Introduction To Internal Reconstruction of Companies

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INTRODUCTION TO INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION OF COMPANIES In this unit we shall discuss another type of administrative and financial arrangement by which

the capital structure of the company in question may be legally reconstructed. This is generally called Internal Reconstruction of company. The term Reconstruction implies the process followed for reorganisation of a company with respect to its capital structure including the reduction of claims of both the shareholders and the creditors of the company. Reconstruction of a company is required when it faces acute financial problems due to over capitalisation or accumulation of operating losses. A company can be reconstructed in any of the two ways. These are: (i) External Reconstruction and (ii) Internal Reconstruction. (i) External Reconstruction : The term External Reconstruction means the winding up of an existing company and registering itself into a new one after a rearrangement of its financial position. Thus, there are two aspects of External Reconstruction, one, winding up of an existing company and the other, rearrangement of the companys financial position. Such arrangement shall be approved by its shareholders and creditors and shall be sanctioned by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). Such a step usually involves the writting off of a debit balance on Profit and Loss Account, elimination of all fictitious assets if any from the Balance Sheet, and the consequent readjustment of share capital. (ii) Internal Reconstruction: Internal reconstruction means a recourse undertaken to make necessary changes in the capital structure of a company without liquidating the existing company. In internal reconstruction neither the existing company is liquidated, nor is a new company incorporated. It is a scheme in which efforts are made to bail out the company from losses and put it in profitable position. Internal reconstruction of a company is done through the reorganisation of its share capital. It is a scheme of reorganisation in which all interested parties in the capital structure volunteer to sacrifice. They are the companys shareholders, debenture holders, creditors etc. Under internal reconstruction, the accumulated trading losses and fictitious assets are written off against the sacrifice made by these interest holders in the form of reduction of paid up value of their interest SITUATIONS WHICH CALL FOR INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION OF A COMPANY The following situations are generally responsible for the internal reconstruction of a company : (i) When the capital structure of a company is complex and it is required to make it simple. (ii) When there are huge accumulated losses and it is required to write off these losses to depict a better position of the company. (iii) When a part of the capital is not represented by available tangible assets. (iv) When change is required in the face value of shares of the company so that they can become attractive for future investors. FORMS OF INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION

Internal reconstruction of a company can be carried out in the following different ways. These are as under: (A) Alteration of Share Capital; and (B) Reduction in Share Capital Reduction in capital may be either involving sacrifice of shareholders only or involving sacrifice from Shareholders and other stakeholders, viz., debenture holders and creditors. Learners should note that the sacrifice is made either by the shareholders only or by the shareholders and other stakeholders jointly. It never happens that sacrifice is made by the creditors and debenture holders only. Alteration of Share Capital Memorandum of Association contains capital clause of a company. Under Section 94 of the Companies Act 1956, a company, limited by shares, can alter this capital clause, if is permitted by (i) the Articles of Association of the company; and (ii) if a resolution to this effect is passed by the company in the general meeting. A company can alter share capital in any of the following ways: (a) The company may increase its capital by issuing new shares. (b) It may consolidate the whole or any part of its share capital into shares of larger amount. (c) It may convert shares into stock or vice versa. (d) It may sub-divide the whole or any part of its share capital into shares of smaller amount. (e) It may cancel those shares which have not been taken up and reduce its capital accordingly. To alter capital by any of the above modes require a resolution at a general meeting, but does not require confirmation by the National Company Law Tribunal. The company is required to give a notice to the Registrar within thirty days of alteration. The accounting treatment of the above five types of capital alteration is discussed below. Accounting Entries on Capital Alteration: (a) If the company has issued all of its authorised capital, then, for the purpose of raising fund by the issue of fresh shares, it will have to increase its authorised capital first. For increasing the authorised capital, the Capital clause of Memorandum of Association of the company is required to be altered and permission of S.E.B.I. is also required to be obtained. No accounting entry is necessary for increasing authorised share capital. The company will have to observe the formalities prescribed under the Companies Act, 1956. After the increase in authorised capital, if the company issues fresh shares to the public, necessary entries for the issue of shares shall have to be passed (b) The company may decide to change the shares of smaller denomination into larger denomination. This process is called consolidation of shares. On account of consolidation, the

total amount of capital of the company will not change but the number of shares will decrease. The following journal entry is required to be passed: Share Capital A/c (Old Denomination) Dr. To Share Capital A/c (New Denomination) (Being the consolidation of..... Shares of Rs...... each into .......... Shares of Rs......... each as per General Meeting Resolution No....... Dtd..........) EXAMPLE 1 On 1.4.2009 Sun Ltd. passed a resolution consolidating 20,000 fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10 each into 4,000 fully paid equity shares of Rs. 50 each. Show entry for consolidation of shares. Solution: In the books of Sun Ltd. Journal Entries

