Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Issue 3 - 2013

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Vol. 10, Issue 3 2013

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ave you been struggling financially or living up to your limit? Does it take everything you have to stay afloat, leaving you wondering How can I possibly get in position to invest into the Gospel? If these questions apply to you, then there is one more to ask.

Are you ready to make a change?

As Christians, we need to understand the worlds system was not created for us (the children of God) to get ahead. The system is designed for us to work every day to keep the wheels of industry turning. Im sure youre wondering how our heavenly Father provides prosperity and meets the needs of His children: by our tithes and offering; also known as sowing and reaping. Our heavenly Father desires that we experience more than just our needs being met. He wants us to experience living in abundance. The Word says in 2 Corinthians 9:8, And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

The abundant life is for the purpose of the Kingdom. Second Corinthians 6:1 says that we are workers together with Him, not for Him. We work together with God and He has provided the ability to get the wealth so that He may establish His covenant through us. As the Word says in Deuteronomy 8:18 And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. And when we do, all of our financial needs will be met. Remember this: tithing is for the purpose of providing thanksgiving to Our Heavenly Father as a symbol of our obedience to His Word. When you tithe, youre not sowing seed, but you are placing yourself in position for seed to be produced as a result of your obedience to tithe. If you want to get in line with Gods Word and get your giving on track, take a look at this short video teaching and join the seed challenge. See more at: http://www.faithdome.org/ seedchallenge/#sthash.0FONMJAF.dpuf

VOL. 10 ISSUE 3 2013
6|Feature Article
God Is Still in the Healing Business By Dr. Betty Price It is not that God doesnt heal; He actually has done everything He is going to do. He has put the laws of good health in motion; however, it is up to us to work those laws.

11|Pastors Corner

Wisdom: The Missing Ingredient

By Elder Robert Bolden Wisdom also is the ability to live life skillfully and the ability to live a godly life in an ungodly world. Read more about this important characteristic.




The Word of Faith The Role of Medication in Healing

By Apostle Frederick Price When youre making a stand in faith, your body may still need medication. Learn how God has gifted us with healing and medicine.

Connections Welcome to the New Visual Social Media

By Jason Caston When it comes to social media, visual images are where its at. Check out how social media has evolved right before our eyes.

History in the Making Celebrating 35 Years of Wisdom From Above

By Antracia Moorings Its been 35 years since Dr. Betty Price launched her Wisdom From Above luncheon. Read more about how its become a favorite part of her ministry.

3 A Message from Apostle Price 4 On the Air 15 Power of Faith Testimonies 16 Health & Healing 18 Health & Healing Testimony
Crenshaw Christian Center Fa i t hWa l k W i t h M e EIF Ministries

26 Q&A: Straight Talk with Drs. Fred & Betty Price 27 TV Listings 30 Get Connected 31 On the Calendar
@ E I Fm i n i s t r i e s EIFMinistries EIF MAGAZINE | VOL. 10 ISSUE 3 2013

Ev e r I n c r e a s i n g Fa i t h M i n i s t r i e s





SUNDAY PROGRAM The Pursuit of Holiness Pastor Fred Price DECEMBER 22, 29 Christmas Classic 1990 Apostle Fred Price JANUARY 5, 12, 19, 26 The Pursuit of Holiness Pastor Fred Price FEBRUARY 2, 9, 16, 23 The Christian Family Classic Apostle Fred Price

Vol. 10 | Issue 3 | 2013

Director of Publications Stanley O. Williford Editor Antracia Moorings Columnists Pastor Robert Bolden Mark Peay Contributing Writers Jason Caston Art Design Lorena Iniquez Elebee EIF Graphics Designer G. Alexis Childress Photographer Walter Wright Makeup Drini Editorial Offices 7901 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 758-3777 Website: www.faithdome.org To order from this magazine: Call 800-391-6145
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Ever Increasing Faith Magazine is published by Crenshaw Christian Center, a recognized nonprofit corporation. 2013 Crenshaw Christian Center. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Ever Increasing Faith and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Crenshaw Christian Center, Inc. in the United States and other countries where Ever Increasing Faith Magazine circulates. Ever Increasing Faith Magazine has no subscription or newsstand price and is supported through contributions. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible. Printed in the United States of America.



