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Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Foam Application Method: Subsurface Foam Injection (Design Reference NFPA 11)

Storage Tank Fire Protection

General -

Subsurface injection is a potentially effective method of providing fixed (or semi-fixed) foam fire protection for vertical, atmospheric cone roof storage tanks containing hydrocarbon liquids. In general, ThunderStorm ATC solution is expanded a nominal 4:1 with air and injected into the tank at its base through a High Back Pressure Foam Maker. The expanded foam is delivered to the tanks base by directing its flow either through an existing product line or through dedicated foam distribution piping. In either case, the injection point(s) must be located above any potential water layer at the bottom of the tank.

Advantages of Subsurface Injection

Efficiency: Expanded foam solution is delivered to the burning fuel surface with minimum exposure to heat and flame. Survivability: Piping and equipment is located at the tanks base, in an area not as subject to damage from convected/conducted heat, vapor-air explosion and/or detonation. Product Surface Cooling: Percolating foam bubbles rise to the hydrocarbon surface from the injection point(s) at the tanks base. This process tends to cycle cooler product to the surface which can assist in reducing heat and flame intensity. Installation Versatility: Certain subsurface systems can be installed using procedures that do not require taking the tank out of service.


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection Design Considerations Limitations: Subsurface injection should not be used on:
Floating Roof Tanks (as the primary system). Tanks containing water miscible (alcohol) type flammable/combustible fuels. Tanks containing Class 1A hydrocarbon flammable liquids (i.e. those with a flash point < 73 F., and a boiling point < 80 F.)

Storage Tank Fire Protection

Minimum Application Density/Rate:

The minimum foam solution application density for subsurface injection is 0.1 gpm per sq. ft. To determine the minimum application rate, use the following calculation (where tank diameter = D). Minimum Application Rate = (D x D) x 0.785 X 0.1

Minimum Application Durations:

Combustible Liquids (flash point > 100 F.) - 30 minutes Flammable Liquids (flash point < 100 F.) - 55 minutes Crude Oils - 55 minutes

NFPA 11 Recommendation for Supplementary Foam application in Diked Area - (Hose Streams) *.
NFPA11 recommends the following minimum rates for supplementary foam hose streams to protect the diked area from small spills or fires. Minimum flow rates are based on 50 gpm per handline.

Number of Hose Streams

Diameter of Largest Tank
up to 65 65 to 120 over 120

Hose Stream Operating Times

Simultaneous operation of the required minimum number of hose streams discharging at a rate of 50 gpm.

Minimum No. of Hose Streams

1 2 3

Diameter of Largest Tank

up to 35 35 to 95 over 95

Minimum Operating Time

10 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection Design Considerations Minimum Foam Concentration Inventories
Calculation for minimum 3% foam inventory is (where D = tank diameter): (D x D) x .785 X 0.1 x 0.3 x (Application Duration) + Supplemental Dike Protection Example for an 80 Diameter Tank in Crude Oil Service: (Foam Inventory is 3% ThunderStorm ATC ) 80 x 80 x 0.785 x 0.1 x 0.03 x 55 + 60 = Add for 100% Reserve Inventory (if required) + Total Minimum Foam Inventory 889 gallons 889 gallons 1,778 gallons

Storage Tank Fire Protection

Expanded Foam Rates & Velocities

Maximum (expanded foam inlet velocities should not exceed 10 ft. per second (fps) for flammable liquids and 20 fps for combustible liquids. To determine the expanded foam rate, use the minimum application rate (established previously) and multiply by four (4), which is the maximum anticipated foam expansion (4:1) through the high back pressure foam maker. Refer to the adjacent chart to determine minimum (schedule 40) pipe sizes.

Maximum Allowable Back Pressure a) Maximum Allowable Back Pressure = 40% of Inlet Pressure. When using Spectrum High Back Pressure Foam Makers, the total allowable system back pressure should not exceed 40% of foam solution inlet pressure or: Maximum Allowable Back Pressure = Inlet Pressure x 0.4 Spectrum High Back Pressure Foam Makers are rated 150 psi (standard inlet pressure). Therefore: Maximum Allowable Back Pressure = 150 x 0.4 Maximum Allowable Back Pressure = 60 psi


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection Design Considerations Maximum Allowable Back Pressure (contd.)
The maximum allowable back pressure increases (decreases) proportionally with the inlet pressure into the foam maker. K Factors are provided in this catalog for each Spectrum High Back Pressure Foam Maker, or refer to the following formula for determining the adjusted flow through the Foam Maker for pressures other than 150 PSI: Example, HPB Foam Maker # HBFM - 250B @ 150 psi: Standard Flow Rate = 250 gpm @ 150 psi. K factor* = 20.4 Adjusted Inlet Pressure = 160 psi. Flow = K x *P Flow = 20.4 x * 160 Flow = 20.4 x 12.65 Flow = 258 gpm *K Factor Calculation K= Flow/ P* K = 250 / 150* K = 250/12.25 = K = 20.4

Storage Tank Fire Protection

b) Maximum Allowable Back Pressure < 40 % of (Maximum Friction Loss + Static Head Pressure of Stored Material)
To determine static head by using the adjacent chart, first locate the highest possible level of the product in the storage tank, then locate the line representing the specific gravity of the stored product.

Specific Gravity
A = 1.00 (Water) B = 0.90 (Oils) C = 0.84 (Fuel Oil) D = 0.72 (Gasoline) E = 0.68 (Heptane)

Back Pressure Calculation

Maximum Allowable Back Pressure < 40% of Inlet Pressure Back Pressure (PSIG) < X + Static Head / 2.3 Maximum Allowable Back Pressure < 40% of Inlet Pressure


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection Design Considerations Determining Expanded Foam Friction Loss in Pipe
Subtract the static head pressure (derived from chart in section B) from maximum allowable back pressure for the higher back pressure foam maker. The remaining figure is the maximum allowable friction loss in pipe. Calculate the length of total delivery pipe needed and establish a pipe size so that pressure drop in the system does not exceed the maximum allowable friction loss. Assume a 4:1 foam expansion rate for calculation purposes (flow rate x 4).

Storage Tank Fire Protection


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection Design Considerations Number of Discharge Outlets
Minimum number of subsurface foam discharge outlets are listed in the adjacent table Tank Diameter
up to 80 80 - 120 120 - 140 140 - 160 160 - 180 180 - 200 over 200

Storage Tank Fire Protection

1 2 3 4 5 6 One outlet for each additional 500 sq.ft.

Flash Point <100

1 1 2 2 2 3 One outlet for each additional 7500 sq. ft.

Flash Point >100

Configuration of Discharge Outlets

Where two or more outlets are required, they should be located so that the horizontal foam travel on the fuel surface does not exceed approximately 80 ft. Each outlet should be sized to deliver foam at approximately the same flow rate. Foam outlet(s) can either be connected directly to the tank shell, or can be supplied through a pipe manifold within the tank from a single shell connection.

Typical Configurations Pipe Manifold Configuration Tank Shell Configuration

2 Outlets

3 Outlets

4 Outlets


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection - Schematics Typical Flow Diagrams Dedicated Line - Foam Injection

Storage Tank Fire Protection

Product Line Foam Injection Single Inlet - Dual Outlet Manifold


PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347


Storage Tank Fire Protection

Storage Tank Protection

Subsurface Foam Injection Recommended Foam Piping Inlet Configurations

Storage Tank Fire Protection





PRODUCT INFORMATION 409 - 745 - 3232


24-HR EMERGENCY 409 - 727 - 2347

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