)al ?uali'i(a-i.)" 1. <ass in 10@2 e'a*ination fro* a re+o2niAed 8oard " University ;it0 <0ysi+s, C0e*istry and 5at0e*ati+s (<C5), ;it0 not less t0an !!> a22re2ate *ar1s in <C5. 7B Cit0 <0ysi+s as an individ,al s,-De+t in any one of t0e years of 8.9+., ;it0 not less t0an !0> *ar1s in t0e final year of 8.9+., fro* a re+o2niAed University .rovided t0at t0e +andidate *,st 0ave .assed 10@2 e'a*ination ;it0 <0ysi+s, C0e*istry and 5at0e*ati+s (<C5) fro* a re+o2nised 8oard. 7B 8.)."8. Te+0. or itEs eF,ivalent de2ree fro* I.I.T. or fro* a +olle2e re+o2niAed -y AICT)"UGC. A(= 2. 90o,ld 0ave .assed ;it0 not less t0an !0> *ar1s in )n2lis0 as a se.arate s,-De+t, at eit0er 10t0 or 12t0 standard or in t0e =e2ree .ro2ra**e +ond,+ted -y a re+o2niAed 8oard University. A+e ;imi-" (ot *ore t0an 2! years. T0e a2e li*it is rela'a-le -y 2 years in +ase of fe*ale +andidates and ! years for 9C"9T +andidates. P*@,i(al a)> Me>i(al S-a)>ar>," 5edi+ally fit as .er t0e standards set -y 5er+0ant 90i..in2 5edi+al )'a*ination B,les, 2000 as a*ended fro* ti*e to ti*e. 1st 8at+0 100 2nd 8at+01%7 one year (2 9e*esters) <re-sea +o,rse 2,20,000"-
E@e ,i+*-" #"# in ea+0 eye ;it0o,t vis,al aids. (or*al +olo,r vision. Candidates ;ill 0ave to ,nder2o a f,ll eyesi20t test +ond,+ted -y t0e 5er+antile 5arine =e.art*ent (55=) -efore -ein2 finally sele+ted for t0e .ro2ra**e. Note : IMU information brochure may be referred for further details regarding admission procedures of Diploma in Nautical Science (DNS) course. II$ S#!RT TERMS C!URSES C!URSE Advan+ed &ire &i20tin2 Co,rse G5=99
C!URSE C!MMENCEMENT DATE )very 5onday &or t0e first 0alf 2012: 3an: 02 3an: 0 &e-: 27 A.r: 02 5ay: 07 3,n: 0%
Any +andidate a..earin2 for C7C )'a*inations (=e+1 6 )n2ine) at 55=Es C7C ((a,ti+al) or Badio 7ffi+er (C7<) or 10 @ 2 <C5
# days 12 days
1. 2. .
Co,rse fees 0as to -e .aid -y de*and draft in favo,r of GIndian 5ariti*e University, 5,*-ai Ca*.,sH If a st,dent 0as Doined t0e +o,rse and 0e"s0e 0as left t0e +o,rse after attendin2 t0e +lass even for one day, no ref,nd of +o,rse fee ;ill -e +onsidered. 7.r (.ur,e >e-ail, (.)-a(- " Ca=- S B Si)*a, Nau-i(al !''i(er, T$S$ C*a)aA@a, Karave, Nerul, Navi Mumbai 2 40070 6 Tele ). /0001 0770947 B07703:95, 'a8 ).$" /0001 077009:4" e-mail " -,(*a)aA@a$mumbai(am=u,Cimu$(.$i)