FRIDAY PROGRAM Christmas Classic 1990 Apostle Fred Price JANUARY 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 - FEBRUARY 7, 14, 21 Faith, Foolishness & Presumption Apostle Fredrick K.C. Price FEBRUARY 28 & MARCH 7 The Benefits of Knowing Him Dr. Betty Price MAR. 14, 21, 28 - APR. 4, 11, 18, 25 - MAY 2, 9, 16 The Pursuit of Holiness Pastor Fred Price Note: Schedule is subject to change. DECEMBER 20, 27


How to receive healing is probably one of the most misunderstood topics in the Bible. Some believe you have to wait for God to decide if He wants to heal you. Some think it depends on who prays for you. But the Bible outlines seven scriptural methods whereby you can receive your healing. I believe the prayer of faith is the highest form of prayer to receive healing. In Mark 11:24 Jesus said, Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Is Jesus a liar or does He tell the truth? He tells the truth! He says, whatever things you ask. Wouldnt that have to include healing? Yes, it does. Therefore, it must be Gods will to heal. Otherwise He could not make that kind of bold declaration. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you praynot after you pray, not a month later, not when you see something, not when you understand it, but when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. If you believe you receive them you will confess that, Bless the LordI believe I am healed. I believe I have received my healing. Now, once you make a faith confession you are going to get opposition from the enemy. His motive is to move you off your faith confession. When cancer attacked my wifes body, she knew she had to stand firm on her confession of faith that she was indeed healedeven when her body was in pain. We walk by faith and not by sight. Someone might say, Yes, but you dont look like you are healed. I didnt say, I look like Im healed, I said, I believe that I received my healing. Is healing for all? I believe that it is so. I believe that I can walk in divine health all the days of my life. I believe and confess that I will never be sick and Im not being presumptuous. The Bible says in Psalm 91:1.

If you are not a Christian and would like to become one, pray the following prayer:
Dear God in Heaven, Thank you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to destroy the power of Satan over my life. I accept Jesus now as my personal Savior and Lord, and I choose to turn away from the sins of my past to a renewed life in Jesus. You said that if I would confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead, that I would be saved. I believe Jesus died for my sins and that you raised Him from the dead for my benefit. Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of salvation and for accepting me now as your child. In Jesus name, Amen If you have prayed this prayer, please let us know by writing to us at: Crenshaw Christian Center P.O.Box 90000 Los Angeles, CA 90009 Attn: Administration Office.


God Is Still in the Healing Business

By Dr. Betty Price

here are pastors, preachers and church leaders who say they believe in healing, and then when someone who is close to them dies, they start backing off faith right away, saying, Well, I used to believe God healed, but now this happened to my friend, and my friend was so good. He did everything right, so since this happened to him, it couldnt be Gods will to heal everybody.

We dont trust This is not God enough to good thinking, because you dont know that if we know what your friend believed or do our part, He did not believe, not that you are will do his. supposed to know
about what he is doing or not doing because it is none of your business. But we should not put God down and say it is not His will to heal because someone you know did not get healed. It is not that God doesnt heal; He actually has done everything He is going to do. He has put the laws of

good health in motion; however, it is up to us to work those laws. God had given the Israelites the Promised Land, but they had to go in and possess it. He could not do that for them. He had already told them that everywhere the sole of their feet tread, He had givenpast tensethem the land [Deuteronomy 11:24]. But there were some unbelievers in the crowd who said that they could not take the land because there were giants in the land, and they could not possess it (even though God had told them the land was theirs). And because they would not go and take the land, God could do nothing, so they wandered in the wilderness for forty years, until all the unbelievers had died. Sadly, that is the way many Christians are today. Many of us dont really believe God or, rather, dont know how to believe. We dont trust God enough to know that if we do

