DD-17DSI DD-17DSIW NT-12S/SE NT-16S/SE NT-20S/SE NT-24SP NT-30SP NT-34SP NT-40 P-30S/40 SF-20 SF-25 SF-30 SF-35 SF-42 SF-20F SF-25F SF-30F SF-35F SF-42F SH-35 SH-42 SH-35F SH-42F SHD-2542 SFV-35 SFV-42 SFV-35F SFV-42F
SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 676 Broadway Street Dayton, Tennessee 37321 423-775-2131 Fax: 423-775-7015 [email protected]
General Service Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Furnace Spec Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vent Assem bly Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-16 Return Air Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ducting Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Installation Requirem ents (DD, NT and P Model Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Installation Requirem ents (SF, SH and SHD-2542 Model Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Installation Requirem ent (SFV Model Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Furnace Specifications (DD, NT and P Model Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Furnace Specifications (SF, SFV, SH, and SHD-2542 Model Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sequence of Operation (Tim e Delay Relay Equipped Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sequence of Operation (Fan Control Module Board (520820) Equipped Furnaces) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Sequence of Operation (24 VAC Fan Control Module Board (520947) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sequence of Operation (SHD-2542 Furance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Trouble Shooting Flow Chart (Furnaces Equipped with Tim e Delay Relay) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Trouble Shooting Flow Chart (Furnaces Equipped with Fan Control Module Board) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Service Hints, Diagnosis and Corrective Measures for Suburban 24-Volt AC Electronic Ignition Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 W iring Diagram s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-34 Furnace Rem oval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36 SF, SH and SHD-2542 Electrode Gap Specifications & Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 NT and Park Model Electrode Gap Specifications & Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
NOTE: Our service technicians are available to assist you in making repairs or parts replacem ents from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, M onday through Friday (except holidays), by calling 423-775-2131 extension 7102. E-mail address: info1@
Gas Supply Pressure Requirements Line Pressure: Minim um 11" W C*, Maxim um 14" W C *W C - water colum n Voltage Requirements Voltage DC: 12 volt D.C. Minim um 10.5 volts D.C., Maxim um 13.5 volts D.C.
Service Tools Required Manom eter gauge/ U-Tube Volt ohm m eter capable of testing above 15 am ps Module board tester #641511 Gas leak detector OR approved leak check liquid Assorted wrenches Assorted hand tools Safety glasses
12 VDC Direct Discharge NT-12SE NT-16SE NT-20SE DD-17DSI Accessories 260197 260198 260199 BTU/h Input 12,000 16,000 19,000 17,000 Height 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 12" Width 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 10 1/2" Depth 21-27 3/4" 21-27 3/4" 21-27 3/4" 22-29" Ignition Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Shipping Weight 27 27 27 25
Description Vent Kit 2" - 4" DD Models Vent Kit 4" - 6" DD Models Vent Kit 6" - 9" DD Models Height 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 12 1/2" 12 1/2" 12 1/2" 12 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 9 1/4" 9 1/4" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 7 1/2" 9 1/4" 9 1/4" 9 1/4" Width 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 9 3/8" 12" 12" 12" 12" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" 17" Depth 22 3/4-29 1/2" 22 3/4-29 1/2" 23 3/8-30 1/8" 23" 23" 23" 23" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" 20" Ignition Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic Shipping Weight 27 27 27 40 40 40 42 35 35 35 35 35 40 42 35 35 35 35 35 40 42 44
12 VDC Ducted BTU/h Furnaces Input NT-12S NT-16S NT-20S NT-24SP NT-30SP NT-34SP NT-40 SF-20F SF-25F SF-30F SF-35F SF-42F SH-35F SH-42F SF-20* SF-25* SF-30* SF-35* SF-42* SH-35* SH-42* SHD-2542 Accessories 6258ACW 6258APW 6267ACW 12,000 16,000 19,000 24,000 30,000 34,000 40,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 35,000 40,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 35,000 40,000 25/40,000
Description *Door, Optional Access, Colonial White, Standard SF Models *Door, Optional Access, Polar White, Standard SF Models *Door, Optional Access, Colonial White, Standard SH Models Height 12 1/2" Width 12" Depth 23" Ignition Electronic Shipping Weight 46
120 VAC Park BTU/h Model Furnaces Input P-40 Accessories 050733 050715 051240 280552 062164 070853 520009 520576 520753 520864 40,000
Description Duct Cover Duct Collar 4" Duct Collar 2" Rain Shield Bottom Duct Gasket, NT-24/30/34SP, NT-40, P40 Bottom Duct Gasket, SF Models Except SF-42, (F) Bottom Duct Kit W/Gasket, NT-24/30/34SP, NT-40. P40 Bottom Duct Kit W/Gasket, SF Models Except SF-42, (F), SH35 (F) Bottom Duct Kit W/Gasket and Door, SF-42, (F) Bottom Duct Kit W/Gasket SH-42 (F) SHD-2542
W all Therm ostats are included w ith All M odels, except SF. V ent Assem blies are included w ith all units, except D D .
