Lab 5

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Chloroethane or monochloroethane, commonly known by its old name ethyl chloride, is a chemical compound with chemical formula C2H5Cl, once widely used in

producing tetraethyllead, a gasoline additive. It is a colorless, flammable gas or refrigerated liquid with a faintly sweet odor. Ethyl chloride is a chemical compound with chemical formula C2H5Cl, once widely used in producing tetra-ethyl lead, a gasoline additive. It is a colourless, flammable gas or refrigerated liquid with a faintly sweet odour. Ethyl chloride is produced by the reaction of ethylene and hydrogen chloride over an aluminium chloride catalyst at temperatures ranging from 130-250C. Under these conditions, ethyl chloride is produced according to the chemical equation: C2H4 + HCl C2H5Cl At various times in the past, ethyl chloride has also been produced from ethanol and hydrochloric acid, or from ethane and chlorine, but these routes are no longer economical. Some ethyl chloride is generated as a by-product of polyvinyl chloride production. Industrial use of this chlorinated hydrocarbon has declined sharply due to environmental concerns. In fact, the only consistent use of this chemical in manufacturing today is in the production of cosmetics and paints, where it is used to enhance the binding and thickening properties of cellulose. Ethyl chloride has retained value as a skin coolant and anaesthetics, however, and has emerged as a treatment for pain relief from muscle soreness. Ethane may be chlorinated thermally, catalytically, photochemically or electrolytically. Monochlorination is favoured because ethyl chloride chlorinates at about one-fourth of the rate of which it is itself produced from ethane. Thermal chlorination of ethane is generally carried out at 250-500 C. The chlorine and ethane are brought together in a fluid bed of finely, inert, solid heat-transfer medium at 380-440 C the linear velocity of the gas is sufficient to maintain the finely divided solid in suspension within the reactor. The chlorination of ethane may be catalyzed by bringing the reacting gases into contact with metal chlorides, or crystalline carbon. Photochemical chlorination is not used industrially

To install and converge a conversion reactor To simulate a process involving reaction and separation To use the Recycle operation in HYSYS

PRODUCTION OF ETHYL CHLORIDE Process: One of the routes to produce ethyl chloride is by the gas-phase reaction of HCl with ethylene over a copper chloride catalyst supported on silica: C2H4 + HCl - C2H5Cl In this process, the feed stream is composed of 50 mol% HCl, 48 mol% C2H4 and 2 mol% N2 at 100 kmol/hr, at 25oC and 1 atm. Since the reaction only achieves 90 mol% conversion, the ethyl chloride product is separated from the unreacted reagents and the latter are recycled. The separation process is operated at atmospheric pressure and pressure drops are ignored. To prevent the accumulation of inerts in the system, 10 kmol/hr is withdrawn in a purge stream. Hints: 1. Use Peng-Robinson equation of state (Use SI unit) 2. Assumed no pressure drop in all equipment 3. Use the TEE model to split the distillate into purge stream and recycle stream 4. Always specify/guess the outlet stream of the Recycle, never the inlet 5. Specify the mole fraction of the outlet of the Recycle, equal to the mole fraction of the feed with a flow rate of zero 6. Process flow as shown in the following diagram

1. ASPEN PLUS User interface is open and the blank simulation was select. 2. For the first test, Stoic reactor, and heater flash2 separator is place in the simulation. 3. The entire stream was connected as can saw in PFD below. 4. The given information from question is entering into the simulation including the reaction. 5. The simulation was run and the result from the run was shown in the workbook below. 6. For the second test recycle stream was introduce. 7. Stoic reactor, 2 heater, 2 splitter, and two outlet separator was place in the new simulation. 8. Step 3 to step 5 was follow and the result of the to test is compare




