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Tender Documents

Process Measuring Instruments for Waste, Drinking Water &Industrial Applications

HACH LANGE Product Portfolio valid from January 1st, 2007, Rev. 1.1, February 2007

Date dd/mm/yyyy 01.02.2007

Changes Correction of wrong P/N and technical information;

please replace appropriate pages, repsectively download complete new Tender Documents

Immersion Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement Z08350=A=1105; Z08350=A=1110; Z08350=A=1115 Z08350=A=1005, Z08350=A=1010; Z08350=A=1015 8350 pH Combination sensor series (DataSheet TE8350revE) specs for 8350.0 and 8350.4 corrected Chapter S/Concentration pages 2&3 Chapter S/Concentration page 8 Specs for 3700 sc cell constant corrected 07.02.2007

Bugfix of order number for OXY1100 Dissolved Oxygen sensors correct P/N is 085G00XX (prior number in the pricelist was 085G40XX)
please replace appropriate pages, repsectively download complete new Tender Documents

For use of Siemens FDB/PMD system add "DXX:" in front of Hach Lange order number.

CHAPTER Nutrients Ammonium AMTAX AMTAX AMTAX AMTAX Nitrate NITRATAX overview by application NITRATAX plus sc, eco sc, clear sc ..................................................................................... NITRATAX sc Accessories ................................................................................................... o-Phosphorus PHOSPHAX sc ................................................................................................................... Phosphamat 9211 ............................................................................................................. S5000 Phosphate Analyzer ................................................................................................. Totalising Parameters Total-Phosphate/Ortho-Phosphorus PHOSPHAX .................................................................................................................... SAC254 (Dissolved organic matter) UVAS plus sc ..................................................................................................................... Total Organic Carbon - TOC TOCTAX (for Municipal WasteWater Applications) ................................................................ ASTRO UV & ASTRO UV turbo ............................................................................................ ASTRO UV-Turbo .............................................................................................................. ASTRO UV ........................................................................................................................ ASTRO HT (high temperature) ........................................................................................... PS200 Sampling system ..................................................................................................... AAS300 Purge Gas Generator ............................................................................................. Turbidity & Solids Turbidity & Suspended Solids SOLITAX sc t/ts/hs line - for immersion applications ............................................................ SOLITAX sc in-/highline - for inline applications ................................................................... Turbidity in bypass ULTRATURB sc .................................................................................................................. 1720E sc .......................................................................................................................... FILTERTRAK sc ................................................................................................................. SURFACE SCATTER SS6 ..................................................................................................... Particle Counter Particle Counter WPC21/WPC22 ......................................................................................... Sludge blanket level & Sludge height SONATAX sc ..................................................................................................................... SONATAX (available until end of 2006) ............................................................................... 15 ... 16 17 ... 18 2 ... 3 4 ... 5 6 ... 7 8 ... 10 8 ... 10 11 ... 12 13 ... 14 2 ... 3 4 ... 5 6 ... 7 8 9 10 ... 11 12 ... 13 14 15 13 ... 14 15 ... 16 17 ... 18 9 10 ... 11 12 sc ......................................................................................................................... INTER 2 ................................................................................................................ compact ................................................................................................................ INTER 2 & AMTAX compact Accessories................................................................... 2 ... 3 4 ... 5 6 ... 7 8 Page

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Intro - page 1

For use of Siemens FDB/PMD system add "DXX:" in front of Hach Lange order number.

CHAPTER Desinfection control & monitoring Chlorine CL17 (Photometric method acc. DIN38404) ......................................................................... 9184 sc (Amperometric method) ........................................................................................ Chlorine Dioxide 9187 sc ............................................................................................................................ Ozon 9185 sc ............................................................................................................................ Process Analyzers for cationic and anionic parameters Acidity 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Alkalinity APA6000 Alkalinity ............................................................................................................. 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Chloride 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Chlorine, high range 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Cyanide 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Fluoride 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Hardness SP510 Hardness Treshold-Monitor ...................................................................................... APA6000 Hardness, low & high range ................................................................................. 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Hydrazine HYDRASTAT 9186 ............................................................................................................. Hydrogenperoxide H2O2 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Silica / Silicic Acid SILIKOSTAT 9210 ............................................................................................................. SERIES 5000 ..................................................................................................................... Sodium SODIMAT 9073 ................................................................................................................. 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Sulphide 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... Sulphite (Hydrosulfite) 8810 Titrator .................................................................................................................... 19 ... 22 19 ... 22 16 ... 18 19 ... 22 10 ... 11 19 ... 22 12 ... 13 14 ... 15 5 ... 6 7 ... 9 19 ... 22 19 ... 22 19 ... 22 19 ... 22 19 ... 22 2 ... 4 19 ... 22 19 ... 22 6 ... 7 2 ... 3 4 ...5 6 ... 7 Page

Sampling & Sample Preparation systems Sampling and Filtration Filtration probe ................................................................................................................. FILTRAX ........................................................................................................................... Sampling and Homogenisation SIGMATAX 2 ..................................................................................................................... Sampling and Dilution Dilution Unit ...................................................................................................................... 2 3 ... 4 5 ... 6 7

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Intro - page 2

For use of Siemens FDB/PMD system add "DXX:" in front of Hach Lange order number.

CHAPTER Controller & Display Units Digital Universal Controller Systems sc 1000 ............................................................................................................................ sc 1000 accessories ........................................................................................................... sc 100 .............................................................................................................................. Digital E-Chem Controller Systems sc 60 ................................................................................................................................ Analog E-Chem Controller Systems SIPAN series (Industrial Controller for Ex and non-Ex Applications) ....................................... MONEC ............................................................................................................................. 2 ... 5 6 ... 7 8 ... 9 10 ... 11 12 ... 13 14 ... 15 Page

Electrochemical Process Solutions Controller overview and Specifications ................................................................................ Analytical Systems for pH/ORP (overview) General overview pH ......................................................................................................... General overview ORP ....................................................................................................... Mounting assembly ............................................................................................................ pH / ORP sensors Differential pH/ORP technique pHD S sc .......................................................................................................................... 11 ... 12 AD pHD sc Digital Gateway ................................................................................................ 13 pHD/pHD sc pH sensors...................................................................................................... 14 ... 16 pHD/pHD sc ORP sensors................................................................................................... 17 ... 20 pHD/pHD sc accessories & mounting assemblies ................................................................. see page 5 ... 10 Conventional pH/ORP technique 1200 S sc ......................................................................................................................... AD 1200 sc Gateway ......................................................................................................... 12 mm , 120 mm Standard pH sensors ............................................................................. Standard ORP sensors ....................................................................................................... 8362 / 8362 Ultrapure pH sensor ........................................................................................ 8350 - " pH sensor series .............................................................................................. 8346 Heavy Duty pH/ORP sensor ....................................................................................... Analog models (Complete packages) MONEC 9135 pH Preference Packages ................................................................................ Analytical Systems for Conductivity/Concentration Measurement (overview) General overview Conductivity ........................................................................................... Material Compatibility overview .......................................................................................... Inductive Conductivity sensors 3798 S sc sensor ............................................................................................................... 3700 sc Inductive sensor series Application guide ................................................................ 3700 sc Inductive sensor series .......................................................................................... 3700 sc Inductive sensor series Mounting Assembly ............................................................ Conductive Conductivity sensors 3400 sc Conductive sensor series ....................................................................................... 3400 sc sensor series Mounting Assembly ........................................................................... Analog models (Complete packages) MONEC 9125 pH Preference Packages ................................................................................ 2 ... 3 4 5 ... 6 7 8 ... 10 11 ... 12 13 ... 16 17 18 ... 19 21 ... 22 23 24 ... 25 26 27 ... 29 30 ... 32 33 ... 34 35 ... 36 2 2 ... 3 4 5 ... 10

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Intro - page 3

For use of Siemens FDB/PMD system add "DXX:" in front of Hach Lange order number.

CHAPTER Electrochemical Process Solutions continued Analytical Systems for Dissolved Oxygen measurement (overview) General overview Dissolved Oxygen .................................................................................... LDO - Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen sensor ...................................................................... LDO - Inline Mounting Assemblies ...................................................................................... 5740 sc sensor .................................................................................................................. EVITA Oxy system packages............................................................................................... EVITA Oxy - common accessories & Mounting assemblies .................................................... High Purity DO Preference Package - Oxystat T9182 ............................................................ 2 ... 3 4 ... 5 6 7 ... 8 9 ... 11 12 ... 13 14 ... 15 Page

Mounting Assemblies & accessories sc Controller ..................................................................................................................... sc Extension cables ........................................................................................................... Mounting Assemblies for Amtax/Phosphax sc ........................................................................................................... Filtrax ............................................................................................................................... SIGMATAX ........................................................................................................................ FILTRAX ........................................................................................................................... NITRATAX, UVAS, SOLITAX ............................................................................................... SONATAX ......................................................................................................................... Special applications ........................................................................................................... Filtrax Control Unit ............................................................................................................ Multi Unit & - plus ............................................................................................................. sc E-Chem Immersion Mounting Assembly .......................................................................... 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 ... 6

Automatic Samplers BHLER Samplers (Pressure/Vacuum technology) BHLER Stationary systems BHLER 4010 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 5010 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 4110 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 4210 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 5210 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 4410 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 5410 ................................................................................................................... BHLER 1027 - Basic Sampler ............................................................................................ BHLER Portable systems BHLER 1029 ................................................................................................................... XIAN 1000 ........................................................................................................................ BHLER samplers - Options, Common accessories and major spare Parts ................................................. Sigma Samplers (Peristaltic technology) SIGMA Portable systems Portable pump .................................................................................................................. SIGMA 900 / SIGMA 900max .............................................................................................. SIGMA Stationary systems SIGMA AWRS (All Weather Refrigerated Sampler) ................................................................ SIGMA 900 / SIGMA 900max Refrigerated Sampler .............................................................. 2 ... 3 8 ... 22 3 ... 4 5 ... 6 7 ... 9 10 ... 11 12 ... 13 14 ... 15 16 ... 17 18

19 ... 21 22 ... 25 26 ... 30

23 ... 37 38 ... 51

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Intro - page 4

For use of Siemens FDB/PMD system add "DXX:" in front of Hach Lange order number.

CHAPTER Appendices Appendix A Reagents, consumables & wearing parts ............................................................................. Process Standard Solutions ................................................................................................ Appendix B SpareParts, sensors and accessories for discontinued ANALON series pH/ORP ............................................................................................................................ pH Electrode Specifications ................................................................................................ Conductivity ...................................................................................................................... Dissolved Oxygen .............................................................................................................. General accessories .......................................................................................................... Appendix C Accessories & Spare Parts for non-sc Analyzers Viewtax ............................................................................................................................ Fieldbus Interfaces for Multi Unit/Multi Unit plus .................................................................. Radiotransmission for Multi Unit/Multi Unit plus ................................................................... Appendix D Commissioning & Training .................................................................................................. Service contract with warranty extension ............................................................................ Appendix E Order Information - Language code table ............................................................................ Appendix F Accessories & Spare Parts for discontinued products Phosphax Inter2 & Phosphax compact ................................................................................ FT660 .............................................................................................................................. Chloromat 9184 ................................................................................................................ Chloromat 9187 ................................................................................................................ Ozonmat 9185 .................................................................................................................. VOLITAX .......................................................................................................................... Appendix G Delivery & Payment terms 2 ... 5 6 ... 7 8 ... 9 10 ... 11 12 ... 13 14 ... 15 2 2 3 2 3 4 ... 7 2 ... 4 5 ... 7 8 9 10 ... 15 2 ... 10 11 Page

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Intro - page 5

All informations have been collected and compiled to our best knowledge and conscience. Modifications are subject to change without notice. All prices shown are not commital. We are only obliged by our confirmation in writing. Differences in prices, business conditions and/or order confirmations are binding by our confirmation in writing, only. We kindly ask you to take notice about the General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment of HACH LANGE GmbH, Berlin. Information are included in the Appendix. Sincerely HACH LANGE GmbH, Dsseldorf (Germany)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Intro - page 6

Product overview

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 1

AMTAX sc (DataSheet DOC033.52.00430)

Controller compatibilty

sc1000 specifications

Amtax sc Filtrax

High-precision Process-Photometer for the contiunous determination of Ammonium in water, waste water or directly from activated sludge basin. The Gas Sensitive Electrode (GSE) measuring principle ensures very fast response time at low interference levels while providing a wide measuring range in parallel . Optional sampling and sample prepartion using self-cleaning high speed "Filtration probe" or flexible "Filtrax" system respectively any feeding Ultra-Filtration systems. Direct On-Site installation due to isolated construction in weather resistant enclosure, or inhouse installation. Highest flexibility and extendability due to sc1000 controllers freely selectable multi-probe/analyzer operation feasibilty.

Sample preparation options Filtration probe

Technical data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring method Measuring range Detection limit Accuracy Reproduceability Response time T90 Measuring Interval Permissble pH range Specific features

Amtax sc GSE (Gas Sensitive Electrode) 0.05 ... 20 mg/l NH4-N 1.0 ... 100 mg/l NH4-N 0.05 mg/l NH4-N 1.0 mg/l NH4-N 3 % + 1.0 mg/l 3 % + 0.05 mg/l 2 % + 1.0 mg/l 2 % + 0.05 mg/l < 5 Minutes (including sampling) 5 ... 120 minutes (user selectable) pH 5 9 Automatic cleaning, automatic calibration, comprehensive self-diagnosis, optional: 2-channel version for continous sample feed

10...1,000 mg/l NH4-N 10 mg/l NH4-N 4,5 % + 10 mg/l 2 % + 10 mg/l

Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Sample: Ambient: Storage: Analyzer: Electrode: Outputs Power supply & consumption: Dimensions Weight Material Enclosure rating Reagent capacity Inspection interval Maintenance requirements Warranty:

Bypass; particle and oil free water sample - wall, stand or rail mounting 3.2 mm 6 mm at least 200 ml/h feeded by Filtration probe, Filtrax or Ultrafiltration non-pressurized; atmospheric +4C ... +40C 20C ... 45C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 60C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 10C ... 50C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing several (Relay, I/0 outputs, bus interface); please refer to sc1000 controller Power supply with power cable on the sc1000 controller 200 VA (mean), max. 1000 VA (with 10 m heated filter probe hose) 540 x 720 x 390 mm (WHD) Approx. 31 kg, without filter probe and without chemicals ABS Plastic, UV resistant Onsite (IP55) or Indoor 3 Month minimum (depending on measuring interval) 2x / Year 1 h/month typical 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 2

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

AMTAX sc (DataSheet DOC033.52.00430)
Part No. LXV421.99.XXX0X Designation AMTAX sc, with 2 m connection cable, w/o sc1000 controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 1 . 9 9 . X X X 0 X
Country Code Selection Measuring range 0.05 - 20 mg/l NH4-N ......................................................................................... 1 1.0 - 100 mg/l NH4-N ......................................................................................... 2 10 - 1,000 mg/l NH4-N ......................................................................................... 3 Sampling Option without probe (Prepared for operation with sampling probe) ...................................... With filtration probe ( 5m heated hose) .................................................................. With filtration probe (10m heated hose) .................................................................. 1 channel continuous sample from filtration unit, e.g. FILTRAX ......................... 2 channel continuous sample from filtration unit, e.g. FILTRAX .........................

0 1 2 3 4

Power Supply for sampling probe: 230 VAC/50Hz sampling probe ................................................................................... 0 115 VAC/60Hz sampling probe ................................................................................... 1 Brand LANGE .................................................................................................................................... 1

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 1 1 1 1 set of reagents set of wearing parts for one year operation set of operating instructions maintenance calendar Factory Test Certificate For further information about the Filtration probe & Filtrax, please refer to the Chapter Sampling systems.


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter "Controllers, Display Units" For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

Reagents and consumables Annual requirements for AMTAX sc 5 min Reagents depending on Measuring range
0.05 - 20 mg/l NH4-N 1.0 - 100 mg/l NH4-N 10 - 1000 mg/l NH4-N

Measuring interval 10 min 2 x LCW865 2 x LCW871 2 x LCW866 2 x LCW868

Price/Unit 20 min 1 x LCW865 1 x LCW871 1 x LCW866

4 x LCW865 4 x LCW871 4 x LCW866

Set of electrolyt
(3*electrolyt and 3*membrane caps)

Standard Solutions: Cleaning Solution (250ml) Annual reagent costs Wearing parts Amtax sc GS Electrode (LZY069) Pump head for air pump (LZY181)
Total Annual operation costs (Reagents & Wearing parts)

(2 Standard solutions included in each Reagent Set)

4 x LCW867

1x 1x 5 min

1x 1x 10 min

1x 1x 20 min

Mounting assembly LZY285 LZY287 LZY286 LZX414.00.50000 LZX414.00.60000 Rail mounting for Amtax sc/Phosphax sc analyzer Stand mounting kit, suitable for 1 Amtax sc/Phosphax sc-analyzer Stand mounting kit, suitable for 1 Amtax sc/Phosphax sc-analyzer + 1 sc 1000 controller Rim mounting for filtration probe Rail mounting for filtration probe European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 3

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

AMTAX Inter 2 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03086)

High-precision process photometer based on the DIN 38406 E05 Indophenol blue method for the continuous measurement of the ammonium concentration in wastewater samples, in order to optimise nitrification process, outlet monitoring, or drinking water, surface water and process water. The principle of intermittent operation guarantees rapid measured values and economical consumption.

Technical data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring principle Measuring range

Measuring uncertainty model Inter2 2 model Inter2 20 model Inter2 80 Process variation coeff. Response time T90 Measuring interval Display Special features

AMTAX Inter 2 Photometric, Indophenol blue method, according DIN 38406 E5 0.02 ... 2.00 mg/l NH4-N (AMTAXinter2 2) 0.10 ... 20.0 mg/l NH4-N (AMTAXinter2 20) 1.00 ... 80.0 mg/l NH4-N (AMTAXinter2 80) 4 % of the measured value 0.02 mg/l NH 4-N with standard 2 % of the measured value 0.02 mg/l NH 4-N with standard 2 % of the measured value 0.02 mg/l NH 4-N with standard 2% 5 min 5 min or 10 min, selectable Graphics monitor with datalogger and curves display automatic calibration at selectable intervals and auto-cleaning single channel or two-channel operation option Integrated refridgerator for reagent storage approx. 4 ... 8 weeks (depending on measuring interval) Bypass; particle free water sample - wall mounting 3,2 mm OD Atmospheric, 4/6 mm connection for waste, 8/11 mm for overflow tray (ID/OD) at least 100 ml/h solid free sample +5C ... +40C +5C ... +40C 1 x 0/4 - 20 mA, max. 500Ohm, (optional: 2x) 2 contacts, floating 24 V, 1 A (optional) ModBus or ProfiBus DP (optional) IP54 230 VAC 10% / 50-60 Hz, 200 VA 550 x 1,190 x 390 mm (W x H x D) 1 h / month, typical 6 months approx. 43 kg (without reagents) 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month

Reagent capacity Process connection Installation (Analyser) Inlet Drain Sample flow Temperature Sample Ambient Outputs Current Limit value contacts Interface Enclosure rating Power supply Dimensions
Maintenance requirements

Inspection interval: Weight Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 4

AMTAX Inter 2 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03086)
Part No. LPV397.52.01000 Designation AMTAX Inter 2, Prozess-Ammonium Analyzer Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L P V 3 9 7 . X X . X X 0 X 0
Country Code Selection GB language / EU power cord Measuring range 0.1 - 20 mg/l NH4-N 1.0 - 80 mg/l NH4-N 0.02 - 2.0 mg/l NH4-N ................................................................ 5 2

......................................................................................... 0 ......................................................................................... 1 ......................................................................................... 2

Sampling Option 1 channel continous (Replacement for use with Seditax Sampling system) ............ 0 1 channel continuous (Standard configuration) ....................................... 1 2 channel continuous ................................. LZV289 ............................................. 2 Interface Option No Bus connection (Standard configuration) .............................................................. 0 ModBus ............................................ YAA857 ........................................................ 1 ProfiBus DP ............................................ LZV148 ........................................................ 2


For further spare parts and consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 set of wearing parts for one year operation set of reagents (suitable for 2 month operation in 10 min cycle time) set of cleaning solution For low maintenance sampling from the aeration tank or final canister of zero solution clarification, we recommend our FILTRAX sampling device. canister of standard solution Please refer to the chapter "Sample Preparation". set of operating instructions maintenance calendar Factory Test Certificate

Reagents and consumables Annual requirements for AMTAX Inter 2 Reagents Zero Solution Standards depending on Measuring range 0.02 ... 2.0 mg/l NH4-N 0.10 ... 20 mg/l NH4-N 1.00 ... 80 mg/l NH4-N Cleaning Solution Wearing parts 1 channel analyzer 2 Channel analyzer + Total Annual operation costs
(Reagents & Wearing parts for 1-Channel analyzer)

Measuring interval 5 min 10 min 13 x LCW802 6 x LCW802 1 x LCW804 1 x LCW804 4 1 1 1 x x x x LCW862 LCW803 LCW808 LCW819 4 1 1 1 x x x x LCW862 LCW803 LCW808 LCW819


1 x LZV281 1 x LZV281 1 x LZV278

1 x LZV281 1 x LZV281 1 x LZV278

Measuring interval 5 min 10 min

0.02 ... 2.0 mg/l NH4-N 0.10 ... 20 mg/l NH4-N 1.00 ... 80 mg/l NH4-N Further optional accessories LPV361 HDF170 DOC023.52.03107 LZX408 MODBUS node, bus node for connection to MODBUS AMTAX User Guide AMTAX inter2 Instrument Manual; GB VIEWTAX - program for data analysis European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 5

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

AMTAX compact
The AMTAX compact process photometer is designed for determination of NH4+ ions in aqueous solutions (wastewater, process water and surface water). The measured value is indicated in mg/l NH 4-N via a graphic display. Measuring principle: is based on the expulsion method and proven colorimetric technology. Solid-containing samples require pre-treatment before entering the process equipment: - FILTRAX is recommended for the aeration tank and final sedimentation areas - Membrane filtration or similar methods are proven for use in pre-sedimentation and the inflow area. Technical data
Subject to change without

Measuring principle Measuring range

Measuring uncertainty Process variation coeff. Measuring interval Ambient temperature Sample required Reagent capacity: Display Outputs Current Limit value contacts fault indicator Interface Special features Inspection interval: Maintenance requirements Enclosure Power supply Dimensions Special Notes: Weight Warranty

AMTAX compact Expulsion method with photometric indication 0.2 12.0 mg/l NH4-N 2 120 mg/l NH 4-N 20 1200 mg/l NH4-N 2.5 % of the measured value 0.2 mg/l NH 4-N (with standard solutions) 13, 15, 20 or 30 min selectable +10 C to +40 C at least 100 ml/h solid free sample approx. 6-12 weeks (depending on measuring interval) Graphics monitor with curve generation 0/4 - 20 mA, max. 500Ohm, (option: 2x) 2-4 contacts, floating 24 V, 1 A (option) 1 error signalling contact, floating 24 V 1A bus support (optional) automatic calibration and auto-cleaning 6 months 1 h / month typical conforming to IP 54 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 150 VA 350 x 640 x 220 mm (W x H x D) approx. 10 kg 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 6

AMTAX compact
Part No. LPV368.XX.01000 Designation AMTAX compact, Process Ammonium Analyzer Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L P V 3 6 8 . X X . X X X X 0
Country Code Selection GB language / EU power cord Measuring range 0.2 - 12 mg/l NH4-N 2.0 - 120 mg/l NH4-N 20 - 1200 mg/l HN4-N ................................................................ 5 2

......................................................................................... 0 ......................................................................................... 1 ......................................................................................... 2

Sampling Option 1 channel continous (Replacement for use with Seditax Sampling system) ............ 0 1 channel continuous (Standard configuration) ....................................... 1 2 channel continuous ................................. LZV145 ............................................. 2 Limit value contact Option No contacts (Standard configuration) ......................................................... 0 LZV146 1 x 2 contacts .................................................... ................................. 1 2 x 2 contacts .................................................... 2x LZV146 ................................. 2 Interface Option No Bus connection (Standard configuration) .............................................................. 0 ModBus ............................................ YAA857 ........................................................ 1 ProfiBus DP ............................................ LZV148 ........................................................ 2

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 1 1 1 1 set of reagents set of wearing parts for one year set of operating instructions maintenance calendar Factory Test Certificate For low maintenance sampling from the aeration tank or final clarification, we recommend our FILTRAX sampling device. Please refer to the chapter "Sample Preparation".

Annual requirements Expulsion Solution

for all measuring ranges

Measuring interval 13 min, 15 min 20 min, 30 min 8 x LCW830 4 x LCW830

depending on measuring range (see below)


Indicator Solution 0.2 - 12 mg/l NH4-N 5,0 - 120 mg/l NH4-N 50 - 1200 mg/l NH4-N Standard Solution 0.2 - 12 mg/l 5,0 - 120 mg/l 50 - 1200 mg/l Wearing parts 1 channel analyzer 2 Channel analyzer + Annual average costs
of reagents & consumables (1 Channel Version)

8 x LCW831 8 x LCW832 8 x LCW833 4 x LCW837 4 x LCW838 4 x LCW839 1 x LZV149 1 x LZV184 1 x LZV149 Measuring interval 13 min, 15 min

4 x LCW831 4 x LCW832 4 x LCW833 4 x LCW837 4 x LCW838 4 x LCW839 1 x LZV149 1 x LZV184 1 x LZV149 Measuring interval 20 min, 30 min

depending on measuring range (see below)

0.2 - 12 mg/l NH4-N 5,0 - 120 mg/l NH4-N 50 - 1200 mg/l NH4-N Further accessories LPV361 HDF170 DOC023.52.03101 MODBUS node, bus node for connection to MODBUS AMTAX User Guide AMTAX compact Instrument Manual; GB

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 7

AMTAX Inter 2 & Amtax Compact accessories
Part No. Designation Cabinets for outdoor installation (made of stainless steel) LZH010 Cabinet TYPE I, for one instrument (Type: compact) - Mounting bracket for one compact instrument - Heater, fan, terminal box, 2 sockets - Insulation Price in

LZH024 LZH027 Bracket Wind protection


Cabinet TYPE II, for two instruments (Type: compact) - Mounting bracket for two compact instruments - Heater, fan, terminal box, 3 sockets - Insulation

LZH025 LZH027 Bracket Wind protection


Cabinet TYPE III, for three instruments (Type: 2 compact, 1 N-bypass) - Mounting bracket for three compact instruments - Heater, fan, terminal box, 3 sockets - Insulation

LZH026 LZH027 Bracket Wind protection

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 8

NITRATAX sc variants - Product Selector

NITRATAX plus sc NITRATAX eco sc NITRATAX clear sc

Process sensor for continuous measurement in drinking water, wastewater, or activated sludge. Turbidity compensation using reference measurement. Low cost sensor for measurement, especially for sewage treatment plants with intermittent aeration technology. Turbidity compensation using reference measurement. Process sensor for continuous measurement in clean water sample streams, e.g. drinking water or WWTP effluent (in conjunction with Filtrax).



Control of an intermittent aeration basin Monitoring aeration basin Control of the recirculation of a pre-denitrification (concentration below 1 mg/l NO3-N) Applications with high suspended solids concentrations Application with low Nitrate concentrations Applications where a fast response time is needed Outlet measuring wwtp Drinking & Surface Water

Not recommended Not Not Not Not Not recommended recommended recommended recommended recommended

Technical data
Measuring gap: Lower detection limit Upper detection limit as NOX-N Measuring uncertainty Resolution Sludge compensation Minimum measuring interval Response time (t100) 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm 0,1 mg/l 100, 50, 20 mg/l 3 % from MV 0,5 mg/l 0,1 mg/l 1mm 1 mg/l 20 mg/l 5% from MV 1,0 mg/l 0,5 mg/l

1 min 1 min

5 min 15 min

Material + Components
Robust steel enclosure with double sealing Steel enclosure with single sealing Precision-Optic with elaborate adjustment



Maintenance time Verification of sludge compensation Inspection interval Warranty light source Warranty 1 h / month Once per month 6 month 5 years 24 month fullfilling the necessary service intervals 5 years 2 h / month Once per week 6 month 1 year 24 month fullfilling the necessary service intervals 2 years

Extended warranty with service contract

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Nutrients page 9

NITRATAX sc variants (DataSheet DOC053.52.03222)
Nitrate and Nitrite ions in water absorbs UV light at wavelengths below 250 nm. This inherent absorption allows to determine the nitrate and nitrite concentration without reagents. As the measuring principle is based solely on the evaluation of UV light, the colour of the medium has no effect. The probe has been designed with a two-beam absorption photometer with turbidity compensation and integrated cleaning system using proven wiper technology to measure even in media with SS contents, e.g. aeration basin. The measured value is displayed as NOx-Nitrogen in mg/l NOx-N and provided on current outputs. Various operating modes for the relay outputs permit local regulation without further process data processing. The probe design allows installation directly in the media (insitu) or in bypass. sc 100
sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring

principle method gap range

NITRATAX plus sc NITRATAX eco sc photometric, UV absorption measurement, reagent-free Patented 2-beam method 1, 2 or 5 mm 1 mm
0.1 - 100 mg/l NO2+3-N (1 mm) 0.1 - 50 mg/l NO2+3-N (2 mm) 0.1 - 25 mg/l NO2+3-N (5 mm) 1.0 - 20 mg/l NO2+3-N

NITRATAX clear sc

5 mm 0.5 - 20 mg/l NO2+3-N No 0.5 mg/l as N 20 mg/l as N 5% of reading 0.5 mg/l 0,1 mg/l 1 min 5 min > 2 min, adjustable with atmospheric outlet Yes Yes 4/6 mm (ID/OD) 4/6 mm (ID/OD) 0.5...10 l/h 0,5 bar

Sludge compensation Lower detection limit Upper detection limit Measuring uncertainty Resolution Response time T100 Measuring interval Integration (average) Process connection Immersion Bypass Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Required flow Pressure pmax Temperature Sample Cable length Dimensions (L x ) Sensor Material

Yes Yes 0.1 mg/l as N 1 mg/l as N 100 mg/l as N 20 mg/l as N 3% of reading 0.5 mg/l 5% of reading 0.5 mg/l 0,5 mg/l 0,1 mg/l 1 min 15 min 1 min 5 min > 2 min, adjustable 15 - 30 min, adjustable Immersion style (directly in the media) or bypass installation Yes Yes Yes No 4/6 mm (ID/OD) 4/6 mm (ID/OD) 4/6 mm (ID/OD) 4/6 mm (ID/OD) 0.5...10 l/h 0.5...10 l/h 0,5 bar 0,5 bar +2C ... +40C 10 m fixed cable, extendable 333 mm x 70 mm SS 316 double sealed body 3.6 kg 1 h/month typical

Weight (approximately) Maintenance required 2 x / Year Inspection interval Warranty on light source 5 years 1 year 1 year Warranty 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month

+2C ... +40C +2C ... +40C to 110 m using digital extension cables 327 mm x 70 mm 323 mm x 75 mm SS316 SS316 single sealed body single sealed body 3.3 kg 3.3 kg 1 h/month typical 1 h/month typical

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NITRATAX sc variants (DataSheet DOC053.52.03222)
Part No. LXV417.99.X0001 Designation Nitratax plus sc, with 10m cable, without sc controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 1 7 . 9 9 . X 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection Measuring range 0.1 - 100.0 mg/l NO2+3-N 0.1 - 50.0 mg/l NO2+3-N 0.1 - 25.0 mg/l NO2+3-N Brand LANGE (1mm gap) ............................................................. 1 (2mm gap) ............................................................. 2 (5mm gap) ............................................................. 5

.................................................................................................................................... 1


Nitratax eco sc,

with 10m cable, without sc controller

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 1 5 . 9 9 . 1 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection Measuring range 1.0 - 20.0 mg/l NO2+3-N Brand LANGE (1mm gap) ............................................................. 1

.................................................................................................................................... 1


Nitratax clear sc,

with 10m cable, without sc controller

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 0 . 9 9 . 5 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection Measuring range 0.5 - 20.0 mg/l NO2+3-N Brand LANGE (5mm gap) ............................................................. 5

.................................................................................................................................... 1


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D. Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 1 1 1 1 set of wiper blades (5 pieces) set of wearing parts NO3 Standard solution Instrument manual Factory Test Certificate Immersion Mounting assembly LZX414.00.10000 or suitable Bypass installation assembly is essential for installation and must be ordered separately.

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NITRATAX plus sc, NITRATAX clear sc (DataSheet DOC053.52.03222)
Part No. LZX414.00.10000 Designation Immersion Mounting assembly Probe Mounting Kit, made of SS with 90 adapter for fixing the probe to a tank or channel Mounting assembly for Bypass applications LZX869 LZX867 LZX866 Flow Through vessel for Nitratax plus sc, 2mm (LXV417.99.20001) Flow Through vessel for Nitratax plus sc, 5mm (LXV417.99.50001) Flow Through vessel for Nitratax clear sc, 5mm (LXV420.99.50001) Price in

Nitratax plus sc version

Technical Data see Manual

Nitratax clear sc version

Technical Data see Manual

(DataSheet DOC043.52.04060)

LZX450 LZX412

Sedimenter (for use with NITRATAX plus variants only!) incl. Monuting hardware; flow-through unit for extremely turbid water Sample container mounting flange for Sedimenter LZX450

LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853

Digital extension cable (between sc controller and probe) Digital Extension Cable, 0,35m Digital Extension Cable, 5 m Digital Extension Cable, 10 m Digital Extension Cable, 15 m Digital Extension Cable, 20 m Digital Extension Cable, 30m Digital Extension Cable, 50 m


The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m.

Using different cables instead of the above mentioned, will void the warranty. Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

LZX148 LZX012 LZX117

Spare parts Set of wiper blades 1 mm, pk/5 Set of wiper blades 2 mm, pk/5 Set of wiper blades 5 mm, pk/5

LCW825 LCW826 LCW827

Standard solutions for instrument calibration/verification Reference standard 50 mg/l NO 3 (11.3 mg/l NO3-N) Reference standard 100 mg/l NO 3 (22.6 mg/l NO3-N) Reference standard 200 mg/l NO 3 (45.2 mg/l NO3-N)


Instrument manual NITRATAX plus sc / NITRATAX clear sc/Nitratax eco sc, GB

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Phosphax sc (DataSheet DOC033.52.00430)

Controller compatibilty

sc1000 specifications Phosphax sc


High-precision Process-Photometer for the continous determination of ortho-Phosphate in water, waste water or directly in activated sludge basin. The measuring principle is based on the well proofed VanadatMolybdat method allowing a wide measuring range in parallel. Optional sampling and sample prepartion using self-cleaning high speed "Filtration probe" or flexible "Filtrax" system respectively any feeding Ultra-Filtration systems.

Sample preparation options Filtration probe

Direct On-Site installation due to isolated construction in weather resistant enclosure, or inhouse installation. Highest flexibility and extendability due to sc1000 controllers freely selectable multi-probe/analyzer operation feasibility.

Technical data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring method Measuring range Detection limit Accuracy Reproduceability Reagent consumption Response time T90 Measuring Interval Specific features

Phosphax sc Photometric, Vanadat Molybdat Method (Yellow) 0.05 ... 15 mg/l PO4-P 1.0 ... 50.0 mg/l PO4-P 0.05 mg/l PO4-P 1.0 mg/l PO4-P 3 % + 0.05 mg/l 3 % + 1.0 mg/l 2 % + 0.05 mg/l 2 % + 1.0 mg/l 500 ml/ month 1000 ml/month < 5 Minutes (including sampling) 5 120 minutes (user selectable) Automatic cleaning, automatic calibration, comprehensive self-diagnosis, optional: 2-channel version for continous sample feed Bypass; particle free water sample - wall, stand or rail mounting 3.2 mm 6.0 mm at least 200 ml/h feeded by Filtration probe, Filtrax or Ultrafiltration atmospheric pressure +4C ... +40C 20C ... 45C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 60C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing several (Relay, I/0 outputs, bus interface); please refer to sc1000 controller Power supply with power cable on the sc1000 controller 200 VA (mean), max. 1000 VA (with 10 m heated filter probe hose) 540 720 390 mm (WHD) Approx. 31 kg, without filter probe and without chemicals ABS Plastic, UV resistant Onsite (IP55) or Indoor 4 Month minimum (depending on measuring interval) 2x / Year 1 h/month typical 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month

Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Sample: Ambient: Storage: Outputs Power supply & consumption: Dimensions Weight Material Enclosure rating Reagent capacity Inspection interval Maintenance requirements Warranty:

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Phosphax sc (DataSheet DOC033.52.00430)
Part No. LXV422.99.XXX01 Designation PHOSPHAX sc, with 2 m connection cable, w/o sc1000 controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 2 . 9 9 . X X X 0 1
Country Code Selection Measuring range 0.05 - 15 mg/l PO4-P 1.00 - 50 mg/l PO4-P ........................................................................................ 1 ........................................................................................ 2

Sampling Option without probe (Prepared for operation with sampling probe) ..................................... With filtration probe ( 5m heated hose) .................................................................. With filtration probe (10m heated hose) .................................................................. 1 channel continuous sample from filtration unit, e.g. FILTRAX ......................... 2 channel continuous sample from filtration unit, e.g. FILTRAX .........................

0 1 2 3 4

Power Supply for sampling probe 230 VAC/50Hz sampling probe .................................................................................. 0 115 VAC/60Hz sampling probe .................................................................................. 1 Brand LANGE .................................................................................................................................... 1

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) 1 set of reagents For further information about the Filtration probe & 1 set of wearing parts for one year operation Filtrax, pls. refer to the Chapter Sample preparation. 1 set of operating instructions 1 maintenance calendar 1 Factory Test Certificate


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Reagents and consumables, annual requirements for Phosphax sc Annual requirements 5 min Reagents
Reagents LCW869 (2 l) Cleaning Solution LCW870 (1 l)

Measuring interval 10 min 1.5 x 1x

Price/Unit 20 min 0,75 x 1x

3x 1x

Annual reagent costs Wearing parts Pump head for air pump (LZY181) Total Annual operation costs
(Reagents & Wearing parts)

1x 5 min

1x 10 min

1x 20 min

Mounting assembly LZY285 LZY287 LZY286 LZX414.00.50000 LZX414.00.60000 Rail mounting for Amtax sc/Phosphax sc analyzer Stand mounting kit, suitable for 1 Amtax sc/Phosphax sc-analyzer Stand mounting kit, suitable for 1 Amtax sc/Phosphax sc-analyzer + 1 sc 1000 controller Rim mounting for filtration probe Rail mounting for filtration probe
For further information about mounting assembly, please refer to the chapter "Mounting Hardware & Accessories".


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Industrial, continuously working analyser for the measurement of ortho-phosphates in highly purified water, e.g. boiler feed water, cooling water, semiconductor industry. The analytical principle is the colorimetric molybdovanadate method, bluemethod for low ranges and yellow-method for high ranges, up to 6 internal channels.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Repeatability Detection limit Response time T90 Measuring interval Calibration Calibration interval Process connection Installation style Sample Stream Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

Phosphamat 9211 Power plant boiler, feedwater Steam generation, Water supply applications photometric; molybdovanadate method, blue-method for low ranges and yellow-method for high ranges 30...5 ppm / 0...50 ppm (mg/l) as PO 4 0.1 ppm or 3% (whichever is greater) < 0.1 ppm < 10 min 9 minutes typical per sample stream 2 point calibration: chemical zero and slope Automatic optical Zero before each measurement user selectable Bypass installation, particle free sample 1 ... 6, programmable in-built sequencer 6 mm OD PE/PTFE tubing 12 mm barbed hose with atmospheric outlet 15 ... 20 l/h 0.2 ... 2 bar +5C ... +50C +5C ... +45C 6 x 0/4...20mA (one per channel), electrically isolated, can be programmed as required (650 Ohm max) 6 relay outputs (more details see DataSheet) the six relays can be assigned to : phosphate high/low concentration limits, lack of sample,active channel information. RS485 MODBUS optional (300 ... 9600 baud, 32 stations max.) 100 - 240 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, automatical switching, 500VA IP65 (NEMA4X) Protection transmitter box Panel version: Polystyrene-polybutadiene copolymer Cabinet version: Stove enamelled steel IP54 Panel: 482 x 1015 x 254 mm (W x H x D) Cabinet: 600 x 878 x 425 mm (W x H x D) Panel: 10 kg (22 lbs), Cabinet: 50 kg (110 lbs) appr. every 45 days "Refill of reagents and calibration solution" 24 Month; extendable to 60 months

Power requirements Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight

Maintenance requirement


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Part No. Z09211=A=XXXX Designation Phosphamat 9211, Measuring range 0 ... 5,000 ppb 0 ... 50,000 ppb Panel version, I/O output, 1 channel (basis model) Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

Z 0 9 2 1 1 = A = X X X X
( 5 mg/l) ................................................................ 3 (50 mg/l) ................................................................ 4 ..................................................................... 0 ..................................................................... 1

Enclosure (Standard) 19" Panel version Cabinet version (Wall mounted)

Outputs (Standard) I/0 Interface ............................................................................... 0 I/0 Interface + RS485 MODBUS ..................................................................... 1 Multi-Stream Sequencer (inbuilt) 1 channel version ................................................................................................... 2 channel version ................................................................................................... 3 channel version ................................................................................................... 4 channel version ................................................................................................... 5 channel version ................................................................................................... 6 channel version ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Reagent Sets Z09211=C=7000 Z09211=C=7001 Set of dry chemicals, 0-5ppm, except H2SO4 (45 days operation) Set of dry chemicals, 0-50ppm, except H2SO4 (45 days operation) Sulfuric Acid is essential for operation and must be purchased locally in the market.


Spare Parts Z09210=A=8000 2-years-spare part kit


For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

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Series 5000 Phosphate analyser, HR & LR (DataSheet LIT1388)

The Series 5000 Low Range Phosphate Analyzer is ideally suited for monitoring drinking water, and boiler water, and can be used in other situations where trace amounts of phosphate must be carefully tracked. Depending on the Phosphate concentration in the water sample, the S5000 Phosphate Analyzer is available in 2 versions. The Series 5000 High Range Phosphate Analyzer provides best results when used in applications involving boiler water, cooling water, and other processes where phosphate-containing additives are used to treat industrial water. Both instruments require minimal maintenance to achieve reliable performance.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

S5000 Phosphate LR Measuring method

Measuring range Detection limit Photometric; Molybdenum blue method 4 ... 5000 g/l as PO43< 4 g/l as PO43-

S5000 Phosphate HR
Photometric, Vanadat Molybdat Method 0.2 ... 50.0 mg/l as PO43< 0.2 mg/l PO43-

Accuracy Response time T90 Calibration Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Stream Sample Inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Air purge Temperature Sample: Ambient: Outputs

4 g/l or 4 % of the display value

11 min factory precalibrated automatic calibration in process, on demand or user calibration

0.5 g/l or 5 % of displayed value, whichever is the larger 11 min

Bypass installation; Bench or Panel mounting Single stream analysis, grab sampling capabilty or optional multi stream using sample sequencer " OD, stainless steel compressing fitting " NPT PVC 100 ... 300 ml/min 0.35 2.1 bar regulated overpressure optional: " OD, stainless steel compressing fitting, instrument quality air (30l/min) +5C ... 50C +10C ... 50 C, 5 to 95% relative humidity, non condensing I/0 output (0/4...20mA) RS232C Recorder output; selectable for 0...0.01V, 0...0.1V, 0...1V or 4-20 mA 4 SPDT Relays, programmable for sample concentration alarm, analyser system warning, analyser system shut-down alarm 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz switch selectable, 52 VA, max. 32 W IP65 (NEMA4x) ABS plastic, housing with gasketed doors (for indoor use) 563 x 856 x 419 mm (W x H x D) 37 kg (shipping weight) 2.9 l of each reagent in 4 weeks 12 month, extendable to 60 month

Power requirements Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight (approximately) Reagent consumption

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Series 5000 Phosphate analyser, HR & LR (DataSheet LIT1388)
Part No. 6000X00 Designation Ortho-Phosphate Analyzer, Series 5000
Measuring range High range 0.2 ... 50 mg/l PO43Low range 0.004 ... 5.0 mg/l PO43............................................................................. 1 ............................................................................. 5

Price in

6 0 0 0 X 0 0


The analyser is supplied with one month reagent set, an annual maintenance kit, operating instructions and a sample conditioning kit. The power cable must be ordered separately if required.

Recommended Accessories 4698133 4698100 4743900 4696400 Annual Maintenance Kit, Series 5000 Phosphate analyser, low range Annual Maintenance Kit, Series 5000 Phosphate analyser, high range Power cord, 240 VAC, 10A, 2.44 m (8 ft), European plug Power cord, 120 VAC, 15A, 1.83 m (6 ft)

Optional Accessories 4598300 Sample conditioning kit made of stainless steel

The stainless steel sample conditioning kit replaces the plastic kit which comes with this analyzer. It will handle up to 3425 kPa (500 psi) and 50C.

4868502 LZX521

S5000 Sample heater, 240 VAC

with digital temperature display, 20-50C and flow range 50 to 300 ml/min adjustable

Compressor with connection kit, 2xFitting 1/4-inch OD + 5m tubing Reagents & Consumables for 1 month operation

4563300 2375503 2600303 2599803 2059703 2600103 4563900 #BEZUG! #BEZUG! #BEZUG! 2375503

Phosphate LR Reagent Set, S5000 (suitable for 1 month operation) consisting of Anionic Surfactant Solution, 2.9 l Acsorbic Acid Reagent package Molybdate Reagent Solution for LR, 2.9 l Phosphate Standard Solution, 3 mg/l, 2.9 l Phosphate Zero Standard Solution, 2.9 l Phosphate HR Reagent Set, S5000 (suitable for 1 month operation) consisting of Molybdovanadate Reagent, 2.9 l Sulfuric Acid Standard Solution, 2.9 l Phosphate Standard Solution, 30 mg/l, 2.9 l Anionic Surfactant Solution, 2.9 l

Spare Parts 4698200 4698233 4765400 4765800 4699100 1033814 4493600 1320100 Replacement Tubing Kit, for S5000 Phosphate HR Replacement Tubing Kit, for S5000 Phosphate LR Installation Kit S5000 HR Installation Kit S5000 LR Sample Pressure Conditioning Kit Seal, ring, for customer connection box conduit hole (4) Stir Bar, for sample cell Tubing, Tygon, 6 feet, for drain


For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

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Totalising Parameters
Product overview

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PHOSPHAX sigma (DataSheet DOC053.52.03087)

Process analyzer for continous measurement of total phosphorus and orthophosphate, respectively total phosphorus concentration in wastewater (WWTP outlet) and cooling water, including solids of particle size up to 0.5 mm. Analysis is based on the DIN-equivalent molybdenum blue method. The chemo-thermic reaction principle ensures complete breakdown within a few minutes.

Technical data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring principle Measuring range Measuring interval T100 Calibration Reagent capacity Display Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Temperature Sample Ambient Outputs

PHOSPHAX sigma PHOSPHAX sigma Total phosphorous Total phosphorous & ortho-phosphate Photometric, Indophenol blue method, according DIN 38406 E5 0.01 ... 5.0 mg/l total P 0.01 ... 5.0 mg/l total P 0.01 ... 5.0 mg/l o-PO4-P approx. 10 min approx. 10 min,
o-PO4 and Total PO4-P alternately adjustable

automatic, intervals user selectable 3 months for Reagents; 6...12 months for Standard solution Graphics monitor with datalogger and curves display Bypass; homogenisated water sample - wall mounting 3.2 mm OD Atmospheric, 4/6 mm connection for waste, 8/11 mm for overflow tray approx. 100 ml/h +5C ... +40C +5C ... +40C 2x analog: 0/420 mA, max. 500Ohm 2 floating limit value contacts 24V, 1A ProfiBus or ModBus (optional) Service interface RS 232 IP54 230VAC, 50 Hz / 310 VA including refrigerating unit 550 x 1190 x 390 mm (W x H x D), including refrigerating unit approx. 43 kg (without reagents) 3 months 2 h / month typical Integrated refridgerator for reagent storage 24 month, fulfilling the requested inspection intervals

Enclosure Power supply Dimensions Weight Inspection interval Maintenance Special Notes: Warranty

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PHOSPHAX sigma (DataSheet DOC053.52.03087)
Part No. LPV341.XX.X00X0 Designation Phosphax sigma Price in

Basic price

L P V 3 4 1 . X X . X 0 0 X 0
Country Code Selection GB language / EU power cord ................................................................ 5 2

Price adder

Instrument model Total Phosphorus + ortho Phosphate ................................................................... 1 Total Phosphorus ............................................................................................... 2 Total Phosphorus + ortho Phosphate for Cooling Water Applications ....................... 3 Interface Option No Bus connection (Standard configuration) .............................................................. 0 ModBus ............................................ YAA857 ........................................................ 1 ProfiBus DP ............................................ LZV148 ........................................................ 2


For further spare parts and consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A
2 3

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages Please refer to Chapter "Sample Preparation"

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) 1 1 1 1 1 1 anual set of wearing parts set of reagents (suitable for 3 month operation) standard solution The SIGMATAX23. is essential for sampling and set of operating instructions homogenisation when measuring total-Phosphate and maintenance calendar must be ordered separately. Factory Test Certificate

Reagents and consumables, for all P instrument variants Annual requirements Reagents Standard Solution (2 mg/l) Wearing parts (1 year)
Annual average costs of reagents & consumables & wearing parts

Price in

Total Phosphorus 4 x LCW823 2 x LCW824 1 x LZP959 Total Phosphorus

Total Phosphorus & Ortho-Phosphate 4 x LCW823 2 x LCW824 1 x LZP959 Total Phosphorus & ortho-Phosphate

0.01 5.0 mg/l PO4-P

Additional consumables LZP856 LZP864 LZP845 Cuvette (replacement interval 18 months) Piston motor (replacement interval 18 months) Lower cuvette support (replacement interval 24 months)

Further accessories LPV361 HDF172 DOC023.52.03113 LZX408 MODBUS node, bus node for connection to MODBUS User Guide PHOSPHAX sigma (GB) Operating instructions PHOSPHAX sigma (GB) VIEWTAX - program for data analysis

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Organic Matter, dissolved (SAC254)

UVAS plus sc (DataSheet DOC053.52.03256)

Precise self-cleaning process probe for continous measurement of dissolved organic substances (SAC = Spectral Absorption Coefficient) in water, wastewater, surface water, process water and solids-free landfill leachate. Reagent-free and sampling-free process for measuring directly in the medium. In water analysis, the purely physical method of UV absorbance measurement is the fastest, most economical and ecologically sum parameter of evaluating the content of dissolved organic substances. Operation and analysis of probe signals in conjunction with the sc Digital Controllers.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications

sc1000 specifications

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring

technique method gap range

Sludge compensation Response time T100 Measuring interval Cable length Process connection Installation Pmax for probe Sample Inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Temperature Sample Ambient Sensor Body Material Dimensions Weight (approximately)
Maintenance requirement

UVAS plus sc reagent-free UV absorption measurement (254/550 nm) according DIN 38404 C3 Patented 2-beam method 1, 2, 5 and 50 mm 0.01 ... 60 m-1 (50 mm measuring gap) 0.1 ... 600 m-1 (5 mm measuring gap) 0 ... 1500 m-1 (2 mm measuring gap) 2 ... 3000 m-1 (1 mm measuring gap) can be calibrated to COD, BOD, DOC depending on the application Yes 1 min 1 min 10 m, max. 110 m with extension cable Immersed directly into the media or Bypass 0,5 bar 4/6 mm (ID/OD) (for bypass installation) Atmospheric (for bypass installation) 0.5 - 10 l/h (for bypass installation) +2C ... +40C +2C ... +40C SS 316 (double sealed body) 333 mm x 70 mm (L x ) 3.6 kg 1 h/month typical 6 month 2 years, fullfilling required maintenance intervals, extendable to 60 month

Servicing interval Warranty

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Organic Matter, dissolved (SAC254)

UVAS plus sc (DataSheet DOC053.52.03256)
Part No. LXV418.99.X0001 Designation UVAS plus sc, with 10m cable, w/o sc controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 1 8 . 9 9 . X 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection2 Measuring range 2 ... 3000 m-1 0 ... 1500 m-1 0.1 ... 600 m-1 0.01 ... 60 m-1 Brand LANGE ( 1 mm gap) ( 2 mm gap) ( 5 mm gap) (50 mm gap) ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... .....................................................................

1 2 5 9

.................................................................................................................................... 1


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. For further extension cables, please consult the chapter sc controller/display units accessories Using different cables instead of the above mentioned, will void the warranty. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D. 2 Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 1 1 1 1 set of wiper blades (5 pieces) set of wearing parts Test beaker Instrument manual Factory Test Certificate Mounting assembly LZX414.00.10000 or flow-thru vessels are essential for installation/operation and must be ordered separately.

Mounting assembly (Please refer to the chapter "Mounting assemblies" for further details) LZX414.00.10000 Probe Mounting Kit, made of SS with 90 adapter for fixing the probe to a tank or channel Mounting assembly for Bypass applications LZX869 LZX867 LZX868 Flow Through vessel for UVAS plus sc, 2mm (LXV418.99.20001) Flow Through vessel for UVAS plus sc, 5mm (LXV418.99.50001) Flow Through vessel for UVAS clear sc, 50mm (LXV418.99.90001)

UVAS plus sc bypass version

Technical Data see Manual

(DataSheet DOC043.52.04060)

LZX450 LZX412

Sedimenter with flushing connection (for UVAS plus sc variants) incl. Monuting hardware; flow-through unit for extremely turbid water Sample container mounting flange for LZX450 Spare parts

LZX148 LZX012 LZX117 LZX119

Set Set Set Set

of of of of

wiper wiper wiper wiper

blades blades blades blades

1 mm 2 mm 5 mm 50 mm

pK/5 pK/5 pK/5 pK/10

Manuals DOC023.52.03230 Operating manual UVAS plus SC, GB

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TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

TOCTAX (DataSheet DOC053.52.03090)

Process analyzer for continous measurement of Total Organic Carbon content up to 100 mg/l C using the expulsion method in municipal wastewater outlet and cooling water, including solids of particle size up to 0.5 mm. While using the Filtrax Filtration Unit instead of Sigmatax, the analyzer is suitable for DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) measurement too. The reaction is based on a new chemical method (patent pending). An infrared sensor is carrying out the measurement in the NIR range.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring technique Measuring range Uncertainty: Response time T100 Calibration Cleaning Special Notes: Reagent capacity Display Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Temperature Sample Ambient Outputs

TOCtax Expulsion method; Digestion method: UV-Persulfate-Oxidisation; Analysis using infrared detector, equivalent to DIN EN 1484 1.00 - 100 mg/l TOC automatic change over from 1.0-25/50/100 mg/l C 4 % + 0.1 mg/l (1.0 - 24.9 - 50 mg/l C) 5 % + 0.1 mg/l (1-100 mg/l C) 16 - 18 min automatic, user selectable interval selection (tcal 36 min) automatic, user selectable interval selection (tclean 10 min) Integrated refridgerator for reagent storage 2 months for Reagents (3-6 months for Standard solution) Graphics monitor with datalogger and curves display Bypass; homogenisated water sample - wall mounting 3,2 mm OD Atmospheric, 4/6 mm connection for waste, 8/11 mm for overflow tray (ID/OD) approx. 100 ml/h +5C ... +40C +5C ... +40C 2x analogue: 0/420 mA, max. 500Ohm 2 floating limit value contacts 24V, 1A ProfiBus, ModBus optional Service interface RS 232 1 h/month typical 3 month IP54 230 VAC, 50 Hz / 310 VA incl. cooling unit 550 mm x 1,190 mm x 390 mm (incl. cooling unit) (W x H x D) 43 kg (without reagents) 2 years (fullfilling required maintenance intervals)

Maintenance requirement

Servicing interval Enclosure Power supply Dimensions Weight (approximately) Warranty


The chloride concentration (Cl- ) in the sample must not exceed 4000 mg/l!

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 6

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

TOCTAX (DataSheet DOC053.52.03090)
Part No. LPV375.XX.0000X Designation TOCTAX, TOC Process Analyzer, complete Price in

Basic price

L P V 3 7 5 . X X . 0 0 0 X 0
Country Code Selection GB language / EU power cord ................................................................ 5 2

Price adder

Interface Options No Bus connection (Standard configuration) .............................................................. 0 ModBus ............................................ YAA857 ........................................................ 1 ProfiBus DP ............................................ LZV148 ........................................................ 2


2 3

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages Please refer to Chapter "Sample Preparation"

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 1 1 1 1 set of reagents, Standard & Absorption solution (for 2 month operations) Initial set of wearing parts For low maintenance sampling and homogenisation from set of operating instructions final clarification, we recommend our SIGMATAX 23 maintenance calendar sampling device. Factory Test Certificate

Reagents and consumabales TOCTAX Annual requirements Reagents Absorption solution Standard solution Wearing Parts
Total Annual operation costs

Price/Unit 6 x LCW840 6 x LCW841 2 x LCW842 1 x LZV313


Additional consumables LZV202 LZP864 LZP845 Cuvette (change interval 18 months) Piston motor (change interval 18 months) Lower cuvette holder (change interval 24 months)

Further accessories LPV361 LZX408 MODBUS node, bus node for connection to MODBUS VIEWTAX program for data analysis

Manuals DOC023.52.03105 Operating instructions TOCTAX (GB)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 7

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC UV & UV Turbo (DataSheet DOC053.52.03097 & DOC053.52.03098)
Process analyzer for the continuous determination of the total organic carbon (TOC) or total carbon (TC) in accordance with DIN 38409 for drinking water, waste water and industrial water, with automatic cleaning and calibration. The UV Turbo model has been specifically designed for monitoring chemical/ petrochemical and power generation condensate water, semiconductor recycle/reclaim water and pharmaceutical USP/EP water for injection and purified water. The UV model can be used for industrial wastewater application and drinking water applications. The Grab sample menu allows the operator to analyze a specific sample other than the online stream. During Grab sample analysis the analyzer will automatically go offline, analyze the sample connected to the calibration port, then purge with stream sample, and go back online.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring principal Measuring range Response time T90 Accuracy Repeatability Method detection limit Calibration Carrier gas requirements Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Inlet

ASTRO TOC UV & ASTRO TOC UV turbo Expulsion method; Digestion method: UV-Persulfate-Oxidisation; Analysis of CO2 using NDIR detector, equivalent to DIN 38409 0.05 ... 2 ... 20,000 mg/l TOC (depending on model) 5 min, depending on measuring range 2 % of full range, non diluted @ 25C 4 % of full range, for Analyzers with Dilution unit @ 25C 2 % of reading, non diluted @ 25C 4 % of reading, diluted ranges (Analyzers with Dilution unit) @ 25C 0.015 mg/l @ 0 ... 5 mg/l range multi-point calibration (up to 10 calibration points) Clean CO2-free air or Nitrogen @ 2.8 - 6.2 bar (40 - 90 psig) Bypass; - wall mounting " OD tube, compression fitting Single stream fast loop optional: dual stream pressure: 0.15 ... 6 bar (2 - 87 psig) 25 ... 200 ml/min 2000 mg/l, 500 m (100m recommended) 1" OD Standard Drain pipe pressure: Ambient " OD tube connection +2C ... +70C (36 ... 158F) or up to 100C using passive Cooler +5C ... +40C @ 50% relative humidity; 31C @ 80% relative humidity 2 x 0/4 ...20 mA 5 SPDT relays 3A @ 250 VAC / 0.5A @ 30VDC 1 x RS232C serial port (optional) Cold rolled steel (epoxy powder coated), IP65 (NEMA4) optional: Stainless steel IP65 (NEMA4X) 115 VAC or 230 VAC 10%, 50/60Hz, 300 VA (Switch selectable) 610 mm x 981 mm x 220 mm (26.6" x 38.6" x 8.7") 54 kg (without reagents) 2 years (fullfilling required maintenance intervals) Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) 1 set of operating instructions 1 installation kit 1 Factory Test Certificate

Flow rate Suspended solids Drain (outlet) Carrier gas Temperature Sample Ambient Outputs Material & Enclosure rating Power supply Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (approximately) Warranty

The chloride concentration (Cl -) in the sample must not exceed 2000 mg/l! If so, please select a model with Dilution Unit. The Suspended solids concentration is limited to 200 mg/l max.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 8

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC Turbo UV - Persulfate - Method (DataSheet DOC053.52.03098)
Part No. Z4195-X0XX Designation ASTRO TOC UV-Turbo Analyzer, Price in

Basic price

Z 4 1 9 5 - X 0 X X
UV lamps & Cabinet material 2 x UV lamp, housing made of CRS1 2 x UV lamp, housing made of SS1 Measuring range (IP65, NEMA4) ............................................ 1 (IP65, NEMA4X) .......................................... 3

Price adder

0 ... 2000 g/l 0 ... 5000 g/l

.............................................................................................. 0 2 .............................................................................................. 0 5


To order a complete system, please select the analyzer and an appropriate preference package. Both items must be selected in your order, e.g. Z4195-1005 + Z4P95-2000-00. Additionally the PS200 and AAS300 must be considered. The Astro UV Turbo TOC Analyser comes with manual, factory test certificate and start-up kit. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.


ASTRO TOC Preference Package

Power supply

(Factory installed options)

Basic price
Price adder

Z 4 P 9 5 - X X X X - 0 0
115 VAC version 230 VAC version
........................................................................ 1 ........................................................................ 2

Housing (Material & Options)

........................................................... 0 Housing made of CRS1 ............................. 1 Housing made of CRS1 with view window Housing made of SS2 with view window

............................. 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

no additional options ..................................................................... Level Detection Kit ..................................................................... Additional UV Lamp ..................................................................... .................................. Level Detection Kit & Additional UV Lamp

Reagents for Astro TOC-UV BCF889 BCF890 BCF891 Sodium persulfate, p.A., 1 kg Phosphoric Acid (85%), p.A., 1 l Potassium-Hydrogenphthalat, p.A., 50 gr. Reagent consumption for ASTRO TOC UV Turbo for 4-5 weeks operation TOC model Z4195-X002 Z4195-X005 BCF889 BCF890 BCF891 2 3 1 1 2 3 Annual reagent costs
considering 11 orders of monthy consumption

Spare parts/consumables Z200122 Z200123 Z200124 Z200132 Z200136 Z200144 Z200146 ASTRO TOC UV, START-UP Kit ASTRO TOC UV, 1 year spare parts kit ASTRO TOC UV, 2 year spare parts kit ASTRO TOC UV, FITTINGS and O-ring kit ASTRO TOC UV, 2 channel kit Sample Cooler Kit for TOC analyzers (for temperatures up to 100C) Conversion kit, TOC to TC

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 9

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC UV - Persulfate - Method (DataSheet DOC053.52.03097)
Part No. Z4195-X0XX Designation ASTRO TOC UV Analyzer, 1 UV lamp
UV lamps & Cabinet material 1 x UV lamp, housing made of CRS1 1 x UV lamp, housing made of SS1 Measuring range (IP65, NEMA4) ............................................ 1 (IP65, NEMA4X) .......................................... 3 Dilutor

Price in

Basic price

Z 4 1 9 5 - X 0 X X

Price adder

0 0 0 0

... ... ... ...

5 10 25 50

mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................

................................................. ................................................. ................................................. .................................................

1 2 3 4

0 0 0 0

0 ... 100 mg/l ............................................ + ................................................. 5 0 0 ... 200 mg/l ............................................ + ................................................. 6 0 0 ... 500 mg/l ............................................ + ................................................. 7 0 Z4195-X0XX ASTRO TOC UV Analyzer, 2 UV lamp
UV lamps & Cabinet material 2 x UV lamp, housing made of CRS1 2 x UV lamp, housing made of SS1 Measuring range (IP65, NEMA4) ............................................ 2 (IP65, NEMA4X) .......................................... 4 Dilutor

Basic price

Z 4 1 9 5 - X

0 X X

Price adder

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

... ... ... ...

100 200 500 1,000

mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................................

+ + + + +

................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. .................................................

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

... 1,000 mg/l ... 2,000 mg/l ... 5,000 mg/l ... 10,000 mg/l ... 20,000 mg/l


To order a complete system, please select the analyzer and an appropriate preference package. Both items must be selected in your order, e.g. Z4195-1005 + Z4P95-2000-00. Additionally the PS200 and AAS300 must be considered. The Astro UV Turbo TOC Analyser comes with manual, factory test certificate and start-up kit. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.


ASTRO TOC Preference Package (Factory installed options)

Basic price
Price adder

Z 4 P 9 5 - X X X X - 0 0
Power supply 115 VAC version ................................................................................... 1 230 VAC version ................................................................................... 2 Housing (Material & Options)

Housing made of CRS1 .................................................................... 0 Housing made of CRS1 with view window.......................................... 1 Housing made of SS2 with view window............................................ 3

no additional options ........................................................................... Level Detection Kit ............................................................................... Additional UV Lamp ............................................................................. Level Detection Kit & Additional UV Lamp ............................................

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 10

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC UV - Persulfate - Method (DataSheet DOC053.52.03097)
Part No. BCF889 BCF890 BCF891 Designation Reagents for Astro TOC-UV Sodium persulfate, p.A., 1 kg Phosphoric Acid (85%), p.A., 1 l Potassium-Hydrogenphthalat, p.A., 50 gr. Reagent consumption for ASTRO TOC UV Model TOC 1 UV Z4195-X010 Z4195-X020 Z4195-X030 Z4195-X040 Z4195-X050 Z4195-X060 Z4195-X070 TOC 2 UV Z4195-X000 Z4195-X010 Z4195-X020 Z4195-X030 Z4195-X040 Z4195-X050 Z4195-X060 Z4195-X070 Z4195-X080 Reagent consumption
for 4-5 weeks operation

Price in

Annual reagent costs

considering 11 orders of monthy consumption

BCF889 BCF890 BCF891 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 BCF889 BCF890 BCF891 4 2 1 7 2 1 1 8 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 6 1 1

Spare parts/consumables Z200122 Z200123 Z200124 Z200132 Z200136 Z200144 Z200146 ASTRO TOC UV, START-UP Kit ASTRO TOC UV, 1 year spare parts kit ASTRO TOC UV, 2 year spare parts kit ASTRO TOC UV, FITTINGS and O-ring kit ASTRO TOC UV, 2 channel kit Sample Cooler Kit for TOC analyzers (for temperatures up to 100C) Conversion kit, TOC to TC

free of charge

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 11

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC High Temperature/Catalyst - Method (DataSheet DOC033.52.03099)

High temperature process analyzer for the continuous measurement of the organic bound carbon (TOC) or total carbon (TC) in accordance with ISO8245, EN1484, primarily for chemical, petrochemical and industrial wastewater applications. The platinum catalyst provides an enlarged surface area for the oxidation reaction which increases the life time of the catalyst and hence reducing the cost of ownership. The grab sample feature allows the analysis of a manually collected sample at any time.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring technique Measuring range Response time T90 Accuracy Repeatability Method detection limit Calibration Carrier gas requirements Process connection Installation (Analyser) Sample Inlet

ASTRO TOC HT High Temperature oxidation with acid sparging for TIC removal Analysis of CO2 using NDIR detector, equivalent to ISO8245, EN1484 0.1...50...20,000 mg/l C (depending on model) 8 min, inlcuding TIC removal 5 % of readings 1000 mg/l, with and without dilution (@ 25C) 2 % of readings 2000 and 20000 mg/l, with dilution (@ 25C) 5 % of readings 1000 mg/l, with and without dilution (@ 25C) 2 % of readings 2000 and 20000 mg/l, with dilution (@ 25C) 0.1 mg/l at 0 - 25 mg/l range @ 25C auto-calibration, multi-point calibration (up to 10 calibration points) auto validation and auto cleaning Clean CO2-free air or Nitrogen @ 2.8 - 6.2 bar (40 - 90 psig) Bypass; - wall mounting " OD tube, compression fitting Single stream fast loop optional: dual stream pressure: 0.15 ... 6 bar (2 - 87 psig) 20 ... 200 ml/min 2000 mg/l, 500 m (100m recommended) 1" OD Standard Drain pipe pressure: Ambient " OD tube connection +2C ... +70C (36 ... 158F) or up to 100C using passive Cooler +5C ... +40C @ 50% relative humidity; 31C @ 80% relative humidity 2x 0/420 mA 5 SPDT relays 3A @ 250 VAC / 0.5A @ 30VDC 1 x RS232C or RS485 (ModBUS, CSV) optional Cold rolled steel epoxy powder coated IP54 (NEMA12) optional: Stainless steel IP54 (NEMA12) Wall mount 115 VAC or 230 VAC, 50/60Hz, 1500 VA (Switch selectable) 973 mm x 983 mm x 244 mm (38.3" x 38.7" x 9.6") 97 kg 2 years (fullfilling required maintenance intervals) Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) 1 set of operating instructions 1 start-up kit (Z200122) 1 Factory Test Certificate

Flow rate Suspended solids Drain (outlet) Carrier gas Temperature Sample Ambient Outputs Material & Enclosure rating Mounting Power supply Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (approximately) Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 12

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC High Temperature/Catalyst - Method (DataSheet DOC033.52.03099)
Part No. Z4195-XXXX Designation ASTRO HT TOC Analyzer, housing made of CRS
Measuring range 0 ... 25 mg/l 0 ... 50 mg/l 0 ... 100 mg/l 0 ... 200 mg/l 0 ... 500 mg/l 0 ... 1,000 mg/l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 mg/l 200 mg/l 500 mg/l 1,000 mg/l 2,000 mg/l 5,000 mg/l 10,000 mg/l 20,000 mg/l

Price in (Cold rolled steel)

Basic price
Price adder

Z 4 1 9 5 - X X X X
Dilutor ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ + + + + + + + + ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


ASTRO HT TOC Analyzer, housing made of SS

Measuring range 0 ... 25 mg/l 0 ... 50 mg/l 0 ... 100 mg/l 0 ... 200 mg/l 0 ... 500 mg/l 0 ... 1,000 mg/l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 mg/l 200 mg/l 500 mg/l 1,000 mg/l 2,000 mg/l 5,000 mg/l 10,000 mg/l 20,000 mg/l

(Stainless steel)

Basic price
Price adder

Z 4 1 9 5 - X X X X
Dilutor ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ - ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ + + + + + + + + ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


To order a complete system, please select the analyzer and an appropriate preference package. Both items must be selected in your order, e.g. Z4195-1005 + Z4P95-2000-00. Additionally the PS200 and AAS300 must be considered.

Further accessories, please refer to next pages. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.


ASTRO HT TOC Preference Package (Factory installed options)

Basic price
Price adder

Z 4 P 9 5 - X X X X - 0 0
Power supply 115 VAC version ................................................................................... 1 230 VAC version ................................................................................... 2 Housing (Material & Options)

Housing made of CRS1 .................................................................... 0 Housing made of CRS1 with view window.......................................... 1 Housing made of SS2 with view window............................................ 3

no additional options ........................................................................... 0 0 Level Detection Kit ............................................................................... 0 1 Spare parts/consumables Z120161 Z200201 Z200202 Z200136 Free standing Rack Assembly for ASTRO TOC analyzers ASTRO TOC HT, 1 year spare parts kit ASTRO TOC HT, 2 year spare parts kit Kit, Dual-stream valve assembly
This P/N indicates the factory to configure and test the analyzer for 2 stream operation

on request

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 13

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC Sampling system PS200 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03110)
Part No. Designation Price in

The PS 200 Blow Back Filter is a selfcleaning sampling unit which protects online analyzers by filtering floating particles from the sample solution. The blow back sequence can be operated manually or is controlled by the analyzers. The programmable control periodically shuts off the sample flow to the analyzer and applies compressed air in the opposite direction (blow back) to flush debris from the filter. The PS200 is not suitable for water samples containing long fibres! Furthermore the Filtrax might be considered as an alternative, but requires the acceptance of DOC measurement and prior approval by HACH LANGE!

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Filter mesh Process connection Inlet/Outlet (sample) Inlet (instrument air) Outlet (sample to analyzer) Inline installations pressure flow rate Bypass installation pressure flow rate Ambient temperature Required services Air pressure Material Enclosure rating Power requirements Dimensions Weight (approximately)

PS200 Blow-back filter self-cleaning sampling system for Astro TOC Analyzers 100 m Standard or 25, 50 and 300 m optional inline or bypass Inlet: 1" MNPT pipe (Standard), Outlet: 1" union fitting NPT or 1" flange (optional) " O.D. " O.D. 0.7 ... 6.0 bar (10 ... 87 psig) 8 ... 113 l/min (2 ... 30 gpm) 0.2 bar 50 ... 300 ml/min (0.02 ... 0.08 gpm) +5C ... 50C (41 ... 122F), no direct sunlight up to 6.9 bar (100 psig), 15% above sample pressure dry instrument air preferred Filter body & elements, valves and connections: SS316 Mounts and clambs: Plated Carbon Steel IP65, NEMA 4 24 VDC, 8W supplied by Astro TOC anaylzer or external timer/power supply device 221 x 433 x 292 mm (W x H x D) 5.3 kg (11.6 lbs)


PS200 Blowback filter

Basic price

Z 4 2 0 0 - 1 0 0 X
Filter mesh size 25 m .......................................................................................................................... 50 m .......................................................................................................................... 100 m (Standard filter mesh) ................................................................................... 300 m .......................................................................................................................... 500 m ..........................................................................................................................

Price adder

4 2 1 3 5

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 14

TOC/DOC (Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon)

ASTRO TOC Accessories AAS300 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03109)
Part No. Designation Price in

The AAS 300 Purge Gas Generator can be used as an alternative if no nitrogen gas supply (min. quality class 4.0) should be available on-site. The AAS300 removes carbon dioxide, nonmethane hydrocarbons, particles greater than 0.01 microns, and suspended liquids from a pressurized carrier gas supply. It is intended to purify the carrier gas used with TOC analyzers in process environments. Each AAS 300 can supply purified air for up to two analyzers.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Purification performance CO2 Non-methan HCs Particle > 1.0 m suspended liquids Air loss for regeneration Process connection Inlet pressure min. pressure max. temperature max. Outlet flow rate max. Pressure dew point Pressure drop @ maximum flow rate Material & Enclosure rating Power requirements

AAS300 Purge Gas Generator Carrier gas purifier for Astro TOC Analyzers using air supplied by compressor < 1 ppm CO2 < 0.003 ppm none none 2.5 l/min @ 7 bar (100 psig) Total required air = air loss + demand (up to maximum dry airflow rate) free-standing or wall-mount " female BSPP 4 bar (58 psig) 10.5 bar (152 psig) 25C (77F) " female BSPP 1,5 l/min for specified dewpoint @ 7 bar (100 psig) -70C (-100F) Outlet dew point will increase @ inlet temperatures > 25C (77F) 0.34 bar (5 psig) Filter boby & element, valve body, connectors: SS316 Mounts & clamps: plated carbon steel 115/230VAC, 35 mA for electrically operated units n.a. when using pneumatic timer to control the 2 minutes regeneration cycle Pneumatic timer is factory set @ 6.2 bar and requires re-adjustment when using different inlet pressures. 92 x 400 x 310 mm (4 x 15 x 12") (W x H x D) 8 kg (18 lbs)

Dimensions Weight (approximately)


AAS300 CO2/Air purifier

Basic price

Z 4 3 0 0 - 1 0 0 X
Variants with electronic timer for use with compressed air, 115 VAC ....................................................... 1 with electronic timer for use with compressed air, 230 VAC ....................................................... 2 with pneumatic timer for use with compressed air .................................................................... 3

Price adder

Spare Part Z4300-001Y Z4300-002Y 1 Year Spare-Part Kit for AAS300 2 Year Spare-Part Kit for AAS300

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Sum-Parameters page 15

Turbidity, Suspended Solids & Particle Counter

Product overview

Instrument Solitax sc

Bypass n.a. X X X X X

Application Immersion t -line* ts-line* hs-line*

Insertion inline* highline*

Ultraturb sc 1720 sc Filtertrak sc SS6 Surface Scatter WPC-21, WPC-22


* All modells are also applicable for colored and white sludges

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 1


SOLITAX sc series for Immersion Application (DataSheet DOC063.52.00353)

Solitax sc t-line
Process probe for continuous monitoring and control of turbidity in water (e.g. in the sewage plant outfall, surface water or drinking water). Probes comes in a rugged plastic body and are available without or optional automatic selfcleaning Wiper system. Analysis by means of the sc Digital Controller Platform.

Solitax sc ts-line & hs-line

Process probes with a combined infrared absorption/scattered light process for measuring lowest turbidity levels in accordance with DIN ISO EN 27027 as precisely, reliably and, of course, independently of coloration as high sludge levels. Probe Housing available in SS316 (V4A) or Plastic material for various application - available without or optional automatic self-cleaning Wiper system. Analysis by means of the sc Digital Controller Platform.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Measuring technique Measuring method

SOLITAX sc t-line Infrared scattered light photometer turbidity measurement in accordance with DIN ISO EN 27027 0.001 ... 4000 FNU -

SOLITAX sc ts-line & hs-line Infrared duo scattered light photometer for measurement independent of colour turbidity measurement in accordance with DIN EN 27027;
TSS measurement equivalent to DIN 38414

Measuring range Turbidity Suspended Solids Measurement accuracy Calibration Process variation coeff. Response time T90 Measurement interval Cable length Process connection Installation Pmax for probe Sample flow Temperature Sample Ambient Sensor Material Dimensions Weight (approximately)
Maintenance requirement

0.001 ... 4000 FNU ts-line: 0.001 ... 50.0 g/l TSS hs-line: 0.001 ... 150.0 g/l TSS Turbidity: 1.0 % with calibration, 5.0 % without calibration Turbidity: factory pre-calibrated (individual calibration up to 5 calibration points) TSS: gradient once for Dry matter 1 % according DIN 38402 1 s < T90 < 5 min (adjustable) 0,3 sec 10 m, max. 110 m with digital extension cable Immersed directly into the media 6 bar (or 60m) max. 3 m/s (the presence of air bubbles affects the measurement) +2 C to +40 C +2 C to +40 C Plastic (PVC) SS1.4571 (V4A) or Plastic (PVC) 200 x 60 mm (L x ) 0.6 kg 1.8 kg 0.5 h/month, typical 12 months 24 month, fulfilling the requested servicing intervals, extendable to 5 years

Servicing interval Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 2


SOLITAX sc series for Immersion Application (DataSheet DOC063.52.00353)
Part No. LXV423.99.12000 Designation Solitax sc, with 10m cable, without sc controller Price in

Basic price

L X V 4 2 3 . 9 9 . X X X 0 0
Country Code Selection2 Housing material

Price adder

Stainless steel PVC housing

Cleaning option

(SS316) not available for t-line ..................................... 0 ..................................................................................... 1

with automatic wiper cleaning (wiper made of Silicon) ................................... 0 without cleaning option ................................................................................ 2

t-line Turbidity (0.001 ... 4000 FNU) in PVC available only ....................... 0 ts-line Turbidity & SS (0.001 ... 4000 FNU; 0.001 ... 50 g/l SS) .......................... 1 hs-line Turbidity & SS (0.001 ... 4000 FNU; 0.001 ... 150 g/l SS) .......................... 2

LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 0


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the above mentioned will void the warranty.

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 set of operating instructions 1 Factory Test Certificate Mounting assembly LZX414.00.X000 is essential for installation and must be ordered separately.