(c) A company, in order to alter its share capital, may convert all or any of its fully paid up shares into Stock or Stock into fully paid up shares. In case, shares are converted into Stock, the members get a part of Stock Capital in place of shares. By converting Shares into Stock, any amount of Stock Capital can be transferred to any other person. Following entry will be passed on such conversion: (1) Conversion of Shares into Stock:

EXAMPLE 2 Sun Ltd. has share capital of Rs. 50,000 divided into 5,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each. On

1.4.2009 the company passed a resolution converting the shares into stock. Show necessary journal entry in the books of the company.

Solution : In the books of Sun Ltd. Journal Entries

EXAMPLE 3 Moon Ltd. passed a resolution in the general meeting held on 25th April, 2009 to convert its equity stock of Rs. 5,00,000 into 50,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up. Pass necessary journal entry. Solution: In the books of Moon Ltd. Journal Entries

(d) When the shares of a company are sub-divided in shares of small value, it is known as subdivision of shares. In sub-division of shares, the face value of a share is converted into smaller denomination from larger denomination. The total capital of the company remains unaffected by sub-division but the total number of shares increase. The following entry is passed for effecting sub-division :

LET US KNOW If the company sub-divides its partly paid up shares then after sub-division the ratio between paid-up value and face value should not change. EXAMPLE 4 Polar Ltd. decided on 01-04-2009 to sub-divide its 5,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid up into Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up. Pass the necessary journal entry. Solution : In the books of Polar Ltd. Journal Entries

(e) Cancellation of capital may take the following form: (i) Cancellation of unissued capital; and (ii) Cancellation of uncalled capital . (i) Cancellation of unissued capital: Cancellation of unissued capital means cancellation of unissued shares by a company. It means that the part of the authorised capital which has not yet been issued to the public may be cancelled by the company. This cancellation does not have any impact on the accounts of the company and hence no entry is required to be passed for such cancellation. Only the capital clause in the memorandum of association of the company is required to be altered and the altered (reduced) authorised capital is shown in the balance sheet of the company prepared subsequent to the alteration. The alteration is required to be registered with the Registrar of companies. (ii) Cancellation of uncalled capital : Cancellation of uncalled capital means cancellation of that part of the face value of the share which has not yet been called by the company. II. Reduction of Share Capital Sometimes there may be a genuine necessity for the reduction of capital. This power is, given by Section 100 of the Companies Act, subject to the compliance of conditions. According to this, a company may, (1) extinguish or reduce the liability on any of its shares in respect of share capital not paid up (2) cancel any paid-up share capital which is lost or is unrepresented by any available assets; (3) pay off any paid-up share capital which is in excess of what is required by the company. Conditions for effecting a reduction Following conditions are required to be fulfilled by a company to reduce its share capital (a) The Articles of Association of the company must permit it to reduce its capital; (b) The company in general meeting shall pass a special resolution to reduce its capital; and (c) The approval of National Company Law Tribunal (previously Court) shall be obtained for the scheme of reduction in share capital.

Methods of Reduction in Share Capital: There are three ways to give effect to the scheme of Reduction in Share Capital. These are as follows: (1) By extinguishing or reducing the liability on any of its shares. (2) By paying off any paid-up share capital which is in excess of what is required by the company. (3) By cancelling any paid- up capital which is lost or is unrepresented by any available assets. Accounting Entries on Reduction in Share Capital in the books of company Accounting of reduction in Share Capital by company in case of the above three methods is shown below: (1) Journal entry for reduction of liability in respect of the uncalled amount on Shares:

