The Problem and Its Setting

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1 CHAPTER I The Problem and its Setting Introduction Philippine Republic Act No.

9266 or the Architecture Act of 2004 efine! Architecture "! the "rt# !cience or profe!!ion of pl"nnin$# e!i$nin$ "n con!tructin$ buil in$! in their tot"lit% t"&in$ into "ccount their en'iron(ent# in "ccor "nce )ith the principle! of utilit%# !tren$th "n be"ut%. *"rcu! +itru'iu! Pollio in hi! Ten ,oo&! on Architecture "! (entione b% -"l rep.20/00#theori1e th"t the Architect !houl be e2uippe )ith &no)le $e of ("n% br"nche! of !tu % "n '"rie &in of le"rnin$# for it i! b% hi! 3u $(ent th"t "ll )or& one b% the other "rt! i! put to te!t. Thi! &no)le $e i! the chil of pr"ctice "n theor%. Pr"ctice i! the continuou! "n re$ul"r e4erci!e of e(plo%(ent )here ("nu"l )or& i! one )ith "n% nece!!"r% ("teri"l "ccor in$ to the e!i$n of " r")in$. Theor%# on the other h"n # i! the "bilit% to e(on!tr"te "n e4pl"in the pro uction! of e4terit% on the principle! of proportion. A! the ol e!t "n the (o!t influenti"l boo& for "rchitecture )ritten on the l"te /!t centur% ,.C.# it $ui e the e uc"tion of the "rchitect! for centurie!. In the Philippine!# Architectur"l e uc"tion i! $o'erne b% the Co((i!!ion on Hi$her E uc"tion un er C*5 6/ 6. 2006 )ith it! pri("r% ob3ecti'e to en!ure ("!ter% of co(prehen!i'e "rchitectur"l &no)le $e# both in theor% "n pr"ctice# "n proficienc% of !&ill! b% the $r" u"te! in "ccor "nce )ith the !cope of the pr"ctice of "rchitecture "! pro'i e for in the Republic Act No. 9266 "n it! i(ple(entin$ rule! "n re$ul"tion!. ,"!e on the C*5 6/# 6 2006# to obt"in the ,"chelor7! 8e$ree in Architecture in CHE8 $o'erne in!titution! in the Philippine!# !tu ent! (u!t co(plete " tot"l of /99 cre it unit! for technic"l cour!e!. The Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io cour!e!# the core of Architecture e uc"tion re2uire the !tu ent! to e'elop &no)le $e in both theor% "n pr"ctice for pl"nnin$ "n e!i$nin$ the built en'iron(ent. The content or !ub3ect ("tter of the cour!e !t"rt )ith the e!i$n of " !("ll:!c"le !p"ce! "n !tructure! in the fir!t %e"r Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io / "n en )ith " co(ple4 e!i$n proble( in the fifth %e"r. The cour!e i! fin"li1e in Architectur"l 8e!i$n 6tu io 9 "n /0 )ith " the!i!

2 propo!e b% the !tu ent!.# The e!i$n !tu io beco(e! the bench("r& or the 'enue to 2u"lif% !tu ent! )ho h"'e potenti"l to continue !tu %in$ "rchitecture. ;n oubte l%# the theor% "n pr"ctice )hich +itru'iu! (entione "n the Philippine Co((i!!ion on Hi$her E uc"tion7! ob3ecti'e "re rel"te to the propo!e !tu % on pe "$o$ic"l "n "n r"$o$ic"l (o el! of te"chin$ "n le"rnin$ in "rchitecture e uc"tion. Pe "$o$% i! tr" ition"ll% efine "! e uc"tion for of chil ren "n r"$o$% for " ult!. Ho)e'er# in thi! !tu % the ter(! "re u!e "! (o el! of le"rnin$ in Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io )here !tu ent! enrolle urin$ the fi'e %e"r! of for("l "c" e(ic tr"inin$. Thu!# pe "$o$% i! " te"cher:centere (o el of le"rnin$ )hile "n r"$o$% !tu ent or le"rner:centere (o el. "n the "re the i!