There are several important aspects of the installation which will pertain to all Suburban forced draft furnaces, regardless of the model or the method in which they are installed. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Selecting a Location Venting Return Air Ducting Location and Installation- Locate the furnace near lengthwise center of the coach. Choose a location for installation out of the way of wires, pipes, etc. which might interfere with the installation. Adhere to the minimum clearances from cabinet to combustible construction as listed in the installation manual for your specific furnace model. Secure furnace cabinet to the floor of the coach using the holes provided in the furnace cabinet.
Figure 1
Venting- By definition of a Direct Vent Sealed Combustion Furnace, it must be vented to the outside atmosphere and also draw combustion air from outdoors. Therefore, it is imperative that the vent be unobstructed and there must be a seal between the exhaust and intake (caulking) . Refer to the vent assembly installation in the manual. The vent must be straight. There can be no offsets or turns in the vent. All vent tubes which connect to the furnace exhaust and intake must overlap a minimum of 1/2" on intake, and 1 1/4" on exhaust. Check your furnace model number for vent installation procedures. Vents cannot be altered as supplied from the factory. VENT ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION (SF and SH SERIES)
Figure 2 SF
Figure 2A SH
Figure 3 SF
Figure 4 SF
Figure 4A SH
Figure 5
Figure 5A
Figure 6
Figure 6A
VENT ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION (DD SERIES) Note: Vent cap must be installed on DD furnace when bench testing.
Figure 7
Figure 8 N T-12/16/20S E
Figure 10 NT-12/16S
Figure 11 N T-20S
Figure 16 N T-40
Figure 17 P -40
Return Air - The cabinet that the furnace m ay be installed in will have louvers or openings for the return air back to the furnace. W hen the furnace is installed, it is im perative that the return air louvers on the furnace cabinet opening are not obstructed. Usually, these furnaces are installed under a counter, sofa or bed in order to be out of the way. A grille or opening m ust be built into the cabinetry or into the base area of the sofa or bed. Return air from the living area of the trailer is drawn in through the grille and into the return air openings in the furnace cabinet. Figure 19 illustrates the return air circulation of the furnace. Note: Refer to the installation manual for the minimum return air area for your specific furnace model. Insufficient return air will cause the furnace to overheat and cycle on lim it. Another sym ptom of a return air problem is: 1. Furnace seem s to run continuously in an effort to satisfy the therm ostat.
Figure 19
Ducting - Suburban furnaces require that a m inim um duct area be m aintained throughout entire duct system including through the register. It is very im portant to adhere to the m inim um duct area in order to keep the furnace from cycling on high lim it and to assure proper operation of the sail switch (som etim es referred to as a m icroswitch.) NOTE: (Refer to the installation manual for the minimum ducted square inches area for each model.) NOTE: Ducts terminating in a dead air space (like holding tank compartments or cargo areas (Toy Boxes) w ith no means for return air recirculation should not be counted in the required duct area. Also, ducts 2" in diameter or smaller should not be counted in the required duct area. W hen installing a duct system , avoid m aking a lot of turns. The straighter the duct system , the less the resistance to air flow and the better the perform ance of the furnace. Avoid m aking sharp turns in the duct system . Sharp turns will increase the static pressure in the plenum area of the furnace and could cause the furnace to cycle on lim it. The duct connections to the furnace cabinet should be tight to elim inate any heat loss which could result in overheating of the com ponent parts on the furnace as well as a reduction in the heated air flow through the ductwork.
