Nanotechnology: The Emerging Science in Dentistry: Fundamental Concepts

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Nanotechnology: The Emerging Science in Dentistry

Journal of Orofacial Research, January-March 2012;2(1):33-36

Nanotechnology: The Emerging Science in Dentistry
Suresh Kumar Kovvuru, Vangala Naga Mahita, BS Manjunatha, Buma Sudhakar Babu
Predicting the future of any major technology is difficult.
Nanotechnology or nanoscience refers to the research and
development of an applied science at the atomic or molecular
level (i.e. molecular engineering, manufacturing). Although the
nanoscale is small in size, its potential is vast. Almost every
area of human acti vi ty wi l l be affected by future
nanotechnologies. Nanotechnology is also applied to various
medical fields like pharmacological research, clinical diagnosis,
supplementing immune system, cryogenic storage of biological
tissues. The growing interest in the dental applications of
nanotechnology is leading to the emergence of a new field called
Keywords: Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, Nanodentistry.
How to cite this article: Kovvuru SK, Mahita VN, Manjunatha
BS, Babu BS. Nanotechnology: The Emerging Science in
Dentistry. J Orofac Res 2012;2(1):33-36.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None declared
Greatness does not come from size, surprises come in small
packages. Nano is derived from the Greek word which
stands for dwarf. Nanotechnology is the science of
manipulating matter, measured in the billionths of meters
or manometer, roughly the size of two or three atoms.
Nanotechnology is very diverse, ranging from extensions
of conventional device physics to completely new
approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from
developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale
to investigating whether we can directly control matter on
the atomic scale.
The topic of nanotechnology was touched upon by theres
plenty of room at the bottom, a talk given by physicist
Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting
at Caltech on December 29, 1959. At the meeting, Feynman
announced two challenges, and he offered a prize of $1000
for the first individuals to solve each one. The first challenge
involved the construction of a nanomotor, which, to
Feynmans surprise, was achieved by November 1960 by
William McLellan. The second challenge involved the
possibility of scaling down letters small enough, so as to be
able to fit the entire Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of
a pin; this prize was claimed in 1985 by Tom Newman.
The term nanotechnology was first defined by Norio
Taniguchi of the Tokyo Science University in a 1974 paper
as follows: Nanotechnology mainly consists of the
processing of, separation, consolidation and deformation
of materials by one atom or one molecule. Nanotechnology
is on the verge of initiating extraordinary advances in
biological and biomedical sciences that would be associated
with both providing the tools for improved understanding
of fundamental building blocks of materials and tissues at
the nanoscale and designing technologies for probing,
analyzing and reconstructing them.
Fundamental Concepts
One nanometer (nm) is one billionth, or 10
, of a meter.
By comparison, typical carbon-carbon bond lengths, or the
spacing between these atoms in a molecule, are in the range
0.12 to 0.15 nm, and a DNA double-helix has a diameter
around 2 nm. To put that scale in another context, the
comparative size of a nanometer to a meter is the same as
that of a marble to the size of the earth. Or another way of
putting it: A nanometer is the amount an average mans
beard grows in the time it takes him to raise the razor to his
Two main approaches are used in nanotechnology.
In the bottom-up approach, materials and devices are built
from molecular components which assemble themselves
chemically by principles of molecular recognition. In the
top-down approach, nano objects are constructed from
larger entities without atomic-level control.
The various nanoparticles are as follows:
1. Nanopores
2. Nanotubes
3. Quantum dots
4. Nanoshells
5. Dendrimers
6. Liposomes
7. Nanorods
8. Fullerenes
9. Nanospheres
10. Nanowires
11. Nanobelts
12. Nanorings
13. Nanocapsules
Applications of Nanotechnology in Dentistry
Material Science
Nanotechnologies started with the beginning of the era of
microfills. Nowadays, the most commonly used resin
Suresh Kumar Kovvuru et al
composites are microhybrids and nanofilled composites,
comprising filler particles ranging from approximately
20 to 600 nm. Xu et al reported resin-based composites
containing calcium fluoride nanoparticles in a whisker-
reinforced resin matrix with sustained fluoride release had
values exceeding those of conventional and resin-modified
glass ionomers.
In a different direction, case in
phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP)
are nanoparticles that bind to biofilms, plaque, bacteria,
hydroxyapatite and the surrounding soft tissue, localizing
bioavailable calcium and phosphate and serving as mineral
precursors for remineralization.
In the case of biomaterials,
nanoparticulate materials appear to strongly influence the
host response at both cellular and tissue levels, which
makes nanotechnology particularly attractive for dental
implants. Fabrication of nanostructures has been
intensively explored in an attempt to develop the right
combinations of chemistry, microstructure and topography
to increase the surface osseoconductivity and at the same
time improve the durability and resistance to failure, which
are the main limitations of the dental implants and
Two recent in vitro studies have provided
interesting insights based on the theme of nanofibers and
nanocrystals. Nanofibrillar silicate crystals can be used
either alone or in conjunction with nanofibers, to reinforce
BIS-GMA/TEGDMA-based nanocomposites.
In a
similar direction, several other recent studies by Xu et al
have evaluated the incorporation of nanosized CaPO
particles into resin-based composites, with a resulting
improvement in stress-bearing capacity as well as ion release
that could inhibit caries.
Genetically engineered peptides for inorganics (GEPIs)
have recently been hypothesized by Zhou and colleagues to
have practical implications for tooth repair, if they can be
engineered to recognize inorganic HA and form a hybrid
with it.
Role of Nanotechnology in Dental Biofilm
Nanotechnology has been used to study the dynamics of
demineralization/remineralization process in dental caries
