Essential Features TDD Access Mode
Essential Features TDD Access Mode
L1.0000 Layer 1
L1.A000 Physical Channels
L1.A001 PRACH M 1 kind of slot format is specified for Random- Burst type 3 E E
access message data fields
L1.A002 M E E
L1.A010 PNBSCH O Applicable in Base station only. used for over air Burst type 3 N N
Node B sync
1 time slot - Rach PRACH
L1.A011 Transport Channels
L1.A012 BCH M Fun E E
L1.A013 PCH M Fun E E
L1.A014 FACH M Fun E E
L1.A015 RACH M Fun E E
L1.A016 DCH M Fun E E
L1.A017 DSCH O/ O for Network; M for UE for all but lowest class Fun E E
L1.A018 USCH O/ O for Network; M for UE for all but lowest class Fun E E
L1.A019 TrCH Multiplexing
L1.A020 SCCPCH carrying M Specifying whether PCH and FACH are carried on Fun E E
PCH a single SCCPCH.
L1.A021 SCCPCH carrying M Specifying whether PCH and FACH are carried on Fun E E
FACH multiplexing a single SCCPCH.
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L1.A022 SCCPCH carrying M Specifying whether PCH and FACH are carried on Fun E E
L1.A023 Scrambling codes
L1.A024 M Fun E E
Scrambling sequence
L1.A025 Spreading
L1.A026 Support for SF1 on O Support for SF1 allows the full resource space to Fun E E
UL and DL be allocated to a single UE
L1.A027 Transport format detection
L1.A028 TFCI based detection M Applicable when the transport format combination Fun E E
is signalled using the TFCI field
L1.A029 Paging
L1.A030 Number of PI (Paging M Number of paging indicators per time slot (Np) (60, 30, 15) E E
Indicator) per frame
burst type 1
L1.A031 Number of PI (Paging M Number of paging indicators per time slot (Np) (68, 34, 17) E E
Indicator) per frame
burst type 2
L1.A034 UE Positioning
L1.A035 Support for Enhanced O/ Mandatory in UE (no impact to UE - UE does Fun N N
Cell-ID M nothing special to support), optional in network.
Network identifies UE based on what cell it is in.
If UE cell ID is not known, network pages UE and
UE replies with cell ID
L1.A036 Support for stand- O Optional in UE. Applicable to UE with complete Fun N N
alone location GPS receiver, not requiring network assistance;
determination UE signals network whether or it supports this
optional feature
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L1.A037 Support for OTDOA O/ TDD UE must support/assist network-based Fun E for UE E for UE
(UE assisted) M OTDOA through reporting of SFN-SFN Type 2
measurement upon request;
optional in the Network
L1.A038 Support for OTDOA O Calculation of UE position by the UE using Fun N N
(UE based) OTDOA (SFN-SFN type 2 measurement);
optional in UE; UE signals capability to
support/not support to the network
L1.A039 Support for IPDL O Idle Period DL is used to enhance the hearibility of Fun N N
(OTDOA) neighboring cells by UE in order to measure SFN-
SFN type 2 on P-CCPCH with improved accuracy
(This is an optional UE capability; UE signals
capability to support/not support to the Network)
L1.A040 Assisted GPS O Optional - only applies to UEs with GPS. UE Fun N N
signals capability to support/not support to the
L1.A041 Idle Periods
L1.A042 Continuous mode O/ The idle periods are active all the time.O in Fun E in UE to E in UE to
M network, M in UE - UE must be able to understand understand
understand existence of idle periods existence; N for existence; N for
Network Network
L1.A043 Burst mode O/ The idle periods are arranged in bursts where each Fun E in UE to E in UE to
M burst contains enough idle periods to allow a UE understand understand
to make sufficient measurements for its location to existence; N for existence; N for
be calculated. O for Network, M for UE Network Network
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L1.A051 Minimum DL Power M This parameter indicates the minimum DL power INTEGER (-350 ..150) E E
for a DPCH code, relative to the P-CCPCH Tx Unit: dB Range: -
Power of that cell. The reference point is the 35..+15 dB Step: 0.1 dB
antenna connector
L1.A052 Maximum DL Power M This parameter indicates the maximum DL power INTEGER (-350 ..150) E E
for a DPCH relative to the P-CCPCH Tx Power of Unit: dB Range: -
that cell. The reference point is the antenna 35..+15 dB Step: 0.1 dB
L1.A053 TPC-Step Size M The step of the power increase or decrease of the T Par: 1, 2, 3 dB E E
L1.A055 Inner-loop power O/ PDSCH power increased or decreased based on Fun E E
control M power control commands sent by the UE on the
UL DPCH or PUSCH. The ability to perform
inner loop power control (generation and
transmission of TPC bits) is mandatory in the UE;
utilization of inner loop power control for PDSCH
is optional in the network
L1.A056 Other procedures O If the network chooses not to utilize inner loop Fun N N
power control, it may maintain fixed power or use
a proprietary means to increase or decrease
PDSCH power; procedure would be within the
network only and have no impact on the UE
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L1.A066 Node B Sync Based O Network feature only. Uses optional sync port N N
on input synch signal
from another Node B
L1.A067 Over-the-air Node B O Network feature only. Utilizes optional special N N
Sync over-the-air-bursts, which are measured by the
various Node Bs/cells and reported back to the
RNC. The RNC calculates SFN and timing offsets
based on these measurements and sends timing
update information to each Node B via Iub
messaging. At least one cell in the RNC area must
have an external absolute timing reference (e.g.