Figure 20
Models 0" 1" 1" 1" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 0" 0" 0" 1" 0" 1" 0" 0" 2" 2" 4-4" 0" 0" 1" 1" 4-4" 48" 48" 0" 0" 2" 2" 4-4" 48" 0" 0" 2" 2" 4-4" 48" 0" 0" 1" 1" 3-4" 48" n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0" 0" 1" 1" 3-4" 48" n/a 0" 0" 5/8" 5/8" n/a n/a n/a 0" 0" 5/8" 5/8" n/a n/a n/a 0" 0" 5/8" 5/8" n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 36" 36" 48" 48" 48" 48" 0" 0" 1" 1" 2-4" n/a n/a 25" 0" 0" 1" 1" 2-4" n/a n/a 25" 0" 0" 1" 1" 2-4" n/a n/a 25" 0" 0" 0" 0" n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 55" 55" 55" n/a n/a n/a 55" 55" 55" 113" 55" 113"
Clr Front
Clr Top
Clr Btm
Clr Back
Clr Left
Clr Right
Ducts Reqd
See *1
See *1
See *1
See *1
*1 - Special clearances for discharge grills. Refer to Installation and Instruction Manual. *2 - Return air should be 142" if 4 ducts are used. May be reduced to 88" if 5 ducts are used. NOTE: 0" clearance is to spacer (flanges)
Models 0" 0" 0" 0" 1" 0" 1" 1" 0" 0" 2" 2" 4-4" 72" SEE *3 56" 0" 0" 2" 2" 4-4" 72" SEE *3 56" 0" 0" 1" 1" 4-4" 56" 56" 0" 0" 2" 2" 4-4" 72" SEE *3 56" 48" 48" 48" 48" 0" 0" 0" 0" 4-4" 56" 56" 48" 0" 0" 0" 0" 3-4" 56" 56" 36" 0" 0" 0" 0" 3-4" 56" 56" 36" 0" 0" 0" 0" 2-4" 56" 56" 25" 55" 55" 55" 55" SEE *2 55" See *2 SEE *2
Clr Front
Clr Top
Clr Btm
Clr Back
Clr Left
Clr Right
Ducts Reqd
N O TE : 0" clearance is to spacer (flanges) *1 - S pecial clearances for discharge grills. R efer to Installation and Instruction Manual. *2 - R eturn air should be 142" if 4 ducts are used. May be reducted to 88" if 5 ducts used. *3- Bottom duct required. SF42 uses kit # 520753, SH -42 and SH D -2542 uses kit #520864.
Models 1" 1" 1" 1" 2" 0" 0" 1" 1" SEE *4 52" SEE *4 SEE *4 0" 0" 1" 1" SEE *4 52" SEE *4 SEE *4 0" 0" 1" 1" SEE *4 52" SEE *4 SEE *4 0" 0" 1" 1" SEE *4 52" SEE *4 SEE *4 0" 0" 1" 1" SEE *4 52" SEE *4 SEE *4 55" 55" 55" 55" 142"
Clr Front
Clr Top
Clr Btm
Clr Back
Clr Left
Clr Right
Ducts Reqd
N O TE : 0" clearance is to spacer (flanges) *1 - S pecial clearances for discharge grills. R efer to Installation and Instruction Manual. *2 - R eturn air should be 142" if 4 ducts are used. May be reducted to 88" if 5 ducts used. *3- Bottom duct required. SF42 uses kit # 520753, SH -42 and SH D -2542 uses kit #520864. *4- Vertical m ount furnace review table below for ducting requirem ents. The duct requirem ents m ust be followed in order to assure proper operation of the furnace. The m inim um open duct areas listed below m ust be m aintained through the entire duct system including through register. B O TTO M
TO P AN D FR O N T D U C TS (4" R ound) M inim um D uct Area *O ptional *O ptional *O ptional 56 S Q . IN . *O ptional *O ptional *O ptional M inim um D uct Area
S FV -20(F)
*O ptional
R equired 52 S Q . IN .
S FV -25(F)
*O ptional
R equired 52 S Q . IN .
S FV -30(F) 52 S Q . IN .
*O ptional
R equired 52 S Q . IN .
S FV -35(F)
*U se of these ducts are in addition to the required use of the bottom duct.
12 VDC Model DD-17DSI NT-12S NT-12SE NT-16S NT-16SE NT-20S NT-20SE NT-24SP NT-30SP NT-34SP NT-40 Park Models P-30S P-40**
NOTES **P-40 Park Model Furnace and valve is convertible to Natural Gas. Instructions on converting unit to Natural Gas are on sticker on side of cabinet.
