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E-E Relationship; GROs & Night Clubs (1999) FACTS: Solar Plexus Bar and Night Club allowed

by tolerance fifty (50) Guest Relations Officers (GRO) to work without compensation in its establishment under the direct supervision of its Manager from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. everyday, including Sundays and holidays. The GROs, however, are free to ply their trade elsewhere at anytime but once they enter the premises of the night club, they are required to stay up to closing time. The GROs earned their keep exclusively from commissions for food and drinks, and tips from generous customers. In time, the GROs formed the Solar Ugnayan ng mga Kababaihang Inaapi (SUKI); a labor union duly registered with DOLE. Subsequently, SUKI filed a petition for certification election in order to be recognized as the exclusive bargaining agent of its members. Solar Plexus opposed the petition for certification election on the singular ground of absence of employeremployee relationship between the GROs on one hand and the night club on the other hand. May the GROs form SUKI as a labor organization for purposes of collective bargaining? Explain briefly. (5%). SUGGESTED ANSWER: The GROs may form SUKI as a labor organization for purposes of collective bargaining. There is an employer-employee relationship between the GROs and the night club. The Labor Code (in Article 138) provides that any woman who is permitted or suffered to work, with or without compensation, in any nightclub, cock tail lounge, massage clinic, bar or similar establishment, under the effective control or supervision of the employer for a substantial period of time as determined by the Secretary of Labor, shall be considered as an employee of such establishment for purposes of labor and social legislation. In the case at bar, it is clearly stated that the women once they enter the premises of the night club would be under the direct supervision of the manager from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. everyday including Sundays and holidays. Such is indicative of an employer-employee relationship since the manager would be exercising the right of control. Right to Strike; Industries Vital to National Interest; Return to Work Order (1996) A deadlock in the negotiations for the collective bargaining agreement between X College and the Union prompted the latter, after duly notifying the

DOLE, to declare a strike on November 5 which totally paralyzed the operations of the school. The Labor Secretary immediately assumed Jurisdiction over the dispute and issued on the same day (November 5) a return to work order. Upon receipt of the order, the striking union officers and members on November 7, filed a motion for reconsideration thereof questioning the Labor Secretary's assumption of jurisdiction, and continued with the strike during the pendency of their motion. On November 30, the Labor Secretary denied reconsideration of his return to work order and further noting the striker's failure to immediately return to work terminated their employment. In assailing the Labor Secretary's decision, the Union contends that: 1. the Labor Secretary erroneously assumed jurisdiction over the dispute since X College could not be considered an industry indispensable to national interest; 2. the strikers were under no obligation to immediately comply with the November 5 return to work order because of their then pending motion for reconsideration of such order: and 3. the strike being legal, the employment of the striking Union officers and members cannot be terminated. Rule on these contention. Explain. SUGGESTED ANSWERS: 1} The Supreme Court has already ruled that educational institutions are in an industry indispensable to the national interest, considering the grave adverse effects that their closure entails on their students and teachers. 2) The striking workers must immediately comply with a Return to Work Order even pending their motion for reconsideration. Compliance is a duty imposed by law, and a Return to Work Order is immediately executory in character. The nature of a Return to Work Order, was characterized by the Supreme Court in Sarmiento v. Juico, 162 SCRA 676 (1988) as: It is also important to emphasize that the return to work order not so much confers a right as it imposes a duty. It must be discharged as a duty even against the workers' will. Returning to work in this situation is not a matter of options or voluntariness but of obligation. In Baguio Colleges Foundation v. NLRC, 222 SCRA 604 (1993) the Court ruled: Assumption and certification orders are executory in character and are to be strictly