EXAMPLE 5 Glow Sign Ltd. has an issued capital of 4,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each, Rs. 80 called and paid up. Necessary formalities being complied with, the company decided on 1.4.2009 to reduce the share of Rs. 100 to the share of Rs. 80 as fully paid up by cancelling unpaid amount of Rs.20 per share. Pass necessary journal entry and show the share capital as it will appear in the balance sheet of the company after cancellation. Solution: In the Books of Glow Sign Ltd. Journal Entries

(2) Journal entry for reduction by refund of excess capital to shareholders : There may be two situations: (i) When denomination of shares is changed i.e. reduction by way of refund with change in the face value, and (ii) When denomination of shares is not changed i.e. reduction by way of refund without change in the face value. (i) When denomination of shares is changed i.e. reduction by way of refund with change in the face value (a) To record the change:

(b) To record Payment to Shareholders

(c) To transfer to General Reserve :

(ii) When denomination of Shares is not changed i.e. Reduction by way of refund without change in the face value: (a) To record the transfer of the returnable amount:

(b) To record Payment to Shareholders

(c) To transfer to General Reserve:

EXAMPLE 6 Sontoshi Ltd. has a capital of Rs. 2,00,000 divided into 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up. The company decided on 1.4.2009 to convert the shares into Rs. 8 per share paid up and return Rs. 2 per share to equity shareholders. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the company assuming all legal formalities have been observed. Solution : In the Books of Santoshi Ltd. Journal Entries

EXAMPLE 7 Honda Ltd has a capital of Rs. 2,00,000 divided into 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid up. The company decided on 1.4.2009 to return Rs. 2 per share to equity shareholders and make the shares Rs. 8 called and paid up. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the company assuming all legal formalities that have been observed. Solution : In the given problem, shares of Rs. 10 are not converted into shares of Rs. 8. Rs. 10 fully paid up shares are made Rs. 8 called up and paid up, the shares remain at the nominal value of Rs. 10 each.

(3) Journal entries for Cancellation of any paid up capital which is lost or is unrepresented by any available assets i.e. Reduction in Capital: In case of heavy losses incurred over the years, the capital base and the financial strength of company may become weak. In such cases it becomes necessary for such a company to undertake some financial reconstruction measures. Such financial reconstruction measures are given effect through schemes of capital reduction. Generally, shareholders have to bear the loss. If the loss is heavy, then creditors and debentures holders are also required to bear a portion of such financial loss. This is the third way through which internal reconstruction of a company can be carried out, the accounting entries of which are shown below. For this a Capital Reduction Account, which is also called Reconstruction account or Re-organisation account, is opened. In examination problems where there are no specific directions, you may use any of the terms viz. Capital Reduction Account or Reorganisation Account or Reconstruction Account.

Journal Entries for giving effect to the Capital Reduction Scheme: (i) When denomination of Shares is not reduced; only paid up value is reduced

(iv) For Sacrifice made by Debentureholders, if any;

(v) For Sacrifice made by Creditors, if any:

(vi) For recording any increase in the value of Assets (on Revaluation):

(vii) For recording decrease in the value of liability:

(viii) For making any Provision for Contingent Liability:

(ix) Capital Reduction Account is used for writing off various accumulated losses, fictitious assets and loss on assets and liabilities and the journal entry is

LET US KNOW The amount to be written off cannot exceed the amount credited to Capital Reduction Account. But if there is any reserve in the liabilities side of the balance sheet, the same may be utilised in writing off accumulated losses and fictitious assets. After writing off various assets, if any balance is left in the Capital Reduction Account, the same will be transferred to Capital Reserve Account. 1. The words And Reduced should be added to the name of the company, if the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) so directs. 2. The amount written off in respect of fixed assets under a scheme of reconstruction must be

shown in the Balance Sheet for five years after the date of reduction. 3. After completion of the accounting process the Capital Reduction Account should not show any balance. EXAMPLE 8 Balance Sheet of Barpeta Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009

Following scheme of reconstruction has been passed and approved by the court on 1.4.2009: (i) The equity shares are to be reduced to shares of Rs. 6 each fully paid 8% Preference shares are to be reduced to 10% Preference shares of Rs. 80 each fully paid. Number of shares to remain the same. (ii) 9% debentures are to be reduced to 10% debentures of Rs. 80 each fully paid. (iii) The amount so available will used to write off loss and goodwill first, and there after fixed assets to the extent possible. You are required to give journal entries and Balance Sheet in the books of Barpeta Ltd. Solution:

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