1 set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) depending on availabilty of the cleaning system

Mounting assembly (Please refer to the chapter "Mounting assemblies" for further details) LZX414.00.10000 LZX414.00.30000 Probe Mounting Kit, made of SS with 90 adapter for fixing the probe to a tank or channel Probe Mounting Kit, made of SS with 360C adapter for mounting the probe to a tank or channel. Digital extension cable (between display unit and probe) LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m
Standard item for special applications

LZX050 LZX578

Spare parts Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes), made of silicone for normal applications Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes), made of Viton for e.g. media containing oil Manuals SOLITAX sc manual, GB


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 3


SOLITAX sc - for measurement in pipes (DataSheet DOC063.52.00353)

Process probes designed with a dual infrared absorption/scattered light technique for measuring lowest turbidity levels in accordance with DIN ISO EN 27027 just as precisely, reliably and continuously as high sludge content. The patended optical system allows to measure independently of coloration. Probe Housing made of SS316 (V4A) - available with optional automatic self-cleaning Wiper system or without. Analysis by means of the sc Digital Controler Platform.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Measuring technique Measuring method Measuring range Turbidity Suspended Solids Measurement accuracy Calibration Process variation coeff. Response time T90 Measurement interval Cable length Process connection Installation style Sample flow Pipe diameter Pressure pmax Temperature Tmax Sample Dimensions (L x ) Sensor Material Weight (approximately)
Maintenance requirement

SOLITAX sc high-line SOLITAX sc in-line Infrared dual scattered light photometer for measurement independent of colour Turbidity measurement in accordance with DIN EN 27027; TSS measurement equivalent to DIN 38414 0.001 ... 4000 FNU 0.001 ... 4000 FNU 0.001 - 50.0 g/l TSS 0.001 - 150.0 g/l TSS Turbidity: 1.0 % with calibration, 5.0 % without calibration Turbidity: factory pre-calibrated (individual calibration up to 5 calibration points) TSS: gradient once for TS content 1 % according DIN 38402 1 s < T90 < 5 min (adjustable) 0,3 sec 10 m, max. 110 m with digital extension cable insertion installation, retractable by using suitable mounting assembly max. 3 m/s (the presence of air bubbles affects the measurement) DN80 for SS, DN100 for drinking water and clean water applications 6 bar (or 60m) +2 C to +40 C 315 x 60 mm SS1.4571 (V4A) 2.4 kg 0.5 h/month, typical 12 months 24 month, fulfilling the requested servicing intervals, extendable to 5 years

Servicing interval Warranty

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SOLITAX sc - for measurement in pipes (DataSheet DOC063.52.00353)
Part No. LXV424.99.02100 Designation Solitax sc, Insertion probe, with 10m cable, without sc controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 4 . 9 9 . X X X 0 0
Country Code Selection2 Housing material

Stainless steel
Cleaning option


...................................................................... 0

with automatic wiper cleaning (wiper made of Silicon) .................................... 0 without cleaning option ................................................................................ 2

in-line high-line

Turbidity (0.001 ... 4000 FNU) & TSS (0.001 ... 50 g/l TSS) ................ 1 Turbidity (0.001 ... 4000 FNU) & TSS (0.001 ...150 g/l TSS) ............... 2

LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 0


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the above mentioned, will void the warranty. For further extension cables, please consult the chapter sc controller/display units accessories

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

1 set of operating instructions 1 Factory Test Certificate Mounting assembly LZX461, 936 or 337 and LZX660/661 are essential for installation and safe operation. Must be ordered separately.

1 set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) depending on model (with or without cleaning system)

Mounting assembly LZX660 LZX661 Welding Neck flange made of stainless steel; essential for connection of the inline fitting Welding Neck flange made of C steel; essential for connection of the inline fitting Technical data: Mounting assembly, insertion retractable DataSheet: DOC053.98.03414

Part number Pressure (absolute) Pipe connection Length when installed Length when removed Weight (without probe) Listprice in Spare parts LZX050 LZX578

LZX461 1 bar flange DN 65; PN 16; DIN 2633 210 mm 360 mm approx. 2.7 kg

LZX936 1 bar flange DN 65; PN 16; DIN 2633 310 mm 550 mm approx. 16 kg

LZX337 5 bar flange DN 65; PN 16; DIN 2633 310 mm 550 mm approx. 18 kg

Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes), made of silicone for normal applications Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes), made of Viton for e.g. media containing oil Manuals


SOLITAX sc manual (GB) European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 5

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

TURBIDITY in Bypass (Low to Mid range)

ULTRATURB sc models according DIN EN ISO 7027 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03217)

Precision turbidity sensor for the measurement of the turbidity in ultraclear to medium turbidity media in bypass. Ideal for safeguarding the quality of drinking water and for filtration management in water conditioning plants and wells. Extremely low background noise with permanent calibration, with microprocessorcontrolled self-diagnostics and optional self-cleaning measuring feature. Physical and mathematical elimination of air bubbles. Instruments using sc digital controller for one, two or more turbidity sensors or in combination with any other digital probe/sensor or analyser.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Instrument characteristic

Measuring principle Measuring method Measuring range

Measuring resolution Measuring uncertainty Measuring reproducabilty Response time T90 Air bubble compensation Calibration Outputs Cable length Process connection Installation style Pressure Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Temperature Tmax (probe) Sample Ambient Enclosure rating Material

Ultraturb plus sc Ultraturb sc Dual-beam Process Nephelometer Dual-beam Process Nephelometer with automatic wiper cleaning system (time controlled or manually) 90 infrared pulsed, scattered light measuring technique according DIN EN ISO 7027 0.0001 - 1000 FNU (Dimension TE/F, FTU, NTU selectable) 0.0001 to 250 EBC 0.0001 to 2500 ppm SiO2 0.0001 to 0.9999 1.00 to 9.99 10.0 to 99.9 100 to 1000 0.008 or 1% of actual value in the range 0-10 FNU 0.003 or 0.5% of actual value in the range 0-2 FNU 1 ... 60 sec (user selectable) physical - mathematical Permanently precalibrated by the manufacturer Calibration/Verification using Formazine, StablCal or CVM dry standards I/0, MODBUS, ProfiBUS DP, LONBUS, Relais via sc Controller series up to 100 m using digital connection cables Bypass installation 6 bar max @ 20C 13 mm ID hose or fixed connection using G+F system parts 13 mm ID hose or fixed connection using G+F system parts 200 - 1000 ml/min +2C to 40C +2C to 40C IP65 Housing: ASA Measuring chamber: NORYL GFN2 Wiper axe: SS1.4571 Measuring window: Quartz glass Wiper profile: Silicon 250 x 240 x 210 mm (H x W x D) approx. 1.9 kg 0,5h/month (model with wiper) 2h/month (model without wiper), typical 24 month; extendable to 60 month European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 6

Dimensions Weight (approximately) Maintenance req. Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

TURBIDITY in Bypass (Low to Mid range)

ULTRATURB sc models according DIN EN ISO 7027 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03217)
Part No. LPV415.99.0100X Designation ULTRATURB sc, without sc controller and without connection cable Country Code Selection Connecting cable length without connection cable with 0.35 m connection cable with 5 m connection cable with 10 m connection cable with 15 m connection cable with 20 m connection cable with 30 m connection cable with 50 m connection cable
Cleaning option

Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

L P V 4 1 5 . 9 9 . X X 0 0 X

................................................................. ............................................................ ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

with automatic wiper cleaning without automatic cleaning

................................................................. 0 ................................................................. 1

Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 1


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between Ultraturb sc sensor and controller is limited to 110 m in total. For further extension cables, please consult the chapter sc controller/display units accessories 2 Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) 1 set of wiper blades (for 4 changes) only for models with cleaning option 1 accessory set (LZP816) Connection cable is essential for operation and must be ordered with the instrument, resp. 1 set of operating instructions individually. 1 Factory Test Certificate

Calibration Tools LCW813 LZV325 LZV451 Turbidity standard, formazine, 4000 FNU, 100ml Set of filters for zero calibration
(0.2 m diaphragm filter incl. connecting material)

Turbidity- Syringe- Calibration- Set for "Wet Calibration" using Formazine Standard

CVM calibration module, Dry standard, for instrument verification LZV414.00.00000 LZV414.00.10000 LZV414.00.20000 LZV414.00.30000 LZV414.00.40000 0.6 NTU 1.5 NTU 6 NTU 15 NTU 25 NTU Spare parts LZV275 Set of wiper blades for 4 changes Manuals Operating instructions ULTRATURB plus sc, GB


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 7

TURBIDITY in Bypass (low range & ultra low range)

1720 E sc & FilterTrak 660 sc (DataSheet DOC053.52.03715 & DOC063.52.00433)

The 1720 E sc measures turbidity by directing an incandescent light from the sensor head assembly down into the sample in the turbidimeter body. Light scattered at 90 by suspended particles in the sample is detected by the sensor's submerged photocell. The amount of light scattered is proportional to the amount of turbidity in the sample. The instrument meets and exceeds USEPA Method 180.1 (using Tungsten lamp) for drinking water compliance.

The FilterTrak 660 sc Laser Nephelometer is designed specifically to detect changes in turbidity as low as 0.0005 NTU. Using advanced laser optics and signal processing, the instrument detects increased concentrations of submicron-sized particles that are a precursor to larger particles. This allows for early filter deterioration detection that meets or exceeds that of particle counters-all with the day-to-day convenience, simplicity, and reliability of a Hach turbidimeter. Operators can detect impending filter breakthrough, delineate filter ripening, and maximize effective filter run time.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Measuring principle Light source Measuring range Measuring resolution Measuring uncertainty

Response time T90 Air bubble compensation Calibration Outputs Cable length Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Humidity (operation) Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight (approximately) Maintenance req. Warranty

1720 E sc Nephelometric acc. USEPA 180.1 Tungsten lamp 0.0001 ... 100 NTU, freely programmable 0.0001 from 0 to 9.9999 NTU 0.001 from 10 to 99.999 NTU 2% or 0.015 NTU from 0 - 10 NTU; whichever is greater 5 % of reading from 10 - 40 NTU; 10% of reading from 40 - 100 NTU 6, 30, 60, 90 sec (programmable) 75 sec for a full scale step change physical; bulit-in bubble removal system precalibrated by the manufacturer
(Calibration/Verification with Formazine, StablCal, or ICE PIC solid standard)

FilterTrak 660 sc Nephelometric acc. USEPA 10133 Class 1 Laser 10 mW, 660 nm 0.001 ... 5000 mNTU (milli NTU) 0.001 mNTU in lowest range; 0.1 mNTU in highest range 3% of reading or 5 mNTU whichever is greater (based on StablCal Stabilized Formazin Standards) 0 - 90 s (user selectable) 75 s for a full scale step change User selectable: On (default) or Off precalibrated by the manufacturer Single point @ 800 mNTU 50 mNTU

I/0, MODBUS, ProfiBUS DP, LONBUS, Relais via sc controller series 2 m (6.6 ft) (10 m / 32.8 ft. max.) 2 m (6.6 ft) (100 m / 328 ft. max.) Bypass installation with ambient pressure outlet (wall and floor mounting) " NPT female thread, " pipe compressing fitting (supplied) " NPT female, " hose barb (supplied) 250 ... 750 ml/min 100 ... 750 ml/min 0 - 50C (32 - 121F) +2C ... 50C for single sensor system +2C ... 40C for double sensor system 5 to 95 % non condensing IP66 (NEMA4X) Polystyrene (corosion resitant) 40,6 x 30,5 x 25,4 cm (H x W x D) 4,6 kg 2 h / month (typical) 24 month; extendable to 60 month

0C ... 40C (32 100F)

7,7 kg

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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TURBIDITY in Bypass (low range & ultra low range)

1720 E sc & FilterTrak 660 sc (DataSheet DOC053.52.03715 & DOC063.52.00433)
Part No. LPV417.99.000XX Designation 1720E sc, Turbidity sensor, without sc controller, with 2m connection cable Country Code Selection User Interface Language Selection GB, D, E (Spain), F, NL .......................................................................................... 1 GB, I, SW (Swedish), PL .......................................................................................... 2 Brand Lange HACH ........................................................................................................................ 1 ........................................................................................................................ 2 Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

L P V 4 1 7 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 X X


FilterTrak 660 sc,

without sc controller, with 2 m connection cable

Basic Price
Price adder

L P V 4 2 1 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 X X
Country Code Selection User Interface Language Selection GB, D, E (Spain), F, NL .......................................................................................... 1 GB, I, SW (Swedish), PL .......................................................................................... 2 Brand Lange HACH ........................................................................................................................ 1 ........................................................................................................................ 2


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units Due to power requirements by Tungsten lamp: the maximum of 1720E sc sensors which can be connected to sc 100 controller is limited to 2 devices! the maximum of 1720E sc sensors which can be connected to sc 1000 controller is limited to 3 devices! The maximum cable length between the 1720 E sc sensor and the sc controllers is limited to 10 m in total. If multiple 1720 E sc sensors are connected to a sc controller, the max. ambient operating temperature will be limited to 40C. All restrictions mentioned before do not apply to FilterTrak sc probes, exceptional the cable length of max. 100 m. 2 Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D. Calibration tool 5236400 is essenstial for operation/calibration; 1720 calibration cylinders are not suitable!!!!

5.796.000,00 Extension cables LZX848 5796000 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 5m 7.7 m (for 1720 E sc only!) 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m

Floor Mounting assembly 5743200 Floor Stand for 1720 E sc, Filtertrak sc

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 9

TURBIDITY in Bypass (low range & ultra low range)

1720 E sc & FilterTrak 660 sc (DataSheet DOC053.52.03715 & DOC063.52.00433)
Part No. Designation Calibration Tools for 1720 Turbidimeter models 4415600 Complete calibration set includes a 1 L calibration cylinder, TenSette pipette and 500 ml bottle 4000 FNU formazine primary standard) Formazine Primary standard, 4000 FNU/NTU, 500ml bottle StablCal calibration kit, < 0,1 and 20 FNU/NTU, 4 L each StablCal standard, 0.1 FNU/NTU, 1L StablCal standard, 1.0 FNU/NTU, 1L StablCal standard, 20 FNU/NTU, 1L StablCal standard, 40 FNU/NTU, 1L ICE-PIC ICE-PIC ICE-PIC ICE-PIC 0.5 NTU, 1 pc., Solid Standard for Instrument Calibration/Verification 1 NTU, 1 pc., Solid Standard for Instrument Calibration/Verification 20 NTU, 1 pc., Solid Standard for Instrument Calibration/Verification Calibration/Verification Set; includes 0.5, 1.0 and 20 NTU Solid Standards Price in

246149 2659600 2723353 2659853 2660153 2746353 5222500 5221500 5225000 #BEZUG!

Calibration Tools for FilterTrak 660 sc #BEZUG! #BEZUG! #BEZUG! #BEZUG! #BEZUG! Complete Calibration Kit for FilterTrak including 1 L 800 mNTU StablCal Standard, calibration cylinder and funnel StablCal StablCal StablCal StablCal Verification Standard, certified, Verification Standard, certified, Verification Standard, certified, Calibration Standard, certified, 100 mNTU, 1 L 300 mNTU, 1 L 500 mNTU, 1 L 800 mNTU, 1 L


For further calibration/verification tools, please refer to the Appendix A "Reagents & consumables" Calibration tool 5236400 is essenstial for operation/calibration; 1720 calibration cylinders are not suitable!!!!

Spare Parts for 1720 E sc 1895000 #BEZUG! Tungsten lamp (Replacement) Drain plug for 1720E body

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 10

TURBIDITY in Bypass (High range & harsh conditions)

SS6 and SS6/HST (DataSheet LIT4332)

The Surface Scatter 6 is a continuously operating process nephelometer for the measurement of medium to high turbidity in aquaous solutions. The instrument design is based on the nephelometric principle where the scattered light from the particles suspended in the liquid is used as the measured parameter. The instrument is calibrated in turbidity units based on primary calibration standard formazine (NTU). The corrosion resistant design provides low maintenance and operation costs and extended life even in harsh conditions as there is no contact between sample and optics. The turbidity instrument comprises the sensor unit and control unit for immediate set up.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring principle Light source Measuring range Measuring resolution Measuring uncertainty Response time T90 Delay time Calibration Outputs Alarms Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Overflow drain Sample flow Air purge fitting Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Humidity Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight (approximately) Power requirements Maintenance req. Warranty

Surface Scatter & Surface Scatter high temperature Nephelometric acc. USEPA180.1 Tungsten lamp 1 - 9999 turbidity units NTU, with automatic decimal point adjustment 0.01 NTU < 100 NTU 0.1 NTU < 100...999 NTU 1.0 NTU > 1000 NTU 5% from 0 ... 2000 NTU 10% from 2000 ... 9999 NTU 1.7 min to reach 90% of final value @ a flow rate of 2 l/min 30 sec to detect a change in turbidtity precalibrated by the manufacturer (Calibration/Verification with Formazine and StablCal) I/0 output (0/4...20 mA) or 0-10, 0-100 or 0-1000 mVDC output span programmable over any portion of 0...5000 NTU range 2 floating min/ max limit value contacts for an Ohmic load of 5 A @ 230 VAC Bypass installation with ambient pressure outlet (wall and bench stand mounting) " NPT female " NPT female 1" NPT female 1 ... 2 l/min " compression fitting; 0-1.4 m/h air flow of clean instrument air (SS6 HT only) 0 ... 50C SS6 0 ... 70C SS6 High temperature; 0 - 90C with pre-installed sample cooler 0 ... 40C (32 100F) 5 ... 95% humidity, non-condensing IP52 (NEMA 12) sample unit and IP65 (NEMA4X) for control unit Polycarbonate (Control Unit) plastic (instrument enclosure) Control unit: 34.3 x 22.8 x 19.0 cm (WxHxD) Sensor unit: 64.1 x 67.5 x 19.0 cm (WxHxD) 15.8 kg 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 135 VA, 68 W max. 2 h / month (typical) 24 month; extendable to 60 month European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 11

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

TURBIDITY in Bypass (High range & harsh conditions)

SS6 and SS6/HST (DataSheet LIT4332)
Part No. 4500010 Designation Surface Scatter 6 complete turbidimeter with calibration cylinder, 4000 FNU formazine standard, installation kit, drain valve and operating instructions. Surface Scatter 6/HST for harsh conditions (hot and/or corrosive samples) Includes all components as for model 4500010. Price in



Power cord must be orderd separately, if so required. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.


Accessories Calibration plate kit (0-100 and 0-1000 NTU)

4427800 4668000 #BEZUG! #BEZUG! #BEZUG! 4743900 #BEZUG!

Optional accessories for all SS6 models Serial interface (RS-232C computer interface card) Bubble trap (head regulator) Flow Meter (100...1600 ml/min) Tubing replacement Kit Power cord, 120 VAC, 15A, 1.83 m (6 ft) Power cord 250 VAC, 10 A, approx. 1.8 m with European plug Manual SS6 & SS6/HST

#BEZUG! 4669222 #BEZUG! 4855100 4500043

Special accessories (only HST model) Auto Flush Kit, 120 VAC Auto Flush Kit, 240 VAC Bubble Trap / Head Regulator Heat Exchanger (sample cooler, for water samples > 50C) Uprade Kit, to convert SS6 version to SS6/HST version

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 12

Particle Counter
WPC21 & WPC22 2-Channel Particle Counter (DataSheet DOC063.52.00464)

The WPC-21 and -22 were designed to provide a useful and cost effective means of evaluating water quality. The units mount directly to the wall, where they can continually monitor waterborne particulate, either as an individual unit or as units networked together through AQUARIUS software. In typical situations, the WPC-22 provides 2 channel tracking (selectable from 8 sizes), in cumulative mode, for particles as small as 2 m . When sensitivity is critical, the WPC-21 provides 2 channel tracking (selectable from 8 sizes), for particles as small as 1 m. Applications Developed for continuous particle monitoring in water filtration Drinking water Water in food/beverage industry Filtration of beverages Washing machines for clean room textiles Cleaning baths for optical and machine parts Pre-stage of DI-water production Water for immersion painting

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measurement principle Light source Detector Design Particle sizes Units Coincidence fields Counting efficiency Resolution of values Flow cell dimensions Zero count deviation Calibration Display Interfaces, outputs

WPC-21 WPC-22 Light blocking Laser diode 780 nm (average life of laser appr. 30,000 hours) Photodiode 2 channel instrument
1.3 / 2m + one user-configurable on the second channel,selectable out of 7 sizes

1.3 m on first channel fixed 2; 3; 5; 7; 10; 15; 25 m on 2nd channel Number of particles/ml 10 % loss at 25,000 particles/ml
20 to 80% @ 1 m; 70 to 130% with 2 m particles @ 1 m threshold

2 m on first channel fixed 5; 7; 10; 15; 25; 50; 100 m on 2nd 10% loss at 15,000 particles/ml
30 to 70 % @ 2 m; 80 to 120% with 5 m particles @ 2 m threshold

Data storage Process connection Installation style Inlet Outlet Sample flow Pressure pmax Temperature Tmax Ambient Sample Humidity (operation) Enclosure rating Wetted materials Power Dimensions Weight Standards Warranty

10 % of 10 m per ASTM-F658-87 600 x 600 m 800 x 800 m 1 particle per minute Calibrated with Polystyrene latex spheres Calibrated with Polystyrene latex spheres in in water at a sample flow of 50 ml/min. water at a sample flow of 100 ml/min 4 lines x 16 characters LCD, LEDs for instrument function, power supply, alarm status 2 x analog inputs/ outputs (4-20 mA, 0-10 V) RS232 RS485 MODBUS Internal memory for 100 measured sample values Bypass installation with ambient pressure outlet (wall mounting) " pipe compressing fitting (supplied) " pipe compressing fitting (supplied) 45 to 55 ml/min 90 to 110 ml/min 8.3 bar 0 to 40 C 0 to 45 C 0 to 50 C 0 to 50 C 5 to 90 % relative humidity, non-condensing IP 66 (Modified NEMA 4X) Fused silica, Viton (fluorocarbon), & Kynar (PVDF) 90-264 VAC, 47-63 Hz 114 x 248 x 302 mm (4.50 9.75 11.88 in) W x H x D 2.25 kg CE 24 month; extendable to 60 month

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Particle Counter
WPC21 & WPC22 2-Channel Particle Counter (DataSheet DOC063.52.00464)
Part No. LXV435.52.20701 Designation WPC21, Particle Counter Price in

Basic price

L X V 4 3 5 . 5 2 . X 0 7 X 1
Country Code Selection2 with manual in GB ................................................................................... 5 2 Power plug adapter with EU power cord ................................................................................ 2 with UK power cord ................................................................................ 3 with Swiss power cord ................................................................................ 4 Outputs

Price adder

with RS485 (MODBus) and 4-20mA outputs ..................................................... 0

Particel Size / Channel size

1,3 m on first channel (fixed) 2; 3; 5; 7; 10; 15; 25 m on 2nd channel (selectable) ........................................... 7 Weir Flow Controller for flow adjustment without weir flow controller ................................................................................ 0 with weir flow controller (Part No. 2081335-1) ........................................................... 1


..................................................................................................................... 1



Particle Counter

Basic price

L X V 4 3 6 . 5 2 . X 0 7 X 1
Country Code Selection2 with manual in GB ................................................................................... 5 2 Power plug adapter with EU power cord ................................................................................ 2 with UK power cord ................................................................................ 3 with Swiss power cord ................................................................................ 4 Outputs

Price adder

with RS485 (MODBus) and 4-20mA outputs ..................................................... 0

Particel Size / Channel size

2 m on first channel (fixed) 5, 7, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100 m on second channel (selectable) .................................. 7 Weir Flow Controller for flow adjustment without weir flow controller ................................................................................ 0 with weir flow controller (Part No. 2081335-1) ........................................................... 1


..................................................................................................................... 1

CS200011-01 2081335-1 2082393-2

AQUARIUS software Water Weir Flow Controller RS 485 / RS 232 Converter

(as individual item)

Factory recalibration Sensor replacement including recalibration


Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 14


preliminary information

SONATAX sc (DataSheet XXXXXX.XX.XXXXX) available Summer 2007

Self-cleaning ultrasonic sensor with adjustable sensitivity for the continuous determination of the sludge level or the sludge height in settling tanks, vessels and reactors, expressed as depth from the surface or height from the tank floor. The sludge level is calculated without contact between the probe and the sludge, on the basis of the propagation time of the ultrasonic echo. User-friendly menu guidance by membrane keypad and illuminated large graphics display with curve generation by using the sc1000 controller.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Measuring technique Measuring range Measuring resolution Calibration Response time T90 Process connection Installation Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Dimensions Probe (L x ) Power Supply Enclosure rating Controller compatibility Warranty

Sonatax sc Ultrasonic measurement, temperature compensated 0.2 ... 12.0 m sludge level or sludge height 0.03 m sludge level Factory pre-clibrated 10 sec (adjustable) Immersed directly into the media +2 C to +40 C (probe) -10C to +40C (controller) 130 x 185 mm by sc controller IP65 sc1000 or sc100; not suitable for use with sc60 24 month, fulfilling the requested servicing intervals, extendable to 5 years

further Details will follow

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 15


Part No. LXV431.99.00001 Designation Sonatax sc, without sc controller

preliminary information

SONATAX sc (DataSheet XXXXXX.XX.XXXXX) available Summer 2007

Price in

Basic Price

L X V 4 3 1 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 X
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 1

Price adder


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between Sonatax sc sensor and controller is limited to 110 m in total. For further extension cables, please consult the chapter sc controller/display units accessories 2 Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories for all SONATAX 1 set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) 1 set of operating instructions 1 factory test certificate

Mounting assemblies for Tank rim fixing (LZX997 for sc100) or LZX 957 (for sc1000) and LZX414.00.70000 are essential for installation and must be ordered separately.

Mounting assembly (for fasting the probe to a tank or channel) LZX414.00.70000 LZX414.00.71000 LZX414.00.72000 LZX414.00.73000 SONATAX SONATAX SONATAX SONATAX sc Tank rim fixing with Pivot Mounting and 1m extension pipe with Pivot Mounting and 0.35m extension pipe sc Rail mounting assembly


Please refer to the chapter "Mounting assemblies" for further details

Further accessories Operating instructions SONATAX sc (GB) Spare parts LZX328 LZY344 LZY345 Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) wiper arm, magnetic driven Adjusting screw for wiper arm

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 16


SONATAX, SONATAX plus (DataSheet DOC53.52.03089)

Self-cleaning ultrasonic sensor with adjustable sensitivity for the continuous determination of the sludge level or the sludge height in settling tanks, vessels and reactors, expressed as depth from the surface or height from the tank floor. The sludge level is calculated without contact between the probe and the sludge, on the basis of the propagation time of the ultrasonic echo. User-friendly menu guidance by membrane keypad and illuminated large graphics display with curve generation.

Self-cleaning ultrasonic sensor with adjustable sensitivity for the continuous determination of the sludge level or the sludge height in settling tanks, vessels and reactors, expressed as depth from the surface or height from the tank floor. The sludge level is calculated without contact between the probe and the sludge, on the basis of the propagation time of the ultrasonic echo. Menu control by four concealed keys underneath the 2-line alphanumerical liquid crystal display (LCD).

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring technique Measuring range Measuring resolution Measuring deviation Calibration Response time T90 Cable length Display Outputs

Sonatax plus Sonatax Ultrasonic measurement 0.2 ... 6.0 m sludge level; alternatively sludge depth 0.03 m sludge level < 0.1 m automatic (once during installation) 10 sec (adjustable) 8 m (extendable to 20 m maximum) alphanumeric liquid crystal display graphics display with curve tendency 1 x 0/4 - 20 mA, max. 500 Ohm 2 limit value contacts (min & max), 24 V, 2A capacity Bus interfaces: MODBUS or ProfiBUS DP (optional) Service interface RS 232 (for optional Viewtax program) Immersed directly into the media +2 C to +40 C (probe) -10C to +40C (controller) 100 x 120 mm 306 x 286 x 93 mm 230 VAC 10%, 50 Hz, 14 VA 24 VAC/VDC 25%, 800mA (optional) 230 mA (370 mA max) 290 mA (400 mA max) IP65 SS1.4571 (SS316Ti, V4A) 7 kg 1 h / month, typical 12 months Sonatax Multi-Unit and Multi-Unit plus 24 month, fulfilling the requested servicing intervals, extendable to 5 years

Process connection Installation Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Dimensions Probe (L x ) Controller (WxHxD) Power Supply Power Consumption Enclosure rating Sensor Material Weight (approximately)
Maintenance requirement

Servicing interval Controller compatibility Warranty

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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Turbidity and TSS page 17


SONATAX, SONATAX plus (DataSheet DOC53.52.03089)
Part No. LXV276 LXV158.XX.00000 Designation SONATAX, Ultrasonic sensor, without Controller, with 8m cable SONATAX, Controller with alphanumeric liquid crystal display Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

L X V 1 5 8 . X X . X 0 0 X 0
Country Code Selection GB language / EU power cord ................................................................ 5 2

Power supply
100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 18 VA ................................................................. 0 24 VDC, 15 W ..................................................................................... 1

Interface Options
No Bus connection (Standard configuration) .............................................................. 0 ModBus ............................................ YAA857 ........................................................ 1 ProfiBus DP ............................................ LZV148 ........................................................ 2


SONATAX plus , Controller with graphics display and curve tendency

Country Code Selection GB language / EU power cord

Basic Price
Price adder

L X V 1 7 1 . X X . X 0 0 X 0
................................................................ 5 2

Power supply
100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 18 VA ................................................................. 0 24 VDC, 15 W ..................................................................................... 1

Interface Options
No Bus connection (Standard configuration) .............................................................. 0 ModBus ............................................ YAA857 ........................................................ 1 ProfiBus DP ............................................ LZV148 ........................................................ 2


The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 20m. Using different cables instead of the above mentioned will void the warranty.

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories for all SONATAX 1 set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) 1 set of operating instructions 1 factory test certificate

Mounting assemblies LZX414.00.20000 and LZX413 are essential for installation and must be ordered separately.

Mounting assembly (for fasting the probe to a tank or channel) LZX414.00.20000 LZX414.00.21000 LZX414.00.22000 LZX413 SONATAX SONATAX with Pivot Mounting SONATAX with Pivot Mounting incl. 180 adapter incl. 180 adapter + 1 m extension pipe (BRO061) incl. 180 adapter + 0.35 m extension pipe (BRO068)

Mounting Kit for display unit (stainless steel) for monting the display unit near the probe

LZX369 LPV361 LZX408 DOC023.52.03100

Please refer to the chapter "Mounting assemblies" for further details

Further accessories Extension cable between display unit and probe, 12 m MODBUS node- bus node for connection to MODBUS VIEWTAX program for data analysis Operating instructions SONATAX / SONATAX plus (GB) Spare parts LZX328 Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes)

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Process Analyzers for Disinfection control & monitoring

Product overview

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 1

CHLORINE, free or total

CL17 Photometric Process Analyzer using DPD method (DataSheet LIT4369)

The Chlorine analyser CL17 is a cost effective, low maintenance, microprocessor-controlled process analyzer with no moving parts. The instrument is intended for the continuous monitoring of free and total chlorine in water with a measuring range from 0.035 ... 5 mg/L. The device provides a continuous output signal that is proportional to the chlorine concentration in the sample. The instrument performs a complete analysis every 2.5 minutes. The instrument design allows a 30 days operation without maintenance before it is necessary to add reagents. The specific design based on the reference method using DPD, in combination with its short cycle and response time make this analyzer so reliable and unique, providing the user always full safety and confidence of reliable and accurate results for final treated water before distribution to the network system.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Measuring principle Light source Measuring range Measuring resolution Measuring uncertainty Response time T90 Cycle time Calibration Outputs Alarms Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Overflow drain Drain (outlet) Sample flow Air purge fitting Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Storage Humidity Material Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight, Shipping Power requirements Reagent consumption
Maintenance requirement

CL17 photometric, DPD (N,N-Diethyl-p-pheylenediamine) method according DIN 38408 LED 520nm (life time approximately 50,000 h) 0.035 ... 5 mg/l free residual or total residual Chlorine 0.01 mg/l 5% or 0.035 mg/l Cl2, whichever is greater 2.5 min 2.5 min (fixed) factory calibrated (user calibration possible) 1 x 0/4-20 mA, programmable span over any portion in the 0 5 mg/l range AquaTrend Network interface (optional) 2 alarm contacts, programmable, equipped with SPDT relays with contacts rated for 5A resistive load @ 230VAC Bypass installation (wall mounting) " OD, quick connect fitting, 0.07 5.2 bar " ID barbed hose fitting " ID flexible tubing 200 ... 500 ml/min " OD tube (oil-free instrument air; optional) +5 ... +40C +5 ... +40C -40 ... +60C 90% non condensing @ 40C ABS plastic with 2 clear polycarbonate windows IP62 32 x 42 x 18 cm (WxHxD) appr. 11.3 kg 115/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz can be switched; 95 VA, 2.5 A fuse 1 reagent set Clfree or Cltotal per month 1 h/month, typical 24 month; extendable to 60 month


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 2

CHLORINE, free or total

CL17 Photometric Process Analyzer (DataSheet LIT4369)
Part No. 544000X Designation Cl17 Free Residual Chlorine Analyzer; incl. 1 month reagent set;
spare pump tubing, wall mounting kit and instruction manual; without power cord

Price in

Basic Price

5 4 4 0 0 0 X
AQUATREND Network Option Cl17, Free Chlorine Analyzer w/o AquaTrend .................................................... 1 Cl17, Free Chlorine Analyzer with AquaTrend Network ..................................... 3

Price adder


Cl17 Total Residual Chlorine Analyzer; incl. 1 month reagent set;

spare pump tubing, wall mounting kit and instruction manual; without power cord

Basic Price

5 4 4 0 0 0 X
AQUATREND Network Option Cl17, Total Chlorine Analyzer w/o AquaTrend .................................................... 2 Cl17, Total Chlorine Analyzer with AquaTrend Network ..................................... 4 Accessories 5444300 5444301 #BEZUG! #BEZUG! #BEZUG! 4643600 Maintenance kit (for 1 year)
Contains reagent tubing, reagents caps and fittings to be replaced annually. Pump module tubing to be replaced at three to six month intervals.

Price adder

Maintenance kit (for 1 year), same as 5444300 but with pre-assembled tubing Power cord 240 V, with European plug, 1.83m Power cord 120 V, with European plug, 1.83m CL17 Calibration/Verification kit Flow meter with " OD tubing Reagents (for 1 month operation)

2556900 2557000

Reagent Set, Chlorine free, consisting of 2297255, 2314011, 2314111 (1 each) Reagent Set, Chlorine total, consisting of 2297255, 2263411, 2263511 (1 each)


Individual Reagents are available seperately; please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents & Consumables"

5120000 5135000 5140000 5201000 5145000 5207402 5125000 5750000 5240000 5710002 5711100 5435000

AquaTrend accessories AquaTrend interface AquaTrend with integrated SOM (Signal Output Module) Portable AquaTrend module PS1201 power supply module Signal Input Module (SIM) Serial I/O Module (SIO) with 220 VAC adapter Signal Output Module (SOM) 2 channel Signal Output Module (SOM) 8 channel Digital Display Module (DDM) MOD I/O interface, 230 VAC MOD I/O OPC software, CD-ROM Junction box Intermediate amplifier Cable Two-wire cable, communication only Four-wire cable, communication and power Cables also available in the lengths 75m, 150m and 300m.

5215710 5215810

30 m 30 m


For further spare parts please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D. For Lab-Instruments for calibration/verification purposes, please refer to the HACH LANGE Lab Pricelist.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 3

9184 sc - Amperometric Chlorine Analyzer (DataSheet DOC063.52.00441)

The 9184 sc Amperometric Chlorine sensor is available to measure Free Chlorine (HOCl) only, or as a Total Free Chlorine (HOCl + OCl-) version which is combined with a pH electrode for accurate compensation of pH fluctuations. The system comes pre-assembled on a panel for easy installation. Available options include: Acidification Unit - Used when sample pH is greater than 7.5. Forces sample pH to between 5.5 and 6.5. It can be used intermittently or continuously for cleaning and is fully programmable. Intermittent Flow Unit - This fully programmable unit comes equipped with relays to allow variable measurement while minimizing the wasted sample stream.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Detection limit Measuring uncertainty Repeatability Response time T90 Interferences Calibration

Calibration interval Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient pH requirements Outputs Cable length Enclosure rating Material

9184sc, 9184sc TFC, 9184sc Acidification Disinfectant control and monitoring in clean water applications Amperometric/Membrane (Clark Cell) 020 ppm (mg/L) HOCl 5 ppb (0.005 mg/L) HOCl 2 % or 10 ppb HOCl whichever is greater 10 ppb (0.01 mg/L) or 5 %, whichever is greater @ pH < 7.5 < 90 seconds no interferences from Chloramines Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone will be determined in addition Electrical zero or chemical zero with dechlorinated water; calibration of the slope by comparison with a laboratory instrument using DPD; pH calibration: Single or Two Point calibration or lab method 2 months (typical) Bypass with atmospheric outlet; Mounting to flat vertical wall, panel, etc. " OD, quick connect fitting " ID, quick connect fitting 200 ... 250 ml/min (minimum); auto-regulated by flow thru cell 0.12 bar (1.428 psi) inlet; flow cell pressure will be the atmospheric pressure +2C ... +45 C (35.6113 F); no suspended solids 0 to 45 C (32 to 113 F), 0 to 90% r.H. non-condensing (refer to sc controller) 4 to 8 (acidification unit available for > 8 pH) several; please refer to sc controller 0,4 m; extandable to 100 m max. using sc extension cables IP66 (NEMA 4X) Electrode: gold cathode/silver anode Measuring cell: Acrylic Probe body: PVC 299 x 250 mm x 155 mm (11.77" x 9.84" x 6,10") (W x H x D) 6.5 kg (14.3 lb) Measurement Cell: 6 months for membrane and electrolyte, typical pH Cell: 1 to 1.5 years, typical Electrodes are supplied with consumables for 2 years operation (typical use) sc 100 or sc 1000 24 month; extendable to 60 month European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 4

Dimensions Weight (approximately) Maintenance req. Remarks: Controller compatibilty Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

9184 sc - Amperometric Chlorine Analyzer (DataSheet DOC063.52.00441)
Part No. LXV430.99.00001 Designation 9184sc, Free Chlorine Analyzer, w/o sc controller 9184sc Free Chlorine HOCl analyzer system, panel mounted, amperometric
sensor, flow regulator, 0.4 m connection cable; without sc controller

Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

L X V 4 3 0 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 X
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 1 9184sc TFC, w/o sc controller 9184sc TFC (HOCl + ClO-) analyzer system, panel mounted, amperometric
sensor, flow regulator, pH electrode 0.4 m connection cable; without sc controller


Basic Price
Price adder

L X V 4 3 2 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 X
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 1


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Please refer to Appendix E to get more information about manuals and user interface in different languages For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853

Extension cables Digital Extension Cable, Digital Extension Cable, Digital Extension Cable, Digital Extension Cable, Digital Extension Cable, Digital Extension Cable, Digital Extension Cable,

0.35 m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m

Z09184=A=3500 Z09184=A=3600

Consumables/Replacements (for 2 years operation, typical) Membranes for 9184 sensors, pre-mounted, set of 4 Electrolyte filling solution, 100 ml Optional Accessories

LZY051 LZY052

Acidification Accessories (for 9184sc TFC sensor) 9180sc Acidification Unit, to adjust pH sample in the range 5.5 ... 6.5
Note: Can be even used for continous or intermittent cleaning of the flow cell

9180sc Intermittent Flow Unit

Note: Used to eliminate contstant measurement while minimizing the wasted sample stream

Further Accessories LZY060 5743200 DOC023.52.00051 sc 100 Mounting panel Floor mounting assembly, free-standing, made of Stainless Steel Manual "9184sc Chlorine, 9185sc Ozone and 9187sc Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer" Reference Laboratory system for calibration/verification purpose Pocket Colorimeter II - Chlorine Free & Total, with DPD Reagent Set, 50 tests each Pocket Colorimeter II - Chlorine Free, with SwifTest Dispenser + 250 tests Chlorine free DPD Reagent

5870000 5870023


For further spare parts please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix B

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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 5


9185 sc & 9187 sc - Amperometric Analyzer (DataSheet DOC063.52.00441)

The 9187sc/9185sc Amperometric sensors comes pre-assembled on a panel and are desined to measure Chlorinedioxide or Ozone accurately up to ppb levels of the respective disinfectant which is used. The 1987sc Chlorinedioxide Analyzer uses an amperometric method which determines the chlorine dioxide molecules after diffusion through a membrane. It is interference-free to Chlorine. The 9185sc Ozone model uses the same technology but it is selective to Ozone. The analyzer design allows to determine Ozone interference-free from Chlorine, Chloramines, Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide and pH. Available options include: Acidification Unit - Used when sample pH is greater than 7.5. Forces sample pH to between 5.5 and 6.5. It can be used intermittently or continuously for cleaning and is fully programmable. Intermittent Flow Unit - This fully programmable unit saves resources while complying with ground water regulations.

sc 100

sc 1000

Controller compatibilty

sc100 specifications Technical Data

Subject to change without notice

sc1000 specifications

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Detection limit Measuring uncertainty Repeatability Response time T90 Interferences Calibration

Calibration interval Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient pH requirements Outputs Cable length Enclosure rating Material

9187 sc Chlorinedioxide Analyzer 9185 sc Ozone Analyzer Disinfectant control and monitoring in clean water applications Amperometric/Membrane (Clark Cell) 02 ppm (mg/L) ClO2 02 ppm (mg/L) O3 10 ppb (0.005 mg/L) ClO2 5 ppb (0.005 mg/L) O 3 2 % or 10 ppb O3 whichever is greater 5 % or 10 ppb ClO2 whichever is greater 10 ppb (0.01 mg/L) or 5 %, whichever is greater @ pH < 7.5 < 90 seconds Ozone No interferences from Chlorine, Chlorine no interferences by Chlorine, Bromine dioxide, Bromine or Hydrogen peroxide Electrical zero or chemical zero with dechlorinated water; calibration of the slope by comparison with a laboratory instrument using DPD; pH calibration: Single or Two Point calibration or lab method 2 months (typical) Bypass with atmospheric outlet; Mounting to flat vertical wall, panel, etc. " OD, quick connect fitting " ID, quick connect fitting 200 ... 250 ml/min (minimum); auto-regulated by flow thru cell 0.12 bar (1.428 psi) inlet; flow cell pressure will be the atmospheric pressure +2C ... +45 C (35.6113 F); no suspended solids 0 to 45 C (32 to 113 F), 0 to 90% r.H. non-condensing (refer to sc controller) 4 to 8 (acidification unit available for >8 pH) several; please refer to sc controller 0,4 m; extendable to 100 m max. using sc extension cables IP66 (NEMA 4X) Electrode: gold cathode/silver anode Measuring cell: Acrylic Probe body: PVC 299 x 250 mm x 155 mm (11.77" x 9.84" x 6,10") (W x H x D) 6.5 kg (14.3 lb) Measurement Cell: 6 months for membrane and electrolyte, typical pH Cell: 1 to 1.5 years, typical Electrodes are supplied with consumables for 2 years operation (typical use) sc 100 or sc 1000 24 month; extendable to 60 month European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 6

Dimensions Weight (approximately) Maintenance req. Remarks: Controller compatibilty Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications


9185 sc & 9187 sc - Amperometric Analyzer (DataSheet DOC063.52.00441)
Part No. LXV434.99.00001 Designation 9187sc Chlorinedioxide, w/o sc controller, 9187sc Chlorinedioxide Analyzer system, panel mounted, amperometric sensor,
flow regulator, 0.4 m connection cable; without sc controller

Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

L X V 4 3 4 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 X
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 1 LXV433.99.00001 9185sc Ozone analyzer system, panel mounted, amperometric sensor,
flow regulator, 0.4 m connection cable; without sc controller

Basic Price
Price adder

L X V 4 3 3 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 X
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................ 1


sc Digital Controller must be ordered separately. For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 100m.

Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853

Extension cables Digital Extension Cable 0,35 m 5m Digital Extension Cable Digital Extension Cable 10 m Digital Extension Cable 15 m Digital Extension Cable 20 m Digital Extension Cable 30 m 50 m Digital Extension Cable Consumables/Replacements (for 2 years operation, typical) Membranes for 9185 sensors, pre-mounted, set of 4 Electrolyte filling solution, 100 ml Membranes for 9187 sensors, pre-mounted, set of 4 Electrolyte filling solution, 100 ml Optional Accessories

Z09185=A=3500 Z09185=A=3600 Z09187=A=3500 Z09187=A=3600

LZY051 LZY052

Acidification Accessories 9180sc Acidification Unit, to adjust pH sample in the range 5.5 ... 6.5
Note: Can be even used for continous or intermittent cleaning of the flow cell

9180sc Intermittent Flow Unit

Note: Used to eliminate constant measurement while minimizing the wasted sample stream

Further Accessories LZY060 5743200 DOC023.52.00051 sc 100 Mounting panel Floor mounting assembly, free-standing, made of Stainless Steel Manual "9184sc Chlorine, 9185sc Ozone and 9187sc Chlorine Dioxide Analyzer" Reference Laboratory system for calibration/verification purpose Pocket Colorimeter II - Chlorinedioxide, with Reagent Set DPD Chlorine/Glycine 100 tests
For more sensitive ClO2 method, please contact HACH LANGE and ask for Amaranth method.

5870051 5870004

Pocket Colorimeter II - Ozone, with reagent set, 0.01...0.25 and 0.01...0.75 mg/l (25 tests each)
Further single and multi-parameter instruments on request; please contact HACH LANGE


For further spare parts please refer to the chapter Appendix A

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Disinfectant control page 7

Process analyzers for cationic and anionic parameters

Product overview

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 1

APA 6000 (DataSheet LIT1503)
Alkalinity, a measure of a sample's acid-neutralizing capacity, is an important parameter in a wide variety of applications, from drinking water and beverages to boiler/cooling water and wastewater treatment, as well as many types of manufacturing and chemical production. The APA 6000 Alkalinity Process analyzer is a microprocessorcontrolled process analyzer designed to continuously monitor a sample water stream for alkalinity. The analyzer displays total-, phenolphthalein-, hydroxide-, carbonate-, and bicarbonate-alkalinity in the water sample. The analyzer combines volumetric and colorimetric method to determine the concentration in the range from 10 to 1000 mg/l total alkalinity and 5 to 1000 mg/l phenolphthalein alkalinity. The analyser provides exact, reliable results with low costs and low maintenance effort.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Measuring uncertainty Repeatability Response time T90 Cycle time Calibration Calibration interval Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Sample stream

APA6000 - Alkalinity all "Clean" Water applications colorimetric measurement of alkalinity at a wavelength of 600 nm using m-cresol purple and bromcresol green for end-point determination 1 to 500 mg/l as CaCO3 Total Alkalinity 2 to 250 mg/l as CaCO3 Phenolphthalein Alkalinity < 5 % of reading or 1.0 mg/L, whichever is greater < 3 % of reading or 0.6 mg/L, whichever is greater < 10 min for 90% response to step change at sample inlet appr. 8 min automatic or manual user selectable Bypass with atmospheric outlet; wall, bench and control panel mount " NPT male or female " NPT barbed hose fitting 100 ... 1000 ml/min single stream Grab sampling capability (100ml minimum, 22 m filtered) multiple sample stream (up to 3, with optional hardware) 0.03 ... 2.04 bar (0.5 to 30 psig) 5C ... 50C; clean water (particle size < 22 m ) 5C ... 50C; 5 ... 95% relative Humidity, non condensing 2 x I/0 outputs suitable for recorders or PID control. Output span programmable over any portion of the 1 to 1000 mg/L range 2 SPDT relays with contacts designed for 5 A Ohmic load @ 230 VAC. Other relays available by means of connection of a SOM (signal output module). LONWORKS (AquaTrend Network) IP66 (NEMA-4X), (indoor) with provision for air purge. 627 x 522 x 527 mm (WxHxD) 25.5 kg (56 lbs.) 95-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 2 Hz 2 h/month typical max. node-to-node distance: 400 m max. total length of the wiring: 500 m; distances > 500m require repeater 1 month operation 24 month, extendable to 60 months

Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight (approximately) Power requirements Maintenance req. Remarks: Data communication distance: Reagent capacity Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 2

APA 6000 (DataSheet LIT1503)
Part No. 5100010 Designation APA6000 Alkalinity Analyser with integrated Aqua Trend interface Instrument is supplied with installation kit, a maintenance kit, basic sample conditioning kit, a 1 months reagent set, operating instructions and quick reference card.
To measure 2-3 sample streams, an additional Basic Sample Conditioning Kits will be required. Sample streams with particles larger than 22 microns require additional sample conditioning.

Price in

Reagents/consumables 6001000 Alkalinity Reagent Set, for 30 days operation includes a 1-L bottle of each 2826153 APA Alkalinity Reagent 1, Acid Titrant, 0.08 Mol H2SO4 2696653 APA Alkalinity Reagent 2, Mixed Indicator, pH 4.5 & pH 8.3 2697053 APA Alkalinity Acidic Cleaning Solution Alkalinity Standard Set, for 30 days operation includes a 1-L bottle of each Alkalinity Standard 1; 0 mg/l as CaCO3 Alkalinity Standard 2, 1000 mg/l as CaCO3 Optional: 2697053 2697453 Alkalinity Wash Solution APA6000 Cleaning Solution
Detergent solution for the elimination of air bubbles. This solution is sometimes used instead of the cleaning solution for the analyser.

1 L bottle 1 L bottle 1 L bottle

6001100 2696753 2696853

1 L bottle 1 L bottle

1 L bottle 1 L bottle

Accessories 5104000 5129100 5104300 APA6000 Installation Kit APA6000 Toolkit APA6000 Colorimetric Maintenance Kit

Sample Conditioning 5104500 5104200 5133901 5106801 5133900 5106800 5139700 5103400 5103800 Basic Sample Conditioning Kit with 22-m filter (replacement) Filter, 0.2 m membrane APA 6000 Micro Filter System, model 9700, 230 VAC Air Backflush Kit, automatic, 230 VAC APA 6000 Micro Filter System, model 9700, 115 VAC Air Backflush Kit, automatic, 115 VAC Filter Element, 450 mesh Filter, support element O-ring, Viton, filter seal

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 3

APA 6000 (DataSheet LIT1503)
Part No. Designation Aqua Trend accessories 5120000 5135000 5140000 5201000 5145000 5207402 5125000 5750000 5240000 5710002 5711100 5435000 AquaTrend interface AquaTrend with integrated signal output module Portable AquaTrend module PS1201 power supply module Signal Input Module (SIM) Serial I/O Module (SIO) with 220 VAC adapter Signal Output Module (SOM) 2 channel Signal Output Module (SOM) 8 channel Digital Display Module (DDM) MOD I/O interface, 230 VAC MOD I/O OPC software, CD-ROM Junction box Intermediate amplifier Cable 5215710 5215810 Two-wire cable, communication only Four-wire cable, communication and power Cables also available in the lengths 75m, 150m and 300m. 30 m 30 m Price in


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 4

SP510 Treshold Monitor (DataSheet LIT1457)
The SP510 Hardness Monitor is designed to monitor water softener effluents continuously to detect hardness breakthrough due to softener exhaustion. It enables commercial and industrial water softener operators to establish automatic control of their systems by initiating regeneration sequences with the instrument's alarm circuit. The Hardness Monitor is also suited for other applications requiring the monitoring of hardness. By selecting the appropriate hardness indicator and buffer reagents, the monitor will alarm at 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 mg/L hardness measured as CaCO3. When the preselected alarm point is exceeded, the alarm relay responds, closing the normally open contacts and opening the normally closed contacts. These dry contacts can be used to actuate annunciators and/or initiate softener regeneration. Control panel indicators provide "hard" or "soft" sample status.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Light source Alarm Trip Points Measuring uncertainty Repeatability Response time T90 Cycle time Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Pressure range Drain (outlet) Sample flow Sample conditioning Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Storage Outputs Alarms Enclosure rating Material Dimensions (WxHxD) Weight (Shipping) Maintenance req. Power requirements Reagent consumption Warranty

SP510 Hardness Monitor all "Clean" Water applications colorimetric; hard or soft indicating with two alarm status LED indicators LED 610 nm (life time approximately 50,000 h) 0.3, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 50.0 and 100 mg/l total hardness as CaCO3 25% of trip point 10 % of set point value in the range 0.3 - 2 mg/l, 4 % of set point value of the remaining measuring ranges 2.0 min @ 60Hz respectively 2.3 min @ 50Hz, selectable Bypass Installation; wall mounting " OD, quick connect fitting 0.7 to 8.3 bar " ID barbed hose fitting; atmospheric outlet 50 ... 500 ml/min recommended Strainer Assembly for sample line, Cat. No. 1850600 +5 ... +40C +5 ... +40C, 5...95% relative humidity, non-condensing -20 ... +60C 1 x SPDT relay, actuated when hard water indicator is on contact ratings: 5 A Ohmic load at 100-240 VAC LED indicators, HARD or SOFT IP62 ABS plastic; window made of acrylic 32 x 42 x 18 cm (12.5 x 16.5 x 7") appr. 11.3 kg calibration and reagent replacement every 2 months replace pump tubes: T<27C, every 6 months, T>27C, every 3 months 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz can be switched; 70 VA, 1.25 A fuse 1 reagent set / 2 months 24 Month; extendable to 60 months

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 5

SP510 Treshold Monitor (DataSheet LIT1457)
Part No. Designation SP510 Hardness Monitor model with 5410003 5410001 5410002 5410005 5410010 5410020 5410050 5410099 Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm trip trip trip trip trip trip trip trip point point point point point point point point 0.3 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l Price in


Select the model with the alarm trip point 40 - 50 % higher than your normal effluent hardness. Each SP510 Hardness Monitor liested above is shipped with an installation kit, maintenance kit (stirring bar, strainer, spare tube assemblies, a shut-off valve) and a two-month supply of reagents.


SP510 Hardness Monitor, w/o reagents

Accessories 5516400 5516500 Installation Kit Maintenance Kit, 1 year Recommended accessories for sample conditioning 1850600 5448900 Strainer Assembly for sample line, made of PVC Power Cord Kit with Strain Relief, 240 VAC

Reagent supply for 2 month operations

Please select 1 Buffer and 1 Indicator solution for the appropriate Trip point from the table below. The reagents will last for 60 days operations.

Trip Point 0.3 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Buffer solution

Price in
500 ml bottle

Indicator solution

Price in
500 ml bottle

2768549 2768549 2768549 2768549 2768649 2768749 2768849 2768949

2769249 2769249 2769249 2769249 2769249 2769249 2769249 2769249

Calibration solution 102133 102233 EDTA standard solution 0.2N (0.1 M), 29 ml DB Magnesium standard solution, c= 10,000 1,000 mg/L as CaCO3, 29 ml DB


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 6

APA 6000 Low & High Range Analyzer (DataSheet LIT1504, LIT1584)
The APA 6000 Hardness analyzer is a microprocessor-controlled process analyzer designed to continuously monitor a sample water stream for hardness in clean water. Typical samples include softener effluents and boiler water. The analyzer uses a colorimetric method to determine the available hardness concentration. The reagent containers are sized to provide reagents for 30 days of continuous operation. All reagent containers are factory-filled to 1000 mL and meet Hachs quality standards. The instrument case meets NEMA 4X (indoor) and IP66 industrial enclosure requirements.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Light source Measuring range Measuring uncertainty Repeatability Response time T90 Cycle time Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Pressure range Drain (outlet) Sample flow Sample stream

APA6000 Low Range Hardness all "Clean" Water applications colorimetric LED 520 nm 0,05 to 10 mg/l Ca2+ + Mg2+ as CaCO3 < 5 % of the measured value or 50 g/l, whichever is the larger < 5 % of the measured value or 50 g/l, whichever is the larger < 5 min 4 min

APA6000 High Range Hardness

LED 600 nm 10 to 1000 mg/l Ca2+ + Mg2+ as CaCO3 < 5 % of the measured value or 2 mg/l, whichever is the larger < 5 % of the measured value or 2 mg/l, whichever is the larger < 17 min 8.2 min

Sample conditioning Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

Bypass Installation; wall, bench or control panel mounting " NPT, quick connect fitting 0.035 to 2.04 bar " NPT barbed hose fitting; atmospheric outlet 20 to 1000 mL/min. maximum at Basic Water Conditioning Filter; 6 mL/min. maximum; filtered to 22 microns or less at sample inlet block. single stream Grab sampling capability (100ml minimum, 22 m filtered) multiple sample stream (up to 3, with optional hardware) clean water (particle size < 22 m ) 5C ... 50C 5C ... 50C; 5 ... 95% relative Humidity, non condensing 2 x I/0 outputs suitable for recorders or PID control. Output span programmable over any portion of the 1 to 1000 mg/L range 2 SPDT relays with contacts designed for 5 A Ohmic load @ 230 VAC. Other relays available by means of connection of a SOM (signal output module). LONWORKS (AquaTrend Network) IP66 (NEMA-4X), (indoor) with provision for air purge 627 x 522 x 527 mm (WxHxD) 25.5 kg (56 lbs.) 2 h/month typical 95-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 2 Hz, 150 VA 1 month operation max. node-to-node distance: 400 m max. total length of the wiring: 500 m; distances > 500m require repeater 24 Month; extentable to 60 months

Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight Maintenance req. Power requirements Reagent consumption Remarks: Data communication distance: Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 7

APA 6000 Low & High Range Analyzer (DataSheet LIT1504, LIT1584)
Part No. 5100210 Designation APA 6000 Low Range Hardness Analyser, 0.050 mg/l to 10.0 mg/l CaCO3 with integrated AquaTrend interface and Reagent kit for 1 month operation APA 6000 High Range Hardness analyser, 10 mg/l to 1,000 mg/l CaCO3 with integrated AquaTrend interface and Reagent kit for 1 month operation Price in



Each APA6000 Hardness Monitor listed is supplied with an installation kit, maintenance kit, sample conditioning kit, a one-month reagent supply, illustrated manual and quick reference card.

Reagents for APA6000 Low Range Analyser 6001900 2695853 2695753 2876453 6002000 2696253 2696353 2697453 Reagent Set, APA 6000 LR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Reagent 1 HARDNESS Calmagite Indicator Solution, 1L APA Reagent 2 HARDNESS Buffer Solution, 1L APA Acidic Washing solution, Surfactants, 1L Standard Set, APA 6000 LR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Standard 1, LR Hardness, 0 mg/L, 1L APA Standard 2, LR Hardness, 5 mg/L, 1L Detergent Cleaning Solution, 1L Reagents for APA6000 High Range Analyser 6002100 2793553 2793600 2793753 2876453 6002200 2793253 2793353 Reagent Set, APA 6000 HR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each Reagent 1, APA HR Hardness, Masking Solution, 1L Reagent 2 Kit, APA HR Hardness, Titration Indicator, solution and powder Reagent 3, APA HR Hardness, Titrant, 1 L APA Acidic Washing solution, Surfactants, 1L Standard Set, APA 6000 HR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Standard 1, HR Hardness, 0 mg/L, 1L APA Standard 2, HR Hardness, 1000 mg/L, 1L Accessories 5104000 5129100 5104300 5106800 5133901 4630800 APA6000, Installation Kit APA6000, Tool-Kit Maintenance Kit, Hardness Analyzer Air flush sample conditioning set APA6000 Microfilter system, 230V Power cord kit, 240 VAC

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 8

APA 6000 Low & High Range Analyzer (DataSheet LIT1504, LIT1584)
Part No. Designation Aqua Trend accessories AquaTrend interface AquaTrend with integrated signal output module Portable AquaTrend module PS1201 power supply module Signal Input Module (SIM) Serial I/O Module (SIO) with 220 VAC adapter Signal Output Module (SOM) 2 channel Signal Output Module (SOM) 8 channel Digital Display Module (DDM) MOD I/O interface, 230 VAC MOD I/O OPC software, CD-ROM Junction box Intermediate amplifier Cable Two-wire cable, communication only Four-wire cable, communication and power Cables also available in the lengths 75 m, 150 m and 300 m! Price in

5120000 5135000 5140000 5201000 5145000 5207402 5125000 5750000 5240000 5710002 5711100 5435000

5215710 5215810


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 9

HYDRAZINE, Oxygen Scavanger

Hydrastat 9186 (DataSheet TE9186revD)

The 9186 Process Analyzer provides a high sensitivity measurement of oxygen scavengers, dissolved hydrazine, and carbohydrazide in water. The measuring principle is based on the electrochemical method of 3-electrode amperometry, which offers excellent zero stability. The combination of working electrode, counter electrode, and reference electrode provides steady, clean readings, with insignificant signal drift. Response time (T90) is within 60 seconds, and system repeatability is outstanding at < 2% of reading or < 1 g/L N2H4. This allows the timing and dosing of chemical additions in feedwater to be optimized and helps reduce costs. The analyzer has been designed with no moving parts or pumps for long performance and minimal care. Maintenance is performed at service intervals of four to five weeks, and commonly requires less than 15 minutes for completion.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Detection limit Measuring uncertainty Response time T90 Calibration

Calibration interval Temp. compensation Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

Hydrastat 9186 Industrial and boiler waters Amperometric, 3 electrode principle 0...500 ppb dissolved N2H4 or 0...100 ppb Carbohydrazide < 0.2 ppb 2% of measured value or 1 ppb, whichever is greater < 60 sec 2 point calibration Zero: electrically with hydrazine-free water Slope: using Laboratory Reference values 1x/month typically automatic Bypass Swageloc 4 x 6 mm tubing, Stainless Steel, free of solids Nippel for 6 x 8 mm PE hose 10 ... 15 l/h; 12 l/h recommended 0.5 ... 6 bar +5C ... 45C 0C ... 45C, 10 ... 90% relative humidity, non condensing 2x 0/4...20mA, electrical isolated from signal input (800 Ohm max) 4 NO/NC Relays (high/low limit, timer/sequencer, system alarm) RS485 MODBUS optional IP65 (NEMA4), optional NEMA4X Working electrode: Platinum Counter electrode: Metal Reference: Ag/AgCl/KCl, 0.1 mol Measuring cell: Acrylic Transmitter: Aluminum + polyester painting 90...265 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 25VA 300 x 817 x 224 mm (W x H x D) 20 kg Monthly replenish reagent, calibration 24 Month; extendable to 60 months

Enclosure rating Material

Power requirements Dimensions Weight (approximately) Maintenance req. Remarks: Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 10

HYDRAZINE, Oxygen Scavanger

Hydrastat 9186 (DataSheet TE9186revD)
Part No. Z09186=A=00XX Designation Hydrastat 9186, Hydrazine Analyzer with automatic calibration feature Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

Z 0 9 1 8 6 = A = 0 0 X X
Power Supply & Output Options

110...240 VAC + 2 x I/0 Output ....................................................................... 0 0 110...240 VAC + 2 x I/0 Output + RS485 MODBUS ............................................ 1 1
The analyzer is shipped pre-mounted on a panel with controller, probe, cable, flow cell and all hardware for installation.

Reagents 2834453 Diisopropylamine, 99%, 1l

(This reagent is a Dual use reagent and requires special licence by non-EU purchasers.) (CoO = Europe)

Z09186=C=0360 Z09186=A=0400 4630800

Accessories Orion Monoethylamine bottle cap adapter Flow controller for 9186 complete Power Cord 230V Replacement Parts


Spare-parts kit for 2 years for Hydrastat 9186

composed of : 6 x filters 1 x reference electrode 1 x venturi injection nozzle 7 x plastic beads 6 meters of 4x6mm PE tubing

Optional accessories Z09186=A=0600 Z09186=A=0650 Chemical zero cartridge Pack of resin for 9186 zero cartridge refilling

Manuals Z621=191=086 9186 Instruction manual in English

Recommended Reference Laboratory measuring system using 4-Dimethyl-amino-benzaldehyde method analogous DIN38413-P1 LCW025 179032 2524025 Hydrazine Pipette test, Measuring range 0.01 ... 2 mg/l Hydrazine, Reagent solution, Measuring range 4 ... 600 g/l Hydrazine, AccuVac method, Measuring range 4 ... 600 g/l


Suitable HACH LANGE Photometer: DR2800, DR5000 For details, please refer to the HACH LANGE Laboratory Pricelist or contact HACH LANGE directly.


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 11

Silkostat 9210 (DataSheet TE9210RevF)
Continuous monitoring for trace amounts of silica in high purity water, boiler feed water, demineralization plant and semiconductor process ultrapure water. Continuous high stability measurement. Repeatability 0.5 ppb or 2%. Wall or panel mounted. Stable reagents need renewing only every 45 days. Wide set of outputs: Two programmable 'smart' analog; three contacts for concentration and system alarms; one bi-directional RS232 interface.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Repeatability Response time T90 Measuring interval Calibration Calibration interval Process connection Installation style Sample Stream Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

Silkostat 9210 Boiler feedwater, Steam, Demineralisation, Semiconductor photometric; using Molybdenum blue method 0...1000 ppb respectively 2 ... 5000 ppb dissolved SiO2, depending on model 0.5 ppb or 2% (whichever is greater) < 10 min 10 minutes/sample stream 2 point calibration: chemical zero and slope Automatic optical Zero before each measurement user selectable Bypass installation, particle free sample 1 ... 6, programmable in-built sequencer (depending on model) 6 mm OD PE/PTFE tubing (" on request) 12 mm barbed hose with atmospheric outlet 10 ... 20 l/h 0.2 ... 2 bar +5C ... +50C +5C ... +45C 2 x 0/4...20mA (up to 6 for 6 channel analyser), electrically isolated, can be programmed as required (800 Ohm max) 8 relay outputs (more details see DataSheet) remote control RS485 MODBUS optional 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, automatical switching, 80VA IP65 (NEMA4X) Protection transmitter box IP54 Cabinet Panel version: Polystyrene-polybutadiene copolymer Cabinet version: Stove enamelled steel IP54 Panel: 482 x 1015 x 254 mm (W x H x D) Cabinet: 600 x 878 x 415 mm (W x H x D) Panel: 10 kg (22 lbs), Cabinet: 50 kg (110 lbs) appr. every 45 days "Refill of reagents and calibration solution" Altitude: < 2000 m; 10 ... 80% relative Humidity 24 Month; extendable to 60 months

Power requirements Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight

Maintenance requirement

Remarks: Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 12

Silkostat 9210 (DataSheet TE9210RevF)
Part No. Z09210=A=X001 Designation Silkostat 9210, Panel version, 1 channel (basic model) Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

Z 0 9 2 1 0 = A = X X X X
Measuring range 0 ... 1000 ppb ......................................................................................... 1 0 ... 5000 ppb ......................................................................................... 5 Enclosure 19" Panel version Cabinet version (Standard) ......................................................................... 0 (Wall mounted) .................................................................. 1

Outputs I/0 Interface (Standard) ................................................................................... 0 I/0 Interface + RS485 MODBUS .......................................................................... 1 Multi-Stream Sequencer (inbuilt) 1 channel version ................................................................................................... 2 channel version ................................................................................................... 3 channel version ................................................................................................... 4 channel version ................................................................................................... 5 channel version ................................................................................................... 6 channel version ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6

Options 09210=A=0100 09210=A=0800 0.5 - 6 bars adaptation kit for 6 solenoid sample valves Wall-mount enclosure for 921X analysers (Silkostat, Phosphamat) in stove enamelled steel (as Upgrade kit)

Reagents & Consumables Z09210=C=7000 Z09210=A=8010 Set of dry chemicals for 45 days operation 9210 Instrument Tech spare part kit
Includes items and quantities listet below 1 x Z09210=A=0250 Sample level sensor for 921X 1 x Z09210=C=7000 9210 SILKOSTAT set of dry chemicals for 45 days operation 4 x Z495=020=001 2 liter PE canister with plain cap 4 x Z50000=C=7100 Pre-printed stickers for reagents 1 x Z689=118=016 Sampling solenoid valve NPS 1,6 (0,2 - 2 bars) 1 x Z689=118=024 Sampling electrovalve (overflow vessel) 1 x Z695=004=004 Calibration / flush pump 1 x Z695=114=001 Reagent pulse pump Includes items and quantities below 4 x Z151575,00006 PE tubing 4x6mm (per meter) 0.5 x Z151400,22387 PE tubing 6x8mm (per meter) 6 x Z151065,15099 PTFE tubing 1.7x2mm (per m) 6 x Z148644,05062 Conn., 10-32UNF thread, nipple 1.6mm tube


2-years-spare part kit


9210 Instruction manual in English


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 13

Silica analyser series 5000 (DataSheet LIT4545)
The Hach Series 5000 Silica is a reliable process analyzer for the detection of reactive silica (SiO2) in ultrapure water. For applications from semiconductor manufacturing to pharmaceutical processing, high-pressure boiler operation, and power generation, this instrument can provide an early warning that filter breakthrough is imminent allowing you to intervene promptly. The Analyser relies on the silicomolybdate/heteropoly blue, also called molybdenum blue method of colorimetric detection @ 810 nm a method that is reliable and consistently accurate. The patented, pressurized reagent-delivery system eliminates the need for a peristaltic pump and all the maintenance that a pump typically requires. Additionally to the continous process measurement the analyser provide the possibilty to analysis grab samples without stopping the process.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Measuring uncertainty Repeatability Measuring interval Calibration Process connection Installation style Sample Stream Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Air purge Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

S5000 Silica Analyzer Pure and Ultra-pure water applications photometric; using Molybdenum blue method 0.5 - 5000 g/l SiO2 0.00 - 500 g/l: 1.0 g/l or 5 % of reading, whichever is greater 500 - 5000 g/l: 7 % of reading 0.5 g/l or 1 % of the measured value, whichever is the larger 8.8 min @ 40C ... 50C (sample heater recommended) 15 min @ 5C ... 40C sample temperature factory precalibrated automatic calibration in process, on demand or user calibration Bypass installation; Bench or Panel mounting Single stream analysis, grab sampling capabilty or optional multi stream using sample sequencer " OD, stainless steel compressing fitting " NPT PVC 100 ... 300 ml/min 0.35 2.1 bar regulated overpressure optional: " OD, stainless steel compressing fitting, instrument quality air (30l/min) 5C ... 50C 10C ... 45C; 5 - 95 % relative humidity, non condensing I/0 output (0/4...20mA) RS232C Recorder output; selectable for 0...0.01V, 0...0.1V, 0...1V or 4-20 mA Relays: fourSPDT relays programmable for sample concentration alarm, analyser system warning, analyser system shut-down alarm 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz switch selectable, 52 VA, max. 32 W IP65 (NEMA4x) ABS plastic, housing with gasketed doors (for indoor use) 56.3 x 85.6 x 41.9 (WxHxD) 36.7 kg (shipping weight) 2.9 l of each reagent in 4 weeks with 8.8 minute cycle 2.9 l of each reagent in 7 weeks with 15 minute cycle 24 Month; extendable to 60 months

Power requirements Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight Reagent consumption Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 14

Silica analyser series 5000 (DataSheet LIT4545)
Part No. 6000000 Designation HACH Series 5000 Silica Analyser, without power cord Price in

Basic Price

6 0 0 0 0 0 X
Model options Series 5000 Silica Analyzer ....................................................................................... 0 Series 5000 Silica Analyzer with 120 VAC sample heater ............................................ 1 Series 5000 Silica Analyzer with 240 VAC sample heater ............................................ 2

Price adder


The Hach Series 5000 Silica Analyzer is shipped including a 4 to 7 weeks supply of reagents, an annual maintenance kit, a sample conditioning kit (plastic) and an instructional manual. Power cord needs to be ordered separately if so requested.

Reagents 4562700 199503 2347003 2353103 2100803 Silica Reagent Set, S5000 (suitable for 1 month operation) consisting of Molybdate 3 reagent, 2.9 l Citric Acid Surfactant, 2.9 l Amino Acid F Reagent, 2.9 l Silica Standard Solution, 0.50 mg/L, 2.9 l (suitable for 10 calibrations)

Accessories 4698100 4743900 4696400 4598300 4868502 LZX521 Annual Maintanance Kit Power cord with European plug, 250 VAC, 10A, 1.83 m Power cord with European plug, 125 VAC, 10A, 1.83 m Sample pressure conditioning kit, made of stainless steel Sample heating, 240 VAC, with digital temperature display, 30 - 50 C adjustable Compressor with connection kit, 2xFitting " OD + 5m tubing


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 15

SODIMAT 9073 AutoCal (DataSheet TE9073revD)
The Sodimat 9073 is a microprocessor controlled process analyser which ensures high accuracy of sodium measurements. The instrument is designed without moving parts, pumps, or valves to maintain and replace - other than a low-maintenance micro piston pump used for calibration. The only regular care that is needed is to replace the conditioning reagent about once per month. The Sodimat 9073 Sodium Analyzer uses a sodium-sensitive glass electrode to measure sodium in a sample that is conditioned to a pH greater than 10 to limit interference from other ions. The pH is adjusted using gaseous diisopropylamine or ammonia to avoid risk of contamination by the conditioning solution. (This conditioning system is suitable for nuclear power plant samples that may contain boric acid.) A microprocessor-controlled transmitter processes the electrode signal, which is corrected for temperature, and displays the sodium concentration.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Measuring principle Measuring range Measuring uncertainty Reproducibility Response time T90 Interferences Calibration

Temp. compensation Process connection Installation style Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs

Sodimat 9073 Demineralisation, Boiler feedwater, Steam condensate, Semiconductor On-line monitoring of low level Sodium in ultrapure water and steam condensate Using Sodium sensitive glass electrode after sample conditioning > pH 10 0.01 ppb...10,000 ppm, freely programmable < 5% of reading or 0.05 ppb whichever is greater < 3% of reading or 0.03 ppb whichever is greater < 2 min (in the range 10 to 100 ppb); < 10 min (in the range 1 to 1000 ppb) none K-kit must be used if sample acidity is > 10 meq/l, e.g. cation exchanger samples AutoCal - 1 or 2 point automatic standard addition Process calibration using Laboratory reference values manual 2 point calibration automatic within the range +5C ... 45C Bypass Swageloc 6 x 1 mm tubing, free of solids (< 2 NTU) and oil Nippel for 8 x 1 mm PE hose, atmospheric outlet 3 ... 5 l/h 0.5 ... 6 bar +5C ... 45C +5C ... 50C 2 x 0/4...20 mA for measured value and/or temperature (900 Ohm max) 3 relays (min/max, system alarm), RS232 IP65 (NEMA4) Enclosure: ABS with PMMA Window 24/110/220/240 V (-15% ...+10%), 50-60 Hz, 50VA 485 x 891 x 290 mm (W x H x D) 10 kg 24 Month; extendable to 60 months

Enclosure rating Material Power requirement Dimensions Weight (approximately) Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 16

SODIMAT 9073 AutoCal (DataSheet TE9073revD)
Part No. Z09073=A=1XXX Designation SODIMAT 9073, Sodium Process Analyzer with auto-calibration Power supply Option
110 VAC, 50/60 Hz 220 VAC, 50/60 Hz 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Price in

Basic Price
Price adder

Z 0 9 0 7 3 = A = 1 X X X
......................................................................................... 1 1 0 ......................................................................................... 2 2 0 ......................................................................................... 2 4 0


Instrument is supplied without reagents

Accessories 9073 Maintenance Kit for 2 years operation

Consisting of 1 x reference electrode 1 x sodium glass electrode 2 x 1 liter electrolyte bottle 2 x 11x4mm O-ring 2 x In-line filter 3m 4x6mm PE tubing 1m 1,6 X 3,2 Tygon tubing 1m 2 x 3 PE tubing 5 x 10-32UNF 1/16 PP fittings 5 x 10-32UNF 1/8 PP fittings 2 x injection T 1 x PP elbow piece x 4x6mm tubing 2 x wall-through fittings 1 x carrying case

Z09073=A=0450 Z09073=A=0460 Z09073=A=0700

Liquid Conditioning (K)-Kit 9073 for high acidity conditioning, 50 Hz Liquid Conditioning (K)-Kit 9073 for high acidity conditioning, 60 Hz Mixed bed complete system for 9073 (Autocal Version)

Standards and Reagents 2834453 Diisoproylamine 99%, 1l

(This reagent is a Dual use reagent and requires special licence by non-EU purchasers.) (CoO = Europe)

2835153 2834253 Z09073=A=0750

+ Sodium Standard, 10 mg/l as Na , 1l Sodium Standard, 100 mg/l as Na+, 1l

All equipped cartridge (from fittings to mixed-bed resin)

Manuals Z621=190=073 Instruction manual Sodimat 9073, GB

Spare Parts Z125=020=003 Z125=010=004 Z09073=C=0035 Z359016,10105 Z359016,10111 Reference electrode Measuring electrode Temperature sensor Connection cable, Reference electrode (1m), AS7 connector Connection cable, Measuring electrode (1m), AS9 connector


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 17

8810 Multi-Stream Sequencer for SODIMAT 9073
Part No. Z08811=A=30XX Designation 8811 Sample Sequencer, Multi-Stream Sequenzer for 9073 Sodimat Price in

Z 0 8 8 1 1 = A = 3 0 X X
Power supply 110 VAC ......................................................................................................................... 1 220 VAC ......................................................................................................................... 2 240 VAC ......................................................................................................................... 3 Sequencer channels 2 channel ............................................................................................................................... 3 channel ............................................................................................................................... 4 channel ............................................................................................................................... 5 channel ............................................................................................................................... 6 channel ...............................................................................................................................

0,00 0,00 0,00 2 3 4 5 6

Spare Parts for 8811 Sample Sequenzer/9073 Sodimat Z08810=A=7000 Z08811=A=0000 Z08811=A=0010 Z08811=A=6200 Z151575,00006 Z359110,20000 Z431=300=018 Z577011,20602 Z577011,40609 Z689=131=030 Z696=046=001 PI-Board (Display) CE version 8811 electronic unit complete with box 3 conductor serial interface cable 8811 Sequencer Eeprom V.1. XX PE tubing 4/6 mm P-O Power supply board (complete) for 8810 NLZ: configured for 220, 230 or 240 Volts (in 50HZ or 60 HZ) G 1/8" stainless steel plug G 1/8" stainless steel fitting DN 4/6 Elbow fitting DN 4/6 3/2 way valve Needle valve

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 18

Process analyzer 8810

On-line titration analyser, ion selective electrode analyser, and colorimetric analyser for monitoring and control of industrial processes. The Polymetron 8810 analyser belongs to the family of continuous automatic chemical analysers. Its operation is based on volumetric analysis with reference to titrimetry, direct measurement via selective electrode or colorimetric. It is an adaptable device designed for a wide range of industrial applications. It takes samples, adds reagents, buffers, masking agents, etc, then automatically performs the required analysis. The system is controlled by an integrated microprocessor. It is possible to select various types of analysis: pH/redox/titration complexometry and precipitation, direct measurement with selective electrodes or colorimetry. The system is particularly reliable and is recommended for on-line industrial applications. The analyser is offered in a panel version as standard, a wall-mounting enclosure and a free standing cabinet are also available as options. When in use, the analyser need only be accessed from the front. The panel can be pivoted for ease of maintenance. A self-diagnostics program warns the operator in the event of a fault, by providing data of the probable causes. Optional automatic calibration compensates for any deviations and maintains optimum precision. The 8810 is therefore suitable for a wide range of applications requiring frequent analysis and control.

Common features of 8810 Titrator models No sample filtration required for most applications Programmable calibration in manual, process or automatic mode Calibration with known solutions for titration or known addition methods for selective electrodes Most analytical procedures used in laboratories can be transferred to the 8810 analyzer Simple maintenance and programming 2 analog outputs 0/420mA 3 relays for high and low concentration limits and system alarm Option of 2-channel version

For specific technical data please refer to the appropriate Analyzer DataSheet.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 19

Process analyzer 8810
Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Method Sensor Measuring principle Measuring range Measuring uncertainty Response time T90 Cycle time Calibration Process connection Sample Stream Sampling mode Sample inlet Drain (outlet) Sample flow Pressure range Air Rinse Water Reagent supply Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Outputs Enclosure rating Material Power requirement Dimensions, Weight Enclosure rating Maintenance req. Remarks Options Warranty

8810 Process Titrators pH ORP ISE pH + Reference, Pt100 ORP + Reference, Pt100 ISE + Reference, Pt100 automatic titration using potentiometric endpoint detection based on volumetric analysis Application specific; please refer to the application 2 ... 4% (application specific) 2 ... 4% (application specific) 2 ... 4% (application specific) application specific; programmable up to 999 min automatic, manual, process, on-line (application specific) single or optional multi-stream (depending on model) fixed or loop 12/14 mm ID hose; no filtration needed, only in coarse particle seperation 12 mm hose, atmospheric outlet 40 ... 300 l/h 4/6 mm tubing, dry, filtered and oilfree air, 4 ... 7 bar 4/6 mm PE hose, 6 bar max Application specific +5C ... +50C +5C ... +50C +5C ... +50C

Photometric Colorimeter


in series or interval

+5C ... +45C

2 x 0/4 ... 20 mA, galvanically isolated, programmable 3 Relays (high, low values, system alarm) RS232 max. IP65 (depending on model) Wall mounting Cabinet made of Fibreglass Free standing cabinet made of Stainless Steel 110/220/240 V (-15% ...+10%), 50-60 Hz, 100 VA Panel mounted version: 482 x 753 x 122 mm (W x H x D) approximately 25 kg Wall mounted version: 600 x 800 x 300 mm (W x H x D) approximately 50 kg 600 x 1900 x 400 mm (W x H x D) approximately <100 kg Free-standing cabinet: Application specific; every 1 to 4 weeks Level control of Sample and Reagent, Calibration solution and Chemical cleaning (depending on model) Dilution, Conditioning, Decantation

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Process Analyzer Overview
Part No. Z368810,X0XXX Designation 8810 Process Titrator Price in

Basic price

Z 3 6 8 8 1 0

, X X X X X

Price adder

Parameter pH ................................................................................................................ 1 0 ORP ................................................................................................................ 2 0 Power Supply 220 VAC/50Hz 240 VAC/50Hz 110 VAC/50Hz 110 VAC/60Hz ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................