complied with by the parties even during the pendency of any petition questioning their validity. 3) The continuing strike is illegal because it is in defiance of a return to work order of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, hence, termination of employment of all those who participated whether officer or member, is legal. In Sta. Scholastica's College v. Torres. 210 SCRA 565 (1992), the Court ruled: Any worker or union officer who knowingly participates in a strike defying a return to work order may, consequently, be declared to have lost his employment status in accordance with Art. 246 of the Labor Code. Self Organization; Right to Disaffiliate from the Local Union; illegal dismissal (1994) In the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Royal Films and its rank-and-file Union (which is directly affiliated with MFF, a national federation), a provision on the maintenance of membership expressly provides that the Union can demand the dismissal of any member employee who commits acts of disloyalty to the Union as provided for In its Constitution and By-Laws. The same provision contains an undertaking by the Union (MFF) to hold Royal Films free from any and all claims of any employee dismissed. During the term of the CBA, MFF discovered that certain employee members were initiating a move to disaffiliate from MFF and join a rival federation, FAMAS. Forthwith, MFF sought the dismissal of its employee members initiating the disafiliation movement from MFF to FAMAS. Royal Films, relying on the provision of the aforementioned CBA, complied with MFFs request and dismissed the employees Identified by MFF as disloyal to it. (1) Will an action for Illegal dismissal against Royal Films and MFF prosper or not? (2) What are the liabilities of Royal and MFF to the dismissed employees, if any? SUGGESTED ANSWER: 1) The action for illegal dismissal will prosper. The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its mother federation is well-settled. A local union, being a separate and voluntary association, is free to serve the interest of all its members including the freedom to disaffiliate when circumstances warrant this right is consistent with the constitutional guarantee of freedom of association. Thus, the Act

of initiating move to disaffiliate is not an act of disloyalty. (Tropical Hut. Employee's Union-CGW, et al. vs. Tropical Hut Food Market, Inc., etal, G.R. Nos. L-^3495-99, January 20. 1990) ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: The action for illegal dismissal will prosper. Disaffiliation cannot be considered an act of disloyalty. The very essence of self-organization is for the workers to form a group for the effective enhancement and protection of common interest. (PICEWO v. People Industrial & Commercial Corp., 112 SCRA 440) 2) MFF can be held liable to pay the backwages of the dismissed employees. Royal can be held jointly and severally liable for backwages if it acted with undue haste in dismissing the employees (Manila Cordage Co. v. CIR, 78 SCRA 398). In addition, Royal can be ordered to reinstate the dismissed employees. On 01 August 1992, Pro-Knit, a corporation engaged in the manufacture of textile garments, entered into a collective bargaining agreement with the Kamao Union in representation of the rank and file employees of the corporation. The CBA was effective up to 20 June 1995. The contract had an automatic renewal clause which would allow the agreement after its expiry date to still apply until both parties would have been able to execute a new agreement. On 10 May 1995 Kamao Union submitted to ProKnit's management their proposals for the renegotiation of a new CBA. The next day, Pro-Knit suspended negotiations while Kamao Union since Pro-Knit had entered into a merger with Eagle Garments, a corporation also engaged in the manufacture of textile garments. Eagle Garments assumed all the assets and liabilities of Pro-Knit. Kamao filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court for specific performance and damages with a prayer for preliminary injunction against Pro-Knit and Eagle Garments. Pro-Knit and Eagle Garments filed a Motion to Dismiss based on lack of Jurisdiction. How would you rule on the Motion to Dismiss? SUGGESTED ANSWER: I will grant the Motion to Dismiss. The act of Proknit suspending negotiations with Kamao Union could be an unfair labor practice. It could be a violation of the duty to bargain collectively. As