our part, He will do His. We have to possess our Promised Land, we cant be like the children of Israel and say, There are giants in the land, and we are as grasshoppers in our own sight. (Numbers 13:33)Even though God had given them the land, they would not take possession of it. They allowed their ungodly thinking to stop them, and that is what happens when we allow our flesh to control our thinking. God never said we would not have any challenges in this life; in fact, He said that our afflictions would be many, but that He would deliver us out of them all (Psalm 34:19). When I was underattack, I stood on Gods promises of healing. I just believed that nothing really could happen to me because God was with me. I dont care how bad the pain was or how bad I felt, I would say constantly, Lord I know You are with me. You have to make up your mind that is what you have to do if you want to win in life. No matter how bad I felt, I went on all the crusades and ministered to the ladies there. No one knew how sick I was feeling. God kept me looking healthy and strong, although I had lost quite a bit of weight. I would go even though I was crippled; I never really looked sick, even though I heard someone say, My, she looks frail. I didnt care what people said, I was acting by faith because I believed that according to Gods Word I was healed. Satan opposed me in many ways. Sometimes, it was like the devil was a real person; and he would sit at

the end of my bed or bathtub talking to me: You are a fool. Nobody in the world who feels like you would go out and do what you are doing. I would ignore what I was hearing, and the Lord always gave me the strength to go on and do all the things that I needed to do as a helpmeet to my husband. I had missed church for the first three months of the attack. When I started going back to church, I would sit in my office, because at that time, my feet were swelling a lot. I would sit in my office until it was time for the choir to sing just before Fred taught

He said that our afflictions would be many, but that He would deliver us out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)
the Word, and then I would join the rest of the congregation. I would come out then, because it was hard for me to sit three hours at one time, but I was there. I didnt like missing church, especially not hearing the Word, because every word I heard helped to increase my faith. You cannot allow Satan to intimidate you. You have to stand your ground, and you cant do that if you are giving into the flesh. I quoted a part of the 91st Psalm during my daily prayer time: No

evil shall befall me, and no plague shall come nigh my dwelling. I would quote it to the devil and tell him, Devil, you hear that? No evil shall befall me and no plague shall come nigh my dwelling. This is why I believed that none of that ugly cancer could stay in my body. I believed all those beautiful scriptures I learned and was applying to my life. They brought me through and kept me from looking at the negative circumstances. As I did this, God gave me the strength to be an overcomer. His faithfulness has caused me to have even more of a reverence for Him and His Word. The desire of my heart, for not only the corporate body of believers at Crenshaw Christian Center but for the body of Christ everywhere, is that we would so dedicate ourselves

to the Lord, that when the world sees us, they will see Jesus. We can do this by not giving into the flesh. When we walk in the spirit that is living in the spirit world. The spirit world is more real than this visible world. God is in the spirit world. In fact, God is a Spirit and He made this visible and material world out of the spirit world. So that has to mean that the spirit world is more real, which means God is more real. When I got to my last chemotherapy session, I thought I could not make another day. When I had my last radiation session, I thought I could not go another day. But God saw me through all that. He is faithful, and He will continue to see me through, no matter what I have to face and He will do the same for you. -EIF

The spirit world is more real than this visible world.


Gods healing power has been demonstrated throughout the Bible. However, the most common question raised by the biblical accounts of healing is not, Can God heal? Rather, Is healing something I can expect for myself? God surely desires that His people live in divine health, but problems such as unforgiveness, family, and marital conflict can hinder the manifestation. In this series, Dr. Betty R. Price discusses the roadblocks to recovery.

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The Missing Ingredient
By Elder Robert E. Bolden he Word of God says in Proverbs 4:7: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. Wisdom can be defined as following the soundest course of action based on knowledge accumulated. Wisdom has also been defined as simple illustrations that expose the fundamental realities of life. Wisdom will protect you from illicit

Wisdom rewards you on every level, and the discipline of wisdom provides freedom and safety.
activity and all types of foolishness and their costly consequences. Wisdom rewards you on every level, and the discipline of wisdom provides freedom and safety. Wisdom also is the ability to live life skillfully and the ability to live a

godly life in an ungodly world. The book of Proverbs is the most intensely practical book in the Old Testament because it teaches successful living in multiple aspects of everyday life. Proverbs also touches upon every facet of human relationships, and its principles transcend the bounds of time and culture. The book of Proverbs on a whole is designed both to prevent and to remedy ungodly lifestyles. When wisdom is mentioned in the Bible, the one character I most often think of is King Solomon. When God appeared to him at Gibeon and told him he could ask for anything he desired, Solomon didnt hesitate. He asked God for wisdom and an understanding heart (1 Kings 3:5-9). Solomon knew he would need wisdom and understanding to be an effective ruler, and that request pleased God. God gave him wisdom to such a degree that people from foreign lands came to hear him speak. Solomon was

