Questions: Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Exam (Multiple-Choice Portion)

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Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Exam (Multiple-Choice Portion)

1. You have a default Red Hat 7.x workstation. Your lilo.conf contains the following lines boot=/dev/hda3 password=foo123 restricted This means that: A. password is needed to proceed be ond !"!# at ever bootup $. A password is needed to drop to single user mode %. !ogins are restricted to user foo&'( ). *one of the above Choice B is correct. The "restricted" directive forces LILO to prompt for a password whenever booting into the non-defau t run eve . In !ed"at #.$% the defau t run eve is &. The sing e user mode is at run eve 1. If the "restricted" directive was absent% then a password wou d have been needed to proceed be'ond the LILO prompt at each bootup. (or this reason% option ) is wrong. LILO does not inc ude a user authentication process. (or this reason% option C is wrong. Obvious ' option * is a so wrong. +. A files stem contains errors. You run fsck. +here do ou look for orphaned files, A. -boot $. -var-fsck-orphan.files %. tmp of the files stem ). lost/found of the files stem Choice * is correct. On ' the ,erne and re ated fi es are p aced in -boot..o s'stem process generates an "orphan-fi es" fi e or director'. The "tmp" director' is not created for ever' fi es'stem. /. You have to find out whether an application foo uses the shared librar You can do this b : A. grep libbar foo $. ldd foo 0 grep libbar

%. ldconfig foo bar ). find foo .lib libbar .print

0. "n the bash shell1 command histor is controlled b which group of the following environment variables, A. H"2T3"!41 H"2T2"541 H"2T3"!42"54 $. H"2T3"!41 H"2T3"!42"541 4)"T#R %. H"2T2"541 H"2T#6T"#*21 4)"T#R ). H"2T2"541 H"2T3"!42"541 4)"T#R

&. 6rotocols used for retrieval and deletion of mail are: A. tcp and udp $. smtp and imap7 %. imap7 and pop( ). mail and pop(

1. Your workstation is on a !A*. You can successfull ping other hosts on the same network but are unable to ping a host outside our network. +hich command8s9 will help ou diagnose the problem, A. route $. tracert %. nettl ). traceroute

#. You want to use the l nx web browser to browse the +++. You are behind a +in:ate prox whose "6 address is &;.;.;.&. You have to make the following change8s9 in our -etc-l nx.cfg: A. http<prox =http:--&;.;.;.&:>; $. http<prox <host=http:--&;.;.;.&

%. http<prox <port=>; ). HTT6<6R#?Y=&;.;.;.&:>;

2. You do not wish to recieve an mail from the cron daemon. +hat do ou do, A. You set the %R#*@A"! environment variable to ; $. You set the @A"! environment variable to ; %. You put @A"!=; at the top of our crontab file ). You put @A"!T#=AA at the top of our crontab file

3. The following free1 opensource Bournalling files stems are available for !inux at the moment: A. ext'1 ext( and reisser $. ext(1 reisser and xfs %. ext( and xfs ). afs1 ext( and reisser

14. You do not know which *"% ou have in our workstation. You onl know that it is a 6%" *"%. +hich command8s9 can help ou find out more, A. lspci $. devscan pci %. cat -proc-pci 0 more ). ioscan .fun% lan

11. You have ' 6%" video cards in our workstation. To enable the second1 ou have to use the following command8s9: A. This is impossible. You cannot have more than one video card per workstation $. setpci

%. modprobe svga ). modprobe pci

1+. You have implemented RA")C. You can expect: A. 3ast reads and fast writes $. 3ast reads and slow writes %. 2low reads and fast writes ). 2low reads and slow writes

1/. You wish to add to our swap memor b swapping to a file AswapfileA in addition to our swap partition. The first command ou have to run to create the file is: A. dd $. touch %. D ). swapon