2 2 1 1

2 4 1 1

0 0 5 6


8810 Process Titrator

Z 0 8 8 1 0 =
Parameter Acidity, free- & total Alkalinity (free) Measuring range Method .......... 0.05 ... 2 pts free .......... pH 0.5 ... 25 pts total ................ 1 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 .............. pH ..... 1 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 .............. pH .......... ISE ......... ......... .........


= X X X X

Basic price

Alkalinity (free- & total)

Ammonium ........................... 0.01 ... 1 mg/l NH4 0.1 ... 100 mg/l NH4

M MP ......... NH4
......... .........

Chloride ................................ 0.5 ... 500 mg/l Cl.......... ISE 0.05 ... 20 g/l Cl- Chlorine ................................ 50 ... 3000 mg/l Cl2 ............... ORP Cyanide ................................ 0.03 ... 5 mg/l CN- ................. ISE Fluoride ................................ 0.1 ... 1000 mg/l F- ................ ISE Hardness total low range ..... 1 ... 10 mg/l CaCO3 .............. ORP Hardness total high range Hydrogen Peroxide ..... 5 ... 500 mg/l CaCO3 .............. ORP .......... 0 ...0.2 ...2 g/l H2O2 ............... ORP ORP ISE ISE ORP

CL C CN F C1 C2 H2 H2 IN NA S1 S2

......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........

0 ...5 ... 20 g/l H2O2 Hydro-Sulfite, free (Indigo) ..... 0.1 ... 10 g/l .......................... Sodium ................................ 0.1 ... 2000 mg/l Na+ ............. Sulphide low range ................ 0.1 ... 1 mg/l S2-..................... Sulphide high range ................ 2 ... 150 mg/l S2-.................... Enclosure

Wall mounting cabinet (made of Polyester) ................................................... 0 (made of SS) .................................................... 1 Freestanding Floor Cabinet
Power Supply 220 VAC/50Hz 240 VAC/50Hz 110 VAC/50Hz 110 VAC/60Hz ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................

2 2 1 1

2 4 1 1

0 0 5 6


free Alkalinity also called p-Value; Total Alkalinity also called m-Value Reagent canister holder (Z368810,00100) is recommended with dilution unit
Before offering and selling above listed analyzers, HACH LANGE has to approve the application beforehand. Hence we kindly ask you to fill our questionnaire and to send back to us. You will find it in the attachment of this pricelist, respectively contact us to get an application form in electronic format.

Analyzers comes without reagents - reagents must be purchased locally in the market. Required reagents are listed in the appropriate installation procedures. Optional accessories Z368810,00100 Reagent canister holder if Wall Mounting Cabinet is selected (up to 4 x 10 litres canister):
Dimensions: 600 x W220 x H200 mm, in PP


For further reagents & consumables please refer to the chapter Appendix A For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Cationic/Anionic Analyzer page 21

Process Analyzer Overview
Part No. Z08811=A=20X2 Designation 8811 Sample Sequencer, X-channels, complete
Power supply 110 VAC/50Hz 110 VAC/60Hz 240 VAC/50Hz

Price in

Basic price

Z 0 8 8 1 1 = A = 2 0 X X
................................................................................................................ 0 ................................................................................................................ 1 ................................................................................................................ 3

Price adder

Sequencer channels 2 channel ................................................................................................................................ 3 channel ................................................................................................................................ 4 channel ................................................................................................................................ 5 channel ................................................................................................................................ 6 channel ................................................................................................................................

2 3 4 5 6

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Sample Preparation
Accessories for Sampling, Homogenisation, Filtration and Dilution

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sample Preparation page 1

ACCESSORIES - sampling and sample preparation

Filtration probe for AMTAX sc & PHOSPHAX sc (DataSheet DOC033.52.00430)

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Operation principle Process connection Installation style Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient pH requirements Outputs Hose length Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight (approximately) Remarks
Maintenance requirement

sc Filtration probe Sample preparation for activated sludge, clarified water and surface water In-situ membrane filtration system, equipped with 2 filter modules (exchangeable) immersed directly in the media +4C ... + 40 C +4C ... + 40 C pH 5 ... 9 Via analysis instrument 5 m or 10 m heated sample line IP68 Plastic enclosure, PPE, flammability class in accordance with UL 94 315 x 250 x 120 mm (W x H x D) 8 kg (without mounting assembly) Continuous self-cleaning with air bubbles 0.5h/month, typically 24 Month; extendable to 60 months Price in

Warranty Part No. LXV429.99.0XX00

Designation Filtration probe sc

Country Code Selection Hose length option 5m heated hose .......................................................................................... 1 10m heated hose .......................................................................................... 2 Power Supply for sampling probe: 230 VAC/50Hz .................................................................................................... 0 115 VAC/60Hz .................................................................................................... 1

Basic price

L X V 4 2 9 . 9 9 . 0 X X 0 0

Price adder

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument)

2 filter modules 1 package of small parts 1 cleaning sponge Manual Mounting assembly for the filtration probe LZX414.00.50000 or LZX414.00.60000 are essential for installation and must be ordered separately.

Wearing Parts LZY140 Filter module for filtration probe sc, pk/1 Immersion Mounting assembly LZX414.00.50000 LZX414.00.60000 Rim mounting for filtration probe, made of SS Rail mounting for filtration probe, made of SS


Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sample Preparation page 2

ACCESSORIES - sampling and sample preparation

FILTRAX (DataSheet DOC053.52.03068)

The FILTRAX sampling system is a reliable and low maintenance device for filtration and pumping of waste water samples from the activated sludge tank or final clarification tank for supplying process instruments with samples free of solids. The treated sample volume is sufficient to supply of up to three process instruments. Two tube metering pumps inside the control unit draw the sample alternately from the two filter modules using a common 5 m long heated suction tube to the control unit that is installed in close proximity to the sampling point. From there the sample is pumped 2 m, 10 m, 20 m or 30 m, depending on the sample tube connected, to the process instruments.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Application Operation principle Process connection Installation style

Filtrax Sample preparation for activated sludge, clarified water and surface water In-situ membrane filtration system, equipped with 2 filter modules (exchangeable); pore size 0,3 m directly immersed in the media bypass installation (optional) Control unit placed 5m max from the sampling point Module carrier control unit: 3 m ; control unit process instrument: 7 m approximately 900 ml/h sufficient for up to 3 process photometers and probes
(AMTAX sc/Inter2/compact, PHOSPHAX sc/Inter2/compact & bypass probes)

Module carrier

Sample lift height Sample volume Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient pH requirements Outputs Hose length Suction hose Sample hose Controller Outputs

+ 5C ... +40C -20C ... +40C 5...9 Relais contact for signal erroring 5m heated 2m unheated or 10m, 20m, 30m heated Fault signalling contact: floating contact (230 V, max. 3 A) Warning contact: floating contact (230 V, max. 3 A) Service interface: RS 232 IP68 (sampling unit); IP55 (control unit) Stainless Steel 430 x 530 x 220 mm (W x H x D); approximately 22 kg 92 x 500 x 340 mm (W x H x D); approximately 9 kg (including 3m suction hose) 2m, 10m, 20m, 30m; approximately 5 kg per 10m Continuous self-cleaning with air bubbles 230 VAC 10%, 50-60 Hz (115 VAC optional) 1 h/month, typically 6 month 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month

Enclosure rating Material Dimensions & Weight Control Unit Module carrier Sample hose Remarks Power supply
Maintenance requirement Inspection interval


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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ACCESSORIES - sampling and sample preparation

FILTRAX (DataSheet DOC053.52.03068)
Part No. LXV294.XX.01000 Designation Filtrax, complete system incl. 2 Filter modules Country Code Selection
English Manual / 230 VAC /EU Power plug English Manual / 115 VAC / US power plug

Price in

Basic price

L X V 2 9 4 . X X . 0 X 0 0 0
................................. 5 2 ................................. 5 3
1 2 3 4

Price adder

Hose length
2m non heated .......................................................................................... 10m heated ............................................................................................... 20m heated ............................................................................................... 30m heated ...............................................................................................

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) 1 set of operating instructions Mounting assemblies for the module carrier LZX414.00.40000 and the controller LZX676 are essential for 1 maintenance calendar installation and must be ordered separately. 1 factory test certificate Further accessories LZX414.00.40000 BRO069 LZX676 DOC023.52.03045 Mounting assembly for module carrier (incl. BRO069) Optional Extension pipe 2.0m, with side opening (available separately) Brackets for Control Unit Mounting Operating manual Filtrax, GB

FILTRAX Bypass (DataSheet DOC063.72.00207 (in german only)) please select all components listed below LXV294.XX.01000 LZH003 LZH006 LZH005 LZH004 Filtrax, complete system incl. 2 Filter modules Sampling pump with cutting device
10 m cable, cable with free end; Q=1 m/h, H=18 m to Q=6 m/h, H=12 m Housing, impeller made from GG25; Base support ring made from steel shackle, hose coupling

Chain, Stainless Steel, galvanised PVC hose, 25 ID x WS 4 Filter housing

made from stainless steel for fitting a filter module carrier with cover and wall bracket; dimensions 690 x 440 x 190 mm with 3 stainless steel ball valves, stainless steel hose sleeves and connections

per metre per metre

Spare parts LZX018 LZX677 LZX675 LZX672 LZX674 LZX765 LZX670 LZX024 Set of annual consumables Including tubing set (LZX667), Filtermattenset LZX017, Pumpenrollenset LZX019, Pumpenkassette BVQ522 und Kleinteile Filter module (pk/1) Sample hose, 2 m unheated Sample hose, 10 m heated Sample hose, 20 m heated Sample hose, 30 m heated Filter module carrier, complete, 5 m, 230 VAC Compressor, complete, for Filtrax 230 VAC


Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sample Preparation page 4

ACCESSORIES - sampling and sample preparation

SIGMATAX 2 for Sample Homogenistaion (DataSheet DOC053.52.03409)
The Sigmatax 2 is an automatic sampling and homogenistaion system for supplying the process photometers PHOSPHAX Sigma (Total-Phosphorus), TOCTAX and ASTRO TOC (Total Organic Carbon) with water samples with Suspended Solids < 0.5 mm diameter. Using the immersed sampling probe the necessary sample volume is pumped without coming into contact with pumps. The sample is delivered to a small glass vessel in the control unit and is homogenised using an ultrasonic generator.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Operation principle Sampling interval Process connection Installation style Sample lift height Sample volume Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Hose length Sample hose Controller Outputs Enclosure rating Dimensions & Weight Control Unit Sampling probe with hose Power supply
Maintenance requirement Inspection interval

Sigmatax 2 Sampling controlled by pressure, homogenisation using ultrasonic 12 ... 20 min Sampling unit directly immersed in the media Control unit 10, 20 or 30m from the sampling point (wall mounted) max 7m using 10 or 20m hose max 6m using 30m hose

sufficient for up to 2 process photometers (PHOSPHAX Sigma or TOCTAX)

+ 5C ... +30C -20C ... +40C for hose, + 5C ... +40C for control unit 10m, 20m or 30m heated Fault signalling contact: floating contact (24V, max 1A) Service interface: RS 232 IP68 (sampling unit); IP54 (control unit) 366 x 560 x 212 mm (W x H x D); approximately 12 kg 133 x 404 mm ( x L) appr. 7.5 kg (10m), 15 kg (20m), 22 kg (30m) 230 VAC, 50 Hz, 250 ... 470VA 0.5 h/week, typically 3 month 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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ACCESSORIES - sampling and sample preparation

SIGMATAX 2 for Sample Homogenistaion (DataSheet DOC053.52.03409)
Part No. LXV215 LXV231 LXV232 LXV282 Designation SIGMATAX 2 Control unit SIGMATAX 2, with 10 m connecting hose, w/o control unit SIGMATAX 2, with 20 m connecting hose, w/o control unit SIGMATAX 2, with 30 m connecting hose, w/o control unit Price in


For a complete system the control unit and the sampling probe must be ordered. Mounting assembly LZX414.00.10000 is essential for installation and must be ordered separately. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Standard accessories supplied with SIGMATAX 2

1 set of operating instructions 1 maintenance calendar 1 Factory Test Certificate

LZX414.00.00000 LZX456 DOC023.52.03103

Further accessories Mounting assembly for Sigmatax2, made of Stainless Steel

without adapter for fastening the probe to a tank or channel.

Second fastening point (recommended in case of vibrations) Operation Manual SIGMATAX2, English

LZX376 LZX306 LZX299

Spare parts Diaphragm compressor (for approx. 1 years) Probe Wearing Parts (for approx. 6 months) Air filter without fittings (for approx. 12 months)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sample Preparation page 6

ACCESSORIES - sampling and sample preparation


F 1

F 2

F 3

F 4

This dilution unit can be used wherever a sample free of solids contains an excessively high concentration of the parameter sought. All instruments with the ability for continuous sample feed can be supplied with a diluted sample.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Operation principle Dilution factor Response time T90 Sampling interval Process connection Installation style Sample requirement Dilution medium Delivery volume Temperature Tmax Sample Ambient Enclosure rating Material Dimensions Weight (approximately) Display Power supply
Maintenance requirement Inspection interval

Dilution Unit dilution and mixing of sample medium using hose metering pumps 1:1 ... 1:50; selectable (up to 1:100 on request) > 2 minutes, depending on the dilution factor 12 ... 20 min Bypass installation, Wall Mounting particle free particle free 1.0 ... 3.2 l/h, depending on dilution factor (user selectable) + 5C ... +40C + 5C ... +40C IP65 Plastic 350 x 640 x 220 mm (W x H x D) 10 kg large alphanumeric LCD 230 VAC 10%, 50/60 Hz, 100VA 0.5 h/week, typically 3 month 24 month, fullfilling required inspection intervals, extendable to 60 month Price in

Warranty Part No. LXV210.52.00000

Designation Dilution Unit, 220VAC

Basic price

L X V 2 1 0 . X X . 0 0 0 0 0
Country Code Selection
English Manual / EU Power cord

Price adder

.................................................... 5 2

LXV210.??.00000 Standard accessories supplied with the Dilution Unit

1 set of small parts for installation, operation, and mounting 1 set of annual consumables 1 Factory Test Certificate

Spare parts for 1 year operation LZX452 Set of annual wearing parts


Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages

For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Controllers, Display Units

Universal Controllers and E-Chem-Controllers

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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sc1000 Multi-Channel Universal Controller (DataSheet DOC033.52.00400)
One for All and All in One: The sc1000 Multi-parameter Universal Controller is a fully modular system consisting of a Display Module and one or more Probe Modules. Probe Module -Each sc1000 Probe Module provides power to the system and can accept up to 8 digital sensors. Probe Modules can be networked together to accommodate many more sensors attached to the same network. Display Module - The sc1000 Display Module is a full-featured controller with a large color touch-screen display. The intuitive, easy to use interface can be used for any number of parameters. One Display Module controls either a single Probe Module or a number of Probe Modules connected by a digital network. The Display Module is fully portable and can be disconnected and moved anywhere within the system network.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation screen display Interchangeable memory Temperature/Tmax Operation Storage Remarks Power requirement Housing Material Enclosure rating Weight (approximately) Dimensions Designation Measuring ranges Installation Inputs

sc1000 Display Module Display module for menu-based operation with touch screen QVGA, 320 240 pixels, 256 colours Multimedia card (MMC) 20C ... 55C (4F ... 131F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing optional Tri-band data telephone, GSM standards: GSM 900, EGSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM 1900 via probe module Plastic housing IP65 1.2 kg 200 x 230 x 50mm (7.9 x 9 x 2inches) (W x H x D) sc1000 Probe Module Probe module for the connection of sc sensors and power supply depending on connected sensor for wall, pipe and hand rail mounting - up to 8 probes/analyzers with sc digital technolgy - free combinable and configurable - additional probes/analyzers can be connected by networking - 4 potential-free relay contacts (max 5A 115/230 VAC); programmable as limiting value, status or timer - 4 analogue outputs 0/4-20mA, programmable - 4 analogue/digital inputs; programmable - Field bus connections - any number of potential-free relay contacts (max 5A 115/230 VAC); programmable as limiting value, status or timer - any number of analogue outputs 0/4-20mA, programmable - any number of analog/digital inputs, programmable - Field bus connections 20C ... 55C (4F ... 131F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing Metal housing with corrosion-resistant surface finish IP65 (NEMA 4X) 100-230 VAC 10%, 50/60Hz, max 75VA 24 VDC (max. 30 V), max. 75 W (optional) 315 x 255 x 120 mm (12.4 x 10.1 x 4.8 inches) (W x H x D) 315 x 255 x 150 mm (12.4 x 10.1 x 6 inches) (W x H x D) appr. 5,5 kg (depending on configuration) 24 month, extendable to 60 month

Outputs/Extensions: Internal


Temperature/Tmax Operation Storage Material Enclosure rating Power requirement Dimension without Display module with Display module Weight w/o Probe module Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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sc1000 Multi-Channel Universal Controller (DataSheet DOC033.52.00400)
Part No. LXV402.99.0X001 Designation sc1000 Display Module Country code GSM option no GSM module with GSM module ...................................................................................... 0 ...................................................................................... 1 Price in

Basic price

L X V 4 0 2 . 9 9 . 0 X 0 0 1

Price adder

Brand LANGE ......................................................................................................................... 1 sc1000 Probe Module Country code Power supply with 2 connectors for sensors to be operated with 100-240 VAC 100-240 VAC, without power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with conduit and without power cord .................................... 100-240 VAC, with EU-power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with UK-power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with CH-power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with US-power cord ............................................................. 24 VDC ..................................................................................................... Relay-/Network-modules
without Relay- and Network-Card .................................................................. 1 Relay board with 4 Relays (NC) .................................................................. 1 MODBUS RS485 Network board .................................................................. 1 Relay board with 4 Relays (NC) & 1 MODBUS RS485 Network board ............. 1 Profibus-DP Network board ............................................................................ 1 Relay board with 4 Relays (NC) & 1 Profibus-DP Network board .....................


Basic price

L X V 4 0 0 . 9 9 . 0 X X X 1

Price adder

0 1 2 3 4 5 Z 0 R A B E F

I/O Output and Input modules

no I/O modules ........................................................................................................... 0 ................................................................................................ 1 ................................................................................................ 3 ................................................................................................ 8 ..................................................................................... 2 ..................................................................................... 4 ..................................................................................... 9 .............................................. 5 .............................................. 6 .............................................. 7 1 analog Output board 2 analog Output board 3 analog Output board

1 analog/digital INPUT board 2 analog/digital INPUT board 3 analog/digital INPUT board

1 analog Output board + 1 analog/digital INPUT board 2 analog Output board + 1 analog/digital INPUT board 1 analog Output board + 2 analog/digital INPUT board

Number of sensor connectors

up to 4 sc sensors up to 6 sc sensors up to 8 sc sensors ........................................................................................................... 2 ........................................................................................................... 3 ........................................................................................................... 4

Brand LANGE ......................................................................................................................... 1 Optional Mounting assembly sc1000 Mounting Hardware Kit
complete Mounting Hardware Kit, incl. Weather guard for installation near the probe/analyzer

LZX957 LZX958 LZX355

sc1000 Weather Guard, incl. Set of small parts Wall mounting kit


Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages each analog Output board comes with 4 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT each analog/digital INPUT board is equipped with 4 inputs applicable as 0/4-20 mA INPUT or digital INPUT Each Probe-Module can be equipped with 3 internal extensions. Nevertheless not all configurations listed above are possible. To avoid mis-configurations, we recommend to use the sc1000 configurator or to contact HACH LANGE. For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Controllers page 3

sc 1000 Universal Controller

Standard configurations with connection of up to 4 probes/analyzers
Part No. Designation Price in


Due to the big variety of possible sc1000 combinations, only the most favorite models are listed below. For further specific solutions, please ask for our electronic configurator. Display Modules LANGE sc 1000 display module
with color graphic display and Touch-screen user interface, with connection to a sc 1000 probe module


LANGE sc 1000 display module with GSM option

with color graphic display and Touch-screen user interface, with connection to a sc 1000 probe module; with GSM for remote access and operation

4-Channel Probe Module confirgations LXV400.99.20021 LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic)
with connectors for up to 4 sc-sensors, with 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, with 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC.


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 4x I/0 Output)

with with with with connectors for up to 4 sc sensors, one analog output board with 4 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 4 sc-sensors, one analog output board with 4 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 4 sc-sensors, one analog output board with 4 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, one analog/digital INPUT board with 4 inputs applicable as 0/4-20 mA INPUT or digital INPUT, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 4 sc-sensors, two analog output boards with 8 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, one analog/digital INPUT board with 4 inputs applicable as 0/4-20 mA INPUT or digital INPUT, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 4 sc-sensors, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), one MODBUS RS485 network board, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 4 sc-sensors, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), one Profibus-DP network board, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC.


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 4x I/0 Output + Relays)

with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 4x I/0 Output + Relays + Analog Input/Output)
with with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 8x I/0 Output + Analog Input/Output)

with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + MODBUS + Relays)

with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + ProfiBUS DP+ Relays)

with with with with with

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Controllers page 4

sc 1000 Universal Controller

Systems with connection of up to 6 to 8 probes/analyzers
Part No. Designation Price in


Due to the big variety of possible sc1000 combinations, only the most favorite models are listed below. For further specific solutions, please ask for our electronic configurator. Display Modules LANGE sc 1000 display module
with color graphic display and Touch-screen user interface, with connection to a sc 1000 probe module


LANGE sc 1000 display module with GSM option

with color graphic display and Touch-screen user interface, with connection to a sc 1000 probe module; with GSM for remote access and operation

6 Channel Probe Module configurations LXV400.99.20031 LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic)
with connectors for up to 6 sc-sensors, with 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, with 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC.


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 8x I/0 Output)

with with with with connectors for up to 6 sc-sensors, two analog output boards with 8 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 6 sc-sensors, two analog output boards with 8 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 6 sc-sensors, one analogue output board with 4 x 0/4-20 mA OUTPUT, one analogue/digital INPUT board with 4 inputs applicable as 0/4-20 mA INPUT or digital INPUT, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 6 sc-sensors, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), one MODBUS RS485 network board, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC. connectors for up to 6 sc-sensors, one relay board with 4 relays (NC), one Profibus-DP network board, 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC.


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 8x I/0 Output + Analog Input/Output)

with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + 4x I/0 Output + Relays + Analog Input/Output)
with with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + MODBUS + Relays)

with with with with with


LANGE sc 1000 probe module (Basic + ProfiBUS DP+ Relays)

with with with with with

8 Channel Probe Module configurations LXV400.99.20041 LANGE sc 1000 probe module

with connectors for up to 8 sc-sensors, with 100-240 VAC power supply with EU-power cord, with 2 connectors for sensors that operate with 100-240 VAC.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Controllers page 5

sc 1000 Universal Controller

External expansion cards for DIN-Rail-Mounting in external Switch Cabinets
Part No. Designation Price in


To 1 Base module can be connected up to 13 further external modules. In case the number of total modules exceeds the maximum allowed participants, a new loop must be installed.

LZX915 Designation Function Housing Power requirements Current Consumption

Temperature/Tmax Operation Storage Dimension

Base Module
The base module is the first module fitted and is fitted on the left on the 35mm DIN rail in the switch cabinet (in accordance with DIN EN 50022). This module is required to be able to operate any combination of expansion modules required. - Supply of expansion modules with 24VDC and connection to the sc1000 network. - Setting terminating resistor (with DIP switch) for the sc1000 network. - Provision of connection for a display module (LXV402) for the configuration of the system. Polyamide, flammability class in accordance with UL 94: V0; enclosure rating IP20 Installation on a DIN rail (35mm) in accordance with DIN EN 50022 24 VDC (max. 30 VDC) 2000 mA max. +4C ... 40C (39F ... 104F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 23 x 100 x 115 mm (1 x 4 x 4.5 inches) (W x H x D)

LZX919 Designation Specifications Housing

Temperature/Tmax Operation Storage Dimension

Output Module
For installation in the switch cabinet. Any expansions required can be combined when a base module is available.

2 analogue current outputs, (020mA or 420mA, Max. 500Ohm), Terminals max. 2.5 mm
Polyamide, flammability class in accordance with UL 94: V0; enclosure rating IP20 Installation on a DIN rail (35mm) in accordance with DIN EN 50022 +4C ... 40C (39F ... 104F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 23 x 100 x 115 mm (1 x 4 x 4.5 inches) (W x H x D)

LZX921 Designation Specifications Housing

Temperature/Tmax Operation Storage

Input Module
For installation in the switch cabinet. Any expansions required can be combined when a base module is available. Analogue/ digital inputs, can be programmed as 020mA or 420mA (INPUT or digital INPUT), internal resistance 180 Ohm, Terminals max. 1.5 mm Polyamide, flammability class in accordance with UL 94: V0; enclosure rating IP20 Installation on a DIN rail (35mm) in accordance with DIN EN 50022 +4C ... 40C (39F ... 104F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 23 x 100 x 115 mm (1 x 4 x 4.5 inches) (W x H x D)

Dimension LZX920 Designation Specifications

Relais Module
For installation in the switch cabinet. Any expansions required can be combined when a base module is available. 4 change-over contacts, (UL, SPDT-CO, change over) Current consumption 100mA Maximum switching voltage: 250VAC, 125V DC Nominal switching current: 250VAC, 5A; 125VAC, 5A; 125VDC, 0.15A; 30V DC, 5A Can be programmed for: limit, status or for timer, status indication by LED, Terminals max. 2.5 mm Polyamide, flammability class in accordance with UL 94: V0; enclosure rating IP20 Installation on a DIN rail (35mm) in accordance with DIN EN 50022 +4C ... 40C (39F ... 104F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 45 x 100 x 115 mm (2 x 4 x 4.5inches) (W x H x D)

Temperature/Tmax Operation Storage Dimension

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Controllers page 6

sc 1000 Universal Controller

Internal expansion cards & further Accessories
Part No. Designation Analog Outputs (YAB019) Analog/Digital Input (YAB018) Internal Relay (YAB022) Designation Internal (plug-in) expansion cards Plug-in expansion cards for installation in the probe module 4 x analog current outputs,
(0...20mA or 4...20mA, max. 500Ohm), Terminals max. 1.5 mm

Price in

4 x analog/digital inputs,
can be programmed as 020mA or 420mA (INPUT or digital INPUT), Terminals max. 1.5 mm

4 x NC contacts, (UL, SPST-NC, normally closed)

Maximum switching voltage: 250VAC, 125V DC Nominal switching current: 250VAC, 5A; 125VAC, 5A 125V DC, 0.15A; 30V DC, 5A Terminals max. 2.5 mm, can be programmed for limit, status or for timer

Fieldbus Interfaces MODBUS (YAB021) ProfiBUS DP (YAB020)


Operation Storage

20C ... 55C (4F ... 131F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing 20C ... 70C (4F ... 158F); 95% relative humidity, non-condensing

Cables and connectors for sc1000 Networking LZX918 LZX988 LZX989 sc 1000-bus plug, pk/1 sc 1000 bus cable, 2 x 0,22 mm, AWG24, 100 m sc 1000 bus cable, 2 x 0,22 mm, AWG24, 500 m GSM Options YAB033 LZX990 LZX955 LZX963 GSM-Module sc1000 Outdoor Antenna Antenna Extention cable, 10m Multi Media Card, min. 16 MB Mounting hardware LZX957 LZX958 LZX948 LZX966 LZX355 Mounting assembly "Tank edge fastening" for sc 1000, incl. Sunshield Sunshield sc1000 only, incl. Set of small parts Set of small parts for sc1000 roof (LZX958) Set of small parts mounting hardware sc1000 Wall mounting kit Spare Parts for Display Module LZX934 LZX935 LZX924 YAB035 LZX303 Cable sc1000 display module Handle belt sc1000 Display Modul Display lightning sc1000 display module Display sc1000 display module Desiccant Spare Parts for Probe Module LZX976 LZX982 YYL045 YYL046 YYL112 YYL113 LZX962 LZX981 Fuse set Protection cap fr SC-sensor connector Power cord CH Power cord GB Power cord EU Power cord US Air fan
Cable gland Conduit

Instrument Manual DOC023.52.03260 sc 1000 User Manual, English


For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D. For further information about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages please refer to Appendix E.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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sc100 2-Channel Universal Controller (DataSheet DOC053.52.03204)

The sc100 is an Universal 2-channel controller. Designed with two galvanically separated inputs, the controller can operate 1 or 2 sensors at the same time. But the sensors need not to be the same. Mix and match any combination of sc sensors and probes. The digital signal transmission to the sc100 ensures trouble-free and operationally safe communication between the probes and the controller at transmission distances of up to 100m. Furthermore, this technology facilitates comprehensive diagnostic functions for the complete system. Modules to link different bus-systems are available as options. Every measurement can therefore be integrated into various data recording systems without problems.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Description Inputs Outputs

Relays Control Temperature Tmax Ambient Storage Material Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight (approximately) Power requirement

sc100 Controller Microprocessor controlled system with Liquid Cristal dot matrix Display, 128 x 64 pixels, backlighting 2 sensors (sc technology), freely selectable 2 x 0/4 - 20 mA, 600 Ohm max. can be configured as required Optional: MODBUS RS232 / RS485 PROFIBUS DP LONBUS 3 x SPDT contact (form c), U.L. rated 5 A 100/230 VAC, 5A 30 VDC user configurable for alarm, status, timer PID, High/Low phasing, setpoint, deadband, overfeed timer, off delay and on delay -20C ... 60C, 0 ... 95% relative Humidity non condensing (less than 7W sensor load) -20C ... 40C, 0 ... 95% relative Humidity non condensing (less than 25W sensor load) -20C ... 70C, 0 ... 95% relative Humidity non condensing Metal enclosure with corrosion resitant finish IP66 (NEMA4X) 144 x 144 x 150 mm (5.7 x 5.7 x 5.9 inches) (W x H x D) 1,6 kg (3.5 lbs)
AC powered system DC powered system 100-230 VAC 10%, 50/60Hz 24 VDC -15%/+20% 11W 34W 16W 34W with with with with 7W sensor load 25W sensor load 7W sensor load 25W sensor load

Installation style Remarks


wall, pipe and control panel mounting Several supported languages in the embadded software GB, D, F, I, DK, E, S, PL, CZ, SK, RO, BG, RU 24 month, extendable to 60 month

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sc100 2-Channel Universal Controller (DataSheet DOC053.52.03204)
Part No. LXV401.99.00001 Designation sc100 - Universal 2 Channel Controller Price in

Basic price

L X V 4 0 1 . X X . X X 0 0 X
Country code LANGE ................................................................................................. 9 9 HACH ................................................................................................. 5 2 Power supply 100-240 VAC, without power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with conduit / no power cord .............................................. 100-240 VAC, with EU-power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with UK-power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with CH-power cord ............................................................. 100-240 VAC, with US-power cord ............................................................. 24 VDC .....................................................................................................

Price adder

0 1 2 3 4 5 7 0 1 2 3 4

Outputs/Interfaces 2 x I/0 outputs - no BUS connection (Standard) ................................................... MODBUS 232 .......................................................................................................... MODBUS 485 .......................................................................................................... PROFIBUS DP .......................................................................................................... LONBUS ................................................................................................................ Brand HACH

LANGE ......................................................................................................................... 1 ......................................................................................................................... 2


When selecting the Brand (HACH or LANGE), both the grey and blue marked options must be considered, e.g. for a LANGE branded controller, the order code will be LXV401.99.XX001 for a HACH branded controller, the order code will be LXV401.52.XX002 For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Optional Mounting accessories LZX997 LZX961 Pole Mounting Assembly Kit, for sc100 Controler, incl. Weather guard, made of Plastic Weather guard sc100/sc60, made of Plastic (for outdoor installations)

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sc60 1-Channel E-Chem Controller (DataSheet DOC053.52.00126)

The sc60 is a cost-effective single-channel E-Chem-controller and can operate any sc based or sc compatible pH, Conductivity or amperometric Dissolved Oxygen sensor. The digital signal transmission to the sc60 ensures trouble-free and operationally safe communication between the probes and the controller at transmission distances of up to 100m. Furthermore, this technology facilitates comprehensive diagnostic functions for the complete system. Modules to link different bus-systems are available as options. Every measurement can therefore be integrated into various data recording systems without problems.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Description Inputs Outputs

Relays Control Temperature Tmax Ambient Storage Material Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight (approximately) Power requirement

sc60 Controller Microprocessor controlled system with Liquid Cristal dot matrix Display, 128 x 64 pixels, backlighting 1 sc or S-sc sensor, pH, ORP, Conductivity or amperometric Dissolved Oxygen 2 x 0/4 - 20 mA, 600 Ohm max. can be configured as required Optional: MODBUS RS232 / RS485 PROFIBUS DP 3 x SPDT contact (form c), U.L. rated 5 A 100/230 VAC, 5A 30 VDC user configurable for alarm, status, timer PID, High/Low phasing, setpoint, deadband, overfeed timer, off delay and on delay -20C ... 60C, 0 ... 95% relative Humidity non condensing (less than 7W sensor load) -20C ... 40C, 0 ... 95% relative Humidity non condensing (less than 25W sensor load) -20C ... 70C, 0 ... 95% relative Humidity non condensing Metal enclosure with corrosion resitant finish IP66 (NEMA4X) 144 x 144 x 150 mm (5.7 x 5.7 x 5.9 inches) (W x H x D) 1,6 kg (3.5 lbs)
AC powered system DC powered system 100-230 VAC 10%, 50/60Hz 24 VDC -15%/+20% 11W 34W 16W 34W with with with with 7W sensor load 25W sensor load 7W sensor load 25W sensor load

Installation style Remarks


wall, pipe and control panel mounting Several supported languages in the embadded software GB, D, F, I, DK, E, S, PL, CZ, SK, RO, BG, RU no internal Datalogger! 24 month, extendable to 60 month


The sc60 operates all digital HACH LANGE E-Chem probes (sc and S sc version), exceptional the LDO sensor.

1200-S; pH combination sensor AD1200; pH combination gateway pHD-S; pHD sensor ADpHD; pHD gateway 3798-S; inductive conductivity sensor AD3400; contacting conductivity gateway AD3700; inductive conductivity gateway 5740; membrane DO sensor

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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sc60 1-Channel E-Chem Controller (DataSheet DOC053.52.00126)
Part No. LXV403.99.00001 Designation sc60 - 1 Channel E-Chem Controller Price in

Basic price

L X V 4 0 3 . 9 9 . X X 0 0 1
Country code Power supply 100-240 VAC, without power cord ................................................................ 100-240 VAC, with EU-power cord ................................................................ 100-240 VAC, with UK-power cord ................................................................ 100-240 VAC, with CH-power cord ................................................................ 24 VDC .............................................................................................................

Price adder

0 2 3 4 7 0 1 2 3 4

Outputs/Interfaces 2 x I/0 outputs - no BUS connection (Standard) ................................................ MODBUS 232 ....................................................................................................... MODBUS 485 ....................................................................................................... PROFIBUS DP ....................................................................................................... LONBUS ............................................................................................................. Brand LANGE

................................................................................................................................... 1


For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Optional Mounting accessories LZX997 LZX961 Pole Mounting Assembly Kit, for sc60/100 Controler, incl. Weather guard made of Plastic Weather guard sc100/sc60, made of Plastic (for outdoor installations)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SIPAN 32/32X/34 Industrial Controllers (DataSheet DOC033.52.00421)
Sipan - liquid analyzer in industrial design with comprehensive fault diagnosis system The factory-set warning and alarm thresholds can be individually adapted to the requirements of each application. Impedance monitoring is available with Sipan 32 (2conductor device) and Sipan 34 (4-conductor device). The integration of Sipan in Totally Integrated Automation means that faults can be indicated via Profibus as plain text messages in the control system. Typical field of applications: General use in field of liquid analysis of aqueos solutions, Determination of concentrations of brines, alkalis and acids, in particular sulphuric acid and oleum, Corrosive industrial waste water, CIP control, Regeneration of concentration, Phase separation of product/water mixtures, Product monitoring in filling and cleaning plants.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

SIPAN 32/32X
Designation Connection Display Measuring range pH ORP Remarks


Micro-processor controlled Industrial Process controller for liquid analysis 4 wire technique 2-wire micropower technology 2-lined illuminated Liquid Cristal Display Multiple-lined illuminated Graphic Liquid Cristal Display with bar graph and trend curve feature 0 to +15 pH -3 to +15 pH -2000 ... 2000 mV -2000 ... 2000 mV - Single channel or double channel version for redundant pH/ORP measurement 12 10 - High-resistance inputs >10 ; >10 for reference electrode - Selectable Units: pH or mV Pt100 or Pt1000 -50 ... +200 C, -60 ... +400 F -25 ... +175 C, -13 ... +347 F

Temperature Measuring range Conductivity 2 EL Procedure 4 EL Procedure Inductive Procedure Remarks

Measuring range: 0.04 S/cm to 25 000 S/cm depending on electrode selection Measuring range: 0.01 mS/cm to 500 mS/cm depending on electrode selection Measuring range: 200 S/cm to approx. 2 500 mS/cm depending on electrode selection - Conductivity tables stored for H2SO4, Oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr,NaOH, KOH, NaCl - selectable units: S/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, S/m, mS/m, S/m, Mcm, kcm, % w/w - T-compensation: Linear value, 0 to 10%/K or non-linear response (max. 5 characteristics), 2 characteristics defined as standard for ultra-pure water and beer Measuring range depending on sensor in use Manual correction of atmospheric pressure during calibration Display of g/l, mg/l, mbar, ppb, hPA, % saturation Temperature measurement: -50 ... 150C; compensation depending on electrode in use Salinity correction: possible, by manual input Input: NTC: -10 to +140C, dependent on sensor type Several supported languages in the embadded software German, English, French, Italian, Spanish; selectable - operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists - Logbook with automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, non-erasable 2 floating contacts (instead of limits) as PI controller 1 x NO or NC contact selectable, any assignment to measured value or temperature 4 2, pre-alarm and maintenance Rating 24 VDC, 1 A Signalling of current measuring range (3 contacts) 3, fitting control, cleaning and flushing 4, parameterizable as desired using range selection; external control possible Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard, data can be called on display

Dissolved Oxygen Remarks


Controller function Additional limits Parameter sets Diagnostic contacts Relais contacts Range signalling
Cleaning contacts with timer

Range switchover Device self-test continued

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SIPAN 32/32X/34 Industrial Controllers (DataSheet DOC033.52.00421)

Technical Data continued

Subject to change without notice

SIPAN 32/32X
Outputs (depending on configuration)


0/420 mA linear to measured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with a knee at 12 mA), electrically isolated from sensor Second passive current output PROFIBUS PA, Profile B, Ver 3.0 with bus connection to IEC 61158-2 and EN 50170, Part 4 HART (V5.1, load: 250 ... 500, Two-wire, screened: = 1.5 km)

Environmental: Temperature Operation

Storage Power requirements

Installation style Material Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight (approximately) Explosion protection Warranty

120 VAC (94V ... 132 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 230 VAC (187V ... 264V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V AC (20 V ... 26 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V DC (20 V ... 30 V), 8 VA, protection class II (field housing) wall, and control panel mounting (depending on model) for fieldhousing: Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) Field housing IP65 (NEMA 4X) Panel housing IP54 Field housing: 172 x 306 x 80 mm (W x H x D) Panel housing: 96 x 96 x 282 mm (W x H x D) SIPAN 34 only 2.5 kg 2.5 kg field housing 2.0 kg panel mounting housing SIPAN32X Intrinsic safety, not applicable II (1)2 GEExib[ia]IIC T4 24 month, extendable to 60 month

-20 C ... +70 C for SIPAN 32 -20 C ... +60 C for SIPAN 32X 10 ... 95% r.H., non condensing -25 C ... +70 C 14 V ... 30 V DC, 0.8 W, protection class II (field housing)

-20C ... +60 C -5C ... +70 C (for panel housing) 10 ... 95% r.H., non condensing


For configuration and price information of controllers and accessories, please refer to the separately avaialble HACH LANGE SIPAN Pricelist

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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MONEC 9125/9135 Single Channel Controller (TE9125revD / TE9135revD)
The MONEC 9135 is a single channel pH/ORP transmitter and has been designed to operate with a wide range of pH and ORP sensors for measuring and/or continuous control of pH/Temperature or Redox potential (ORP) in nearly all nonhazardous applications . The MONEC 9125 transmitter and associated measuring sensors have been designed for measuring and continuous control of Conductivity, Resistivity or Concentration (with possibility of temperature measurement) in municipal and industrial processes. Equipped with Standard and specific temperature compensation, user selectable calibration methods, integrated controller and autodiagnostic functions and finally several communication outputs, the MONEC series stands for reliable and precise measurements in the field of Drinking water, Waste water and Industrial applications, as well as for Pure and Ultrapure Water applications.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

MONEC 9135 pH/ORP Transmitter


MONEC 9125 Conductivity Transmitter

Analysis pH ORP Temperature with Pt100/Pt1000 Conductivity Conductive sensors

Drinking and waste water Industrial process control : chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, food and beverage, sugar, steel, surface treatment industries Pure and Ultrapure water analysis : steam generation and electricity production, semiconductors , pharmaceutical industries -3 ... 14 pH -1500 ... 1500 mV -20 ... 200C (4 to 392F)

-20 ... 200C (4 to 392F)

Inductive sensors


0.01 pH/0.1 pH (adjustable), 1 mV, 0.1C 2 point (automatic & manual), 1-point process Proportional control Impedance measurement 0 ... 25 m (high impedance) 0 ... 100 m (low impedance)

Cell constant [cm -1] 0.01 0.10 1.00 Cell constant [cm -1] 1.00 2.35 10.00

0.01S/cm ... 200 S/cm 0.1S/cm ... 2 mS/cm 1 S/cm ... 20 mS/cm 50 S/cm ... 1 S/cm 200 S/cm ... 2 S/cm 1 mS/cm ... 10 S/cm

Calibration Control function Sensor control Cable length Temperature Operation Storage Compensation

Electric, 2 points, 1 point

100 m maximum

20C ... 60C (4 to 140F), 10 ... 90% relative Humidity, non condensing 20C ... 70C (4 to 158F) Nernst, Non, Automatic, Manual ultrapure water, in the range of -20 ... 200C different tables linear, non-linear, HCl and NaCl 2 x 0/420 mA Standard-Output; freely selectable, scaleable - linear, bilinear or logarithmic 4 Relays optional (250 VAC, 3 A max., 100 VDC, 0,5 A max.) MODBUS RS485 optional universal selfadapting: 100 ... 240 VAC, 10% 50/60 Hz, 25 VA optional: 13 ... 30 VAC, 50/60 Hz; 18 to 42 VDC wall, pipe and control panel mounting Polyester-coated Aluminum housing IP65 (NEMA 4X) 144 x 144 x 150 mm (5.7 x 5.7 x 5.9 inches) (W x H x D) 2 kg (4.4 lbs) Multilingual display: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch 24 month, extendable to 60 month


Power requirements Installation style Material Enclosure rating Dimensions Weight (approximately) Remarks: Warranty

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MONEC 9125/9135 Single Channel Controller (TE9125revD / TE9135revD)
Part No. Z09125=A=0000 Designation MONEC 9125, Conductivity Controller Price in

Basic Price

Z 0 9 1 2 5 = A = 0 0 X X
Measure Conductivity/Resistivity Concentration
110...240 110...240 110...240 110...240 Low Low Low Low VAC VAC VAC VAC + + + + 2 2 2 2 x x x x I/0 I/0 I/0 I/0 + + + +

Price adder

................................................................................... 0 ................................................................................... 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 1 5 0 4 1 4

Options (Power Supply & Outputs)

Output .............................................................................. Output + 4 Relays ............................................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS ..................................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS + 4 Relays ...................................... 2 2 2 2 x x x x I/0 I/0 I/0 I/0 Output .................................................................... Output + 4 Relays ..................................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS ........................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS + 4 Relays ............................

Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage

Version Version Version Version

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) Instruction manual (GB), 4 cable glands and 2 mounting screws Optional Accessories
Z09125=T=0000 MONEC 9125 Transmitter Detailed test certificate Instruction manual in English 9125 Instruction manual in English 9125 Concentration measurement

Z621=191=025 Z621=191=125


MONEC 9135,

pH/ORP Controller

Basic Price

Z 0 9 1 3 5 = A = 0 0 X X
Measure pH/Temperature/ORP
110...240 110...240 110...240 110...240 Low Low Low Low VAC VAC VAC VAC + + + + 2 2 2 2 x x x x I/0 I/0 I/0 I/0 + + + +

Price adder

........................................................................................ 0
Output .............................................................................. Output + 4 Relays ............................................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS ..................................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS + 4 Relays ...................................... 2 2 2 2 x x x x I/0 I/0 I/0 I/0 Output .................................................................... Output + 4 Relays ..................................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS ........................................... Output + RS485 MODBUS + 4 Relays ............................

Options (Power Supply & Outputs) 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 1 5 0 4 1 4

Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage

Version Version Version Version

Standard accessories (supplied with the instrument) Instruction manual (GB), 4 cable glands, 2 fittings, and 2 mounting screws Optional Accessories Z09135=T=0000 Z621=191=035 MONEC 9125 Transmitter Detailed test certificate Instruction manual in English 9135


For information about Low Voltage Power, please refer to the Technical Specification overview, or to the manual. For further accessories, please refer to the Chapter E-Chem Products, Electrodes and MONEC Standard Packages.

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Analytical Systems for pH/ORP/Conductivity and Dissolved Oxygen Measurement in Process

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Controller overview

Analyt pH Conventional Differential ORP Conventional Differential Conductivity 2 EL 4 EL Concentration Dissolved Oxygen Drinking & Waste Water Ultra-Pure
Food & Beverage

Monec series



sc 60

sc 100

sc 1000









X X X X X X X X up to 4

X X X X X X X X up to 4
24VDC/24VAC 120VAC 240VAC 50/60Hz

X X X X up to 4

Number of Channels 1 2 Multi Relays Power

X X X 3 3 selectable Internal or external

0 or 4
13..30 VAC 50/60 Hz 18...42 VDC 100...240 VAC 50/60Hz

14...30 VDC

24 VDC -15%/+20% 100-230 VAC 10%, 50/60Hz

Enclosure Communication Protocols I/O MODBUS PA DP

IP65 (NEMA4) IP65 (NEMA4X) IP65 (NEMA4X) IP65 (NEMA4X) (NEMA4X optional)

IP66 (NEMA 4X)

IP66 (NEMA 4X)

IP66 (NEMA 4X)








Depending on selected model Requires 2-channel controller

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Electrochemistry page 2

Analytical Systems for pH/ORP Measurement in Process

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Electrochemistry pH
General overview

MONEC 9135


for EEX1

required connection cable pH sensors & Pt100/Pt1000 sensors

5 m fixed cable

3 m cable
10 & 20m optional

LZY037 (5m) LZY031 (10m)

LZX547 (5m) LZX534 (10m)

TOP68 plug

LZY037 (5m) LZY031 (10m)

S7 screw head

LZY021 (5m)
SMEK plug

10 m fixed cable

LZY037 (5m) LZY031 (10m)

S7 screw head

LZY037 (5m) LZY031 (10m)

S7 screw head

LZX548 (5m) LZX516 (10m)

TOP68 plug

Sensor model Part No.

8346 Kit to order Z9135/P10/2

8362 Z08362=A=0000

LZY025 LZY025

LTLCONPT100 LTLCON LZX537 LTLCONPT100 LZX536 LTLCON 2 ... 11 -20C ... 50C

LZX885 LZX885

LZY027 LZY027

8350 series Z08350=X=000X

8418B Z368418,00000 Z368418,00000

8416 Z368416,00000 Z368416,00000

PRO140PT100 PRO140 LZX546 PRO140PT100 LZX545 PRO140 0 ... 14 -5C ... +135C

Measuring range pH Temperature

5.5 ... 12 -10C ... +80C

2...12 0...80C

0 ... 14 -30C ... 80C

0 ... 14 0 ... +80C

2 ... 13 0C ... +100C

0 ... 14 0C ... +110C

0 ... 14 0C ... +100C

2...14 0C ... +110C

pmax @ Tmax


4 bar @ 25C

max. 6 bar

max 3.5 bar

max. 10 bar

10 bar @ 80C 3.5 bar @ 110C Pt100

max 2.5 bar

16bar @ 25C 6bar @ 100C no

max 34 bar1


Pt100 1m

Pt100, class A


LTLCONPT100 Pt100 integrated LTLCON w/o




PRO140PT100 Pt100 integrated PRO140 w/o Gel KCl/AgCl + KNO3

Reference electrode

refillable reference combination glass Liquid KCl KCl, EVEREF B Polymer electrode with electrode for pure electrolyte, saturated KCl/AgCl double liquid electrolyte, electrolyte water refillable, Ag/AgCl crystal junction, Ag/AgCl reservoir POLYLITE Polymer see datasheet see datasheet Glass PES (Polyethersulfon) ring diaphragm porous Teflon Drinking water, ground water, surface water of low temperature (below 5C) and low conductivity (10...100 S/cm) Glass Glass

Polymer electrolyte, Gel, Argenthal KNO3 and KCl

Argenthal, XEROLYT (solid KCl gel) Glass

Electrode shaft material Diaphragm

open system

triple ceramic diaphragm Boiler Feed and Ultra-pure water, water <100 S/ cm Conductivity, plating baths, critical media

2 open holes

hole diapgragm

PPS (Polyphenylene Sulphide) porous Teflon



ceramic junction


Heavy-duty ultra-pure and industrial probe pure water for use in high application caustic applications, e.g. neutralisation with lime; water contains fluoride and pH 3...6 or below, strong HF acid (>1%)

general purpose, withstand organic solvents, liquids with low ion concentration or partly aqueous samples

Service water, waste water, suspensions, food processing, organic solvents, hot acids and caustics

general Horizontal, Vertical or up-side application, drinking water down mounting Water and WW Treatment, Coagulation and Flocculation Process, Monitoring and Control Pulp Stock Applications, Ore Separation

ring diaphragm, porous Teflon double gel pH electrode industrial process water, harsh for industry conditions, high applications, pressurized gel for temperature, high high pressure pressure, applications, sterilizable samples contain proteins, sulfides, emulsion, suspensions, high acid solutions etc.

open junction

Pure Water Potable Water

X specially for low temperature low conductivity X X X > 100S/cm X > 100S/cm X Sterilizable

Food & Beverage In-process Waste Water Neutralisation Industrial influent Municipal influent Aeration Digester Effluent
Additional remarks not suitable for media with changing ORP potential suitable for critical media, e.g. plating baths, solvents etc.

X not sterilizable X

X not sterilizable X

specially for high temperature/high pressure applications

recommended as Standard electrode for standard applications

recommended as Standard electrode for standard applications


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 2

Electrochemistry pH
General overview

requires 2 channel pH transmitter


sc1000 Digital extension cable

LZY328 AD1200 sc

LZX548 (5m) LZX516 (10m)

TOP68 plug

5 m fixed cable

10 m fixed cable

LZY022 (5m)
head connector

LZY037 (5m)
LZY031 (10m) S7 screw head

6120500.99 ADpHD

HIGHPHPT100 HIGHPH LZX540 HIGHPH PT100 LZX539 HIGHPH 1 ... 14 0C ... +80C


PHRETPT100 PHRET LZX477 PHRETPT100 LZX476 PHRET 0 ... 14 -5C ... 135C

Differential pH sensor LZY015 LZY018

Pt1000 LZY029

pHD series PDXXX.99

pHD sc series DPDXXX.99

pHD S sc

1200 S sc

8362 sc 6178002

1 ... 14 -5C ... 135C

3 ... 12 0 ... +140C,

Thermal shock resistance max 130C

-30C ... +135C

-2...141) -5 ... 95C

-2...141) -5 ... 70C

0 ... 14 0 ... 50C

0 ... 14 -5 ... 50C

2 ... 12 0 ... 80C

3.5 bar

10 bar @ 25C 7 bar @ 100C 3.5 bar @ 120C

max 15 bar

15 bar

10 bar


6.9 bar@70C

max 2 bar overpressure NTC300Ohm

max 2 bar overpressure Pt100

4 bar @ 25C

LZX539 no LZX540 with PT100 Gel KCl/AgCl

Pt 100

PHRETPT100 Pt100 integrated PHRET w/o KCl/AgCl+KNO3 gel




Pt100, class A

exterior EPH gel; interior KCl/AgCl

Enamel differential sensor

Differntial pH electrode with high impedance glass Glass see datasheet

Differntial pH electrode with high impedance glass see datasheet

Differntial pH electrode with high impedance glass see datasheet

combination glass electrode with EVEREF B double liquid junction, POLYLITE Polymer

combination glass electrode for pure water see datasheet

PES (Polyethersulfon) ring diaphragm, porous Teflon suitable for high pH values, range of 9...14

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel


see datasheet

ring diaphragm porous Teflon double Inline applications; optional rectractable; sterilizable suitable up to 15% TS content, Pulp, Paper, high temperature

ring diaphragm no porous Teflon double Inline applications, with EHEDG high temperature, Certificate, sterilizable applications @ high temperature and high pressure, CIP/SIP applicable

General purpose Tsensor

salt bridge (pHD) salt bridge (pHD) with Kynar with Kynar (PVDF) (PVDF) PEEK: most process solutions

salt bridge (pHD) with Kynar (PVDF) less aggressive process solutions, Ryton: less aggressive process non-oxidizing, solutions, non-oxidizing, water-based water-based acid, acid, alkaline and salt solutions, all alkaline and salt common automotive fluids; solutions, all common PD1P3.99 respectively DPD1P3.99 automotive fluids weak HF conc (<1%) or intermittent, when Fluorides are present, pH never below 6

2 open holes

less aggressive pure water process solutions, non-oxidizing, water-based acid, alkaline and salt solutions



specially for high pH



specially for high pH


for CIP/SIP applications





recommended as low costs version for retractable inline applications with non-demanding conditions

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 3

Electrochemistry ORP
General overview

MONEC 9135 SIPAN 32/32X/34


sc1000 Digital extension cable

for EEX

LZY328 AD1200 sc

required connection cable ORP sensors

LZY037 (5m) LZY031 (10m)

S7 screw head

10 m fixed cable

LZY037 (5m) LZY031 (10m)

S7 screw head

6120500.99 ADpHD

Sensor model Part No.

LZY027 LZY027

8351 Z08351=C=0000

Pt1000 LZY029

pHD series RDXXX.99

pHD sc series DRDXXX.99

pHD S sc LXV427.99.20001

1200 S sc LXV426.99.20001

8362 sc 6178003

Measuring range ORP

cable connection

2000 mV
S7 screw head

1500 mV
fixed 10m S7 screw head

1500 mV
4.5m fixed open end

1500 mV
10m fixed with sc plug

2000 mV
10m fixed with sc plug

1500 mV
10m fixed with sc plug

1500 mV
7,7 m sc cable with sc plug

Temperature pmax @ Tmax

0C ... +100C max. 6 bar

0C ... +110C 10 bar @ 80C 3.5 bar @ 110C non

-30C ... +135C 10 bar

-5 ... 95C 6.9bar @ 105C

-5 ... 70C 6.9 bar @ 70C

0 ... 50C max 2 bar overpressure non

-5 ... 50C max 2 bar overpressure non

0 ... 80C 4 bar @ 25C





Pt100, class A

Redox sensing element Reference electrode

Platinum Gel electrolyte, non-refillable Ag/AgCl Glass (Duran)

Platinum Polymer electrolyte, KNO3 and KCl PPS (Polyphenylene Sulphide) porous Teflon Glass

Platinum Optional: Gold Differntial pH electrode with high impedance glass see datasheet

Platinum Optional: Gold Differntial pH electrode with high impedance glass see datasheet



Platinum combination glass electrode for pure water see datasheet

combination glass Differntial pH electrode with high electrode with EVEREF B double impedance glass liquid junction, POLYLITE Polymer

Electrode shaft material Diaphragm

see datasheet

see datasheet


salt bridge (pHD) with Kynar (PVDF) General purpose Tsensor

salt bridge (pHD) with Kynar (PVDF)

salt bridge (pHD) with Kynar (PVDF)




all applications

Horizontal, Vertical or up-side down mounting general purpose

less aggressive process solutions, non-oxidizing, Ryton: less aggressive process solutions, non-oxidizing, water-based water-based acid, alkaline and salt acid, alkaline and salt solutions, all solutions, all common automotive fluids; common PD1R3.99 respectively DPD1R3.99 for automotive fluids weak HF conc (<1%) or intermittent, when Fluorides are present, pH never below 6 PEEK: most process solutions

less aggressive process solutions, non-oxidizing, water-based acid, alkaline and salt solutions

pure water

Pure Water Potable Water Food & Beverage In-process Waste Water Neutralisation Industrial influent Municipal influent Aeration Digester Effluent

X X X not sterilizable X

X X not sterilizable X










HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 4

Electrochemistry accessories
Immersion Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement



DOC053.52.00016 DOC053.52.00017

DOC053.52.00020 DOC053.52.00021

DOC053.52.00018 DOC053.52.00019

Please refer to HL SIPAN PL

Single Immersion Pole for " sensors (8350 series);

Single Immersion Pole for 1" sensors, like pHD/pHD sc; 1"OD, 2.3 m length; available in respective materials: made of PVC

available in respective lengths and materials made of PP

Z08350=A=1105 Z08350=A=1110 Z08350=A=1115

Immersion Pole with handrail Mounting Kit for 1" sensors, like pHD/pHD sc; 1"OD, 2.3 m length; available in respective materials: made of PVC

Chain Mounting Kit for 1" sensors, like pHD/pHD sc; consists of a stainless steel boom and chain in respective materials: made of PVC

Immersion probe holder for up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 thread;

available in respective lengths made of PVC

C74451A1789A10 C74451A1789A16 0.6 m 1.8 m

500 mm LZX914.99.02200 1000 mm 1500 mm

made of SS
Z08878=A=1500 1500 mm

made of SS
LZX914.99.01200 SS

made of SS
LZX914.99.31200 SS

made of SS
LZX914.99.11200 SS

made of SS


required accessories
Electrodeholder, PP C74451A1789B1

optional accessory
Extension kit, SS, 1500mm for Z08878=A=1500 Z08878=C=1500 Immersion probe holder, SS Z08878=C=1600

optional accessory
Extension kit, SS, 1.15 m for LZX914.99.31200 only LZX856

optional accessory
Bail, made of SS for use with LXV426/427/428 LZX959

optional accessory
Support for Immersion fitting, SS1.4301 LZH055 Mounting stand, SS1.4301 LZH057 Wall mount, SS1.4301 LZH059

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 5

Electrochemistry accessories
Immersion Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement




DOC053.52.00479 Universal Immersion fitting assembly DN50 x 1000/1500 mm for open and closed vessels; made of PP including 2 ASV clips for wall mounting; union nuts for DN50 taper flange sensors, and EPDM LZH066 1000 mm LZH082 1500 mm LZH065 LZH085

DOC053.52.00479 Sliding flange with clamping cone DN100 for DN50 immersion fittings, made of PP

Sliding flange for use with LZH066/LZH082 Bracket for wall mounting of LZH65

Optional Accessories for LZH066/LZH082 (DataSheet DOC053.52.00479)

Mounting Chain made of PVC length: 5m d = 6mm LZX891

Socket with 3 x Pg13.5 thread takes up to 3 electrode with appropriate connection including 2 dummy plugs for Pg13,5 LZH067

Socket with " thread takes 1 electrode with appropriate connection LZH068 LZH083 for " probes
for 1" probes (pHD)

Wetting Cup for Note: Please select the right item depending on the selected socket LZH084 for Pg13,5 probes LZH089 for " and 1" probes

Cleaning system for " for use with 8350 and 8351 pH series Z08350=A=7000


TE8350revE Fixed flange, made of PP, (NP10, ND32) for 8350 series ("); available in respective length made of PP Z08350=A=6005 Z08350=A=6010 Z08350=A=6015 500mm 1000mm 1500mm

TE8350revE Adjustable flange, made of PP, (NP10, ND32) for 8350 series ("); available in respective material made of PP Z08350=A=1005 Z08350=A=1010 Z08350=A=1015 500mm 1000mm 1500mm

contact HACH LANGE DN100 Adjustable flange 1000 mm length holds up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 thread made of PP LZY263

contact HACH LANGE DN50 fixed flange holds 1 sensor with Pg13.5 thread available in respective material and lengths: made of PVC LZY262 LZY293 made of PVDF LZY291 LZY292


1000mm 1500mm

1000mm 1500mm

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 6

Electrochemistry accessories
Insertion (retractable) Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement

For inline installations and mounting on vessels;

For Standard electrodes with Pg13.5 thread, 12mm, 120mm length, plug connector sensors, up to 130C, 6 bar made of SS/Viton Process connection G1 For pHD and pHD sc sensors 1 Ball Valve, 1" NPT made of SS or CPVC up to 8 bar with air/water assist for electrodes with SS shaft, 12mm, e.g. PHRET (LZX477) for electrodes with SS shaft, 22mm, e.g. PHPULP (LZX475)

made of SS/Noryl up to 10 bar, 100C connection " MH736M4MZ MH716M4MZ

made of SS/PVDF up to 10 bar, 100C connection 1"

LZY236 LZY237 LZY238

for analog sensors CPVC SS

For digital sensors: 6136700 CPVC 6136800 SS




LZY235 LZY234 LZY233

welding flange 15 welding flange straigth Dummy screw seal

Welding flange must be customer supplied (1- inch NPT)

1 Includes a 1" ball valve in respective material, 1" NPT close nipple, sensor adapter with two Viton O-rings extension pipe, pipe adapter, back tube, and lock ring.




HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 7

Electrochemistry accessories
Flow-Thru Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement

Flow-Thru/Bypass armatures for " and 1" sensors

Flow-thru tee DN40 for 8350/8351 probes, with thread union, rinsing nozzle connection ( ''); made of PVC

Flow-thru tee 1" for pHD/pHD sc sensors "convertible style"; made of respective material

Flow-thru tee 1" "Union Mount 1" for pHD/pHD sc sensors "Insertion style"; made of repective material

Flow-thru assembly 2" "Sanitary Mount 2" for pHD/pHD sc sensors "Sanitary style"; made of respective material





6131300 6131400


n.a. MH018S8SZ SS 316

accessories spare parts

Viton O-Ring

Special Cap

CPVC Sealing Hub

EPDM Compound Gasket

316 SS Sealing Hub


includes 2" sanitary tee and heavy-duty clamp

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 8

Electrochemistry accessories
Flow-Thru Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement continued

Flow-Thru/Bypass armatures for Standard-sensors, 12mm, 120mm shaftlength

Flow fitting for bypass installation; " process connection;

Flow fitting for bypass installation; " process connection; made of respective material

Flow fitting for bypass installation; " process connection;

Flow fitting for bypass installation; " process connection;

made of PP
1.5 bar @ 20C 0.2 bar @ 90C

made of PP
6 bar @ 20C 0.2 bar @ 90C

made of PVDF
6 bar @ 20C 1 bar @ 90C

made of SS 1.4401
16 bar, 160C max

made of SS 1.4401
16 bar, 160C max






required accessories

Electrodeholder for installation Electrodeholder for installation Electrodeholder for installation Electrodeholder for installation Electrodeholder for installation of up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 of up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 of up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 of up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 of up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 thread thread thread thread thread

made of PP
6 bar @ 20C 4 bar @ 90C

made of PP
6 bar @ 20C 4 bar @ 90C

made of PVDF
6 bar @ 20C 4 bar @ 90C

made of SS 1.4401 10 bar, 140C max

made of SS 1.4401 10 bar, 140C max






Union nut
supplied with flow fitting

Union Nut, SS1.4301 LZY041

Union Nut, SS1.4301 LZY041

Union Nut, SS1.4301 LZY041

Union Nut, SS1.4301 LZY041

Set of Mounting parts C74451A1789D1

Set of Mounting parts C74451A1789D1

Set of Mounting parts C74451A1789D1

Set of Mounting parts C74451A1789D1

Set of Mounting parts C74451A1789D1

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 9

Electrochemistry accessories
Flow-Thru Mounting Assembly for pH & ORP measurement - continued

Flow-Thru/Bypass armatures for Standard-sensors, 12mm, 120mm Shaftlength

Flow fitting for bypass installation; 1" process connection; nominal flow diameter ND20 holds up to 3 sensors with Pg13.5 thread made of respective material

made of PP
6 bar @ 20C unpressurized @ 90C

DSDF3 Flow-fitting for bypass DSDF2 Flow-fitting for bypass IN 10P - Inline armature for installation; bypass installation; installation; " process connection, 1" process connection, " process connection, transparent section for visual transparent section for visual holds 1 Standard sensor with flow check; 12mm using adapter flow check; holds up to 2 sensor with ADPH10 holds1 Standard sensor with Pg13.5 thread 12mm using adapter ADPH10

AV10 Shut-off valve

made of PVC
5 bar max, 60C max

made of PVC
5 bar max, 60C max

made of PVC
5 bar max, 60C max

made of PVDF
5 bar max, 60C max






required accessories

ADPH12 Electrode adapter for 12mm electrodes

ADPH12 Electrode adapter for 12mm electrodes

made of PVC LZX484

made of PVC LZX484

Adapter for pHD sensors on request

Installation expamples for bypass installations with DSDF3, DSDF2, IN10P and AV10 Shut-off valve

Example for AV10 and DSDF3

Example for AV10 and IN10P

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 10

pHD pH/pHD ORP S sc

Digital Differential pH & ORP Immersion sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.03255)
Part No. Designation
pHD sc - high class differential sensors for operation life pHDTM Differential Electrode Measurement Technique uses 3 electrodes instead of the 2 normally used in conventional pH sensors. Process and reference electrodes measure the pH differentially with respect to a third ground electrode. The end result is unsurpassed measurement accuracy,reduced reference junction potential, and elimination of sensor ground loops. These sensors provide greater reliability, resulting in less downtime and maintenance. Due to its special design, the reference system of the pHD S sc electrode is protected by a salt-bridge and does not come in contact with the media being immersed. As a result, poisoning of the reference electrode cannot attack the electrode and reduces necessary cleaning and maintenance intervals.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sensor style Temperature sensor Measuring range pH/ORP Temperature Accuracy pH/ORP Temperature Sensitivity Stability Response time T90 pH, mV Temperature Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Environment Temperature Tmax Operation Storage Sample pressure pmax Flow velocity vmax Materials Sensor Housing Sensor cable other materials

pHD S sc pH Differential pH sensor NTC300 integrated 0 ... 14 pH -5C ... 75C 0.02 pH 0.5C 0,01 pH 0,03 pH/24h non cumulative T90 < 5 sec T90 < 2 min Automatic or manual

pHD S sc ORP Differential ORP sensor with Platinum/Titanium electrode none 2000 mV n.a. 5 mV n.a. 0,5 mV 2 mV/24h non cumulative T90 < 5 sec n.a. n.a.

Manual 1 point, Automatic - 1 or 2 point with buffer, calibrated in the factory manual 1 or 2 point with buffer Immersion style, chain or pole mounting with appropriate mounting hardware

-5C ... 50 C -20C ... 60C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 20 m immersion depth (corresponding to 2 bar) 3 m/s Stainless steel metal housing with Ryton (PVDF) ends and salt bridge Polyurethane Ryton (PVDF) Ryton (PVDF) Salt Bridge: Ryton (PVDF) Salt Bridge: Ryton (PVDF) Glass & Platinum process electrode Glass process electrode Titanium Ground electrode Titanium Ground electrode Viton-O-ring seal Viton-O-ring seal 10 m hardwired, with encapsulated IP 68 connector, extendable with sc sensor cables up to 110m sc controller series <7W 44 mm x 342 mm ( x L) approx. 0.9 kg 1 year warranty/24 month pro-rated replacement

Sensor cable Controller compatibility Power consumption Dimensions Weight Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 11

pHD pH/pHD ORP S sc

Digital Differential pH & ORP Immersion sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.03255)
Part No. LXV427.99.10001 Designation pHD S sc, Digital sensor, with 10 m connection cable, without sc controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 7 . 9 9 . X 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection Sensor pH sensor (pH 0...14) ......................................................................................... 1 ORP sensor with Platinum electrode ( 2000 mV) ................................................... 2 Brand LANGE

..................................................................................................................................... 1


The sensors includes built-in digital electronics and integral 10 m cable terminated with connector for sc digital controller series. sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately)

For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units Please refer to Appendix C for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For pH Buffer and ORP Reference Solutions, please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents and Consumables"

Replacements/Consumables Replacement Salt Bridge

The double junction salt bridge on the standard cell of all Hach pHD Differential technique sensors is field-replaceable. Each salt bridge has a ceramic inner junction, Viton O-ring, and contains binary, equitransferrant fill solution. (Salt bridges are shipped in a salt solution.)

pHD sc & pHD

Sensor body material

Salt bridge material

Outer Junction

SB-P1SV SB-R1SV 5H1304 5H1306 25M1A1025-115

PEEK Ryton

Kynar (PVDF) Kynar (PVDF)

O-ring, Viton O-ring, EDPM Standard Cell Solution (equitransferrant pH 7 buffer, 500 ml) Digital extension cable (between sc controller and probe)

LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 5867000

Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital

Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension

Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable,

0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m

Digital Termination Box

Only used when the desired length of cable between the digital sensor/digital gateway and sc digital controller is greater then 100 m (max. 400 m).

Cleaning Systems for pHD sc and pHD Sensors 1000A3335-006 Cleaning Systems for pHD sc and pHD Sensors, 230 VAC
Air blast cleaning system, 230 V, includes Kynar (PVDF) washer head with 7.6 m (25 ft) tubing and quick connect fitting, and a compressor in a NEMA 4X enclosure


Air/Water blast cleaning - head (only)

includes 1/4-inch barb fitting. This washer head is only intended for immersion applications with a user-supplied air or water wash system.


Manuals Operation Manual pHD S sc pH/ORP sensor, GB European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 12

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

pHD Digital Combination pH/ORP Sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation Price in

The ADpHD Digital Gateway allows to operate analog differential electrodes by a sc controller. This might be of interest if the process conditions exceed the specifications of a digital pHD sensor model. A complete system consists of the following components and have to be ordered individually. ADpHD Digital Gateway Digital extension cable to connect the Gateway to the sc Digital Controller Suitable Hach Lange pHD-pH or pHD-ORP electrode

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Controller compatibility Connectors output (to sc Controller) Electrode input Special notes

AD phD sc Digital Gateway AD converter to operate analog pHD-pH/ORP sensors with sc controller series sc controller series using sc digital cables with sc plugs using suitable electrode cables with bare leads to be connected to digital gateway pHDTM Differential Electrode Measurement Technique uses 3 electrodes instead of the 2 normally used in conventional pH sensors. Process and reference electrodes measure the pH differentially with respect to a third ground electrode. The end result is unsurpassed measurement accuracy,reduced reference junction potential, and elimination of sensor ground loops. These sensors provide greater reliability, resulting in less downtime and maintenance. 20 ... 60 C (-4 to 140 F) ABS plastic 3.4 cm x 17.5 cm (1 x 7" ) ( x L) 145 g (5 oz) 2 years

Environmental Temperature Operation Materials Gateway housing Dimensions Weight Warranty


AD pHD, Digital Gateway for analog pHD-PH and pHD-ORP sensors

Basic price
Price adder

6 1 2 0 5 0 0 . 9 9
Country Code Selection


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 13

pH Measurement
Differential pH sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation
pHD and pHD sc high class differential sensors for operation life
TM pHD Differential Electrode Measurement Technique uses 3 electrodes instead of the 2 normally used in conventional pH sensors. Process and reference electrodes measure the pH differentially with respect to a third ground electrode. The outcome is unsurpassed measurement accuracy, reduced reference junction potential, and elimination of sensor ground loops. These sensors provide greater reliability, resulting in less downtime and maintenance.

Due to its special design, the reference system of the pHD S sc electrode is protected by a salt-bridge and does not come in contact with the media being immersed. As a result, poisoning of the reference electrode cannot attack the electrode and reduces necessary cleaning and maintenance intervals.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Temperature sensor Measuring range pH Temperature Accuracy pH Temperature Sensitivity Stability Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Temperature Tmax Operation Storage Sample pressure pmax Flow velocity vmax Materials

pHD-pH Analog Differential pH sensor NTC300 integrated -2 ... 14 pH -5C ... 95C 0.02 pH 0.5C 0,01 pH 0,03 pH/24h non cumulative

pHD-pH sc Digital Differential pH sensor with inbuilt digital electronics

-5C ... 70C

Automatic in specified range or manually fixed at a user-entered temperature; additional selectable temperature correction factors (ammonia, morpholine, or user-defined pH/C linear slope) available for pure water automatic compensation from 0.0 to 50 C

Automatic - 1 or 2 point with buffer, manual 1 or 2 point with buffer Sensors are available in four mounting styles convertible, insertion, sanitary, and SS immersion (please refer to pHD S sc). -5C ... 70C -5C ... 95C -30C ... 70C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 6.9 bar @ 105C 6.9 bar @ 70C 3 m/s (10 ft./sec) PEEK or Ryton (PVDF) body PEEK: recommended for strong Acids RYTON: Suitable in almost every applications, for strong caustics and weak acids non suitable for strong acids

Sensor Housing Sensor cable

available in four mounting styles - convertible, insertion, immersion, and sanitary Five-conductor (+ 2 isolated shields) cable PUR (Polyethylene) 5-conductor, shielded, with XLPE (cross-linked poly-ethylene) rated to 105 C (221 F), jacket; rated to 150 C (302 F); 10 m (33 ft) standard length 6 m (20 ft) standard length

other materials Controller compatibility Dimensions Weight Warranty

salt bridge of matching material with Kynar junction, glass process electrode, titanium ground electrode, and Viton O-ring seals sc controller series with AD pHD sc controller series please refer to Technical DataSheet 0.316 kg (11Oz) 1 year warranty/24 month pro-rated replacement For technical drawings and schemes please refer to the Technical DataSheet.


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 14

pH Measurement
pHD Analog Combination pH Sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation
Analog pHD sensors comes with a built-in preamplifier, integral cable 6 m terminated with stripped and tinned wires; requires a digital gateway and sc extension cable for operation with any sc controller.

Price in

pHD, Analog Differential pH Sensors

Sensor Body Material and Style PEEK (Polyetheretherketone)

P D X X X . 9 9

Basic Price

A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) ..................................................... 1 P Insertion style (no threads on electrode end) ............................................... 2 P Sanitary style (2" flange for Tri-Clover fitting) .............................................. 3 P

Ryton (Polyphenylenesulfide)
A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) ...................................................... 1 R

Price adder Electrode Glass Option Glass, wide-range (0-14 pH; general purpose) ........................................................... 1 Glass, HF-resistant ................................................................................................... 3


sc Digital Controller, AD pHD Gateway and sc connection/extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables). Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For pH Buffer and ORP Reference Solutions, please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents and Consumables"

Optional accessories

1000F3374-002 1000F3374-003

sensor protector, made of PEEK sensor protector, made of Ryton

When immersion mounting a convertible style sensor, it is recommended to order an optional protector made of the same material as the sensor. The protector threads onto the end of the sensor:


AD pHD, Digital Gateway for pHD-pH and pHD-ORP

Basic price

6 1 2 0 5 0 0 . 9 9
Country Code Selection

Price adder

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 0.35 5 10 15 20 30 50 m m m m m m m


For further accessories and spare parts please refer to page 20, "Common spare parts for pHD and pHD sc sensors"

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 15

pH Measurement
pHD Digital Combination pH Sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation Price in

Digital sensors include all built-in digital electronics and integral 10 m cable, terminated with sc connector, ready to use with the sc digital controller series.

pHD Digital Differential pH Sensors

Sensor Body Material and Style PEEK (Polyetheretherketone)

D P D X X X . 9 9

Basic Price

A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) ..................................................... 1 P Insertion style (no threads on electrode end) ............................................... 2 P Sanitary style (2" flange for Tri-Clover fitting) .............................................. 3 P

Ryton (Polyphenylenesulfide)
A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) ...................................................... 1 R

Price adder Electrode Glass Option Glass, wide-range (0-14 pH; general purpose) ........................................................... 1 Glass, HF-resistant ................................................................................................... 3


sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables). Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For pH Buffer and ORP Reference Solutions, please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents and Consumables"

Optional accessories

1000F3374-002 1000F3374-003

sensor protector, made of PEEK sensor protector, made of Ryton

When immersion mounting a convertible style sensor, it is recommended to order an optional protector made of the same material as the sensor. The protector threads onto the end of the sensor:

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 0.35 5 10 15 20 30 50 m m m m m m m


For further accessories and spare parts please refer to page 20, "Common spare parts for pHD and pHD sc sensors"

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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 16

ORP Measurement
Differential ORP sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation
pHD and pHD sc high class differential sensors for operation life
TM pHD Differential Electrode Measurement Technique uses 3 electrodes instead of the 2 normally used in conventional pH sensors. Process and reference electrodes measure the pH differentially with respect to a third ground electrode. The end result is unsurpassed measurement accuracy, reduced reference junction potential, and elimination of sensor ground loops. These sensors provide greater reliability, resulting in less downtime and maintenance.

Due to its special design, the reference system of the pHD S sc electrode is protected by a salt-bridge and does not come in contact with the media being immersed. As a result, poisoning of the reference electrode cannot attack the electrode and reduces necessary cleaning and maintenance intervals.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Temperature sensor Measuring range ORP Temperature Accuracy ORP Temperature Sensitivity Stability Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Temperature Tmax Operation Storage Sample pressure pmax Flow velocity vmax Materials

pHD-ORP Analog Differential ORP sensor NTC300 integrated 2000 mV -5C ... 95C

pHD-ORP sc Digital Differential ORP sensor with inbuilt digital electronics

-5C ... 70C

5 mV 0.5C 2 mV 2 mV per 24 hours, non-cumulative

1 with ORP buffer Sensors are available in four mounting styles convertible, insertion, sanitary, and SS immersion (please refer to pHD S sc). -5C ... 70C -5C ... 95C -30C ... 70C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 6.9 bar @ 105C 6.9 bar @ 70C 3 m/s (10 ft./sec) PEEK or Ryton (PVDF) body PEEK: recommended for strong Acids RYTON: Suitable in almost every applications, for strong caustics and weak acids non suitable for strong acids
PUR (Polyethylene) 5-conductor, shielded, rated to 105 C (221 F), 10 m (33 ft) standard length

sensing element Sensor cable

Platinum or Gold Five-conductor (+ 2 isolated shields) cable with XLPE (cross-linked poly-ethylene) jacket; rated to 150 C (302 F); 6 m (20 ft) standard length

other materials Controller compatibility Dimensions Weight Warranty

salt bridge of matching material with Kynar junction, glass process electrode, titanium ground electrode, and Viton O-ring seals sc controller series please refer to Technical DataSheet 0.316 kg (11Oz) 1 year warranty and 24 month pro-rated replacement For technical drawings and schemes please refer to the Technical DataSheet.


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ORP Measurement
pHD Analog Combination ORP Sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation
Analog pHD sensors comes with a built-in preamplifier, integral cable 6 m terminated with stripped and tinned wires; requires a digital gateway and sc extension cable for operation with any sc controller.