L1.A068 Cell Sync Burst O N N
Timing Network measurement for over-air Node B sync Fun
L1.A069 Cell Sync Burst SIR O N N
Network measurement for over-air Node B sync Fun
L1.A070 DL Transmit diversity
L1.A071 Time Switched O/ TSTD can be applied to the SCH. TSTD is Fun E E
Transmit Diversity M optional in UTRAN, while it is mandatory in the
(TSTD) UE. (No impact to UE; UE does nothing special to
L1.A072 Transmit Diversity on O This method is optional in UTRAN. The spread Fun E E
DPCH and PDSCH complex valued signal is fed to both TX antenna
branches, and weighted with antenna specific
weight factors w 1 and w 2 . These weight factors
are calculated on a per slot and per user basis.
(No impact to UE; UE does nothing special to
L1.A073 Space Code Transmit O/ This method is optional in UTRAN while it is Fun E E
Diversity (SCTD) on M mandatory in the UE.
beacon channels
L1.A074 Bit rate of SDCCH M GSM channel. For UE supporting TDD and GSM 1.7, 3.4, 13.6 kbps E 3.4, 13.6 kbps E 3.4, 13.6 kbps
only, E in UE to understand existence
L1.A075 Receiver diversity
L1.A076 Base Station Receiver O Optional for the network . Support has no impact E E
Diversity on the UE
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L1.A078 Base Station Rx O Base Station receiver feature only. Not req'd by N N
Adaptive Antennas the standards (not in R4 standards). No impact on
UE. Enhancement for the future for improved UL
L2.0000 Layer 2
L2.M000 Layer 2 - MAC
L2.M001 Logical channels M Fun E E
mapped on
L2.M002 Logical channels O/ O for Network, M for UE for all but lowest class Fun E E
mapped on DSCH M
L2.M003 Logical channels O/ O for Network, M for UE for all but lowest class Fun E E
mapped on USCH M
L2.M004 Logical channels M Fun E E
mapped on DCH
L2.M005 Logical channels M Fun E E
mapped on BCH
L2.M006 Logical channels M Fun E E
mapped on PCH
L2.P000 Layer 2 - PDCP
L2.P001 ROHC profiles O Robust Header Compression Fun N N
L2.P002 RFC 2507 Header M Header Compression Fun E E
L2.P003 Lossless relocation O Fun N N
(header size)
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L2.R003 Acknowledged Mode M The RLC sublayer consists of RLC entities, of Fun E E
which there are three types: Transparent Mode
(TM), Unacknowledged Mode (UM), and
Acknowledged Mode (AM) RLC entities
L3.0000 Layer 3
L3.R000 Layer 3 - RRC
L3.R001 System Information Block
L3.R002 SIB 1 M contains NAS system information as well as UE E E
timers and counters to be used in idle mode and in
connected mode.
L3.R003 SIB 2 M contains the URA identity. (used in URA_PCH E URA_PCH for E URA_PCH for
state only) battery battery
consumption consumption
L3.R004 SIB 3 M contains parameters for cell selection and re- E E
selection (idle and connected).
L3.R005 SIB 4 O/ contains parameters for cell selection and re- N N
M selection to be used in connected mode only if
parameters are different from idle mode.
Mandatory for UE.
L3.R006 SIB 5 M contains parameters for the configuration of the E E
common physical channels in the cell.
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L3.R023 Measurements
L3.R024 Intra-frequency measurements
L3.R025 1g M Change of best cell ( trigger for TDD-TDD intra- Fun E E
freq Handover)
L3.R026 1h M Timeslot ISCP below a certain threshold (TDD) Fun E E
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
- 9/14 -
Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
- 10/14 -
Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
- 11/14 -
Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L3.R086 GSM Carrier RSSI M is applied for measurement quantity for inter-RAT Fun E E
measurements (used for TDD-GSM Handover).
For UEs supporting TDD and GSM only
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Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
- 13/14 -
Worksheet in C: Documents and Settings tskinner Desktop 3TF01201.doc - Essential_Features 02-12-2003
Provisional Marks:
M = UE Mandatory
Values Essential Range
O = UE Optional Re- Option type
Label - = Non UE feat. lea- Description Funtionality = Fun E = Essential
se or Parameter Range N = Non-Essential
L3.R127 Reconfiguration
L3.R128 RB reconfiguration
L3.R129 TFS reconfiguration M is applied for RB reconfiguration Fun E E
L3.R134 Handover
L3.R135 Timing maintain HHO M is applied for HHO. Fun E E
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The RAB/RB combinations for the TDD Access Mode
Provisional Marks:
RAB/RB combinations GCF priorities E = Essential Services
N = Non-Essential Comments
34.108 N N
34.108 N N
34.108 Conversational / speech / UL:12.2 E E
64K UL&DL DL:12.2 kbps / CS RAB + Conversational
/ unknown / UL:64 DL:64 kbps / CS
w/20ms TTI RAB + UL:3.4 DL:3.4 kbps SRBs for
DCCH / 20 ms TTI