such, the case is under the jurisdiction of a Labor Arbiter and not of a regular Court ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: I will deny the Union's Motion to Dismiss. There is no labor dispute between the parties; hence, the Regional Trial Court has Jurisdiction over the complaint. Art. 212 of the Labor Code, reads Labor dispute Includes any controversy or matter concerning terms or conditions of employment or the association or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging the terms and conditions of employment regardless of whether the disputants stand in the proximate relations of employer and employee. In addition, the Company can claim that labor contracts are contracts in personam and do not generally bind successors in interest except under special circumstances. In Sundowner Development Corporation v Drilon, 180 SCRA 14, the Court said: The rule is that unless expressly assumed, labor contracts such as xxx collective bargaining agreements are not enforceable against a transferee of an enterprise, labor contracts being in personam, thus binding only between the parties. FACTS: Teofilo Lacson was one of more than one hundred (100) employees who were terminated from employment due to the closure of LBM Construction Corporation (LBM). LBM was a sister company of Lastimoso Construction, Inc. and RL Realty & Development Corporation. All three (3) entities formed what came to be known as the Lastimoso Group of Companies. The three (3) corporations were owned and controlled by members of the Lastimoso Family; their incorporators and directors all belonged to the Lastimoso family. The three (3) corporations were engaged in the same line of business, under one management, and used the same equipment including manpower services. Teofilo Lacson and his co-employees filed a complaint with the Labor Arbiter against LBM, RL Realty and Lastimoso Construction to hold them jointly and severally liable for backwages and separation pay. Lastimoso Construction, Inc. and RL Realty & Development Corporation interposed a Motion to Dismiss contending that they are Juridical entitles with distinct and separate personalities from LBM Construction Corporation and therefore, they

cannot be held jointly and severally liable for the money claims of workers who are not their employees. Rule on the Motion to Dismiss. Should it be granted or denied? Why? (5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER: It is very clear that even if LBM Construction company, Lastimoso Construction Company, Inc. and RL Realty & Development Corporation all belong to the Lastimoso family and are engaged in the same line of business under one management and used the same equipment including manpower services, these corporations were separate juridical entities. Thus, only the LBM Construction Corporation is the employer of Teofllo Lacson. The other corporation do not have any employer-employee relations with Lacson. The case in question does not include any fact that would justify piercing the veil of corporate fiction of the other corporations in order to protect the rights of workers. In a case (Concept Builders, Inc. v. NLRC. 257 SCRA 149), the Supreme Court ruled that it is a fundamental principle of corporation law that a corporation is an entity separate and distinct from its stockholders and from other corporations to which it may be connected. But this separate and distinct personality of a corporation is merely a fiction created by law for convenience and to promote justice. So, when the notion of separate juridical personality is used to defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud or defend crime, or is used as a device to defeat the labor laws, this separate personality of the corporation maybe disregarded or the veil of corporate fiction pierced. A spinster school teacher took pity on one of her pupils, a robust and precocious 12-year old boy whose poor family could barely afford the cost of his schooling. She lives alone at her house near the school after her housemaid left. In the afternoon, she lets the boy do various chores as cleaning, fetching water and all kinds of errands after school hours. She gives him rice and P30.00 before the boy goes home at 7:00 every night. The school principal learned about it and charged her with violating the law which prohibits the

employment of children below 15 years of age. In her defense, the teacher stated that the work performed by her pupil is not hazardous, and she invoked the exception provided in the Department Order of DOLE for the engagement of persons in domestic and household service. Is her defense tenable? Reason. (5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, her defense is not tenable. Under Article 139 of the Labor Code on "minimum employable age", no child below 15 years of age shall be employed except when he works directly under the sole responsibility of his parents or guardian, the provisions of the alleged Department Order of DOLE to the contrary notwithstanding. A mere Department Order cannot prevail over the express prohibitory provisions of the Labor Code. [Note: Sec. 3, RA 9231 allows a child below 15 years of age to work for not more than 20 hours a week; provided, that the work shall not be more than four (4) hours at any given day; provided, further, that he does not work between 8 o'clock in the evening and 6 o'clock in the morning of the following day; and provided, finally, that the work is not hazardous or deleterious to his health or morals. THIS IS A RECENT LAW APPROVED ONLY ON JULY 28, 2003, which is beyond the cut-off period of the Bar Exams] The weekly work schedule of a driver is as follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Drive the family car to bring and fetch the children to and from school. Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday - Drive the family van to fetch merchandise from suppliers and deliver the same to a boutique in a mall owned by the family. Is the driver a househelper? [3%] The same driver claims that for work performed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, he should be paid the minimum daily wage of a driver of acommercial establishment. Is the claim of the driver valid? [2%] SUGGESTED ANSWER: The driver is a househelper. A person is a househelper or is engaged in domestic or