Heat and Material Balance Table Strea m ID Fro m To Phase Substream: MIXED Mole Flow HCL C2H4 N2 C2H5CL To tal Flo w To tal Flo w To tal Flo w Temperature Pressure Va por Frac Liquid Fra c Solid Fra c Enthalpy Enthalpy Enthalpy Entropy Entropy Density Density Average MW Liq Vo l 60F cum/sec J/kmo l J/kg Watt J/kmo l-K J/kg-K kmol/cum kg/cum kmol/hr kg/hr cum/sec C atm kmol/hr 50 .00 000 48 .00 000 2.000 000 0.0 10 0.0 000 32 25.639 .6754 760 25 .00 000 1.000 000 1.000 000 0.0 0.0 -2 .099 3E+7 -6 .508 2E+5 -5 .831 4E+5 -1426 4.0 2 -442.207 6 .0411 232 1.326 488 32 .25 639 1.9031 0E-3 6.800 000 4.800 000 2.000 000 43 .20 000 56 .80 000 32 25.639 .3787 914 25 .00 000 1.000 000 1.000 000 0.0 0.0 -9 .214 8E+7 -1 .622 6E+6 -1 .453 9E+6 -1 .292 8E+5 -2276 .45 7 .0416 529 2.365 447 56 .78 943 1.1198 7E-3 6.800 000 4.800 000 2.000 000 43 .20 000 56 .80 000 32 25.639 .0114 614 -93.8000 0 1.000 000 .0460 499 .9539 501 0.0 -1 .225 0E+8 -2 .157 2E+6 -1 .932 8E+6 -2 .499 6E+5 -4401 .58 7 1.376 598 78 .17 623 56 .78 943 1.1198 7E-3 .1914 239 .4899 899 1.931 456 2.7660 5E-3 2.615 635 75 .01 074 .0106 114 -93.8000 0 1.000 000 1.000 000 0.0 0.0 -7 .298 5E+5 -2545 0.0 5 -530.285 4 -1907 7.0 6 -665.219 9 .0684 699 1.963 569 28 .67 783 4.3168 5E-5 6.608 576 4.310 010 .0685 444 43 .19 723 54 .18 436 31 50.629 8.4997 4E-4 -93.8000 0 1.000 000 0.0 1.000 000 0.0 -1 .283 8E+8 -2 .207 9E+6 -1 .932 3E+6 -2 .611 1E+5 -4490 .54 3 17 .70 786 10 29.649 58 .14 645 1.0767 0E-3 R-1 01 VAPOR 1 2 R-1 01 E-101 VAPOR 3 E-101 V-101 MIXED VAPOR LIQUID 4 V-101 5 V-101


Heat and Material Balance Table Stream ID From To Phase Substream: MIXED Mole Flow HCL C2H4 N2 C2H5CL Total Flow Total Flow Total Flow Temperature Pressure Vapor Frac Liquid Frac Solid Frac Enthalpy Enthalpy Enthalpy Entropy Entropy Density Density Average MW Liq Vol 60F cum/sec J/kmol J/kg Watt J/kmol-K J/kg-K kmol/cum kg/cum kmol/hr kg/hr cum/sec C atm kmol/hr 50.00000 48.00000 2.000000 0.0 100.0000 3225.639 .6754760 25.00000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -2.0993E+7 -6.5082E+5 -5.8314E+5 -14264.02 -442.2076 .0411232 1.326488 32.25639 1.90310E-3 51.80000 49.27044 2.529560 1.7599E-12 103.6000 3341.744 .6998194 24.99969 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -2.1225E+7 -6.5800E+5 -6.1080E+5 -13914.86 -431.3854 .0411217 1.326431 32.25622 1.96765E-3 7.456604 4.927044 2.529560 44.34340 59.25660 3341.744 .3953246 25.00000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -9.1407E+7 -1.6209E+6 -1.5046E+6 -1.2676E+5 -2247.747 .0416370 2.348101 56.39446 1.16369E-3 7.456604 4.927044 2.529560 44.34340 59.25660 3341.744 .0143640 -93.80000 1.000000 .0561119 .9438880 0.0 -1.2143E+8 -2.1532E+6 -1.9987E+6 -2.4643E+5 -4369.741 1.145932 64.62419 56.39446 1.16369E-3 6.800000 4.799440 2.000560 6.6486E-12 13.60000 438.6173 .0544891 -93.80000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -3.1532E+7 -9.7769E+5 -1.1912E+5 -22144.61 -686.6275 .0693308 2.236008 32.25127 2.43863E-4 .6566040 .1276040 .5290000 44.34340 45.65660 2903.127 2.64394E-3 -93.80000 1.000000 .0101179 .9898820 0.0 -1.4463E+8 -2.2746E+6 -1.8343E+6 -2.9704E+5 -4671.496 4.796776 305.0084 63.58613 9.19827E-4 5.000000 3.529000 1.471000 4.8887E-12 10.00000 322.5127 .0400655 -93.80000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -3.1532E+7 -9.7769E+5 -87588.42 -22144.61 -686.6275 .0693308 2.236008 32.25127 1.79311E-4 1.800000 1.270440 .5295600 1.7599E-12 3.600000 116.1046 .0144235 -93.80000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -3.1532E+7 -9.7769E+5 -31531.83 -22144.61 -686.6275 .0693308 2.236008 32.25127 6.45520E-5 1.800000 1.270440 .5295600 1.7599E-12 3.600000 116.1046 .0243428 25.00000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0 0.0 -2.7661E+7 -8.5766E+5 -27660.51 -5639.478 -174.8606 .0410798 1.324879 32.25127 6.45520E-5 M-101 VAPOR 1 2 M-101 R-101 VAPOR 3 R-101 E-101 VAPOR 4 E-101 V-101 MIXED 5 V-101 S-101 VAPOR MIXED VAPOR 6 V-101 7 S-101 8 S-101 E-102 VAPOR 9 E-102 M-101 VAPOR