by using tools, such as atomic force microscopy (AFM)
which detect bacteria induced demineralization at an
ultrasensitive level. Using AFM the correlation between
genetically modified Streptococcus mutans and nanoscale
morphology has been assessed.
The nanoscale cellular
ultrastructure is a direct representation of genetic
modifications as most initiate changes in surface protein
and enzyme expression, where host- cell nutrient pathways
and immune response protection likely occur. The surface
proteins and enzymes, common to S. mutans strains are a
key contributor to the cariogenicity of these microbes.
Chalmers et al had applied quantum dots (QD) (semi-
conductor nanocrystals) based primary immunofluorescence
for in vitro and in vivo labeling of bacterial cells and
compared this approach with the fluorophore-based primary
A new silver nanotechnology chemistry has proven to
be effective against biofilms silver works in a number of
ways to disrupt critical functions in a microorganism. For
example, it has a high affinity for negatively charged side
groups on biological molecules, such as sulfydryl, carboxyl,
phosphate and other charged groups distributed throughout
microbial cells. Silver attacks multiple sites within the cell
to inactivate critical physiological functions, such as cell
wall synthesis, membrane transport, nucleic acid (RNA and
DNA) synthesis and translation, protein folding and function
and electron transport.
Local Anesthesia
In the era of nanodentistry, a colloidal suspension containing
millions of active analgesic micron-size dental robots will
be instilled on the patients gingiva. After contacting the
surface of crown or mucosa, the ambulating nanorobots
reach the pulp via the gingival sulcus, lamina propria and
dentinal tubules, guided by chemical gradient, temperature
differentials, all under the control of dentist with the help
of onboard nanocomputer.
Nanotechnology and Its role in the Management
of Periodontal Diseases
Using natural processes as a guide, substantial advances
have been made at the interface of nanomaterials and
biology, including the fabrication of nanofiber materials for
three-dimensional cell culture and tissue engineering.
Nanoparticles are being developed for a host of biomedical
and biotechnological applications including drug delivery,
enzyme immobilization and DNA transfection.
Pinon-Segundo et al produced and characterized triclosan-
loaded nanoparticles by the emulsificationdiffusion
process, in an attempt to obtain a novel delivery system
adequate for the treatment of periodontal disease.
can be incorporated into nanospheres composed of a
biodegradable polymer, and this allows for timed release of
the drug as the nanospheres degrade. This also allows for
site-specific drug delivery. A good example of how this
technology might be developed is the recent development
of arestin in which tetracycline is incorporated into
microspheres for drug delivery by local means to a
periodontal pocket.
Nanotechnology: The Emerging Science in Dentistry
Journal of Orofacial Research, January-March 2012;2(1):33-36
Dental Hypersensitivity
Natural hypersensitive teeth have eight times higher surface
density of dentinal tubules and diameter with twice as large
as nonsensitive teeth. Reconstructive dental nanorobots,
using native biological materials, could selectively and
precisely occlude specific tubules within minutes, offering
patients a quick and permanent cure. On reaching the dentin,
the nanorobots enter dentinal tubular holes that are 1 to 4 m
in diameter and proceed toward the pulp, guided by a
combination of chemical gradients, temperature differentials
and even position of navigation, all under the control of the
nanocomputer as directed by the dentist.
Orthodontic Treatment
Sliding a tooth along an archwire involves a frictional type
of force that resists this movement. Use of excessive
orthodontic force might cause loss of anchorage and root
resorption. In a study published by Katz, a reduction in
friction has been reported by coating the orthodontic wire
with inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide nanoparticles
), which are known for their excellent dry
lubrication properties. In future, orthodontic nanorobots
could directly manipulate the periodontal tissues, allowing
rapid and painless tooth straightening, rotating and vertical
repositioning within minutes to hours.
Toxicity of Carbon Nanoparticles in Humans
The extensive application of nanomaterials in a wide range
of products for human use possesses a potential risk for
toxicity risk to human health and environment. American
health association concluded that short-term exposure to
elevated particulate matter concentrations in outdoor air
significantly contributes to incresed to acute cardiovascular
mortality, particularly in at risk subset of population.
Nanomaterials may have efects on health due to their size,
shape, charge or other factors, which are not directly
predictable from mass concentration measurements.
Donalsn et al and Oberdorstan concluded in their
review that ultrafine particles of low intensity and low
solubility material are more inflamogenic in the rat lung
than large particles of the same material. Nanoparticles
are able to penetrate deeply into the respiratory tract and
once deposited may translocate to blood and to other sites
distant from their portal of entry, such as liver, spleen,
kidney and brain.
Nanotechnology will change dentistry, healthcare and
human life more profoundly than many developments of
the past. As with all technologies, nanotechnology carries a
significant potential for misuse and abuse on a scale and
scope never seen before. Molecular technology is destined
to become the core technology underlying all of 21st century
medicine and dentistry.
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Suresh Kumar Kovvuru (Corresponding Author)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and
Endodontics, KM Shah Dental College and Hospital, Piparia-391760
Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, Phone: +919737362687, 02668-
245262, e-mail: [email protected]
Vangala Naga Mahita
Postgraduate Student, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
KM Shah Dental College and Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat India
BS Manjunatha
Reader, Department of Oral Pathology, KM Shah Dental College
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Buma Sudhakar Babu
Reader, Department of Periodontics, CKS Tejas Dental College
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

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