the principal contributor of Proverbs. He was the author of more than 3,000 proverbs. Solomon judged the people wisely. He also built a large fleet of trading and refinery ships, as well as the temple unto the Lord. He became the richest king on earth. He also wrote Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. His breadth of knowledge, aptitude, skill and perception was extraordinary. One writer said that Solomon probably wrote Song of Solomon when he was young and in love, wrote Proverbs when he was at his height of his maturity, and wrote Ecclesiastes when he was older and disillusioned with the pleasures of the world. In 1 Kings 10, we see that soon after Solomon had finished several building projects he was visited by the Queen of Sheba, who had heard the report of Solomons wisdom. The queen came to Jerusalem with a very impressive collection of gifts: camels carrying gold, oil, precious stones just to hear the wisdom of Solomon. She asked Solomon all types of questions and told him all her problems; nothing was too difficult for him because the Lord gave all the right answers every time through Gods wisdom. The queen was so impressed that she pronounced Solomons servants happy and blessed to be able to hear his wisdom, and blessed the Lord for putting Solomon on the throne. She said everything I heard in my own country about your wisdom and about the wonderful things going on here is true. Then she gave the king a gift of

$3,500,000 in gold, along with a huge quantity of spices and precious gems (1 Kings10:10). In Proverbs 1:2, the words wisdom and instruction complement each other because wisdom (chokmah) means skill, and instruction (musar) means

No skill is perfected without discipline, and when a person has skill he has freedom to create something beautiful.
discipline. No skill is perfected without discipline, and when a person has skill he has freedom to create something beautiful. We see in the New Testament that wisdom is located in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:2-3 says That their hearts may be encouraged being knitted together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 1 Corinthians 1:30. Jesus made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Ecclesiastes 7:12 Wisdom is a defense as money is a defense. Ecclesiastes 9:18 Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner destroys much good. Wisdom is one of the most important characteristics to a believer in this present time. -EIF

By Min. Mark A. Peay

In the mid-1980s, a small airline company called Peoples Express began focusing on getting customers to their destinations faster for less. The operators decided that Americans wanted fewer perks and lower costs. They made the airline ticket purchase process similar to that of buying a Greyhound bus ticket. If you wanted snacks and a soft drink on the flight, it would cost you extra. The planes were smaller and the seats similar to those on a chartered bus. In other words, just the bare necessities-style expeditious travel took the place of service, convenience and luxury. The only problem was that the airline operator did not properly assess the core of what the American public really wanted (and still do).service! Their misconception cost them their business and they eventually filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy. You see, we can tolerate fast food and drivethrough shortcuts in some things. But when it comes to other things, we will not skimp on service. Now, if the world has that much sense, surely we, the Church should as well. People coming into our church deserve to be served and treated to the

best possible worship experience. Like the Queen of Sheba, their very breath should be taken away. But because God is a God of divine order, it must first start with recognizing the spiritual authority Jesus has set in the Church. We only qualify ourselves to serve Him by our willingness to serve others. Jesus is our model.

We must be willing to unashamedly and fervently serve the ministry gift of the pastor, or whoever the overseer or visionary is. Make no mistake, this is not a step that we can skip. Are you finding yourself defeated in your ministry effectiveness? Do you feel like you are going around in

circles, having no impact or consistent anointing? Check your serve! God will not violate His spiritual law of stewardship. Luke 16:10-13 says, He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Therefore, if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if you have not been faithful in what is another mans, who will give you what is your own? No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Hallelujah, there is a benefit in service!