Price in

pHD Analog Differential ORP Sensors

Sensor Body Material and Style PEEK (Polyetheretherketone)

R D X X X . 9 9

Basic Price

A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) .................................................. 1 P Insertion style (no threads on electrode end) ........................................... 2 P Sanitary style (2" flange for Tri-Clover fitting) ........................................... 3 P

Ryton (Polyphenylenesulfide)
A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) ................................................... 1 R

Price adder Sensing element Option Platinum ................................................................................................................. 5 Gold (recommended for media containing zinc, cyanide, cadmium or nickel) ........................... 6


sc Digital Controller, AD pHD Gateway and sc connection/extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables). Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For pH Buffer and ORP Reference Solutions, please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents and Consumables"

Optional accessories

1000F3374-002 1000F3374-003

sensor protector, made of PEEK sensor protector, made of Ryton

When immersion mounting a convertible style sensor, it is recommended to order an optional protector made of the same material as the sensor. The protector threads onto the end of the sensor:


AD pHD, Digital Gateway for pHD-pH and pHD-ORP

Basic price

6 1 2 0 5 0 0 . 9 9
Country Code Selection

Price adder

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 0.35 5 10 15 20 30 50 m m m m m m m


For further accessories and spare parts please refer to page 20, "Common spare parts for pHD and pHD sc sensors"

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ORP Measurement
pHD Digital Combination ORP Sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.00013)
Part No. Designation Price in

Digital sensors include all built-in digital electronics and integral 10 m cable, terminated with sc connector, ready to use with the sc digital controller series.

pHD Digital Differential pH Sensors

Sensor Body Material and Style PEEK (Polyetheretherketone)

D R D X X X . 9 9

Basic Price

A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) .................................................. 1 P Insertion style (no threads on electrode end) ........................................... 2 P Sanitary style (2" flange for Tri-Clover fitting) ........................................... 3 P

Ryton (Polyphenylenesulfide)
A Convertible style (1" NPT at both ends) ................................................... 1 R

Price adder Sensing element Option Platinum ................................................................................................................. 5 Gold (recommended for media containing zinc, cyanide, cadmium or nickel) ........................... 6


sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables). Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For pH Buffer and ORP Reference Solutions, please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents and Consumables"

Optional accessories

1000F3374-002 1000F3374-003

sensor protector, made of PEEK sensor protector, made of Ryton

When immersion mounting a convertible style sensor, it is recommended to order an optional protector made of the same material as the sensor. The protector threads onto the end of the sensor:

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 0.35 5 10 15 20 30 50 m m m m m m m


For further accessories and spare parts please refer to page 20, "Common spare parts for pHD and pHD sc sensors"

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pH & ORP Measurement

pHD and pHD sc Combination pH/ORP Sensors - common accessories
Part No. Designation pHD sc Digital and pHD Analog Sensor Reagents and Standards 25M1A1025-115 Standard Cell Solution for pHD and pHD sc sensors
specially formulated solution to replenish standard cell chamber in pHD Differential sensors while replacing salt bridge; packaged in resealable 500 ml bottle

Price in


Gel Powder, for high temperature applications, 2 grams

Replacements/Consumables Replacement Salt Bridge

The double junction salt bridge on the standard cell of all Hach pHD Differential technique sensors is field-replaceable. Each salt bridge has a ceramic inner junction, Viton O-ring, and contains binary, equitransferrant fill solution. (Salt bridges are shipped in a salt solution.)

pHD sc & pHD

Sensor body material

Salt bridge material

Outer Junction

SB-P1SV SB-R1SV 5H1304 5H1306 5H1096-019 25M1A1025-115

PEEK Ryton

Kynar (PVDF) Kynar (PVDF)

O-ring, Viton O-ring, EDPM Replacement Salt Bridge perfluoroelastomer O-ring (for HF resitant pHD sensors) Standard Cell Solution (equitransferrant pH 7 buffer, 500 ml)

Sensor storage caps (Replacement) 1000F3374-001 1000A3378-001 Sensor storage Cap for Convertible and Immersion Style Sensor (Replacement) Sensor storage cap for Insertion and Sanitary Style Sensors (Replacement)

Air blast cleaning Systems for pHD sc and pHD Sensors

Each system includes Kynar (PVDF) washer head with 7.6 m (25 ft) tubing for air delivery, a quick-disconnect tube fitting, and a compressor housed in a NEMA 4X enclosure.

1000A3335-006 1000A3335-005

Cleaning Systems for pHD sc and pHD 1" sensors for 230 VAC operation Cleaning Systems for pHD sc and pHD 1" sensors for 115 VAC operation


Air/Water Blast Cleaning Washer Head Accessory made of Kynar (PVDF) washer head includes " barb fitting
This tool is intended for use with convertible style sensors by immersion applications only, using a customer-supplied air or water wash system

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pH/ORP Measurement
1200 S sc Digital Immersion sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.03253)
Part No. Designation Price in

The 1200 S sc sensor is based on a high quality pH combined electrode. The perforated membrane combined with a polymerised solid electrolyte makes this electrode particulary insensitive to soiling and thus garantuees low user maintenance. The probe is specially suitable for soiled media, like biological treated waste water (municipal and/or industrial) or process water. The digital technology design allows these sensors to be combined with any other sc sensor, probe or analyzer as required.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sensor style Temperature sensor Reference system Membrane Measuring range pH/ORP Temperature Accuracy pH/ORP Temperature Response time T90 pH, mV Temperature Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Environment Temperature Tmax Operation Storage Sample pressure pmax Flow velocity vmax Materials Sensor Housing Sensor cable Sensor cable Controller compatibility Power consumption Dimensions Weight

1200 S sc pH Combination sensor Pt 100 integrated Ag/AgCl polymer Perforated membrane 0 ... 14 pH -5C ... 50C 0.02 pH 0.2C T90 < 15 sec T90 < 2 min Automatic or manual

1200 S sc ORP Combination sensor with Platinum electrode -

1500 mV 5 mV n.a. T90 < 15 sec n.a. n.a.

Manual 1 point, Automatic - 1 or 2 point with buffer, calibrated in the factory manual 1 or 2 point with buffer Immersion style, chain or pole mounting with appropriate mounting hardware

-5C ... 50 C -20C ... 60C; 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing 20 m immersion depth respectively 2 bar over-pressure 4 m/s Stainless steel metal housing Polyurethane 10 m hardwired, with encapsulated IP 68 connector, extendable with sc sensor cable up to 110m sc controller series <7W 42 mm x 504 mm ( x L) approx. 1 kg

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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 21

pH/ORP Measurement
1200 S sc Digital Immersion sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.03253)
Part No. LXV426.99.10001 Designation 1200-S sc Digital sensor, with 10 m connection cable, without sc controller Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 6 . 9 9 . X 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection Sensor pH sensor (pH 0...14) ............................................................................................ 1 ORP sensor with Platinum electrode ( 1500 mV) .................................................... 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


The sensors includes built-in digital electronics, a replaceable 12mm pH or ORP combination electrode and integral 10 m cable terminated with connector for the sc digital controller series.
sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately)

For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For pH Buffer and ORP Reference Solutions, please refer to chapter Appendix A "Reagents and Consumables"

Replacements LZX889 LZX890 LZX899 pH electrode with fitting for 1200 S sc pH ORP electrode with fitting for 1200 S sc ORP Replacement electrode protective cap

Digital extension cable (between sc controller and probe) LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m 50 m

Manuals DOC023.52.03251 Operation Manual 1200 S sc pH/ORP sensor, GB

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1200 sc Digital Combination pH/ORP Sensors (DataSheet DOC053.52.03255)
Part No. Designation Price in

The 1200 sc is a collective product name for a package which consists of a Hach Lange analog Combination pH or ORP electrode and a AD1200 sc Digital Gateway. This product allows any Hach Lange combination electrode which is listed in the following to be operated by a sc controller. A complete system consists of the following components and have to be ordered individually. AD1200 sc Digital Gateway Digital extension cable to connect the Gateway to the sc Digital Controller Suitable Hach Lange analog pH/ORP combination electrode Separate analog sensor cables if required

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Controller compatibility T-sensor compatibility Connectors output (to sc Controller) Electrode input Special notes

AD1200 sc Digital Gateway AD converter to operate analog combination pH/ORP sensors with sc controller series sc controller series Pt100 and Pt1000 using sc digital cables with sc plugs using suitable electrode cables with bare leads to be connected to digital gateway Electrode cables must have a diameter between 5.6 ... 6.5 mm to ensure IP68 protection rate (suitable cables e.g. LZX548 and LZX546), otherwise the Gateway adapter set LZY288 is recommended 20 ... 60 C (-4 to 140 F) ABS plastic 3.4 cm x 17.5 cm (1 x 7" ) ( x L) 145 g (5 oz) 2 years

Environmental Temperature Operation Materials Gateway housing Dimensions Weight Warranty


AD1200 sc, Digital Gateway

Basic price

6 1 2 0 6 0 0 . 9 9
Country Code Selection

Price adder

Optional accessories LZY288 Cable gland kit for AD1200sc This kit allows the connection of Analon, Polymetron or other HACH LANGE electrodes with integrated or external temperature sensors to the gateway. consisting of: 1 assembling instruction, 1 adapter for gateway housing, 1 cable gland 5 Different rubber inlays for sensor cables (1x3mm, 2x3mm, 1x 3+6mm, 2x5mm, 1x6...8mm) alternatively LZY328 AD1200 sc, Digital Gateway with Cable Gland Kit


sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables).

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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pH sensors
12mm 120mm Standard electrodes
Part No. Designation Price in

pH combination electrode w/o thermometer -30 ...80C pressureless LZY025

Pt1000 T-sensor -30 ...135C 10 bar



pH combination electrode, w/o thermometer for critical media, boiler feedwater and ultra-pure water with conductivities <100 S/cm with Pg 13.5 screw plug connector, with liquid electrolyte, refillable, triple ceramic diaphragm, mounting length 120 mm KCl consumption: 2 to 3 liters KCl/year Pt1000 resistance thermometer all applications, with glass sheath, with Pg 13.5 screw plug connector


Plug cable combination (S7 type) LZY037 LZY031 Plug/cable combination, 5 m Plug/cable combination, 10 m

Electrode filling solution and accessories C74450A184A1 C74450A184D1 C20C320 LZY091 62011 KCl supply reservoir Hose, 2 m long KCl filling solution 3 M, 500ml alternatively KCl in plastic bottle (1 kg) Wash bottle, 500ml (e.g. for simple refilling of KCl)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 24

pH sensors
12mm 120mm Standard electrodes Note:
For technical Data and hints for typical use, please refer to the pH overview
TOP68 plug TOP68 plug S7 screw head SMEK plug S7 screw head

Sensor model T-Sensor inbuilt Part No Price in

LTLCONPT100 Pt100 LZX537


NN1 no LZX885

NN2 Pt1000 LZY027

8418B no Z368418,00000

S7 screw head

TOP68 plug

TOP68 plug

TOP68 plug

TOP68 plug

Sensor model T-Sensor inbuilt Part No Price in

8416 PRO140PT100 no Pt100 Z368416,00000 LZX546

PRO140 no LZX545

HIGHPHPT100 Pt100 LZX540


5 m fixed cable

10 m fixed cable

10 m fixed cable

head connector

head connector

Sensor model T-Sensor inbuilt Part No Price in Remarks

pHPULPPT100 Pt100 LZX475

PHRETPT100 Pt100 LZX477


Differential pH Pt1000 LZY015

Differential pH Pt1000 LZY018

Only for use with SIPAN Please refer to HL SIPAN Catalogue Connection cables TOP68 cable cable with S7 plug* cable with SMEK plug* cable with Head connector 5 m length P/N LZX547 LZY037 LZY021 LZY022 Price in 10 m length P/N LZX534 LZY031 Price in

* requires cable gland adapter when used with AD1200 gateway HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 25

ORP sensors
12mm 120mm & " Standard electrodes Note:
For technical Data and hints for typical use, please refer to the ORP overview
S7 screw head 10 m fixed cable S7 screw head

Sensor model T-Sensor inbuilt Part No Price in

NN3 no LZY028

8351 no Z08351=C=0000

Pt1000 LZY029

Connection cables cable with S7 plug*

5 m length P/N LZY037 Price in

10 m length P/N LZY031 Price in

* requires cable gland adapter when used with AD1200 gateway

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 26

pH sensors
8362 and 8362sc Pure Water pH sensor (DataSheet TE8362revD)
Part No. Designation
Applications Steam generation (power, other industries) : feedwater, boiler water, condensate recovery Pure water treatment systems (any industries) : demineralized water, deionized water Advantages Specially designed for pure water: no retaining areas, minimized junction potential, electrostatic charge and stray current protected; Highly accurate : automatic temperature compensation for ultra-pure water applications that meet or exceed ASTM standard; Simple universal mounting; Minimal maintenance : no filling solution required, sensor visible for preventive maintenance, easily removable if necessary; Easy on-line calibration : quick-release sample cup used as calibration vessel.

Price in

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Controller compatibility Measuring range pH T sensor permissble Tmax permissble pmax Accuracy Process connection Inlet Outlet Flow requirement Material Measurement chamber Electrode Electrolyte
Shaft material

8362 8362 sc Complete measuring system, consisting of Flow-thru cell, pH electrode, T-sensor with 3 m cable each; designated for ultra-pure/pure water pH measurement MONEC 9135 controller sc60/100/1000 or sc60/100/1000 using AD1200 Gateway 2 ... 12 Pt100, grade A ( 0,15C) 80C max (32F - 176F) 4 bar @ 25C (60 psi) The outlet must be at atmospheric pressure 0.05 pH for conductivity > 0.1 S/cm 0.1 pH for conductivity < 0.1 S/cm Bypass with atmospheric (after sample cooler, pressure reducer) " NPT thread " NPT thread 100 to 400 ml/min Ideal : 150 ml/min electropolished 316L Stainless Steel and PMMA (polymethyl metacrylate) Glass KNO3 and KCl 316L stainless steel Response time: 90% of signal within 20 sec panel pre-mounted for easy and fast installation; integrated flow-meter for accurate results and junction box 7.7 m sc cable (supplied)

Special notes

Cable Maintenance Dimensions Weight

3 m cable for pH and temperature further cable lengths optional 1h/month typical

304.8 x 384.4 x 165.1 mm 3.6 kg (8 lb)


Also available as ORP model

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 27

pH sensors
8362 Pure Water pH sensor (DataSheet TE8362revD)
Part No. Designation 8362 ultrapure water pH system analog sensor (for use with MONEC 9135) Price in

Z 0 8 3 6 2 = A = 0 0 X X

Cable length with 3 m ............................................................................................................................ 0 0 with 10 m ............................................................................................................................ 1 0


Controller must be ordered separately; please refer to the chapter "Controller/Display Units" 8362 Ultra-pure water pH system consists of Flow-thru cell, pH electrode, T-sensor with appropriate cable length for pH and T-sensor depending on the selected model. Above mentioned system can be operated on a sc60/100/1000 controller too, but requires the AD1200 Digital gateway with cable gland accessories LZY328. For further information please refer to the chapter "1200 sc Digital Combination pH/ORP Sensors" For operation with the sc sensor controllers, please choose preferably the 8362 sc model.

Spare Parts/Replacement Z08362=A=2000 Z08362=A=1001 Z08362=A=4000 8362 pH electrode 8362 temperature sensor, Pt100 Kit of 2 SS 1/8''NPT fittings for inlet/outlet connections

Electrode cables 8362 T-sensor cable

Z 0 8 3 6 2 = A = 3 0 0 X

Cable length 3 m ......................................................................................................................................... 1 10 m ......................................................................................................................................... 2 20 m ......................................................................................................................................... 3

8362 pH sensor cable

Z 3 5 9 0 1 6 , 1 0 1 X X

Cable length 3 m ................................................................................................................................... 1 0 10 m ................................................................................................................................... 2 0 20 m ................................................................................................................................... 2 2

pH Calibration Solution, NIST, 500 ml

Z 3 6 3 1 3 X , 0 0 5 0 0

pH pH 4.00 .................................................................................................... 0 pH 6.88 .................................................................................................... 1 pH 9.22 .................................................................................................... 2

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pH sensors
8362 sc Pure Water pH sensor (DataSheet LIT2409)
Part No. Designation Price in


8362 sc Ultrapure Water measuring system

6 1 7 8 0 0 X

Model pH panel ................................................................................................................................... 2 ORP panel ................................................................................................................................. 3


Measuring system includes pH respectively ORP sensor, digital electronics junction box, flow meter and 7.7 m (25 ft.) digital interconnect cable. Compatible with sc60/100 and sc1000 controller. Controller must be ordered separately; please refer to the chapter "Controller/Display Units"

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30m 50 m


The maximum cable length using digital extension cables between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the above mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total.

Spare Parts/Replacement Z08362=A=2000 Z08362=A=1001 Z08362=A=4000 8362 pH electrode for ultra-pure/pure water applications 8362 temperature sensor, Pt100 Kit of 2 SS 1/8''NPT fittings for inlet/outlet connections

pH Calibration Solution, NIST, 500 ml

Z 3 6 3 1 3 X , 0 0 5 0 0

pH pH 4.00 .................................................................................................... 0 pH 6.88 .................................................................................................... 1 pH 9.22 .................................................................................................... 2

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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 29

pH sensors
8350 pH Combination sensor series (DataSheet TE8350revE)
Part No. Designation
pH/redox combination probes Models 8350/8351 For immersion and flowthrough installations Applications For all measurements in drinking, waste and industrial process water Treatment of effluents, cooling towers Measurements of corrosive chemical products
Features Wide measuring range: 0 to 14 pH, 1500 mV redox Quick response time for accurate temperature compensation (built-in Pt100) Optimised life-expectancy : high resistance to poisoning due to the double junction Chemical resistance of body and junction materials, glass bulb protection against shocks Maintenance free : Combination gelified electrode Auto-diagnostic of electrodes : glass and reference impedances self-checking Possible installation from all positions, horizontal and upside down Built-in low noise cable (10 m/33 ft)

Price in

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice





Application Measuring range pH T sensor permissble Tmax permissble pmax Accuracy Process connection Installation Probe specs Diaphragm Impedance measurement Electrode Electrolyte
Shaft material

high temperature corrosive media 0 ... 14 Pt100

inbuilt in electrode body no direct contact with media

high temperature corrosive media 0 ... 14

fouling samples no organic samples 0 ... 12

water samples containing F0 ... 12

Temperature sensor outside electrode body / direct contact with media made of glass

110C 110C 80C 10 bar @ 80C 0 ... 110C 0 ... 80C 3.5 bar @ 110C 10 bar @ 80C 10 bar @ 25C 0.05 pH @ 25C '' NPT thread vertical, horizontal, upside down, inline or immersion Flat PTFE junction (Teflon) Pt ring for no impedance measurement Glass Glass KNO3 and KCl PPS PPS

110C 0 ... 110C 10 bar @ 80C

SS ring for impedance measurement Glass CPVC

SS ring for impedance measurement Glass PPS

Special notes

Response time: 95% of signal within 10 sec not suitable for water samples containing fluoride @ pH< 6
liquid earth rod, domed glass with guard, T-sensor inside probe housing liquid earth rod, domed glass with guard liquid earth rod, flat glass liquid earth rod, domed glass with guard

Dimensions Cable

150 x 26.4 mm fixed 10 m low noise cable for cable length > 10m up to < 25m use junction box Z08350=A=8500 + cable Z358048,00000 for cable length > 25m use junction box (with pre-amp) Z08350=A=8000 + cable Z370=506=025
Select flat sensor for viscous/ fibrous solutions as pulp stock For technical Data of 8351 ORP sensor model please refer to the Technical DataSheet


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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 30

pH/ORP sensors
8350/8351 Combination sensor series (DataSheet TE8350revE)
Part No. Z0835X=X=000X Designation 8350/8351 sensor series Price in

Z 0 8 3 5 X = X = 0 0 0 X
0 0 0 0
..... ..... ..... .....

pH sensor model 8350.0 ................................................................................................ 8350.3 ................................................................................................ 8350.4 ................................................................................................ 8350.5 ................................................................................................


...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

0 3 4 5

ORP sensor model 8351 ................................................................................................... 1 ..... C ...................... 0


For new installations please refer to the chapter pH/ORP Preference packages For calibration solutions, please refer to the Appendix A "Reagents & Consumables"

Accessories Z08350=A=8500 Z358048,00000 Z08350=A=8000 Z370=506=025 Juntion box, (for distances > 10m up to < 25m) for 8350/8351, IP65, Aluminium epoxy painted Coaxial cable for high impedance measurements Juntion box with built-in preamplifier, (for distances > 25m) for 8350/8351, IP65, Aluminium epoxy painted Low impedance cable (for use with pre-amplifier)

per m

per m

Spare Parts Z08350=A=4000 Retention cap for 8350 sensor series

Flow-thru Assembly for 8350.X/8351 sensor models (excpetional 8350.0 sensor) Z08350=A=9500 Z08350=A=9510 PVC tee NP 10 ND 40, rinsing nozzle connection (1/8'') Kit with 2-hose (1" NPT) connections in PVC

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pH sensors
8350 series - Mounting assembly (DataSheet TE8350revE)
Part No. Designation Immersion assembly for 8350/8351 series Price in

Z 0 8 3 5 0 = A = X X X X

Immersion tube, made of PP (incl. 2 mounting clips) 0.5 m (20 inch) ......................................................................................................... 1 0 0 5 1.0 m (40 inch) ......................................................................................................... 1 0 1 0 1.5 m (60 inch) ......................................................................................................... 1 0 1 5 Immersion tube (PP) with loose flange (PVC) , (NP10, ND32) 0.5 m (20 inch) ......................................................................................................... 1 1 0 5 1.0 m (40 inch) ......................................................................................................... 1 1 1 0 1.5 m (60 inch) ......................................................................................................... 1 1 1 5 Immersion tube with fixed flange , made of PP (NP10, ND32) 0.5 m (20 inch) ......................................................................................................... 6 0 0 5 1.0 m (40 inch) ......................................................................................................... 6 0 1 0 1.5 m (60 inch) ......................................................................................................... 6 0 1 5

Further Mounting assembly and accessories Z08878=A=1500 Z08878=C=1500 Z08878=C=1600 Z08350=A=7000 Z08350=A=7500 Stainless steel 1.5 immersion probe Stainless steel 1.5 probe extension Immersion probe holder, made of SS PP nozzle and tubing for 8544 air/water or chemical cleaning PVDF nozzle and tubing for 8544 air/water or chemical cleaning






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pH sensors
8346 pH/ORP sensor (DataSheet TE8346revD)
Part No. Designation Price in

Features Heavy-duty industrial probe for use in difficult applications Continuous cleaning (abrading) keeps the electrode constantly active The probe may be equipped with gold or platinum electrodes to monitor the ORP, or with an antimony electrode to measure the solution pH The electrolyte reservoir is integrated with the probe The probes reservoir may be pressurized with instrument air or with a simple hand pump (retrofit is possible) The probe is available for different immersion depths

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Immersion depth


Controller compatibility Special notes Environmental Temperature


8346 pH/ORP sensor pH/ORP probe with automatic cleaning for Heavy Duty applications, e.g. neutralisation with lime, sample with high load of typical electrode poisoning substances, where other pH probes fails MONEC 9135 for media with no significant changing ORP potential

Ambient Sample pressure Materials Probe body Electrolyte reservoir Protective hood Electrode tubing Electrode tubing nipple Drive shaft Dimensions Weight

-10 ... + 80C (14176F) -10 ... + 55 C (14131F) atmospheric Polypropylene Grilamide TR55 Plexiglas, blue Polyurethane Polycetal Stainless Steel 423 mm + selected sensor Immersion length x 90 mm shaft (220 mm flange ) please refer to DataSheet TE8346revD for details depending on configuration; please contact HACH LANGE in case of need

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 33

pH sensors
8346 pH/ORP sensor (DataSheet TE8346revD)
Part No. Designation 8346 Preference Package Z9135/P10/2 pH Measurement Package in Waste and Process Water with mechanical cleaning (220V) 1000 mm immersion depth; transmitter with relays consisting of: Z09135=A=0004 Z363389,01000 Z08346=A=5220 Z363629,84380 Z368429,00000 Z363389,21000 Z370=506=025 Individual items Z09135=A=0004 Z363389,01000 Z08346=A=5220 Z363629,84380 Z368429,00000 Z363389,21000 Z370=506=025 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board Immersion sensor (1m) PP, model 8346, NW100/ND10, flange PVC Power supply 220V/ 50/60 Hz Antimony ring electrode, model 8438 Reference electrode, model 8429 B Temperature sensor, 1m 5m screened cable, 6 cores, type 2666 Spare Parts Z363700,74106 Z363700,83462 Z151380,00000 Z359025,00060 Z363633,10000 Diaphragm assembly for 8346.-E
consisting of 3 diaphragms; 3 hex nuts PP; 6 seal

Price in

9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board Immersion sensor (1m) PP, model 8346, NW100/ND10, flange PVC Power supply 220V/ 50/60 Hz Antimony ring electrode, model 8438 Reference electrode, model 8429 B Temperature sensor, 1m 5m screened cable, 6 cores, type 2666

per m

Cleaning bar assembly for 8346.

consisting of: 1 sintered ceramic bar, 1 hud, 1 screw

Electrolyte tybing, per m Support rod Electrolyte reservoir for wall mounting

Optional accessores/Other items Immersion Probe 8346.E (with Electromotor) 500 mm Immersion depth 1000 mm Immersion depth 1500 mm Immersion depth Electrodes ORP electrode, Gold ring, model 8436 ORP electrode, Platinum ring, model 8435 pH electrode, Antimony ring, model 8438 Reference electrode, model 8429-B suitable temperature range -10 ... + 50C (14122F) -10 ... + 50C (14122F) -10 ... + 120C (14248F) depending on measurement electrode

Z363389,00500 Z363389,01000 Z363389,01500

Z363629,84361 Z363629,84351 Z363629,84380 Z368429,00000

Z363389,20500 Z363389,21000 Z363389,21500

Temperature Sensors 8346.1T - Pt100 for 8346, Immersion depth 500 mm 8346.2T - Pt100 for 8346, Immersion depth 1000 mm 8346.3T - Pt100 for 8346, Immersion depth 1500 mm

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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pH/ORP Preference Packages

Analog based Controller technology
Part No. Designation
The MONEC 9135 is a single channel pH/ORP transmitter and has been designed to operate with a wide range of pH and ORP sensors for measuring and/or continuous control of pH/Temperature or Redox potential (ORP) in nearly all non-hazardous applications . Equipped with Standard and specific temperature compensation, user selectable calibration methods, integrated controller and autodiagnostic functions and finally several communication outputs, the MONEC series stands for reliable and precise measurements in the field of Drinking water, Waste water and Industrial applications, as well as for Pure and Ultrapure Water applications.

Price in

Preference Packages for Flow Thru applications in Drinking & Industrial Process Water MONEC9135 pH Measuring system Controller configuration

Z 9 1 3 5 / P 0 5 / X

Z08350=C=0005 Z08350=A=9500 Z08350=A=9510 Z09135=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004

Controller w/o relays ................................................................................................................... 1 Controller with 4 relays ............................................................................................................... 2 The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems for pH, consting of

pH electrode with 10 m cable and temperature sensor, model 8350.5 Flow T-piece for 8350/51 electrode, PVC, ND40 Kit with 2 adapters ND40- 1" for 8350/8351 probes and MONEC 9135 controller depending on the selected configuration 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board

Preference Packages for Flow Thru applications in Pure & Ultra-Pure Water MONEC9135 pH Measuring system Controller configuration

Z 9 1 3 5 / P 0 1 / X

Z08362=A=0000 Z09135=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004

Controller w/o relays ................................................................................................................... 1 Controller with 4 relays ............................................................................................................... 2 The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems for pH, consting of

pH flow-through system with electrode, 3 m cable and T-sensor, up to 80C @ 6 bar and MONEC 9135 controller depending on the selected configuration 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board


All packages are supplied without pH Buffer solutions For suitable Buffer solution please consult the chapter Consumables

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter pH/ORP page 35

pH/ORP Preference Packages

Analog based Controller technology
Part No. Designation Preference Packages for Immersion applications in Waste Water MONEC9135 pH Measuring system Price in

Z 9 1 3 5 / P 0 X / X

Controller relais option + Immersion pipe with adjustable flange Controller w/o relais + 500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 6 .... 1 +1000 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 7 .... 1 +1500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 8 .... 1 Controller with 4 relais + 500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 6 .... 2 +1000 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 7 .... 2 +1500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 8 .... 2

Z08350=C=0005 Z09135=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004 Z08350=A=1005 Z08350=A=1010 Z08350=A=1015

The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems, consting of

pH electrode with 10 m cable and temperature sensor, model 8350.5 and MONEC 9135 controller depending on the selected configuration 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board and Immersion pipe with adjustable flange in appropriate length (PP, NW 32/ND 10, flange PVC Immersion pipe with adjustable flange, PP NW 32/ND 10 (0.5m), flange PVC Immersion pipe with adjustable flange, PP NW 32/ND 10 (1m), flange PVC Immersion pipe with adjustable flange, PP NW 32/ND 10 (1.5 m), flange PVC

MONEC9135 ORP Measuring system

Z 9 1 3 5 / R 0 X / X

Controller relais option + Immersion pipe with adjustable flange Controller w/o relais +1000 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 2 .... 1 +1500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 3 .... 1 Controller with 4 relais + 500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 1 .... 2 +1000 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 2 .... 2 +1500 mm Immersion length ........................................................................... 3 .... 2

Z08351=C=0000 Z09135=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004 Z08350=A=1005 Z08350=A=1010 Z08350=A=1015

The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems for ORP, consting of

8351 redox combined sensor, guarded platinum sensor, PPS body, 10m cable and MONEC 9135 controller depending on the selected configuration 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9135 pH/ORP Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board and Immersion pipe with adjustable flange in appropriate length (PP, NW 32/ND 10, flange PVC Immersion pipe with adjustable flange, PP NW 32/ND 10 (0.5m), flange PVC Immersion pipe with adjustable flange, PP NW 32/ND 10 (1m), flange PVC Immersion pipe with adjustable flange, PP NW 32/ND 10 (1.5 m), flange PVC


All packages are supplied without pH Buffer solutions For suitable Buffer solution please consult the chapter Consumables

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Analytical Systems for Conductivity/Concentration Measurement in Process

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Electrochemistry Conducticity/Resistivity/Concentration
General overview

MONEC 9125

MONEC 9125 Concentration Transmitter pre-programmed methods for HCl 0...18% 0...30% HNO3 0...30% H2SO4 NaOH 0...15% NaCl 0...26%

required connection cable 5m fixed cable 5m fixed cable 5m fixed cable

Z08319=A=0005 (5m) for EEx Z08319=A=0015 (15m) Z08319=A=0020 (20m) " NPT

use Z08319=A=1115 (5m) for AD3400 Gateway only, because of cable diameter " NPT
5m fixed cable 5m fixed cable

Conductivity sensors

Sensor model HL Part No

Measuring principle Measuring range Conductivity




Z08310=A=0000 Z08315=A=0000

Z08311=A=0000 Z08316=A=0000

Z08312=A=0000 Z08317=A=0000

Z08394=A=1500 Z08394=A=2000

2EL LZY082

4 EL 7MA21008BC


Inductive 0.2 ... 2000 mS/cm


2 EL Conductive
0.01 ... 20 0.01 ... 50B 0.01 ... 200C S/cm

2 EL Conductive
0.01 ... 200 0.01 ... 500B 0.01 ... 2000C S/cm

2 EL Conductive
0.01 ... 2000 0.01 ... 5000B 0.01 ... 20000C S/cm

2 EL Conductive
0 ... 20 S/cm

2EL Conductive
1 ... 2500 S/cm

4 EL Conductive
0.1 ... 500 mS/cm

Concentration Temperature


Yes, using 9125 Concentration Transmitter 140C 140C 140C, 18 bar 140C, 18 bar

pmax @ Tmax
T-Sensor Cell constant k

140C, 18 bar

Pt100 inbuilt 2.35

Pt100 inbuilt 2.35

Pt100 inbuilt 2.35

n.a. n.a. up to 125C respectively up to 150C 10 bar @ 125C (applies to Polyester sensors) respectively 25 bar @ 150C (applies to SS sensors) Pt100 inbuilt Pt100 inbuilt Pt100 inbuilt 1.00 0.01 0.1 n.a.


up to 80C up to 6 bar

100C up to 6 bar

15bar @ 150C 25bar @ 100C Pt100 inbuilt 0.01

Pt1000 inbuilt 1.00

Pt100 inbuilt 0.0471

Electrode Material Process connection max. cable length Application

PEEK 2" Clamp (Sanitary style) 50 m

PEEK DN50 union nut 50 m

PEEK DN20 flange or shafts 50 m

Polyester black or Polyester black or Polyester black or SS 316L SS316L SS316L SS316L 1.5" or " NPT " NPT " NPT 2" Triclamp

Graphite Pg 13.5

epoxy resin with graphite Union nut 50 m

Water, waste water, dirty cooling water, fouled water, chemical leakages, general CIP applications, Industrial applications, like concentration measurement, etc. For further information please refer to chapter 3700sc

Typical: High Purity Water, Deionised Water, Steam Condensate, Injection Water

Typical: RO Permeate Boiler Water Soft Drinking Water

Typical: Untreated Raw Water, Cooling Water Drinking Water

Typical: High Purity, Deionised Water, Steam Condensate, Pharmaceutical

Typical: Drinking Water and other Clean water water applications

Typical: Clean water and slightly coating forming media

Pure Water Potable Water Food & Beverage In-process Waste Water Neutralisation Industrial influent Municipal influent Aeration Digester Effluent In-process EEX applications









X X In conjunction with SIPAN32X, suitable for Ex Zone 1 (5m cable max.!)



HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

A in conjunction with sc controllers B in conjunction with SIPAN Field controllers C in conjunction with MONEC 9125 Conductivity controller

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter S/Concentration page 2

Electrochemistry Conducticity/Resistivity/Concentration
General overview continued

sc60/100 SIPAN 32/32X/34

SIPAN 32/32X/34 SIPAN 32/32X/34


Digital extension cable (optional) AD3700 sc pre-programmed methods for TDS 0 ... 9999 ppm 0...30% H2SO4 40 ... 80% 93 ... 99% NaOH 0...16% Speciality: 1 customized calibration curve with up to 10 calibation points

EEX (5m cable max)

6120700.99 AD 3400 sc 6120800.99 AD 3700 sc

5m fixed cable

5m fixed cable

5m fixed cable

10 m fixed sc cable

6m fixed cable

6m fixed cable

Ind (FEP) 7MA22008BF

Ind (FEP)-EEX 7MA2200-8EB

Ind 7MA22008DA

Ind - San 7MA22008CB

3798 sc

D370X sc

D372X sc

Please refer to Chapter 3700sc

0.1 ... 2500 mS/cm

0.1 ... 2500 mS/cm

0.1 ... 2500 mS/cm

0.1 ... 2500 mS/cm

Inductive 250 S/cm ... 2.5 S/cm -5 ... 50C 20 m resp. 2 bar Pt100 inbuilt 2.35

Inductive 200 S/cm ... 2.0 S/cm

Inductive 200 S/cm ... 2.0 S/cm

130C up to 10 bar

130C up to 10 bar

130C up to 10 bar

130C up to 10 bar

Yes up to 200C depending on sensor material up to 13.8 bar @ 200C depending on material Pt1000 inbuilt 4.7

Pt100 inbuilt

Pt100 inbuilt 3.82

Pt100 inbuilt 3.00

Pt100 inbuilt 3.16


PEEK FEP (Ferfluoroethylenepropylene) DN50 conical flange 50 m 50 m 50 m

PEEK Varivent 50 m

PEEK, SS, PPS Immersion 410m Non-corrosive media in Municipal and Industrial applications

avaialble in PP, PVDF, PEEK and PFA Teflon '' NPT thread 2" Clamp (convertible style) (Sanitary style) 410m 410m
General purpose Water, waste water, dirty cooling water, fouled water, chemical leakages, general CIP applications, Industrial applications, like concentration measurement, etc. For further information please refer to chapter 3700sc

Industrial applications like CIP applications, phase separation of product/water applications, product monitoring in food and beverage industry, Concentration measurement and control of acids and caustics, For further information please refer to chapter 3700sc

(X) X X X X X X X X X X




X X II 2G EEx ia IIC T4 zone 1 using SIPAN32X

X X not applicable


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Conductivity/Concentation measurement
General Material Compatibility overview
PEEK 20 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PVDF 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PP 20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes EPDM 20 60 Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes VITON 20 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Stainless Steel 20 60 100 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes

(C) Sulphuric acid % 10 50 95 10 sat <25 50 95 <25 50 95 40 75 10 glacial 80 50 Sat 50 10 40 10 30 Sat 50 50 Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat 50 Sat 30 50 Sat 80

60 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

100 Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

60 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

100 Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

60 Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes

100 Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No Yes

100 Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes

100 Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes

Hydrochloric acid Nitric acid

Phosphoric acid

Hydrofluoric acid Acetic acid Formic acid Citric acid Calcium hydroxide Potassium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide Ammonia Ammonium chloride Zinc chloride Iron chloride Sodium sulphite Sodium carbonate Potassium chloride Sodium sulphate Calcium chloride Sodium chloride Sodium nitrate Aluminium chloride Hydrogen peroxide Sodium hypochlorite Potassium dichromate Chlorinated salt water Ethanol Cyclohexane Toluene Trichloroethane Water


For further substances we recommend to refer to

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Conductivity, inductive
Digital Conductivity Sensor Model 3798 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03252)
Part No. Designation Price in

The 3798-S-sc sensor is using a non-contacting, inductive measurement technique and therefor particularly suitable for heavily soiled media, such as municipal and industrial wastewater. Neverless the wide measuring range also allows reliable measurement in polluted surface water and drinking water. Its resitant PEEK housing makes the sensor lastingly resitant. The 3798 S sc sensor comes factory precalibrated for immediate use. Calibration can be done by using either an Electrical Calibration tool or conventional Conductivity Standards.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Sensor style Cell constant k Measuring range Conductivity Temperature Response time T90 Conductivity Temperature Accuracy Conductivity Temperature Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Installation style Max. flow rate Operating temperature Pressure pmax Materials Sensor Housing Sensing element Sensor cable Sensor cable Power consumption Weight Dimensions Controller compatibility

3798 S sc Inductive Conductivity for non-corrosive Waste Water Applications Inductive Conductivity Sensor with integrated Pt100 2.35 cm-1 250 S/cm ... 2.5 S/cm (2.500.000 S/cm) -5 ... 60 C <2s < 2 min 1% of actual value or 0,004 mS/cm whichever is greater 0,2C Automatic or manual Zero value calibration in air. Fixed value calibration with defined resistance or with standard solution Immersed directly into the media using pole or chain mounting 4 m/s -20 ... 50 C 20 m immersion depth (corresponding to 2 bar) Stainless steel metal housing PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) Polyurethane 10 m hardwired, with encapsulated IP 68 connector, extendable with sc sensor cable up to 110m <7W Approx. 1 kg 42 mm x 360 mm ( x L) sc controller series

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter S/Concentration page 5

Conductivity, inductive
Digital Conductivity Sensor Model 3798 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03252)
Part No. LXV428.99.00001 Designation 3798-S sc Digital Inductive Conductivity Sensor Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 2 8 . 9 9 . 0 0 0 0 1
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


Each sensor includes a PEEK inductive sensor and integral 10 m cable terminated with connector for the sc60/100/sc1000 digital controller. sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately)

For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware".

Accessories LZX985 Electrical Calibration tool for 3798-S sc Conductivity Reference Solutions* 25M3A2000-119 25M3A2050-119 25M3A2100-119 25M3A2200-119 100-1000 S/cm 1000-2000 S/cm 2000-150,000 S/cm 200,000-300,000 S/cm * 1 1 1 1 Liter Liter Liter Liter bottle bottle bottle bottle

Specify the desired conductivity value of the solution.

LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853

Digital extension cable (between display unit and probe) Digital Extension Cable, 0.35m Digital Extension Cable, 5 m Digital Extension Cable, 10 m Digital Extension Cable, 15 m Digital Extension Cable, 20 m Digital Extension Cable, 30m Digital Extension Cable, 50 m

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter S/Concentration page 6

Conductivity, inductive
Digital Conductivity Sensor series 3700sc - Application Guide
Industry Application Recommended Sensor and Material Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (PVDF) (PEEK) (PEEK) (Polypropylene) (PFA Teflon) (PFA Teflon (PFA Teflon) (PFA Teflon) (PFA Teflon) (PVDF) (PVDF or PFA Teflon) (PVDF) (PVDF) (PEEK) (PEEK) (PFA Teflon) (PEEK)

Metals Finishing and Plating bath monitoring Alkaline/caustic wash Mining Rinse water Pickling processes Metals recovery Copper floatation Scrubbers Chemicals and Refining Acid production Caustic production Phosphates Fertilizers Detergents Glycerin Moisture detection Scrubbers Wastewater Oil well drilling mud Leak detection Alkylation Spill detection

Food and Beverage Brine concentration Desalting Cheese production Caustic peeling Pickle making CIP applications Rinse water control Sugar carbonation Pulp and Paper White, black and green liquor Stock washing Wash and cooking liquor control Scrubbers Spill detection Rinse water Dye baths Bleaching Mercerizing Acid washing Carbonizing and scouring baths Water pollution monitoring Salt intrusion Salinity Ion exchange regeneration Reverse osmosis concentrate monitoring Softener regeneration Acid/caustic concentration control Acid/caustic concentration control Spill detection Boiler blowdown Flue gas scrubbers

Convertible (Polypropylene) Convertible (Polypropylene) Sanitary (PFA Teflon) Convertible (PFA Teflon) Sanitary (Polypropylene) Sanitary (PFA Teflon) Convertible (Polypropylene) Convertible (PFA Teflon) Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible (PEEK) (PEEK) (PEEK) (PEEK) (PEEK) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene)


Natural Waters,

Convertible (Polypropylene) Convertible (Polypropylene) Convertible (Polypropylene) Convertible Convertible Convertible Convertible (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (Polypropylene) (PVDF)

Clean Water

Wastewater Steam Generation

Convertible (PEEK) Convertible (PEEK) Convertible (Polypropylene) Convertible (Polypropylene)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter S/Concentration page 7

Conductivity, inductive
Digital Conductivity Sensor series 3700sc (DOC053.52.00014)

All 3700sc digital inductive sensors come complete with standard sensor cable length of 6 m, digital gateway, and a 1 m digital extension cable. Choice of body styles: Convertible 2-inch NPT, designed for tee, other flow through, insertion, and pipe mountings for immersion. Sanitary (CIP) 2-inch flange, special cap, and EPDM compound gasket. Conforms to provisions of 3-A Sanitary Standards.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Sensor style Cell constant k Measuring range Conductivity Temperature Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Installation style Max. flow rate Operating temperature Pressure pmax @ Tmax (in pure water only) Polypropylen PVDF PEEK PFA Teflon Materials Sensor Housing Sensor cable

3700 sc Inductive Conductivity for Conductivity and Concentration Measurement Inductive Conductivity Sensor with integrated Pt1000 4.7 cm-1 200 S/cm ... 2.0 S/cm (2.000.000 S/cm) -10 ... 200C Automatic or manual Zero point calibration in air. Fixed value calibration with defined resistance or with standard solution Immersion, Insertion, Union and Sanitary Mounting 3 m/s -10 ... 200C limited by choosen sensor body material and mounting hardware

6.9 bar @ 100C 6.9 bar @ 120C 13.8 bar @ 200C 13.8 bar @ 200C PP, PVDF, PEEK or PFA Teflon Polypropylene and PVDF Sensors: 5 conductor (plus two isolated shields) cable with XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) jacket; rated to 150C (302F); 6 m (20 ft.) long PEEKand PFA TeflonSensors: 5 conductor (plus two isolated shields) cable with Teflon-coated jacket; rated to 200C (392F); 6 m (20 ft.) long depending on sensor style and material depending on sensor style and material sc controller series using AD3700 Digital Gateway
The AD3700 sc Digital Gateway is pre-calibrated for Concentration Measurement of H2SO4 in the range of 0...30%, 40...80% and 93...99% NaOH in the range of 0...16% furthermore the Digital Gateway accepts measurement by factor or user defined calibration curves up to 10 calibration points.

Weight Dimensions Controller compatibility


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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter S/Concentration page 8

Conductivity, inductive
Digital Conductivity Sensor series 3700sc (DOC053.52.00014)
Part No. Designation 3700 sc Conductivity sensor series Sensor Body Style and Body material option
Sanitary style (suitable for CIP) made of PP (pmax 6.9 bar @ 100C) ............................... 0 5 made of PVDF (pmax 6.9 bar @ 120C) ............................... 0 6 made of PFA Teflon Convertible style made of PP made of PVDF made of PEEK made of PFA Teflon Country Code Selection (pmax 13.8 bar @ 200C) ............................. 0 8 (pmax 6.9 bar @ 100C) ............................... 2 5 (pmax 6.9 bar @ 120C) ............................... 2 6 (pmax 13.8 bar @ 200C) ............................. 2 7 (pmax 13.8 bar @ 200C) ............................. 2 8

Price in

D 3 7 X X E 2 T . 9 9



All 3700 sc Digital Sensors comes in appropriate body materials, with 6 m (20 ft) integral cable, digital gateway (6120800.99) and a 1 m digital extension cable. sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately)

For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units Please refer to Appendix C for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix B

Definition of Sensor Body Styles

Sanitary style has a 2" flange, special cap and EPDM compound gasket Convertible " NPT connection, for tee-mounting or other flow through mountings, and pipe mounting for immersion

Accessories Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30m 50 m

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Conductivity, inductive
Digital Conductivity Sensor series 3700sc (DOC053.52.00014)
Part No. Designation Conductivity Reference Solutions C20C280 C20C270 C20C250 25M3A2000-119 25M3A2050-119 25M3A2100-119 25M3A2200-119 0.001 Molar KCl, 148 S/cm @ 25 C 0.01 Molar KCl, 1413 S/cm @ 25 C 0.1 Molar KCl, 12.88 mS/cm @ 25 C 100-1000 S/cm * 1000-2000 S/cm * 2000-150,000 S/cm * 200,000-300,000 S/cm *
Specify the desired conductivity value of the solution.

Price in

500 ml bottle 500 ml bottle 500 ml bottle 1 1 1 1 Liter Liter Liter Liter bottle bottle bottle bottle

Replacements 6120800.99 AD3700 sc, Digital Gateway to operate 3700 sensors

Basic price

6 1 2 0 8 0 0 . 9 9
Country Code Selection

Price adder



sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables).

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Controller compatibility T-sensor compatibility Connectors output (to sc Controller) Electrode input Environmental Temperature Operation Materials Gateway housing Dimensions Weight Warranty

AD3700 sc Digital Gateway AD converter to operate analog 3700 sensors with sc controller series sc controller series Pt100 and Pt1000 using sc digital cables with sc plugs using suitable electrode cables with bare leads to be connected to digital gateway 20 ... 60 C (-4 to 140 F) ABS plastic 3.4 cm x 17.5 cm (1 x 7" ) ( x L) 145 g (5 oz) 2 years

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Electrochemistry accessories
Mounting Assembly for 3700 sc series


DOC053.52.00014 Immersion Mounting Assembly for 3700 Conductivity sensors "convertible style" includes " x 4 ft. long pipe, and " x " NPT coupling in respective material, and pipe-mount junction box with terminal strip. MH432G MH462G made of CPVC made of PVDF

DOC053.52.00479 Universal Immersion fitting assembly DN50 x 1000/1500 mm for open and closed vessels; made of PP including 2 ASV clips for wall mounting; union nuts for DN50 taper flange sensors, and EPDM gasket LZH066 1000 mm LZH082 1500 mm

DOCXXX.XX.XXXXX Chain Mounting Kit for LDO sensors, consists of a stainless steel boom and chain in respective materials:


made of CPVC

Socket with " thread takes 1 electrode with appropriate connection for probes with " NPT thread LZH068

Adapter 1" - " ID l = 60mm; made of PP (Tmax=80C) for probes with " NPT thread LZH070

optional accessories

Mounting Chain, made of PVC length: 5m, d = 6mm LZX891

Sliding flange with clamping cone DN100 for DN50 immersion fittings, made of PP LZH065

Bracket for wall mounting of LZH65 LZH085

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Electrochemistry accessories
Flow-Thru (Inline) / Insertion retractacle Mounting Assembly for 3700 sc series

Flow-Thru (inline) / Bypass armatures for 3700 inductive sensors


Union Mounting Assembly for 3700 Conductivity sensors "convertible style"; Includes adapter and a 2" pipe tee in respective material.

Union Mounting Assembly for 3700 Conductivity sensors "convertible style";

Immersion Mounting Assembly for 3700 Conductivity sensors "Sanitary style"; Includes 316 SS sanitary 2" tee, heavy-duty clamp, special cap, and EPDM compound gasket

Includes union adapter only in respective material. (no 2" pipe tee) Union adapters are used with convertible style sensors that are to be union or flange mounted into a standard 2" NPT pipe tee or insertion mounted into a 2" ball valve assembly.

Material CPVC PVDF SS316 Spare Parts & Accessories

MH538N3NZ MH568N3NZ MH518N3NZ 9H1132 Spare Sanitary Clamp 70F1037-003 Spare Special Cap 9H1327 Spare Sanitary Gasket


n.a. n.a. MH018S8SZ

Insertion (retractable) armature

Insertion Mounting Assembly for 3700 Conductivity sensors "convertible style"; Includes 2" NPT insertion assembly with ball valve. Pmax = 3.5 bar @ 90C (CPVC) Pmax = 5.5 bar @ 90C (SS)

Material CPVC PVDF SS316

MH138M9NZ n.a. MH118M9NZ

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Conductivity, conductive
Conductive Conductivity Sensor 3400sc / 831X / 8394 series (DOC053.52.00015)
3400 sc - high quality Conductivity probes The high quality special steel or graphite probes of the 3400 sc family are available with three different cell constants, namely 0.01 cm-1, 0.1 cm-1and 1 cm-1 covering a measuring range from 0.01 S/cm to 2 mS/cm. The specific cell constant of each probe is determined in conformity with ISO 7888/ ASTM D 1125 and entered in the sc controller when it is first taken into operation (HACH LANGE DRY-CAL* method). The application spectrum extends from drinking water to ultrapure water at high temperatures and pressures or other clean media applications. 3400 sc / 831X / 8394 sensors High-Quality-Conductivity sensors for Middle-/Pure and Ultra-Pure Conductivity measurement 2 conductor electrode with integrated Pt100, grade A 3410 & 3415 3411 & 3416 3412 & 3417 3494 A/B/C/D Sanitary style 1.0 cm-1 0.1 cm-1 0.01 cm-1 0.1 cm-1 2% 2% 2% 2% 0 ... 20 S/cm 0 ... 200 S/cm 0 ... 2000 S/cm 3412 Polyester Graphite 10bar @ 125C 3417 Stainless Steel SS 316L 3494 1 Stainless Steel SS 316L Ra < 0.4 m 15bar @ 150C 25bar @ 100C 0 ... 20 S/cm

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Sensor style Model Sensor Cell constant k Accuracy Measuring range Conductivity Sensor Materials Head Body Toperation [C] Pressure pmax @ Tmax Sensor Materials Head Body Toperation [C] Pressure pmax @ Tmax Temperature compensation Calibration Process connection Installation style Materials Sensor cable Weight Dimensions Controller compatibility

3410 3411 Polyester Polyester Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 0 ... 125C for models 3410/3411/3412 10bar @ 125C 10bar @ 125C 3415 Stainless Steel SS 316L 3416 Stainless Steel SS 316L

0 ... 150C for models 3415/3416/3417 and 3494 A/B/C/D 25bar @ 150C 25bar @ 150C 25bar @ 150C Non, automatic (-20 ... 200C) or manual; linear and non-linear HACH LANGE DRY-Cal or calibration with standards " NPT " NPT Bypass or in process (e.g. elbow piece)


1.5" or 2" Triclamp

with sensor plug and open ends to controller/digital gateway; Protection class IP65; available in 5, 10 and 20 m length depending on sensor style and material depending on sensor style and material sc controller series using AD3400 Digital Gateway MONEC 9125 and SIPAN 32/32X/34 controller (analog sensors only)
including material conformity certificate and roughness certificate. These certificates ensure that each 8314 probe delivered meets the Food and Drug administration (FDA) requirements. Ideal for applications such as the monitoring of ultra pure water, pharmaceutical and use in the food industry.


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Conductivity, conductive
Conductive Conductivity Sensor 3400sc / 831X / 8394 series (DOC053.52.00015)
Part No. Designation 3400 sc " NPT Conductivity sensor series Measuring range
Standard probes (max. 10bar @ 125C) Cell contant k = 0.01 0 ... 20 S/cm ...................................................... 0 Cell contant k = 0.1 0 ... 200 S/cm .................................................... 1 Cell contant k = 1.0 0 ... 2000 S/cm ................................................... 2 High temperature probes (max. 25bar @ 150C) Cell contant k = 0.01 0 ... 20 S/cm ...................................................... 5 Cell contant k = 0.1 0 ... 200 S/cm .................................................... 6 Cell contant k = 1.0 0 ... 2000 S/cm ................................................... 7 Country Code Selection

Price in

D 3 4 1 X . 9 9


3494 sc Conductivity sensor series - Sanitary style Cell constant k = 0.01, 0 ... 20 S/cm, 150C max Sensor Connection option

D 3 4 9 4 X . 9 9

Standard sensor 1.5" connection ..................................................................................................... C 2" connection .................................................................................................... D Sensor with test certificate, material conformity certificates and roughness certificate 1.5" connection ..................................................................................................... A 2" connection .................................................................................................... B Country Code Selection



All 3400 and 3494 sc Digital Sensors comes in appropriate body materials, including top connector cable 5m (Z08315=A=1115), an AD3400sc digital gateway (6120800.99) and a 1 m digital extension cable. sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately)

For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units Please refer to Appendix E for more details about manuals and user interfaces in different available languages The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m. Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box (5867000) is required (for use with sc100 only). The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware". For Service contract with Warranty extensions, commissioning and trainings please refer to Appendix D.

Accessories Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30m 50 m

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Conductivity, conductive
Conductive Conductivity Sensor 3400sc / 831X / 8394 series (DOC053.52.00015)
Part No. Designation Conductivity Reference Solutions C20C280 C20C270 C20C250 25M3A2000-119 25M3A2050-119 25M3A2100-119 25M3A2200-119 0.001 Molar KCl, 148 S/cm @ 25 C 0.01 Molar KCl, 1413 S/cm @ 25 C 0.1 Molar KCl, 12.88 mS/cm @ 25 C 100-1000 S/cm * 1000-2000 S/cm * 2000-150,000 S/cm * 200,000-300,000 S/cm * * Specify the desired conductivity value of the solution. 500 ml bottle 500 ml bottle 500 ml bottle 1 1 1 1 Liter Liter Liter Liter bottle bottle bottle bottle Price in

Replacements 6120700.99 AD3400 sc, Digital Gateway to operate 3400 sensor series

Basic price

6 1 2 0 7 0 0 . 9 9
Country Code Selection

Price adder



sc Digital Controller, and sc extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables).

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation Controller compatibility T-sensor compatibility Connectors output (to sc Controller) Electrode input Environmental Temperature Operation Materials Gateway housing Dimensions Weight Warranty

AD3400 sc Digital Gateway AD converter to operate analog 831X/8394 sensors with sc controller series sc controller series Pt100 and Pt1000 using sc digital cables with sc plugs using suitable electrode cables with bare leads to be connected to digital gateway e.g. Z08315=A=1115 20 ... 60 C (-4 to 140 F) ABS plastic 3.4 cm x 17.5 cm (1 x 7" ) ( x L) 145 g (5 oz) 2 years

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Conductivity, conductive
Conductive Conductivity Sensor 3400sc / 831X / 8394 series (DOC053.52.00015)
Part No. Designation Replacements Sensor Bundle D3410.99 D3415.99 D3411.99 D3416.99 D3412.99 D3417.99 D3494A.99 D3494B.99 D3494C.99 D3494D.99 Replacement sensor Z08310=A=0000 Z08315=A=0000 Z08311=A=0000 Z08316=A=0000 Z08312=A=0000 Z08317=A=0000 Z08394=A=1511 1 Z08394=A=2011 1 Z08394=A=1500 Z08394=A=2000 Body Material Polyester black SST 316 L Polyester black SST 316 L Polyester black SST 316 L SST 316 L, (Ra < 0,4 m) k 0,01 0,01 0,1 0,1 1 1 Measuring range
using sc controllers

Price in

Tmax 125C 150C 125C 150C 125C 150C

pmax 10 bar @ 125C 25 bar @ 150C 10 bar @ 125C 25 bar @ 150C 10 bar @ 125C 25 bar @ 150C 10 bar @ 150C 25 bar @ 100C

0 - 20 S/cm 0 - 20 S/cm 0 - 200 S/cm 0 - 200 S/cm 0 - 2000 S/cm 0 - 2000 S/cm


0 - 20 S/cm



including material conformity certificate and roughness certificate. These certificates ensure that each 8314 probe delivered meets the Food and Drug administration (FDA) requirements. Ideal for applications such as the monitoring of ultra pure water, pharmaceutical and use in the food industry.

831X sensor connection cable with IP65 sensor plug and open ends Z08319=A=0005 Z08319=A=1115 Z08319=A=0010 Z08319=A=0020 5m cable for 2 electrodes conductivity sensors series 831X 5m cable for 2 electrodes conductivity sensors series 831X, for use with AD3400 Gateway 10m cable for 2 electrodes conductivity sensors series 831X 20m cable for 2 electrodes conductivity sensors series 831X Sensor cables can be used for connection to MONEC or SIPAN To connect a 831X Conductivity sensor to a AD3400 Digital gateway, please use Z08315=A=1115 connection cable.


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Electrochemistry accessories
Flow-Thru Mounting Assemblies for 3400sc series, 813X and 8394 sensors

Flow-Thru/Bypass armatures for 3794sc/8394 Conductivity sensors

Flow-thru chamber for 3400/831X probe series, " sensor thread, Process connection (''); max. 2bar @ 60C 10bar @ 25C made of PVC

Flow-thru chamber for 3400/831X probe series, " sensor thread, Process connection (''); max. 25bar @ 150C made of SS

Flow-thru Kit 1.5" for 3494(A,C) sc and 8394 probes with EPDM gasket, clamp and 316L SS flowthrough chamber for 1.5" clamp installation

Flow-thru Kit 2" for 3494sc (B,D) and 8394 probes with EPDM gasket, clamp and 316L SS flowthrough chamber for 2" clamp installation

Flow-thru assembly 2" "Sanitary Mount" for 3700 / 3494sc sensors "Sanitary style"; made of SS 316

Z08313=A=0001 Optional accessories





EPDM gasket for 1.5" clamp fastening

EPDM gasket for 2" clamp fastening



Welding connectors for connection to tank and pipes

3/4'' FNPT 30 mm 35 mm

Welding ferrule for 3400/831X probe series, " sensor thread, 35mm x 30 mm OD max. 10bar @ 150C made of SS 316L

Welding ferrule 1.5" for 3494/8394 probe series, max. 10bar @ 150C max. 25bar @ 100C made of SS 316L

Welding ferrule 2" for 3494/8394 probe series, max. 10bar @ 150C max. 25bar @ 100C made of SS 316L




Optional accessory

Dummy plug sensor adapter " NPT Total length 31 mm, max. 10bar @ 150C made of SS 316

EPDM gasket for 1.5" clamp fastening

EPDM gasket for 2" clamp fastening




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Conductivity Preference Packages

Analog based Controller technology
Part No. Designation
The MONEC 9125 transmitter and associated measuring sensors have been designed for measuring and continuous control of Conductivity, Resistivity or Concentration (with possibility of temperature measurement) in municipal and industrial processes. Equipped with Standard and specific temperature compensation, user selectable calibration methods, integrated controller and autodiagnostic functions and finally several communication outputs, the MONEC series stands for reliable and precise measurements in the field of Drinking water, Waste water and Industrial applications, as well as for Pure and Ultrapure Water applications.

Price in

Preference Packages for Flow Thru applications in Drinking & Industrial Process Water MONEC 9125 Conductivity Measuring system

Z 9 1 2 5 / C 0 X / X

Controller Relais option + Conductivity sensor option + 5m cable Controller w/o relais Measuring range + 8310 sensor (k = 0.01) .........................0.01 ... 200 S/cm ................... 1 .... 1 + 8311 sensor (k = 0.1) .......................... 0.1 ... 2000 S/cm ................... 2 .... 1 + 8312 sensor (k = 1.0) .......................... 1 ... 20 mS/cm ................... 3 .... 1

Controller with 4 relais + 8310 sensor (k = 0.01) .........................0.01 ... 200 S/cm + 8311 sensor (k = 0.1) .......................... 0.1 ... 2000 S/cm + 8312 sensor (k = 1.0) .......................... 1 ... 20 mS/cm

................... 1 .... 2 ................... 2 .... 2 ................... 3 .... 2

Z08310=A=0000 Z08311=A=0000 Z08312=A=0000 Z09125=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004 Z08318=A=0001 Z08319=A=0005

The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems, consting of

2-electrode sensor (k=0.01), Tmax. 125C @ Pmax. 10bar, Pt100 and " NPT thread 2-electrode sensor (k=0.1), Tmax. 125C @ Pmax. 10bar, Pt100 and " NPT thread 2-electrode sensor (k=1.0), Tmax. 125C @ Pmax. 10bar, Pt100 and " NPT thread and MONEC 9125 controller depending on the selected configuration 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board and Flow cell made from stainless steel, Tmax. 150C @ 25 bar 5 m connecting cable with connector, IP 65

Preference Packages for Flow Thru CIP applications Sanitary Design, e.g. food & beverage MONEC 9125 Conductivity Measuring system with 2" welding ferrule Controller Relais option
Controller w/o relays ................................................................................................................... 1 Controller with 4 relay board ....................................................................................................... 2

Z 9 1 2 5 / C 0 4 / X

Z08394=A=2011 Z08319=A=0005 Z08394=A=0510 Z09125=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004

The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems, consting of

2" 2-electrode sensor (k=0,01), Tmax. 150C @ pmax. 25bar, with certificates of conformity 5 m connecting cable with connector, IP 65 Kit for 2" clamp probe with EPDM gasket,clamp and welding ferrule and MONEC 9125 controller depending on the selected configuration 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board

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Conductivity Preference Packages

Analog based Controller technology
Part No. Designation MONEC 9125 Conductivity Measuring system Z 9 1 2 5 / C X X / X with 4 Relais board, with DIN fitting DN50 or DN65 for food industry Fitting option
DIN fitting DN65 (Kit with tee, gasket, nut) .................................................................. 1 1 ..... 2 DIN fitting DN50 (welding ferrule, gasket, nut) ............................................................ 1 0 ..... 2

Price in

Z08398=A=3000 Z402=400=500 Z429=600=500 Z581=200=500 Z08398=A=6500 Z09125=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004

The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems, consting of

8398 Inductive conductivity probe, DN 50 (DIN 11851), k = 2.35, PEEK, 0 ... 2000 mS/cm and DN 50 nut for 8398.3 EPDM gasket for 8398.3 probe Welding ferrule for 8398.3 probe or Kit (tee, gasket, nut) for 8398.3 in DN 65 pipes and MONEC 9125 controller depending on the selected configuration 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board

Preference Packages for Immersion applications e.g. Waste Water MONEC 9125 Conductivity Measuring system with 1500 mm Immersion pipe with adjustable flange Controller Relais option

Z 9 1 2 5 / C 1 4 / X

Z09125=A=0000 Z09135=A=0004 Z08398=A=5000 Z08398=A=6615

Controller w/o relays ................................................................................................................... 1 Controller with 4 relay board ....................................................................................................... 2 The preference packages are favouribly priced measurement systems, consting of

9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter (without relay) alternatively 9125 Conductivity Single channel transmitter with 4 relay-board and Inductive conductivity sensor with 5 m connecton cable, k = 2.35, 0 to 2000 mS/cm, made of PEEK, Pt100 Temperature sensor and 1" thread Immersion pipe with moveable flange, DN 50, PP, length 1.5 m


All packages are supplied without Calibration solutions For suitable Buffer solution please consult the chapter Consumables

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Analytical Systems for Dissolved Oxygen Measurement in Process

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Electrochemistry Dissolved Oxygen

General overview



SIPAN 32/32X

required connection cable

SIPAN 34 only

LZY079 5m LZY353 10m LZY354 20m

LZY079 5m (EEX) LZY353 10m LZY354 20m

DO sensors

10m fixed cable

5m fixed cable

5m fixed cable

VP6 plug

Sensor model




HL Part No
Measuring range Dissolved Oxygen Temperature compensation range T-sensor Process connection

Z09182=A=0000 (Kit to order)





0 ... 2000 g/l 0 ... +45C Pt100 inbuilt Bypass with atmospheric outlet using Flow Cell Z09078=A=2000 atmospheric

0 ... 1000 g/l 0 ... +50C NTC30k inbuilt Bypass using Flow fitting LZY202 6bar @ 50C

40 g/l ... 20 mg/l n.a. NTC 22k inbuilt Bypass or immersion; PG13.5 thread

10 g/l ... 20 mg/l n.a.

2 g/l ... 20 mg/l n.a.

NTC 22k inbuilt NTC 22k inbuilt Inline or Bypass Inline or Bypass PG13.5 thread PG13.5 thread

pmax @ Tmax
Electrode Material max. cable length Flow rate required Application

up to 4 bar, 60C up to 4 bar, 130C

12 bar, 130C

see DataSheet 10 m 4 ... 10 l/h High purity water, e.g. Boiler water, condensate

please refer to please refer to please refer to please refer to HL SIPAN Pricelist HL SIPAN Pricelist HL SIPAN Pricelist HL SIPAN Pricelist 5m > 0.2 m/s High purity water, e.g. Boiler water, condensate 20 m > 0.02 m/s Typical: water, waste water, pools, fish farms and composting plants 20 m 5m for EEX > 0.1 m/s > 0.02 m/s Typical: Typical: Low carbonated Low carbonated beverages beverages power genebiotechnology, ration, water pharmaceutical treatment, and chemical chemical, industry; pharmaceutical UpSide down mounting possible and semiconductor industries, CIP 20 m

Pure Water Potable Water Food & Beverage In-process Waste Water Neutralisation Industrial influent Municipal influent Aeration Digester Effluent In-process Fish farming EEX applications


X X X X not suitable not suitable II 1/2G EEx ia IIC T4/T5/T6 using SIPAN32X cable length will be limited to 5 m max.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

SIPAN 32/32X only

VP6 plug OxyGold

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 2

Electrochemistry Dissolved Oxygen

General overview continued





10m fixed cable optional 30m fixed cable 50m fixed cable 100m fixed cable

10 or 50 m fixed cable

10 m fixed cable


5740 sc





LXV416.99.000X1 see details

0 ... 50 mg/l several models 0 ... +40C inbuilt Ball-float mouting Immersion mounting

0 ... 40 mg/l 0 ... 50C

0 ... 20 mg/l 0 ... 50C

NTC30k inbuilt NTC30k inbuilt Immersion or Flow-thru using suitable mounting hardware


Submersible to 107 m

Please refer to DataSheet 10 or 50 m cable Typical: water, waste water, n.a. Typical: water, waste water, fish farming

Please refer to Chapter 5740 sc

Please refer to Chapter LDO

extendable to 410 m total > 2-3 cm/s not required Typical: water, waste water, fish-farming

X (X)

X not suitable not suitable

X not suitable

X not suitable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 3

Dissolved Oxygen
LDO - Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen sensor (DataSheet DOC053.52.03203)
LDO (Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen) is based on an optical technique and measures the interval between the excitation of luminescent material by a pulse of light and the resultant emission of luminescence. The interval depends on the oxygen present. The method is independent of all types of interference and thus has none of the disadvantages of conventional electrochemical methods. Practical advantages. The optical measurement principle guarantees extremely precise and reliable measured values over a long period of time. The LDO probe does not need to be calibrated, nor are there any membranes or electrolyte to replenish. The laborious replacement of worn parts is also a thing of the past. All that remains is the easily effected annual replacement of the sensor cap. Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation T-sensor Measuring range Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Measuring accuracy Oxygen Temperature Reproducability Sensitivity Resolution Response time T90 Compensation Temperature Pressure Salinity Calibration Calibration/Verification

LDO Dissolved Oxygen sensor, luminescence-time detection technology calibration-free, H2S-resistant integrated NTC30k 0 - 20 mg/l (ppm), 0 - 200% Saturation 0 ... 50 C 0.1 mg/l; DO <1 mg/l 0.2 mg/l; DO >1 mg/l 0,2C 0,5% of Measuring Range 0.5% of Measuring Range 0.01 mg/l, 0.01 ppm, 0.01 % saturation < 30 seconds of step change Automatic or manual Automatic or manual manual factory precalibrated Air Calibration: one point, 100% water saturated air; Sample Calibration: comparison to standard instrument, or comparison to Winkler Titration method Immersion style - Pole or Chain Mounting or Bypass not required Submersible to 107 m (350 ft)/1050 kPa (150 psi) NORYL, SS 1.4401 (316) Nylon 1.4 kg (3 lb, 2 oz.) 60 x 290 mm (2 3/8 x 11.5 inch) ( x L) 10 m, with encapsulated IP 68 connector, extendable using sc cables sc 100/1000 not suitable for use with sc 60

Process connection Min. Flow rate Max. sample pressure Wetted Material Sensor housing Cable strain relief Weight Dimensions Sensor cable Controller compatibility

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 4

Dissolved Oxygen
LDO - Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen sensor (DataSheet DOC053.52.03203)
Part No. LXV416.99.000X1 Designation Lange LDO Dissolved Oxygen Sensor; without sc controller
Country Code Selection Cable length & Warranty Option LDO sensor with 10m cable (Standard) ..................................................................... 0 0 LDO sensor with 10m cable + extended Warranty (5 years) ................................. W 0 Special configurations ................................................................................... 0 3 LDO sensor with 30m cable1 ................................. W 3 LDO sensor with 30m cable1 + extended Warranty (5 years) ................................................................................... 0 1 LDO sensor with 50m cable1 ................................. W 1 LDO sensor with 50m cable1 + extended Warranty (5 years) ................................................................................... 0 2 LDO sensor with 100m cable1 ................................. W 2 LDO sensor with 100m cable1 + extended Warranty (5 years) Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1

Price in

Basic price
Price adder

L X V 4 1 6 . 9 9 . 0 0 X X 1

New Option

New Option New Option New Option



Standard delivery comprises LDO Dissolved Oyxgen sensor with appropriate cable length, 1 Sensor cap with gasket and manual. Delivery time for special sensor cable length will be appr. 8 ... 12 weeks; please contact HACH LANGE. sc Digital Controller, and sc connection/extension cables (must be ordered separately) For technical data, interfaces and additional costs, refer to the chapter sc controller/display units The maximum cable length between the sensor and controller is limited to 110m (using sc digital extension cables). Using different cables instead of the below mentioned, will void the warranty. If the total length exceeds 110m, a digital termination box 5867000 (not suitable for sc1000) is required. The maximum cable length is limited to 410m in total. For suitable Immersion Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware".

Consumables & Replacements 5791100 LZX857 Replacement Sensor cap including gasket Gasket for sensor cap (set of 2)

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30m 50 m

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 5

Dissolved Oxygen
LDO - Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen sensor (DataSheet DOC053.52.03203)
Part No. Designation LDO Bypass and Inline installation Mounting Hardware P/N Installation DataSheet Material Dimension T max p max Flow max Process connection Price in LZH052 Bypass Vertical DOC053.52.00098 PVC
100mm x 485mm ( x L)

Price in

0 45C 5 bar 2 l/min 20...22mm tubing

LZH076 Inline Horizontal DOC053.52.00142 PVC see DataSheet 0 45C 5 bar 2 l/min G 2", Inside thread

LZH077 Inline retractable Horizontal DOC053.52.00142 PVC see DataSheet 0 45C 5 bar 2 l/min G 2", Inside thread





For suitable Immersion Mounting hardware, please refer to the chapter "E-Chem Mounting Hardware".

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 6

Dissolved Oxygen
5740 sc Clark sensor (DataSheet: DOC053.52.03254)
5740 sc is a digital galvanic oxygen sensor with characteristics way above the standard in its class. Procurement and operating costs are significantly lower for this sensor than for the usual amperometric systems. The sensor has been designed with a nickel-lead cell with a large, cylindrical membrane. This arrangement and the robust design ensure long service life, easy sensor cleaning and very reliable measured values. The sensor is there-fore excellently suited to measurements in municipal and industrial wastewater. In summary: a sensor with an excellent price-performance ratio. Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation T-sensor Measuring range Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Measuring accuracy Oxygen Temperature Reproducability Sensitivity Resolution Response time T90 Compensation Temperature Pressure Salinity Calibration Process connection Min. Flow rate Max. sample pressure Wetted Material Sensor housing O-Ring Membrane Sensor head Cable strain relief Electrode Material Membrane Thickness Weight Dimensions Sensor cable Speciality Controller compatibility

5740 sc Dissolved Oxygen "Clark-style" sensor, Galvanic principle with integrated Membran Leakage Detection integrated NTC30k 0 - 40 mg/l (ppm), 0 - 200% Saturation 0 ... 50 C 2% of Measuring Range 0,2C 0,5% of Measuring Range 0,05% of Measuring Range <10 mg/l: 0.01 mg/l (ppm); 0.1 % saturation >10 mg/l: 0.1 mg/l (ppm); 0.1 % saturation 120 sec @ 20C Automatic or manual Automatic or manual manual Automatic (air/sample) Immersion style - Pole or Chain Mounting > 2-3 cm/sec 10 bar absolut Noryl Viton Polypropylene Noryl, Viton Nylon Cathode: Nickel-Chromium Anode: Lead 40 m Approx. 0,26 kg 44 mm x 203 mm ( x L) 10 m, with encapsulated IP 68 connector, extendable using sc cables Integrated Membran Leakage Detection sc controller series

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 7

Dissolved Oxygen
5740 sc Clark sensor (DataSheet: DOC053.52.03254)
Part No. LXV425.99.00001 Designation 5740 sc Digital Galvanic DO Sensor, w/o sc controller Price in

Basic price

L X V 4 2 5 . 9 9
Country Code Selection Brand LANGE

. 0 0 0 0 1

Price adder

................................................................................................................................... 1

The sensor comes with a replaceable cartrige (with a factory installed, semi-permeable membrane), protector, 12 disposable calibration bags for highly accurate "Satured Air Method" with integral 10 m cable terminated with connector for the sc digital controllers.

Consumables & Replacements LZX772 276M1210 5740 sc Digital Galvanic DO Sensor Replacement Cartridge Replacement Calibration Bags (package of 12 for in air calibration use only)

Accessories Air Blast Cleaning System for 5740 sc

Self-contained Air Blast Cleaning System consists of CPVC washer head with 7.6 m (25 ft) tubing for air delivery, quick-disconnect tube fitting, and compressor in NEMA 4X enclosure.

6136100 6136200 6130500

Air Blast Cleaning system for 5740 sc, 115 VAC operation Air Blast Cleaning System for 5740 sc, 230 VAC operation Washer Head for Air Blast Cleaning System for 5740 sc Flow-through Union Mounting Hardware for 5740 sc
Only for use with union mount style sensor; consists of a PVC 2-inch Y tee with socket-weld connections, and 2inch union.


Flow-through Union Mounting Hardware (e.g. for drinking water applications)

Digital Extension Cables LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, Cable, 0,35m 5m 10 m 15 m 20 m 30m 50 m

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 8

OXYGEN, Dissolved
EVITA Oxy (DataSheet DOC023.52.00076)
The Hach LANGE EVITA OXY Transmitter performs with less than 30 minutes of maintenance a year. The factory all-inclusive sensor contains electrolyte, membranes and electrodes. There is no need for regeneration simply replace the sensor every two years and its done after 5 minutes. Unique self-cleaning design the spherical form and the "fins" ensure that contaminants will not stick to the sensor. Immersed cleaning systems are ! Wipe the sensor down three times per year during normal calibration to ensure optimal performance. Automatic Calibration "Tilt-Cal" Calibration is done automatically by simply tilting the transmitter. It takes 5 minutes, and typically 3-4 times a year. EVITA OXY 4150 Designation T-sensor Sensor style Measuring range Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Reproducability Response time T90 EVITA OXY 4150

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Dissolved Oxygen "Clark-style" sensor with integrated Membran Leakage Detection, 2-wire on current loop powered, for DO measurement in water/waste water Pt1000 inbuilt Ball-float style Immersion probe style 0 to 50 mg/l, 0 to 500% (configurable, depending on used Oxy sensor) 0 to 40C depending on Membrane thickness in use 7s 25 m: Measuring range: Measuring range: 22 s 50 m: Measuring range: 110 s 125 m: 40C "Tilt-Cal" - AutoCalibration in air > 2-3 cm/sec submersible up to 10 m 1m 10 m cable as Standard, 2 x 0.75 mm2 shielded Direct connection to SCADA/PLC or with USC5000/6000/7000 0/4 ... 20 mA HART communication superposed on current output 12-30 VDC, 720 mVA (max) IP 68 (1 m); NEMA 6P (3) 2.7 kg (6 lb) 240 mm (9.6) 1 year IP 68 (10 m); NEMA 6P (3) 1 kg (2.2 lb) 50 mm x 180 mm (2.0" x 7.2"') x L

0 - 2.0 ppm 0.1 - 10 ppm 2.0 - 50 ppm

Compensation Temperature Calibration Process connection Required Flow rate Max. sample pressure Sensor cable Controller compatibility Outputs Power requirements Operation Temperature Enclosure rating Weight Dimensions Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 9

OXYGEN, Dissolved
EVITA Oxy - ball float style (DataSheet DOC023.52.00076)
Part No. Designation EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 3 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... Price in

0 8 5 G 4 0 0 X . 5 2 . 0 0 1
2 3 4 5 6

DO Measuring range Option (w/o Signal Converter)

3 mg/l ............................................................................. 5 mg/l ............................................................................. 10 mg/l .............................................................................. 15 mg/l .............................................................................. 20 mg/l ..............................................................................

