Creating Individual Motivation Strategies Article

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The concept of competence is usually applied to define the whole of individual abilities and knowledge, oriented to effective performance in particular working environment. It is emphasized that individual working results as well as the whole business success depend on it. In this case the main point is organization itself and its needs, and an individual is important only as a worker with the needed competence. Logical structures of competences appear in the scientific literature including hard, professional competence, which is determined by the area of organization performance, on the other hand, soft competence, which is defined by personal features of an employee, his or her behaviour, necessary for good job performance . It can be: professional competence; social competence; conceptual competence. Professional competence it is special professional knowledge and skills, good understanding of processes and technologies, market and competitors or production and service areas (Grote, Kauffeld, Frieling, 2006). Social competence can be defined as ability to communicate and work with people. It involves individual features and ability to adapt in the social environment (Heyse, Erpenbeck, 2004). Conceptual competence involves systematic thinking, ability to model different situations using experience and knowledge as well as high understanding of occurred processes (Heyse, Erpenbeck, 2004). On the one hand, looking from the long perspective, professional competence is very dynamic because of the fast changing technologies. On the other hand, it is not difficult to define it and it can be gained quickly. The particularity of professional competence is determined by the area of individual functional activity. Social and conceptual competences are common competences necessary to any individual not depending on his or her position in organization. This viewpoint requires talking about organization competence, where knowledge and experience are approached as organization values, not individual. Therefore it causes organizations to invest more and more into the development of personnel competences to ensure possessing necessary people with proper competences. Though nowadays the high development of personnel education is noticed, still it appears as a more spontaneous process, determined by organization needs, mostly related with the development of employees qualification, but not combined with the personal employees purposes.

Whereas the appearing changes of business environment essentially change the priorities of competence formation and development. If the development of employees competences was mainly analysed in the frames of organization, nowadays it is more and more turning to individual needs. This situation is determined by two essential points: 1. The change of business management paradigm. 2. The change of a worker himself and his role in organization. Firstly, clear change of business management paradigm has been noticed. Earlier clear orientation into past events and their extrapolation in companys performance was noticed emphasizing the avoidance of risk and hierarchic organization, while nowadays organizations work in unstable conditions where the foreseeing the future, openness to the changes and organizational flexibility are necessary. In such conditions clear and stable competence schemes become inflexible and their adaptability to the changes of fast performance as well as well-timed development become too difficult. As it was mentioned above, teaching and education systems in organization are traditionally oriented into professional competence formation, while personal, social competences are valued much less. But having changed business management paradigm, exactly these competences become strategically important in business world, especially talking about executives. Therefore it is relevant to be oriented towards the required individual competences as well as foresee competences for the future success. It is not enough to meet the requirements for individuals, but they have to know much more for todays situation. On the other hand, the priority changes of competence formation and development are influenced by employees themselves. Todays employees: are able orient in nowadays environment, know their value, are informed about the offers of other companies, want to share the profit, flexible working hours, laptops, cars, telephones, etc. (Dalton, 2000). It is emphasized that employees, especially the best ones, demonstrate loyalty to their career, but not to the employer or the company. The relationship among employers and employees has essentially changed. Nowadays employees do not expect as well as do not want to work all their life in the same company.

Possibilities of strategic competence development on an organizational level According to Senge (1990), though an organization is improving when a particular individual is improving still single improvement does not guarantee the improvement of the whole organization. Additional conditions in organization are necessary. Employees have to be developed in the frames of daily organization life, improving their competence, ability to adapt to the changes, developing their knowledge, skills, experience and foreseeing and correcting their possible mistakes (Hland, E., Tjora, A. (2006). The development of strategic individual competences in organizational frames become the essential requirement for efficient executives, who have to improve their skills in such traditional areas of management as planning, organizing, managing and control as well as to invest into the improvement of their own personal features. Executives with strong leaders features are able to manage dynamic changes and to realize goals and visions with the help of their employees. Though there are no doubts about the importance of executives competence development, yet competences have to become the ability of the whole organization, not only the exclusive feature of a few summit executives. Organizations must develop and motivate not only the strongest persons for high positions in organization, but all employees as well (Oliver, S., Kandadi, K.R. (2006). In the changing conditions executives not always are able to become positive initiators, because only the employees themselves know what can help work more efficiently and what can satisfy companys customers who they deal with (Spliter, 2005). Otherwise, organizations will be strong in technique, but weak in trend and cohesion (Lawler, 2001). The efficient development of strategic individual competences in companies and organizations become the competitive advantage in the case of human resource as well as economics. So companies, with the help of advisers or on their own, have to prepare the plans of competence development for their employees and allow them improve. Traditional methods of development have existed for a long time already, have been proved and have appeared clear enough, therefore they are directed towards the development of professional knowledge, pointing out the main standard features. While nowadays situation requires wider view, the creation of strategic competence development programs is very complicated process with inherent specificity. The development models that have appeared in the scientific literature (Bristow, 2005; Byham, Smith, Pease, 2002) compound some points into the whole: analysis of the present situation; goals of the strategic individual competence development program; choice of the best development way. Having described the present situation, the efficient goals of the program can be formed and the best ways of development can be chosen. The present situation can be described by individual himself, his mentor, the adviser or all of them. Firstly, the position of a company or organization has to be assessed what can help define the best strategic

competences for organization and the worst ones which obstruct to seek for organization goals and to implement its vision. Secondly, strategic individual competences have to be evaluated indentifying advantages and disadvantages. This defines competence trends to be changed and the skills to be improved. An individual together with his mentor or adviser has to define particular and timely personal goals to make the program more lively and effective. When the program goals are defined, the best way of development from self-help to formal studies can be chosen. The choice of the best way depends on many factors where the main is the individuals goal. The higher person (it is related with his position and responsibilities in a company) with his competence and experience wants to develop his particular competences, the more difficult and delicate is the development process. In the process of strategic individual competence development different development ways can be applied beginning from formal to informal. All development methods can be put into such groups: 1. Formal studies. 2. Training and seminars. 3. Learning in a workplace. 4. Coaching. 5. Self-studying. Therefore , Success of human resource, integrating into the multicultural European labour market with different teaching and education systems, different traditions in human resource management, first of all, depends on individual competence. An individual is traditionally orientated into the formation of professional competences, called as hard competences, while soft competences (personal, social, emotional) are being regarded much less. However, exactly these competences are strategically relevant in the changing business world and make presumptions to develop entrepreneurship. It is necessary to notice that business success is not determined by the amount of individual competences but by the particular relevant competences and their development. Therefore companies, on their own or with the help of hired advisers, should prepare the scheme to develop strategically important competences of their employees and to allow them improve. Traditional education methods often deal with the development of professional knowledge, while todays situation requires much wider approach.

REFERENCES: /ldb_use/pub_docs/%C5%A0alyje%20 ma%C5%BE%C4%97ja% 20darbuotoj%C5%B3%20lojalumas,%20auga%20migracija.pdf, accessed 2007-02-24. http://www. Coac hfederation. org

http://www.sicdeve lopm .

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