The!e efinition! of pe "$o$% "n "n r"$o$% "re b"!e on <no)le! ./990#/9=00 th"t the concept of "n r"$o$% i! " counter:po!e to pe "$o$% in the "re" of lifelon$ le"rnin$. Cl"r %.200>0 )rote th"t un er the pe "$o$ic"l "ppro"ch# the te"cher7! role i! to "n!)er "n i(ple(ent the "n!)er! to the 2ue!tion!. 5n the other h"n # "n "n r"$o$ic"l "ppro"ch# the te"cher7! 3ob i! to e!i$n " proce!! )hereb% the le"rner! both help cre"te their o)n "n!)er! to the 2ue!tion! "! )ell "! p"rticip"te in their i(ple(ent"tion. Conner.200>0 "l!o ifferenti"te "n r"$o$% "! " le"rner?focu!e or !tu ent centere # fro( pe "$o$% "! " te"cher:focu!e or te"cher centere . An r"$o$% re("in! "! the (o!t le"rner:centere of "ll p"ttern! of " ult e uc"tion"l pro$r"((in$. Pe).20090 "!!erte th"t in Pe "$o$%# the e uc"tion"l focu! i! on tr"n!(ittin$# in " 'er% te"cher: controlle en'iron(ent# the content !ub3ect ("tter. In An r"$o$%# the e uc"tion"l focu! i! on f"cilit"tin$ the "c2ui!ition of !&ill! "n critic"l thin&in$ on the content "n it! "pplic"tion in re"l:life pr"ctic"l !ettin$!# thu!# in " !tu ent centere en'iron(ent. @uc&in# Cl"r& "n A"rnet .20/00 "l!o efine pe "$o$% in ter(! of te"cher: irecte in!truction )hile "n r"$o$% repre!entin$ !tu ent:centere le"rnin$. In pe "$o$%# the te"cher eci e! )h"t i! t"u$ht "n ho) it i! t"u$ht# the le"rner i! epen ent on the te"cher for e'er%thin$. The focu! of le"rnin$ i! to buil " foun "tion of &no)le $e th"t ("% )ill be u!eful l"ter. @i&e)i!e# in "n r"$o$% the le"rner t"&e! " (ore "cti'e role in irectin$ )h"t the% nee . The focu! of le"rnin$ i! the

3 "pplic"tion of &no)le $e "n the e'elop(ent of co(petenc% in !&ill! for i((e i"te u!e. The "n r"$o$ic"l (o el# b% (o!t "ccount!# i! le!! " theor% of te"chin$ "n (ore " theor% of le"rnin$. The i!tincti'e ch"r"cteri!tic! of " ult! "! le"rner! "re the b"!i! for the i!tinction bet)een the "n r"$o$% "n pe "$o$%. Tr%in$ to bol!ter !upport for "n r"$o$ic"l te"chin$ (etho ! (e"n! !e"rchin$ for e'i ence to !upport tho!e i!tin$ui!hin$ ch"r"cteri!tic!B thi! en e"'or i! unli&el% unpro ucti'e# "ccor in$ to *erri"n .200/0 "! cite b% Cl"r % .200>0. ,% u!in$ the!e ter(!# the proble(! "!!oci"te )ith i!tin$ui!hin$ bet)een " ult "n chil le"rnin$ con ition! coul be "'oi e . ,oth (o el! "re "pplie in Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io. Accor in$ to Cochr"ne.20/C0"rchitecture e uc"tion i! tr" ition"ll% (o ele upon " !tu io:b"!e "ppro"ch )here !tu ent! )or& in ph%!ic"l $roup !p"ce!# $ui e b% "n e4pert lecture. Thi! h"! t%pic"ll% re!ulte in " he"'il% te"cher irecte pe "$o$% focu!in$ upon the eli'er% of curriculu( content b% the lecturer!. The e!i$n !tu io i! the output of technic"l cour!e! th"t co(prehen the e!i$n !tu io. The!e "re reflecte in cour!e e!cription! "n ob3ecti'e! in the !%ll"bi for e!i$n !tu io cour!e!. The Technolo$% in E uc"tion to A '"nce @e"rnin$ Center .200=0 in their p"per i!cu!!e the !tu ent:centere le"rnin$ "! !i(pl% "! "n "ppro"ch to le"rnin$ in )hich le"rner! choo!e not onl% what to !tu % but "l!o how "n why th"t topic (i$ht be of intere!t. In other )or !# th"t the le"rnin$ en'iron(ent h"! le"rner re!pon!ibilit% "n "cti'it% "t it! he"rt# )hich contr" ict to the e(ph"!i! on in!tructor control "n the co'er"$e of "c" e(ic content foun in (uch con'ention"l# i "ctic te"chin$. @e"rner! fin the le"rnin$ proce!! (ore (e"nin$ful )hen topic! "re rele'"nt to their li'e!# nee !# "n intere!t!# "n )hen the% "re "cti'el% en$"$e in cre"tin$# un er!t"n in$# "n connectin$ to &no)le $e. Nicol "n Pilin$ .20000e(ph"!i1e th"t "rchitectur"l e!i$n i! the (o!t i(port"nt co(ponent of "rchitecture pro$r"(! in ter(! of ti(e !pent "n curriculu( e(ph"!i!# ("&in$ e!i$n !tu io! the core of "rchitectur"l pro$r"(!. The e!i$n !tu io i! the he"rt of Architecture e uc"tion# it i! li&e the "ir )e bre"the# "n (o!t e!!enti"l p"rt in the for("tion of the future "rchitect!. The cour!e offer! the le"rnin$ opportunitie! )here !tu ent! "re e4pecte to for(ul"te cre"ti'e