Country Code Selection Manual in GB language ..................................................................................... 5 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


Standard delivery of HACH LANGE EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 3 w/o USC, for direct connection to PLC/SCADA respectively as extension kit , comprises OXY 4100 oxygen transmitter (085G406X.52.001), OXY 1100 oxygen sensor (085G00XX), Mounting bracket (085G4085) and manual in English language. For Mounting hardware, please refer to "EVITA Oxy Mounting hardware"

EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 1 with USC6000

DO Measuring range Option

0 8 5 G 4 0 0 0 . 5 2 . 0 0 1

0 ... 20 mg/l .............................................................................. 0

Country Code Selection Manual in GB language ..................................................................................... 5 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


Standard delivery of HACH LANGE EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 1 comprises USC6000 Signal Converter, Field housing IP67, 85-264 VAC 50/60 Hz (085G4140.52.001), 2 x 0/4 - 20 mA output with digital HART, 3 relays SPST, Integrated pressure sensor, Suitable for optional TMS module OXY 4100 oxygen transmitter, ball float style (085G4064.52.001), OXY 1100 oxygen sensor, Measuring range 0...20 mg/l (085G0022), Mounting bracket (085G4085) and manual in English language. For Mounting hardware, please refer to "EVITA Oxy Mounting hardware"

EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 2 with USC5000

DO Measuring range Option

0 8 5 G 4 0 0 1 . 5 2 . 0 0 1

0 ... 20 mg/l .............................................................................. 1

Country Code Selection Manual in GB language ..................................................................................... 5 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


Standard delivery of HACH LANGE EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 2 comprises USC5000 Signal Converter, Field housing IP67, 85-264 VAC 50/60 Hz (085G4145.52.001), 1 x 0/4 - 20 mA output with digital HART, No relais, Integrated pressure sensor, OXY 4100 oxygen transmitter, ball float style (085G4064.52.001), OXY 1100 oxygen sensor, Measuring range 0...20 mg/l (085G0022), Mounting bracket (085G4085) and manual in English language. For Mounting hardware, please refer to "EVITA Oxy Mounting hardware"

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 10

OXYGEN, Dissolved
EVITA Oxy - immersion style (DataSheet DOC023.52.00076)
Part No. Designation EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 1A with USC6000
DO Measuring range Option

Price in

0 8 5 G 4 0 0 8 . X X . 0 0 1

0 ... 20 mg/l .............................................................................. 8

Country Code Selection Manual in GB language ..................................................................................... 5 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


Standard delivery of HACH LANGE EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 1A comprises USC6000 Signal Converter, Field housing IP67, 85-264 VAC 50/60 Hz (085G4140.52.001), 2 x 0/4 - 20 mA output with digital HART, 3 relays SPST, Integrated pressure sensor, Suitable for optional TMS module OXY 4150 oxygen transmitter, probe-style (085G4074.52.001), OXY 1100 oxygen sensor, Measuring range 0...20 mg/l (085G0022), Mounting bracket (085G4085), Adaptor 50 mm pipe to 1" thread (085G3325) and manual in English language. For Mounting hardware, please refer to "EVITA Oxy Mounting hardware"

EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 2A with USC5000

DO Measuring range Option

0 8 5 G 4 0 0 9 . X X . 0 0 1

0 ... 20 mg/l .............................................................................. 9

Country Code Selection Manual in GB language ..................................................................................... 5 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


Standard delivery of HACH LANGE EVITA Oxy, Sytem Package 2 comprises USC5000 Signal Converter, Field housing IP67, 85-264 VAC 50/60 Hz (085G4145.52.001), 1 x 0/4 - 20 mA output with digital HART, No relais, Integrated pressure sensor, OXY 4150 oxygen transmitter, probe-style (085G4074.52.001), OXY 1100 oxygen sensor, Measuring range 0...20 mg/l (085G0022), Mounting bracket (085G4085), Adaptor 50 mm pipe to 1" thread (085G3325) and manual in English language. For Mounting hardware, please refer to "EVITA Oxy Mounting hardware"


Preference packages for Fish-farming applications, please contact HACH LANGE.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 11

OXYGEN, Dissolved
EVITA Oxy - Common accessories (DataSheet DOC023.52.00076)
Part No. Designation EVITA Oxy 41X0 Transmitter w/o sensor
Measuring range option

Price in

0 8 5 G 4 0 X X . X X . 0 0 1

4100 Transmitter (ball-float style) with 10 m cable

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 mg/l ................................................................................ 5 mg/l ................................................................................ 10 mg/l ................................................................................ 15 mg/l ................................................................................ 20 mg/l ................................................................................ 30 mg/l ................................................................................ 100% ...................................................................................

6 6 6 6 6 6 6

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

4100 Transmitter with 50 m cable

0 ... 20 mg/l ................................................................................ 6 9

4150 Transmitter (probe style) with 10 m cable

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 mg/l ................................................................................ 5 mg/l ................................................................................ 10 mg/l ................................................................................ 15 mg/l ................................................................................ 20 mg/l ................................................................................ 30 mg/l ................................................................................ 100% ...................................................................................

7 7 7 7 7 7 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

4150 Transmitter with 50 m cable

0 ... 20 mg/l ................................................................................ 7 9 Country Code Selection Manual in GB language ..................................................................................... 5 2 Brand LANGE ........................................................................................................................................ 1


OXY 4100 oxygen transmitter (Ball float style) 4-10 mA current output with digital HART; sensor (085G40XX) is not included and must be ordered separately! OXY 4150 oxygen transmitter (Probe style) 4-10 mA current output with digital HART; sensor (085G40XX) and adapter (085G3325) are not included and must be ordered separately! For Mounting hardware, please refer to "EVITA Oxy Mounting hardware"

Oxy 1100 Dissolved Oxygen sensor

Membrane Thickness/Measuring range

0 8 5 G 0 0 X X
Packaging design

Measuring range 0.002 - 2 ppm Dissolved Oxygen

25m Membrane, 0.002 - 2 ppm DO ........................................ pk/1 ................................. 2 1 25m Membrane, 0.002 - 2 ppm DO ........................................ pk/5 ................................. 2 4 25m Membrane, 0.002 - 2 ppm DO ........................................ pk/10 ................................. 2 5

Measuring range 0.1 - 10 ppm Dissolved Oxygen

50m Membrane, 0.1 - 10 ppm DO ......................................... pk/1 ................................. 2 2 50m Membrane, 0.1 - 10 ppm DO ......................................... pk/5 ................................. 2 6 50m Membrane, 0.1 - 10 ppm DO ......................................... pk/10 ................................. 2 7

Measuring range 2 - 50 ppm Dissolved Oxygen

125m Membrane, 2.0 - 50 ppm DO ........................................ pk/1 ................................. 2 3 125m Membrane, 2.0 - 50 ppm DO ........................................ pk/5 ................................. 2 9 125m Membrane, 2.0 - 50 ppm DO ........................................ pk/10 ................................. 3 0


The OXY 1100 Membrane Cartridges come ready to use. Pre-assembled anode, cathode, electrolyte, and membrane in a foil pack. The standard 50m cartridge can last 2 years! All are available individually or in 5 and 10 packs.


Silica fat MS4 conductive, 100g

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 12

OXYGEN, Dissolved
EVITA Oxy - Common accessories (DataSheet DOC023.52.00076)
Part No. Designation Mounting assembly for EVITA Oxy 4100 ball-float style 191L8651 191L8654 191L8652 191L8653 085G4085
2.5 m tube & bend, made of PVC, 50 mm 4.0 m tube & bend, made of PVC, 50 mm 45 tube elbow, PVC, 50 mm (C) 90 tube elbow, PVC, 50 mm (E) (D) (D)

Price in Picture D D C E F

Mounting bracket for 1" to 50 mm PVC pipe (AISI 316) E D


Mounting assembly for EVITA Oxy 4150 ball-float style 085G4085 191L8651 191L8654 085G3325 081B0028 191L8653 085G4081
Mounting bracket for 1" to 50 mm PVC pipe (AISI 316) 2.5 m tube & bend, made of PVC, 50 mm (D) 4.0 m tube & bend, made of PVC, 50 mm (D)


Adaptor 50 mm pipe to 1" thread (supplied with preference packages) alternatively Union fitting for 50mm pipes and 1" thread
90 tube elbow, PVC, 50 mm (E)

Cable bracket for OXY models 4150 and 3150 for cable suspension

Part B must be customer supplied.

EVITA Oxy 4150/3150 accessories 085G4082

Cleaning unit for OXY 4150/3150 for air/water, made of plastic

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 13

OXYGEN, Dissolved
OXISTAT T 9182 (DataSheet TE9182revD)
Dissolved oxygen analyzer designed for measurement in high purity water with automatic temperature compensation, e.g. in boiler water and condensate. Controller suitable for wall, pipe or control panel mounting.
Userfriendly menubased programming Easy to install Longlife membranes pre-mounted on retaining caps to suppress any delicate membrane handling Twopoint calibration: zero & slope Fast calibration procedure: from ppm level (air) to process ppb values in less than 15 minutes! Two smart analog outputs (measurement/temperature) with automatic recognition of the analyser status Four relays for high/low limits, system error and timer

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Designation T-sensor Measuring range Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Reproducability Response time T90 Compensation Temperature Calibration

9182 T Online monitoring of DO in high purity water and condensates in ppb range integrated PT100 0 ... 2000 g/l (ppb), can be programmed as required 0 ... 45C1 0.5 ppb or 5% (whichever is greater) < 30 s for step change in measuring range 1 ... 40 ppb Automatic in the range of 0 ... 45C 2-point (Zero + slope) Zero: Electrically or with oxygen free water Slope: in air or process using a laboratory reference value Bypass Installation with atmospheric outlet " NPT " NPT 4 ... 10 l/h Outlet at atmosphere pressure Gold cathode, Silver anode PFA Noryl SS 316L 10 m MONEC only 2 x 0/420 mA fully programmable, 800 Ohms load max. - 1 x measurement (linear or dual range) and 1 x for the temperature (linear), or - two measurements (linear or dual range) 4 relays (min/max., system alarm, timer) optional RS485 90...265 VAC, 50/60 Hz, ~25VA low Voltage version on request -20 ... +60C IP65, NEMA 4 (optional NEMA4X) 10 kg 144 x 144 x 155 mm (W x H x D) 50 x 185 x 46 mm (W x H x D) with installed electrode 2 years for the controller Follwing sample cooler and pressure reducer, depending on application

Process connection Inlet Outlet (Drain) Required Flow rate Max. sample pressure Wetted Material Electrodes Membrane Sensor body Flowthrough cell Sensor cable Controller compatibility Outputs

Power requirements Operation Temperature Enclosure rating Weight Dimensions Controller Flowthrough cell Warranty


HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Dissolved Oxygen page 14

OXYGEN, Dissolved
OXISTAT T 9182 (DataSheet TE9182revD)
Part No. Z09182=A=0000 Designation OXISTAT T 9182
consisting of: Transmitter, Dissolved Oxygen Measuring probe, Flow through cell (SS316L), 10 m cable Startup / 2 year operation kit: electrolyte, calibration cap, filling syringe and 4 premounted membranes for ppb range analysis.

Price in

Low Voltage version on request

Consumables (suitable for 2 years operation under normal conditions) Z09185=A=3500 Z09181=A=3600 DO membranes (ppb); premounted, made of PFA, pk/4 KBr Filling solution, 100ml bottle

Spare Parts & Replacements Z09182=A=1200 Z09078=A=2000 Z09182=A=1000 Z09078=C=1010 Z09180=A=8010 Z621=191=082 Calibration cap Flow through cell, made of SS316L Oxygen electrode (ppb) without probe body Probe body oxygen ppb, made of NORYL Connection cable 10m 9182 Instruction manual in English

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Mounting Assemblies

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Mounting Assemblies page 1

Mounting Hardware & Accessories

for sc Controllers/Display Units
Part No. Designation sc60/100 Mounting Hardware LZX961 LZX997 sc60/100 Weather guard for Outside Installation sc60/100 Pole Mounting Assembly Kit
complete Pole Mounting Hardware Kit, incl. weather guard for installation near the probe/analyzer

Price in

sc1000 Mounting Hardware LZX958 LZX957 sc1000 weather guard for Outside Installation sc1000 Pole Mounting Assembly Kit
complete Mounting Hardware Kit, incl. weather guard for installation near the probe/analyzer


The sc60/100 and sc1000 controllers are suitable for wall, pipe and hand rail mounting. The sc60/100 can be mounted in addition to a panel. The weather guard is essential for outside installation. For installation close to the analyzer and no other mounting option is possible, we recommend our Pole Mounting assembly kit LZX997 respectively LZX957. A sc60/100 Pole Mounting Assembly Kit complete B C D E F sc1000 Pole Mounting Assembly Kit complete (with weather guard) sc1000 installation scheme; connection to a pole (without weather guard) sc1000 installation scheme; connection to a handrail with weather guard sc1000 installation scheme; connection to a handrail without weather guard sc1000 wall mounting installation scheme using weather guard

Digital extension cable (between display unit and probe) LZX847 LZX848 LZX849 LZX850 LZX851 LZX852 LZX853 LZY339 LZY340 LZY359 LZX971 LZX972 5867000 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Extension Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable with with with with with with with molded molded molded molded molded molded molded plug plug plug plug plug plug plug and and and and and and and coupling coupling coupling coupling coupling coupling coupling 0.35 5 10 15 20 30 50 m m m m m m m

cable diameter 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

Digital Extension Cable without plug and coupling1 Digital Extension Cable without plug and coupling1 Digital Extension Cable without plug and coupling1 sc Sensor Plug sc Sensor Coupling for cable 68 mm for cable 68 mm

100 m 200 m 400 m

6.8 mm 6.8 mm 6.8 mm

Termination Box Assembly

(for use with sc60/100 only - do not use with sc1000)


For further information please refer to DataSheet DOC053.22.00131

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Mounting Assemblies page 2

Mounting Hardware & Accessories

for Probes, Analyzers and Accessories
Part No. Designation Mounting Assembly for Amtax sc/Phosphax sc Analysers LZY285 LZY287 LZY286 Rail mounting for Amtax sc/Phosphax sc analyzer + 1 sc 1000 controller Stand mounting kit, suitable for 1 Amtax sc/Phosphax sc-analyzer Stand mounting kit, suitable for 1 Amtax sc/Phosphax sc-analyzer + 1 sc 1000 controller Price in

Complete Mounting Assemblies for Submersion probes (DOC273.98.03412)

Complete Mounting Kit, made of Stainless steel, consisting of: Controller Pipe bracket, Probe pipe stand, Mounting pipe (2m), Mouting brackets (2x), Accessories Installation Kit for probes

LZX414.00.00000 LZX414.00.40000 LZX414.00.10000 LZX414.00.20000 LZX414.00.21000 LZX414.00.22000 LZX414.00.30000 LZX414.00.50000 LZX414.00.60000 LZX414.00.70000 LZX414.00.71000 LZX414.00.72000 LZX414.00.73000

SIGMATAX, VOLITAX FILTRAX (probe) NITRATAX, UVAS, SOLITAX SONATAX SONATAX with Pivot Mounting SONATAX with Pivot Mounting Special applications

without adapter A,B without adapter C incl. 90 adapter D incl. 180 adapter E incl. 180 adapter + 1 m extension pipe (BRO061) L incl. 180 adapter + 0.35 m extension pipe (BRO068) L incl. 360 adapter F

Rim mounting for filtration probe sc (for Amtax sc & Phosphax sc only) Rail mounting for filtration probe sc (for Amtax sc & Phosphax sc only) SONATAX sc Tank rim fixing SONATAX with Pivot Mounting and 1m extension pipe SONATAX with Pivot Mounting and 0.35m extension pipe SONATAX sc Rail mounting assembly


Optional Accessories BRO068 BRO061 BRO062 LZX456 Extension pipe 0.35 m, made of Stainless Steel Extension pipe 1.0 m, made of Stainless Steel Extension pipe 1.8 m, made of Stainless Steel Second fastening point (in case of vibrations)
Complete Mounting Kit, made of Stainless steel, consisting of: Controller Pipe bracket, Probe pipe stand, Mouting brackets (2x), Accessories Installation Kit for probes

Picture G


90 Base (Controller & probe pipe bracket) Swivel Mounting Swivel Impact protection Adapter Probe adapter 90 Probe adapter 180 Probe adapter 360 Set of small accessories for probe mounting

Picture H

LZX514 LZX515

Picture M

AHA034 AHA033 BRO065 LZX417

Picture I Picture J Picture K

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Mounting Assemblies page 3

Mounting Hardware & Accessories

for other Display Units
Part No. Designation Other Controller Mounting Hardware (DataSheet DOC273.98.03412) LZX676 LZX413 FILTRAX control unit Mounting Kit, complete kit Display Unit Mounting Kit, for MULTI UNIT, MULTI UNIT plus, SONATAX (plus), Radio transmission
Complete Mounting Kit, made of Stainless steel, consisting of: Controller Pipe bracket, Weather guard and - insert, Mounting pipe (1.8m), Accessories Installation Kit for probes

Price in



HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Mounting Assemblies page 4

Mounting Hardware & Accessories

for Digital E-Chem sensors (LDO & S sc sensors)
Part No. LXV914.99.XXX00 Designation Mounting Hardware for Digital E-Chem sensors, Immersion style Price in

L Z X 9 1 4 . 9 9 . X X X 0 0
Country code Mounting Hardware Style Single Immersion Pole (pole only) ............................................................... Chain Mounting Kit .................................................................................... Pole Mounting Kit ....................................................................................... Ball Float Mounting Kit (only for LDO and in CPVC available) ......................... 0 1 3 4

Material Stainless Steel (SS316 ) .................................................................................. 1 Plastic (PVC) ................................................................................................... 2 Immersion Sensor Style LDO sensor ......................................................................................................... 1 Other E-Chem Immersion sensors ......................................................................... 2


Chain Mounting Assembly Country code

L Z X 9 1 4 . 9 9 . X X X 0 0

Sensor/Material option for LDO sensor Mounting assembly complete, made of PVC .............................................. 1 2 1 Mounting assembly complete, made of SS ................................................ 1 1 1 Upgrade Kit for existing chain mounting assembly, made of PVC ................ 2 2 1 Upgrade Kit for existing chain mounting assembly, made of SS .................. 2 1 1 for 1" E-Chem sensors Mounting assembly made of PVC .............................................................. 1 2 2 Mounting assembly made of SS ................................................................ 1 1 2


Assembly consists of a Stainless Steel boom and a Stainless Steel or PVC chain mount assembly. For further information please refer to DataSheet DOC053.52.00018 & DOC053.52.00019

Replacements/Spare parts for Chain Mounting Assembly LZX959 LZY232 LZX891 Bail, Stainless Steel
with nuts and washer (without chain) to be used with the sensors LXV426, LXV427 and LXV428 (1200S sc, pHD S sc & 3798 S sc) in combination with already existing chain mount hardware!

Picture A

Chain, 5m, made of Stainless Steel Chain, 5m, made of PVC

B (Upgrade Kit)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Mounting Assemblies page 5

Mounting Hardware & Accessories

for Immersion Installation of Digital E-Chem sensors (LDO & "S sc" sensors)
Part No. LZX914.99.0XX00 Designation Single Immersion Pole, 2.3 m length Country code Sensor/Material option for LDO sensor Mounting assembly made of PVC ................................................................... 2 1 Mounting assembly made of SS ..................................................................... 1 1 for 1" E-Chem sensors Mounting assembly made of PVC ................................................................... 2 2 Mounting assembly made of SS ..................................................................... 1 2 Price in

L Z X 9 1 4 . 9 9 . 0 X X 0 0


Assembly consists of a single Pole, 1" , 2.3 m long, made of Stainless Steel or PVC. No mounting accessories are including.

Pole Mounting Assembly, 2.3 m length Country code

L Z X 9 1 4 . 9 9 . 3 X X 0 0

Sensor/Material option for LDO sensor Mounting assembly made of PVC ................................................................... 2 1 Mounting assembly made of SS ..................................................................... 1 1 for 1" E-Chem sensors Mounting assembly made of PVC ................................................................... 2 2 Mounting assembly made of SS ..................................................................... 1 2 LZX856 1.15 m Extension Pole for LZX914.99.31100, made of Stainless Steel


Assembly consists with 1" , 2.3 m long, Stainless Steel or PVC pipe, and a unique swivel/pivot/pipe clamp assembly. For further information please refer to DataSheet DOC053.52.00020 & DOC053.52.00021


Pole Mounting Assembly, 2.3 m length Country code

L Z X 9 1 4 . 9 9 . 4 X X 0 0

Sensor/Material option for LDO sensor Mounting assembly made of PVC ................................................................... 2 1


Same as LZX914.99.32200 hardware but also includes a ball float assembly, and a 45-angled PVC coupling to connect float assembly to pipe.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Mounting Assemblies page 6

Stationary and Portable systems

HACH LANGE is the only supplier that is able to offer both common sampling techniques: - pressure / vacuum technology - peristaltic technology The BUEHLER product range stands for pressure/ vacuum technology and is devided into stationary sampler (oder codes BN4XXX / BN5XXX) and portable sampler (BN1029 / XIAN BM1000).

BUEHLER standard sampler is the 4010 / 5010. Both are suitable for most sampling applications on wwtp - difference 4010/5010 --> same sampler, 5010 housing is bigger to allow different bottle options

BUEHLER 4110 is similar to 4010, but possible to install HACH LANGE SC100 Controller to connect SC On-Line Probes at place. Mainly used at wwtp outlet - combination sampling system and on-line measurements.

BUEHLER 4210/5210 is similar to 4010, but with integrated water rinsing system for cleaning. Application is sampling station for sludge tanker at the inlet of wwtp or sampling of higher suspended solids.

BUEHLER 4410/5410 is similar to 4010, but samples are taken continiously -> the first filled bottles gets automatically emptied and cleaned before sampling starts again (self-emptying principle). Main application is outlet on wwtp which not have to analyse samples every day.

BUEHLER 1029 portable sampler - programming and options similar to stationary sampler. Sampler available with optional active cooling base (refridgerated sample cooling) and GSM option. All bases have a square format.

BUEHLER XIAN is also a portable sampler, but with a round base - only available in passive cooling.

The SIGMA product range stands for peristaltic technology and is also devided into portable sampler and stationary sampler (2 types: indoor use = refridgerated / outdoor use = all weather refridgerated AWRS)

All samplers are available with a basic controller called SIGMA 900 or "advanced" version SIGMA 900 MAX with additional features like flow or E-Chem probes.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Portable and Stationary systems

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4010 (DataSheet DOC053.72.03120)

The Bhler 4010 is a standard stationary sampler and optimally suited for use in waste water treatment plants, industrial processes, and surface water monitoring. A choice of sample chambers makes the system highly versatile, facilitating sampling in time, event and flow-proportional modes (Variable Time / Constant Volume included - Variable Volume / Constant Time as an Option). - reliable - easy to mantain - all stationary BHLER samplers are M Certs certified - strongest on the market Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling Sample container

Suction hose Programs Controller

Diaphragm pump Integrated clock Bottle filling time Metering pause Sample manifold Quantity signal Interface Overvoltage protection Status messages Data storage Housing

Thermal control Dimensions Power supply Power consumption Apparent resistance Ambient temperature Weight Specials Warranty

Bhler 4010 pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 350 ml (optional 20 ... 500 ml), selectable samples proportional to time, quantity, flow rate and event 1 x 25 l PE container, 1 x 50 l PP container, 4 x 6.3 l PE container, 2 x 22 l PE container, 2 x 10 l PE bottles, 4 x 10 l PE bottles, 4 x 14 l PE bottles, 12 x 2.9 l PE bottles, 24 x 1 l PE bottles, 12 x 2 l glass bottles, 24 x 0.9 l PE bottles 7.5 m PVC hose (12 mm inside diameter - 16 mm optional) 6 custom user programs microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs, real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60cm/s according ISO 5667 indicates time and date relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min round manifold, X-Y manifold 0/4 ... 20 mA or pulse RS232 all inputs are protected against overvoltage sampling, manifold, active, group error message (optional) logging of the sampling and the messages double-wall stainless steel (material 1.4301) with 2 lockable doors. Optional: Top door with viewing window and SS316 or EPOXY coated housing. Protective heater in upper part interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1290 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D), 1882 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230V/50 Hz, fuse protection at least 10A, cable with earthed plug 250 VA 50 Ohm -20 ... +40C 90 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 3

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4010 (DataSheet DOC053.72.03120)
Part No. BN401X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Sampler Model 4010 .................................................................................... 0
with 7.5 m suction hose (ID 12mm) (Top door without window, no fridge, temp-display)

Price in

B N 4 0 1 X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

4011 .................................................................................... 1
Same as 4010, with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction)

4012 .................................................................................... 2
Same as 4011, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample, interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9)

4013 .................................................................................... 3
Same as 4012, with mains switch and overvoltage protection

Price adder Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V ............................................................................... 5 3 Sampling system Option Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights < 5m) ................................... Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ......................................... Flow proportional sampling mode 2 .............................................................. Flow Through vessel for sampling in pressurized pipes 3 ............................... 1 2 3 4

Refridgeration Option No Fridge, No Heater ...................................................................................... 0 Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Option Plastic, 1 x 25 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 10 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 14 L .................................................................................................. Plastic, 12 x 2.9 L ................................................................................................ Plastic, 24 x 1 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 1 x 50 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 6 L .................................................................................................... Plastic, 2 x 10 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 2 x 22 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 24 x 1 L (with X-Y Distributor instead of round distributor and base plate) 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 A B C

New Item

Glass, 12 x 2 L ................................................................................................... 4 Glass, 24 x 1.0 L ............................................................................................... 7 Housing Option made of SS304 (V2A) ............................................................................................... made of SS316 (V4A) ............................................................................................... made of SS304 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... made of SS316 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Option Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug .................................................................................................................... Notes:
Flow Proportional - Variable Volume / Constant Time Flow Through vessel; for pressurized pipes; min required flow 4 ... 20 /min


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 4

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 5010 (DataSheet DOC053.72.03120)

The Bhler 5010 stationary sampler is optimally suited for use in waste water treatment plants, industrial processes, and surface water monitoring. The 5010 is similar to the 4010, but the housing is bigger because of the special bottle options. A choice of sample chambers makes the system highly versatile, facilitating sampling in time, event and flow-proportional modes (Variable Time / Constant Volume included - Variable Volume / Constant Time as an Option).

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling Sample container Suction hose Programs Controller

Bhler 5010 pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 500 ml, selectable proportional to time, quantity, flow and event PE: 24 x 2.9 L, 4 x 20 L Glas: 24 x 2.0 L 7.5 m PVC hose (12 mm inside diameter, Optional 16mm) 6 custom user programs incl. combination program for linking time-quantity-event microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs , real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60cm/s according ISO 5667 indicates time and date relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min. relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min round manifold, X-Y manifold 0/4 20 mA or pulse RS 232 all inputs are protected against overvoltage sampling, manifold, active, group error message (optional) logging of the sampling and the messages double-wall stainless steel (material 1.4301) with 2 lockable doors, Optional SS316 housing or EPOXY coated. interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1290 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D), 1882 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230V/50 Hz, fuse protection at least 10A, cable with earthed plug 250 VA 50 Ohm -20 ... +40C 110 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

Diaphragm pump Integrated clock Bottle filling time Metering pause Sample manifold Quantity signal Interface Overvoltage protection Status messages Data storage Housing

Independent thermal control Dimensions Power supply Power consumption Apparent resistance Ambient Weight Specials Warranty

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 5010 (DataSheet DOC053.72.03120)
Part No. BN501X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Price in

B N 5 0 1 X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

Sampler Model 5011 .................................................................................... 1

Basic version - 7.5 m hose with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction)

5012 .................................................................................... 2
Same as 5011, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample, interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9)

5013 .................................................................................... 3
Same as 5012, with mains switch and overvoltage protection

Price adder Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V ................................................................................ 5 3 Sampling system Option Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights < 5m) ................................... Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ......................................... Flow proportional sampling mode 2 .............................................................. Flow Through vessel for sampling in pressurized pipes 3 ............................... 1 2 3 4

Refridgeration Option No Fridge, No Heater ...................................................................................... 0 Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Option Plastic, 24 x 2.9 L ................................................................................................ Plastic, 4 x 20 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 25 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 36 x 1.0 L (X,Y distibutor, 3 bottle trays a 12 bottles) ................................. 1 3 4 5

Glass, 24 x 2.0 L ............................................................................................... 2 Housing Option made of SS304 (V2A) ............................................................................................... made of SS316 (V4A) ............................................................................................... made of SS304 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... made of SS316 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Option Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug ....................................................................................................................


Flow Proportional - Variable Volume / Constant Time Flow Through vessel; for pressurized pipes; min required flow 4 ... 20 /min


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4110 (DataSheet DOC053.52.00214)

BUEHLER 4110 is similar to 4010, but possible to install HACH LANGE SC100 Controller to connect SC On-Line Probes at place. Mainly used at wwtp outlet - combination sampling system and on-line measurements. A choice of sample chambers makes the system highly versatile, facilitating sampling in time, event and flow-proportional modes (Variable Time / Constant Volume included - Variable Volume / Constant Time as an Option). - reliable - easy to mantain - all stationary BHLER samplers are M Certs certified - strongest Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling Sample container

Suction hose Programs Controller

Diaphragm pump Integrated clock Bottle filling time Metering pause Sample manifold Quantity signal Interface Overvoltage protection Status messages Data storage Housing

thermal control Dimensions Power supply Power consumption Apparent resistance Ambient temperature Weight Specials Warranty

Bhler 4110 pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 350 ml (optional 20 ... 500 ml), selectable samples proportional to time, quantity, flow rate and event 1 x 25 l PE container, 1 x 50 l PP container, 4 x 6.3 l PE container, 2 x 22 l PE container, 2 x 10 l PE bottles, 4 x 10 l PE bottles, 4 x 14 l PE bottles, 12 x 2.9 l PE bottles, 24 x 1 l PE bottles, 12 x 2 l glass bottles, 24 x 0.9 l PE bottles 7.5 m PVC hose (12 mm inside diameter - 16 mm optional) 6 custom user programs microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs, real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60cm/s according ISO 5667 indicates time and date relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min round manifold, X-Y manifold 0/4 ... 20 mA or pulse RS232 all inputs are protected against overvoltage sampling, manifold, active, group error message (optional) logging of the sampling and the messages double-wall stainless steel (material 1.4301) with 2 lockable doors. Optional: Top door with viewing window and SS316 or EPOXY coated housing. Protective heater in upper part interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1290 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D), 1882 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230V/50 Hz, fuse protection at least 10A, cable with earthed plug 250 VA 50 Ohm -20 ... +40C 90 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 7

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4110 (DataSheet DOC053.52.00214)
Part No. BN401X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Price in

B N 4 1 X X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

Controller Option with 4 empty spaces for customer controllers (96 x 96 mm) ........................... 0 with 1 sc100 controller ..................................................... 1 with 2 sc100 controllers ................................................... 2 Sampler Model Option 4110 .................................................................................... with 7.5 m suction hose (ID 12mm) (Top door without window, no fridge, temp-display) 4111 .................................................................................... Same as 4110, with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction) 4112 .................................................................................... Same as 4111, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9) 4113 .................................................................................... Same as 4112, with mains switch and overvoltage 0 1 2

3 Price adder

Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V ............................................................................... 5 3 Sampling system Option Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights < 5m) .......................... Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ................................ Flow proportional sampling mode 2 .............................................................. 3 Flow Through vessel for sampling in pressurized pipes ............................... 1 2 3 4

Refridgeration Option No Fridge, No Heater ...................................................................................... 0 Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Option Plastic, 1 x 25 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 10 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 14 L .................................................................................................. Plastic, 12 x 2.9 L ................................................................................................ Plastic, 24 x 1 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 1 x 50 L ................................................................................................... Plastic, 4 x 6 L .................................................................................................... Plastic, 2 x 10 L ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 A

Glass, 12 x 2 L ................................................................................................... 4 Glass, 24 x 1.0 L ................................................................................................ 7 Housing Option made of SS304 (V2A) ............................................................................................... made of SS316 (V4A) ............................................................................................... made of SS304 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... made of SS316 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Option Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug ....................................................................................................................


Flow Proportional - Variable Volume / Constant Time Flow Through vessel; for pressurized pipes; min required flow 4 ... 20 /min

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4110 (DataSheet DOC053.52.00214)
Part No. Designation Options Digital E-Chem sensors for use with sc controllers LXV426.99.10001 LZX914.99.11200 LXV428.99.00001 LZX914.99.11200 LXV416.99.00001 LZX914.99.21100 pH - 1200 sc Mounting Hardware 1200sc Conductivity 3798 sc Mounting Hardware 3798 sc Oxygen - LDO Mounting hardware LDO Probes have to be ordered seperatly (Controller is included) Examples - generally all SC Probes are connectable; please refer to Tender Documents Price in


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 9

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4210 (DataSheet DOC063.52.03814)

The Bhler 4210 stationary sampler is optimally suited for use in waste water with suspended solids. The differences to the BN4010 models are: - chamber 500 ml with automatic rinsing of the metering chamber as well of the outlet and distributor hose. - Direct distributor from the chamber to the bottle. - all stationary BHLER samplers are M Certs certified strongest on the market Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling mode Sample container Suction hose Programs Controller

Diaphragm pump Language Integrated clock Bottle filling time Metering pause Sample manifold Quantity signal Interface Overvoltage protection Status messages Data storage Housing thermal control Dimensions Power supply Power consumption Apparent resistance Ambient Weight Specials Warranty

Bhler 4210 pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 350 ml (optional 20 ... 500 ml), selectable proportional to time, quantity, flow and event PE: 1 x 25l, 4 x 14l, 12 x 1l Glas: 12 x 0.9l 7.5 m PVC hose (12 mm inside diameter, Optional 16mm) 6 custom user programs incl. combination program for linking time-quantity-event microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60 cm/s according ISO 5667 several languages available indicates time and date relative time: 1min. - 99h 59 min relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min round manifold, X-Y manifold 0/4 20 mA or pulse RS 232 all inputs are protected against overvoltage sampling, manifold, active, group error message (optional) logging of the sampling and the messages double-wall stainless steel (material 1.4301) with 2 lockable doors. Top door with viewing window. Protective heater in upper part interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1290 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D), 1882 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230V/50 Hz, fuse protection at least 10A, cable with earthed plug 250 VA 50 Ohm -20 ... +40C 90 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4210 (DataSheet DOC063.52.03814)
Part No. BN421X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Price in

B N 4 2 1 X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

Sampler Model 4210 .................................................................................... 0

with 7.5 m suction hose (ID 12mm) (Top door without window, no fridge, temp-display)

4211 .................................................................................... 1
Same as 4210, with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction)

4212 .................................................................................... 2
Same as 4211, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample, interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9)

4213 .................................................................................... 3
Same as 4212, with mains switch and overvoltage protection

Price adder Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V (US) ......................................................................... 5 3 Sampling system Option Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights < 5m) ................................... 1 Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ......................................... 2 Refridgeration Option No Fridge, No Heater ...................................................................................... 0 Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Option Plastic, 1 x 25 l .................................................................................................... 1 Plastic, 4 x 14 l .................................................................................................... 2 Plastic, 12 x 1,0 l ................................................................................................. 4 Glass, 12 x 1.0 l ................................................................................................. 3 Housing Option made of SS304 (V2A) ............................................................................................... made of SS316 (V4A) ............................................................................................... made of SS304 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... made of SS316 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Option Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug ....................................................................................................................


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 5210 (DataSheet DOC063.52.03814)

The Bhler 5210 stationary sampler is optimally suited for use in waste waterwith suspended solids. The 5210 is similar to the 4210, but the housing is bigger because of the special bottle options. The differences with 5010 are: - chamber 500 ml withautomatic rinsing of the metering chamber as well of the outlet and distributor hose. - Direct distributor from the chamber to the bottle.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling mode Cleaning/Rinsing mode Sample container Suction hose Programs Controller

Diaphragm pump Integrated clock Bottle filling time Metering pause Sample manifold Quantity signal Interface Overvoltage protection Status messages Data storage Housing thermal control Dimensions Power supply Power consumption Apparent resistance Ambient Weight Specials Warranty

Bhler 5210 pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 500 ml, selectable proportional to time, quantity, flow and event Sample chamber is rinsed with water instead of air as usually PE: 23 x 1L, 4 x 20 L Glas: 23 x 0.9 L 7.5 m PVC hose (12 mm ID, Optional 16mm) 6 custom user programs incl. combination program for linking time-quantity-event microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60 cm/s according ISO 5667 indicates time and date relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min. relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min round manifold, X-Y manifold optional 0/4 20 mA or pulse RS 232 all inputs are protected against overvoltage sampling, manifold, active, group error message (optional) logging of the sampling and the messages double-wall stainless steel (material 1.4301) with 2 lockable doors. Top door with viewing window. Protective heater in upper part interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1290 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D), 1882 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230V/50 Hz, fuse protection at least 10A, cable with earthed plug 250 VA 50 Ohm -20 ... +40C 110 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 12

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 5210 (DataSheet DOC063.52.03814)
Part No. BN521X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Price in

B N 5 2 1 X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

Sampler Model 5211 .................................................................................... 1

Basic version - 7.5 m hose with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction)

5212 .................................................................................... 2
Same as 5211, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample, interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9)

5213 .................................................................................... 3
Same as 5212, with mains switch and overvoltage protection

Price adder Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V (US) ......................................................................... 5 3 Sampling system Vacuum 500 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights < 5m) ................................... 1 Vacuum 500 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ......................................... 2 Refridgeration Options No Fridge, No Heater ...................................................................................... 0 Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Options Plastic, 23 x 1.0 L ................................................................................................ 1 Plastic, 4 x 20 L ................................................................................................... 3 Glass, 23 x 1.0 L ..... .......................................................................................... 2 Housing made of made of made of made of SS304 SS316 SS304 SS316 (V2A) ............................................................................................... (V4A) ............................................................................................... Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug ....................................................................................................................


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 13

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4410 Self-emptying Sampler (DataSheet DOC053.52.03122)

The Buehler 4410 self-emptying stationary sampler is ideally suited for municipal waste water treatment and industrial selfcontrol applications, as well as for use in public sampling schemes (e.g. river water quality monitoring). Sample bottles are automatically emptied and rinsed before re-use. - all stationary BHLER samplers are M Certs certified - strongest on the market

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling Sample container Suction hose Programs Display Controller

Diaphragm pump Status message Data storage Languages Integrated clock Purging mode Automatic pressure flush Bottle filling time Metering pause Quantity signal Overvoltage protection Housing thermal control Dimensions Power supply Ambient Weight Specials Warranty

Bhler 4410 self-emptying Sampler pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 350 ml (optional 500 ml), selectable, optional flow rate system sampling proportional to time, quantity, flow rate and event 12 x 1.6 l Duran 50 - glass bottles + special versions PVC hose (12 mm ID) 6 custom user programs incl. combination program for linking time-quantity-event 4x20 characters, LC display with background illumination microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60 cm/s according ISO 5667 optional: sampling, manifold, group error message logging of the sampling and the messages several languages available indicates time and date when the last bottle is filled, the first bottle is automatically emptied and purged spray head for drinking water and process water with max. 2 bar pressure relative time: 1min. - 99h 59 min. relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min 0/4 20 mA or pulse all inputs are protected against overvoltage double-wall stainless steel with 2 lockable doors, top door with viewing window interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1290 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D), 1882 x 710 x 660 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230 Volt / 50 Hz -20 ... +40C 115 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 14

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 4410 Self-emptying Sampler (DataSheet DOC053.52.03122)
Part No. BN441X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Price in

B N 4 4 1 X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

Sampler Model 4411 ...................................................................................... 1

Basic version - 7.5 m hose with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction)

4412 ...................................................................................... 2
Same as 4411, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample, interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9)

4413 ...................................................................................... 3
Same as 4412, with mains switch and overvoltage protection

Price adder Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V (US) ......................................................................... 5 3 Sampling system Option Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ................................... Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ......................................... Vacuum 500 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ......................................... Flow proportional sampling mode 2 .............................................................. Flow Through vessel for sampling in pressurized pipes 3 ............................... 1 2 3 4 5

Refridgeration Option Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Option Plastic, 2 x 10 L ................................................................................................... 1 Plastic, 4 x 5 L .................................................................................................... 4 Glass, 12 x 1.6 L ................................................................................................. 2 Housing Option made of SS304 (V2A) ............................................................................................... made of SS316 (V4A) ............................................................................................... made of SS304 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... made of SS316 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Option Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug ....................................................................................................................


Flow Proportional - Variable Volume / Constant Time Flow Through vessel; for pressurized pipes; min required flow 4 ... 20 l/min


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 5410 Self-emptying Sampler (DataSheet DOCXXX.XX.XXXXX)
The Bhler 5410 self emptying stationary sampler is ideally suited for municipal waste water treatment and industrial self-control applications, as well as for use in public sampling schemes (e.g. river water quality monitoring). The 5410 is similar to the 4410, but the housing is bigger because of the special bottle options. Sample bottles are automatically emptied and rinsed before re-use. - all stationary BHLER samplers are M Certs certified - strongest on the market

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling Sample container Suction hose Programs Display Controller

Diaphragm pump Status message Data storage Languages Integrated clock Purging mode Automatic pressure flush Bottle filling time Metering pause Quantity signal Overvoltage protection Housing thermal control Dimensions Power supply Ambient Weight Specials Warranty

Bhler 5410 self-emptying Sampler pressure / vacuum principle up to 8 m @ p = 1bar upt to 15 m using cascade sampling system 20 ... 350 ml (optional 500 ml), selectable, optional flow rate system sampling proportional to time, quantity, flow rate and event 24 x 2 l Duran 50 - glass bottles 24 x 1 l Duran 50 - glass bottles PVC hose (12 mm ID) 6 custom user programs incl. combination program for linking time-quantity-event 4x20 characters, LC display with background illumination microprocessor controlled, membrane keypad, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60 cm/s according ISO 5667 optional: sampling, manifold, group error message logging of the sampling and the messages several languages available indicates time and date when the last bottle is filled, the first bottle is automatically emptied and purged spray head for drinking water and process water with max. 2 bar pressure relative time: 1min. - 99h 59 min. relative time: 1 min. - 99h 59 min 0/4 20 mA or pulse all inputs are protected against overvoltage double-wall stainless steel with 2 lockable doors, top door with viewing window interior at +4 C, independent of the controller 1390 x 710 x 820 mm (H x W x D), 2175 x 710 x 820 mm (H x W x D) with roof up 230 Volt / 50 Hz -20 ... +40C 125 kg User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 16

SAMPLER, stationary
BHLER 5410 Self-emptying Sampler (DataSheet DOCXXX.XX.XXXXX)
Part No. BN541X.XX.XXXXX Designation Stationary Sampler Bhler Price in

B N 5 4 1 X . X X . X X X X X

Basic price

Sampler Model 5411 ...................................................................................... 1

Basic version - 7.5 m hose with window in upper door, counterweight and 1 relay (collective malfunction)

5412 ...................................................................................... 2
Same as 5411, with 4 relays (collective malfunction, program active, Program end, taking sample, interior lighting and RS 232 socket (Sub D9)

5413 ...................................................................................... 3
Same as 5412, with mains switch and overvoltage protection

Price adder Country Code Selection English 230V ................................................................................ 5 2 English 115V (US) ......................................................................... 5 3 Sampling system Option Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights < 5m) ........................ Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ............................. Vacuum 500 ml, KNF Pump (for suction heights > 5m) ............................. Flow proportional sampling mode 2 .............................................. ............... 3 Flow Through vessel for sampling in pressurized pipes ......................... 1 2 3 4 5

Refridgeration Option Fridge and Heater .......................................................................................... 1 Coated Fridge ................................................................................................ 2 Bottle/Container Option Plastic, 24 x 2 L ................................................................................................... 3 Glass, 24 x 2 L .................................................................................................... 1 Glass, 24 x 1 L .................................................................................................... 2 Housing Option made of SS304 (V2A) ............................................................................................... made of SS316 (V4A) ............................................................................................... made of SS304 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... made of SS316 Epoxy Coated .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Plug type Option Euro Plug ...................................................................................................................... UK Plug ........................................................................................................................ No Plug ........................................................................................................................ Swiss Plug .................................................................................................................... Notes:
Flow Proportional - Variable Volume / Constant Time Flow Through vessel; for pressurized pipes; min required flow 4 ... 20 l/min


For further options, accessories and major spare parts, please refer to the chapter BHLER accessories.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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BHLER 1027 (DataSheet DOC063.52.03813)
The Bhler 1027 is a basic wallmounted sampler, made of SS. Easy to use - just 3 quick decisions and the sampler is programmed and ready for reliable sampling: Time- or Flowproportional sample? Which sampling interval? Should the programm run for 24h or continuously? Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Suction velocity Sampling volume Sample container Suction hose Housing Controlling Shut-down electrodes Sampling modes Sampling interval Flowsignal Interface Diagnostics Power supply Operating temperature Dimensions Weight Warranty

Bhler 1027 pressure/vacuum 7 m maximum 0,6 m/s @ 5 m suction height 20 ... 350 ml, selectable Composite bottle 5 m PVC-hose (12 mm inside diameter) SS 304 3-Key-Go-Function, controlled by LEDs Conductivity Time and flow proportional (only pulses) 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 min or 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 pulses digital pulses or 4-20mA RS 232 RAM, ROM, pump 230 V / 50 Hz 0 C to 40 C 310 x 290 x 220 mm (H x W x D) 8 kg 24 month

Part No. BN10270000PX

Designation Bhler 1027, Sampler

Price in

B N 1 0 2 7 E 0 0 0 0 P X
Price adder

Power Adapter European Power Plug ......................................................................................................... 1 UK Power plug .................................................................................................................. 2 Without Plug ..................................................................................................................... 3 Optional accessories BM60046 BM60342 BM50025 BM900012 BM69304 BM69403 BM60050 BM1029F0125P Plastic Bottle, 25 l Plastic Bottle, 50 l Stainless Steel Counterweight (180mm long) Suction hose ", length 5m, inc. screw connection PVC hose, 12,7 x 20 Flat packaging 25 x 15 x 2 EPDM Hose weight " x 13 Refrigerated Compartment for composite Sampling (25 l max.); for Indoor use only! made of SS, Dimensions: 85 x 50 x 62 cm (H x W x D).
Adaptor for former Sampler model 1029E0000P not included!

Spare Parts BM60428 BM900484 Vaccum pump Spare part kit for vaccum pump (BM60428) - contains membrane and valve plates European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 18

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

SAMPLER, portable
BHLER 1029 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03119)
The Bhler 1029 transportable sampler comes in Stainless Steel housing and is ideally suited for sampling waste waters from treatment plants and industrial processes, as well as for surface water monitoring. Sampler and base are available with main power or rechargeable battery option. The BUEHLER 1029 can also be installed as a thermostat-controlled stationary system for unsurpassed flexibility.
Typical applications: In water authorities - for discharger control and verification - for monitoring water sources In treatment plants - for monitoring each cleaning stage - for use outside the treatment plant In industry - for environmental self control

In laboratories and environmental organisations - portable application in remote areas

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Dosing system Suction height Sample volume Sample container

Suction hose Diaphragm pump Controller

Bhler 1029 portable sampler pressure / vacuum principle Vacuum 350 ml Vacuum VAR system, 400 ml up to 6 m 20 ... 350 ml, selectable Composite container or optional - Insulating passive cooling box (1 x 10 l, 2 x 5 l, 12 x 1 l, 24 x 0.4 l) - Insulating active cooling box (1 x 10 l, 2 x 5 l, 12 x 1 l, 24 x 0.4 l), 12V/24V/230V PVC hose (12 mm ID) 12V / 0.7 A, vacuum.
Medium suction speed with suction hose ID 12mm and 5m suction height, > 60cm /s (ISO 5667)

Time display Bottle filling time Sampling interval Sampling Data storage Quantity signal Programs Interface Key code Power supply Operating temp. Ambient Dimensions

microprocessor, (membrane keypad), with 128 kB EPROM, 32 kB RAM, 16 kByte EEPROM, 16 digital and 8 analogue, inputs/outputs , real-time clock with battery back-up, 4x20 LCD with background illumination date and time real-time: 1min to 99h 59min real-time: 1min to 99h 59min time-, flow- and event-proportional sampling mode sample logging 0/4 - 20 mA, digital or event 6 custom user programs RS 232 freely selectable mains operation or 12V /0.8A rechargeable battery operation (10 Ah) 0C to 40C Sampler: 400 x 405 x 230 mm (H x W x D) passive cooling Isobox: 430 x 640 x 350 mm (H x W x D) active cooling Isobox (fridge): 530 x 760 x 450 mm 13 kg (sampler) stainless steel (1.4301/SS304H) with lockable plastic door User Interface languages available in GB, FR, GER, CZ, PL, DK, IT, NL Thermostatic controlled (only in cunjuction with insulating box) Operation via modem/GSM (optional) 24 month

Weight Housing Specials


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SAMPLER, portable
BHLER 1029 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03119)
Part No. BN401X.XX.XXXXX Designation Bhler 1029, portable sampler Country Code Selection Sampling system Option Base only, without sampling system ..................................................................... 0 Vacuum 350 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights 5m) ................................... 1 Vacuum 500 ml, Thomas Pump (for suction heights 5m) ................................... 2 Flow proportional, Variable Volume, Constant time sampling mode ....................... 3 Vacuum 350 ml, KNF Pump, Type 811 (for suction heights > 5m) ......................... 4 Vacuum 350 ml, double head pump for greater suction velocity ............................ 5 Price adder Refridgeration Option Sampler only (no distributor, no box, no bottle options, no bottle) .................... 0 Sampler with passive cooling base, ice - cooling................................................ 1 Sampler with refridgerated ("active") cooling base 1 .......................................... 3 Passive cooling box without sampler ................................................................ 2 1 Refridgerated ("active") cooling base without sampler ..................................... 4 Bottle/Container Option No bottles required (Base prepared for distributor) ................................................ 0 Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, 1 x 10 L ................................................................................................... 2 x 5 L .................................................................................................... 24 x 0.4 L ................................................................................................ 12 x 1 L ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Price in

B N 1 0 2 9 . 9 9 . X X X X X

Basic Price

Glas, 12 x 1 L ...................................................................................................... 5 Power Supply for refridgerated base no plug only in combination with "no refridgerated base") Dry Battery .............................. 0 2 3 4 5

(Solar Battery type) for refridgerated base ......................................... 1

.......................................................................................... Euro Plug (230VAc) .......................................................................................... UK Plug (230VAc) .......................................................................................... Swiss Plug (230VAc) Bare cable, no Plug (230VAc) ................................................................................

Power Supply for Sampler none only applicable if no sampler has been selected .................................................. 0 Battery powered
2 (including battery) ....................................................................... 1

Euro Plug (230VAc) ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... UK Plug (230VAc) ............................................................................................... Swiss Plug (230VAc) Bare cable, no Plug (230VAc) ..................................................................................... Notes:
1 2

2 3 4 5

AC power or battery is obligatory AC or battery power is obligatory!! The Battery Charger not included and must be ordered seperatly (BM900026 or BM900033)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, portable
BHLER 1029 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03119)
Part No. Designation Optional accessories BM900171 BM69644 BM900020 BM900021 BM200004 BM900522 BM1029F0125P GSM Modem for BUEHLER sampler (factory installed option only) Flow Signal Cable - length 10m Connector Socket RS232 (subD9) at the outside of the Control unit Serial Interface Cable including connector plug (5m) PC Software "Read Data"
for communication via RS232 or GSM Modem for WIN 98/NT/XP

Price in

Cart for BHLER 1029 with active cooling isobox Refrigerated Compartment for composite Sampling (25 l max.); for Indoor use only! made of SS, Dimensions: 85 x 50 x 62 cm (H x W x D).
Adaptor for former Sampler model 1029E0000P not included!

Bottles, Containers and Accessories BM60081 BM60038 BM60036 BM60037 BM60315 BM30012 BM60144 BM50025 BM900065 BM60251 BM900031 Plastic Bottle 10 l, including cap Plastic Bottle 5 l, including cap Plastic bottle 1 l, without cap Cap for 1 l Plastic Bottle Plastic Bottle 0,4 l with cap Glass Bottle 1 l (Duran) without cap Cap for Glas Bottle 1.0 L Counterweight for hose 12 ID (SS304, 180mm long)1 Strainer basket Replacement Cooling Accu Wall Mounting Kit for the sampler head Batteries, Chargers & Cables BM10211 BM10012 BM900026 BM900033 BM69636 BM69692 BM900493 Solar battery for 1029 refridgerated base, 90Ah Replacement Battery 12V/10 Ah Battery Charger, IP20 Battery Charger, IP65 Cable, to charge the removed battery External Battery Cable, 10' with battery clip and connector - length 2.5m cable with car plug for 1029 active cooling box Conversion Kits BM900525 BM91020 BHLER 1029 Conversion kit - 230VAC/12VDC
kit for converting a 1029 with mains supply to battery operation (12VDC)

BHLER 1029 Conversion kit - 12VDC/230VAC

kit for converting a 1029 with battery option to operation with main supply (240VAC)


For further spare parts, please refer to the "Bhler general accessories" or the manual.

BHLER1029 Sampler

Passive Cooling Box

Active Cooling Box European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 21

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

SAMPLER, portable
XIAN1000 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03133)

The BUEHLER XIAN is a portable vacuum sampler with a round base fits into a manhole ! The Xian1000 automatically extracts samples of liquids including crude sewage and some sludges from open channels, such as municipal or industrial waste water, streams, rivers etc, proportional to either time or flow (when connected to a flow meter). This vacuum system sampler can accomodate a choice of bottle formats, from either single bottle to 24 containers in a choice of glass or plastic.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Sample volume Sampling mode Sample container Suction hose Sampler Controller Programming unit Language Overfilling protection Sampling mode Manual sampling Start delay Running time Multiple running times Running time repetition Purging mode Mixed samples Pause mode Error analysis: Remote start Power supply Charger Program storage Operating temperature Sample temperature Warranty

XIAN1000 pressure / vacuum principle 7 meter max. 5 ... 500 ml, selectable time-, flow- and event-proportional sampling mode PE: 1 x 5 l, 1 x 12 l, 8 x 2 l, 24 x 500ml, 24 x 1000 ml Glass: 1 x 2.3 l, 1 x 10 l, 12 x 1000 ml,12 x 250ml +(1 x 2.5 l plastic) , 24 x 500 ml reinforced PVC or Teflon hose with suction point, (ID 9.5 mm) made from PE with folding lid and retaining bar made from stainless steel microprocessor, 4-button controller removable module with 2 x 16 digit LCD several languages available 1 9999 samples / bottle adjustable interval control: 1 min. to 24 h in minute steps pulse control: 1 to 9999 pulse/sample possible at any time without interrupting the sequence of the program 1min to 14 days in minute steps 1 minute to 99h 59 minutes in 1-minute steps 2 to 14 running times in sequence 2 to14 program repetitions 1 to 10 purging actions per sampling 2 to 99 samples / probe interruption of the program testing and display of all important functions start using floating contact maintenance-free rechargeable battery; 12 Volt, 7 Ah, backup operation for charging the rechargeable battery and for backup operation 8 weeks after failure of the power supply 0C to 45C 0C to 60C 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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SAMPLER, portable
XIAN1000 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03133)
Part No. BM1000AXX Designation XIAN1000, Portable Sampler Price in

B M 1 0 0 0 A

Price adder

Bottle/Container Option Glass, 1 x 2.3 l composite ................... .......................................................... Glass, 1 x 10 l composite ............................................................................... Glass, 12 x 250ml + (1 x 2.5 l plastic) ............................................................ Glass, 12 x 1 l ............................................................................................... Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, 1 x 5 l composite ............................................................................... 1 x 12 l composite ............................................................................. 8 x 2 l ............................................................................................... 24 x 500ml ........................................................................................ 24 x 1 l .............................................................................................

1X23G 1X10G 12X250G 12X1G 1X5P 1X12P 8X2P 24X05P 24X1P EN FR GE IT DU DA SW SP FI NA

Plug type Option English ........................................................................................................................ French ........................................................................................................................ German ....................................................................................................................... Italian ......................................................................................................................... Dutch .......................................................................................................................... Danish ........................................................................................................................ Swedish ...................................................................................................................... Spanish ....................................................................................................................... Finnish / language not in the controller .......................................................................... Manual not required .....................................................................................................


Battery charger module and programmer are essential for installation and operation and must be ordered separately! Samplers with Glass bottles are supplied with Sample chamber 5 - 500 ml (glass), rechargeable battery, 7,5 m Teflon Hose, Stainless Steel Sinker Weight and Instruction manual. Samplers with PE bottles are supplied with Sample chamber 5 - 500 ml (glass), rechargeable battery, 7,5 m PVC Hose, Brass Sinker Weight and Instruction manual. All XIAN1000 come with the Standard Sample Chamber 5-500ml type "A". If a customer wants 5-400ml or 5-75ml sample chamber, please order the appropriate chamber and adaptor from the list below separately.

Recommeded accessories BM1011-1030 Programmer, for XIAN1000 Batteries, Chargers, Cables & Ancillaries BM1011-1035 BM1011-2135 BM1011-2131 BM1011-2109 BM1011-0215 BM8200-0082 Battery Module Power Module 110-240VAC, 50/60Hz with Euro plug Power Module 110-240VAC, 50/60Hz with UK plug Auxiliary Power Lead (for use with 17 Ah battery) Battery Retaining Guy and Tab - 2 off per kit Charger Connector On Sampler Communications Hardware BM1011-2110 Auxiliary Signal Lead (for flow input and remote sampling) Operating Manuals DOC023.52.03114 DOC023.00.03114 Manual, English Manual, German

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SAMPLER, portable
XIAN1000 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03133)
Part No. Designation Sample Chambers BM1011-0807 BM1011-0808 BM1011-0809 BM1021-5029 BM1021-5015 BM1021-5016 BM1021-1056 BM8000-0034 BM1011-1305 Glass Sample Chamber with Discharge Tube (1011-1305) (5-500ml Shot) Glass Sample Chamber with Discharge Tube (1011-1305) (5-400ml Shot) Glass Sample Chamber with Discharge Tube (1011-1305) (5-75ml Shot) Glass Sample Chamber Only (5 ... 500ml) Glass Sample Chamber Only (5 ... 400ml) Glass Sample Chamber Only (5 ... 75ml) Adaptor Ring (for use with Chamber B & C) Discharge Tube Guide Discharge Tube (Glass Chamber) 230mm (Standard Length) Inlet Hoses & Accessories (Filters Not Included) BM8800-0027 BM1011-1051 BM1011-1308 BM1011-1054 BM1011-1059 PVC Inlet Hose (30 m reel) PVC Inlet Hose (7.5m), brass sinker weight PVC Inlet Hose (7.5m), stainless steel sinker weight Teflon Lined Inlet Hose (7.5m), stainless steel sinker weight Inlet Hose Support Bracket Filters & Sinker Weights BM1011-4018 BM1021-4300 BM1011-0815 BM1011-0907 BM1011-0817 Filter for PVC Inlet Hose Filter for Teflon Lined Hose Brass Sinker Weight Kit for PVC hose Stainless Steel Sinker Weight Kit for PVC hose Stainless Steel Sinker Weight Kit for Teflon hose Distributors BM1011-1010 BM1011-1331 BM1011-1109 Distributor Module Distributor Key Assembly Index Assembly Spout Assemblies (Replacements) BM1011-1016 BM1011-1318 BM1011-1319 Outlet Pipe - Spout Assembly (24x500) * Outlet Pipe - Spout Assembly (24x1) * Outlet Pipe - Spout Assembly (8x2) *
* These spouts will be required for samplers when an Index Assembly 1011-1109 is required

Price in

Bottles, Containers & Accessories BM1011-0826 BM1011-0841 BM1011-0214 BM1011-5022 BM1011-1009 BM1011-1071 BM1011-0831 BM1011-0832 BM8000-0078 BM8000-0077 Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass, 500 ml (Tall Wedge) pk/6 1 l with cap, pk/6 2 l pk/2 2.5 l 5l 12 l

250ml pk/4 1l 2.3 l 10 l

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SAMPLER, portable
XIAN1000 (DataSheet DOC053.52.03133)
Part No. Designation Bottle Support & Accessories BM1011-1045 BM1011-1081 BM1011-1044 BM1011-1027 BM1011-3307 BM1011-1114 BM1011-0818 Support, 1 l Plastic Container Support, 2 l Plastic Container Support, 500 ml Glass Container Support, 1 l Glass Container Support, 2.3 l Glass Container Support, 10 l Glass Container Bottle Alignment Tray (for 500 ml plastic containers - tall wedge) Sampler Housings BM1011-1320 BM1011-1321 BM1011-1322 BM1011-1323 BM1011-1324 Small Container Module Case (Grey) Medium Container Module Case (24 x 500 ml plastic) (Grey) Large Container Module Case (24 x 1 l plastic) (Grey) Large Case Adaptor (24 x 1 l plastic), (Grey) Insulated Jacket Assembly (Grey) Mounting & Carrying Ancillaries BM1011-1062 Suspension Harness Conversion Kits - Plastic Bottle Option BM1011-0302 BM1011-0303 BM1011-0314 5 l PE Composite Bottle Option including Small Container Module Case 12 l PE Composite Bottle Option, including Medium Container Module Case 12 x 1 l Multi Bottle Option, including Medium Container Module Case MISCELLANEOUS SPARES - xian 1000 Sampler BM1011-3021 BM1011-3022 BM1011-1310 BM8100-0066 BM1011-0219 BM1011-2102 BM8200-0957 BM8200-0074 BM1011-2103 BM1011-4000 BM1011-1036 BM1011-4011 BM1011-2004 BM1011-4010 BM1021-1301 BM1011-1315 BM8000-0026 BM1011-1311 BM8000-0004 BM1011-0217 BM8000-0099 BM1011-1337 BM1011-1210 BM1011-1206 BM1011-1205 BM8000-0060 BM1011-1307 BM1011-1212 Volume Control Tube 60mm Volume Control Tube 118mm Drawlatch Replacement Kit - pk/2 Adjustable Latch Fuse, 2 amp Quick Blow - pk/10 Fuse Holder 25 Pin D Connector Auxiliary Connector On Sampler LED Assembly Hose Connector Boss (Plastic) Inlet Hose Adaptor Kit, including Moulded Bung and Retaining Clip Slotted Screw Reed Switch Assembly Retaining Bush Chamber Bung Assembly Air Connector Pipe Air Pipe Quick Release Coupling Level Detector Probe Assembly Pump Pump Mounting Foot - Set of 3 Pump Diaphragm ONLY Pump Diaphragm and Valve Seal Kit Pnuematic Assembly Solenoid Valve (Small) Solenoid Valve (Large) Non Return Valve (Whisper Check) Manifold Assembly c/w Valves Pinch Valve User Spares Kits BM1011-1079 User Spares Kit Printed Circuit Boards BM1011-2133 Potted Main Printed Circuit Board Price in

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Options, Major Spare Parts & Accessories
Part No. Designation 4010 5010 4110 4210 5210 4410 5410 Optional accessories BM200004 BM900171 BM900020 BM900021 BM900034 BM900035 BM900036 BM900120 BM900037 BM900151 BM900276 BM90682 BM900471 BM90141 BM10050 BM10049 PC Software "Read Data" GSM Modem for BUEHLER sampler (factory installed option only) Connector Socket RS232 (subD9) at the outside of the Control unit Serial Interface Cable including connector plug (5m)
PC Software "Read Data" included for communication via RS232 or GSM Modem for WIN 98/NT/XP

Price in suitable for 1029


Signal Signal Signal Signal Signal

output: output: output: output: output:

Message Message Message Message Message

"distributor" "Program actives" "Sampling" "Program end" "collective malfunction"

Interior lightning Non Return Valve (slanted valve) for max. 1.0 bar Cascade sampling system for suction height up to 15m Backup battery with charger for stationary Bhler samplers
Main switch build in housing
mounted externally at top compartment

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X * X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Overvoltage protection for Signal input Overvoltage protection for mains (2 pieces required!!!)

* possible but requires HACH LANGE's prior approval; please contact HACH LANGE

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Major Spare Parts & Accessories
Part No. Designation 4010 5010 4110 4210 5210 4410 5410 suitable for Sample Chambers BM30004 BM30005 BM50008 BM30027 BM50255 BM50251 Glass Sample Chamber (350ml) Glass Sample Chamber (500ml) screwing standard dosing vessel - black plastic ring Glass Sample Chamber - flow through dosing vessel snap ring for flow through dosing vessel screwing ring for flow through dosing vessel X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1029 1029 1029 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Price in





5210 5210

4410 X 4410

suitable for Bottles, Containers and Accessories BM60315 BM60036 BM60037 BM60034 BM60035 BM60038 BM60044 BM60045 BM60081 BM60334 BM91327 BM60046 BM60342 BM30012 BM60144 BM30013 BM60161 BM30032 BM300016 BM30028 BM91127 Plastic Bottle, 0.4 l with cap Plastic Bottle, 1.0 L Cap for Plastic Bottle, 1 L Plastic, 2.9 Litre Bottle Cap for Plastic 2.9 Litre Bottle Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, 5.0 Litre Bottle (including cap) 6.3 Litre Bottle (including cap) 10 Litre Bottle (including red cap) 1 10 Litre Bottle (including white cap) 2 14 Litre Bottle (including cap) 22 Litre Bottle/canister 25 Litre Bottle 50 Litre Bottle


Glass, 1.0 Litre Bottle w/o cap Cap for Glas 1.0 Litre Bottle Glass, 2 Litre Bottle (DURAN 50 Glas) Cap for Glas 2 Litre Bottle Glass, 1.0 l bottle (DURAN 50 Glass)4 Glass, 1.6 l bottle (DURAN 50 Glass)3 Glass, 2.0 l bottle (DURAN 50 Glass)4 cart with castors for bottle discharge , cart for 4010 bottle tray
1 2 3 4


for for for for

BN1029 BN4010 BN4410 BN5410

and BN4010 with 2x10L bottle Option with 4x10L bottle Option self-emptying sampler only self-emptying sampler only





suitable for Bottle Support and Accessories BM40034 BM40035 BM40042 BM900485 Tray for 12x bottles (without bottles) Tray for 24 x bottles (without bottles) Base Plate for 2 x 10 l, 4 x 10 l, 4 x 6.3 l
2 trays a 6 x 2.9L bottles instead of one tray 12x2.9L (factory installed option only)



HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 27



Major Spare Parts & Accessories
Part No. Designation 4010 5010 4110 4210 5210 4410 5410 suitable for Mounting, Inlet Hoses and Accessories BM30009 BM30009V4A BM91479 BM900017 BM900016 BM900276 BM900290 BM900300 BM900291 BM900302 BM69304 BM50025 BM50025V4A BM91678 BM900065 BM900014 BM60050 BM900105 Sampler base (SS304) for BHLER 4X1X, 400x700x410 (HxWxD) Sampler base (SS316) for BHLER 4X1X, 400x700x410 (HxWxD) Sampler base (SS304) for BHLER 5X1X Sampler Mounting Kit (4 screws, 4 dowels, 4 washer) Castors (Set of 4) with bolts assembly - SS304 Non Return Valve (slanted valve) for max. 1,0 bar PVC Hose, 7.5 m - 12 ID, complete with hose clip counterweight 1 PVC Hose, 7.5 m - 12 ID, complete with hose clip, w/o counterweight 1 PVC Hose, 7.5 m - 16 ID, complete with hose clip counterweight 2 PVC Hose, 7.5 m - 16 ID, complete with hose clip, w/o counterweight 2 PVC Hose, 30 m roll, 12 ID1 Counterweight for hose 12 ID (SS304, 180mm long)1 Counterweight for hose 12 ID (SS316, 180mm long)1 Counterweight for hose 12 ID (SS304, 180mm long)2 Inlet hose strainer basket Mounting kit for inlet hose in open channels inlet tube spout, 3/4", ID 13mm suction hose protection heater band (length 5m)
1 2

Price in 1029 1029





Extraction unit to mount the suction hose,

for all samplers with vaccum pump or water switch for all flow proportional samplers







Distributors and Assemblies BM900260 BM9000013 BM900009 BM900415 BM900490 BM900483 BM900467 Distibutor Bar, Stainless Steel Assembly complete (4 x 10 l) Kit, Distibutor Tray Assembly complete (24 bottles) Kit, Distibutor Tray Assembly complete (2/4/12 bottles) Conversion Conversion Conversion Conversion Kit Kit Kit Kit Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly complete, 24 x 1 l bottles incl. complete, 12 x 2.9 l bottles incl. complete, 2 x 10 l bottles incl. complete 4 x 14 l bottles incl.

suitable for



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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 28


Major Spare Parts & Accessories
Part No. Designation 4010 5010 4110 4210 5210 4410 5410 MISCELLANEOUS SPARES - Bhler 4X1X/5X1X/1029 suitable for BM60022 BM60042 BM60317 BM60343 BM60401 BM10176 BM900367 BM60402 BM10001 BM10003 BM10143 BM90053 BM69301 BM900097 BM900093 BM900104 BM10202 BM900507 BM69401 BM69402 BM69302 BM60387 BM60382 BM900435 BM900165 BM900367 BM900395 BM900470 BM900509 BM900156 BM10017 BM69326 BM20032 BM900236EPOXY BM10217 BM900591 BM60236 BM60025 BM60050 BM900395 BM900471 BM900379 BM900381 1029 X x x x
per m

Price in

Thomas Pump X Membrane for Thomas Pump X KNF Pump X maintenance for KNF -1 x Membrane 28731, 2 x Valve 29108, 2 x O-Ring X PCB Control Unit (SPIII) X Connector board X housing contoller incl. Keypad, without pcb-board X Power board for control unit X recirculation fan (inside - bottle compartement) X exhaust fan (near the fridge) X heating element 100W 230 VAC X Inlet Pipe Assy X Silicone Tube (for the chamber) - per metre X X Pinch Valve X valve system power supply (analog) X NEW power supply (digital, since Feb 2006) - dig. Power supply to replace X NEW power supply with adapter (digital, since Feb 2006) - dig. Power sup X X Seal O'ring, level tube 16x4 X Seal chamber 81.9x5.33 X silicon hose 4 x 1,5 for valve system - per meter fridge unit 230V AC ( SP III ) X fridge unit 115V AC ( SP III ) X fridge unit 230V AC ( SP III ) coated version X protection heater -- upper housing compartment, complete X housing contoller incl. Keypad, without pcb-board X backup battery for stat BHLER sampler X X-Y distributor for BN4010 X X-Y distributor for BN5010 X Compl. Metering unit 350ml / Komplette Dosiereinheit 350 ml X X fuse holder BHLER SPIII silicone dosing tube 8x2mm, suitable for special low volume dosing vesse X X Throttle for SPIII VAR (CTVV vessel) , for small pump tube bootle compartment door in epoxy coated version for BN4010 X fuse 5x20 3,15AT, for digital power supply BM10202 X controller housing with keypad and hole for RS232 connector, Stationary BX keys for BUHLER sampler handle X black air filter X Hose tip 3/4" x 13 / Schlauchspitze 3/4" x 13 X backup battery for stat BHLER sampler X charger for stat BHLER sampler suitable for BM900395 X user spares kit BM4010,4110, 5010 with pressure/vacuum system user spares kit BM4010,4110, 5010 with flow through system







x x x

x x x


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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter BHLER Samplers page 29

Major Spare Parts & Accessories
Part No. Designation 4010 5010 4110 4210 5210 4410 5410 Special SPARES - BHLER 4410 BM900521 BM50407 BM900489 BM900488 BM10072 BM10151 BM10073 BM900436 BM50429 Rinsing unit_441x_2x10LiterPE scape wheel for BHLER 5410, 24 bottles Rinsing valve unit BN4410/2x10L and BM5410 24x2L Rinsing valve unit BN5410/SPIII, with 1 magnetic valve contact free sensor for bottle positioning Bottle valve motor Distributor motor Discharge valve, complete Rinsing head suitable for 1029 1029 X X X X X X Price in









Special SPARES - BHLER 1029 BM900350 BM60201 BM900027 BM900012 BM900525 BM91020 1029 door controller housing with key pad black key for 1029 housing door Fixing Plate Suction Hose with screw connection - length 5m (12mm ID) BHLER 1029 Conversion kit - 230VAC/12VDC
kit for converting a 1029 with mains supply to battery operation (12VDC)

suitable for

BHLER 1029 Conersion kit - 12VDC/230VAC

kit for converting a 1029 with battery option to operation with main supply (240VAC)

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Portable and Stationary systems

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 1

SAMPLER, portable
Sigma Portable pump (DataSheet DOC053.52.03130)

For many sampling applications, the existing samplers are technically too complex, too heavy and too expensive. For the municipal and industrial sector, the portable peristaltic pump can be the right solution for straightforward application areas. The device is light, simple to operate, very low cost and requires only very low maintenance.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Suction height Sample temperature Housing Pump Pump body Pump hose Controller Power supply Dimensions Weight Warranty

Portable pump 8 m maximum 0C to 50C impact resistant plastic 2 rollers, high-speed peristaltic pump made from impact resistant, corrosion resistant, glass fibre reinforced Delrin silicone hose with 0.95 cm ID the pump can be operated in both directions (purging and sampling) rechargeable battery (6 Ah, 12 Volt, gel electrolyte rechargeable battery) or mains supply (220 Volt, 50 Hz) 35 cm x 13cm x 18 cm (L x W x D) approx. 5.8 kg including rechargeable battery / power supply 24 month

Part No. 3206

Designation Portable pump, incl. pump hose and fastening clips for suction hose Note: Required components to complete the system Composite Sampling (Section 1.1) Power Source/Battery Charger (Section 1.2) Strainers (Section 1.3) Intake Tubing (Section 1.4) Optional Components Pump Tubing (Section 1.5)

Price in

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 2

SAMPLER, portable
Sigma Portable pump (DataSheet DOC053.52.03130)
Part No. Designation 1.1 Composite Sampling Containers 6559 1918 1367 6498 6494 Container, 2.5 gal Glass with Teflon Lined Cap Container, Container, Container, Container, 3 gal PE with Cap 4 gal PE with Cap 5.5 gal PE with Cap 6 gal PE with Cap Price in

1.2 Power Source/Battery Chargers AC Power converters 5721400 6244600 6244500 4455100 Power Power Power Power Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, 230 VAC, W/EU CEE 230V with Italian Plug 230V with UK Plug 100-120VAC

Battery 1414 1416 Gel Electrolyte Battery, 12 VDC, 6 Ah NiCd Battery, 12 VDC, 4 Ah Battery chargers for battery model: 913 915 2198 Gel Electrolye, 115 VAC Gel Electrolyte, 230 VAC External battery cable, 10 ft. 1.3 Strainers Teflon lined 926 903 Teflon/Stainless Steel, 5.5" long x 0.875" OD Teflon/Stainless Steel, 11.0" long x 0.875" OD Stainless steel 2070 2071 4652 All 316 Stainless Steel, 7.94" long x 1.0" OD All 316 Stainless Steel, for Shallow Depths, 6.0" long x 0.406" OD High Velocity and Shallow Depths, 3.9" long x 0.406" OD 1.4 Intake Tubings Vinyl (Note: Requires Connection Kit (P/N 2248)) 920 923 924 2248 25 ft. " ID Tubing 100 ft. " ID Tubing 500 ft. " ID Tubing Connection Kit Teflon lined (Note: Requires Connection Kit (P/N 2186 and 3152)) 921 922 925 2186 3152 10 ft. " ID Tubing 25 ft. " ID Tubing 100 ft. " ID Tubing Connection Kit Connection Kit 1.5 Pump tubing for peristaltic pump 3866-15 3866-50 3396 Pump Tubing, 15 ft. long Pump Tubing, 50 ft. long Pump Tube Insert

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General Specifications
Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

900 Sampler series - General Specifications

Sampling principle peristaltic principle High-Impact, injection-molded ABS; submersible, water-/dust-tight, corrosion and ice resistant NEMA 4X, 6 0 ... 50C ( 32 ... 120F) -10 ... 70C (-14 ... 158F) -40 ... 80C (-40 ... 176F) High speed peristaltic, dual roller, with " ID by " OD pump tube Impact/corrosion resistant, glass reinforced Delrin 8 m maximum Remote pump option recommended for lifts from 6.7 ... 10.7 m 60 ml/sec @ 3 ft. vertical lift in a " ID intake tube > 0.6 m/sec. (2 ft./sec.) @ 4.6 m (15 ft.) vertical lift in a " ID intake tube Single sensor, non-contact, ultrasonic Air purged automatically before and after each sample; duration automatically compensated for varying intake line lengths Intake line automatically rinsed with source liquid prior to each sample, from 1 to 3 rinses

Pump/Controller Housing
Enclosure Temperature Range General use Operating (LCD) Storage Sample Pump Housing Suction height Flow Rate Suction Velocity Liquid Sensor Intake Purge Intake Rinse

Intake Retries

Intake Fault Intake Tubing Intake Strainers Program Languages Warranty

Sample collection cycle automatically repeated from 1 to 3 times, if sample not obtained on initial attempt " ID Vinyl, " ID Vinyl, " ID Teflon/Polyethylene Teflon and 316 stainless construction. All 316 stainless steel in standard size and low profile for shallow depth applications Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish 24 months

Sample collection cycle automatically repeated from 1 to 3 times if sample not obtained on initial attempt

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Controller Specifications
Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

900 MAX Controller

User Interface 8 line x 40 character alphanumeric, backlit LCD 21 key membrane switch keypad with 4 multiple function soft keys

900 Controller
18 key membrane switch keypad; 24 character alphanumeric LCD

Data view on Display Diagnostics Internal clock Internal battery Battery tpe Program Lock Status Output

tabular (multiple data), graphical curve view tabular (single data) RAM, ROM, pump and distributor RAM, ROM, pump and distributor keypad and display real time and date indicator, 0.007% time base accuracy maintains program logic and real time clock for 5 years 2 x Alkaline batteries, type C-cell Lithium battery Access code protection precludes tampering Low battery, low memory power, plugged intake, jammed distributor arm, sample collected, and purge failure up to 5 sampling programs storable Multiple Bottle Time, Multiple Bottle Flow, Composite Time, Composite Flow, Flow with Time Override, Variable Interval, Start/Stop, and Level Actuation. Composite Multiple Bottle time and flow, and flow-proportional sampling modes Constant Time / Variable Volume, Constant Volume / Variable Time

Sampling features
Multiple programs Sampling Modes

Manual sampling
Cascade sampling Sample

possible at any time without interrupting the sequence of the program

Allows using two samplers in combination where the first sampler at the completion of the program initiates the second.

Volume Repeatability Intervals

10 - 9,999 ml, can be programmed in 1-ml steps 5% typical 1 - 9,999 flow pulses or 1 - 9,999 minutes
+ Multiple Bottle Mode: multiple samples per bottle and/or multiple bottles per sample collection. -

Multiplex Set Point Sample Trigger Automatic Shutdown Multiple Bottle Mode Composite Mode Interval between Samples

After complete revolution of distributor arm (unless Continuous Mode selected) After preset number of samples has been delivered, from 1-999 samples, or upon full container. Selectable in single increments from 1 to 9,999 flow pulses (momentary contact closure 25 msec. or 512 VDC pulse; 4-20 mA interface optional), or 1 to 9,999 minutes in one minute increments. up to 400 data pairs, including sample collection times/dates, all program entries, operational status including number of minutes or pulses to next sample, bottle number, number of samples collected, number remaining, sample volume collected, volume remaining, sample identification number. and all logged data, i.e., level, flow velocity, rainfall, stream temperature, pH or ORP, and any logged external inputs Factory installed option: Increases memory from 18,432 data points to 116,736 points Via RS-232; permits embedded software upgrades in the field (requires AC power) RS-232; up to 19,200 baud; allows on-site collection of stored data + (see options for more informations) + (see options for more informations) (1) 1 ... 9,999 minutes or flow pulses in one unit increment (2) programmable start time/day, and programmable time/day/week (3) Sampler start on external 12V or contact closure input several (see next table)

Data Logging

Expanded Memory

Communications Flash Memory Serial Interface Modem Pager Program Delay

Sampler start at time of day or delay in minutes

Factory installed options

Remote pump otion only

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 5


Option Specifications
Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Integral pH/Temperature or ORP Meter

pH/Temperature-Sensor Operating Temperature Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Cable Length Dimensions Probe Pre-amplifier/ Junction Box Control/Logging Recording Intervals Temperature compensated; impact resistant ABS plastic body; combination electrode with porous Teflon* junction -18 to 80C, (0 to 176F) 0C ... 14 pH, -10C ... 105C 0.01 1% 7.6 m (25 ft.) 1.9 cm x 15.2 cm L with 1.9 cm mpt cable end NEMA 4X with labeled terminal strip Field selectable to log pH & Temperature or ORP independent of sampler operation or to control sample collection in response to value exceeding low/high setpoints 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60-minutes

Integral Temperature Meter

Sensor Measuring Range Operating Temperature Accuracy Dimensions Cable Length Control/Logging Recording Intervals Measurement Method Sensor Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Operating Temperature Dimensions Cable Length Control/Logging Recording Intervals Measurement Method Sensor Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Operating Temperature Dimensions Cable Length Control/Logging Recording Intervals Gneral information

Measures and records ambient or sample stream temperature Platinum RTD with 316 stainless steel body 0 to 100C (32 to 212F) 0 to 80C (0 to 176F) 1C (1.8F) 0.3 cm x 20.3 cm ( x L) with 1.9 cm mpt cable end 4.6 m (15 ft.) Field selectable to log temperature independent of sampler operation or to control sample collection in response to value 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60-minutes

Integral Conductivity Meter

Conductive Temperature compensated; impact resistant polypropylene body 0 ... 20 mS/cm 0.01 mS/cm or 1 mS/cm (selectable) 2% of reading or 0.01 ms 0 to 50C (32 to 122F) 1.7 cm x 15.2 cm ( x L) with 1.9 cm mpt cable end 7.6 m (25 ft.) Field selectable to log conductivity independent of sampler operation or to control sample collection in response to value exceeding low/high setpoints 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60-minutes

Integral Dissolved Oxygen Meter

Galvanic Temperature compensated; impact resistant polypropylene body 0 ... 20 mg/l 0.01 3% of reading or 0.1 mg/l 0 to 50C (32 to 122F) 1.7 cm x 15.7 cm ( x L) with 1.9 cm mpt cable end 7.6 m (25 ft.) Field selectable to log dissolved Oxygen independent of sampler operation or to control sample collection in response to value exceeding low/high setpoints 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60-minutes

Rain gauge input

For use with American Sigma tipping bucket rain gauge. The sampling program can be initiated upon field selectable rate of rain. Sampler records rainfall data. Each tip = 0.25 mm (0.01") of rain.