Many of us, especially those of us who have had to deal with the tyranny of slavery in the annals of our history, often have a problem with this area. Whenever I teach in the arena of service-mindedness, I can see people balk in the spirit. Its not until I make the following statement that I see them breathe a sigh of relief:

There is a difference between service and servitude. For support of this statement, lets go to the dictionarys definition for both words. Service is defined as: Employment in duties or work for another. Servitude is defined as: Submission to a master; forced labor imposed as a punishment. Do you see the difference? Service means employing. Employing means wages. Wages means compensation. Hallelujah, there is a benefit in service! We may not get compensated in terms of money all the time (although I believe in blessing Gods ministers). But we can rest assured that our heavenly time card will account for our deeds done. It is a slap in the face of God to serve mammon (secular employment, volunteer organizations, etc.) with vigor, excitement, willingness and enthusiasm, yet sigh and complain when asked to do anything in Gods House. Jesus is our example: For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me (John 6:38). Does serving someone else in ministry excite you? It should. Its our reasonable service. -EIF

[Apostles Bible Study]

You can now listen or watch Apostle Frederick Prices popular Tuesday morning Bible study via podcast.



Walking in Confidence
This ministry has completely changed and transformed my confidence in the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. I no longer accept sickness as normal. I used to be attacked by the flu every winter. I have refused to accept any sickness ever since I listened to the How Faith Works series. The Marriage and Family series has also transformed the way I look at relationships. I am about to get married to the most wonderful woman in the world. I have also learned to speak the Word only and believe God for a guaranteed answer. I will be partnering with this ministry with a contribution monthly as a thankyou and encouragement to continuing the excellent work of preaching the uncompromising Word of God. Thank you very much, Ever Increasing Faith Ministries. - [Ifaalithenjwe E Atoli]

Faith That Moves

In the 1980s, I turned on the TV and heard something I had never heard before. Pastor Fred Price was speaking on how to execute your faith. At that time, I was seeking to purchase a house in Brooklyn, N.Y. Im originally from Savannah, Ga. He said that I needed to pack as if I was moving into the house I wanted by faith. Years later I moved into that house for a price that I could afford and Im still in the house. PRAISE THE LORD! - [Jessica Arnold Byrd]

Freed From Bondage

At the time I was introduced to Dr. Prices ministry in the 1980s, I was considering suicide. I was drinking a lot and using drugs. I knew something was missing in my life and that was Jesus. I didnt know how to pray and Dr. Price explained why my prayers were never answered. He said that I didnt believe that my prayers would ever be answered. I started walking by faith and I have been a member since 1985. My marriage with my husband has been blessed. Instead of trying to change him, I had to change myself first. I havent touched alcohol or drugs since 1985. I feel so free now. I can do all things through Christ. - [Michele Jones]

Silver for
Before antibiotics, it was the main antimicrobial therapy By Robert E. Bolden
or centuries, silver has been recognized as a natural antibiotic. Silver was widely used in hospital settings until inexpensive sulfa drugs (the first class of antibiotics ever discovered) came along in the 1930s. The history of silver dates back to many centuries. Silver is mentioned in Egyptian writings, and the Greeks and Romans used silver vessels for water purification around 500 BC. Doctors used silver sutures in surgical wounds while pioneers and frontier settlers put silver coins in their drinking water to purify it. Metallic silver was known to the Chaldeans as early as 4000 BC. It was the third metal to be used by ancients, after gold and copper. The application of silver plates to achieve better wound healing was used by the Macedonians, perhaps the first attempt to prevent or treat surgical infections. Electric colloids of silver became the mainstay of antimicrobial therapy in the first part of the 20th century until the introduction of antibiotics in the early 1940s. Silver has been used for at least six millennia to prevent microbial infections. It has been effective against almost all organisms tested and has been used to treat numerous infections and noninfectious conditions, sometimes with great success. Silver also has played an important role

Medical Use
in the development of radiology and in improving wound healing. Silver was the most important antimicrobial agent available before the introduction of antibiotics. As recently as 1938, silver solutions were widely prescribed for healing by physicians. This came to an abrupt halt with the introduction of chemical medicine. Today, colloidal silver-microscopic silver particles suspended in water are recognized as one treatment method for a wide range of diseases and conditions. Dr. Henry Cook, writing in 1910, observed that certain colloidal metals were highly effective at killing germs. He believed that any single cell organism exposed to colloidal silver was destroyed in minutes. Dr. Robert Becker began studying the effects of silver in the 1970s and noted that it seemed to promote bone growth while killing bacteria. An article from the March 1978 issue of Science Digest claims that colloidal silver kills more than 650 disease organisms, while most antibiotics are effective against only a handful. In 1988, researchers at UCLA Medical Labs observed that colloidal silver worked on every virus they tested. A colloidal is a particle that is so small it remains permanently in suspension and does not settle to the bottom of a jar. Although it is not dissolved, unlike the silver ions which do dissolve.