10. Your server has Red Hat 7.x installed. Your *"% has been detected but ou have not configured networking. To allot it an "6 address1 ou have to edit the following file: A. This is impossible. An address has to be allotted the moment an *"% has been detected. $. -etc-hosts %. -etc-s sconfig-network ). -etc-s sconfig-network.scripts-ifcfg.eth;

1&. You have to allocate the addresses &E'.&F>.;.& to &E'.&F>.;.&'( to eth&. You have to edit: A. -etc-s sconfig-network.scripts-ethG&1&:;1&:' .. &:&'(H $. -etc-s sconfig-network.scripts-ifcfg.eth;

%. -etc-s sconfig-network.scripts-ifcfg.eth&.range; ). -etc-s sconfig-network-range;

11. $ default )*2 checks: A. cache onl $. hint file onl %. hint file and cache in that order ). cache and hint file in that order

1#. "n our !A*1 there has been a change in the "6 address of one host. You have changed the relevant A record in the )*2 Ione file8s9 and restarted named. 2till1 the old "6 address is being served out b the )*2 server. The problem could be that: A.You have forgotten to decrease the TimeTo!ive in the Ione file8s9 $. You have forgotten to increment 2erial in the Ione file %. You have forgotten to update -etc-named.conf ).You have check from the whois database

12. The default umask for a non.privileged user on a Red Hat s stem is: A. 777 $. ''' %. ;'' ). 7CC

13. You are running a gatewa for our !A* on a Red Hat 7.x s stem. You will configure the static routes in which of the following file8s9, A. -etc-defaultrouter

$. -etc-s sconfig-static.routes %. -etc-static.routes ). -etc-router-static.routes

+4. ish to allow a non.root user to bring network interface eth; up and down: A. This is impossible. #nl root can bring interfaces up or down. $. The user can AsuA to root and manage the interface. %. You have to set J24R variable to that user in the -etc-s sconfig-network.scripts-ifcfg.eth; file ). You have to set the J24R%T! variable in the -etc-s sconfig-network.scripts-ifcfg.eth; file

+1. .7u .f -dev-nrst& -home will update the following file8s9: A. -home-dumpdates $. -etc-dump-home-dumpdates %. -etc-dumpdates ). -etc-home-dumpdates

++. "n order to map the proper module libraries to the proper kernel1 it is advisable to set the <<<<<<<<<<< variable in -usr-src-linux-@akefile: A. K4R*4!L4R2"#* $. 4?TRAL4R2"#* %. L4R2"#* ). 6R#64RL4R2"#*

+/. You wish to allow non.root user to mount dos.formatted flopp disks on -dev-fd;. The following line8s9 in -etc-fstab will do the Bob: A. -dev-fd; -mnt msdos user1noauto

$. -dev-fd; -mnt dos users1noauto %. -dev-fd; -mnt dosfs defaults ). -dev-fd; -mnt dos users1noauto ; ;

+0. "t is impossible to run ? without a window manager. A. True $. 3alse

+&. You wish to use multiple monitors with our ?: A. You have to use the lbx extensions $. You have to use the omni? server %. You have to use the xinerama extensions ). "t is not possible to use multiple monitors with ?.

+1. Your -etc-securett file contains the following entries: tty1 tty2 tty3 This means that root can login at: A. virtual terminals tt 7 to tt 7 $. virtual terminals tt & to tt ( %. both of the above ). The -etc-securett controls onl remote logins. Hence the above file will have no effect.

+#. Your -etc-securett file contains the following line: tty1

Also our -etc-pam.d-login file has the following line at the top: auth sufficient /lib/security/ This means that: A. All users can login without passwords $. #nl root can login at tt & without password %. *o user can login at tt & without password ). All users excluding root can login at tt & without passwords

+2. You are running a mailserver using default Red Hat 7.x. The default 2endmail generates a rela ing denied error. This means that: A. RecipientMs domain is not in $. RecipientMs domain is not in %. RecipientMs domain is not in ). RecipientMs domain is not in -etc-mail-virtdomains