Description Direct Discharge Ducted Direct Discharge Ducted Direct Discharge Ducted Direct Discharge Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted
C.F.M. Max. 145 S - 122 SE -140 S - 165 SE-140 S - 165 SE-150 265 345 373 441 345
12 VDC
S - .1" wc SE - n/a
12 VDC
S - .1" wc SE-n/a
120 VAC
.15" wc
12 VDC Model SF-20/20F Description Ducted Input BTU/hr 20,000 Type Gas PROPANE Voltage 12 VDC Motor Diameter 3" Amp Draw 6.5=2.5 in. Motor 8.5=3 in. Motor 6.5=2.5 in. Motor 8.5=3 in. Motor 6.5=2.5 in. Motor 8.5=3 in. Motor 8.5=2.5 in. Motor 9.4=3 in. Motor 11.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 9.4 11.5 8.2 10.6 8.8 (Low) 12 (High) Static Pressure .2" wc C.F.M. Max. 300
12 VDC
.2" wc
12 VDC
.2" wc
12 VDC
.2" wc
40,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 35,000 40,000 25,000 42,000
SEQUENCE OF OPERATION For Furnaces Equipped W ith Time Delay The therm ostat controls the operating circuit to the furnace by reacting to room tem perature to open and close a set of contact points which allows current to flow to the ON and OFF switch then to the relay. The relay receives the power and allows power to pass through to the switch within the relay. This is done by a heater coil within the relay which actuates a bi-m etal disc closing the relay circuit. The power then flows to the m otor and allows the blower to operate. One end of the m otor shaft drives the room air wheel. T he other end of the m otor shaft drives the com bustion air wheel that delivers the required air to the burner for com bustion. The lim it switch is an in-line device which protects the furnace from over heating conditions. The contacts in the lim it switch open at a given tem perature setting, shutting off power to the ignition system which controls the gas valve. As the room air wheel com es up to speed, air flow closes the sail switch com pleting the circuit. The sail switch is placed into the system as a safety to prove there is adequate air for com bustion. The next operation is controlled by the Direct Spark Ignition, (DSI) system as power is applied to the DSI board. The system will do the following. 1. The board has a tim ing circuit which allows the blower to purge the cham ber of any products of com bustion or gas. 2. The board will then apply power to the gas valve. At the sam e tim e it produces a high voltage power supply to the electrode producing spark at the burner. 3. The board will also confirm the presence of a flam e. If the flam e is not sensed after 7 seconds, the m odule will try two (2) m ore tim es and then go into lock-out. The flam e is sensed through the spark wire and electrode. W hen the therm ostat has reached the set point with the room air tem perature, the contacts will open rem oving power from the controls. The blower will rem ain on until the relay opens and stops the m otor. NO TE: On some m odels, sail sw itch is before lim it sw itch.
The module board will energize the gas valve and enable the high voltage spark output to the electrode for 7 seconds of ignition time. The module board will then check for flame sense to verify successful lighting of the main burner flame. Sparking will then be terminated and the gas valve and blower outputs will remain energized. If ignition is successful the module board will monitor the flame sense, sail switch and limit switch circuits, and the thermostat inputs during the heating period. The flame is sensed through the spark wire and electrode. Therefore, it is essential that the electrode is properly positioned in the burner flame.
3 Try Ignition Board If the flame is not sensed after seven (7) seconds, a second 15 second purge cycle will begin followed by a second Trial-For-Ignition sequence. After three (3) Trial-For-Ignition attempts with no ignition of the main burner, the module board will de-energize the gas valve immediately and blower will run for 3 minutes and then shutdown in lockout. If during the heating cycle, the limit switch circuit opens and remains open for 5 minutes, the module board will go into lock out and shut down the blower motor. If this occurs, the thermostat will need to be reset for the furnace to operate.
Heating Cycle
When the thermostat has reached its set point and the demand for heat ends, the gas valve will be de-energized and the flame will go out. The post purge period of 90 seconds begins. When it times out, the blower motor output is removed, and the blower stops.
The module board will energize the gas valve and enable the high voltage spark output to the electrode for 7 seconds of ignition time. The module board will then check for flame sense to verify successful lighting of the main burner flame. Sparking will then be terminated and the gas valve and blower outputs will remain energized. If ignition is successful the module board will monitor the flame sense, sail switch and limit switch circuits, and the thermostat inputs during the heating period. The flame is sensed through the flame sence electrode. Therefore, it is essential that the electrode is properly positioned in the burner flame.