The first clear record of silver nitrate being used as a medical agent was reported by Gabor in 702-705, and Avicenna, a Muslim physician who was the most famous and influential of the philosopher-scientists of the Islamic world, used silver fittings as a blood purifier in 980 AD. It was also to prevent palpitation of the heart and to treat offensive breath. During the early pioneer days on the North American continent, when there was no refrigeration and water needed to be transported long distances, it was common practice to drop silver coins into the transport vessel to preserve water. By 1800, there was wide acceptance that wine, water, milk and vinegar stayed pure for longer periods of time when stored in silver vessels. Silver nitrate also was used successfully to treat skin ulcers, compound fractures and festering wounds. Many users also spray it on, or use a colloidal silver gel on cuts, stings, and burns. What makes silver unique in comparison with other antibiotics is the fact that it has no toxicity and carcinogenic effects. The fact that silver kills germs have been so comprehensively proven in laboratory tests that no serious researcher now doubts it. Drug companies are not in favor of supporting this information, but many mineral supplement companies do. Even if it were proven beyond doubt that colloidal silver performs miracles its unlikely any major company would market it, especially if it replaced some of their already popular and profitable patented products. Many doctors are not fully aware of the benefits of silver because the medical establishments are driven largely by more profitable ventures. The ideal drug for a medical company is one with a large market, like Prozac or Viagra that is complex enough

it can be patented without being copied easily by competitors. Although silver has a large potential market, it is widely available to drug companies. Although silver is safer, more effective and cheaper, it will most likely never get the backing of the medical establishment. Plenty of research has been proven beyond question that colloidal silver kills bacteria, fungi and viruses. It kills bacteria by disabling its ability to use or cope with oxygen. Skeptics find it hard to believe that something so simple, cheap and easy to make, can be that effective. Its risk-benefit ratio is advantageous. The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 1:27, But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame

Drug companies are not in favor of supporting this information, but many mineral supplement companies do.
the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty. Malachi 3:3 says: He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, That they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness. References: 1. Horace Evans, Body Knowledge 2. Dr. Gordon Pederson 3. Hill WR, Pillsbury DM ArgyriaPharmacology of Silver 4. Searle AB. Colloids as germicide and disinfectants. The Use of Colloid in Health and disease. London Duhamel BG. Electric metallic colloids and therapeutic applications, Lancet 1912; 1: 89-90 -EIF

Health & Healing

Believing the Report of the Lord
By Antracia Moorings
Hearing that someone received a cancer diagnosis is always a shockeven more so when it happens to someone as upbeat, energetic and full of life as Angela Yarbrough. Yarbrough, a member of Crenshaw Christian Center, was diligent about getting yearly mammograms. But in late 2010, her mammogram results turned up something that raised concerns. When Yarbrough went in a couple of days later for results, the technician drew Yarbroughs attention to a tiny bump on her breast. She said she didnt think much of it, though a biopsy was ordered to determine what it was. They called me the next day and said, Ms. Yarbrough, its cancer, Yarbrough picks up the story: The air literally went out of the room and I thought what? That was December 2010 and Yarbrough was busy working on her masters of business administration at Pepperdine University. The next month she went to the surgeons office to find out what the plan of attack would be. Surgery was scheduled for January 20, 2012. It went like clockwork, says Yarbrough of the outpatient surgery. It was amazing. I was in recovery for a couple of hours and then I went home. My mother was here visiting and was skittish about

driving so my friend (who came with me to the first appointment) had a car service pick me up and take me to the hospital and then pick me up and take me home. There was a month in between where I was waiting on pathology report results. Turns out, the cancer didnt go through my lymph nodes. It was in the early stages. My doctor told me I would have to have radiation and chemotherapy because the tumor size was over two centimeters. This was all encouraging news for Yarbrough, who had a history of cancer in her family. She had two aunts with breast cancer: one who died from it because she refused treatment and a maternal aunt who has been cancer-free for well over 10 years.