+3. The main tripwire configuration file b default in a Red Hat 7.x server is: A. -etc-tripwire-config $. -etc-twconfig %. -etc-tripwire.conf ). -etc-tripwire-twpol.txt

/4. The minimum ke siIe for a )2A and 4l:amal ke generated b gpg &.;.F is: A. 7F> bits $. C&' bits %. &;'7 bits

). 7;EF bits

1. %hoice B is correct. The ArestrictedA directive forces !"!# to prompt for a password whenever booting into the non.default runlevel. "n RedHat 7.x1 the default runlevel is C. The single user mode is at runlevel &. "f the ArestrictedA directive was absent1 then a password would have been needed to proceed be ond the !"!# prompt at each bootup. 3or this reason1 option A is wrong. !"!# does not include a user authentication process. 3or this reason1 option % is wrong. #bviousl option ) is also wrong. +. %hoice * is correct. #nl the kernel and related files are placed in -boot.*o s stem process generates an Aorphan.filesA file or director . The AtmpA director is not created for ever files stem. /. %hoice B is correct. %hoice A is wrong because grep is a text search command."f foo were a text file1 grep would look for the word AlibbarA in it. The AldconfigA command creates the links and cache used b the runtime linker. "t does not displa the libraries used b an application. Hence choice % is wrong. %hoice ) is also wrong. The find command as shown in option ) would search for a file called libbar under the director called foo. This is obviousl wrong 0. %hoice ) is correct. This is a trick Nuestion. The Korn shell needs the 4)"T#R variable to be set. The bash shell merel needs the H"2T3"!41 H"2T2"541 and H"2T3"!42"54 variables. &. %hoice C is correct. 6#6( and "@A67 are used to retrieve and delete mail.@ail is retrieved and deleted at the application la er of the T%6-"6 stack. There is no AmailA protocol. The smtp protocol is used for reliable transfer of mail. "t has not function to delete mail. The protocols tcp and udp work below the application la er. You can read more about this topic at the *A: 8*etwork AdministratorMs :uide9. 1. %hoices ) and * are correct. %hoice $ and % are invalid. The ArouteA command will displa the gatewa of our !A*. "f not set1 ou will have to set it. "f it is set correctl and still the problem persists1 ou have to use the traceroute command to make sure that our ping packet is being dropped b the gatewa . #. %hoice ) is correct. The +in:ate prox listens at port >; and forwards all reNuests arriving at that port. %hoice $ and % are invalid. %hoice ) is wrong but important. "n case ou cannot edit the -etc-l nx.cfg file1 ou can still get proxied out if ou set the HTT6<6R#?Y environment variable. "n this Nuestion1 however ou were asked specificall about the l nx.cfg file. 2. %hoice * is correct. The cron daemon sends a mail to the user ever time it executes a command specified in the crontab. This is often a maBor source of iritation for bus s stem administrators.The @A"!T#=AA stops this default behaviour of cron. The crontab does not check an variable called %R#*@A"! or @A"!. Hence options A1$ and % are wrong. 3. %hoice B is correct. The ext' and afs files stems are not Bournalling files stems. A32 is1 in fact1 a distributed files stem. "t can span several networks. However1 it is not a Bournalling files stem.