4 ... 20 mA Outputs

General information

Up to 2 field assignable outputs, optically isolated, up to 600 ohm load per output each

Expanded Memory
General information General information > Increases memory from 18,432 data points to 116,736 points

Analog Input Channels

Up to 7 channels (SIGMA All Weather Sampler model) or up to 3 (SIGMA Refrigerated and Portable Sampler model) additional data logging channels record data from external source(s); -4 to +4 VDC and 0 ... 20 mA

Alarm Relais

General information

4 alarm relays, 10A @ 120 VAC or 5A @ 220VAC, form C, field assignable with settable trip points.

Modem (US only)

General information

14400, V.32 bis, V.42, MNP2-4 error correction. V.42 bis, MNP5 data compression. MNP 10EC Cellular Protocol (cell phone optional). FCC approved.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 6


Option Specifications continued
Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Integral Flow meter

Operating Temperature Accuracy Measurement units: Level Flow Totalized Flow Totalizers Data Storage Capacity Data Types Storage Mode Output Conditions Communications Control/Logging Recording Intervals Method Material Sensor Cable Cable Length Dimensions (sensor only) Velocity Measurement Transducer Type Accuracy Zero Stability Response time Measuring Range Resolution Minimum Depth Operating Temperature Depth measurement Measuring Range Accuracy Max. Allowable Level Temperature Operation range Compensation range Air Intake Transducer Type Maximum Range Max. Allowable Level Temperature Operation Range Compensation range Air Intake Material Sensor Cable Cable Length Dimensions (sensor only) Accuracy Range Span Operating Temperature Temperature Error Resolution Material Cable Cable Length Crystal Specification Dimensions -10 to 65.5C (14 to 150F) 0.2% best straight line for combined nonlinearity, hysteresis, and repeatability in., m, cm, ft. GPS, GPM, GPH, LPS, LPM, LPH, MGD, AFD, CFS, CFM, CFH, CFD, M3S, M3M, M3H,M3D Gal., ft.3, acre-ft., L, m3 Two software totalizers (one resettable and one non-resettable); field selectable scaling constant and flow units (gallons, cubic feet, acre feet, cubic meters and liters) 402 days of level, velocity and rainfall readings at 15 minute intervals plus 300 events Level, velocity, rainfall & water quality Wrap or slate Set point on level, velocity, rainfall, flow, flow rate of change and water quality Serial connection to IBM compatible computer with American Sigma data analysis software Field selectable to log flow/level independent of sampler operation or to pace sample collection in proportion to flow 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60-minutes

Integral Submerged Depth/Velocity Sensor

Doppler Principle Velocity/Pressure TransducerLevel Polymer body with stainless steel diaphragm Urethane sensor cable with air vent 7.6 m (25') standard - 76 m (250') maximum 2 cm x 3.8 cm x 12.7 cm (0.8" x 1.5" x 5") (H x W x L) Twin 1 MHz piezoelectric crystals 2% of reading 0.015 m/s (0.05 fps) 4.8 sec -1.52 to 6.10 m/s (-5 to 20 fps) 0.3 cm 2 cm (0.8") typical -18 to 60C (0 to 140F) Standard: 0.005 m - 3.5 m 0.007 m (0.018' to 11.5' 0.023') Extended: 0.005 - 10.5 m 0.021 m (0.018' to 34.6' 0.07') 0 ... 3.35 m (0-11 ft.): 1.37 mm (0.054") 0 ... 10.06 m (0-33 ft.): 4.09 mm (0.161") 3x over pressure 0 to 71C (32 to 160F) 0 to 30C (32 to 86F) Atmospheric pressure reference is desiccant protected Differential silicon resistive with balanced bridge 0.063 m - 3.5 m ( 5 psi 0.018' - 11.5') 0.063 m - 10.5 m (15 psi 0.018' - 34.6') 3x over pressure 0 to 71C (32 to 160F) 0 to 30C (32 to 86F) Atmospheric pressure reference is desiccant protected Epoxy body with stainless steel diaphragm Urethane sensor cable with air vent 7.6 m (25') standard - 20 m optional 2 cm x 3.8 cm x 12.7 cm (0.8" x 1.5" x 5") (H x W x L)

Submerged Pressure Transducer (Depth Only sensor)

Ultrasonic Level Measurement

From 0 to 11' = 0.01' ( 0.003 m) @ 72F, 22C, still air, 40 70% relative humidity Minimum distance from sensor to liquid 23 cm (9") Maximum distance from sensor to liquid 3.3 m (11') 0 - 6 m (0 - 20') -40 to 74C (-40 to 165F) + 0.000047 ft./F (maximum error with compensated temperature range per of change) 0.0011' PVC housing with Buna-N acoustic window 4 conductor with integral stainless steel support cable 7.6 m (25') standard, 305 m (1000') using RS-485 two wire remote sensor option 40 KHz, 12 included beam angle. 75 KHz, 10.4 included beam angle 40 KHz - 9.5 cm x 7 cm (3.75" x 2.75") (H x )

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 7

SAMPLER, portable
Sigma 900 & Sigma 900 max (DataSheet DOC053.72.03132)
Handling the basics to performing the most advanced sampling processes, the Sigma 900 and 900 Max has the right solutions for monitoring needs. The 900 series is suitable for routine sampling including stormwater or combined sewer overflow applications and you can store five separate sampling programs into the controller memory. The 900 Max series combines leading-edge sampling and flow monitoring technology, its multitasking ability allows monitoring of rainfall, level, flow, velocity, temperature, pH or ORP, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. There are 16 different container formats, ranging from single composite to 24 containers in either glass or plastic. Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle Suction height Flow Rate Suction Velocity Temperature Range General use Operating (LCD) Storage Sampler Housing Sample container Standard Base Compact Base 12 Bottle Base Composite Base Controller specifications Sampling specifications
Factory installed options

Sigma 900/900 MAX Portable Sampler Peristaltic principle 8 m maximum Remote pump option recommended for lifts from 6.7 ... 10.7 m 60 ml/sec @ 3 ft. vertical lift in a " ID intake tube > 0.6 m/sec. (2 ft./sec.) @ 4.6 m (15 ft.) vertical lift in a " ID intake tube 0 ... 50C ( 32 ... 120F) -10 ... 70C (-14 ... 158F) -40 ... 80C (-40 ... 176F) Impact resistant ABS plastic, water-proof, 3-section construction double-walled base with 2.54 cm (1 in.) insulation - direct ice contact with bottles Dimension: 50.5 cm x 69.4 cm ( x H) PE: 24 x 1 l, 8 x 2.3 l, 4 x 3.8 l, 2 x 3.8 l, 1 x 21 l, 1 x 15 l, 1 x 20 l, 1 x 10 l Glass: 24 x 350 ml, 8 x 1.9 l, 4 x 3.8 l, 2 x 3.8 l, 1 x 9.5 l Dimension: 44.1 cm x 61 cm ( x H) PE: 24 x 575 ml, 1 x 11.4 l, Glass: 8 x 950 ml, 1 x 9.5 l Dimension: 50.5 cm x 69.4 cm ( x H) PE: 1 x 10 l PE Glass: 12 x 950 ml, 1 x 9.5 l Dimension: 50.3 cm x 79.8 cm ( x H) PE: 1 x 22.7 l pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs 12 VDC - either mains or rechargeable battery operation 5 A DC line fuse for pump & 5 A DC line fuse for AC power converter NEMA 4X, 6 appr. 13 kg (depending on configuration) 24 month

Power requirement Overload protection Enclosure Weight Warranty

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 8

SAMPLER, portable
Sigma 900 & Sigma 900 max (DataSheet DOC053.72.03132)
Configurator: Choose the bottle and base type from the table below. Read across the table to select all necessary part numbers for the bottle/base configuration
Note: Full Bottle Shut-off and distributor assembly includes pump tube insert (P/N 8964) Sampler Bottle Type (1 Gal 3,8 l) 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.5 6.0 Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Glass Glass Glass PE PE PE PE PE PE Base type Part Number Bottle Base 6559 6559 6559 1918 1918 1918 1367 6498 6494 737 732 1369 2615 657 1118 2438 2217 2216 2215 2214 8975 8976 8958 8975 8976 8958 8976 8976 8561 8976 8976 8975 8958 8976 8976 8975 8976 8976 8976 8976

Full Bottle 8996 8996 8996 8996 8996 8996 8996 8996 8996 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Support N/A 1502 N/A N/A 1502 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Retainer Distributor N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1422 2189 1422 2620 1422 1422 2347 2190 2190 2190 2190 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8582 8582 8580 8582 8584 8584 8584 8584 8584 8584 8584

Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite Composite C it Multiple bottle Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle

Compact Standard 12 bottle Compact Standard 12 bottle Standard Standard Composite Standard Standard Compact 12 bottle Standard Standard Compact Standard Standard Standard Standard

24 x 1 l PE 24 x 350 ml Glass 24 x 575 ml PE 12 x 950 ml Glass 8 x 2.3 l PE 8 x 1.9 l Glass 8 x 950 ml Glass 4 x 1 gal PE 4 x 1 gal Glass 2 x 1 gal PE 2 x 1 gal Glass

To configure complete a system, the following components are required: Sampler Controller Model 900 or 900 Max (Section 1.0) Composite/Multiple Bottle Sampling (Section 1.1) Base/Bottle Tray (Section 1.2) Power Source/ Battery Chargers (Section 1.3) Intake Tubing and Strainers (Section 1.4) Optional Components: Pump Tubing (Section 1.5) Factory Installed Options (Section 1.6) Cables and Interfaces (Section 1.7) Accessories (Section 2.0)

When selecting one of the Standard configurations, the following components must be considered to complete a bundled system: Base/Bottle Tray (Section 1.2) Power Source/ Battery Chargers (Section 1.3) Intake Tubing and Strainers (Section 1.4) Optional Components: Pump Tubing (Section 1.5) Factory Installed Options (Section 1.6) Cables and Interfaces (Section 1.7) Accessories (Section 2.0)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 9

SAMPLER, portable
Sigma 900 & Sigma 900 max (DataSheet DOC053.72.03132)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 10

SAMPLER, portable
Sigma 900 & Sigma 900 max (DataSheet DOC053.72.03132)
Part No. Designation SIGMA 900/900MAX with 24 x 1000 ml PE Bottles 8930 8925 8976 737 1422 8582 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Standard Insulated Base 24 x 1000 ml PE Bottles Set Retainer Distributor with Arm SIGMA 900/900MAX with 24 x 350 ml Glass Bottles 8930 8925 8976 732 2189 8582 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Standard Insulated Base 24 x 350 ml glass bottles Set Retainer Distributor with Arm SIGMA 900/900MAX with 24 x 575 ml PE Bottles 8930 8925 8975 1369 1422 8580 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Compact Insulated Base 24 x 575 ml PE bottles Set Retainer Distributor with Arm Price in

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 11

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Composite Sampling Standard Configurations for Standard Applications
Part No. Designation SIGMA 900/900MAX with 3 gallon PE Composite Bottle in Standard Base 8930 8925 8976 1918 8996 1502 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Standard Insulated Base 3 Gallon PE Composite Bottle Retainer/Full Bottle Shut-Off Container Support SIGMA 900/900MAX with 3 Gallon PE Bottle in Compact Base 8930 8925 8975 1918 8996 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Compact Insulated Base 3 Gallon PE Composite Bottle Retainer/Full Bottle Shut-Off SIGMA 900/900MAX with 2.5 gallon Glass Bottle in Standard Base 8930 8925 8976 6559 8996 1502 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Standard Insulated Base 2.5 Gallon Glass Composite Bottle Retainer/Full Bottle Shut-Off Container Support SIGMA 900/900MAX with 2.5 Gallon Glass Bottle in Compact Base 8930 8925 8975 6559 8996 SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover or SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover Compact Insulated Base 2.5 Gallon Glass Composite Bottles Retainer/Full Bottle Shut-Off Price in

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 12

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 series - Individual Sampler Configurations & Extensions
Part No. Section 1.0 8925 8930 Designation Sampler Controller model SIGMA 900 Portable Sampler Controller with cover 1
including Controller (P/N 8970), Center Section (P/N 8922) Top Cover (P/N 8890)

Price in

SIGMA 900 MAX Portable Sampler Controller with cover

including Controller (P/N 8972), Center Section (P/N 8922) Top Cover (P/N 8890) Remote pump is the only factory installed option that is available with this unit.

Section 1.1 6559 1918 1367 6498 6494 1502 8996 Notes:

Bottle Type Composite Bottles and Accessories 2.5 Gallon (9,46 l) Glass Container, with Teflon Lined Cap 1,2,3,5 3 Gallon (11,36 l) PE Container with Cap 1,2,3,5 4 Gallon (15,14 l) PE Container with Cap 2 5.5 Gallon (20,82 l) PE Container with Cap 2 6 Gallon (22,71 l) PE Container with Cap 4
Required accessories for 2.5 and 3 Gallon Containers

Container Support Retainer/Full Container Shut-off

1 2 3 4 5

= suitable for compact base = suitable for standard base = suitable for 12 bottle base = suitable for composite base = requires Conatiner Support 1502 & Retainer/Full Container Shut-off (8996)

Multiple Bottle Sets and Accessories PE bottles 737 1369 657 2217 2215 24 x 1 l PE bottles with Caps 24 x 575 ml PE bottles with Caps 8 x 2.3 l PE bottles with Caps 4 x 1 Gallon PE bottles with Caps 2 x 1 Gallon PE bottles with Caps Glass bottles 732 2615 2348 1118 2216 2214 24 x 350 ml Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 12 x 950 ml Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 8 x 950 ml Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 8 x 1.9 l Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 4 x 1 Gallon Glass bottle with Teflon Lined Caps 2 x 1 Gallon Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps Replacement bottles Please contact HACH LANGE Bottle Retainers (for multiple bottle sets) 2620 2189 1422 2347 2190 Retainer for 12 x 950 ml glass bottles Retainer for 24 x 350 ml glass bottles Retainer for 8 x glass, 8 x PE, 24 x 575 ml PE and 24 x 1 l PE bottles Retainer/Positioner for 8 x 950 ml glass bottles Retainer for 1 gallon glass and 1 gallon PE bottles Distributors for Multiple Bottle configurations 8582 8580 8584 8583 8581 8585 Distributor with Arm for 24 bottle, standard base and 12 bottle base Distributor with Arm for 24 bottle compact base Distributor with Arm for 2, 4 and 8 bottle standard base and 8 bottle compact base Distributor Arm only, for 24 bottle standard and 12 bottle bases Distributor Arm only, for 24 bottle compact base Distributor Arm only, for 2, 4 and 8 bottle standard base

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 13

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 series - Individual Sampler Configurations & Extensions
Part No. Section 1.2 8975 8976 8958 8561 Designation Insulated Base/Bottle Tray Compact Insulated Base Standard Insulated Base Insulated Base for 12 x 950 ml glass bottles, 2.5 Gallon Glass & 3 Gallon PE Containers Composite Insulated Base for 5 Gallon Glass and 6 Gallon PE Containers
Container Support P/N 1502 is required if using 2.5 or 3 gallon container in standard base.

Price in

Section 1.3

Power Supply / Battery Chargers Choose between AC power and Battery Power. Battery Power requires a battery charger. AC Power Converters Power Power Power Power Supply, Supply, Supply, Supply, 230 VAC, W/EU CEE 230V with UK Plug 230V with Italian Plug 100-120VAC

5721400 6244500 6244600 4455100

Batteries 1414 1416 Battery, Gel Electrolyte, 12 VDC, 6 Ah Battery, NiCd, 12 VDC, 4 Ah Battery Charger 913US 913UK 913EU 6247800 914US 914UK 914EU 6248000 1801000 6247600 4683600 2198 Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger with US plug (bundle), 90-250 VAC for Gel Electrolyte Battery P/N 1414 with UK plug(bundle),VAC for Gel Electrolyte Battery P/N 1414 with EURO plug (SCHUKO) - bundle, 90-250 VAC for Gel Electrolyte Battery P/N 14 without power cord, 90-250 VAC for Gel Electrolyte Battery P/N 1414 with US plug (bundle), 90-250 VAC for NiCd Battery P/N 1416 with UK plug (bundle), 90-250 VAC for NiCd Battery P/N 1416 with EURO plug (SCHUKO) - bundle, 90-250 VAC for NiCd Battery P/N 1416 without power cord, 90-250 VAC for NiCd Battery P/N 1416

Power cord with US plug for smart charger 6247800 & 6248000 Power cord with UK plug for smart charger 6247800 & 6248000 Power cord with EU plug for smart charger 6247800 & 6248000 External Battery Cable, 10 ft. cable with connector on one end and two alligator clips on the other AC Back up

3670 Section 1.4

Requires AC Power Converter, battery included Intake Tubing and Strainers Select tubing and strainer based on your application needs! Intaking tubing, made of Vinyl

920 923 924

25 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl 100 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl 500 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl Teflon Lined (Requires Connection Kit P/N 2186)

921 922 925 2186

10' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID 25' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID 100' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID Connector Kit, for Teflon lined PE tubing Strainer, made of Teflon/Stainless Steel

926 903

Strainer, Teflon/SS316, 5.5" long x 0.875" OD Strainer, Teflon/SS316, 11.0" long x 0.875" OD Strainer, made of Stainless Steel

2070 2071 4652

Strainer, all 316 Stainless Steel Strainer, for shallow depth applications, all 316 Stainless Steel Strainer, for high velocity and shallow depth applications, 3.9" long x 0.406" outer European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 14

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Optional components (all 900 models)
Part No. Section 1.5 8957 4600-15 4600-50 Section 1.6 I Designation Pump Tubing Pump Tube Insert Pump Tubing, 15 ft. length Pump Tubing, 50 ft. length Extension Options (for all 900 Models)
Each option contains a required Factory Installed Option. The probes and other accessories are separate from Factory Installed Options and must be ordered to complete the system. Only one integral flow meter option can be ordered per sampler (for 900 Max controller only!).

Price in

Solenoid Valve 5176 5177 2-Way/3-Way Solenoid Valve Option without Pump, no valves 3-Way Solenoid Valve Option with Pump, no valves Remote Pump (Recommended for vertical lift distances between 23-35 ft.) Note: Requires factory installed option, remote pump and connection kit. 8799 2246 2248 3152 Factory Installed Integral Remote Pump Option Remote Pump (P/N 2241) with 35-ft. 12 VDC cable (P/N 2247) and 35-ft. suspension cable (P/N 5225) Connector Kit: For remote with " ID Vinyl tubing Connector Kit: For remote with " ID Teflon-Lined tubing Remote Pump Replacements 2241 2247 5225 Remote Pump only Cable, 12 VDC, 35' - for remote pump Suspension Line, polypropylene, .25" diameter x 35'

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 15

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.6 II Designation Factory installed options (for 900 Max only) Price in

Note: Each option contain a required Factory Installed Option. The probes and other accessories are separate from Factory Installed Options and must be ordered to complete the system. Only one integral flow meter option can be installed per sampler. Area x Velocity Measurement (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) The Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor can measure level and velocity simultaneously. Choose either a Standard or Oil filled sensor based on your application needs. Note: Bare lead probe requires a junction box. Factory installed Integral Depth only Flow Meter Option is not available with this option. Standard Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor 4041 Integral Area x Velocity Flow Meter Option (Factory installed option) Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, with connector

7 7 0 6 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... customized cable length, with xx ft 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, w/Hub (conn).

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 0 7 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... customized cable length, with xx ft 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 2 6 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 0 3 0 30 ft2 ............................................................................................................ customized cable length, with xx ft 1,2 ........................................................................ X X X Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 7 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 0 3 0 30 ft2 ............................................................................................................ customized cable length, with xx ft 1,2 ........................................................................ X X X
1 2

= Requires cable 77155-PRB; please order the item xx-times = Requires Junction Box 7725000, Hub Assembly 7722800, Hub Assembly Cable 77155-HUB.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 16

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.6 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Oil filled sensor, with connector Price in

7 7 0 6 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft .................................................................................................................. 0 50 ft .................................................................................................................. 0 75 ft .................................................................................................................. 0 100 ft .................................................................................................................. 1 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 ........................................................................... X Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, with connector

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 0 7 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 0 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 0 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... 1 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 ........................................................................... X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 6 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 3 0 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 ........................................................................... X X X Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 7 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 3 0 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 ........................................................................... X X X
1 2

= Requires custom cable 77155-PRB = Requires Junction Box 7725000, Hub Assembly 7722800, Hub Assembly Cable 77155-HUB.

77155-PRB 77155-HUB 7724700 7724800 7726018 7722800 7715300 7725000 7725600 7730000 5247 SE818

Sensor Accessories (Cables, boxes, & Kits) Sensor Cable - Maximum length 250 ft, minimum length 1 ft. Hub Assembly Cable (connects junction box to hub) - Max. length 249 ft, Min. length 1 ft. Silicon Oil, Dual 50 ml Oil Pack - Refills 100 sensors. Silicon Oil Refill Kit Incl. dispensing tool, dual 50ml oil pack, instruction sheet and misc. hardware. Refills 100 sensors.

Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor Manual Hub Assembly for Bare Wire Sensors - Requires Hub Assembly Cable Silicone Oil/Gel Dispensing Gun for Oil-Filled Sub-AV Sensor Dispensing Gun required for use with Gel Kit, P/N 7725600. Only one gun is required and can be reused multiple times.

Junction Box - Silicone Gel potting recommended for corrosive or wet environments;
use Gel Fill Kit (7725600) and Dispensing Gun (7715300)

Silicone Gel Potting Kit for J-Box - Gel Fill Kit.

Incl. 3 tubes of gel fill (7729800) and 3 static mixers (5909900) for replacing/refilling junction box. A single dispensing gun (7715300) is required.

Retrofit Kit, Converts Non Oil-Filled to Oil-Filled - Includes kit 7724800 Remote AV Sensor Option -- includes amplifier in NEMA 4X enclosure; Cable (per ft.) Used for Remote AV and Remote US Options For use with remote option on 88000 series sensors only. Maximum cable

Requires SE 818 cable and Sensor, xxx feet. For use with 88000 series sensors

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 17

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.6 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Depth Measurement - Ultrasonic sensor, 40kHz 8851 3028 2653 3658 Factory installed Integral Ultrasonic Flow Meter Option - Requires 40 KHz. ultrasonic sensor 40 KHz Ultrasonic Sensor - With connector, 0 -10 ft. range and 25 ft. cable.
Requires 8851 integral ultrasonic flow meter option.

Price in

40 KHz Ultrasonic Sensor with bare - With bare leads, 0 - 10 ft. range and 25 ft. cable.
Requires 8851 integral ultrasonic flow meter option and 3658 junction box.

Junction Box, for ultrasonic sensor conduit installations

Requires 2653 40 KHz ultrasonic sensor. For conduit installation of the ultrasonic sensor cable, 1" or larger conduit is recommended.

2974 9538 2883 3183

Permanent wall mount bracket for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. Tripod mounting bracket for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. Cable straightner for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor Cable grip for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. - For use with 2883 cable straightner.

Depth measurement (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) For use with flumes, weirs or other primary devices Note: Depth sensor cables cannot be extended!
Depth sensor


Depth Only Flow Meter Option (Factory Installed Option!)

Factory Installed Integral Area x Velocity Flow Meter Option is not available with Factory Installed Integral Depth Only Flow Meter Option


General Purpose Depth Sensor, Range 0 ... 0.576 ft., with 25 ft. cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 18

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.6 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Sensor Mounting Hardware Rings & Bands for Pipe Mounting Choose the Mounting ring or band from the table below. Read across the table to find the necessary part numbers.
Submerged Area/ Velocity sensor

Price in

Mounting Rings for 6 ... 24" pipes

Pipe Diameter in inch 6 8 10 12 15 18 20-21 24 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42 45 Pipe Diameter in inch 6 8 10 12 15 18 20-21 24 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42

Part number / Recommended end-user price in Mounting clip Mounting ring/band 1361 3263 1362 3263 3263 1363 1364 na 1365 na 1366 na 1353 na 1370 na 9706100 9706200 9706300 9706400 9706500 9706600 9706700 9706800 9706900 3766 438,00 430,00 490,00 510,00 435,00 490,00 515,00 575,00 560,00 na na na na na na na na na na

Mounting Bands for 15 ... 42" pipes

Submerged Depth only sensor

Mounting Rings for 6 ... 24" pipes

Part number / Recommended end-user price in Mounting clip Mounting ring/band 1361 1771 1362 1771 1363 1771 1364 1771 1365 1771 1366 1771 1353 1771 1370 1771 9706100 9706200 9706300 9706400 9706500 9706600 9706700 9706800 9706900 438,00 430,00 490,00 510,00 435,00 490,00 515,00 575,00 560,00 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771

Mounting Bands for 15 ... 42" pipes


Insertion Tool (To remove mounting rings (P/N 13611370)) Mounting Plates (for direct Mounting to Pipe Wall)

2312 4939

Mounting Plate with holes for submerged depth only sensor Mounting Plate with holes for submerged depth/velocity sensor Ultrasonic sensor Mounting Hardware

2974 2904 9538 2883 3183

Permanent Wall Mounting Bracket Adjustable for Floor or Wall Tripod with Mounting Bracket for Sensor Cable Straightener Cable Grip (Requires P/N 2883) European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 19

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.6 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) pH Option (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed options and probe! 8793 Factory installed Integral pH - Temperature/ORP Meter with 3323 Pre-amp Interface
pH and ORP cannot be used simultaneously. If the distance from the probe to the sampler is greater than 50 ft., order additional SE813 cable to extend the distance on the pre-amp Interface (max. cable length is 100 ft.). pH and ORP probes are not available in lengths longer than 50 ft.

Price in

3328 5172 2080 5174 2104 2105 2106

pH-Temperature Probe (grounded), with 25 ft. cable pH-Temperature Probe (grounded), with 50 ft. cable ORP Probe, with 25 ft. cable ORP Probe, with 50 ft. cable Buffer, 4.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Buffer, 7.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Buffer, 10.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity Option (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed option and probe!


Factory installed Integral D.O. and Conductivity Meter with 3369 Pre-amp Interface
If the distance from the probe to the sampler is greater than 50 ft., order additional SE998 cable to extend the distance on the Pre-amp Interface (max. cable length is 1350 ft.) DO and Conductivity probes not available in lengths longer than 50 ft.

3216 5175

DO Kit, includes:
D.O. Probe with 25 ft. Cable (P/N3222), Teflon Membranes pk/25 (P/N3219), 16 oz Electrolyte Solution (P/N3221), and Instructions

DO Kit, includes:
D.O. Probe with 50 ft. Cable (P/N5899), Teflon Membranes pk/25 (P/N3219), 16 oz Electrolyte Solution (P/N3221), and Instructions

3222 5899 3225 5134

D.O. Probe only, with 25 ft. Cable D.O. Probe only, with 50 ft. Cable Conductivity Kit, includes:
Conductivity Probe with 25 ft. Cable (P/N3223), 16 oz Calibration Solution (P/N3765), and Instructions

Conductivity Kit, includes:

Conductivity Probe with 50 ft. Cable (P/N5898), 16 oz Calibration Solution (P/N3765), and Instructions

5898 3223

Conductivity Probe only, with 50 ft. Cable Conductivity Probe only, with 25 ft. Cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 20

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.6 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) 4-20mA Outputs (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8797 SE813 8798 1st 4-20 mA Output, with 25' cable (P/N 2924) Extension cable, must be oredered if required cable length 25 ft. 2nd 4-20 mA Output (field assignable)
Requires 1st 4-20 mA Output and AC power. Does not need cable, it uses the same cable from the first set of 4-20 mA

Price in

Alarm Relays (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8984 4 Alarm Relays (form C, field assignable with settable trip points), with 25' cable (P/N 2705);
in NEMA 4X enclosure; includes controller modifications to accommodate alarm relays; if longer than 25' cable is required, order additonal SE888 cable

Rain gauge (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed option and rain gauge! 8800 2149 2221 Factory installed Rain Gauge option Rain Gauge with 25 ft. cable and Mounting Base Plate Rain Gauge extension with 100 ft. cable Analog Inputs (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8795
3 Analog Input Data Logging Channels, including 25 ft. cable (P/N 2706), If longer than 25 ft. cable is needed, order additional SE888 cable

Remote Pump 8799 2246 2248 3152 Remote Pump Receptacle - Also requires remote pump 2246 Remote Pump - Recommended for vertical lift distances between 23-35 ft.
Includes 35 ft. 12VDC cable and 35ft. suspension cable. Also requires connection kit 2248 or 3152.

Connection Kit - For remote pump with 3/8" ID vinyl Connection Kit - For remote pump with 3/8" ID Teflon lined polyethylene tubing Further accesoories (for 900 Max Samplers only) (Factory installed option)


Mechanical Totalizer, 6 Digit, field scaleable, non-resetable (in separate NEMA 4X enclosure)


Expanded Memory (for 900 MAX only)

(Increases memory from 18,432 to 116,000 data readings)

Support Software and Data Transfer Unit (for 900 Max Samplers only) Choose DTU (if needed) and or software (if needed) 3516 DTU II, 115 VAC
includes: DTU to sampler or flow meter cable (P/N 1726), 115 VAC DTU to PC Cable, 115 VAC (P/N 3513)
Note: If sampler or flow meter to DTU cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order additional SE813 cable.



includes: DTU to sampler or flow meter cable (P/N 1726), 230 VAC DTU to PC Cable, 230 VAC (P/N 3580)
Note: If sampler or flow meter to DTU cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order additional SE813 cable.


SIGMA Suite PC Sotware with InSight Software / CD Rom / multilanguage

Note: additional cable P/N 1727 is needed.

1727 6249200

Cable, sampler or flow meter-to-PC USB-to-Serial Adaptor European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 21

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

SAMPLER, portable
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (all 900 models)
Part No. Section 1.7 541 941 Designation Cable and Interfaces Half Cable to connect a Sigma sampler/flow meter to a non-Sigma sampler/flow meter 25 ft. with 6-pin connector on one end and open leads on the other end 1 10 ft. with 6-pin connector on one end and open leads on the other end 1 Full Cable to connect a Sigma sampler to a Sigma flow meter 540 940 25 ft. with 6-pin connectors on both ends1 10 ft. with 6-pin connectors on both ends1

Price in

Note: If cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order addition SE813 cable.

2817 2818

Cascade Sampling for 25-ft. cable 2 Leading sampler wakes up second sampler upon program completion Synchronized Sampling for 25-ft. cable 2 Both samplers collect samples at the same time

Note: If cable longer than 25 ft. is needed, order addition SE828 cable.

939 2021

3-Way Splitter Assembly Simplifies multiple connection to sampler 6-pin auxiliary receptacle. 4-20 mA Interface, 10-ft. cable 3 Converts analog signals from flow meter to pulse.

Note: If cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order addition SE853 cable.

Section 2.0 943

Accessories Liquid Level Actuator, 25-ft. Cable 1 Float switch used to initiate sampler when liquid is detected

Note: If cable longer than 25 ft. is needed, order SE828 cable.

3885 8963 1030 2188 2143

Retrofit Kit
Converts 6300/704 composite units to 900 composite or 800 composite/multiple bottle

Cover (Lockable, hinged) Refrigerator, 115 VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304 ) Option Refrigerator, 230VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304) Option Lockable Hasp, Installed on refrigerator door 900 Controller Desiccant Replacement Parts

2660 8849

Humidity Indicator: For Inside the 900 Controller Desiccant Bag (1 pillow inside case) Desiccant Replacement Parts for Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor (for 900 Max only)

5057 3624 3390 5252

Cartridge Assemble, Filled (Replaces entire cartridge) Desiccant Refill, 1.5 lbs. (refills existing cartridge) Desiccant Cartridge Membrane (replaces membrane on existing cartridge) Desiccant Cartridge O-ring (needed to replace existing cartridge Desiccant Replacement Parts for Submerged Depth Only Sensor (for 900 Max only)


Desiccant Cartridge Distributor Arm Only

8563 8566 8569 2471 8989 8990

Only for 24 bottle Only for 8 bottle Only for 2 and 4 bottle Flow-Thru Module, flanged ends, 3" diameter (not for pressurized sampling) Operating Maintenance Manual, 900 Refrigerated Sampler, GB Operating Maintenance Manual, 900 Max Refrigerated Sampler, GB European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 22

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 All Weather Refrigerated Sampler (AWRS) series
Both the Sigma 900 and 900Max All Weather Waste Water Samplers stand up to environmental extremes without a secondary glance. The 900 Max series combines leading edge sampling and flow monitoring technology, with the facility to also monitor combined sewer overflows, storm water outfalls, water quality parameters and rainfall levels. There are 10 different container formats, which range from single composite to 24 containers in either glass or plastic.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle
Suction height Flow Rate Suction Velocity Temperature Range General use Operating (LCD) Storage

Sigma 900/900MAX AWRS Peristaltic principle 8 m maximum Remote pump option recommended for lifts from 6.7 ... 10.7 m 60 ml/sec @ 3 ft. vertical lift in a " ID intake tube > 0.6 m/sec. (2 ft./sec.) @ 4.6 m (15 ft.) vertical lift in a " ID intake tube -29 C to +50 C (-20 F to 122 F) -40 C to +50 C (-40 F to 122 F) with optional controller compartment heater -10 ... 70C (-14 ... 158F) -40 ... 80C (-40 ... 176F) Impact resistant ABS plastic, water-proof, 3-section construction double-walled base with 2.54 cm (1 in.) insulation - direct ice contact with bottles Dimension: 71 cm x 125 cm x 71 cm (W x H x D) PE: 1 x 11 l, 1 x 23 l, 2 x 11 l, 4 x 11 l, 8 x 2.3 l, 24 x1000 ml Glass: 1 x 9.5 l, 2 x 9.5 l, 4 x 9.5 l, 8 x 1.9 l, 24 x 350 ml Compressor and evaporator are installed at the top in the instrument to prevent corrosion by gases heavier than air (H2S). The evaporator is cooled and all cooling parts are protected against corrosion. pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs Mains operation obligatory: 115 VAC or 230 VAC
5 A DC line fuse for pump & 5 A DC line fuse for AC power converter Compressor: Thermal overload relay, opens @ 110 C NEMA 4X, 6

Sampler Housing Sample container

Cooling system

Controller specifications Sampling specifications Factory installed options Power requirement Overload protection

Weight Warranty

79 kg 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 23

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 All Weather Refrigerated Sampler (AWRS) series
Configurator: Choose the bottle and base type from the table below. Read across the table to select all necessary part numbers for the bottle/base configuration
Note: Full Bottle Shut-off and distributor assembly includes pump tube insert (P/N 8888) Sampler Bottle Type (1 Gal 3,8 l) Part Number
Bottle Full Bottle Shut-off 8847 8847 8847 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tube Support 8838 8838 8838 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Extension Tube 3527 3527 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Bottle tray Retainer positioner N/A N/A N/A 1511 1511 1511 1511 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1322 1056 1322 1322 N/A N/A N/A N/A Distributor

Composite Composite Composite Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle

2.5 Gal Glass 3.0 Gal PE 6.0 Gal PE 24 x 1 l PE 24 x350 ml Glass 8 x 2.3 l PE 8 x 1.9 l Glass 4 x 3 Gal PE 4 x 2.5 Gal Glass 2 x 2.5 Gal Glass 2 x 3 Gal PE

6559 1918 6494 737 732 657 1118 2315 2317 2318 2316

N/A N/A N/A 8841 8841 8842 8842 8843 8843 8843 8843

To configure complete a system, the following components are required: Sampler SIGMA 900 or 900 Max All Weather Refrigerated Sampler (Section 1.0) Composite/Multiple Bottle Sampling (Section 1.1) Intake Tubing and Strainers (Section 1.2) Optional Components: Pump Tubing (Section 1.3) Factory Installed Options (Section 1.4) Cables and Interfaces (Section 1.5) Accessories (Section 2.0)

When selecting one of the Standard configurations, the following components must be considered to complete a bundled system: Intake Tubing and Strainers (Section 1.2) Optional Components: Pump Tubing (Section 1.3) Factory Installed Options (Section 1.4) Cables and Interfaces (Section 1.5) Accessories (Section 2.0)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 All Weather Refrigerated Sampler (AWRS) series - Configuration overview

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 AWRS - Multiple Bottle Standard Configurations for Standard Applications
Part No. Designation SIGMA 900 AWRS with 24 x 1000 ml PE Bottles 3540 3542 737 1511 1322 8841 SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 24 x 1000 ml PE Bottles Set Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm SIGMA 900 MAX AWRS with 24 x 1000 ml PE Bottles 3543 3545 737 1511 1322 8841 SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 24 x 1000 ml PE Bottles Set Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm Price in

SIGMA 900 AWRS with 24 x 350 ml Glass Bottles 3540 3542 732 1511 1056 8841 SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 24 x 350 ml glass bottles Set Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm SIGMA 900 MAX AWRS with 24 x 350 ml Glass Bottles 3543 3545 732 1511 1056 8841 SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 24 x 350 ml glass bottles Set Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 AWRS - Composite Sampling Standard Configurations for Standard Applications
Part No. Designation SIGMA 900 AWRS with 3 gal. PE Bottles 3540 3542 1918 3527 8838 8847 SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 3 Gallon PE Bottle Extension Tube Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off SIGMA 900 MAX AWRS with 3 gal. PE Bottles 3543 3545 1918 3527 8838 8847 SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 3 Gallon PE Bottle Extension Tube Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off Price in

SIGMA 900 AWRS with 6 gal. PE Bottles 3540 3542 6494 8838 8847 SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 6 gal. PE Bottle Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off SIGMA 900 MAX AWRS with 6 gal. PE Bottles 3543 3545 6494 8838 8847 SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 6 gal. PE Bottle Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off

SIGMA 900 AWRS with 2.5 gal. Glass Bottle 3540 3542 6559 3527 8838 8847 SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 2.5 Gallon Glass Bottle Extension Tube Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off SIGMA 900 MAX AWRS with 2.5 gal. Glass Bottle 3543 3545 6559 3527 8838 8847 SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (115 VAC) or SIGMA 900 MAX Controller with all weather refrigerator (230 VAC) 2.5 Gallon Glass Bottle Extension Tube Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 AWRS - Individual Sampler Configurations & Extensions
Part No. Section 1.0 3540 3542 3543 3545 Designation Sampler Controller model SIGMA 900 All Weather Refrigerated Sampler 115 VAC
Controller (P/N8900), Cabinet (P/N3548) (Non-CFC -- with 6 ft. AC Power Cord and Pump Tube Insert P/N8888)

Price in

SIGMA 900 All Weather Refrigerated Sampler 230 VAC

Controller (P/N8900), Cabinet (P/N3550) (Non-CFC -- with 6 ft. AC Power Cord and Pump Tube Insert P/N8888)

SIGMA 900 MAX All Weather Refrigerated Sampler 115 VAC

Controller (P/N8600), Cabinet (P/N3548) (Non-CFC -- with 6 ft. AC Power Cord and Pump Tube Insert P/N8888)

SIGMA 900 MAX All Weather Refrigerated Sampler 230 VAC

Controller (P/N8600), Cabinet (P/N3550) (Non-CFC -- with 6 ft. AC Power Cord and Pump Tube Insert P/N8888) Remote pump is the only factory installed option that is available with this unit.

Section 1.1 6559 1918 6494 3527 8838 8847

Bottle Type Composite Bottles and Accessories 2.5 Gallon (9,46 l) Glass Container, with Teflon Lined Cap 3 Gallon (11,36 l) PE Container with Cap 6 Gallon (22,71 l) PE Container with Cap
Required accessories for 2.5 and 3 Gallon Containers

Extension Tube Composite Tube Support with Tube Full Container Shutoff, for all containers Multiple Bottle Sets and Accessories PE bottles

737 657 2315 2316

24 x 1 l PE bottles with Caps 8 x 2.3 l PE bottles with Caps 4 x 3 Gallon PE bottles with Caps 2 x 3 Gallon PE bottles with Caps Glass bottles

732 1118 2317 2318

24 x 350 ml Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 8 x 1.9 l Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 4 x 2.5 Gallon Glass bottle with Teflon Lined Caps 2 x 2.5 Gallon Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps Also requires 1511 - Bottle Tray, 1322 - Retainer and 8841 - Distributor Also requires 8843 Distributor

Replacement bottles Please contact HACH LANGE Bottle Retainers (for multiple bottle sets) 1511 1322 1056 Bottle Tray (required for 8 and 24 bottle sampling) Retainer (required for 24 x 1 l PE bottle and 8 bottle sampling) Retainer (required for 350 ml glass bottles) Distributors for Multiple Bottle configurations 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 Distributor with Arm (for 24 bottle sampling) Distributor with Arm (for 8 bottle sampling) Distributor with Arm (for 2 and 4 bottle sampling) Distributor Arm only (with tube), for 24 bottle sampling Distributor Arm only (with tube), for 8 bottle sampling Distributor Arm only (with tube), for 2 and 4 bottle sampling

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 28

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 AWRS - Individual Sampler Configurations & Extensions
Part No. Section 1.2 Designation Intake Tubing and Strainers Select tubing and strainer based on your application needs! Intaking tubing, made of Vinyl 920 923 924 25 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl 100 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl 500 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl Teflon Lined (Requires Connection Kit P/N 2186) 921 922 925 2186 10' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID 25' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID 100' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID Connector Kit, for Teflon lined PE tubing Strainer, made of Teflon/Stainless Steel 926 903 Strainer, Teflon/SS316, 5.5" long x 0.875" OD Strainer, Teflon/SS316, 11.0" long x 0.875" OD Strainer, made of Stainless Steel 2070 2071 4652 Strainer, all 316 Stainless Steel Strainer, for shallow depth applications, all 316 Stainless Steel Strainer, for high velocity and shallow depth applications, 3.9" long x 0.406" outer Price in

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Optional components (all 900 models)
Part No. Section 1.3 8888 4600-15 4600-50 Section 1.4 I Designation Pump Tubing Pump Tube Insert Pump Tubing, 15 ft. length Pump Tubing, 50 ft. length Extension Options (for all 900 Models)
Each option contains a required Factory Installed Option. The probes and other accessories are separate from Factory Installed Options and must be ordered to complete the system. Only one integral flow meter option can be ordered per sampler (for 900 Max controller only!).

Price in

Remote Pump (Recommended for vertical lift distances between 23-35 ft.) Note: Requires factory installed option, remote pump and connection kit. 8799 2246 2248 3152 Factory Installed Integral Remote Pump Option Remote Pump (P/N 2241) with 35 ft. 12 VDC cable (P/N 2247) and 35 ft. suspension cable (P/N 5225) Connector Kit: For remote with " ID Vinyl tubing Connector Kit: For remote with " ID Teflon-Lined tubing Remote Pump Replacements 2241 2247 5225 Remote Pump only Cable, 12 VDC, 35' - for remote pump Suspension Line, polypropylene, .25" diameter x 35' Heaters 8805 8808 Controller Compartment Heater, 115 VAC Controller Compartment Heater, 230 VAC Solenoid Valve 5176 5177 2-Way Solenoid Valve Option with Pump, No Valves 3-Way Solenoid Valve Option with Pump, No Valves AC Power Backup 8988 AC Power Back-Up, Battery Included

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options (for 900 Max only) Price in

Note: Each option contain a required Factory Installed Option. The probes and other accessories are separate from Factory Installed Options and must be ordered to complete the system. Only one integral flow meter option can be installed per sampler. Area x Velocity Measurement (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) The Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor can measure level and velocity simultaneously. Choose either a Standard or Keppler (for clean water with a few particles only) sensor based on your application needs. Note: Bare lead probe requires a junction box. Factory installed Integral Depth only Flow Meter Option is not available with this option. Standard Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor 4041 Integral Area x Velocity Flow Meter Option (Factory installed option) Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, with connector

7 7 0 6 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... customized cable length, with xx ft 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, w/Hub (conn).

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 0 7 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... customized cable length, with xx ft 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 2 6 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 0 3 0 30 ft2 ............................................................................................................ customized cable length, with xx ft 1,2 ........................................................................ X X X Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 7 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 0 3 0 30 ft2 ............................................................................................................ customized cable length, with xx ft 1,2 ........................................................................ X X X
1 2

= Requires cable 77155-PRB; please order the item xx-times = Requires Junction Box 7725000, Hub Assembly 7722800, Hub Assembly Cable 77155-HUB.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 31

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Oil filled sensor, with connector Price in

7 7 0 6 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, with connector

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 0 7 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 ..........................................................................

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 6 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 3 0 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 .......................................................................... X X X Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 7 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 3 0 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 .......................................................................... X X X
1 2

= Requires custom cable 77155-PRB = Requires Junction Box 7725000, Hub Assembly 7722800, Hub Assembly Cable 77155-HUB.

77155-PRB 77155-HUB 7724700 7724800 7726018 7722800 7715300 7725000 7725600 7730000 5247 SE 818

Sensor Accessories (Cables, boxes, & Kits) Sensor Cable - Maximum length 250 ft, minimum length 1 ft. Hub Assembly Cable (connects junction box to hub) - Max. length 249 ft, Min. length 1 ft. Silicon Oil, Dual 50 ml Oil Pack - Refills 100 sensors. Silicon Oil Refill Kit Incl. dispensing tool, dual 50ml oil pack, instruction sheet and misc. hardware. Refills 100 sensors.

Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor Manual Hub Assembly for Bare Wire Sensors - Requires Hub Assembly Cable Silicone Oil/Gel Dispensing Gun for Oil-Filled Sub-AV Sensor Dispensing Gun required for use with Gel Kit, P/N 7725600. Only one gun is required and can be reused multiple times.

Junction Box - Silicone Gel potting recommended for corrosive or wet environments;
use Gel Fill Kit (7725600) and Dispensing Gun (7715300)

Silicone Gel Potting Kit for J-Box - Gel Fill Kit.

Incl. 3 tubes of gel fill (7729800) and 3 static mixers (5909900) for replacing/refilling junction box. A single dispensing gun (7715300) is required.

Retrofit Kit, Converts Non Oil-Filled to Oil-Filled - Includes kit 7724800 Remote AV Sensor Option -- includes amplifier in NEMA 4X enclosure;
Requires SE 818 cable and Sensor, xxx feet. For use with 88000 series sensors

Cable (per ft.) Used for Remote AV and Remote US Options For use with remote option on 88000 series sensors only. Maximum cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 32

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Options (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Depth Measurement - Ultrasonic sensor, 40kHz 8851 3028 2653 3658 Factory installed Integral Ultrasonic Flow Meter Option - Requires 40 KHz. ultrasonic sensor 40 KHz Ultrasonic Sensor - With connector, 0 -10 ft. range and 25 ft. cable.
Requires 8851 integral ultrasonic flow meter option.

Price in

40 KHz Ultrasonic Sensor with bare - With bare leads, 0 - 10 ft. range and 25 ft. cable.
Requires 8851 integral ultrasonic flow meter option and 3658 junction box.

Junction Box, for ultrasonic sensor conduit installations

Requires 2653 40 KHz ultrasonic sensor. For conduit installation of the ultrasonic sensor cable, 1" or larger conduit is recommended.

2974 9538 2883 3183

Permanent wall mount bracket for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. Tripod mounting bracket for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. Cable straightner for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor Cable grip for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. - For use with 2883 cable straightner.

Depth measurement (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) For use with flumes, weirs or other primary devices Choose either Depth sensor or Ultrasonic sensor based on your application needs. Note: Depth and ultrasonic sensor cables cannot be extended!
Depth sensor


Depth Only Flow Meter Option (Factory Installed Option!)

Factory Installed Integral Area x Velocity Flow Meter Option is not available with Factory Installed Integral Depth Only Flow Meter Option


General Purpose Depth Sensor, Range 0 ... 0.576 ft., with 25 ft. cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 33

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Optional components (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Sensor Mounting Hardware Rings & Bands for Pipe Mounting Choose the Mounting ring or band from the table below. Read across the table to find the necessary part numbers.
Submerged Area/ Velocity sensor

Price in

Mounting Rings for 6 ... 24" pipes

Pipe Diameter in inch 6 8 10 12 15 18 20-21 24 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42 45 Pipe Diameter in inch 6 8 10 12 15 18 20-21 24 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42

Part number / Recommended end-user price in Mounting clip Mounting ring/band 3263 1361 3263 1362 3263 1363 1364 na na 1365 1366 na 1353 na 1370 na 9706100 9706200 9706300 9706400 9706500 9706600 9706700 9706800 9706900 3766 438,00 430,00 490,00 510,00 435,00 490,00 515,00 575,00 560,00 na na na na na na na na na na

Mounting Bands for 15 ... 42" pipes

Submerged Depth only sensor

Mounting Rings for 6 ... 24" pipes

Part number / Recommended end-user price in Mounting clip Mounting ring/band 1771 1361 1771 1362 1771 1363 1364 1771 1365 1771 1366 1771 1353 1771 1370 1771 9706100 9706200 9706300 9706400 9706500 9706600 9706700 9706800 9706900 438,00 430,00 490,00 510,00 435,00 490,00 515,00 575,00 560,00 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771

Mounting Bands for 15 ... 42" pipes


Insertion Tool (To remove mounting rings (P/N 13611370)) Mounting Plates (for direct Mounting to Pipe Wall)

2312 4939

Mounting Plate with holes for submerged depth only sensor Mounting Plate with holes for submerged depth/velocity sensor Ultrasonic sensor Mounting Hardware

2974 2904 9538 2883 3183

Permanent Wall Mounting Bracket Adjustable for Floor or Wall Tripod with Mounting Bracket for Sensor Cable Straightener Cable Grip (Requires P/N 2883) European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 34

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Optional components (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) pH Option (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed options and probe! 8793 Factory installed Integral pH - Temperature/ORP Meter with 3323 Pre-amp Interface
pH and ORP cannot be used simultaneously. If the distance from the probe to the sampler is greater than 50 ft., order additional SE813 cable to extend the distance on the pre-amp Interface (max. cable length is 100 ft.). pH and ORP probes are not available in lengths longer than 50 ft.

Price in

3328 5172 2080 5174 2104 2105 2106

pH-Temperature Probe (grounded), with 25 ft. cable pH-Temperature Probe (grounded), with 50 ft. cable ORP Probe, with 25 ft. cable ORP Probe, with 50 ft. cable Buffer, 4.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Buffer, 7.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Buffer, 10.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial

Dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity Option (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed option and probe! 3227 Factory installed Integral D.O. and Conductivity Meter with 3369 Pre-amp Interface
If the distance from the probe to the sampler is greater than 50 ft., order additional SE998 cable to extend the distance on the Pre-amp Interface (max. cable length is 1350 ft.) DO and Conductivity probes not available in lengths longer than 50 ft.

3216 5175

DO Kit, includes:
D.O. Probe with 25 ft. Cable (P/N3222), Teflon Membranes pk/25 (P/N3219), 16 oz Electrolyte Solution (P/N3221), and Instructions

DO Kit, includes:
D.O. Probe with 50 ft. Cable (P/N5899), Teflon Membranes pk/25 (P/N3219), 16 oz Electrolyte Solution (P/N3221), and Instructions

3222 5899 3225 5134

D.O. Probe only, with 25 ft. Cable D.O. Probe only, with 50 ft. Cable Conductivity Kit, includes:
Conductivity Probe with 25 ft. Cable (P/N3223), 16 oz Calibration Solution (P/N3765), and Instructions

Conductivity Kit, includes:

Conductivity Probe with 50 ft. Cable (P/N5898), 16 oz Calibration Solution (P/N3765), and Instructions

5898 3223

Conductivity Probe only, with 50 ft. Cable Conductivity Probe only, with 25 ft. Cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Optional components (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) 4-20mA Outputs (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8797 SE813 8798 1st 4-20 mA Output, with 25' cable (P/N 2924) Extension cable, must be oredered if required cable length 25 ft. 2nd 4-20 mA Output (field assignable)
Requires 1st 4-20 mA Output and AC power. Does not need cable, it uses the same cable from the first set of 4-20 mA

Price in

Alarm Relays (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8984 4 Alarm Relays (form C, field assignable with settable trip points), with 25' cable (P/N 2705);
in NEMA 4X enclosure; includes controller modifications to accommodate alarm relays; if longer than 25' cable is required, order additonal SE888 cable

Rain gauge (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed option and rain gauge! 8800 2149 2221 Factory installed Rain Gauge option Rain Gauge with 25 ft. cable and Mounting Base Plate Rain Gauge extension with 100 ft. cable Analog Inputs (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8795
3 Analog Input Data Logging Channels, including 25 ft. cable (P/N 2706), If longer than 25 ft. cable is needed, order additional SE888 cable

Further accesoories (for 900 Max Samplers only) (Factory installed option)
8560 Mechanical Totalizer, 6 Digit, field scaleable, non-resetable (in separate NEMA 4X enclosure)


Expanded Memory (for 900 MAX only)

(Increases memory from 18,432 to 116,000 data readings)

Support Software and Data Transfer Unit (for 900 Max Samplers only) Choose DTU (if needed) and or software (if needed) 3516 DTU II, 115 VAC
includes: DTU to sampler or flow meter cable (P/N 1726), 115 VAC DTU to PC Cable, 115 VAC (P/N 3513)
Note: If sampler or flow meter to DTU cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order additional SE813 cable.



includes: DTU to sampler or flow meter cable (P/N 1726), 230 VAC DTU to PC Cable, 230 VAC (P/N 3580)
Note: If sampler or flow meter to DTU cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order additional SE813 cable.


SIGMA Suite PC Sotware with InSight Software / CD Rom / multilanguage

Note: additional cable P/N 1727 is needed.

1727 6249200

Cable, sampler or flow meter-to-PC USB-to-Serial Adaptor

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Individual Sampler Configurations - Optional components (all 900 models)
Part No. Section 1.5 541 941 Designation Cable and Interfaces Half Cable to connect a Sigma sampler/flow meter to a non-Sigma sampler/flow meter 25 ft. with 6-pin connector on one end and open leads on the other end 1 10 ft. with 6-pin connector on one end and open leads on the other end 1 Full Cable to connect a Sigma sampler to a Sigma flow meter 540 940 25 ft. with 6-pin connectors on both ends1 10 ft. with 6-pin connectors on both ends1

Price in

Note: If cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order addition SE813 cable.

2817 2818

Cascade Sampling for 25-ft. cable 2 Leading sampler wakes up second sampler upon program completion Synchronized Sampling for 25-ft. cable 2 Both samplers collect samples at the same time

Note: If cable longer than 25 ft. is needed, order addition SE828 cable.

939 2021

3-Way Splitter Assembly Simplifies multiple connection to sampler 6-pin auxiliary receptacle. 4-20 mA Interface, 10-ft. cable 3 Converts analog signals from flow meter to pulse.

Note: If cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order addition SE853 cable.

Section 2.0 8968 943

Accessories Lid Assembly with latch Liquid Level Actuator, 25-ft. Cable 1 Float switch used to initiate sampler when liquid is detected

Note: If cable longer than 25 ft. is needed, order SE828 cable.


Door Assembly 900 Controller Desiccant Replacement Parts

2660 8849

Humidity Indicator: For Inside the 900 Controller Desiccant Bag (1 pillow inside case) Desiccant Replacement Parts for Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor (for 900 Max only)

5059 3624 3390 5252

Cartridge Assemble, Filled (Replaces entire cartridge) Desiccant Refill, 1.5 lbs. (refills existing cartridge) Desiccant Cartridge Membrane (replaces membrane on existing cartridge) Desiccant Cartridge O-ring (needed to replace existing cartridge Desiccant Replacement Parts for Submerged Depth Only Sensor (for 900 Max only)


Desiccant Cartridge Distributor Arm Only

8844 8845 8846 2471 8935 8837 8854

Only for 24 bottle Only for 8 bottle Only for 2 and 4 bottle Flow-Thru Module, flanged ends, 3" diameter (not for pressurized sampling) Anchor Kit, Set of 4, 316 stainless steel; for securing sampler to concrete pad Operating Maintenance Manual, 900 All Weather Refrigerated Sampler, GB Operating Maintenance Manual, 900 Max All Weather Refrigerated Sampler, GB

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 37

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated Sampler series
Both the Sigma 900 and 900 Max Refrigerated Samplers are designed to endure the most humid and highly corrosive environments. The 900Max series combines leading edge sampling and flow monitoring technology, with the facility to also monitor combined sewer overflows, storm water outfalls, water quality parameters and rainfall levels. There are 10 different container formats, which range from single composite to 24 containers in either glass or plastic.

Technical Data
Subject to change without notice

Sampling principle
Suction height Flow Rate Suction Velocity Temperature Range General use Operating (LCD) Storage

Sigma 900/900MAX Refrigerated Samplers Peristaltic principle

8 m maximum Remote pump option recommended for lifts from 6.7 ... 10.7 m 60 ml/sec @ 3 ft. vertical lift in a " ID intake tube > 0.6 m/sec. (2 ft./sec.) @ 4.6 m (15 ft.) vertical lift in a " ID intake tube -29 C to +50 C (-20 F to 122 F) -40 C to +50 C (-40 F to 122 F) with optional controller compartment heater -10 ... 70C (-14 ... 158F) -40 ... 80C (-40 ... 176F) Impact resistant ABS plastic, water-proof, 3-section construction double-walled base with 2.54 cm (1 in.) insulation - direct ice contact with bottles Dimension: 61 cm x 110 cm x 61 cm (W x H x D)

Sampler Housing Sample container

Cooling system

PE: 1 x 11 l, 1 x 23 l, 2 x 11 l, 4 x 11 l, 8 x 2.3 l, 24 x 1000 ml Glass: 1 x 9.5 l, 2 x 9.5 l, 4 x 9.5 l, 8 x 2 l, 24 x 350 ml Compressor and evaporator are installed at the top in the instrument to prevent corrosion by gases heavier than air (H2S). The evaporator is cooled and all cooling parts are protected against corrosion. pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs pls. refer to General SIGMA 900/900Max Specs Mains operation obligatory: 115 VAC or 230 VAC
5 A DC line fuse for pump & 5 A DC line fuse for AC power converter Compressor: Thermal overload relay, opens @ 110 C NEMA 4X, 6

Controller specifications Sampling specifications Factory installed options Power requirement Overload protection

Weight Warranty

64 kg 24 month

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 38

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated Sampler series
Configurator: Choose the bottle and base type from the table below. Read across the table to select all necessary part numbers for the bottle/base configuration
Note: Full Bottle Shut-off and distributor assembly includes pump tube insert (P/N 8957) Sampler
Bottle Type (1 Gal 3,8 l) Part Number Bottle Full Bottle Shut-off 8847 8847 8847 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tube Support 8986 8986 8986 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Extension Tube Bottle Tray positioner 3527 3527 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1511 1511 1511 1511 2038 2038 2038 2038 Retainer Distributor

Composite Composite Composite


2.5 Gal Glass 3.0 Gal PE 6.0 Gal PE 24x1 l PE 24x350 ml Glass 8x2.3 l PE 8x1.9 l Glass 4x3 Gal PE 4x2.5 Gal Glass 2x3 Gal PE 2x2.5 Gal Glass

6559 1918 6494 737 732 657 1118 2315 2317 2316 2318

N/A N/A N/A 1322 1056 1322 1322 N/A N/A N/A N/A

N/A N/A N/A 8562 8562 8565 8565 8568 8568 8568 8568

Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple

bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle

To configure complete a system, the following components are required: Sampler Controller Model 900 or 900 Max (Section 1.0) Base/Bottle, composite/Multiple Sampling Accessories (Section 1.1) Intake Tubing and Strainers (Section 1.2) Optional Components: Pump Tubing (Section 1.3) Factory Installed Options (Section 1.4 and/or 1.4.1) Cables and Interfaces (Section 1.5) Accessories (Section 2.0)

When selecting one of the Standard configurations, the following components must be considered to complete a bundled system: Intake Tubing and Strainers (Section 1.2) Optional Components: Pump Tubing (Section 1.3) Factory Installed Options (Section 1.4 and /or 1.4.1) Cables and Interfaces (Section 1.5) Accessories (Section 2.0)

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 39

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated Sampler series - Configuration overview

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 40

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Multiple Bottle Standard Configurations for Standard Applications
Part No. Designation 900 MAX/ 900 Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler with 24 x 1 l PE Bottles 8954 8950 737 1511 1322 8562 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC Set of 24 x 1 l PE Bottles Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm 900 MAX/ 900 Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler with 24 x 350 ml Glass Bottles 8954 8950 732 1511 1056 8562 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC Set of 24-350 ml glass bottles Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm 900 MAX/ 900 Stainless Steel Refrigerated Sampler with 24 x 1 l PE Bottles 8954 8950 2188 737 1511 1322 8562 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator 230 VAC Refrigerator, 230VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304) Option Set of 24 x 1 l PE bottles Bottle Tray Retainer Distributor with Arm Price in

Notes: In order to configurate a 115 VAC sampler versions, just select the appropriate controller and refrigerator from the list below. 8927 8933 1030 900 Controller with refrigerator, 115 VAC 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 115 VAC Refrigerator, 115 VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304 ) Option European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 41

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Composit Bottle Standard Configurations for Standard Applications
Part No. Designation 900 MAX/ 900 Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler with 6 gal. PE Bottle 8954 8950 6494 8986 8847 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator 230 VAC 6 gal. PE Bottle Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off 900 MAX/ 900 Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler with 2.5 gal. Glass Bottle 8954 8950 6559 3527 8986 8847 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator 230 VAC 2.5 Gallon Glass Bottle Extension Tube Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off 900 MAX/ 900 Stainless Steel Refrigerated Sampler with 6 gal. PE Bottle 8954 8950 2188 1030 6494 8986 8847 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator 230 VAC Refrigerator, 230VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304) Option Stainless Steel Option 6 gal. PE Bottle Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off 900 MAX/ 900 Stainless Steel Refrigerated Sampler with 2.5 gal. Glass Bottle 8954 8950 2188 1030 6559 3527 8986 8847 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 230VAC or 900 Controller with refrigerator 230 VAC Refrigerator, 230VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304) Option Stainless Steel Option 2.5 gal. glass bottle Extension Tube Composite Tube Support Full Bottle Shut-Off Price in

Notes: In order to configurate a 115 VAC sampler versions, just select the appropriate controller and refrigerator from the list below. 8927 8933 1030 900 Controller with refrigerator, 115 VAC 900 MAX Controller with refrigerator, 115 VAC Refrigerator, 115 VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304 ) Option

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Accessories
Part No. Section 1.0 8927 8950 8933 8954 Designation Sampler Controller model SIGMA 900 Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler 115 VAC, 60 Hz
Controller (P/N8971), Transition assembly (P/N8924), Refrigerator Assembly (P/N8959)

Price in

SIGMA 900 Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler 230 VAC, 60 Hz

Controller (P/N8971), Transition assembly (P/N8929), Refrigerator Assembly (P/N8960)

SIGMA 900 MAX Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler Sampler 115 VAC, 60 Hz

Controller (P/N8973), Transition assembly (P/N8924), Refrigerator Assembly (P/N8959)

SIGMA 900 MAX Vinyl Refrigerated Sampler Sampler 230 VAC, 60 Hz

Controller (P/N8973), Transition assembly (P/N8929), Refrigerator Assembly (P/N8960) Remote pump is the only factory installed option that is available with this unit.

Section 1.1 6559 1918 6494 3527 8986 8847

Bottle Type Composite Bottles and Accessories 2.5 Gallon (9,46 l) Glass Container, with Teflon Lined Cap 3 Gallon (11,36 l) PE Container with Cap 6 Gallon (22,71 l) PE Container with Cap
Required accessories for 2.5 and 3 Gallon Containers

Extension Tube Composite Tube Support with Tube, for all composite bottles/containers Full Container Shutoff, for all composite bottles/containers Multiple Bottle Sets and Accessories

737 657 2315 2316

PE bottles 24 x 1 l PE bottles with Caps 8 x 2.3 l PE bottles with Caps 4 x 3 Gallon PE bottles with Caps 2 x 3 Gallon PE bottles with Caps Glass bottles

732 1118 2317 2318

24 x 350 ml Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 4 8 x 1.9 l Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps 4 4 x 2.5 Gallon Glass bottle with Teflon Lined Caps 2 x 2.5 Gallon Glass bottles with Teflon Lined Caps Also requires 1511 - Bottle Tray, 1322 - Retainer and 8562 - Distributor Also requires 1511 - Bottle Tray, 1322 - Retainer and 8565 - Distributor Also requires 2038 - Bottle Tray and 8568 - Distributor

Also requires 1511 - Bottle Tray, 1056 - Retainer and 8562 - Distributor

Replacement bottles Please contact HACH LANGE Bottle Retainers (for multiple bottle sets) 1511 1322 1056 2038 Bottle Tray (required for 8 and 24 bottle sampling) Retainer (required for 24 x 1 l PE bottle and 8 bottle sampling) Retainer (required for 24 x 350 ml glass bottles) Retainer (required for 2 x and 4 x bottle sampling) Distributors for Multiple Bottle configurations 8562 8565 8568 8563 8566 8569 Distributor with Arm (for 24 bottle sampling) Distributor with Arm (for 8 bottle sampling) Distributor with Arm (for 2 and 4 bottle sampling) Distributor Arm only (with tube), for 24 bottle sampling Distributor Arm only (with tube), for 8 bottle sampling Distributor Arm only (with tube), for 2 and 4 bottle sampling

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Individual Sampler Configurations & Extensions
Part No. Section 1.2 Designation Intake Tubing and Strainers Select tubing and strainer based on your application needs! Intaking tubing, made of Vinyl 920 923 924 25 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl 100 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl 500 ft. Intake Tubing, " ID, made of Vinyl Teflon Lined (Requires Connection Kit P/N 2186) 921 922 925 2186 10' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID 25' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID 100' Teflon Lined Polyethylene Tubing, " ID Connector Kit, for Teflon lined PE tubing Strainer, made of Teflon/Stainless Steel 926 903 Strainer, Teflon/SS316, 5.5" long x 0.875" OD Strainer, Teflon/SS316, 11.0" long x 0.875" OD Strainer, made of Stainless Steel 2070 2071 4652 Strainer, all 316 Stainless Steel Strainer, for shallow depth applications, all 316 Stainless Steel Strainer, for high velocity and shallow depth applications, 3.9" long x 0.406" outer Price in

Section 1.3 8957 4600-15 4600-50

Pump Tubing Pump Tube Insert Pump Tubing, 15 ft. length Pump Tubing, 50 ft. length

Section 1.4 I

Factory installed options (for all 900 Models)

Each option contains a required Factory Installed Option. The probes and other accessories are separate from Factory Installed Options and must be ordered to complete the system. Only one integral flow meter option can be ordered per sampler (for 900 Max controller only!).

Remote Pump (Recommended for vertical lift distances between 23-35 ft.) Note: Requires factory installed option, remote pump and connection kit. 8799 2246 2248 3152 Factory Installed Integral Remote Pump Option Remote Pump (P/N 2241) with 35 ft. 12 VDC cable (P/N 2247) and 35 ft. suspension cable (P/N 5225) Connector Kit: For remote with " ID Vinyl tubing Connector Kit: For remote with " ID Teflon-Lined tubing Remote Pump Replacements 2241 2247 5225 Remote Pump only Cable, 12 VDC, 35' - for remote pump Suspension Line, polypropylene, .25" diameter x 35' Solenoid Valve 5176 5177 2-Way Solenoid Valve Option with Pump, No Valves 3-Way Solenoid Valve Option with Pump, No Valves AC Power Backup 8988 AC Power Back-Up, Battery Included European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 44

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Optional components (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options (for 900 Max only) Price in

Note: Each option contain a required Factory Installed Option. The probes and other accessories are separate from Factory Installed Options and must be ordered to complete the system. Only one integral flow meter option can be installed per sampler. Area x Velocity Measurement (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) The Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor can measure level and velocity simultaneously. Choose either a Standard or Keppler (for clean water with a few particles only) sensor based on your application needs. Note: Bare lead probe requires a junction box. Factory installed Integral Depth only Flow Meter Option is not available with this option. Standard Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor 4041 Integral Area x Velocity Flow Meter Option (Factory installed option) Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, with connector

7 7 0 6 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... customized cable length, with xx ft 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, w/Hub (conn).

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 0 7 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... customized cable length, with xx ft 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 2 6 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 0 3 0 30 ft2 ............................................................................................................ customized cable length, with xx ft 1,2 ........................................................................ X X X Hach Sigma Standard Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Non Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 7 5 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 0 3 0 30 ft2 ............................................................................................................ customized cable length, with xx ft 1,2 ........................................................................ X X X
1 2

= Requires cable 77155-PRB; please order the item xx-times = Requires Junction Box 7725000, Hub Assembly 7722800, Hub Assembly Cable 77155-HUB.

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 45

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Optional components (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 10 ft range, Oil filled sensor, with connector Price in

7 7 0 6 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 .......................................................................... Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, with connector

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

7 7 0 7 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 50 ft ....................................................................................................................... 75 ft ....................................................................................................................... 100 ft ..................................................................................................................... ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 ..........................................................................

0 0 0 1 X

3 5 7 0 X

0 0 5 0 X

Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 6 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 3 0 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 .......................................................................... X X X Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor, 0 ... 30 ft range, Oil filled sensor, Bare wire, with connector

7 7 2 7 4 - X X X

cable length with connector 2 30 ft ............................................................................................................ 0 3 0 ?? ft (please specify in your order) 1 .......................................................................... X X X
1 2

= Requires custom cable 77155-PRB = Requires Junction Box 7725000, Hub Assembly 7722800, Hub Assembly Cable 77155-HUB.

77155-PRB 77155-HUB 7724700 7724800 7726018 7722800 7715300 7725000 7725600 7730000 5247 SE818

Sensor Accessories (Cables, boxes, & Kits) Sensor Cable - Maximum length 250 ft, minimum length 1 ft. Hub Assembly Cable (connects junction box to hub) - Max. length 249 ft, Min. length 1 ft. Silicon Oil, Dual 50 ml Oil Pack - Refills 100 sensors. Silicon Oil Refill Kit Incl. dispensing tool, dual 50ml oil pack, instruction sheet and misc. hardware. Refills 100 sensors.

Hach Sigma Submerged AV Sensor Manual Hub Assembly for Bare Wire Sensors - Requires Hub Assembly Cable Silicone Oil/Gel Dispensing Gun for Oil-Filled Sub-AV Sensor Dispensing Gun required for use with Gel Kit, P/N 7725600. Only one gun is required and can be reused multiple times.

Junction Box - Silicone Gel potting recommended for corrosive or wet environments;
use Gel Fill Kit (7725600) and Dispensing Gun (7715300)

Silicone Gel Potting Kit for J-Box - Gel Fill Kit.

Incl. 3 tubes of gel fill (7729800) and 3 static mixers (5909900) for replacing/refilling junction box. A single dispensing gun (7715300) is required.

Retrofit Kit, Converts Non Oil-Filled to Oil-Filled - Includes kit 7724800 Remote AV Sensor Option -- includes amplifier in NEMA 4X enclosure;
Requires SE 818 cable and Sensor, xxx feet. For use with 88000 series sensors

Cable (per ft.) Used for Remote AV and Remote US Options For use with remote option on 88000 series sensors only. Maximum cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 46

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Optional components (900MAX models only)
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Depth Measurement - Ultrasonic sensor, 40kHz 8851 3028 2653 3658 Factory installed Integral Ultrasonic Flow Meter Option - Requires 40 KHz. ultrasonic sensor 40 KHz Ultrasonic Sensor - With connector, 0 -10 ft. range and 25 ft. cable.
Requires 8851 integral ultrasonic flow meter option.

Price in

40 KHz Ultrasonic Sensor with bare - With bare leads, 0 - 10 ft. range and 25 ft. cable.
Requires 8851 integral ultrasonic flow meter option and 3658 junction box.

Junction Box, for ultrasonic sensor conduit installations

Requires 2653 40 KHz ultrasonic sensor. For conduit installation of the ultrasonic sensor cable, 1" or larger conduit is recommended.

2974 9538 2883 3183

Permanent wall mount bracket for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. Tripod mounting bracket for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. Cable straightner for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor Cable grip for Downlook Ultrasonic sensor. - For use with 2883 cable straightner.

Depth measurement (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) For use with flumes, weirs or other primary devices Choose either Depth sensor or Ultrasonic sensor based on your application needs. Note: Depth and ultrasonic sensor cables cannot be extended!
Depth sensor


Depth Only Flow Meter Option (Factory Installed Option!)

Factory Installed Integral Area x Velocity Flow Meter Option is not available with Factory Installed Integral Depth Only Flow Meter Option


General Purpose Depth Sensor, Range 0 ... 0.576 ft., with 25 ft. cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 47

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Accessories
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) Sensor Mounting Hardware Rings & Bands for Pipe Mounting Choose the Mounting ring or band from the table below. Read across the table to find the necessary part numbers.
Submerged Area/ Velocity sensor

Price in

Mounting Rings for 6 ... 24" pipes

Pipe Diameter in inch 6 8 10 12 15 18 20-21 24 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42 45 Pipe Diameter in inch 6 8 10 12 15 18 20-21 24 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 42

Part number / Recommended end-user price in Mounting clip Mounting ring/band 1361 3263 1362 3263 3263 1363 1364 na na 1365 1366 na 1353 na 1370 na 9706100 9706200 9706300 9706400 9706500 9706600 9706700 9706800 9706900 3766 438,00 430,00 490,00 510,00 435,00 490,00 515,00 575,00 560,00 na na na na na na na na na na

Mounting Bands for 15 ... 42" pipes

Submerged Depth only sensor

Mounting Rings for 6 ... 24" pipes

Part number / Recommended end-user price in Mounting clip Mounting ring/band 1361 1771 1362 1771 1771 1363 1364 1771 1771 1365 1366 1771 1353 1771 1370 1771 9706100 9706200 9706300 9706400 9706500 9706600 9706700 9706800 9706900 438,00 430,00 490,00 510,00 435,00 490,00 515,00 575,00 560,00 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771 1771

Mounting Bands for 15 ... 42" pipes


Insertion Tool (To remove mounting rings (P/N 13611370)) Mounting Plates (for direct Mounting to Pipe Wall)

2312 4939

Mounting Plate with holes for submerged depth only sensor Mounting Plate with holes for submerged depth/velocity sensor Ultrasonic sensor Mounting Hardware

2974 2904 9538 2883 3183

Permanent Wall Mounting Bracket Adjustable for Floor or Wall Tripod with Mounting Bracket for Sensor Cable Straightener Cable Grip (Requires P/N 2883) European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 48

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Accessories
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) pH Option (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed options and probe! 8793 Factory installed Integral pH - Temperature/ORP Meter with 3323 Pre-amp Interface
pH and ORP cannot be used simultaneously. If the distance from the probe to the sampler is greater than 50 ft., order additional SE813 cable to extend the distance on the pre-amp Interface (max. cable length is 100 ft.). pH and ORP probes are not available in lengths longer than 50 ft.

Price in

3328 5172 2080 5174 2104 2105 2106

pH-Temperature Probe (grounded), with 25 ft. cable pH-Temperature Probe (grounded), with 50 ft. cable ORP Probe, with 25 ft. cable ORP Probe, with 50 ft. cable Buffer, 4.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Buffer, 7.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial Buffer, 10.00 pH ( 0.02 pH) 10 capsules in vial

Dissolved Oxygen and Conductivity Option (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed option and probe! 3227 Factory installed Integral D.O. and Conductivity Meter with 3369 Pre-amp Interface
If the distance from the probe to the sampler is greater than 50 ft., order additional SE998 cable to extend the distance on the Pre-amp Interface (max. cable length is 1350 ft.) DO and Conductivity probes not available in lengths longer than 50 ft.

3216 5175

DO Kit, includes:
D.O. Probe with 25 ft. Cable (P/N3222), Teflon Membranes pk/25 (P/N3219), 16 oz Electrolyte Solution (P/N3221), and Instructions

DO Kit, includes:
D.O. Probe with 50 ft. Cable (P/N5899), Teflon Membranes pk/25 (P/N3219), 16 oz Electrolyte Solution (P/N3221), and Instructions

3222 5899 3225 5134

D.O. Probe only, with 25 ft. Cable D.O. Probe only, with 50 ft. Cable Conductivity Kit, includes:
Conductivity Probe with 25 ft. Cable (P/N3223), 16 oz Calibration Solution (P/N3765), and Instructions

Conductivity Kit, includes:

Conductivity Probe with 50 ft. Cable (P/N5898), 16 oz Calibration Solution (P/N3765), and Instructions

5898 3223

Conductivity Probe only, with 50 ft. Cable Conductivity Probe only, with 25 ft. Cable

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Accessories
Part No. Section 1.4 II Designation Factory installed options continued (for 900 Max only) 4-20mA Outputs (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8797 SE813 8798 1st 4-20 mA Output, with 25' cable (P/N 2924) Extension cable, must be oredered if required cable length 25 ft. 2nd 4-20 mA Output (field assignable)
Requires 1st 4-20 mA Output and AC power. Does not need cable, it uses the same cable from the first set of 4-20 mA

Price in

Alarm Relays (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8984 4 Alarm Relays (form C, field assignable with settable trip points), with 25' cable (P/N 2705);
in NEMA 4X enclosure; includes controller modifications to accommodate alarm relays; if longer than 25' cable is required, order additonal SE888 cable

Rain gauge (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) Requires factory installed option and rain gauge! 8800 2149 2221 Factory installed Rain Gauge option Rain Gauge with 25 ft. cable and Mounting Base Plate Rain Gauge extension with 100 ft. cable Analog Inputs (for 900 MAX only) (Factory installed option) 8795
3 Analog Input Data Logging Channels, including 25 ft. cable (P/N 2706), If longer than 25 ft. cable is needed, order additional SE888 cable

Further accesoories (for 900 Max Samplers only) (Factory installed option)
8560 Mechanical Totalizer, 6 Digit, field scaleable, non-resetable (in separate NEMA 4X enclosure)


Expanded Memory (for 900 MAX only)

(Increases memory from 18,432 to 116,000 data readings)

Support Software and Data Transfer Unit (for 900 Max Samplers only) Choose DTU (if needed) and or software (if needed) 3516 DTU II, 115 VAC
includes: DTU to sampler or flow meter cable (P/N 1726), 115 VAC DTU to PC Cable, 115 VAC (P/N 3513)
Note: If sampler or flow meter to DTU cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order additional SE813 cable.



includes: DTU to sampler or flow meter cable (P/N 1726), 230 VAC DTU to PC Cable, 230 VAC (P/N 3580)
Note: If sampler or flow meter to DTU cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order additional SE813 cable.


SIGMA Suite PC Sotware with InSight Software / CD Rom / multilanguage

Note: additional cable P/N 1727 is needed.

1727 6249200

Cable, sampler or flow meter-to-PC USB-to-Serial Adaptor

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Stationary Samplers
SIGMA 900 Refrigerated - Optional components (all 900 models)
Part No. Section 1.5 541 941 Designation Cable and Interfaces Half Cable to connect a Sigma sampler/flow meter to a non-Sigma sampler/flow meter 25 ft. with 6-pin connector on one end and open leads on the other end 1 10 ft. with 6-pin connector on one end and open leads on the other end 1 Full Cable to connect a Sigma sampler to a Sigma flow meter 540 940 25 ft. with 6-pin connectors on both ends1 10 ft. with 6-pin connectors on both ends1

Price in

Note: If cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order addition SE813 cable.