4 "ppro"che! in e!i$nin$ the ("n:(" e or the built en'iron(ent "n e'elop !che(e! "e!thetic"ll% "n technic"ll%. to

8e!i$n !tu io i! " proble(:b"!e le"rnin$ .P,@0. ,ri $e! .20090 (entione th"t " nu(ber of "uthor! h"'e reporte e4perience! of u!in$ the P,@ in the te"chin$ of "rchitecture. 8u!itn"non .20090cite Dohn!on7! ./9990# "!!ertion th"t u!in$ " proble( b"!e "ppro"ch to te"chin$ "rchitecture coul ch"n$e the perception of !tu ent! "n th"t it )ill $i'e the( "n e uc"tion th"t i! rele'"nt to their profe!!ion"l c"reer!B it "i(! to te"ch life:lon$ le"rnin$ !&ill!# "n to e'elop '"lue !%!te(! "n intellectu"l "! )ell "! 'oc"tion"l !&ill!. Architecture e uc"tion oe! not (erel% )ell in "c2uirin$ f"ctu"l &no)le $e. Prep"r"tion !h"ll inclu e obt"inin$ "n un er!t"n in$ the fun "(ent"l! theorie! on technic"l cour!e!# "n e'elopin$ !&ill! in critic"l thin&in$# enrichin$ re!e"rch# "n enh"ncin$ the !&ill! for !ol'in$ open:en e proble(!. The !tu ent! !h"ll not onl% un er!t"n the fun "(ent"l &no)le $e of their i!cipline# the% !houl "l!o &no) ho) to u!e re!ource! "n &no)le $e to en"ble to !ol'e the uni2ue proble(!. 6tu ent! )ho "l!o )"nt to pur!ue "rchitecture !houl "c2uire " proficienc% in ("the("tic!# !cience "n "rt th"t )oul point to)"r ! thi! i!cipline. The% !houl be enthr"lle )ith cre"ti'e "n technic"l "!pect of "rchitecture. -ithout the!e 2u"litie!# "n "!pirin$ !tu ent coul not &eep up on the e("n ! of the cour!e. The e uc"tion of "n "rchitect be$in! )ith " fr"(e)or& for per!on"l e'elop(ent "n re" ine!! to "n enor(ou! ti(e "n ener$% nee e in !tu %in$ "n pr"cticin$ "rchitecture. Architecture i! " ti(e con!u(in$ "n e("n in$ fiel . It i! not 3u!t "! " c"reer p"th but " p"rt of " per!on7! life!t%le. *ore !o# beco(in$ "n "rchitect i! not e"!% but it c"n be one throu$h the proce!! of pe "$o$ic"l te"chin$ "n "n r"$o$ic"l le"rnin$.