1. What is the mole fraction for each component at the effluent of the catalytic reactor before recycle? Before recycle, the mole fraction for each component is 0.5 for HCL,0.48 for C2H4, 0.02 nitrogen and none C2H5CL. After the recycle effluent, the mole fraction for each component is 0.4996 for HCL, 0.4752 for C2H4, 0.0251 nitrogen and 1.6398e-14 respectively.

2. How to get 100% purity of ethyl chloride? By adding a distillation column.

3. What is the flow rate of the recycle stream? (in kgmole/h) The flow rate of recycle stream is 116.1046 kgmole/h.

This experiment is about the production ethyl chloride by the gas-phase reaction of HCl with ethylene over a copper chloride catalyst on silica. The main objectives of this experiment are to install and converge a conversion reactor, to simulate a process involving reaction and separation and to use Recycle operation in HYSYS. In this process, 50 mol% of HCl, 48 mol% of C2H4 and 2 mol% of N2 were fed at 100 kmol/hr and 1 atm. Peng-Robinson equation of state was chosen as the fluid package and no pressure drop was assumed in all equipment. Then, the entire component is fed to a conversion reactor where 90% conversion was achieved. Initially, the mole fraction for each component at the effluent of the catalytic reactor is 51.80000 kmol/hr, for HCL, 49.27044kmol/hr for C2H4, 2.529560kmol/hr nitrogen and 1.7599e12 respectively. For this reaction, the conversion reached only 90%, so to achieve pure 100% ethyl chloride; the ethyl chloride product must be separated from the unreacted reagents by using a distillation column. Since the reaction is in vapour phase, the vapour effluent from the reactor was The product from distillation column is passes through the splitter to divide the product and unreacted reactant to recycle stream. Small amount of product is also channeling in to the recycle stream. Therefore the flowrate for each component is increase, from 50.00000 kmol/hr for HCL,48.00000kmol/hr for C2H4, 2.00000kmol/hr nitrogen and none C2H5CL to51.80000 kmol/hr for HCL, 49.27044kmol/hr for C2H4, 2.529560kmol/hr nitrogen and 1.7599e-12 respectively

As the conclusion, this laboratory work is successful. The conversion was successfully installed and converged, a process involving reaction and separation was simulated and the Recycle operation in ASPEN was used. The mole fraction for each component before recycle stream is 0.5 for HCL,0.48 for C2H4, 0.02 nitrogen and none C2H5CL. After the recycle effluent, the mole fraction for each component is 0.4996 for HCL, 0.4752 for C2H4, 0.0251 nitrogen and 1.6398e-14 respectively




No. 1 2 3 4

Title Procedure Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Workbook Theory/Questions/Discussion TOTAL MARKS

Allocated Marks (%) 10 20 30 40 100



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