household service if he/she renders services in the employer's home which are usually necessary or desirable for the maintenance and enjoyment thereof and includes ministering to the personal comfort and convenience of the members of the employer's household including the services of family drivers. A family driver who drives the family van to fetch merchandise from suppliers and delivers the same to a boutique in a mall owned by the family for whom he works should be paid the minimum daily wage of a driver in a commercial establishment. The Labor Code (in Article 143) provides that no househelper shall be assigned to work in a commercial, industrial or agricultural enterprise at a wage or salary rate lower than that provided by law for agricultural or non-agricultural workers. For humanitarian reasons, a bank hired several handicapped workers to count and sort out currencies. Their employment contract was for six (6) months. The bank terminated their employment on the ground that their contract has expired prompting them to file with the Labor Arbiter a complaint for illegal dismissal. Will their action prosper? (5%) ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Their action will not prosper because they are covered by the fixed term employment contract which automatically lapsed at the end of the 6month period (Brent School v. Zamora, G.R. No. 48494, February 5, 1990; Art. 280, Labor Code). A contract of employment for a definite period terminates on its own term at the end of its period. It does not necessarily follow that the parties are forbidden from agreeing on a fixed period of time for the performance of activities usually necessary and desirable in the usual business of the employer (Pangilinan v. Gen. Milling, G.R. No. 149329, July 12, 2004) Fil-Aire Aviation Company (FIL-AIRE) is a new airline company recruiting flight attendants for its domestic flights. It requires that the applicant be single, not more than 24 years old, attractive, and familiar with three (3) major Visayan dialects, viz: Ilongo, Cebuano and Waray. Lourdes, 23 years

old, was accepted as she possessed all the qualifications. After passing the probationary period, Lourdes disclosed that she got married when she was 18 years old but the marriage was already in the process of being annulled on the ground that her husband was afflicted with a sexually transmissible disease at the time of the celebration of their marriage. As a result of this revelation, Lourdes was not hired as a regular flight attendant. Consequently, she filed a complaint against FIL-AIRE alleging that the preemployment qualifications violate relevant provisions of the Labor Code and are against public policy. Is the contention of Lourdes tenable? Discuss fully. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The contention of Lourdes is tenable. When she was not hired as a regular flight attendant by FILAIRE because she disclosed that she got married when she was 18 years old. The airline company violated the provision of the Labor Code which states: "It shall be unlawful for an employer to require as a condition of employment or continuation of employment that a woman employee shall not get married, or to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon getting married a woman employee shall be deemed resigned or separated, or to actually dismiss, discharge, discriminate or otherwise prejudice a woman employee merely by reason of her marriage." Pandoy, an electronics technician, worked within the premises of Perfect Triangle, an auto accessory shop. He filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, overtime pay and other benefits against Perfect Triangle, which refused to pay his claims on the ground that Pandoy was not its employee but was an independent contractor. It was common practice for shops like Perfect Triangle to collect the service fees from customers and pay the same to the independent contractors at the end of each week. The auto shop explained that Pandoy was like a partner who worked within its premises, using parts provided by the shop, but otherwise Pandoy was free to render service in the other auto shops. On the other hand, Pandoy insisted that he still was entitled to the benefits because he was loyal to Perfect Triangle, it being a fact that he did not perform work for anyone else. Is Pandoy