Oddly, Yarbrough had taken the BRCA 1 test, which is genetic screening that determines cancer risk. Her test had come back negative. Yarbrough admits that she did not want to endure radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Thats what that cancer does. It will catch up with you if you dont stay ahead of it with treatment.

Id read Dr. Betty Prices book Through the Fire and Through the Water: My Triumph Over Cancer and she said over and over again, dont be stupid. She wasnt putting anyone down, but the fact of the matter is you have to get going. I remember there was an example Apostle Price gave years ago. He started running and told a woman from the audience to run after him and catch up with him. As he was running, she caught up with him and he said, thats what that cancer does. It will catch up with you if you dont stay ahead of it with treatment. You cant play with something that you had a jump on. You have to triage and attack it on all cylinders in every possible way you can. She endured the treatments and at one point was on a walker to get around. She adds that she received an outpouring of support from friends, family and her church home. Sometimes you set your face like flint and just do it. Nobody likes chemo and I had to end up getting it again. Jesus didnt want to go to the cross. He said, Lord is there a way for this cup to pass from me? But He endured the cross, despising the shame. He did it for the joy that was set before Him. He saw us being with Him for eternity. The same way you have to picture chemo. Its your cross. Youre despising it. But look at the joy that is set before you. After successfully completing her chemo and getting a clean bill of health, Yarbrough began experiencing back pain in August 2012. She thought shed sprained a muscle and took a prescribed muscle relaxer. But the muscle relaxer did nothing. Doctors recommended physical therapy which yielded no positive results. By the end of 2012, she couldnt sleep in her bed because the pain was so bad. By February 2013, she couldnt eat without throwing up. Whenever she went to the doctor, she was told that it was an after effect of

chemotherapywhich she says didnt sit well with her. Finally, a cat scan revealed bone abnormality and a recurrence of cancer. Yarbrough could hardly believe itespecially since she was having mammograms every six months and they were clear. It turns out, the cancer had metastasized and three tumors had lodged in her back. One day while on her way to radiation treatment, Yarbrough fell down and couldnt get up. She was taken to the hospital where a neurosurgeon revealed she needed emergency surgery or she could face permanent paralysis. After a 14-hour surgery in March 2013, two tumors were removed. The third one was left for radiation to destroy. During surgery part of her vertebrae was rebuilt with two titanium rods. She went through physical therapy to learn how to walk and take care of herself and wore a brace for 3 months. Yarbrough is happy to report that she is now driving and walkinga little bit slower than she used to but moving on her own legs nonetheless. She is now being treated by Dr. Peter Boasberg, the same oncologist who treated Dr. Betty. Shes currently waiting on results to see if she can be part of a groundbreaking immunotherapy treatment that teaches the body to fight cancer cells that are disguised as part of its immunity. People say to me, you look really good. Well, I feel good. God is a healer and sometimes we are healed as we go. -EIF


nderstanding medication and its role in healing has been a real problem for many people.They say, When I pray and make my claim to my physical healing, until the physical evidence comes, should I continue to take my medication? Before I answer that, let me ask you this question. Does wearing glasses heal bad eyes? Does taking insulin heal diabetes? Does taking glycerine heal heart conditions? Does taking dyalisis heal kidneys? You know as well as I do that they dont. Wearing glasses doesnt heal bad eyes. If it did, all you would have to do is wear glasses, you wouldnt even have to pray. But you know it doesnt work like

the medication. If it is, and it, then you are in

you stop taking serious trouble.

Your heart by faith knows that you are healed, but your body doesnt know it yet.
that does it? Therefore, wearing glasses, taking glycerine, taking insulin, will not heal anything, and is therefore irrelevant, and immaterial to your healing. Whether you take medication or not has nothing at all to do with your healing, unless your faith is in

Remember that you are receiving your healing by faith. It is a matter of what you believe in your heart, or spirit. Your heart by faith knows that you are healed, but your body doesnt know it yet. Therefore, it, your body, may still need the medication, so go ahead and take it if you need it. All that the glasses and medication are doing is allowing the body to function at a normal level, until the physical healing is manifested in your body. Now understand, if you had a healing manifested in your body and you continued in the face of that healing to take the medication, then that would be a denial of your healing, and would open the door for Satan and demons to put that same thing on you or something worse. If you are in fact healed, you dont need any medication, do you? But, when you are making a stand in faith, your body may still need the medicationand, thank God, it is available.