3 Try Ignition Board If the flame is not sensed after seven (7) seconds, a second 15 second purge cycle will begin followed by a second Trial-For-Ignition sequence. After three (3) Trial-For-Ignition attempts with no ignition of the main burner, the module board will de-energize the gas valve immediately and blower will run for 90 seconds and then shutdown in lockout. If during the heating cycle, the limit switch circuit opens and remains open the gas valve will close and the blower motor will continue to run.
Heating Cycle
When the thermostat has reached its set point and the demand for heat ends, the gas valve will be de-energized and the flame will go out. The post purge period of 90 seconds begins. When it times out, the blower motor output is removed, and the blower stops.
T herm ostat closes -N o- < C heck therm ostat wire connections, contact points and the heat anticipator. No -Yes- < C lean points, secure loose connections, replace therm ostat if A nticipator is shorted.
? ?
C heck 12vdc at blue wire, check the am p draw to therm ostat. No -Yes- < R eplace therm ostat.
? ? ? ?
C heck for shorts. C heck com ponents am perage. Yes C heck for 12vdc at furnace Yes -N o- < C heck on/off switch on furnace -Yes- < R epair or replace connections or parts w ith higher than norm a l am p d ra w.
-N o- <
A pproxim ately 10-20 seconds B lower is operating -N o- <
C heck for 12vdc at tim e delay relay and for 12vdc to red wire leading to the m otor. Yes -N o- < R eplace the tim e delay relay.
C heck ground w ire on term inal block . -N o- < R eplace the m otor.
A fter 15 seconds the m odule creates spark and opens valve. -N o- < C heck for 12vdc between red and yellow wires at the m odule board. No -Yes- < C heck plug connection to the m M odule-electrode and w ire-spark gap 1/8 inch between probe and ground.
? ?
C heck for 12vdc at lim it switch, both sides. No -Yes- < R eplace the sail switch.
? ? ?
S park occurs for approxim ately 7 seconds and m ain burner flam e establishes. -N o- < N o spark at the electrode -N o- < R eplace the m odule. C heck for 12vdc at sail switch both sides. -Yes- < R eplace the lim it switch.
? ? ? ? ?
Yes C heck for 12vdc at gas solenoid valve. Yes -N o- < R eplace the m odule.
D id the gas valve open. Yes -N o- < C heck gas pressure at the m anifold or for restrictions in the burner orifice. No
C heck for restriction in com bustion air Intak e (wasps, etc.) No
R eplace the gas valve.
? ?
Is flam e established.
-N o-
T herm ostat opens and the tim e delay operates the fan for the cool down cycle. Yes
S ystem O k
T herm ostat C loses -N o- < C heck therm ostat wire connections, contact points and the heat anticipator. No -Yes- < C lean points, secure loose connections, replace therm ostat if anticipator is shorted.
? ?
-Yes- <
? ? ?
C heck for shorts. C heck com ponents am perage. Yes C heck for 12vdc at furnace Yes
-Yes- <
-N o- <
-N o- <
B lower is operating at call for heat. -N o- <
C heck for 12vdc at power term inal on m odule board and for 12vdc to red wire leading to the m otor. Yes
-N o- <
-N o- <
M otor is operating Yes -N o- < R eset therm ostat. Motor operating. C heck for 12 vdc at blue wire on m olex edge connector. -Yes- < V erify voltage thru lim it and sail switch to m odule board. If circuit rem ains open for 30 seconds, m odule board will go into lockout and shut down m otor. R eset therm ostat. R eplace defective part.
A fter 15 seconds the m odule creates spark and opens valve. -N o- < C heck for 12vdc between red and yellow wires at the m odule board. No -Yes- <
C heck plug connection to the m odule-electrode and w ire-spark gap 1/8 inch between probe and ground.
? ?
-Yes- <
? ?
S park occurs for approxim ately 7 seconds and m ain burner flam e establishes. -N o- <
-Yes- <
-N o- <
? ? ? ? ?
Yes C heck for 12vdc at gas solenoid valve. Yes -N o- < R eplace the m odule.
-N o- <
C heck gas pressure at the m anifold or for restrictions in the burner orifice. No
? ?
Is flam e established.