Definition of terms The follo)in$ ter(! un er!t"n in$ of the !tu %. "re efine for better "n cle"rer

5 Appro"ch. Refer! to te"cher:centere "ppro"che! in !ol'in$ e!i$n proble(!. "n !tu ent centere

Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io. Refer! to the /0 Architectur"l e!i$n !ub3ect! t"&en b% !tu ent! per !e(e!ter fro( fir!t %e"r to fifth %e"r. It i! the 'enue )here the proce!! of e!i$nin$ "n proble( !ol'in$ proble( "re un ert"&en. An r"$o$ic"l (o el. Refer! to " le"rner:centere (o el of e uc"tion# the proce!! u!e in the !ol'in$ the e!i$n proble(! "n &no)in$ ho) to co(prehen the fun "(ent"l! into critic"l thin&in$. Architecture e uc"tion. Refer! to the fiel the "c" e(e. ,"chelor of 6cience in Architecture. offere in 8-CC. of !peci"li1"tion in

Refer! to the pro$r"( bein$

,uilt en'iron(ent. Refer! to the ("n:(" e en'iron(ent! to pro'i e !ettin$! for ("n7! "cti'itie!. CHE8 *e(or"n u( 5r er No. 6/ 6 2006. Refer to Polic% 6t"n "r ! "n Aui eline b% the CHE8 for ,.6. Architecture Pro$r"( Content. Refer! to the !ub3ect ("tter "n the Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io. the cour!e ob3ecti'e! of

8e!i$n proble(. Refer! to the pro3ect! or the "!!i$ne proble( !ol'in$ "cti'it% to the !tu ent! $i'en in Architectur"l 8e!i$n !tu io. E uc"tion"l focu!. Refer! to the tr"n!(ittin$ the &no)le $e on the !ub3ect ("tter# f"cilit"tin$ the "c2ui!ition of !&ill!# "n the it! "pplic"tion in re"l life !ettin$. E4perience!. Refer to the '"riou! pheno(en" th"t the !tu ent! e4perience in the e!i$n !tu io. "n Eun "(ent"l! "n theorie!. Refer to the foun "tion of &no)le $e !&ill! in "rchitecture e uc"tion.

@e"rnin$ En'iron(ent. Refer! to ph%!ic"l cli("te "! !een "n ob!er'e b% the !tu ent! in Architectur"l e!i$n !tu io th"t "ffect! the te"chin$ "n le"rnin$ proce!!.

6 5utco(e:,"!e E uc"tion .5,E0. Refer! to " co(prehen!i'e "ppro"ch to or$"ni1in$ "n oper"tin$ "n e uc"tion"l !%!te( th"t i! focu!e in "n efine b% the !ucce!!ful e(on!tr"tion! of le"rnin$ !ou$ht fro( e"ch !tu ent .6p" %# /9940 Pe "$o$ic"l (o el. Refer to " te"cher:centere (o el of e uc"tion u!e for tr"n!(ittin$ &no)le $e "n infor("tion on the fun "(ent"l! of "rchitecture "n e!i$n proce!!. Proble(:b"!e le"rnin$. Refer to "n% le"rnin$ en'iron(ent in )hich the proble( ri'e! the le"rnin$ "n let !tu ent! i!co'er )h"t the% nee to le"rn before the% c"n !ol'e the proble(. R.A. 9266 . Refer! to Architecture Act of 2004 "l!o &no)n "! the Architecture @") 6u!t"in"ble Architecture Pro$r"(. Refer! to " continuou! $ro)th "n e'elop(ent of the "rchitecture e uc"tion in 8-CC th"t )ill (eet the profe!!ion"l nee ! of the !ociet%. Technic"l cour!e!. Refer! *e(or"n u( 5r er No. 6/ 6 2006. to cour!e! ("n "te b% the CHE8

+i!u"l pre!ent"tion Fpre!ent"tion. Refer! to the e4pre!!ion the !tu ent to e4pl"in their i e"! b% u!in$ r")in$!# color!# line!# entour"$e in t)o "n three i(en!ion!

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