2817 2818

Cascade Sampling for 25-ft. cable 2 Leading sampler wakes up second sampler upon program completion Synchronized Sampling for 25-ft. cable 2 Both samplers collect samples at the same time

Note: If cable longer than 25 ft. is needed, order addition SE828 cable.

939 2021

3-Way Splitter Assembly Simplifies multiple connection to sampler 6-pin auxiliary receptacle. 4-20 mA Interface, 10-ft. cable 3 Converts analog signals from flow meter to pulse.

Note: If cable longer than 10 ft. is needed, order in addition SE853 cable.

Section 2.0 943

Accessories Liquid Level Actuator, 25-ft. Cable 1 Float switch used to initiate sampler when liquid is detected

Note: If cable longer than 25 ft. is needed, order SE828 cable.

900 Controller Desiccant Replacement Parts 2660 8849 Humidity Indicator: For Inside the 900 Controller Desiccant Bag (1 pillow inside case) Desiccant Replacement Parts for Submerged Area/Velocity Sensor (for 900 Max only) 5057 3624 3390 5252 Cartridge Assemble, Filled (Replaces entire cartridge) Desiccant Refill, 1.5 lbs. (refills existing cartridge) Desiccant Cartridge Membrane (replaces membrane on existing cartridge) Desiccant Cartridge O-ring (needed to replace existing cartridge Desiccant Replacement Parts for Submerged Depth Only Sensor (for 900 Max only) 2418 Desiccant Cartridge Distributor Arm Only 8563 8566 8569 8963 1030 2188 8959 2143 2471 8989 8990 Only for 24 bottle Only for 8 bottle Only for 2 and 4 bottle Cover (Lockable, hinged) Refrigerator, 115 VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304 ) Option Refrigerator, 230VAC, Stainless Steel (SS304) Option Refrigerator Assembly, Vinyl Coated Steel Lockable Hasp, Installed on refrigerator door Flow-Thru Module, flanged ends, 3" diameter (not for pressurized sampling) Operating Maintenance Manual, 900 Refrigerated Sampler, GB Operating Maintenance Manual, 900 Max Refrigerated Sampler, GB European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Chapter Sigma Samplers page 51

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Appendix A - page 1

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables
Part No. Designation HACH APA 6000 Alkalinity Reagent Set, for 30 days operation includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Alkalinity Reagent 1, Acid Titrant, 0.08 Mol H2SO4 APA Alkalinity Reagent 2, Mixed Indicator, pH 4.5 & pH 8.3 APA Alkalinity Acidic Cleaning Solution Alkalinity Standard Set, for 30 days operation includes a 1-L bottle of each Alkalinity Standard 1; 0 mg/l as CaCO3 Alkalinity Standard 2, 1000 mg/l as CaCO3 Optional: 2697053 2697453 Alkalinity Wash Solution APA6000 Cleaning Solution
Detergent solution for the elimination of air bubbles. This solution is sometimes used instead of the cleaning solution for the analyser.

Price in

6001000 2826153 2696653 2697053 6001100 2696753 2696853

1 L bottle 1 L bottle 1 L bottle

1 L bottle 1 L bottle

1l 1l

5104000 5129100 5104300

APA6000 Installation Kit APA6000 Toolkit APA6000 Colorimetric Maintenance Kit

LCW811 LZP353

AMTAX (old instrument version) Cleaning solution Set of wearing parts AMTAX Inter / AMTAX Inter2 Reagent Set, complete for AMTAX inter/2 suitable for 2 month operation in 10 min measuring interval consisting of BCF504, BCF505, BCZ802, 1 each Reagent A for AMTAX inter/2 (5,2 L) Reagent B for AMTAX inter/2 (5,2 L) AMTAX/AMTAX inter/2 Additives for LCW802 Zero Solution for AMTAX inter/2 (5,2 L) Calibration solution, 0.5 mg/l NH4-N (1,0 L) Calibration solution, 5 mg/l NH4-N (5,2 L) Calibration solution, 35 mg/l NH4-N (5,2 L) Cleaning solution, 250 mL for AMTAX/AMTAX inter/2 for AMTAX/AMTAX inter/2 for AMTAX/AMTAX inter/2 for AMTAX/AMTAX inter/2

LCW802 BCF504 BCF505 BCZ802 LCW804 LCW862 LCW803 LCW808 LCW819 LZP376 LZV281 LZV278

Set of wearing parts (1 year), for AMTAX inter (instrument version LPG301) Set of wearing parts (1 year) (1 channel), for AMTAX Inter 2 Set of wearing parts (1 year) (2 channel), for AMTAX Inter 2, requires LZV281 in addition!! AMTAX compact Expulsion solution (for use in all measuring ranges) Indicator solution (for measuring range 0.2 - 12 mg/l) Indicator solution (for measuring range 2.0 - 120 mg/l) Indicator solution (for measuring range 20 - 1,200 mg/l) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard solution, solution, solution, solution, solution, solution, 2 mg/l NH4-N 5 mg/l NH4-N 10 mg/l NH4-N 50 mg/l NH4-N 50 mg/l NH4-N 500 mg/l NH4-N

LCW830 LCW831 LCW832 LCW833 LCW829 LCW837 LCW806 LCW807 LCW838 LCW839 LZV149 LZV184

Set of wearing parts for 1 year (1 channel instrument) Set of wearing parts for 1 year (2 channel instrument), requires LZV149 in addition!! European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 2

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation AMTAX sc Set of reagents AMTAX sc (for measuring range 0.05-20 mg/l NH4-N) Set of reagents AMTAX sc (for measuring range 1-100 mg/l NH4-N) Set of reagents AMTAX sc (for measuring range: 10-1,000 mg/l NH4-N) Reagent Sets are suitable for 3 month operation up to 1 year depending on Measuring interval Set of electrolyte (3 x Electrolyte + 3 x membrane caps) Cleaning solution AMTAX sc (250 mL) GS electrode AMTAX sc Pump head for air pump 10 mL CL17 Reagent Set, Chlorine free, 1 month supply consisting of 2297255, 2314011, 2314111 (1 each) Reagent Set, chlorine total , 1 month supply consisting of 2297255, 2263411, 2263511 (1 each) DPD indicator powder (free + total), 24g Indicator solution, Chlorine free, 473 ml Butter solution, Chlorine free, 473 ml Indicator solution, Chlorine total, 473 ml Buffer solution, Chlorine total, 473 ml Maintenance Kit, for 1 year operation CP-1 Sulfuric acid 95-97 % DPD-sulfate (6 bottles) 9184 sc and MONEC9184 (Free Chlorine and TFC) Membranes for 9184 sensors, pre-mounted, set of 4 Electrolyte Filling solution, 100ml Replacement electrode with membranes, for the 9184/9184sc composed of Z09184=A=1001 + Z09184=A=3500 Replacement electrode for the 9184/9187/9184sc/9187sc (bare electrode) 9187 sc and MONEC9187 (Chlorinedioxide) Membranes for 9187 sensors, pre-mounted, set of 4 Electrolyte Filling solution, 100ml Replacement electrode with membranes, for the 9184/9184sc composed of Z09184=A=1001 + Z09184=A=3500 Replacement electrode for the 9184/9187/9184sc/9187sc (bare electrode) 9185 sc and MONEC9185 (Ozone) Membranes for 9185 sensors, pre-mounted, set of 4 Electrolyte Filling solution, 100ml Replacement electrode for the 9185/9185 sc (bare electrode) General Spare parts for 918X Amperometric Disinfectant sensors Z09184=C=4100 Z09184=C=1030 Z560150,21957 Replacement probe body for Clark Cell (918X sensors, except 9181) Electrolyte Filling screw for 918X sensors Syringe Price in

LCW865 LCW871 LCW866 LCW868 LCW867 LZY069 LZY181

2556900 2557000 2297255 2314011 2314111 2263411 2263511 5444300

LCW800 LCW801

Z09184=A=3500 Z09184=A=3600 Z09184=A=1000 Z09184=A=1001

Z09187=A=3500 Z09187=A=3600 Z09184=A=1000 Z09184=A=1001

Z09185=A=3500 Z09185=A=3600 Z09185=A=1000

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 3

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation Price in

Electrochemistry pH
2283449 LCX021 2283456 2283549 LCX020 2283556 2283649 LCX022 2283656 LCX025 pH Standard solutions Technical buffer solutions for the calibration or adjustment of pH pH 4.00, 500 ml pH 4.00, 1000 ml pH 4.00, 4000 ml pH 7.02, 500 ml pH 7.02, 1000 ml pH 7.02, 4000 ml pH 10.05, 500 ml pH 10.05, 1000 ml pH 10.05, 4000 ml Standards Set with pH 4.00, 7.02, 10.05, 50 mL each pH Standard solutions (e.g. for Antimony Electrode) Buffer solution pH 4.00 (500 ml) Buffer solution pH 6.88 (500 ml) Buffer solution pH 9.22 (500 ml) ORP Reference Solutions 200 mV, 500 ml 200 mV, 4000 ml 600 mV, 500 ml 600 mV, 4000 ml pHD S sc probe Replacement Saltbridge for pHD S sc Sensor Replacement Salt Bridge Viton O-ring Standard Cell Solution (equitransferrant pH7 buffer, 500ML) pHD sc and pHD probes Replacement Saltbridge for pHD sensors, Bodymaterial in PEEK Replacement Saltbridge for pHD sensors, Bodymaterial in Ryton Replacement Salt Bridge Viton O-ring Replacement Salt Bridge EDPM O-ring Replacement Salt Bridge perfluoroelastomer O-ring (for HF resitant pHD sensors) Standard Cell Solution (equitransferrant pH 7 buffer, 500 ml) Sensor storage Cap for Convertible and Immersion Style Sensor (Replacement) Sensor storage cap for Insertion and Sanitary Style Sensors (Replacement) 1200 pH S sc probes Spare pH electrode with fitting for 1200-S sc Spare ORP electrode with fitting for 1200-S sc

Z363130,00500 Z363131,00500 Z363132,00500

25M2A1001-115 25M2A1001-123 25M2A1002-115 25M2A1002-123

SB-P1SV 5H1304 25M1A1025-115

SB-P1SV SB-P1SV 5H1304 5H1304 5H1096-019 25M1A1025-115 1000F3374-001 1000A3378-001

LZX889 LZX890

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Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation Price in

Electrochemistry S
C20C280 C20C270 C20C250 LCX016 25M3A2000-119 25M3A2050-119 25M3A2100-119 25M3A2200-119 Conductivity Standard Solution 0.001 M KCl, 148 S/cm @ 25 C 0.01 M KCl, 1413 S/cm @ 25 C 0.1 M KCl, 12.88 mS/cm @ 25 C 0.1 M KCl, 12.88 mS/cm @ 25 C 100-1000 S/cm* 1000-2000 S/cm* 2000-150,000 S/cm* 200,000-300,000 S/cm* 500 500 500 250 1 1 1 1 ml ml ml ml bottle bottle bottle bottle NaCl NaCl NaCl NaCl

Liter Liter Liter Liter


* For all Conductivity Reference Solutions, please specify the desired conductivity value of the solution.

Electrical Calibration tool for 3798-S sc

5791100 LZX857

LANGE Process LDOTM Replacement Sensor cap, including 1 gasket Gasket for sensor cap (set of 2) 5740 sc Dissolved Oxygen 5740 sc Digital Galvanic DO Sensor Replacement Cartridge Replacement Calibration Bags for "in air"- calibration, pk/12 EVITA Oxy OXY OXY OXY OXY OXY OXY OXY OXY OXY 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, Sensor, 25m 25m 25m 50m 50m 50m 125m 125m 125m Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring Measuring range range range range range range range range range 0.002-2mg/l 0.002-2mg/l 0.002-2mg/l 1-10 mg/l 1-10 mg/l 1-10 mg/l 2-50 mg/l 2-50 mg/l 2-50 mg/l pk/1 pk/5 pk/10 pk/1 pk/5 pk/10 pk/1 pk/5 pk/10

LZX772 276M1210

085G0021 085G0024 085G0025 085G0022 085G0026 085G0027 085G0023 085G0029 085G0030

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 5

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation HACH APA 6000 LR Analyser, 0.05 - 10 mg/l CaCO3 Reagent Set, APA 6000 LR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Reagent 1 HARDNESS Calmagite Indicator Solution, 1L APA Reagent 2 HARDNESS Buffer Solution, 1L APA Acidic Washing solution, Surfactants, 1L Standard Set, APA 6000 LR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Standard 1, LR Hardness, 0 mg/L, 1L APA Standard 2, LR Hardness, 5 mg/L, 1L Detergent Cleaning Solution, 1L APA6000, Installation Kit APA6000, Tool-Kit Maintenance Kit, Hardness Analyzer HACH APA 6000 HR Analyser, 10 - 1,000 mg/l CaCO3 Reagent Set, APA 6000 HR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each Reagent 1, APA HR Hardness, Masking Solution, 1L Reagent 2 Kit, APA HR Hardness, Titration Indicator, solution and powder Reagent 3, APA HR Hardness, Titrant, 1 L APA Acidic Washing solution, Surfactants, 1L Standard Set, APA 6000 HR Hardness Analyzer (suitable for 1 month operation) includes a 1-L bottle of each APA Standard 1, HR Hardness, 0 mg/L, 1L APA Standard 2, HR Hardness, 1000 mg/L, 1L Price in

6001900 2695853 2695753 2876453 6002000 2696253 2696353 2697453 5104000 5129100 5104300

6002100 2793553 2793600 2793753 2876453 6002200 2793253 2793353 5104000 5129100 5104300

APA6000, Installation Kit APA6000, Tool-Kit Maintenance Kit, Hardness Analyzer HACH Hardness-Monitor SP510 Buffer Buffer Buffer Buffer Buffer Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution, 0.3, 1, 2, 5 mg/L Hardness 10 mg/L Hardness 20 mg/L Hardness 50 mg/L Hardness 100 mg/L Hardness 0,3 mg/L Hardness 1,0 mg/L Hardness 2,0 mg/L Hardness 5 to 100 mg/L Hardness 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 mL mL mL mL mL mL mL mL mL (suitable (suitable (suitable (suitable (suitable (suitable (suitable (suitable (suitable for for for for for for for for for 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 month month month month month month month month month operation) operation) operation) operation) operation) operation) operation) operation) operation)

2768549 2768649 2768749 2768849 2768949 2794649 2769049 2769149 2769249 5516400 5516500

Indicator Indicator Indicator Indicator

Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution,

Installation Kit Maintenance Kit, 1 year Hydrastat 9186 Diisoproylamine 99%, 1l (This reagent is a Dual use reagent and requires special licence by non-EU purchasers.) Spare-parts kit for 2 years for Hydrastat 9186

2834453 Z09186=A=8000

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 6

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation NITRAX / NITRATAX / NITRATAX sc Set of wiper blades 1 mm, pk/5 Set of wiper blades 2 mm, pk/5 Set of wiper blades 5 mm, pk/5 Standard Standard Standard Standard solution solution solution solution 25 mg/l NO3-N 50 mg/l NO3-N 100 mg/l NO3-N 200 mg/l NO3-N 500 1000 500 500 mL mL mL mL Price in

LZX148 LZX012 LZX117 LCW828 LCW825 LCW826 LCW827 BCF398

Cleaning solution, Hydrochlorid acid 25% UVAS / UVAS sc Set Set Set Set of of of of wiper wiper wiper wiper blades blades blades blades 1 mm, pk/5 2 mm, pk/5 5 mm, pk/5 20/50 mm, for UVAS, pk/5

1000 mL

organic matter
LZX148 LZX012 LZX117 LZX119

LCW805 LCW809 LCW810 LCW811 LZP347

PHOSPHAX (LPG277 - old instrument version) Reagent for PHOSPHAX (10 L) Standard solution 1 mg/l PO4-P (1 L) Standard solution 10 mg/l PO4-P (1 L) Cleaning solution (250 mL) Set of wearing parts PHOSPHAX (LPG277) PHOSPHAX compact Reagent for PHOSPHAX compact 0.2 - 10 mg/l PO 4-P (2,5 L) Cleaning solution for PHOSPHAX compact (2,5 L) Set of wearing parts for 1 year (1 channel instrument) Set of wearing parts for 1 year (2 channel instrument) - requires LZV149 in addition PHOSPHAX inter / PHOSPHAX inter2 Set of wearing parts for PHOSPHAX inter Reagent for PHOSPHAX inter/inter2 (10L) Cleaning solution for PHOSPHAX inter/inter2 (10 l) Set of wearing parts for one year (1 channel instrument) Set of wearing parts for one year (2 channel instrument) - requires LZV282 in addition PHOSPHAX sc Reagent Set PHOSPHAX sc (2 L) Cleaning solution PHOSPHAX sc (1 L) for all measuring ranges for all measuring ranges

LCW834 LCW836 LZV150 LZV184

LZP411 LCW820 LCW821 LZV282 LZV280

LCW869 LCW870

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 7

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation HACH Serie 5000 Phosphate LR Reagent Set, S5000 (suitable for 1 month operation) consisting of Anionic Surfactant Solution, 2.9 l Acsorbic Acid Reagent package Molybdate Reagent Solution for LR, 2.9 l Phosphate Standard Solution, 3 mg/l, 2.9 l Phosphate Zero Standard Solution, 2.9l Phosphate HR Reagent Set, S5000 (suitable for 1 month operation) consisting of Molybdovanadate Reagent, 2.9 l Sulfuric Acid Standard Solution, 2.9 l Phosphate Standard Solution, 30 mg/l, 2.9 l Anionic Surfactant Solution, 2.9 l Annual Maintenance Kit, Series 5000 Phosphate analyser, low range Annual Maintenance Kit, Series 5000 Phosphate analyser, high range Price in

4563300 2375503 2600303 2599803 2059703 2600103 4563900 1420703 244903 1436703 2375503 4698133 4698100

Z09211=C=7000 Z09211=C=7001 Z09210=A=8000

Phosphamat 9211 Blue Method - Set of dry chemicals, 0-5ppm, except H2SO4 (45 days operation) Yellow Method - Set of dry chemicals, 0-50ppm, except H2SO4 (45 days operation) 2-years-spare part kit Sulfuric Acid is essential for operation and must be purchased locally in the market.

LCW823 BCF689 BCZ822 BCF691 BCF692 BCZ824 LCW824 LZP959

PHOSPHAX sigma Reagent Set for PHOSPHAX (suitable for 3 Month operation) consisting of BCF689, BCF822, BCF691, BCF692 and BCZ824, 1 each Reagent A for PHOSPHAX S and TOCTAX (5,2 L) Aditives for LCW823 Reagent A Reagent C for PHOSPHAX S (5,2 L) Reagent D for PHOSPHAX S (5,2 L) Aditives for LCW823 reagent D for PHOSPHAX S Calibration solution 2mg/l PO4-P for PHOSPHAX S Set of wearing parts for PHOSPHAX (1 year)

2834453 2835153 2834253 Z09073=A=0750 Z09073=A=8000 Z125=020=003 Z125=010=004 Z09073=C=0035 Z359016,10105 Z359016,10111 Z363140,00500

Sodimat 9073 Diisoproylamine 99%, 1l (This reagent is a Dual use reagent and requires special licence by non-EU purchasers.) + Sodium Standard, 10 mg/l as Na , 1l + Sodium Standard, 100 mg/l as Na , 1l All equipped cartridge (from fittings to mixed-bed resin) 9073 Maintenance Kit for 2 years operation Reference electrode Measuring electrode Temperature sensor Connection cable, Reference electrode (1m), AS7 connector Connection cable, Measuring electrode (1m), AS9 connector KCL 3 M reference electrolyte, 500 ml

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 8

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation Silkostat 9210 Set of dry chemicals for 45 days operation 9210 Instrument Tech spare part kit 2-years-spare part kit HACH Serie 5000/Modell 60001 Silica Reagent Set, S5000 (suitable for 1 month operation) consisting of Molybdate 3 reagent, 2.9 l Citric Acid Surfactant, 2.9 l Amino Acid F Reagent, 2.9 l Silica Standard Solution, 0.50 mg/L, 2.9 l S5000 Silica, Annual Maintanance Kit Price in

Z09210=C=7000 Z09210=A=8010 Z09210=A=8000

4562700 199503 2347003 2353103 2100803 4698100

Sludge level

SONATAX Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) SONATAX sc

LZX328 LZY344 LZY345

Set of wiper blades (for 5 changes) wiper arm, magnetic driven Adjusting screw for wiper arm Please refer to Turbidity & Supended Solids

Susp. Solids TOC

LCW841 LCW840 BCF689 BCZ822 BCF851 LCW844 LCW842 LCW843 LCW845 LCW846 LCW847 LZV313

TOCTAX Absorption Solution for TOCTAX, 400 ml (suitable for 2 month operation) Reagent set for TOCTAX (suitable for 2 month operation) consisting of BCF869, BCZ822 and BCF851, 1 each Reagent A for PHOSPHAX sigma and TOCTAX (5,2 L) Aditives for LCW823 reagent A (P.sigma/TOCTAX) Reagent B for TOCTAX (5,2 L) Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard solution, solution, solution, solution, solution, solution, 10 mg/l C, 1 l 25mg/l C, 1 l 100mg/l C, 1 l 200 mg/l C, 1 l 500 mg/l C, 1 l 800 mg/l C, 1 l

TOCTAX, Set of wearing parts for 1 year operation

BCF890 BCF889 BCF891 Z200122 Z200123 Z200124 Z200132

ASTRO UV-TOC Phosphoric Acid (85%), p.A., 1 l Sodium persulfate, p.A., 1 kg Potassium-Hydrogenphthalat, p.A., 50 gr. ASTRO ASTRO ASTRO ASTRO TOC TOC TOC TOC UV, UV, UV, UV, START-UP Kit 1 year spare parts kit 2 year spare parts kit FITTINGS and O-ring kit

Z200201 Z200202

ASTRO HT-TOC ASTRO TOC HT, 1 year spare parts kit ASTRO TOC HT, 2 year spare parts kit European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 9

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

Appendix A
Process Reagents & Consumables continued
Part No. Designation Price in

Turbidity & Suspended Solids

HACH 1720D/E 4415600 KIT, CALIBRATION CYLINDER 1720C/1720D /1720E Complete calibration set (includes a 1 L calibration cylinder, TenSette pipette and 500 ml bottle 4000 FNU formazine primary standard) Formazin Turbidity Standard 500 mL, 4000 NTU StablCal Calibration Set for 1720 series StablCal Standard Solution, 0.1 - 0.2 NTU, 1 l StablCal Standard Solution, 1.0 NTU, 1 l StablCal Standard Solution, 40 NTU, 1 l 1720C/D/E Calibration Cylinder assembly Drain plug for 1720E body Tungsten lamp assembly (Replacement) ICE-PIC 0.5NTU CVD ICE-PIC 1NTU CVD ICE-PIC 20NTU CVD

246149 2659600 2723353 2659853 2746353 4415300 4411600 1895000 5222500 5221500 5225000

FILTERTRAK FT660 and FT660sc 5236400 2723353 2697953 2698053 2788453 CALIBRATION KIT FOR FILTER TRAK FT660 includes 1L 800 mNTU Standard and calibration cylinder with base and funnel StablCal StablCal StablCal StablCal Standard Standard Standard Standard Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution, 0.1 - 0.2 NTU, 1 l 0.30 NTU, 1 l 0.50 NTU, 1 l 0.80 NTU, 1 l (certified)

ULTRATURB plus LZV275 LCW813 246149 LZV325 LZV325 LZV451 Set of wiper blades for 4 changes Formazin Turbidity Standard, 4000 FNU, 100 ml Formazin Turbidity Standard, 4000 NTU, 500 ml Set of filters for zero calibration (0.2 m diaphragm filter incl. connecting material) 0.2 m diaphragm filter (without accessories) Syringe-Calibration-Set for "Wet Calibration" using Formazine Standard CVM calibration module, Dry standard, for Ultraturb with Certificate CVM standard, 0.6 NTU with Certificate CVM standard, 1.5 NTU CVM standard, 6 NTU with Certificate CVM standard, 15 NTU with Certificate CVM standard, 25 NTU with Certificate

LZV414.00.00000 LZV414.00.10000 LZV414.00.20000 LZV414.00.30000 LZV414.00.40000

SOLITAX, SOLITAX sc LZX050 LZX578 LCW813 246149 Set of wiper blades for 5 changes (made of Silicon for normal applications) Set of wiper blades for 5 changes (made of Viton for e.g. media containing oil) Formazin Turbidity Standard, 4000 FNU, 100 ml Formazin Turbidity Standard, 4000 NTU, 500 ml

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European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix A - page 10

Appendix A
Process STANDARD SOLUTIONS for AQA and Calibration/Verification purpose
Part No. Part No. LCW829 LCW806 LCW807 LCW861 LCW828 LCW825 LCW826 LCW827 LCW809 LCW810 LCW844 LCW843 LCW845 LCW848 LCW846 LCW847 LCW813 246149 LCW811 Designation Designation Ammonium reference standard Ammonium reference standard Ammonium reference standard Ammonium reference standard Nitrate reference standard Nitrate reference standard Nitrate reference standard Nitrate reference standard Phosphate reference standard Phosphate reference standard TOC reference standard TOC reference standard TOC reference standard TOC reference standard TOC reference standard TOC reference standard Turbidity Primary Standard Turbidity Primary Standard Concentration 2 mg/l 10 mg/ 50 mg/l 1000 mg/l 25 mg/l 50 mg/l 100 mg/l 200 mg/l 1 mg/l 10 mg/l 10 mg/l 100 mg/l 200 mg/l 250 mg/l 500 mg/l 800 mg/l 4000 4000 NH4-N NH4-N NH4-N NH4-N NO3 NO3 NO3 NO3 PO4-P PO4-P C C C C C C FNU FNU Tolerance 1% 3% 3% 5,56 11.3 22.6 45.2 mg/ mg/l mg/l mg/l NO3-N NO3-N NO3-N NO3-N 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% 3% Volume 1000 1000 1000 500 500 1000 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100 500 ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml Price in Price in

3% 3%

Cleaning solution (sodium hypochloride, chlorine bleach)

250 ml

Instrument specific Calibration standard solutions for: LCW862 LCW803 LCW808 LCW837 LCW838 LCW839 LCW824 LCW842 AMTAX inter2 2 AMTAX inter2 20 AMTAX inter2 80 AMTAX compact 12 AMTAX compact 120 AMTAX compact 1200 PHOSPHAX sigma TOCTAX 0.5 mg/l 5 mg/l 35 mg/l 5 mg/l 50 mg/l 500 mg/l 2 mg/l 25 mg/l NH4-N NH4-N NH4-N NH4-N NH4-N NH4-N PO4-P C 1000 5200 5200 250 250 250 500 1000 ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml


AQA - Analytical Quality Assurance for Process Instruments The objective of AQA is the rapid detection of errors, improved quality of the measured results and improved reliability. It includes both the regular inspection and maintenance of the instruments by the manufacturer, and also regular analytical quality checks by the operating organisation. All actions and comparative measurements must be correctly documented to obtain official acceptance. An AQA folder from us will help to keep an overview, keep all documents together and help to clearly document all measured results.

on request

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Appendix D
Services, Commissioning, Trainings

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.08.2006 Appendix D page 1


excluding traveling expenses

AMTAX (Models inter2, compact and sc) PHOSPHAX (Models inter2, compact and sc) NITRATAX probes UVAS probes TOCTAX PHOSPHAX SIGMATAX 2 FILTRAX CONTURB ULTRATURB plus SOLITAX probes SONATAX probes VOLITAX pH/Redox Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen LDO/5740 Dissolved Oxygen EVITA OXY Sampler 1720 series (1 measuring head) 1720 series (2nd measuring head) CL17 SS6 Series 5000


TSE553 TSE553 TSE685 TSE685 TSE740 TSE751 TSE003 TSE003 TSE597 TSE597 TSE619 TSE619 TSE619 TSE564 TSE564 TSE564 TSE081B0111 TSE729 TSE652 TSE652 TSE652 TSE718

1st instrument

TSE554 TSE554 TSE686 TSE686 TSE741 TSE752 TSE004 TSE004 TSE598 TSE598 TSE620 TSE620 TSE620 TSE565 TSE565 TSE565 TSE081B0112 TSE730 TSE653 TSE653 TSE653 TSE653 TSE719

2nd instrument

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid until 31.12.2006 Appendix D - page 2

with warranty extension to 5 years
The manufacturer guarantees long-term operation of the instrument and reliability of the measurement results, on the condition that the equipment is covered by a Service Contract. The fixed prices for inspections under the Service Contract cover all necessary repairs and labour, including travel to and from the site, and an extension of the warranty period to 5 years from delivery excluding wearing parts and, in the case of process probes, dismantling, cleaning and reinstallation.


Prices shown below could be used for orientation; please contact HACH LANGE for binding quote. Instrument variant
Number of inspection per year Single Inspection on demand Basic Contract Comfort Contract

AMTAX inter2, compact, sc 1 PHOSPHAX inter2, compact, sc 1 NITRATAX variants UVAS variants TOCTAX2 PHOSPHAX SIGMATAX 2* Dilution Unit* FILTRAX* FILTER probe sc* CONTURB ULTRATURB SOLITAX SONATAX VOLITAX 1720D SS6 CL17 Series 5000
(1 Aquatrend, 1 measuring head)

price per instrument and inspection

2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1-2

Bhler 4010 Bhler 4410 XIAN 1000 Bhler 1029 Sigma 900/900MAX portable Sigma 900/900MAX stationary In case of service event Travelling lump sum Labour costs on-site Labour costs in-house Calibration/Verification Protocol

included in inspection costs

Other instruments on request * Only in conjunction with the servicing of the related analysers. 1 Sample Preparation system not included 2 exceptional refrigerator

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid until 31.12.2006 Appendix D - page 3

Appendix E
Language Code overview

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Appendix E page 2

Order Information
Language code tables Country Code Selection Table for Analyzers and Probes
Country code 00 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 73 75 79 80 81 82 85 99 Pre-setted language Power cord supplied acc. German International German Switzerland International English, 230VAC USA English, 115VAC French International Dutch International Italian Italy Danish Denmark Swedish International Polish International Spanish International Russian Finnish Italian Switzerland French Switzerland Portuguese Chinese Japanese UK English Czech International Selectable English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish and Polish.

Country Code Selection Table for Bhler Samplers

Country Code for Bhler Samplers 00 German 51 Switzerland in German 52 English 230V 53 English 115V 55 French 56 Dutch 57 Italian 58 Danish Swedish* 59 60 Polish 61 Spanish Russian * 62 Finnish* 63 73 Switzerland in Italian 75 Switzerland in French 79 Portuguese Chinese* 80 Japanese* 81
* Language not available in the embadded software

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Appendix E page 3

Appendix G
Delivery & Payment terms

HACH LANGE Tender Documents Process measuring instruments for Wastewater, Drinking Water and Industrial Applications

European Distributor Pricelist Valid from 01.01.2007 Appendix G page 1

Delivery and Payment terms

General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment of HACH LANGE GmbH, Berlin
1. Scope of application All our quotations and deliveries shall exclusively be on the basis of the following General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment, as amended. These General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment shall also apply for all future transactions. Customer's terms and conditions of purchase are hereby 1.expressly contradicted. Agreements deviating Scope ofthe application from present Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment shall only apply if these have been confirmed by us in writing as an addition to the present General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment. This shall also apply if we implement a delivery without reservations despite knowledge of all and any deviating terms and conditions of Customer. 2. Taking effect of contracts Our quotations shall be non-committal. The contract shall only come about through our order confirmation or implementation of the order. Contractual properties of the object of delivery shall be exclusively defined by our order confirmation. Information on properties not expressly contained or referred to in the order confirmation shall not become objects of the contract. Information on properties other than those expressly stated or referred to in the order confirmation shall not represent a defect in the object of delivery pre-supposing a lack of the same. 3. Prices and payment terms 3.1. Unless expressly agreed to the contrary in writing, prices shall apply ex works as net prices in Euros plus statutory Value Added Tax to the amount at the time. Payments shall be due within 30 days after delivery without any deduction. Repairs and services including spare parts used shall be settled immediately without deduction. If both delivery services and also repairs and other services are owed, a payment period of 30 days from delivery shall be deemed agreed. 3.2. From maturity of payments, we shall be entitled to demand 5% interest from Customer subject to other agreements. From the occurrence of arrears, we shall be entitled to demand interest to the amount of 8% above the basic rate of interest. The right to claim further damages shall be reserved. If Customer fails to pay the amount owed after a suitable subsequent period has been set in writing, we shall have the right to withdraw from the contract or to demand damages in lieu of performance. 4. Delivery and passage of risk 4.1. Suitable partial deliveries shall be admissible. 4.2. We reserve the right to correct and punctual delivery to us. 4.3. In delivery freight prepaid, risk shall pass to Customer at the moment at which the commodities leave our works. In the event of delays in dispatch for which Customer is answerable, risk shall pass upon notification of readiness for dispatch. 4.4. We reserve the right to charge costs of packaging and costs of freight additionally as a function of the value of the commodities for deliveries. Special packaging shall be charged at cost price. 5. Arrears and impossibility 5.1. If we fall into arrears with our obligation to delivery through slight negligence, Customer can demand a reimbursement to the amount of 0.5%, albeit no more than a maximum of 5 % of the value of the part of the overall delivery which cannot be used or cannot be used in good time as a result of the arrears, for each commenced week of arrears. A lower or higher amount of damage shall be claimed if we can prove lower or Customer can prove higher damages. 5.2. Notwithstanding Customer's right of withdrawal in the event of defects (cf. 7. Warranty), Customer can only make use of its right of withdrawal in the event of impossibility of performances in arrears or of a breach of obligations for which we are answerable. 5.3. In the event of arrears, withdrawal or damages in lieu of performance shall additionally presuppose that Client has previously set us a suitable period of no less than 4 weeks in writing, expressly clarifying that it shall claim withdrawal from the contract and/or damages if the period is not complied with. After the expiry of said period, Customer shall be obliged to declare, upon request by us, whether it continues to insist on delivery or is claiming damages or is withdrawing from the contract. If Customer fails to make said declaration within a suitable period set by us, Customer shall no longer be entitled to reject delivery, withdraw from the contract or demand damages in lieu of perform-ance. 5.4. Setting a period as stated in sub-section 5.3 shall be dispensable if we serious-ly and finally reject the performance owed by contract or specific circumstances justifying immediate withdrawal following consideration of mutual interest exist. 5.5. Customer cannot withdraw either before maturity of the period or in the event of a merely inconsiderable breach of the contract on our part. Finally, withdrawal shall be ruled out if Customer is responsible alone or to a great extent for circumstances which would justify a withdrawal or a circumstance for which we are not answerable occurs during arrears in acceptance by Customer. 5.6. Section 8. of the present General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Pay-ment shall apply for claims to damages. 6. Notification of defects 6.1. Obvious defects, i.e. defects in title and quality, excessive, short or wrong delivery as well as the lack of a property possibly guaranteed by us or of the service life of the delivery of service (defects) shall be claimed in writing forth-with, albeit no later than 14 days after receipt of the goods, defects not recognisable in a customary check of incoming goods being notified forthwith, albeit no longer than 14 days after their discovery. 6.2. If defects or other complaints are not claimed within the periods pursuant to sub-section 6.1 above, all and any warranty claims against us shall be ruled out. 7. Warranty 7.1. If a defect exists, we shall carry out a remedy of the defect (afterworking) or re-placement delivery at our choice if the notification pursuant to Section 6. of the present General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment is in good time. The period of limitation for all and any warranty claims shall be 24 months from the hand-over of the object of delivery. 7.2. If we have carried out afterworking twice or replacement delivery once and if the existing defect has not been rectified hereby and also in the event of us rejecting or improperly delaying a necessary afterworking or replacement de-livery or if afterworking cannot be reasonably expected from Customer for any other reasons and also if the prerequisites of 281 II or 323 II German Civil Code have been fulfilled, Customer can, in lieu of afterworking or replacement delivery, make the statutory remedies of withdrawal and reduction of the pur-chase price as well as claims to damage and reimbursement of expenditure, the latter within the framework of Section 8 of the present General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment. In the event of replacement delivery, re-turn of the delivered commodities shall be agreed with us in advance. 7.3. For outside products, our warranty shall be limited to transfer of the claims which we have against the supplier of the outside products. In the event of Customer not being able to assert its warranty rights against the supplier of the outside product, we shall warrant within the framework of the present terms and conditions. 7.4. Following agreement, Customer shall give us the necessary time and opportuni-ty of carrying out the afterworking or replacement delivery. 7.5. Apart from this, we shall not be obliged to afterworking or replacement delivery if this is only possible with disproportionate costs. Such costs shall be disproportionate if they exceed 25% of the purchase price of the object of delivery. 7.6. All and any parts replaced in the course of warranty shall become our proper-ty. 7.7. If the notification of defects is unjustified, we shall be entitled to demand reimbursement of our expenditure from Customer. 7.8. We shall bear no warranty in the event of only inconsiderable deviation from the agreed property and only inconsiderable impairment of the usefulness or for damages occurring in particular for the following reasons: unsuitable, improper or faulty use of the object of delivery by Customer or a third party, natural wear and tear, faulty or negligent treatment, in particular excess strain, re-placement materials, chemical or electrical influences insofar as they are not to be put down to culpability on our part. 7.9. All documents belonging to our deliveries, such as illustrations, diagrams, network plans or portrayals of screen masks etc., shall only be approximate in-sofar as they are not expressly designated as being binding by us. Information in these documents and also DIN norms to which reference is made shall not portray property or service life guarantees. We reserve ownership, copyright and other protective rights to these documents. These documents may only be made accessible to third parties with our prior written approval. 7.10. If the commodities have subsequently been moved to a place other than Customer's establishment and if expenditure, in particular transport, travelling and material costs for the afterworking or replacement delivery increase as a result, this increased expenditure shall be borne by Customer unless movement to a different location corresponds to proper use of the commodities. 7.11. If certain appliance-specific maintenance or inspection work is to be done by Customer within the warranty period (maintenance) or to be carried out by the supplier (inspection) and if these requirements are not complied with, our obligation to warranty shall not extend to the damage resulting therefrom.

Delivery and Payment terms

General Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment of HACH LANGE GmbH, Berlin
8. Damages 8.1. To the extent that nothing to the contrary has been agreed in the present terms and conditions, all claims of Customer to damages of any kind and reimbursement of expenditure and indirect damage shall be ruled out. This shall particularly apply to claims on account of all breaches of obligation from the contractual relationship and from tort. The disclaimer shall also apply if we have used assistants or vicarious agents. 8.2. We shall nevertheless be liable for the cases mentioned in sub-section 8.1 if we, our senior employees or vicarious agents can be accused of gross negligence or malice aforethought and also in all cases in which we, our senior employees or vicarious agents culpably breach essential contractual obligations (cardinal duties) and the purpose of the contract is thus impaired. 8.3. In the event of a breach of cardinal duties, our liability shall however only be limited to the amount of the value of the order in the event of slight negligence. 8.4. If, in an exceptional case, the value of the order does not correspond to the typically foreseeable damage in the latter named case, the amount of our liability shall be limited to the typically foreseeable damage. 8.5. The disclaimer shall finally not apply for claims from the Product Liability Act or if a guarantee for the properties or the service life of the object of delivery has been taken on. Further, the disclaimer shall not apply for damage from injury to life, limb or health. 9. Force majeure Incidents of force majeure with us or our sub-suppliers shall extend the delivery period suitably. This shall also apply in the event of official interventions, difficulties in supplying, strikes, lock-outs and unforeseen difficulties in delivery to the extent that we are not answerable for them. If delivery becomes impossible or unreasonable due to the aforementioned circumstances, we shall be released from our obligation to delivery, of which we shall notify Customer forthwith. If the delay in delivery lasts for more than two months, Customer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract. 10. Diagrams, samples etc. 10.1. We reserve ownership and copyrights to our diagrams, samples and models. As a matter of principle, they may not be made accessible to third parties. 10.2. If we are to supply according to samples, diagrams and models from Customer, Customer shall assume liability for the fact that we do not breach any thirdparty protective rights. If a third party bans us from producing and supplying objects produced according to diagrams, models or samples from Customer, referring to a protective right accruing to it, we shall be entitled to stop production and delivery and to demand reimbursement of the costs expended without being obliged to examine the legal situation ruling out all claims to damages of Customer. Customer shall reimburse us for all indirect and direct damage which can be incurred as a result of the breach of all and any protective rights and from the claiming of all and any protective rights by third parties. Customer shall make a suitable down-payment with regard to all and any costs of proceedings upon request and shall generally hold us harmless from such costs. 10.3. Acceptance and custody of objects and documents of Customer shall be done at its risk. 11. Offsetting, solvency and transfer 11.1. Offsetting with counterclaims other than undisputed or legally effective ones and exercising of rights of rejection of service and retention against claims for purchase prices shall require our approval. 11.2. In the event of doubts about the solvency of Customer, in particular in arrears in payment, we can demand advance payments or securities for future deliveries and revoke payment periods granted, subject to further claims. 11.3. Rights and duties from the purchase contract may only be transferred to third parties by Customer with our express approval. 12. Retention of title/cuvette test 12.1 Commodities supplied shall remain our property until complete payment of our invoice and payment of all previous deliveries and services, including all subsidiary claims, in the event of payment by cheque or bill until the time at which we can freely dispose of the amount ( 449 I German Civil Code). Addition of individual claims to a current account and balancing and acknowledgement thereof shall not affect the retention of title. 12.2 Cuvette tests supplied by us shall remain our property. They can be only used and deployed by Customer in the way prescribed by us (operating instructions/ manuals) and shall be collected from Customer within the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany after their use following prior announcement. Cuvette tests from medicinal diagnostics (in vitro diagnostics) shall form an exception from the present regulation. 12.3 If conditional commodities are combined, mixed or connected with commodi-ties not belonging to us pursuant to 947, 948 German Civil Code, we shall become co-owners of the overall object in the ratio of the value of the invoice for the deliveries and services to the remaining processed goods at the time of the processing, combination, mixing or connecting. If Customer becomes sole owner by combination or mixing, it here and now transfers co-ownership to us in the ratio described above and engages to keep the new objects free of charge on our behalf. 12.4 If conditional commodities are sold by Customer alone or together with commodi-ties not belonging to us, Customer here and now transfers the claims resulting from the re-sale to us to the amount of the value of the conditional commodities with all subsidiary rights. If the resold commodities are in our ownership, the transfer of the claim shall extend to the amount corresponding to the value of the share of our co-ownership. We empower Customer to col-lect the claims transferred to us, subject to revocation. If Customer falls into ar-rears with its obligations towards us, it shall notify us of the debtors of the transferred claims and notify the latter of the transfer. In such a case, we shall also be entitled to notify the debtors in question of the transfer and to make use of our power of collection ourselves. 12.5 In breach of contract by Customer, in particular in arrears in payment, we shall be entitled to take back the conditional commodities following a reminder and setting of a period and Customer shall be obliged to hand over the commodities. Claiming of a right of retention and seizure of the object of delivery by us shall not be deemed withdrawal from the contract. Customer here and now declares its agreement with the persons commissioned by us to collect the conditional commodities having access to and driving onto its premises for this purpose. 12.6 Customer shall only be entitled and empowered to re-sales, use or installation of the conditional commodities in the customary proper course of business and only with the proviso that the claims transferred to us (sub-section 12.3) also actually pass to us. Customer shall not be entitled to any other disposal of the conditional commodities. Customer may in particular not pledge the object of delivery or transfer it by way of security. 12.7 Customer shall inform us forthwith of compulsory enforcement measures of third parties against the conditional commodities or the claims transferred to us, simultaneously handing over the documents necessary for a protest. 12.8 All conditional commodities shall be insured by Customer at its own expense, in particular against fire and theft. All claims against the insurance company in question with regard to the conditional commodities are hereby transferred to us; we accept this transfer. 12.9 If the value of the securities granted to us exceeds our claims by more than 20%, we shall be obliged to release the securities granted to us to Customer insofar as they exceed the agreed cover limit. 13. Work services For services to which the directives of the contract for works and services are applicable, Contract Procedure for Building Works (VOB) part B as amended shall apply. The valid VOB part B can be requested from us at any time. 14. Place of performance, place of jurisdiction and applicable law 14.1. Place of performance for Customer's payments and for our deliveries shall be the headquarters of our company in Berlin, Germany. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes shall be Berlin. In addition, the plaintiff shall be entitled to sue at the defendant's headquarters. 14.2 The contractual relationship to Customer shall be governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Application of the United Nations Convention on the International Sales of Goods, Vienna, of 11.04.1980, shall be ruled out.

HACH LANGE the specialists for water analysis

Everything from a single supplier

Whether field or laboratory analysis, samplers or process measurement technology, HACH LANGE stands for the total spectrum of water analysis - from visual methods to comprehensive systems of reagents, measurement technology and accessories.

For every application

Solutions from HACH LANGE are tailor-made for wastewater, drinking water or process water - for reliable control of operational processes and monitoring of legally prescribed limit values.

Parameters from A to Z
From ammonium to zinc consistently user friendly and proven in daily practice. Regulatory bodies and industry know they can rely on HACH LANGE solutions for everything from sample preparation to quality control.

HACH LANGE GMBH Willsttterstrae 11 D-40549 Dsseldorf Tel. +49 (0)2 11 52 88-0 Fax +49 (0)2 11 52 88-143 [email protected]


SIPAN 32 and 34
Controllers and Sensors for pH, Conductivity and O2

Welcome to HACH LANGE!

Now you have the new SIPAN catalog.

Liquid analyzers of the SIPAN series for continuous measurement of pH value/redox potential, conductivity and dissolved oxygen supply important data to process control systems or process control devices.

HACH LANGE is the market leader for Liquid Analytics in the Water/Waste water sector. With product characteristics such as explosion protection, etc. SIPAN products will ideally complement the existing HACH LANGE product lines to an even more extensive product range.

Whether field or laboratory analysis, samplers or process measurement technology, HACH LANGE stands for the total spectrum of water analysis - from visual methods to comprehensive systems of reagents, measurement technology and accessories.

Solutions from HACH LANGE are tailor-made for every application in wastewater, drinking water or process water - for reliable control of operational processes and monitoring of legally prescribed limit values.

HACH LANGE stands for water analysis from a single source. For you, this means more products and applications, more experience and on-site support than ever before

Your water-analysis team at

Table of contents Liquid Analysis Chapter

Analyzer for Conductivity SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X SIPAN 34

Analyzer for pH Value and Redox Potential SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X SIPAN 34

Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X SIPAN 34


Analyzer for Conductivity SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

2/2 2/2 2/2 2/4 2/5 2/9 2/11 2/12 2/13

Overview Benefits Application Design Function Technical data Ordering data Dimensional drawings Schematics


Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment is designed to determine the electric conductivity of aqueous or organic solutions.

Usefulness of SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X Two-wire connection Sensor diagnosis for temperature measurement Automatic measured-value hold at calibration Logbook to document all important events Local control following NAMUR PROFIBUS PA or HART communication available Available as Ex variant (EEx ib [ia]) Field housing IP65 Second, passive output, freely parameterizable (for temperature (analog) or pre-warning/purging function/limit (binary)).

The conductivity measuring range extends over 8 powers of ten from ultra-pure water (approx. 0.040 S/cm) up to very high conductivities (approx. 2500 mS/cm). This wide range is covered by three measuring procedures (see Fig.): the two-electrode procedure (2EL sensor), the four-electrode procedure (4EL sensor) and the inductive procedure (IND sensor). The measuring ranges as well as the fields of application of the three procedures overlap to a certain extent.
SIPAN 32 for conductivity

SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment, selection table according to fields of application



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Two electrode procedure (2EL sensor) The two-electrode procedure (2EL sensor) is used to measure the conductivity of ultra-pure water and highly diluted aqueous solutions from 0.04 S/cm to 25 000 S/cm where contamination and deposits on the electrodes extending into the measured medium are not expected (higher conductivities - above 5 000 S/cm - lead to polarization effects and thus to errors in measurement). Media with conductivities < 5 S/cm (VE water, ultra-pure water) exhibit a distinct non-linear temperature dependence. The analyzer is therefore provided with a temperature compensation function for ultra-pure water. Applications Steam generation (boiler feedwater, condensation) Semiconductor manufacture (ultra-pure water, chip cleaning) Water processing (reverse osmosis, ion exchanger) Leak testing of heat exchangers Drinking water and surface water. Product characteristics Measurement of very small ranges (< 0.1 S/cm) by using stainless steel sensors resistant to pressure and corrosion with a concentric electrode arrangement, with integrated thermom-eter Calibration of measurement is unnecessary for 2EL concentric sensors (even following replacement of sensor); if needed, a temperature calibration has to be carried out Low price for stainless steel pin electrodes with plastic shaft with or without temperature compensation for measuring ranges 2 S/cm Compact electrode, as combination with a pH/redox measurement in one fitting All versions of the two-electrode sensors with explosion protection for zone 1. Four electrode procedure (4EL sensor) The four-electrode procedure is used in media of average conductivity from 0.01 mS/cm to 500 mS/cm. The advantages of this procedure are the insensitivity of the sen-sor towards contamination and the avoidance of polarization errors. In addition to output of the conductivity, it is also possible to output a display in percentage by weight following automatic conversion. Applications Municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants Service water and waste water Drinking water purification Cooling water Determination of concentrations of brines, alkalis and acids Monitoring of concentrates Bleaching and washing baths. Product characteristics Four concentric ring electrodes - potted level with the shaft - thus particularly resistant to contamination Automatic compensation of contamination Sensors with integrated thermometer for automatic temperature compensation Particularly compact design possible even in combination with a pH/redox measurement. Inductive procedure (IND sensor) The inductive procedure can be used to measure the conductivity of small to very high values from 1 S/cm to approx. 2 500 mS/cm. This procedure is particularly suitable for the measurement of corrosive media since there is no direct contact between the electrodes and the medium. In addition to output of the conductivity, it is also possible to output a display in percentage by weight following automatic conversion (determination of concentration). Applications Determination of concentrations of brines, alkalis and acids, in particular sulphuric acid and oleum Corrosive industrial waste water CIP control Regeneration of concentration Phase separation of product/water mixtures Product monitoring in filling and cleaning plants. Product characteristics Extremely wide dynamic range (> 106) with one type of sensor Three types of sensor manufactured from the high-tech polymer PEEK with integrated thermometer and with special leak tightness of sensor and thermometer since moulded from one piece. Permanent overload capacity 10 bar at +130 C FEP sensor with large wall thickness for measurements in highly concentrated acids and alkalis DURAN glass sensor absolutely resistant to diffusion in hot, super-saturated acids (oleum), resistant to organic solvents, with integrated thermometer Some versions with explosion protection for zone 1.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Ex zone 0*) Ex zone 1**) Ex zone 2**) Not Ex zone Not Ex zone SIPAN 32 not Ex zone SIPAN 32X Ex zone 1 Ex zone 2 Keyboard Display Mains EPROM EEPROM HART interface Conductivity Temperature 0/4 ... 20 mA or Limit signal (0/4) / 20 mA or Cleaning signal (0/4) / 20 mA or Warning (0/4) / 20 mA D/D PROFIBUS PA DP/PA coupler DP/PA link 4 ... 20 mA Conductivity 4 ... 20 mA Isolating power supply

Mains Isolating power supply



0/4 ... 20 mA


Basic version Option External device

SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers, mode of operation
*) Only sensors with ATEX approval and in conjunction with SIPAN 32X **) Only with SIPAN 32X

The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment consist of: a sensor a flow, immersion or replacement fitting a temperature sensor (Pt1000 or Pt100) a SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer. SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X are analyzers of the new two-wire generation with state-of-the-art micro-power technology with microprocessor control and multi-segment display.

They contain the analog and digital data processing functions, depending on the version, for the signal delivered by the sensor. The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers are available in field housings. A SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer can be parameterized for all measuring ranges.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Measured value processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperature-compensated value by the digital data processing function. Conductivity With all three measuring procedures (2EL, 4EL and IND), a squarewave or sine-wave AC voltage is applied to the sensors. The magnitude and frequency depend on the measuring procedure. The current output by the sensor is a measure of the conductivity of the medium. Temperature compensation Either Pt100 or Pt1000 thermometers can be connected to the analyzers. The measurement is designed as a two- or three-wire system. The type of thermometer connected is recognized automatically.
Basic analyzer Inputs Conductivity HART or PROFIBUS PA interface Options

The conductivity of an electrolyte is a linear function of the concentration at a constant temperature since the valency - and also the ion mobility in dilute aqueous solutions - remain constant. Examples of the dependence of conductivity on the concentration are shown in the figure.
Scm-1 HNO3 NaOH H2SO4 Ca(OH)2





MgCl2 Na2CO3


NaCl Na3PO4 KCl CaSO4 Na2SO4


0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90










Analog output 4 ... 20 mA with alarm > 21 mA

2nd analog output for temperature or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (not for PROFIBUS PA)

Conductivity of dilute solutions at 18 C




The total conductivity of a solution is the sum of the conductivities of all ion pairs present in the solution and is thus usually a non-specific variable. In practice, however, the concentration of a component can be determined directly from the conductivity of a solution if only one substance is present in the solution all constituents of the solution change in approximately the same ratio the variation of one constituent of the solution compared to that of the others is so predominant that it alone practically determines the conductivity. In the case of concentrated solutions of electrolyte there is usually no linear relationship between the conductivity of the solution and the concentration of the electrolyte. The conductivity frequently decreases as the concentration increases since the degree of dissociation drops on the one hand and the ion mobility is reduced on the other because of inter-ionic interactions. A concentration measurement can nevertheless be carried out if it is only made in a reliable range, i.e. where the conductivity either rises or falls. This assumes that the relationship between conductivity and concentration of the electrolyte is known.

Measuring procedure for conductivity measurements The conductivity of liquids is based on the electrolytic dissociation of acids, bases or salts in water into electrically charged particles (ions). The magnitude of the electrical conductivity K is the reciprocal value of the electric resistance of the solution. The dimension for electric conductivity is S/m (Hach Lange per meter). The conductivity of a dilute electrolyte solution depends on: The number of ions in the solution, i.e. its concentration The number of unit charges capable of being transported by each ion, i.e. the ion charge number The migration velocity or mobility of the ions.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

0,7 0,6

Three different measuring procedures enable measurement of the conductivity individually adapted to the task and the concentration of the electrolyte: Two-electrode procedure Four-electrode procedure Inductive procedure without electrodes. The conductivity measuring equipment consists of the following basic components: Conductivity sensor Temperature sensor to compensate the influence of temperature Analyzer. Two electrode procedure

0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 10 20 30




A square-wave AC voltage is applied to the two current electrodes. The current flowing through the solution is inversely proportional to the electrical resistance and directly proportional to the conductivity.
60 70 80 90 100



Concentration (% w/w)
Conductivity of concentrated solutions at 18 C

Analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X

The conductivity of electrolytes is highly temperature-dependent since both the number of dissociated modules and the ion mobility are highly temperature-dependent. A reference temperature of 25 C is therefore selected and the measured conductivity values are corrected accordingly using the temperature coefficient . The temperature coefficient depends on the composition of the electrolyte solution the concentration of the solution. Values from 1 to 6%/K are possible. The figure shows that the resistance depends non-linearly on the temperature for an NaCl solution.

Measured medium
Two-electrode procedure, mode of operation

Four electrode procedure


x 103 W

3 mg/l

A square-wave AC voltage is applied to two current electrodes.The four-electrode procedure uses two current electrodes and two voltage electrodes. A square-wave AC voltage is applied to the current electrodes, and the current flowing through the solution is inversely proportional to the electrode resistance and directly proportional to the conductivity. The AC voltage is measured at the voltage electrodes and used to control the output voltage at the current electrodes. The generation of a deposit on the sensors is thus taken into account and compensated.

5 mg/l

Analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X

7 mg/l

10 mg/l 15 mg/l



25 mg/l
10 20

20 mg/l
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 C

I Measured medium
Four-electrode procedure, mode of operation

Dependence of the resistance of an NaCl solution on the temperature at various concentrations



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Inductive procedure The sensor consists of two coils which are positioned on toroidal tape cores. The primary coil is driven by a sinusoidal AC voltage. An AC voltage is induced in the liquid loop (= measured medium) which constitutes the secondary winding of this "transformer". In the case of electrically conducting liquids, a current flows which is proportional to their conductivity. The liquid loop is simultaneously the primary winding of the secondary coil which operates as a current transformer. This current is rectified in-phase and amplified. Special characteristics of SIPAN 32X Intrinsic safe operation Analyzers with type of protection "Increased intrinsic safety" EEx ib[ia] can be used within the potentially explosive atmospheres (zone 1, CENELEC). Product characteristics of SIPAN 32, communication variants Device with 4 ... 20 mA output Electrical isolation (test voltage 500 V AC) Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA Optional second passive output, freely-parameterizable as additional current output, for temperature or second measured value or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm). Device with 4 ... 20 mA output and HART communication Completely parameterizable from control system via only one two-wire cable Additional communication via handheld communicator or PC Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA (additional digital status transmission via HART protocol) Central access from control system (OS, ES) to any field device using the SIEMENS PCS 7 control system Uniform operator control and monitoring of all field units (inclusive linked host units) when using SIMATIC PDM Optional second passive output, freely-parameterizable as additional current output, for temperature or second measured value or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm). Device with PROFIBUS PA communication SIPAN 32 PA with bus connection to IEC 61158-2 and EN 50170, Part 4 Fixed bus current limitation in case of fault Data transmission and device supply via common bus connection Communication via PROFIBUS PA (Profile B, Version 3.0); thereby all settings completely parameterizable (two synchronous measured values, measuring range, limits, sensor diagnostic, operation simulation, etc.) Quality indication to the measured values: status with limits Full measured-value dynamics (discontinuation of measuredrange parameters) Central access from control system (OS, ES) to each field device using the SIEMENS PCS 7 control system Uniform operator control and monitoring of all field units (inclusive linked host units) when using SIMATIC PDM Possibility of a further diagnosis with increased disponibility of plant parts Savings of installation costs Interoperability (replacement with parameter conservation possible) Possibility of automatic tracking of the plant documentation Possibility of plant optimizing during operation. Parameter sets (option) The analyzer has four parameter sets for four methods that can be set independently from each other. This allows an optimal adaptation in a process when different media have to be measured. Switchover to the correspondent parameter set can be controlled externally (via HART or PROFIBUS PA).

Analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X

Measured medium

Inductive procedure, mode of operation

Special characteristics of SIPAN 32 Two-wire analyzer with state-of-the-art micropower technology Extremely simple field installation with only two wires Menu-based operation with understandable symbols (based on IEC) Complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, clearly-arranged multi-segment display Display of S/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, S/m, Mcm, kcm, % w/w, H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, NaCl, KOH Direct output of concentration values instead of conductivity (19 stored material tables) All measuring procedures 2EL, 4EL and IND are available Additional permanent temperature display selectable in C or F Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Non-linear ultra-pure water temperature compensation for conductivity Automatic HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis system 3 operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Selectable tests for display, keys, RAM, EPROM and EEPROM Output of defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Robust field housing (IP65/NEMA 4X) with four cable screwed glands for easy connection There are three SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers, each available for the 2EL, 4EL and IND procedures.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer, display and control panel



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Technical data
Display Measured value Temperature Text display Others Input display Coding Four 16-mm digits Four 8-mm digits Five digits Symbol displays Symbols 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) S/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, S/m, mS/m, S/m, Mcm, kcm, % w/w observe technical data of sensors Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum full-scale value -50 ... +200 C, -60 ... +400 F Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range

Output signal

4 to 20 mA linear to measured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with a knee at 12 mA), electrically isolated from sensor R= (U [power supply] -14) V/0.02 A 14 V ... 30 V DC, 0.8 W, protection class II (field housing) Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, nonerasable >10 years (EEPROM) Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard, data can be called on display Software clock CE marking

Max. permissible load in Power supply Logbook


Data storage Device self-test

Measuring range Measuring span (expansion) Output range Measuring range for temperature Measuring span for temperature

Clock Identification

Temperature and mechanical stress Operation - Temperature DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-3 -20 C ... +70 C corresponds to 3K6 but lowest temperature 20 C without condensation 3M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-1 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 1K4 1M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-2 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 2K3 2M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60529, IP65 for field devices DIN EN (IEC) 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 DIN EN (IEC) 61010-1 DIN ISO 9001/EN 29000 Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) 10 ... 95%, no condensation Input and output are isolated 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min 2.5 kg

Temperature compensation with con- Linear TC value, 0 to 10%/K or ductivity measurements non-linear response (max. 5 characteristics), 2 characteristics defined as standard for ultra-pure water and beer Temperature compensation with % w/w Error limits with conductivity measurement with temperature compensation Influencing effects on mea sured value Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error < 2.0% of measuring range (at rated conditions) < 0.5% of measured value (for pure liquids) According to DIN IEC 746, Part 1 <0.2% of full-scale value <0.5% of full-scale value <0.2%/10 K <0.1% <0.1%/100 <0.2% of full-scale value Conductivity tables stored for H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, KOH, NaCl

- Mechanical stress Storage - Temperature - Mechanical stress Transport - Temperature - Mechanical stress Water protection EMC Electrical safety Quality assurance system Material of field housing Permissible relative humidity Electrical isolation Test voltage Weight



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Options 2nd passive analog output 0/4 to 20 mA linear to temperature, or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm) Communication Option HART PC/laptop or HART communicator with SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzer 250 ... 500 250 ... 500 Two-wire, screened: 1.5 km HART, version 5.1

SIPAN 32X with explosion protection Explosion protection to ATEX Guideline 94/9/EC, DIN EN 50014 and DIN EN 50020 Permissible ambient temperature during operation Output signal circuit Type of protection Intrinsic safety, II (1) 2 G EEx ib[ia] IIC T4 20 ... +60 C With type of protection Intrinsic safety only for connection to certified intrinsically-safe circuits with the following maximum values: Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 750 mW, Ri = 300

Load with connection of HART modem Load with connection of HART communicator Line Protocol Option PROFIBUS PA Power supply, bus voltage

Supplied by bus, 9 to 32 V (non Ex), 9 to 24 V for intrinsically safe operation I = 13 mA 1 mA I + 3 mA (electronic current limitation) (Imax. = 16 mA) I + 27 mA (additional fuse) (Imax. = 40 mA) PROFIBUS PA (IEC 61158 CPF3 CP3/2) Physical bus: IEC 61158-2 MBP(-IS) Polarity independent 4 connections to Master Class 2 are supported PROFIBUS PA, Profile B, Version 3.0 126 at delivery

Power consumption of the unit Max. current increase in case of error


C2 connection Unit profile Unit address Measured medium H2SO4 Temperature range C -20 ... +120 Possible measuring ranges % w/w 0 ... 34 32 ... 85 92 ... 99.5 12 ... 45 60 ... 70 0 ... 30 34 ... 85 92 ... 95 0 ... 12 0 ... 16 24 ... 42 0 ... 12 0 ... 26 18 ... 32 0 ... 26 0 ... 34 32 ... 42 0 ... 30 39 ... 52

mA 20

Oleum HNO3

+10 ... +120 +10 ... +60 -20 ... +55

0 ... +100 HCl -20 ... +55 0 ... +100 NaOH NaCl KOH HBr 0 ... +100 0 ... +100 0 ... +100 -20 ... +55


4 KA



KA Start-of-scale value KK Knee KE Full-scale value

Linear and bent characteristics in SIPAN 32 analyzer

Programmed data of measured medium in SIPAN 32 for the concentration display (the possible measuring ranges are maximum indications and are influenced by the temperature)



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Ordering data SIPAN 32 analyzer two wire system, for conductivity measure ment Measuring procedure: Two electrode procedure (2EL) Four electrode procedure (4EL) Inductive procedure (IND) microprocessor-controlled, membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, logbook, concentration display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, in field housing Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA without interface 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface 2 signal outputs, with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to 20 mA temperature or switching function for limit or flushing or warning PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets Order No. Ordering data SIPAN 32X analyzer with Ex protection, intrin sically safe version, II (1) 2G EEx ib [ia] IIC T4, two wire system, for conductivity measure ment Measuring procedure: Two electrode procedure (2EL) Four electrode procedure (4EL) Inductive procedure (IND) microprocessor-controlled, membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, logbook, concentration display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, in field housing Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA without interface 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface 2 signal outputs, with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to 20 mA temperature or switching function for limit or flushing or warning PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets Order No.

7MA 2 0 4 0 7MA 2 1 4 0 7MA 2 2 4 0 8A

7MA 2 0 4 1 7MA 2 1 4 1 7MA 2 2 4 1 8A



Certificate according to DIN 55350-18-4.1.1 for SIPAN analyzer on request. Please order together with the analyzer in cleartype. Order No. Isolating power supply (see FI 01, Part 6, for technical data) HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, Smart, with 24 V DC power supply, p.c.b., single locking HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, Smart, with 95-253 V AC power supply, compact subassembly, DIN rail mounting 7NG4122 1AA10

Accessories/mounting mate rial For mounting the analyzer or the isolating block on a pipeline Protective hood (SS, type No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (SS, type No. 1.4571)

Order No.

C79451 A3177 D12 7MA8500 8DG C79451 A3177 D11

7NG4122 1BA10

Base plate (SS, type No. 1.4571)



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Dimensional drawings
172 6.5 D 20.5 10 5 13 D-D






2860.2 1)

1520.2 1)

A View A 17 Bushings (3 x PG 11) knockout if required



PG 13.5 SW 24

PG 11 SW 22




3 fixing bores (M6)

SIPAN 32 analyzer, dimensions in mm



ca 30


R1 0

Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 1 2 + 3 4 5 + 6 7 8 9 + 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

0/4-20 mA 24 V DC passive 4-20 mA 2nd analog Option not 1) HART used PROFIBUS PA output 1)

Sensor SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 15 16

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 10 11


SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 17





15 16

10 11








Sensors 7MA2000-8P... The temperature sensor of the sensors 7MA2000-8P. and 7MA8500-8DS is connected in two-wire system. To compensate the resistance influence of the sensor cable on the precision, a single temperature adjustment must be carried out during commissioning.

2EL sensors 7MA2000-8A/B/C/D...



2EL sensors 7MA8500-8DS

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 Pt100

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 Pt100

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 13 14 15 16 17

















4EL sensors 7MA2100-8B/C...


IND sensors 7MA2200-8BA, 7MA2200-8EA

IND sensors 7MA2200-8.. (not -8BA, -8EA)

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



2EL sensor 7MA3100-8HL Brown cable (BN) not connected. Legend of colors RD red PK pink GY gray WH white BN brown BU blue YE yellow GN green BK black OR orange VI violet

1) Not used with PROFIBUS version.

SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer, electric connections












Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Communication between SIPAN 32 with HART modem and PC



Analyzer for Conductivity SIPAN 34

2/16 2/16 2/16 2/18 2/19 2/23 2/25 2/26 2/28

Overview Benefits Application Design Function Technical data Ordering data Dimensional drawings Schematics


Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

The SIPAN 34 measuring equipment is designed to determine the electric conductivity of aqueous or organic solutions.

Usefulness of SIPAN 34 Four-wire connection Sensor diagnosis for temperature measurement Automatic measured-value hold at calibration Logbook to document all important events Local control following NAMUR Field housing IP65 Panel housing IP54 Second output for temperature (option) Three programmable relays.

The conductivity measuring range extends over 8 powers of ten from ultra-pure water (approx. 0.040 S/cm) up to very high conductivities (approx. 2500 mS/cm). This wide range is covered by three measuring procedures (see Fig.): the two-electrode procedure (2EL sensor), the four-electrode procedure (4EL sensor) and the inductive procedure (IND sensor). The measuring ranges as well as the fields of application of the three procedures overlap to a certain extent.

SIPAN 34 for conductivity

SIPAN 34 measuring equipment, selection table according to fields of application



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
Two electrode procedure (2EL sensor) The two-electrode procedure (2EL sensor) is used to measure the conductivity of ultra-pure water and highly diluted aqueous solutions from 0.04 S/cm to 25 000 S/cm where contamination and deposits on the electrodes extending into the measured medium are not expected (higher conductivities - above 5 000 S/cm - lead to polarization effects and thus to errors in measurement). Media with conductivities < 5 S/cm (VE water, ultra-pure water) exhibit a distinct non-linear temperature dependence. The analyzer is therefore provided with a temperature compensation function for ultra-pure water. Applications Steam generation (boiler feedwater, condensation) Semiconductor manufacture (ultra-pure water, chip cleaning) Water processing (reverse osmosis, ion exchanger) Leak testing of heat exchangers Drinking water and surface water. Product characteristics Measurement of very small ranges (< 0.1 S/cm) by using stainless steel sensors resistant to pressure and corrosion with a concentric electrode arrangement, with integrated thermometer Calibration of measurement is unnecessary for 2EL concentric sensors (even following replacement of sensor); if needed, a temperature calibration has to be carried out Low price for stainless steel pin electrodes with plastic shaft with or without temperature compensation for measuring ranges 2 S/cm Compact electrode, as combination with a pH/redox measurement in one fitting. Four electrode procedure (4EL sensor) The four-electrode procedure is used in media of average conductivity from 0.01 mS/cm to 500 mS/cm. The advantages of this procedure are the insensitivity of the sensor towards contamination and the avoidance of polarization errors. In addition to output of the conductivity, it is also possible to output a display in percentage by weight following automatic conversion. Applications Municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants Service water and waste water Drinking water purification Cooling water Determination of concentrations of brines, alkalis and acids Monitoring of concentrates Bleaching and washing baths. Product characteristics Four concentric ring electrodes - potted level with the shaft - thus particularly resistant to contamination Automatic compensation of contamination Sensors with integrated thermometer for automatic temperature compensation Particularly compact design possible even in combination with a pH/redox measurement. Inductive procedure (IND sensor) The inductive procedure can be used to measure the conductivity of small to very high values from 1 S/cm to approx. 2 500 mS/cm. This procedure is particularly suitable for the measurement of corrosive media since there is no direct contact between the electrodes and the medium. In addition to output of the conductivity, it is also possible to output a display in percentage by weight following automatic conversion (determination of concentration). Applications Determination of concentrations of brines, alkalis and acids, in particular sulphuric acid and oleum Corrosive industrial waste water CIP control Regeneration of concentration Phase separation of product/water mixtures Product monitoring in filling and cleaning plants. Product characteristics Extremely wide dynamic range (> 106) with one type of sensor Three types of sensor manufactured from the high-tech polymer PEEK with integrated thermometer and with special leak tightness of sensor and thermometer since moulded from one piece. Permanent overload capacity 10 bar at +130 C FEP sensor with large wall thickness for measurements in highly concentrated acids and alkalis DURAN glass sensor absolutely resistant to diffusion in hot, super-saturated acids (oleum), resistant to organic solvents, with integrated thermometer.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

SIPAN 34 Not Ex zone




Conductivity 0/4 ... 20 mA Temperature 0/4 ... 20 mA Limit 1 Limit 2 Diagnosis: alarm


A/D Temperature

Warning Function check Range signaling D/D Range signaling Range signaling or Cleaning Option Fitting Flushing


D/D Range switching

Basic version Option

SIPAN 34 analyzer, mode of operation



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
SIPAN 34 are analyzers of the new four-wire generation with stateof-the-art micro-power technology with microprocessor control and multi-segment display. The SIPAN 34 analyzer is optionally available with special features for process use. It contains the analog and digital data processing functions for the signal delivered by the sensor. A SIPAN 34 analyzer can be parameterized for all measuring ranges. Measured value processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperature-compensated value by the digital data processing function. Conductivity With all three measuring procedures (2EL, 4EL and IND), a squarewave or sine-wave AC voltage is applied to the sensors. The magnitude and frequency depend on the measuring procedure. The current output by the sensor is a measure of the conductivity of the medium. Temperature compensation Either Pt100 or Pt1000 thermometers can be connected to the analyzers. The measurement is designed as a two- or three-wire system. The type of thermometer connected is recognized automatically.
Basic analyzer Inputs Conductivity Remote range switching for 4 parameter sets, thus access to 4 complete parameter sets for complete methods incl. measuring ranges, limits, temp. compensation, hysteresis Options

The conductivity of a dilute electrolyte solution depends on: The number of ions in the solution, i.e. its concentration The number of unit charges capable of being transported by each ion, i.e. the ion charge number The migration velocity or mobility of the ions. The conductivity of an electrolyte is a linear function of the concentration at a constant temperature since the valency - and also the ion mobility in dilute aqueous solutions - remain constant. Examples of the dependence of conductivity on the concentration are shown in the figure.
Scm-1 HNO3 NaOH H2SO4 Ca(OH)2





MgCl2 Na2CO3


NaCl Na3PO4 KCl CaSO4 Na2SO4



















Temperature Outputs Analog output Contacts 1 x failure 1 x limit 2 x NAMUR contacts


Conductivity of dilute solutions at 18 C



2nd analog output for temperature

The total conductivity of a solution is the sum of the conductivities of all ion pairs present in the solution and is thus usually a non-specific variable. In practice, however, the concentration of a component can be determined directly from the conductivity of a solution if only one substance is present in the solution all constituents of the solution change in approximately the same ratio the variation of one constituent of the solution compared to that of the others is so predominant that it alone practically determines the conductivity. In the case of concentrated solutions of electrolyte there is usually no linear relationship between the conductivity of the solution and the concentration of the electrolyte. The conductivity frequently decreases as the concentration increases since the degree of dissociation drops on the one hand and the ion mobility is reduced on the other because of inter-ionic interactions. A concentration measurement can nevertheless be carried out if it is only made in a reliable range, i.e. where the conductivity either rises or falls. This assumes that the relationship between conductivity and concentration of the electrolyte is known.

Second 2 limits limit with control function

3 x cleaning or 3 x range signaling contacts

Measuring procedure for conductivity measurements The conductivity of liquids is based on the electrolytic dissociation of acids, bases or salts in water into electrically charged particles (ions). The magnitude of the electrical conductivity K is the reciprocal value of the electric resistance of the solution. The dimension for electric conductivity is S/m (Siemens per meter).



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

0,7 0,6

Three different measuring procedures enable measurement of the conductivity individually adapted to the task and the concentration of the electrolyte: Two-electrode procedure Four-electrode procedure Inductive procedure without electrodes. The conductivity measuring equipment consists of the following basic components: Conductivity sensor Temperature sensor to compensate the influence of temperature Analyzer. Two electrode procedure A square-wave AC voltage is applied to the two current electrodes. The current flowing through the solution is inversely proportional to the electrical resistance and directly proportional to the conductivity.
60 70 80 90 100

0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 10 20 30







Concentration (% w/w)
Conductivity of concentrated solutions at 18 C

Analyzer SIPAN 34

The conductivity of electrolytes is highly temperature-dependent since both the number of dissociated modules and the ion mobility are highly temperature-dependent. A reference temperature of 25 C is therefore selected and the measured conductivity values are corrected accordingly using the temperature coefficient . The temperature coefficient depends on the composition of the electrolyte solution the concentration of the solution. Values from 1 to 6%/K are possible. The figure shows that the resistance depends non-linearly on the temperature for an NaCl solution.

Measured medium

Two-electrode procedure, mode of operation

Four electrode procedure A square-wave AC voltage is applied to two current electrodes.The four-electrode procedure uses two current electrodes and two voltage electrodes. A square-wave AC voltage is applied to the current electrodes, and the current flowing through the solution is inversely proportional to the electrode resistance and directly proportional to the conductivity. The AC voltage is measured at the voltage electrodes and used to control the output voltage at the current electrodes. The generation of a deposit on the sensors is thus taken into account and compensated.



3 mg/l


5 mg/l

Analyzer SIPAN 34

7 mg/l

10 mg/l 15 mg/l

25 mg/l
10 20


20 mg/l
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 C

I Measured medium
Four-electrode procedure, mode of operation

Dependence of the resistance of an NaCl solution on the temperature at various concentrations



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
Inductive procedure The sensor consists of two coils which are positioned on toroidal tape cores. The primary coil is driven by a sinusoidal AC voltage. An AC voltage is induced in the liquid loop (= measured medium) which constitutes the secondary winding of this "transformer". In the case of electrically conducting liquids, a current flows which is proportional to their conductivity. The liquid loop is simultaneously the primary winding of the secondary coil which operates as a current transformer. This current is rectified in-phase and amplified. Output signal 0/4 to 20 mA, floating Freely-programmable, permanent measuring-point designation (saves tag labels) Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Fault and limit contacts Non-linear ultra-pure water temperature compensation for conductivity All conductivity measuring procedures (2EL/4EL/IND) can be selected, i.e. only one analyzer is required for the complete conductivity range Program for automatic recording of user-specific temperature compensation Maintenance switch with automatic HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis and preventive maintenance system in plain text Three operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Selectable tests for: keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM and display Output of freely-defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Panel housing made completely of metal, CE safety for every control cabinet installation engineer Robust field housing (IP65) with cable screwed glands for easy connection. Additional optional characteristics Second current output for temperature with additional limit Individual calibration of each parameter set possible Two-point controller for pulse length (dosing valves) or pulse frequency (diaphragm pumps) Additional switching contact for maintenance (function check) and pre-alarm (warning) Cleaning function; three relay contacts can be operated via timer to control an alternating fitting, as well as to give up cleaning and flushing solutions The analyzer has four complete parameter sets for four methods, not only for measuring ranges, e.g. also for limits, physical units, temperature compensation with complete characteristic (not only TC value), hysteresis to be set independently from each other. This allows an optimal adaptation in a process when different media have to be measured at one measuring point. Switchover to the correspondent parameter set can be controlled externally.