-N o-
T herm ostat opens and the m odule board operates the fan for the cool down cycle. Yes S ystem O k
-N o- <
CAUTIONS: 1. Never operate the furnace with the electrode wire disconnected nor with the electrode assembly removed from the furnace. 2. Never use a screwdriver on any part of the electrode assembly while the furnace is in operation. 3. Be certain that the spark from the electrode never reaches the flame sensor portion of the electrode assembly.
4. Be sure the electrode assembly screws are snug at all times, especially after the electrode has been removed and reinstalled. 5. If the module board is found to be defective, it must be replaced - it is not field repairable. Any attempts to repair the board may alter the board and cause it to operate in an unsatisfactory manner. 6. Insure that the gap between electrode and ground is always 1/8". The gap between the flame sensor should be approximately twice the gap between electrode and ground to insure no sparking to sensor. Sparking to sensor will damage the module board.
The electronic ignition system is made up of three main parts; the module board, the electrode assembly, and the electrode wire. The module board is the brain of the electronic ignition system and it has several functions. 1. When the blower reaches approximately 75% of the normal r.p.m. and sufficient air flow is established, the sail switch engages and completes a 24 volt circuit through the limit switch to the module board. 2. After a 12 - 18 second delay, 24 volt current will pass through the module board to the solenoid valve. The current to the valve opens it and allows gas to the main burner; simultaneously, the module board sends high voltage through the electrode wire to the electrode assembly. The voltage seeks a ground between electrode and ground probe and a spark occurs. The spark then ignites the main burner.
3. The module board also performs the lockout function in cases where the spark fails to light the burner. When lockout occurs, the spark stops, the voltage from the module board to the gas valve is discontinued, and the valve closes. The unit will remain in lockout and the blower will continue to run until the thermostat is turned off. Turning the thermostat off disengages the lockout function of the module board. After the blower has stopped, the ignition sequence can be started again. The module will try three times for ignition before lockout.
It is important to determine the type problem being experienced, then the proper checkout procedure can be made. The following is a list of problems, how to identify in which area the problem is located, and how to correct it. 1. Electrode not sparking - with blower running and micro switch engaged, check the following: a. Check for proper voltage at module board after the blower motor reaches full r.p.m. If no voltage, check continuity through micro switch and limit switch. Also check wiring and wire connections. b. Voltage is present but no spark at electrode after 12 - 18 second delay, check electrode wire connections. c. Wire connections OK, but electrode wire does not show continuity through it - replace electrode wire. d. Electrode wire does show continuity through it - check electrode gap to be sure it is 1/8" maximum between electrode and ground. NOTE: Gap between sensor and ground must be twice electrode gap. e. Electrode gap OK - check electrode assembly for possible cracks or carbon on tip of electrode. f. Electrode OK - replace module board. 2. Electrode sparking, but gas not coming through burner: a. Check to see if voltage is coming out of module board to gas valve after the 12 - 18 second delay. Check the wires in the molex connector to be sure they are intact and making contact with the module board. Check wire from the module board to valve for continuity. Wire and connections check OK - replace module board. b. Voltage is coming out of module board to gas valve, but gas valve does not open - replace gas valve. 3. Electrode sparking and gas valve opening, but burner will not light: a. Check to see if gas is coming through to the burner. This can be accomplished by using a flow meter in the gas supply line. If no gas is coming through the burner, check for obstruction in gas line, in main burner orifice, or in main burner. b. Gas is coming through burner, but spark will still not ignite burner - check gas pressure. Line Pressure - Min. 11" W.C.*, Max. 14" W.C. To properly check pressure, first determine the line pressure, cycle furnace and check pressure drop on demand. The drop in pressure should not be more than " W.C. A drop of more than 1/2" would indicate a faulty regulator, a restriction in the gas line, or a pinched gas line. Excessive pressure drop could also be due to moisture contamination. c. Gas pressure OK - check for obstruction in main burner; check to be sure electrode is positioned approximately 1/4" above and directly over slots on the main burner - adjust electrode if necessary.