14. %hoices ) and C are correct. %hoice $ and ) are invalid. 11. %hoice B is correct. %hoice A is wrong. %hoice % and ) will generate error messages. The setpci command will be used to enable the second video card. 1+. %hoice B is correct. RA")C enables fast reads and slow writes. Theoreticall 1 since RA")C spreads the write process to ( or more disks1 it should be faster. However in practise1 RA")C increases read speed but actuall slows down write speed. 1/. %hoice ) is correct. This is a trick Nuestion. The point is <create< the file of a reNuired siIe. This is achieved b running the AddA command. The touch command creates a file of Iero siIe. ADA will bring down the siIe of an existing file to ;. The swapon command will start swapping to a preformatted swap partition. 10. %hoice * is correct. The -etc-hosts file is used to map "6 addresses to hostnames.The -etc-s sconfig-network is used to define some basic networking information about our host1 such as the hostname1 and the default gatewa . 1&. %hoice C is correct. %hoice A is also correct1 theoreticall . $ut it is impractical to edit the files as suggested. #nl one interface alias can be configured in choice $1 whereas we need to configure &'( at a time. %hoice ) is invalid. 11. %hoice * is correct. $ind . the )*2 server software that runs on J*"? is so written that it alwa s checks its cache and hint file in that order. 1#. %hoice B is correct. This is a common mistake made b )*2 administrators. The TimeTo!ive has nothing to do with the problem at hand. The -etc-named.conf file does not need an updation if changes are made inside a Ione file. The whois database also has nothing to do with this particular problem. 12. %hoice C is correct. The default umask for a non.privileged user is ;'' . 13. %hoice B is correct. %hoices A1 % and ) are invalid +4. %hoice * is correct. %hoice A is wrong. %hoice $ defeats the purpose of having the user manipulate the interface as the user will have to be told the root password. %hoice % is also incorrect. +1. %hoice C is correct. %hoices A1 $ and ) are invalid. ++. %hoice B is correct. This is a ver important Nuestion as correct kernel compilation can carr high marks in the actual exam. Red Hat has modified the @akefile to include the 4?TRAL4R2"#* variable. +/. %hoice ) is correct. There is no such thing as the dos and dosfs files stems under linux. The 3AT files stem is recogniIed as msdos."t should be usable b user 8not users9. "t should also not be mounted automaticall . +0. %hoice B is correct. #ne does not need a window manager to run ?. #ne ma see this b running the following commands echo "xterm \ " ! "/.xinitrc startx

You will see an ? session start up with the xterm. The onl notable thing is that the terminal window cannot be moved1 resiIed1 maximiIed or minimiIed. ? as a protocol does not need a window manager. This is a maBor feature of ?. The displa terminal is the ? 2erver1 not the window manager. +&. %hoice C is correct. %hoice A is wrong as lbx 8low bandwidth ?9 is used for running ? over slow connections.%hoice $ is invalid. %hoice ) is clearl wrong. +1. %hoice B is correct. The -etc-securett file determines which TTY devices the root user is allowed to login on. Thus %hoice $ is correct. %hoice ) is clearl wrong. %hoice A is also incorrect. This implies that choice % is also wrong. +#. %hoice ) is correct. This is another trick Nuestion. The configuration above is horribl insecureO The -etc-securett file determines which TTY devices the root user is allowed to login on. "t has no effect whatsoever on logins b non.root users. The ke to understanding this Nuestion is is the AsufficientA in -etc-pam.d-login. "t has two implications. 3irst1 if this condition is satisfied1 access is to be granted iediatel irrespective of other conditions. 2econd1 it means that as long as root logs in at onl tt &1 root will be given access. A non.root user can login at an terminal. The non.root user will be granted access without a password. The pam configuration of the login program is such that the onl condition that is checked is whether root is logging in at tt &. The condition is satisfied as long as a non.root user is logging in. +2. %hoices ) and C are correct. The domains for which we rela mail are to be specified in sendmailMs class w. This is done t picall b defining a file which1 in the case of RedHat 7.x1 sendmail is #ne ma also set the domains as a space separated list inside the file. "n case1 ou thought was the correct answer1 donMt be disappointed. 6rior to version >.&;1 the file was "t has changed now been to Too bad ou canMt have almost right answers. "f ou are seriousl interested in sendmail 8and ou should be if ou want to make a career out of !inux91 there is onl one place to look:'-noframes.html. +3. %hoice * is correct. The default configuration file in RedHat 7.x is -etc-tripwire-twpol.txt. The rest of the options refer to files that do not exist. /4. %hoice ) is correct. This is et another trick Nuestion. The default ke siIe is &;'7 bits. $ut the minimum ke siIe is 7F> bits.

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