Analyzer SIPAN 34

Measured medium

Inductive procedure, mode of operation

Special characteristics of SIPAN 34 Power supply (24 V AC/DC, 115 V AC, 230 V AC) Complete basic configuration Self-explanatory menu operation in plain text in five languages (German , English, French, Spanish, Italian), help function Operation according to NAMUR, i.e. complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, illuminated, full-graphic display Display of S/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, S/m, Mcm, kcm, % w/w, H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, NaCl, KOH Direct output of concentration values instead of conductivity (19 stored material tables) Additional permanent bargraph of measuring range Graphic trend display of measured value Additional permanent temperature display in C



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

SIPAN 34 analyzer, display and control panel



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

Technical data
Display Measured value Graphical Four 15-mm digits or trend display 5 bars, 3 mm high 3-mm digits Current output as bargraph, 3 mm high 8 lines of text 1 heading (inverted display) and 6 text lines, letters 4 mm high LED 5: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish; selectable 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) S/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, S/m, mS/m, S/m, % w/w, Mcm, kcm Observe technical data of sensors Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range -25 ... +175 C, -13 ... +347 F Any, but at least 10% of measuring range Linear TC value, 0 to 10%/K Non-linear response (max. 9 characteristics) 2 characteristics defined as standard for ultra-pure water and beer Conductivity tables stored for H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, KOH, NaCl


1 NO or 1 NC contact selectable, hysteresis and response time can be set 1 alarm (failure) NO contact, rating 24 V AC/DC, 1 A, floating, non-sparking Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, nonerasable >10 years (EEPROM) Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard, data can be called on display Software clock CE marking

Alarm contact Relay contacts Logbook

Temperature, alarms, measuringpoint identification Operator control

Data storage Device self-test

Illumination Languages Coding

Clock Identification

Temperature and mechanical stress Operation - Temperature DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-3 -20 C ... +60 C corresponds to 3K6 but lowest temperature 20 C without condensation -5 C ... +70 C corresponds to 3K3 but highest temperature +70 C for panel mounting 3M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-1 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 1K4 but highest temperature +70 C 1M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-2 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 2K3 2M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60529 IP65 for field devices IP54 for panel mounting DIN EN (IEC) 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 DIN EN (IEC) 61010-1 DIN ISO 9001/EN 29000 Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) Aluminium 10 ... 95%, no condensation 120 V AC (94 V ... 132 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 230 V AC (187 V ... 264 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V AC (20 V ... 26 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V DC (20 V ... 30 V), 8 VA, protection class II (field housing) Input and output are isolated 2.5 kg field housing 2.0 kg panel mounting housing

Dimension Measuring range Measuring span (expansion) Measuring range for temperature Measuring span for temperature Temperature compensation with conductivity measurement

- Mechanical stress Storage - Temperature

- Mechanical stress Transport - Temperature - Mechanical stress Water protection

Temperature compensation with % w/w Error limits With conductivity measurement With temperature compensation

<1.0% of measuring range (at rated conditions) <1.0% for characteristic (with conductivity) <0,5% of measured value (for pure liquids) According to DIN IEC 746, Part 1 <0.2% of full-scale value <0.5% of full-scale value <0.2%/10 K <0.1% <0.1%/100 <0.2% of full-scale value 4 to 20 mA, floating, linear to measured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with a knee at 10 or 12 mA, see figure 750 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min Electrical isolation Weight Material of panel housing Permissible relative humidity Power supply EMC Electrical safety Quality assurance system Material of field housing

Influencing effects Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error Output signal

Max. permissible load in Test voltage



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
Options Second output signal Additional limit 0/4 ... 20 mA linear to temperature 1 x NO or NC contact selectable, any assignment to measured value or temperature 4 2, pre-alarm and maintenance Signalling of current measuring range (3 contacts) 3, fitting control, cleaning and flushing 4, parameterizable as desired using range selection; external control possible 2 floating contacts (instead of limits) as PI controller

mA 20

Parameter sets Diagnostic contacts Range signalling Cleaning contacts with timer Range switchover



0/4 KA



Measured medium H2SO4

Temperature range C -20 ... +120

Possible measuring ranges % w/w 0 ... 34 32 ... 85 92 ... 99.5 12 ... 45 60 ... 70 0 ... 30 34 ... 85 92 ... 95 0 ... 12 0 ... 16 24 ... 42 0 ... 12 0 ... 26 18 ... 32 0 ... 26 0 ... 34 32 ... 42 0 ... 30 39 ... 52

KA Start-of-scale value KK Knee KE Full-scale value

Linear and bent characteristics in SIPAN 34 analyzer

Oleum HNO3

+10 ... +120 +10 ... +60 -20 ... +55

0 ... +100 HCl -20 ... +55 0 ... +100 NaOH NaCl KOH HBr 0 ... +100 0 ... +100 0 ... +100 -20 ... +55

Programmed data of measured medium in SIPAN 34 for the concentration display (the possible measuring ranges are maximum indications and are influenced by the temperature)



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity
Ordering data Analyzer SIPAN 34 four wire system, for conductivity measurement microprocessor-based with illuminated graphic display, membrane keyboard, trend display, menu-based operation (5 languages), logbook, concentration display, 1 parameter set, 1 signal output 0/4 to 20 mA, 1 alarm contact, 1 limit contact, 2 diagnostic contacts Power supply 24 V DC/24 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz 120 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz 230 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz Measuring procedure Two-electrode procedure (2EL) Four-electrode procedure (4EL) Inductive procedure (IND) Instrument design Field housing Panel housing 96 x 96 Without additional option With second signal output 0/4 ... 20 mA, and second limit With four selectable parameter sets and three range signalling contacts With second signal output 0/4 ... 20 mA and with four selectable parameter sets and three range signalling contacts Limits with controller function Without With Automatic cleaning/flushing (3 contacts + timer for fitting, cleaning, flushing) Without With Certificate according to DIN 55350-18-4.1.1 for SIPAN analyzer on request. Please order together with the analyzer in cleartype. Order No.. 7MA 2 0 3 4

Accessories/mounting material For mounting the analyzer on a pipeline Protective hood (SS, type No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (SS, type No. 1.4571) Base plate (SS, type No. 1.4571)

Order No.

0 0

C79451 A3177 D12 7MA8500 8DG C79451 A3177 D11

0 1 2 A B C A B 0 1 2 3





Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

Dimensional drawings
172 6.5 D 20.5 10 5 13 D-D






2860.2 1)

1520.2 1)

A View A 17



PG 13.5 SW 24

PG 11 SW 22




3 fixing bores (M6)

SIPAN 34 analyzer as field housing, dimensions in mm



ca 30


R1 0

Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity









9 11


0 ... 6 8 282

18 67

SIPAN 34 analyzer as panel mounting instrument, dimensions in mm





Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Conductivity

SIPAN 34 1 2 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
+24 V

18 19
+24 V +24 V


21 22
20 mA

Pre-alarm warning

Signaling Range 3

Selection Range 3

24 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC SIPAN 34 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Limit 2

Maintenance Functional check

Signaling Range 4

Selection Range 4


Option 12 13 14 15



2EL sensor 7MA3100-8HL Brown cable (BN) not connected. SIPAN 34 23






SIPAN 34 28 29 30










28 29




SIPAN 34 25


20 mA


24 V DC

Limit 1

Alarm Failure

Signaling Range 2

Selection Range 2





Sensors 7MA2000-8P.

2EL sensors 7MA2000-8A/B/C/D.

2EL sensors 7MA8500-8DS

The temperature sensor of the sensors 7MA2000-8P. and 7MA8500-8DS is connected in two-wire system. To compensate the resistance influence of the sensor cable on the precision, a single temperature adjustment must be carried out during commissioning. SIPAN 34 23

SIPAN 34 28 29







Pt100 Pt100 IND sensors 7MA2200-8BA, 7MA2200-8EA


4EL sensors 7MA2100-8B/C. Legend of colors RD red VI violet GY gray WH white BN brown BU blue YE yellow

IND sensors 7MA2200-8.. (not -8BA, -8EA)

GN green

BK black

OR orange

PK pink

VT* Connection to terminal 23 of analyzer for panel mounting connection to analyzer shield for field instrument.

Electric connections

































28 29





SIPAN 34 26 27 28 29 30


27 28 29 30

Analyzer for pH Value and Redox Potential SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

3/2 3/2 3/2 3/4 3/5 3/8 3/10 3/11 3/12

Overview Benefits Application Design Function Technical data Ordering data Dimensional drawings Schematics


Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Liquid Analyzers

The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment can be used to measure the pH value and/or redox potential of aqueous solutions.

The application range for pH measurements covers the complete pH scale (see Fig.) from pH = 0 to pH = 14 and for redox potential measurements from -2000 mV to +2000 mV.
Strong pH value Substance [H3O+] Strong

0 5% hydrochloric/accu acid 100 1 Gastric juice

Acidic solutions

3 4 5

Fruit juices Wine Coffee (black) Mineral water/rain water

Weak Neutral Weak

6 7


Water (pure)/milk (fresh) 10-7 Neutral Weak

8 Sodium bicarbonate solution 9 Borax solution Soap solution Film developer Ammonium hydroxide Quicklime solution

Alkaline solutions

SIPAN 32 for pH value and redox potential

10 11 12 13

Usefulness of SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X Two-wire connection Sensor diagnosis Redundant pH measurement with 2 pH electrodes (increased safety, reduced maintenance costs) Standard buffer stored for selection Automatic measured-value hold at calibration Logbook to document all important events Local control following NAMUR Use of all commercial pH and redox glass electrodes Differential pH sensors made of enamel (with two high impedance inputs) can be used PROFIBUS PA or HART communication available Available as Ex variant (EEx ib [ia]) Field enclosure IP65 Second, passive output, freely parameterizable (for second measured value or temperature (analog) or pre-warning or purging function or limit (binary)).


14 Sodium hydrox. sol. 10% 10-14 pH value Substance [H3O+]


Measuring equipment SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X, pH scale, examples

pH measurement pH measurements are carried out in aqueous solutions for the following purposes: Manufacture of a product with defined characteristics Cost-saving production Protection of mankind, environment and material from damage Satisfy statutory requirements. In the case of processes with varying temperatures, measurements are usually carried out with temperature compensation because the pH value changes with temperature according to the Nernst equation. Redox potential measurement Redox potential (ORP) measurements permit statements to be made on the oxidation or reduction power of an aqueous solution. Metal combination electrodes (platinum or gold) are used for the measurements and can be installed in the same fittings as the pH sensors.



Alkaline solutions

Acidic solutions

Lemon juice/vinegar

Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Applications Monitoring of automatic sewage detoxification Monitoring of electrolytic baths and bleaching baths Measurements on developers with reducing action, and starting products for dyestuffs, e.g. methylene blue, anthraquinone sulphonate, indigo sulphate and naphthoquinone Monitoring of disinfection action in swimming pools. Special characteristics Use of combination electrodes with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor for applications where only one mounting location is available Special, robust and low-maintenance electrodes for complex measurements in the food/paper industries and in flue gas desulphurization plants Sterilizable electrodes for the food and pharmaceutical industries Low-maintenance electrodes with polymer or gel electrolytes which are insensitive to contamination Electrodes for installation in pipes or vessels where the measured medium is under pressure Replacement fittings for inline installation in reactors or process lines Automatic sensor cleaning All versions with explosion protection for zone 1/event. zone 0 Refillable electrode for use in water with low grade ion concentration.

Application field Biology, medicine, bacteriology Breweries and yeast factories Chemical industry

Application example Fermenter (antibiotics) Brewing water, mash, fermentation (favourable growth of yeast), cleaning solutions (CIP) Fat synthesis (saponification of fatty acids), esterification of alcohols, formation of aldol (production of plastics, etc.), condensates and waste water in refineries, glue, gelatine and soap manufacture, production of acids and alkaline solutions, chlor-alkali electrolysis Electrolytic capacitors, electrolytic baths, waste water Steeping the skins, alkalinity of the lime-pit, decalcification, staining, tanning, bleaching, dying Stability of latex Ore preparation (flotation), gas purification (sulphur removal), waste water and water purification Avoidance of corrosion in steam circuit, waste water control Preservation of fruit juices, gelatinization of jams, souring of milk, cheese preparation, maturing of cream, yogurt production, sugar factories: purification and refining of juices (pre-separation and saturation), inversion of glucose, fermentation of molasses, press water, breweries Water treatment, sulphite liquor, bleaching, soaping and wash baths, sizing with resin soap and aluminium sulphate, neutralization of waste water High-purity water, fermentation process, product quality Cleaning (soap) baths, bleaching baths, dye baths (efficiency, hue), wash water (acid-free to avoid spots) Sewage treatment plants (optimum growth conditions in biological stages), river water (monitoring of sewage ingress because of danger to fish), sedimentation and precipitation of colloidal suspensions, softening of water (optimum precipitation), neutralization with lime (danger of corrosion for pipes and concrete tanks), base exchange methods (Permutite, Wolfatite) Acidic water from power refiner or flare zone, biological sewage preparation, water charge by NH3, H2S and hydrocarbons of low viscosity

Electrical engineering, electroplating Tanneries Rubber industry Iron and steel works, coke ovens, gas works Power plants Food industry

Paper, cellulose, rayon and explosives industries

Pharmaceutical industry

Textile industry Hydroeconomy

Oil and gas



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Ex zone 0*) Ex zone 1**) Ex zone 2**) Not Ex zone Not Ex zone SIPAN 32 not Ex zone SIPAN 32X Ex zone 1 Ex zone 2 Keyboard Display Mains EPROM pH / ORP EEPROM HART interface
2nd meas. value pH/ORP2, 0/4 ... 20 mA

pH / ORP 4 ... 20 mA

Isolating power supply 4 ... 20 mA

pH / ORP A/D D/A

or Temperature 0/4 ... 20 mA or Limit signal (0/4) / 20 mA or Cleaning signal (0/4) / 20 mA or Warning (0/4) / 20 mA D/D PROFIBUS PA

Mains Isolating power supply

0/4 ... 20 mA


DP/PA coupler DP/PA link

Basic version Option External device

SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers, mode of operation
*) Only sensors with ATEX approval and in conjunction with SIPAN 32X **) Only with SIPAN 32X



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment consist of: a sensor (measuring and reference electrodes, usually as combination electrode) a flow, immersion or replacement fitting a temperature sensor (Pt1000 or Pt100) with temperature-compensated pH measurements a SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer. SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X are analyzers of the new two-wire generation with state-of-the-art micro-power technology with microprocessor control and multi-segment display. They contain the analog and digital data processing functions for the signal delivered by the sensor. The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers are available in field housings. A SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer can be parameterized for all measuring ranges. Measured value processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperature-compensated value by the digital data processing function. pH value A potential depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions in the measured medium is generated on the pH sensor. The voltage between the pH electrode and the reference electrode is described by the Nernst equation: U = Uo + 2,3RT/F x lg a H3O+ The voltage which is proportional to the pH value is converted by the transmitter into a standardized output signal of 58.16 mV per pH = 1 (at 20 C). ORP value The redox potential measurement determines the reduction or oxidation power of a solution. Oxidizing agents take up electrons, reducing agents give up electrons. The process is an equilibrium reaction: Ox+ + e- Red The resulting potential U between the reference and measuring electrodes is applied to the analyzer as a proportional voltage. There is no temperature compensation.

Sensors The pH value is defined as the negative decimal logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity "a" (simplified: hydrogen ion concentration c) pH = -log a H3O+ and indicates whether a solution (the measured medium) is acidic, neutral or alkaline. An assembly comprising a measuring electrode (glass electrode) and reference electrode is used to measure the pH value (see Fig.). In the measuring electrode, use is made of the dependence of the potential of the glass membrane on the hydrogen ion activity. A spherical glass membrane as the pH sensor is usually joined by melting onto the end of the glass shaft. This sphere is filled with a buffer solution of known pH (usually pH 7.0). The tapping electrode is immersed into the glass sphere. The potential difference between the inner and outer surfaces of the glass membrane is used for the pH measurement. The reference electrode has electrical contact to the measured medium via a diaphragm so that the circuit is closed via the measured solution. The Ag/AgCl tapping system is located in a KCl electrolyte which may be liquid or bound to a gel-type or polymer carrier material. The measuring and reference electrodes must always have the same tapping system. They can also be supplied as combination electrodes and thus require only one mounting location. The Pt100/1000 sensor for temperature compensation can also be integrated in the combination electrode. Combination electrodes with integrated Pt100/1000 are preferably used in replacement or immersion fittings in which only one mounting location is available. Reference electrodes with a liquid electrolyte can be filled with KCl via a filling opening and subjected to pressure if necessary.

Analyzer SIPAN 32

24 V DC Output signal 4 ... 20 mA

Basic analyzer Inputs pH value


HART or PROFIBUS PA interface

Reference electrode Measuring electrode

Temperature Outputs Analog output 4 ... 20 mA with alarm > 21 mA 2nd analog output or 2nd meas. value for temperature or flushing function or limit value or warning (not for PROFIBUS PA)

Diaphragm Measured medium

Mode of operation of pH sensors




Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Special characteristics of SIPAN 32X Intrinsic safe operation Analyzers with type of protection Increased intrinsic safety EEx ib[ia] can be used within the potentially explosive atmospheres (zone 1, CENELEC) The measuring electrode can also be used in Zone 0 with the relevant intrinsic safe approval. Product characteristics of SIPAN 32, communication variants Device with 4 ... 20 mA output Electrical isolation (test voltage 500 V AC) Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA Optional second passive output, freely-parameterizable as additional current output, for temperature or second measured value or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm). Device with 4 ... 20 mA output and HART communication Completely parameterizable from control system via only one two-wire cable Additional communication via handheld communicator or PC Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA (additional digital status transmission via HART protocol) Central access from control system (OS, ES) to any field device using the SIEMENS PCS 7 control system Uniform operator control and monitoring of all field units (inclusive linked host units) when using SIMATIC PDM Optional second passive output, freely-parameterizable as additional current output, for temperature or second measured value or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm). Device with PROFIBUS PA communication SIPAN 32 PA with bus connection to IEC 61158-2 and EN 50170, Part 4 Fixed bus current limitation in case of fault Data transmisson and device supply via common bus connection Communication via PROFIBUS PA (Profile B, Version 3.0); thereby all settings completely parameterizable (up to three synchronous measured values, measuring range, limits, sensor diagnostic, operation simulation, etc.) Quality indication to the measured values: status with limits Full measured-value dynamics (discontinuation of measuredrange parameters) Central access from control system (OS, ES) to each field device using the SIEMENS PCS 7 control system Uniform operator control and monitoring of all field units (inclusive linked host units) when using SIMATIC PDM Possibility of a further diagnosis with increased disponibility of plant parts Savings of installation costs Interoperability (replacement with parameter conservation possible) Possibility of automatic tracking of the plant documentation Possibility of plant optimizing during operation. Parameter sets The analyzer has four parameter sets for four methods that can be set independently from each other. This allows an optimal adaptation in a process when different medias have to be measured. Switchover to the correspondent parameter set can be controlled externally (via HART or PROFIBUS PA).

pH sensors, cross-section

Special characteristics of SIPAN 32 Two-wire analyzer with state-of-the-art micro-power technology Extremely simple field installation with only two wires Menu-based operation with understandable symbols (based on IEC) Complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, clearly-arranged multi-segment display Display of pH, mV, T Additional permanent temperature display selectable in C or F Limit monitoring Monitoring of sensor Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Software clock Automatic HOLD function during calibration Comprehensive fault diagnosis system 3 operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Selectable tests for display, keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM Output of defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Robust field housing (IP65/NEMA 4X) with cable screwed glands for easy connection. Optional characteristics of SIPAN 32 Redundant pH value, or redundant ORP value, or pH + ORP value measurements with 2 measured-value outputs for increased measuring reliability Cleaning and timer function (option).



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer, display and control panel



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Technical data
Display Measured value Secondary display/temperature Text display Others Input display Coding Four 16-mm digits Four 8-mm digits Five digits Symbol displays Symbols 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) pH, mV 0 to +15 pH, -2000 to +2000 mV (observe technical data of sensors) Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum full-scale value Input: Pt100/Pt1000, automatic selection, two-wire or three-wire system Compensation of Nernst voltage, automatic, manual, adjustable temperature -50 to +200 C, -60 to +400 F Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Input and output electrically isolated >1012 >1010 <510-12 A (at 20 C) <110

Influencing effects on mea sured value Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error Output signal Max. permissible load in Power supply Test voltage Logbook

According to DIN IEC 746, Part 1 <0.2% of full-scale value <0.01 pH or 1 mV <0.02 pH/10 K or 1 mV/10 K <0.01 pH or 1 mV <0.01 pH/100 or 1 mV/100 <0.01 pH or 1 mV 4 to 20 mA, linear to measured value R= (U [power supply] -14) V/0.02 A 14 V ... 30 V DC, 0.8 W, protection class II 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, nonerasable >10 years (EEPROM) Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard, data can be called on display Software clock CE marking

Unit Measuring range Measuring span (expansion) Output range Temperature compensation

Data storage Device self-test

Measuring range for temperature Measuring span for temperature Electrical isolation Input resistance Glass electrode Reference electrode Offset current Glass electrode Reference electrode Electrodes Electrode assembly zero point Slope range Isothermal intersection Uis Measuring impedance Glass electrode Reference electrode Error limits with pH/ORP measurement with temperature compensation

Clock Identification

Temperature and mechanical stress Operation - Temperature DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-3 -20 C ... +60 C corresponds to 3K6 but lowest temperature -20 C without condensation 3M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-1 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 1K4 but highest temperature +70 C 1M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-2 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 2K3 2M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60529 IP65 for field devices DIN EN (IEC) 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 DIN EN (IEC) 61010-1 DIN ISO 9001/EN 29000 Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) 10 ... 95%, no condensation 2.5 kg field housing

- Mechanical stress Storage - Temperature

A (at 20 C) - Mechanical stress

pH 0 ... 14 50 ... 60 mV (per pH = 1) at 20 C -1000 ... +1000 mV

Transport - Temperature - Mechanical stress

5 ... 1000 M 1 ... 100 k <0.03 pH or 2 mV < 0.5% of measured value

Water protection EMV Electrical safety Quality assurance system Material of field housing Permissible relative humidity Weight



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Options 2nd passive analog output 0/4 ...20 mA linear to second measured value to temperature, or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm) pH 1 >1012 , pH 2 >1012 Type of protection Intrinsic safety, II (1) 2 G EEx ib[ia] IIC T4 -20 ... +60 C With type of protection Intrinsic safety only for connection to certified intrinsically-safe circuits with the following maximum values: Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 750 mW, Ri = 300 Communication Option HART PC/laptop or HART communicator with SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzer 250 ... 500 250 ... 500 Two-wire, screened: 1.5 km HART, version 5.1

Input resistance of high-resistance inputs

Load with connection of HART modem Load with connection of HART communicator Line Protocol Option PROFIBUS PA Power supply, bus voltage

SIPAN 32X with explosion protection Explosion protection to ATEX Guideline 94/9/EC, DIN EN 50014 and DIN EN 50020 Permissible ambient temperature during operation Output signal circuit

Supplied by bus, 9 to 32 V (non Ex), 9 to 24 V for intrinsically safe operation I = 13 mA 1 mA I + 3 mA (electronic current limitation) (Imax. = 16 mA) I + 27 mA (additional fuse) (Imax. = 40 mA) PROFIBUS PA (IEC 61158 CPF3 CP3/2) Physical bus: IEC 61158-2 MBP(-IS) Polarity independent 4 connections to Master Class 2 are supported PROFIBUS PA, Profile B, Version 3.0 126 at delivery

Power consumption of the unit Max. current increase in case of error


C2 connection Unit profile Unit address



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Ordering data SIPAN 32 analyzer two wire system, for pH or ORP measure ments Single measurement: 1 x pH or 1 x ORP, membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, logbook, measured-value display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, microprocessor-controlled, in field housing Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface 2 signal outputs, with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to 20 mA Temperatur or switching function for limit or flushing or warning PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets Order No. 7MA 1 0 4 0 8 A Ordering data SIPAN 32X analyzer with Ex protection, intrinsically safe version, II (1)2 G EEx ib [ia] II C T4, two wire system, for pH or ORP measure ments Single measurement: 1 x pH or 1 x ORP, membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, logbook, measured-value display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, microprocessor-controlled, in field housing Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface 2 signal outputs, with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to 20 mA Temperatur or warning PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets Order No. 7MA 1 0 4 1 8 A



Ordering data Analyzer SIPAN 32 two wire system, for pH or ORP measure ments Double measurement: 2 x pH or 2 x ORP, or 1 x pH and 1 x ORP membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, logbook, measured-value display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, microprocessor-controlled, in field housing 2 signal outputs 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to20 mA for pH or ORP 2 signal outputs: 4 to 20 mA with HART interface PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets

Order No.. 7MA 1 1 4 0 8 A

Ordering data SIPAN 32X analyzer with Ex protection, intrinsically safe version, II (1)2 G EEx ib [ia] II C T4, two wire system, for pH or ORP measure ments Double measurement: 2 x pH or 2 x ORP, or 1 x pH and 1 x ORP membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, logbook, measured-value display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, microprocessor-controlled, in field housing 2 signal outputs 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to20 mA for pH or ORP 2 signal outputs: 4 to 20 mA with HART interface PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets

Order No. 7MA 1 1 4 1 8 A



Certificate according to DIN 55350-18-4.1.1 for SIPAN Analyzer on request. Please order together with the analyzer in cleartype.

Order No. Isolating power supply (see FI 01, Part 6, for technical data) HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, Smart, with 24 V AC/DC power supply, compact subassembly, DIN rail mounting HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, Smart, with 95-253 V AC power supply, compact subassembly, DIN rail mounting 7NG4122 1AA10

Accessories/mounting material For mounting the analyzer on a pipeline Protective hood (SS, type No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (SS, type No. 1.4571)

Order No.

C79451 A3177 D12 7MA8500 8DG C79451 A3177 D11

7NG4122 1BA10

Base plate (SS, type No. 1.4571)



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Dimensional drawings

10 5








2860.2 1)

1520.2 1)

A View A

Bushings (3 x PG 11) knockout if required



PG 13.5 SW 24

PG 11 SW 22




3 fixing bores (M6)

SIPAN 32 analyzer, dimensions in mm

ca 30


R1 0



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X


Electric sensor connections for pH or redox potential measurement

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 10 11

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 15 16 17 18 19

Pt100 Pt1000 ER

Equipotential bonding

pH or redox Comb. electrode with special cable* Measured medium

Equipotential bonding Pt100 Pt1000 ER


pH or redox

Measured medium

*) Special cable means double-shielded cable (e.g. 7MA8500-8DP) ER: alternative equivalent resistance 100-120 W
Electric sensor connections for pH or redox potential measurement with sensor monitoring

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 7MA114x-8Ax 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 10 11

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 7MA114x-8Ax 12 15 16 17 18 19 External screen not connected

Pt100 Pt1000 ER

Redox comb. electrode

Redox comb. electrode

pH combination pH combination Pt100 electrode 1 electrode 2 Pt1000 with special cable with special cable ER Measured medium

Measured medium ER: Equivalent resistance 100-120 W

Electric sensor connections for redundant pH or redox potential measurement, 2 pH sensors in one measured medium with sensor monitoring
Please look at the current product list attached, if the product is still available.



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 7MA114x-8Ax 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 External screen not connected 10 11

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 7MA114x-8Ax 12 15 16 17 18 19


Measured medium

6 2

3 1

5 3

2 4


Pt100 Pt1000 ER








* Redox comb.

pH combin. electrode 1 with special cable ** 7MA8500-8DP

1 Number

5 Plug

Electrode plugs



Center Refer. Meas. point electrode electrode electrode

cable means double-shielded cable ** Special (e.g. 7MA8500-8DP)

Reference electrode of redox combination electrode (reference electrode of the pH combination electrode is not used)

Differential pH sensor 7MA8500-8FM Legend of colors OR VI orange violet GY gray WH white BN brown BU blue YE yellow GN green BK black

ER: alternative equivalent resistance 100-120 W

Electric sensor connections, on left for simultaneous pH or redox potential measurement, on right differential pH sensor with sensor monitoring



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Communication between SIPAN 32 with HART modem and PC Note: When the SIPAN 32 is used with two measuring electrodes (pH + pH, pH + ORP, ORP + ORP), observe that the two electrodes and the temperature sensor are in the same medium because only one reference electrode is used for both measuring electrodes. the two measuring electrodes (pH + pH, pH + ORP) always must be calibrated together.



Analyzer for pH Value and Redox Potential SIPAN 34

3/16 3/16 3/16 3/18 3/19 3/22 3/24 3/25 3/27

Overview Benefits Application Design Function Technical data Ordering data Dimensional drawings Schematics


Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential

The SIPAN 34 measuring equipment can be used to measure the pH value and/or redox potential of aqueous solutions.

The application range for pH measurements covers the complete pH scale (see Fig.) from pH = 0 to pH = 14 and for redox potential measurements from -2000 mV to +2000 mV.
pH value Substance [H3O+]


0 5% hydrochloric/accu acid 100 1 Gastric juice


Acidic solutions

3 4 5

Fruit juices Wine Coffee (black) Mineral water/rain water

Weak Neutral Weak

SIPAN 34 for pH value and redox potential

6 7


Water (pure)/milk (fresh) 10-7 Neutral Weak

8 Sodium bicarbonate solution 9 Borax solution Soap solution Film developer Ammonium hydroxide Quicklime solution

Alkaline solutions

10 11 12 13

Usefulness of SIPAN 34 Four-wire connection Sensor diagnosis Redundant pH measurement with 2 pH electrodes (increased safety, reduced maintenance costs) Standard buffer stored for selection Automatic measured-value hold at calibration Logbook to document all important events Local control following NAMUR Use of all commercial pH and redox glass electrodes Differential pH sensors made of enamel (with two high impedance inputs) can be used Field housing IP65 Panel housing IP54 Second output for measured value or temperature (option).


14 Sodium hydrox. sol. 10% 10-14 pH value Substance [H3O+]


Measuring equipment SIPAN 34, pH scale, examples

pH measurement pH measurements are carried out in aqueous solutions for the following purposes: Manufacture of a product with defined characteristics Cost-saving production Protection of mankind, environment and material from damage Satisfy statutory requirements. In the case of processes with varying temperatures, measurements are usually carried out with temperature compensation because the pH value changes with temperature according to the Nernst equation. Redox potential measurement Redox potential (ORP) measurements permit statements to be made on the oxidation or reduction power of an aqueous solution. Metal combination electrodes (platinum or gold) are used for the measurements and can be installed in the same fittings as the pH sensors.



Alkaline solutions

Acidic solutions

Lemon juice/vinegar

Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
Applications Monitoring of automatic sewage detoxification Monitoring of electrolytic baths and bleaching baths Measurements on developers with reducing action, and starting products for dyestuffs, e.g. methylene blue, anthraquinone sulphonate, indigo sulphate and naphthoquinone Monitoring of disinfection action in swimming pools. Special characteristics Use of combination electrodes with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor for applications where only one mounting location is available Special, robust and low-maintenance electrodes for complex measurements in the food/paper industries and in flue gas desulphurization plants Sterilizable electrodes for the food and pharmaceutical industries Low-maintenance electrodes with polymer or gel electrolytes which are insensitive to contamination Electrodes for installation in pipes or vessels where the measured medium is under pressure Replacement fittings for inline installation in reactors or process lines Automatic sensor cleaning All versions with explosion protection for zone 1/event. zone 0 Refillable electrode for use in water with low grade ion concentration.

Application field Biology, medicine, bacteriology Breweries and yeast factories Chemical industry

Application example Fermenter (antibiotics) Brewing water, mash, fermentation (favourable growth of yeast), cleaning solutions (CIP) Fat synthesis (saponification of fatty acids), esterification of alcohols, formation of aldol (production of plastics, etc.), condensates and waste water in refineries, glue, gelatine and soap manufacture, production of acids and alkaline solutions, chlor-alkali electrolysis Electrolytic capacitors, electrolytic baths, waste water Steeping the skins, alkalinity of the lime-pit, decalcification, staining, tanning, bleaching, dying Stability of latex Ore preparation (flotation), gas purification (sulphur removal), waste water and water purification Avoidance of corrosion in steam circuit, waste water control Preservation of fruit juices, gelatinization of jams, souring of milk, cheese preparation, maturing of cream, yogurt production, sugar factories: purification and refining of juices (pre-separation and saturation), inversion of glucose, fermentation of molasses, press water, breweries Water treatment, sulphite liquor, bleaching, soaping and wash baths, sizing with resin soap and aluminium sulphate, neutralization of waste water High-purity water, fermentation process, product quality Cleaning (soap) baths, bleaching baths, dye baths (efficiency, hue), wash water (acid-free to avoid spots) Sewage treatment plants (optimum growth conditions in biological stages), river water (monitoring of sewage ingress because of danger to fish), sedimentation and precipitation of colloidal suspensions, softening of water (optimum precipitation), neutralization with lime (danger of corrosion for pipes and concrete tanks), base exchange methods (Permutite, Wolfatite) Acidic water from power refiner or flare zone, biological sewage preparation, water charge by NH3, H2S and hydrocarbons of low viscosity

Electrical engineering, electroplating Tanneries Rubber industry Iron and steel works, coke ovens, gas works Power plants Food industry

Paper, cellulose, rayon and explosives industries

Pharmaceutical industry

Textile industry Hydroeconomy

Oil and gas



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential

SIPAN 34 Not Ex zone




pH/ORP 0 / 4 ... 20 mA Temperature 0/4 ... 20 mA Limit 1 Limit 2 Diagnosis: alarm

pH / ORP

A/D Temperature

Warning Function check Range signalling D/D Range signalling Range signalling or Cleaning Option Fitting Flushing


D/D Range switching

Basic version Option

SIPAN 34 analyzer, mode of operation

The SIPAN 34 measuring equipment consists of: a sensor (measuring and reference electrodes, usually as combination electrode) a flow, immersion or replacement fitting a temperature sensor (Pt1000 or Pt100) with temperature-compensated pH measurements a SIPAN 34 analyzer. SIPAN 34 are analyzers of the new four-wire generation with stateof-the-art micropower technology with microprocessor control and multi-segment display.

The measured signal delivered by the sensor is processed in the SIPAN 34 analyzer and at disposition in analog form. The SIPAN 34 analyzers are available in field and in panel housings. A SIPAN 34 analyzer can be parameterized for all measuring ranges. Measured value processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperature-compensated value by the digital data processing function.



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
pH value A potential depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions in the measured medium is generated on the pH sensor. The voltage between the pH electrode and the reference electrode is described by the Nernst equation: U = Uo + 2.3RT/F x lg aH3O+ The voltage which is proportional to the pH value is converted by the transmitter into a standardized output signal of 58.16 mV per pH = 1 (at 20 C). ORP value The redox potential measurement determines the reduction or oxidation power of a solution. Oxidizing agents take up electrons, reducing agents give up electrons. The process is an equilibrium reaction: Ox+ + e- Red The resulting potential U between the reference and measuring electrodes is applied to the analyzer as a proportional voltage. There is no temperature compensation.
Basic analyzer Inputs pH/Redox Remote range switching for 4 parameter sets, thus access to 4 complete parameter sets for complete methods incl. measuring ranges, limits, temp. compensation, hysteresis Options

Sensors The pH value is defined as the negative decimal logarithm of the hydrogen ion activity "a" (simplified: hydrogen ion concentration c) pH = -log a H3O+ and indicates whether a solution (the measured medium) is acidic, neutral or alkaline. An assembly comprising a measuring electrode (glass electrode) and reference electrode is used to measure the pH value (see Fig.). In the measuring electrode, use is made of the dependence of the potential of the glass membrane on the hydrogen ion activity. A spherical glass membrane as the pH sensor is usually joined by melting onto the end of the glass shaft. This sphere is filled with a buffer solution of known pH (usually pH 7.0). The tapping electrode is immersed into the glass sphere. The potential difference between the inner and outer surfaces of the glass membrane is used for the pH measurement. The reference electrode has electrical contact to the measured medium via a diaphragm so that the circuit is closed via the measured solution. The Ag/AgCl tapping system is located in a KCl electrolyte which may be liquid or bound to a gel-type or polymer carrier material. The measuring and reference electrodes must always have the same tapping system. They can also be supplied as combination electrodes and thus require only one mounting location. The Pt100/1000 sensor for temperature compensation can also be integrated in the combination electrode. Combination electrodes with integrated Pt100/1000 are preferably used in replacement or immersion fittings in which only one mounting location is available. Reference electrodes with a liquid electrolyte can be filled with KCl via a filling opening and subjected to pressure if necessary.

Temperature Outputs Analog output Contacts 1 x failure 1 x limit 2 x NAMUR contacts


2nd analog output for second measured value or temperature

Second 2 limits limit with control function

3 x cleaning or 3 x range signaling contacts



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
Special characteristics of SIPAN 34 Four-wire analyzer with extremely easy operation Universal power supply (24 V AC/DC, 115 V AC, 230 V AC) Complete basic configuration Self-explanatory menu operation in plain text in five languages, without Instruction Manual, HELP function Operation according to NAMUR, i.e. complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, illuminated, full-graphic display Display of pH, mV, additional permanent bargraph of measuring range Graphic trend display of measured value Additional permanent temperature display in C Output signal 0/4 to 20 mA, floating Freely-programmable, permanent measuring-point designation (saves TAG labels) Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Sensor monitoring Fault and limit contacts Automatic recognition of buffer (NIST and technical buffers) Maintenance switch with automatic HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis and preventive maintenance system in plain text Three operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Selectable tests for: keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display Output of freely-defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Panel housing made completely of metal, CE safety for every control cabinet installation engineer Robust field housing (IP65) with cable screwed glands for easy connection. Additional, optional characteristics Second current output for measured value or temperature with additional limit Four parameter sets with remote selection for complete methods, not only for measuring ranges, e.g. also limits, temperature compensation, hysteresis Automatic cleaning function (3 relays) for cleaning, flushing, fitting control with cyclic time input, waiting and holding functions Two-point controller for pulse length (dosing valves) or pulse frequency (diaphragm pumps) Additional switching contact for maintenance (function check) and pre-alarm (warning) Redundant pH or ORP measurement with 2 measured-value outputs for increased measuring reliability.

Analyzer SIPAN 34 Mains

Output signal 0/4 ... 20 mA

Power supply

Reference electrode Measuring electrode Diaphragm Measured medium

Mode of operation of pH sensors

pH sensors, cross-section



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential

SIPAN 34 analyzer, display and control panel



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential

Technical data
Display Measured value Graphical Four 15-mm digits or trend display 5 bars, 3 mm high 3-mm digits Current output as bargraph, 3 mm high 8 lines of text 1 heading (inverted display) and 6 text lines, letters 4 mm high LED 5: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish; selectable 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) pH, mV -3 ...+15 pH, -2000 ...+2000 mV (observe technical data of sensors) Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum full-scale value Input: Pt100/Pt1000, automatic selection, two-wire or three-wire system Compensation of Nernst voltage, automatic, manual, adjustable temperature -25 ... +175 C, -13 ... +347 F Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range nput and output electrically isolated >1012 >1010 <510-12 A (at 20 C) <110-10 A (at 20 C) pH 0 ... 14 50 ... 60 mV (per pH = 1) at 20 C -1000 ... +1000 mV

Measuring impedance Glass electrode Reference electrode Error limits with pH/ORP measurement with temperature compensation Influencing effects on mea sured value Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error Output signal Max. permissible load in Test voltage Limit <0.03 pH or 2 mV < 0.5% of measured value According to DIN IEC 746, Part 1 <0.2% of full-scale value <0.01 pH or 1 mV <0.02 pH/10 K or 1 mV/10 K <0.01 pH or 1 mV <0.01 pH/100 or 1 mV/100 <0.01 pH or 1 mV 0/4 ... 20 mA, linear to measured value 750 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min 1 NO or 1 NC contact selectable, hysteresis and response time can be set 1 alarm (failure) Two, pre-alarm and maintenance Rating 24 V DC, 1 A Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, nonerasable >10 years (EEPROM) Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard, data can be called on display Software clock According to IEC 79-15; conformity certificate CE marking 5 ... 1000 M 1 ... 100 k

Temperature, alarms, measuringpoint identification Operator control

Illumination Languages Coding

Dimension Measuring range Measuring span (expansion) Output range Temperature compensation

Alarm contact Diagnostic contacts Relay contacts Logbook

Measuring range for temperature Measuring span for temperature Electrical isolation Input resistance Glass electrode Reference electrode Offset current Glass electrode Reference electrode Electrodes Electrode assembly zero point Slope range Isothermal intersection Uis

Data storage Device self-test

Clock Protection Identification

Temperature and mechanical stress Operation - Temperature DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-3 -20 C ... +60 C corresponds to 3K6 but lowest temperature 20 C without condensation -5 C ... +70 C corresponds to 3K3 but highest temperature +70 C for panel mounting 3M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-1 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 1K4 but highest temperature +70 C 1M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-2 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 2K3 2M2

- Mechanical stress Storage - Temperature

- Mechanical stress Transport - Temperature - Mechanical stress



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
Water protection DIN EN (IEC) 60529 IP65 for field devices IP54 for panel mounting DIN EN (IEC) 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 DIN EN (IEC) 61010-1 DIN ISO 9001/EN 29000 Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) Aluminium 10 ... 95%, no condensation 120 V AC (94 V ... 132 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 230 V AC (187 V ... 264 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V AC (20 V ... 26 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V DC (20 V ... 30 V), 8 VA, protection class II (field housing) 2.5 kg field housing 2.0 kg panel mounting housing Parameter sets Range signalling Cleaning contacts with timer Range switchover Options Second output signal Additional limit 0/4 ... 20 mA linear to second measured value or to temperature 1 x NO or NC contact selectable, any assignment to measured value or temperature 4 Signalling of current measuring range (3 contacts) 3, fitting control, cleaning and flushing 4, parameterizable as desired using range selection; external control possible 2 floating contacts (instead of limits) as PI controller pH 1 >1012 , pH 2 >1012 >1010

EMC Electrical safety Quality assurance system Material of field housing Material of panel housing Permissible relative humidity Power supply

Controller pH electrode Reference electrode




Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential
Ordering data Analyzer SIPAN 34 four wire system, for pH or ORP measurements microprocessor-based with illuminated graphic display, membrane keyboard, trend display, menu-based operation (5 languages), logbook, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, 1 signal output 0/4 to 20 mA, 1 alarm contact, 1 limit contact, 2 diagnostic contacts Power supply 24 V DC/24 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz 120 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz 230 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz Measuring procedure 1 x pH- or 1 x redox input 2 x pH inputs 1) 1 x pH- and1 x redox input or 2 x redox inputs 1) Instrument design Field housing Panel housing 96 x 96 Without additional option With second signal output 0/4 ... 20 mA, and second limit With four selectable parameter sets and three range signalling contacts With second signal output 0/4 ... 20 mA and with four selectable parameter sets and three range signalling contacts Limits with controller function Without With Automatic cleaning/flushing (3 contacts + timer for fitting, cleaning, flushing) Without With Order No. 7MA 1 0 3 4

Accessories/mounting material For mounting the analyzer on a pipeline Protective hood (SS, type No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (SS, type No. 1.4571) Base plate (SS, type No. 1.4571)

Order No.

0 0

C79451 A3177 D12 7MA8500 8DG C79451 A3177 D11

0 1 2 A B C

A B 0 1 2 3



1) The measuring procedures B and C require analyzers with the additional options 1 or 3, because the second output (for the second measured value) would not be at disposal.

Certificate according to DIN 55350-18-4.1.1 for SIPAN analyzer on request. Please order together with the analyzer in cleartype.



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential

Dimensional drawings
172 6.5 D 20.5 10 5 13 D-D






2860.2 1)

1520.2 1)

A View A 17 Bushings (3 x PG 11) knockout if required



PG 13.5 SW 24

PG 11 SW 22




3 fixing bores (M6)

SIPAN 34 analyzer as field housing, dimensions in mm

ca 30


R1 0



Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential









9 11


0 ... 6 8 282

18 67

SIPAN 34 analyzer as panel mounting instrument, dimensions in mm





Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential


Electric sensor connections for pH or redox potential measurement

SIPAN 34 7MA1034-.A..0-0..0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24

SIPAN 34 7MA1034-.A..0-0..0 25 26 27 28 29 30

Pt100 Pt1000 ER

Equipotential bonding

pH or redox Comb. electrode with special cable * Measured medium

Pt100 Pt1000 ER

Equipotential bonding


pH or redox

Measured medium

*) Special cable means double screened cable (e.g. 7MA8500-8DP) ER: alternative equivalent resistance 100-120 W
Electric connections

Please look at the current product list attached, if the product is still available. HACH LANGE


Liquid Analysis
Measuring equipment for pH value and redox potential

Electric sensor connections for redundant pH and/or redox potential measurement with sensor monitoring, 2 pH sensors in one measured medium

Electric sensor connections, on left for simultaneous pH or redox potential measurement, on right differential pH sensor with sensor monitoring

Note: When the SIPAN 34 analyzer is used with two measuring electrodes (pH + pH, pH + ORP, ORP + ORP), observe that the two electrodes and the temperature sensor are in the same medium because only one reference electrode is used for both measuring electrodes. the two measuring electrodes (pH + pH, pH + ORP) always must be calibrated together.

Please check availability within attached product list.



Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

4/2 4/2 4/3 4/5 4/6 4/9 4/11 4/12 4/13

Overview Benefits Application Design Function Technical data Ordering data Dimensional drawings Schematics


Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment is designed to determine the concentration of oxygen in aqueous solutions within wide concentration ranges.

Benefits of SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X Two-wire technology Sensor diagnosis Automatic Hold function Logbook to document all important events Local operation following NAMUR PROFIBUS PA or HART communication available Available as Ex variant (EEx ib [ia]) Field housing IP65 Second, passive output, freely parameterizable (for temperature (analog) or pre-warning/purging function/limit (binary)) Manual correction of atmospheric pressure during calibration.

SIPAN 32 for the measurement of dissolved oxygen



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Utilization Monitoring of very low oxygen concentrations in the steam circuit of steam generating plants to prevent corrosion Checking of the oxygen content of food, especially for monitoring storage life in the drinks industry Oxygen concentration as a decisive parameter for the environmental analysis of rivers and lakes Oxygen measurements in sewage treatment plants up to very high concentrations in the aeration tank Monitoring of the O2 requirement of microorganisms in biotechnology Checking the oxygen concentration in chemical processes, also in potentially explosive atmosphere.

Product characteristics Almost independent of flow rate (minimum flow only 0.005 m/s), dependent on sensor Extremely long service life Automatic sensor monitoring and regeneration display Fast replacement of membrane as result of robust special membrane, insensitive to contamination O2 sensor for food applications can be sterilized and can be fitted in a bypass or inline using an attachment fitting or a replacement fitting Single-point calibration of sensor using air (sensor is free of residual current) No calibration liquid required Design with explosion protection for zone 1.

Very clean

1 g/l Ultra-pure water

1 mg/l

10 mg/l

50 g/l Dirty Waste water, fish farming

60 mg/l

1 g/l Sterilizable Chemistry, food & beverage

20 mg/l

1 g/l

10 g/l

100 g/l

1 mg/l

10 mg/l

100 mg/l

Measuring equipment for dissolved oxygen, selection table according to fields of application

Measurement of dissolved oxygen in water The amount of dissolved oxygen in water may be important for various reasons We use the polarographic measuring procedure for the different fields of application for oxygen measurements which differentiate by three to four orders of magnitude. Measurement of dissolved oxygen in boiler feedwater (ultra pure water) Measured medium with low concentrations of 1 g/l to 10 mg/l dissolved oxygen It is important that there is as little oxygen as possible in the water of steam circuits of large power plants to prevent damage caused by corrosion. The dissolved oxygen should be monitored there with an order of magnitude g O2/l water.

In these water/steam circuits, water with an extremely low contamination is required to prevent deposits which could lead to a reduction in economy and to faults. Such ultra-pure water is aggressive. A layer of insoluble Fe3O4 is formed in the pipelines and therefore builds up a protective layer. However, if dissolved oxygen is present in a water/steam circuit, it is assumed that this protective layer is attacked at the high temperatures and pressures which exist, and that damage due to corrosion may result following further effects of the dissolved oxygen. Such trace measurements can only be carried out with great difficulty in a laboratory since sampling completely free of oxygen is difficult. Furthermore, the time intervals are usually too great if it is considered that even completely invisible leaks can already easily lead to a dangerous oxygen concentration of 100 g O2/l which would probably be detected too late by occasional laboratory measurements.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Therefore industrial measuring instruments are appropriate for such cases. Such instruments should require little maintenance to provide economic use and high operational reliability, and they must also be highly sensitive trace analyzers. The feedwater inlet upstream of the boiler is recommendable as the measuring location, although measurements are occasionally also made upstream of the feedwater pump because it is then unnecessary to have expansion equipment. A second measuring location is the outlet line from the condenser. The measurement is important here in order e.g. to rapidly detect leaks on the condenser and the machine. Similar or even higher water quality demands are placed during semiconductor (chip) manufacturing. Measurement of dissolved oxygen in rivers, lakes and waste water Measured medium with medium concentrations of 50 g/l to 60 mg/l dissolved oxygen In this case, the dissolved oxygen in the water is essential to preserve life. Sufficient quantities of dissolved oxygen must be present in rivers or lakes to preserve animal life and the biological equilibrium. In sewage treatment plants, oxygen must even be introduced into the waste water to preserve and promote bacterial cultures for the biological decomposition of contaminants in the water. Economical operation is also an important factor here. In these cases, the oxygen concentration has an order of magnitude of several mg O2/l. The increasing contamination of rivers and lakes by toxic materials, organic and inorganic ballast, and by increased water temperatures resulting from the use of cooling plants means that water monitoring is becoming increasingly important. The main task of such monitoring is to guarantee biological equilibrium by using appropriate measures. This equilibrium is essential to preserve animal life and to prevent the contamination of surface water for drinking and service purposes. One of the most important measured variables is the dissolved oxygen, where concentrations of several mg O2/l must be measured. In addition to mechanical cleaning, biological clarification is used in sewage treatment plants to break down organic compounds using bacteria. A dissolved oxygen concentration of approx. 1.5 to 2.5 mg O2/l must be present in the waste water to activate and sustain this treatment process. This oxygen is passed mechanically into the aeration tanks using air. The energy required for input of air/oxygen is quite significant, and the amount of oxygen entered should therefore be carried out as economically as possible. Measurement of the dissolved oxygen in the waste water is therefore necessary. Measurement of dissolved oxygen in the food industry and in biotechnology process plants Measured medium with medium concentrations of 10 g/l to 20 mg/l dissolved oxygen A long storage life for manufactured products is becoming increasingly important in the food industry for economy reasons. For this reason, the individual parameters must be strictly checked in the production plants. The amount of dissolved oxygen is of decisive importance for the storage life of a number of products. For example, a typical value for freshly filled beer is 20 g/l, and a lower amount increases its life. This is particularly important if beer is brewed according to the German beer purity regulations which forbid the addition of conservation agents. It is important to exactly control the process sequence of biotechnology plants. An important variable is the amount of dissolved oxygen. Since food and biotechnology plants are sensitive to foreign germs, all used components must have a sterilizable design. Cleaning using steam sterilization is carried out regularly at defined intervals. It is therefore important to have a temperature-stable design of the wetted parts materials. Our stainless steel components have been proven as suitable for this technology.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Ex zone 0*) Ex zone 1**) Ex zone 2**) Not Ex zone Not Ex zone SIPAN 32 not Ex zone SIPAN 32X Ex zone 1 Ex zone 2 Keyboard Display Mains EPROM EEPROM HART interface O2 Temperature 0/4 ... 20 mA or Limit signal 0/4 ... 20 mA or Cleaning signal 0/4 ... 20 mA or Warning 0/4 ... 20 mA PROFIBUS PA 4 ... 20 mA O2 4 ... 20 mA Isolating power supply

Mains Isolating power supply



0/4 ... 20 mA



DP/PA coupler DP/PA link

Basic version Option External device

SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers, mode of operation
*) Only sensors with ATEX approval and in conjunction with SIPAN 32X **) Only with SIPAN 32X

The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X measuring equipment consist of: a sensor a flow, immersion or replacement fitting a temperature sensor a SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer.

SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X are analyzers of the new two-wire generation with state-of-the-art micro-power technology with microprocessor control and multi-segment display. The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers are optionally available with special features for process use. The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers are available in field housing. They contain the analog and digital data processing functions for the signal delivered by the sensor. A SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer can be parameterized for all measuring ranges.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Basic analyzer Inputs O2 value HART or PROFIBUS PA interface Options

Water free of oxygen absorbs oxygen when in contact with atmospheric air depending on the atmospheric pressure and the temperature until a state of equilibrium has been reached, i.e. the partial pressure of oxygen in the water is equal to that of the surrounding air. The sensors which can be combined with the SIPAN 32 analyzers operate according to the polarographic principle. The so-called Clark sensors basically consist of a precious metal working electrode (cathode), a silver reference electrode (anode) and a membrane which is permeable to oxygen.

Temperature Outputs Analog output 4 ... 20 mA with alarm > 21 mA 2nd analog output for temperature or contact for flushing function or limit value or warning (not for PROFIBUS PA)

The analyzer delivers a constant polarization voltage at the cathode. The O2 molecules diffusing through the FEP or PTFE membrane are reduced at the gold cathode, and at the same time anode metal (silver) passes into solution in the electrolyte following oxidation. Thus the circuit between the anode and cathode is closed by the passage of ions via the electrolyte. The resulting current is proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen in the measured medium and is measured by the amplifier. The quantity of oxygen diffusing through the membrane per unit of time not only depends on the external partial pressure of oxygen but also on the temperature of the membrane. To permit temperature compensation, a temperature sensor (NTC thermistor) is fitted in the oxygen sensor such that it is connected thermally to the measured medium and can therefore signal its temperature to the analyzer.
SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer


Measured value processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperature-compensated value by the digital data processing function. Oxygen Oxygen is reduced by the polarization voltage present between the working and reference electrodes according to the simplified equation: O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OHThe electrons are supplied by the silver reference electrode, simplified according to: 4Ag 4Ag+ + 4eTemperature compensation Oxygen: The input signal supplied by the sensor is converted into a standardized output signal by a range-dependent amplifier circuit. Temperature: The temperature of the measured medium is converted into a standardized output signal corresponding to a measuring range of the sensor. An NTC resistor is fitted in the sensor as the thermometer.

Output signal

Measured medium

Measured medium

Gold working electrode (cathode)

Silver counter electrode

Elektrolyte Membrane





Mode of operation of oxygen sensors with two-electrode system



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Calibration and regeneration of the oxygen sensors The sensor is calibrated using a single point (sensor is free of residual current), preferably using air. The sensor is adjusted for 100% saturation. The calibration cycle depends on the conditions of use and the required accuracy. The sensor must be regenerated, i.e. the electrolyte must be refilled and the membrane head replaced, if it can no longer be calibrated or if the membrane is damaged. The microprocessor analyzer operates with a non-linear temperature characteristic which is individually matched to the sensor to permit temperature compensation. Special characteristics of SIPAN 32 Two-wire analyzer with state-of-the-art micro-power technology Extremely simple field installation with only two wires Menu-based operation with understandable symbols (based on IEC) Complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, clearly-arranged multi-segment display Display of g/l, mg/l, mbar, ppb, hPA, % saturation Additional permanent temperature display selectable in C or F Limit monitoring Software clock Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA Automatic HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis system 3 operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Selectable tests for: display, keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM Output of defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Robust field housing (IP65/NEMA 4X) with four cable screwed glands for easy connection. Special characteristics of SIPAN 32X Intrinsic safe operation Analyzers with type of protection "Increased intrinsic safety" EEx ib[ia] can be used within the potentially explosive atmospheres (zone 1, CENELEC) With a corresponding Ex approval the measuring electrode can also be used in Zone 0. Product characteristics of SIPAN 32, communication variants Device with 4 ... 20 mA output Electrical isolation (test voltage 500 V AC) Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA Optional second passive output, freely-parameterizable as additional current output, for temperature or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm). Device with 4 ... 20 mA output and HART communication Completely parameterizable from control system via only one two-wire cable Additional communication via PC Output signal 4 to 20 mA Fault or limit output > 20 mA (additional digital status transmission via HART protocol) Central access from control system (OS, ES) to any field device using the SIEMENS PCS 7 control system Uniform operator control and monitoring of all field units (inclusive linked host units) when using SIMATIC PDM Optional second passive output, freely-parameterizable as additional current output, for temperature or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm). Device with PROFIBUS PA communication SIPAN 32 PA with bus connection to IEC 61158-2 and EN 50170, Part 4 Fixed bus current limitation in case of fault Data transmission and device supply via common bus connection Communication via PROFIBUS PA (Profile B, Version 3.0); thereby all settings completely parameterizable (up to three synchronous measured values, measuring range, limits, sensor diagnostic, operation simulation, etc.) Quality indication to the measured values: status with limits Full measured-value dynamics (discontinuation of measuredrange parameters) Central access from control system (OS, ES) to each field device using the SIEMENS PCS 7 control system Uniform operator control and monitoring of all field units (inclusive linked host units) when using SIMATIC PDM Possibility of a further diagnosis with increased disponibility of plant parts Savings of installation costs Interoperability (replacement with parameter conservation possible) Possibility of automatic tracking of the plant documentation Possibility of plant optimizing during operation. Parameter sets (option) The analyzer has four parameter sets for four methods that can be set independently from each other. This allows an optimal adaptation in a process when different media have to be measured. Switchover to the correspondent parameter set can be controlled externally (via HART or PROFIBUS PA).



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer, display and control panel



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Technical data
Display Measured value Temperature Text display Others Input display Coding Four 16-mm digits Four 8-mm digits Five digits Symbol displays Symbols 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) g/l, mg/l, mbar, ppb, hPa, % saturation Celsius, Fahrenheit observe technical data of sensors Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum full-scale value Dependent on sensor type -50 ... +150 C, dependent on sensor type Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Manual input Manual using air

Output signal

electrically isolated from sensor, 4 to 20 mA linear to measured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with a knee at 12 mA), see figure R= (U [power supply] 14 V) / 0.02 A 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min 14 V DC (14 V ... 30 V), 0.8 W, protection class II Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, non-erasable >10 years (EEPROM) Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard Software clock CE marking

Max. permissible load in Test voltage Power supply Logbook

Unit Temperature units Measuring range Measuring span (expansion) Output range Temperature compensation Measuring range for temperature Measuring span for temperature Compensation of atmospheric pressure Sensor calibration Error limits Oxygen measurement (at rated conditions) Temperature (at rated conditions) Influencing effects on measured value Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error Salinity correction

Data storage Device self-test Clock Identification

Temperature and mechanical stress Operation - Temperature DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-3 -20 C ... +60 C corresponds to 3K6 but lowest temperature 20 C without condensation 3M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-1 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 1K4 but highest temperature +70 C 1M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-2 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 2K3 2M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60529 IP65 for field devices DIN EN (IEC) 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 DIN EN (IEC) 61010-1 DIN ISO 9001/EN 29000 Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) 10 ... 95%, no condensation 2.5 kg, field housing

- Mechanical stress Storage - Temperature

<1.5% of measured value <0.3 K According to DIN IEC 746, Part 1 <0.2% of full-scale value <0.3% of full-scale value <0.2%/10 K <0.2% of full-scale value <0.1%/100 <0.2% of measured value, dependent on sensor type Possible

- Mechanical stress Transport - Temperature - Mechanical stress Water protection EMC Electrical safety Quality assurance system Material of field housing Permissible relative humidity Weight Options 2nd passive analog output

0/4 to 20 mA linear to temperature, or contact for flushing function or limit or warning (pre-alarm)

SIPAN 32X with explosion protection Explosion protection to ATEX Guideline 94/9/EC, DIN EN 50014 and DIN EN 50020 Permissible ambient temperature during operation Output signal circuit Type of protection Intrinsic safety, II (1) 2 G EEx ib[ia] IIC T4 -20 ... +60 C With type of protection Intrinsic safety EEx ia IIC only for connection to certified intrinsically-safe circuits with the following maximum values: Ui = 30 V, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 750 mW, Ri = 300



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Communication Option HART PC/laptop or HART communicator with SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzer 250 ... 500 250 ... 500 Two-wire, screened: 1.5 km HART, version 5.1

mA 20

Load with connection of HART modem Load with connection of HARTcommunicator Line Protocol Option PROFIBUS PA Power supply, bus voltage


Supplied by bus, 9 to 32 V (non Ex), 9 to 24 V for intrinsically safe operation I = 13 mA 1 mA I + 3 mA (electronic current limitation) (Imax. = 16 mA) I + 27 mA (additional fuse) (Imax. = 40 mA) PROFIBUS PA (IEC 61158 CPF3 CP3/2) Physical bus: IEC 61158-2 MBP(-IS) Polarity independent 4 connections to Master Class 2 are supported PROFIBUS PA, Profile B, Version 3.0 126 at delivery

Power consumption of the unit Max. current increase in case of error

4 KA




KA Start-of-scale value KK Knee KE Full-scale value

Linear and bent characteristic

C2 connections Unit profile Unit address



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X
Ordering data SIPAN 32 analyzer two wire system, for the measurement of dissolved oxygen microprocessor-controlled, membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, measured-value display, logbook, concentration display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, in field housing Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA without interface 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface 2 signal outputs, with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to 20 mA temperature or switching function for limit or flushing or warning PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets Order No. 7MA 3 0 4 0 8 A Ordering data SIPAN 32X analyzer with Ex protection, intrinsically safe version, II 2 (1) G EEx ib [ia] II C T4, two wire system, for the measurement of dissolved oxygen microprocessor-controlled, membrane keyboard with LC display, menu control, measured-value display, logbook, concentration display, temperature compensation, 1 parameter set, in field housing Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA without interface 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface 2 signal outputs, with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA 2nd, passive signal output: 0/4 to 20 mA temperature or switching function for limit or flushing or warning PROFIBUS PA, 4 parameter sets Order No. 7MA 3 0 4 1 8 A



Certificate according to DIN 55350-18-4.1.1 for SIPAN analyzer on request. Please order together with the analyzer in cleartype.

Order No. Isolating power supply (see FI 01, Part 6, for technical data) HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, Smart, with 24 V DC power supply, p.c.b., single locking HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, Smart, with 95-253 V AC power supply, compact subassembly, DIN rail mounting 7NG4122 1AA10

Accessories/mounting mate rial For mounting the analyzer or the isolating block on a pipeline Protective hood (SS, type No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (SS, type No. 1.4571)

Order No.

C79451 A3177 D12 7MA8500 8DG C79451 A3177 D11

7NG4122 1BA10

Base plate (SS, type No. 1.4571)



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Dimensional drawings
172 6.5 D 20.5 10 5 13 D-D






2860.2 1)

1520.2 1)

A View A 17 Bushings (3 x PG 11) knockout if required



PG 13.5 SW 24

PG 11 SW 22




3 fixing bores (M6)

SIPAN 32 analyzer, dimensions in mm



ca 30


R1 0

Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer 1 2 + 3 4 5 + 6 7 8 9 + 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 mA 24 V DC passive1) 4-20 mA Option not HART used PROFIBUS PA SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Transp. WH GN RD YE/GN




Sensors SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

O2 sensor, Oxyferm VP 7MA3100-8HD

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Core BN BU YE Screen




O2 sensor, Oxysens 7MA3100-8HG

O2 sensor, Oxygold G 7MA3100-8HA


Not used with PROFIBUS version GY gray WH white BN brown BU blue YE yellow GN green BK black

Legend of colors OR VI orange violet

SIPAN 32 or SIPAN 32X analyzer, electric connections





O2 sensor 7MA3100-8CA

SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19




Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X

Communication between SIPAN 32 with HART modem and PC



Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen SIPAN 34

4/16 4/16 4/17 4/19 4/20 4/23 4/25 4/26 4/28

Overview Benefits Application Design Function Technical data Ordering data Dimensional drawings Schematics


Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

The SIPAN 34 measuring equipment is designed to determine the concentration of oxygen in aqueous solutions within wide concentration ranges.

Benefits of SIPAN 34 Four-wire technology Sensor diagnosis Automatic Hold function Logbook to document all important events Local operation following NAMUR Three freely-programmable relays Field housing IP65 Panel housing IP54 Second output for temperature (option) Automatic atmospheric pressure correction during calibration.

SIPAN 34 for the measurement of dissolved oxygen



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

Utilization Monitoring of very low oxygen concentrations in the steam circuit of steam generating plants to prevent corrosion Checking of the oxygen content of foods, especially for monitoring storage life in the drinks industry Oxygen concentration as a decisive parameter for the environmental analysis of rivers and lakes Oxygen measurements in sewage treatment plants up to very high concentrations in the aeration tank Monitoring of the O2 requirement of microorganisms in biotechnology.

Product characteristics Almost independent of flow rate (minimum flow only 0.005 m/s), dependent on sensor Extremely long service life Automatic sensor monitoring and regeneration display Fast replacement of membrane as result of robust special membrane, insensitive to contamination Automatic correction of atmospheric pressure during calibration O2 sensor for food applications can be sterilized and can be fitted in a bypass or inline using an attachment fitting or a replacement fitting Single-point calibration of sensor using air (sensor is free of residual current) No calibration liquid required.

Very clean

1 g/l Ultra-pure water

1 mg/l

10 mg/l

50 g/l Dirty Waste water, fish farm

60 mg/l

1 g/l Sterilizable Food

20 mg/l

1 g/l

10 g/l

100 g/l

1 mg/l

10 mg/l

100 mg/l

Measuring equipment for dissolved oxygen, selection table according to fields of application

Measurement of dissolved oxygen in water The amount of dissolved oxygen in water may be important for various reasons We use the polarographic measuring procedure for the three different fields of application for oxygen measurements which differentiate by three to four orders of magnitude.

Measurement of dissolved oxygen in boiler feedwater (ultra pure water) Measured medium with low concentrations of 1 g/l to 10 mg/l dissolved oxygen It is important that there is as little oxygen as possible in the water of steam circuits of large power plants to prevent damage caused by corrosion. The dissolved oxygen should be monitored there with an order of magnitude g O2/l water. In these water/steam circuits, water with an extremely low contamination is required to prevent deposits which could lead to a reduction in economy and to faults. Such ultra-pure water is aggressive. A layer of insoluble Fe3O4 is formed in the pipelines and therefore builds up a protective layer. However, if dissolved oxygen is present in a water/steam circuit, it is assumed that this protective layer is attacked at the high temperatures and pressures which exist, and that damage due to corrosion may result following further effects of the dissolved oxygen.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
Such trace measurements can only be carried out with great difficulty in a laboratory since sampling completely free of oxygen is difficult. Furthermore, the time intervals are usually too great if it is considered that even completely invisible leaks can already easily lead to a dangerous oxygen concentration of 100 g O2/l which would probably be detected too late by occasional laboratory measurements. Therefore industrial measuring instruments are appropriate for such cases. Such instruments should require little maintenance to provide economic use and high operational reliability, and they must also be highly sensitive trace analyzers. The feedwater inlet upstream of the boiler is recommendable as the measuring location, although measurements are occasionally also made upstream of the feedwater pump because it is then unnecessary to have expansion equipment. A second measuring location is the outlet line from the condenser. The measurement is important here in order e.g. to rapidly detect leaks on the condenser and the machine. Similar or even higher water quality demands are placed during semiconductor (chip) manufacturing. Measurement of dissolved oxygen in rivers, lakes and waste water Measured medium with medium concentrations of 50 g/l to 60 mg/l dissolved oxygen In this case, the dissolved oxygen in the water is essential to preserve life. Sufficient quantities of dissolved oxygen must be present in rivers or lakes to preserve animal life and the biological equilibrium. In sewage treatment plants, oxygen must even be introduced into the waste water to preserve and promote bacterial cultures for the biological decomposition of contaminants in the water. Economical operation is also an important factor here. In these cases, the oxygen concentration has an order of magnitude of several mg O2/l. The increasing contamination of rivers and lakes by toxic materials, organic and inorganic ballast, and by increased water temperatures resulting from the use of cooling plants means that water monitoring is becoming increasingly important. The main task of such monitoring is to guarantee biological equilibrium by using appropriate measures. This equilibrium is essential to preserve animal life and to prevent the contamination of surface water for drinking and service purposes. One of the most important measured variables is the dissolved oxygen, where concentrations of several mg O2/l must be measured. In addition to mechanical cleaning, biological clarification is used in sewage treatment plants to break down organic compounds using bacteria. A dissolved oxygen concentration of approx. 1.5 to 2.5 mg O2/l must be present in the waste water to activate and sustain this treatment process. This oxygen is passed mechanically into the aeration tanks using air. The energy required for input of air/oxygen is quite significant, and the amount of oxygen entered should therefore be carried out as economically as possible. Measurement of the dissolved oxygen in the waste water is therefore necessary. Measurement of dissolved oxygen in the food industry and in biotechnology process plants Measured medium with medium concentrations of 10 g/l to 20 mg/l dissolved oxygen A long storage life for manufactured products is becoming increasingly important in the food industry for economy reasons. For this reason, the individual parameters must be strictly checked in the production plants. The amount of dissolved oxygen is of decisive importance for the storage life of a number of products. For example, a typical value for freshly filled beer is 20 g/l, and a lower amount increases its life. This is particularly important if beer is brewed according to the German beer purity regulations which forbid the addition of conservation agents. It is important to exactly control the process sequence of biotechnology plants. An important variable is the amount of dissolved oxygen. Since food and biotechnology plants are sensitive to foreign germs, all used components must have a sterilizable design. Cleaning using steam sterilization is carried out regularly at defined intervals. It is therefore important to have a temperature-stable design of the wetted parts materials. Our stainless steel components have been proven as suitable for this technology.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

SIPAN 34 Not Ex zone




O2 0/4 ... 20 mA Temperature 0/4 ... 20 mA

O2 Limit 1 Limit 2 Diagnosis: alarm A/D Temperature Warning Function check Range signaling D/D Range signaling Range signaling or Cleaning Option Fitting Flushing


D/D Range switching

Basic version Option

SIPAN 34 analyzer, mode of operation

SIPAN 34 are analyzers of the four-wire generation with state-ofthe-art micro-power technology with microprocessor control and illuminated graphic display. The SIPAN 34 analyzers are optionally available with special features for process use.

The SIPAN 34 analyzer is available in two designs: in field housing and in panel housing 96 x 96. They contain the analog and digital data processing functions for the signal delivered by the sensor. A SIPAN 34 analyzer can be parameterized for all measuring ranges.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
Measured value processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperature-compensated value by the digital data processing function. Oxygen Oxygen is reduced by the polarization voltage present between the working and reference electrodes according to the simplified equation: O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OHThe electrons are supplied by the silver reference electrode, simplified according to: 4Ag 4Ag+ + 4eTemperature compensation Oxygen: The input signal supplied by the sensor is converted into a standardized output signal by a range-dependent amplifier circuit. Temperature: The temperature of the measured medium is converted into a standardized output signal corresponding to a measuring range of the sensor. An NTC resistor is fitted in the sensor as the thermometer.

Water free of oxygen absorbs oxygen when in contact with atmospheric air depending on the atmospheric pressure and the temperature until a state of equilibrium has been reached, i.e. the partial pressure of oxygen in the water is equal to that of the surrounding air. The sensors which can be combined with the SIPAN 34 analyzers operate according to the polarographic principle. The so-called Clark sensors basically consist of a precious metal working electrode (cathode), a silver reference electrode (anode) and a membrane which is permeable to oxygen. A silver counterelectrode is also present in sensors with a threeelectrode system. The analyzer delivers a constant polarization voltage at the cathode. The O2 molecules diffusing through the FEP or PTFE membrane are reduced at the gold cathode, and at the same time anode metal (silver) passes into solution in the electrolyte following oxidation. Thus the circuit between the anode and cathode is closed by the passage of ions via the electrolyte. The resulting current is proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen in the measured medium and is measured by the amplifier. The quantity of oxygen diffusing through the membrane per unit of time not only depends on the external partial pressure of oxygen but also on the temperature of the membrane. To permit temperature compensation, a temperature sensor (NTC thermistor) is fitted in the oxygen sensor such that it is connected thermally to the measured medium and can therefore signal its temperature to the analyzer.
SIPAN 34 analyzer Mains

Basic analyzer Inputs


Dissolved oxygen Remote range switching for 4 parameter sets, thus access to 4 complete parameter sets for complete methods incl. measuring ranges, limits, Temperature temp. compensation, hysteresis Outputs Analog output Contacts 1 x failure 1 x limit 2 x NAMUR contacts

Output signal

2nd analog output for temperature

Second limit

2 limits with control function

3 x cleaning or 3 x range signaling contacts

Power supply

Measured medium

Measured medium

Silver reference electrode

Gold working electrode (cathode)

Silver counterelectrode

Electrolyte Membrane





Mode of operation of oxygen sensors with three-electrode system



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
Calibration and regeneration of the oxygen sensors The sensor is calibrated using a single point (sensor is free of residual current), preferably using air. The sensor is adjusted for 100% saturation. The calibration cycle depends on the conditions of use and the required accuracy. The sensor must be regenerated, i.e. the electrolyte must be refilled and the membrane head replaced, if it can no longer be calibrated or if the membrane is damaged. The microprocessor analyzer operates with a non-linear temperature characteristic which is individually matched to the sensor to permit temperature compensation. Special characteristics Four-wire analyzer with extremely easy operation Universal power supply (24 V AC/DC, 115 V AC, 230 V AC) Complete basic configuration Self-explanatory menu operation in plain text in five languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian), without Instructions Manual, help function Operation according to NAMUR, i.e. complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, illuminated, full-graphic display Display of g/l; mg/l; mbar; ppb; hPa; % saturation Additional permanent bargraph of measuring range Graphic trend display of measured value Additional permanent temperature display in C Output signal 0/4 to 20 mA, floating Freely-programmable, permanent measuring-point designation (saves tag labels) Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Fault and limit contacts Maintenance switch with automatic HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis and preventive maintenance system in plain text 3 operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Selectable tests for: keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display Output of freely-defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Panel housing made completely of metal, CE safety for every control cabinet installation engineer Robust field housing (IP65) with seven cable screwed glands for easy connection No special or expensive mounting set required for wall or panel mounting. Optional characteristics Second current output for measured value or temperature with additional limit Four parameter sets with remote selection for complete methods, not only for measuring ranges, e.g. also limits, physical dimensions, hysteresis Individual calibration of each parameter set possible Automatic cleaning function (3 relays) for cleaning, flushing, fitting control with cyclic time input, maintenance and holding functions Two-point controller for pulse length (dosing valves) or pulse frequency (diaphragm pumps) Additional switching contacts for maintenance (function check) and pre-alarm (warning). An NTC thermistor is mounted in the sensor as thermometer. Parameter sets (option) The analyzer has four complete parameter sets for four methods that can be set independently from each other. This allows an optimal adaptation in a process when different media have to be measured one after another with one line. Switchover to the correspondent parameter set can be controlled externally.
Method number Medium Range Dimension Limit 1 2 3 4

Biofermenter Water 20 ... 30 g/l 30 max. 0.001 ... 1 mg/l 0.5 max.

Biofermenter Water 30 ... 400 g/l 300 min. 0.001 ... 1 mg/l 0.8 min.

Method switchover



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

SIPAN 34 analyzer, display and control panel



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

Technical data
Display Measured value graphic Four 15-mm digits or trend display 5 bars, 3 mm high 3-mm digits current output as bargraph 3 mm high 8 lines of text 1 heading (inverted display) and 6 text lines, type size 4 mm LED 5: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish; selectable 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) g/l, mg/l, mbar, ppb, hPa, % saturation Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum full-scale value Dependent on sensor type Input: NTC: -10 to +140 C, dependent on sensor type Any, but at least 10% of measuring range Automatic, by barometric pressure correction or manual Manual using air Input and output are electrically isolated

Influencing effects on mea sured value Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Test voltage Zero error

According to DIN IEC 746, Part 1 <0.2% of full-scale value <0.3% of full-scale value <0.2%/10 K <0.2% of full-scale value <0.1%/100 500 V AC, 50 Hz, 1 min <0.2% of measured value 1 g/l (7MA3100-8CC, -8CE, -8CD) 5 g/l (other sensors), dependent on sensor type Possible 4 to 20 mA, floating, linear to measured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with a knee at 12 mA), see figure 750 0 or 21 mA (0 to 20 mA) 3.6 mA or 21 mA (4 to 20 mA) 1 NO or NC contact selectable, adjustable hysteresis and response time 1 alarm (failure) Two, pre-alarm and maintenance Rating 24 V DC, 1 A Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, non-erasable >10 years (EEPROM) Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard, data can be called on display Software clock According to IEC 79-15; conformity certificate CE marking

Temperature, alarms, measuringpoint identification Operator input

Illumination Languages Coding

Salinity correction Output signal

Dimension Measuring span O2 (expansion) Output range Temperature compensation Measuring range for temperature Measuring span for temperature Compensation of atmospheric pressure Sensor calibration Electrical isolation Error limits Temperature (at rated conditions)

Max. permissible load in Current limiting Limit

Alarm contact Diagnostic contacts Relay contacts Logbook

Data storage Device self-test

<0.3 K Clock Protection Identification



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
Temperature and mechanical stress Operation - Temperature DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-3 -20 C ... +60 C corresponds to 3K6 but lowest temperature 20 C without condensation -5 C ... +70 C corresponds to 3K3 but highest temperature +70 C for panel mounting 3M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-1 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 1K4 but highest temperature +70 C 1M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60721-3-2 -25 C ... +70 C corresponds to 2K3 2M2 DIN EN (IEC) 60529 IP65 for field devices IP54 for panel mounting DIN EN (IEC) 61326 and NAMUR NE 21 DIN EN (IEC) 61010-1 DIN ISO 9001/EN 29000 Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) Aluminium 10 ... 95%, no condensation 120 V AC (94 V ... 132 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 230 V AC (187 V ... 264 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V AC (20 V ... 26 V), 48 ... 63 Hz, 10 VA 24 V DC (20 V ... 30 V), 8 VA, protection class II (field housing) 2.5 kg field housing 2.0 kg panel mounting housing Options Second output signal Additional limit 0/4 ... 20 mA, linear to temperature 1 x NO or NC contact selectable, any assignment to measured value or temperature 4 Signalling of current measuring range (3 contacts) 3, fitting control, cleaning and flushing 4, parameterizable as desired using range selection; external control possible 2 floating contacts (instead of limits) as PI controller

Parameter sets Range signalling Cleaning contacts with timer Range switchover

- Mechanical stress Storage - Temperature

- Mechanical stress Transport - Temperature - Mechanical stress Water protection


mA 20

EMC Electrical safety Quality assurance system Material of field housing Panel mounting housing Permissible relative humidity Power supply


0/4 KA



KA Start-of-scale value KK Knee KE Full-scale value

Linear and bent characteristic




Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen
Ordering data SIPAN 34 analyzer four wire system, for the measurement of dissolved oxygen microprocessor-based with illuminated graphic display, membrane keyboard, menu-based operation (5 languages), trend display, concentration display, logbook, temperature compensation, barometric pressure compensation, 1 parameter set, 1 signal output 0/4 to 20 mA, 1 alarm contact, 1 limit contact, 2 diagnostic contacts Power supply 24 V DC/24 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz 120 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz 230 V AC, 48 ... 63 Hz Measuring procedure Food Waste water Ultra-pure water Instrument design Field housing Panel housing 96 x 96 Without additional option With second signal output 0/4 ... 20 mA, and second limit With four selectable parameter sets and three range signalling contacts With second signal output 0/4 ... 20 mA and with four selectable parameter sets and three range signalling contacts Limits with controller function Without With Automatic cleaning/flushing (3 contacts + timer for fitting, cleaning, flushing) Without With Order No. 7MA 3 0 3 4

Accessories/mounting mate rial For mounting the analyzer or the isolating block on a pipeline Protective hood (SS, type No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (SS, type No. 1.4571) Base plate (SS, type No. 1.4571)

Order No.

0 0

C79451 A3177 D12 7MA8500 8DG C79451 A3177 D11

0 1 2 A B C A B 0 1 2 3



Certificate according to DIN 55350-18-4.1.1 for SIPAN analyzer on request. Please order together with the analyzer in cleartype.



Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

Dimensional drawings
172 6.5 D 20.5 10 5 13 D-D







2860.2 1)

1520.2 1)

A View A 17



PG 13.5 SW 24

PG 11 SW 22




3 fixing bores (M6)

SIPAN 34 analyzer as field housing, dimensions in mm



ca 30


R1 0

Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen









9 11


0 ... 6 8 282

18 67

SIPAN 34 analyzer as panel mounting instrument, dimensions in mm





Liquid Analysis
Analyzer for Dissolved Oxygen

SIPAN 34 1 2 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
+24 V

18 19
+24 V +24 V


21 22
20 mA

Pre-alarm warning

Signaling Range 3

Selection Range 3

24 V AC 110 V AC 230 V AC

Limit 2

Functional check

Signaling Range 4

Selection Range 4


Option 12 13 14 15 23



SIPAN 34 26

20 mA




Cleaning O2 sensor 7MA3100-8CC, 7MA3100-8CD, 7MA3100-8CE, 7MA3100-8CF

SIPAN 34 23

SIPAN 34 28 29 30 23

Transp. RD









28 29






Core BN



O2 measurement O2 sensor, Oxyferm VP 7MA3100-8HD

NTC O2 measurement


O2 measurement O2 sensor 7MA3100-8CA

O2 sensor, Oxysens 7MA3100-8HG

Legend of colors RD red VI violet GY gray WH white BN brown BU blue YE yellow GN green BK black

SIPAN 34 analyzer, electric connections




O2 measurement SIPAN 34 26 27 28 29 30




24 V DC

Limit 1

Alarm Failure

Signaling Range 2

Selection Range 2

Dissolved O2


28 29



Core capabilities.

HACH LANGE services.


Wastewater. Made-to-measure solutions for wastewater analysis in the municipal and industrial sectors. Drinking water. Assured safety analysis for suppliers and consumers. Process water. Process and laboratory analysis for special analytical problems and production conditions.

Ordering, information and advice: [email protected]


Seminars and workshops: further training and exchange of experience for analysis in practice.


On-site support by our technical field staff.

Quality assurance, complete with standard solutions, instrument checks and test solutions. up to date and secure, with downloads, information and shop.

Assurance of legal compliance, together with environmental protection through collection of used reagents.

Reliable operation of all instruments thanks to flexible service and maintenance contracts.

Regular customer information by post and email.

HACH LANGE GMBH Willsttterstrae 11 D-40549 Dsseldorf Tel. + 49 (0) 2 11 52 88-0 Fax + 49 (0) 2 11 52 88-143 [email protected]


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