d. Remove burner and check burner for obstructions. Clean as required. 4. Burner ignites, but goes off and into lockout: a. Check to be certain that flame sensor is over slots in the main burner and that the main burner flame is burning against the tip of the flame sensor - adjust by bending sensor probe. NOTE: Sensor probe should be in the inner blue cone of the burner flame (approximately 1/4" t o 5/16" above burner). b. Burner still goes off and into lockout - check wire connections at flame sensor and at module board. c. Wire connections OK - check continuity through flame sensor wire. d. Continuity of flame sensor wire OK - check with micro amp meter in series with flame sensor and flame sensor wire to be certain that the flame sensor is generating at least seven micro amps within seven seconds after the burner is ignited. Connect meter as follows: (+) to sensor wire, (-) to sensor probe. Adjust position of sensor probe, check for carbon deposits on sensor probe if reading is less than seven micro amps. e. Flame sensor circuit generating at least seven micro amps, but burner still goes off and into lockout - replace module board. 5. Repeated module board failures: a. Check to be certain that the electrode spark is not sparking against the flame sensor portion of the electrode assembly. b. Check to be sure module board or high voltage wires are not shorted to the chamber wrapper or other furnace parts. c. Be sure insulator covering the electrode wire connection on the coil of the module board is in place and insulator behind module board is in place. d. Make certain that the transformer voltage is within 24 - 30 volts A.C. e. Be sure duct connections to furnace are airtight. Seal duct collar connections to furnace cabinet with duct tape, if necessary to prevent hot air leakage. No air leakage should exist anywhere in the duct system, especially at connections on furnace cabinet. f. Be sure sensor wire terminal is tightly affixed to sensor probe. g. Be sure high voltage electrode wire is in good condition and properly positioned onto pierce point electrode.
a. Thoroughly check electrode and burner relationship. b. Lockout can occur if the gas pressure fluctuates at the time the thermostat calls for heat. Pressure fluctuations can be caused by a malfunctioning gas bottle regulator, an obstruction or a kink in the gas line, or moisture in the gas bottle regulator or in the gas lines. It is difficult to check for these fluctuations that will not noticeably affect any other appliance in the coach. However, isolating the furnace from the coach gas system will determine if the gas system is responsible. This isolation procedure can be done by connecting a separate upright bottle, regulator and gas line directly to the furnace, eliminating the coach gas system. If the occasional lockout still exists, then the furnace should be thoroughly tested to determine the cause; however, if the furnace works properly on this separate system, then the coach gas system should be checked. c. Check furnace return air and warm air discharge to be certain sufficient air flow is present to engage micro switch every time. d. Check micro switch to be sure it moves freely. e. Remove electrode and burner. Clean thoroughly.
When moisture in the gas system is suspected as being the problem, especially where the horizontal type gas bottle is being used, the following steps should be take to prepare the gas system against further moisture problems: Corrective Measures: 1. Disconnect gas bottle and drain it completely dry of all gas and all moisture. 2. Disconnect and blow out all gas lines completely dry. 3. Check pressure regulator on the gas bottle. Replace if necessary. 4. Add the drying agent. One half pint of methanol alcohol per 100 pound bottle capacity is recommended. Precautions: 5. Never fill the gas bottle over 80%. 6. Do not use the gas bottle completely dry to avoid using up the drying agent. We have found the above procedures to be effective in solving most occasional lockout problems, especially where the horizontal type gas bottle is used. All of these steps must be performed as described for the preparation of a contaminated gas system to be 100% effective.