correct? Explain briefly. (5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER: Pandoy is not correct. He is not an employee because he does not meet the fourfold test for him to be an employee of Perfect Triangle. All that he could claim is: he worked within the premises of Perfect Triangle. Pandoy was NOT engaged as an employee by Perfect Triangle. He was NOT paid wages by Perfect Triangle. Perfect Triangle does NOT have the power to dismiss him although Perfect Triangle may not continue to allow him to work within its premises. And most important of all, Pandoy was NOT under the control of Perfect Triangle as regards the work he performs for customers. The Supreme Court has ruled: "In stark contrast to the Company's regular employees, there are independent, free lance operators who arepermitted by the Company to position themselves proximate to the Company premises. These independent operators are allowed by the Company to wait on Company customers who would be requiring their services. In exchange for the privileges of favorable recommendation by the Company and immediate access to the customers in need of their services, these independent operators allow the Company to collect their service fee from the customer and this fee is given back to the Independent operator at the end of the week. In effect, they do not earn fixed wages from the Company as their variable fees are earned by them from the customers of the Company. The Company has no control over and does not restrict the methodology or the means and manner by which these operators perform their work. These operators are not supervised by any employee of the Company since the results of their work is controlled by the customers who hire them. Likewise, the Company has no control as an employer over these operators. They are not subject to the regular hours and days of work and may come and go as they wish. They are not subject to any disciplinary measures from the Company, save merely for the inherent rules of general behavior and good conduct" {Ushio Marketing v. NLRC, 294 SCRA 673(1998)] ABC Tomato Corporation, owned and managed by three (3) elderly brothers and two (2) sisters, has been in business for 40 years. Due to serious business losses and financial reverses during the last five (5) years, they decided to close the business.

1. As counsel for the corporation, what steps will you take prior to its closure? (2.5%) 2. Are the employees entitled to separation pay? (2.5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER: 1. Steps to take prior to closure: a) Written Notice to DOLE 30 days prior to the intended date of termination, showing a bona fide reason for closure; b) Written Notice to employees 30 days prior to the intended date of termination (Catatista v. NLRC, GR. No. 102422, Aug. 3 1995). SUGGESTED ANSWER: 2. NO, Art. 283 of the Labor Code does not obligate an employer to pay separation benefits when the closure is due to serious business losses or financial reverses (North Davao Mining and Development Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 112546, March 13,1996), except if the CBA provides otherwise (JAKA Foods v. Pacot, G.R. No. 151378, Mar. 28, 2005). Dennis was a taxi driver who was being paid on the "boundary" system basis. He worked tinelessly for Cabrera Transport Inc. for fourteen (14) years until he was eligible for retirement. He was entitled to retirement benefits. During the entire duration of his service, Dennis was not given his 13th month pay or his service incentive leave pay. a) Is Dennis entitled to 13th month pay and service leave incentive pay? Explain. (5%) If the boatmen are considered employees, like jeepney drivers paid on a boundary system, the boatmen are not entitled to overtime and holiday pay because they are workers who are paid by results. Said workers, under the Labor Code are not entitled, among others, to overtime pay and holiday pay. In accordance with the Rules and Regulations implementing the 13th month pay law, however, the boatmen are entitled to the 13th month pay. Workers who are paid by results are to be paid their 13th month pay. a) XYZ Manpower Services (XYZ) was sued by its employees together with its client, ABC Polyester Manufacturing Company (ABC). ABC is one of the many clients of XYZ. During the

proceedings before the Labor Arbiter, XYZ was able to prove that it had substantial capital of Three Million Pesos. The Labor Arbiter ruled in favor of the employees because it deemed XYZ as a laboronly contractor. XYZ was not able to prove that it had invested in tools, equipment, etc. Is the Labor Arbiter's ruling valid? Explain. (5/o) b) Does the performance by a contractual employee, supplied by a legitimate contractor, of activities directly related to the main business of the principal make him a regular employee of the principal? Explain. (5/o)

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