To replace parts or service the SUBURBAN fam ily of RV furnaces, it is necessary to follow these steps:
DD-17DSI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly by rem oving applicable screws. Rem ove the cabinet front two (2) screws. Rem ove the applicable screws securing the furnace to the coach floor. Rem ove duct from side of furnace, if equipped. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet area to gain access to com bustion cham ber and applicable parts. Som e parts can be accessed without rem oval of the com plete furnace. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
NT-12/16/20S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly by rem oving applicable screws. Rem ove the cabinet front two (2) screws. Rem ove the (1) one tie down screw securing the cham ber to the cabinet. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet by pulling cham ber outward com pletely to gain access to all controls and applicable parts. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
NT-12/16/20SE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly by rem oving applicable screws. Rem ove the cabinet front two (2) screws. Rem ove the (2) two tie down screws securing the cham ber to the cabinet. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet by pulling cham ber outward com pletely to gain access to all controls and applicable parts. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
NT-24/30/34SP and NT-40 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly by rem oving applicable screws and one (1) flue retaining screw. Not applicable to NT-40. Rem ove the cabinet front two (2) screws. Rem ove the (2) two tie down screws securing the cham ber to the cabinet. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet by pulling cham ber outward com pletely to gain access to all controls and applicable parts. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
SF-20/25/30/35/42, SFV-20/25/30/35/42, SH-35/42 and SHD-2542 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly from the outside access door by rem oving applicable screws, also the four (4) screws retaining the door to the fram e. Rem ove the door to gain access to the furnace. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the (1) one tie down screw securing the cham ber to the cabinet. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet by pulling cham ber outward com pletely to gain access to all controls and applicable parts. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
SF-20/25/30/35/42F, SFV-20/25/30/35/42F and SH-35/42F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly by rem oving applicable screws. Rem ove the cabinet front two (2) screws. Rem ove the (1) one tie down screw securing the cham ber to the cabinet. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet by pulling cham ber outward com pletely to gain access to all controls and applicable parts. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
P-30S and P-40 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Turn off gas and power, then disconnect gas and power supply at the furnace. Label wires as necessary. Rem ove the vent cap assem bly by rem oving applicable screws and one (1) flue retaining screw. (Not applicable to P40.) Rem ove the cabinet front two (2) screws. Rem ove the (2) two tie down screw securing the cham ber to the cabinet. Rem ove the furnace from the cabinet by pulling cham ber outward com pletely to gain access to all controls and applicable parts. To re-install, reverse this procedure. Rewire applicable wires and perform a leak test on all fittings. Perform a drop pressure test.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Reassem ble the burner into the cham ber. Be sure the air baffles (plates) are positioned as rem oved. Mount center clip in place. Adjust electrode so the electrode probe is positioned along the m arked center line of the burner lance and the tip of the electrode term inates 3/16" from the back of the lance (at the line m arked in Step 3C). (See illustration). IM PORTANT: Be sure electrode probe m aintains a 1/8" spark gap over the burner as illustrated. Reinstall burner access door and reconnect m anifold. M anifold m ust be checked for leaks with unit operating, before installing in cabinet. Reinstall furnace into the cabinet following the instructions in the installation m anual. Check all gas connections for leaks using proper leak test solution.
Figure 31
1. 1/8" spark gap between electrode and ground. 2. Maintain electrode position of 3/16" over burner ports.
Figure 32 LO C AL FLAM E SE N S E
1. 1/8" spark gap between electrode and ground. 2. 1/4" spark gap between ground and flam e sensor. 3. Maintain electrode position of 3/16" over burner ports.
Figure 33 R E M O TE FLAM E SE N S E
Preventative m aintenance is essential if an RV owner is to have reliable, safe operation of his furnace. Two im portant areas to watch closely in order to assure safe, reliable operation are the venting and the m ain burner. An obstruction in the vent or m ain burner will reduce the com bustion air which results in incom plete com bustion. W henever incom plete com bustion occurs, the by-products are carbon m onoxide (CO) and soot. If the furnace outside exhaust vent shows black soot form ing, the furnace should not be operated until the problem is corrected. Two com m on causes are: 1. Restriction in the vent or furnace intake (screens, wasp nests, tape). 2. Dirty burner. If operation of the furnace continues under these conditions, it could result in serious injury to the occupants of the RV or even death. Cleaning of the m ain burner and an inspection of the venting system should be done at least once a year, preferably just before the beginning of the heating season. Som e RV owners and service personnel have the false assum ption that if a furnace has not been used, it will not require cleaning. NOT SO! A furnace which has not been used for som e tim e could be m ore in need of cleaning than a furnace which has been used extensively. Dust and lint should be rem oved from the room air blower wheel and sail switch. A build up of dust and lint on the blower wheel can cause the m otor to drag and not generate enough air flow to engage the sail switch. Dust accum ulation on the sail switch will restrict the travel of the actuator arm to where the air flow across the paddle will not sail it in and com plete the valve circuit. A yearly inspection should be m ade of all gaskets on the furnace. If any gaskets show signs of leakage or deterioration, they m ust be replaced.
Figure 34 Figure 35
Figure 36 Figure 37
10. Do not vent the furnace to an outside enclosed porch area or where the vent is covered or obstructed. 11. Always m eet or exceed m inim um duct requirem ents. Also m eet the m inim um return air requirem ents. 12. Furnace m ust be installed and vented correctly. Refer to the Installation Manual for the specific m odel furnace. 13. Do not install afterm arket com ponents.
SUBURBAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 676 Broadway Street Dayton, Tennessee 37321 423-775-2131 Fax: 423-775-7015 E-mail: [email protected]