Dont get in bondage, take the medication if you need it. If you can do without it thats even better, because it will allow you to put your confidence in your faith, instead of the medication.

When gifts of healings operate or miracle healings as they are sometimes referred to, they are usually instantaneous, and therefore, there is no further need for glasses, crutches, wheelchairs, insulin, etc. But faith healing is different, most of the time. There can be a time factor between the time you pray and the time the physical evidence comes, and you may need the medication.

Many make the mistake of trying to prove that faith healing is true by not taking medication, instead of by the clearly revealed word of the living God.

If you do, take it. It is not a denial of your faith. After all, remember that you have received your healing according to Gods Wordnot according to taking medication. Many make the mistake of trying to prove that faith healing is true by not taking medication, instead of by the clearly revealed word of the living God. If you said, Im healed! and you kept on taking medication, that would look contradictory. If someone said to you, I thought you said that you were healed! And you answered, I am! They would say, If you were healed, you wouldnt need medicine would you? There would be nothing that you could say. But if you said, I believe that I am, that would be a statement of faith, not of an accomplished fact. I hope you can see the difference. Praise God. Healing is for all. This article is an excerpt from Apostle Prices book, Is Healing For All?

hen we were young and just learning to read, picture books held our attention and we read books that had short sentences with large illustrations. As we got older, our books got more wordy and less visual. We just considered this a part of growing up. Thats just how social media started, with a focus on how easily we could communicate with numerous words. Social media started with blog posts that were around 800 words dedicated to a specific topic. Next came Facebook posts that were initially 320 characters (and have since expanded to an unlimited number) about what we were thinking and doing. Then we transitioned to 140-character tweets on Twitter where we use social media abbreviations such as brb (Be Right Back), lol (Laughing Out Loud) and smh (Shaking My Head). The reason for the reduction in words and characters in social media was a shift in the habits of technology users. As mobile devices, smart phones and tablets became more popular, users found that it was much more difficult to type long status updates on their phones. But there was something that was much easier to do on mobile devices via social media, and that was taking and sharing photos. After the initial start of embracing and encouraging words, social media was starting the transition to fewer words, fewer characters, and more photos and videos.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Pictures have become one of the best ways of communicating lots of information quickly and vividly. Whether there is a caption or not, the response from someone sharing a picture on social media is so much higher that Facebook ranks photos higher in their Newsfeed Edgerank algorithm than any other type of update on Facebook. Astoundingly, over New Years weekend, users uploaded more than 750 million photos. Normally Facebook only has about 100 million photos uploaded per day. Consider that last sentence for a seconda normal day for Facebook is 100 million photos.

Welcome to the Social Media of Today

About a year or so ago, Facebook introduced a new feature called the timeline, where peoples Facebook profile became a visual representation of their Facebook existence. Additionally, Facebook allowed people to start adding events, past locations and milestones to their Facebook profile.

This profile page not only became a visual representation of peoples online lives, but their offline lives as well. Next, Twitter.com added a photo album feature on Twitter users profile page where people could see all the photos they uploaded to Twitter. This is another visual feature that pulled people onto their site for longer times and gave them more reasons to share photos on Twitter. More recently we have seen the rise of platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, two fully visual social networks that are built on media such as photos and videos. Instagram, fresh off its one billion dollar deal with Facebook, has become the no. 1 mobile photo sharing application. The best part about Instagram is that its completely mobile and is a great example of the power of mobile photo sharing. Likewise, Pinterest was initially thought to be only a photo sharing sight for women and moms, but as its popularity has exploded, its now more than just a network for photos. Many may not know it, but Pinterest also accept videos. This multimedia social network lets people pin photos and videos expressing themselves and their brands in full multimedia fashion. Finally, lets not forget YouTube, the no. 1 video site on the entire Internet where you can find any video about anything.

Overall, social media has entered a new stage of growth and its focused on visual content that can be created, consumed and shared easily, and that is the benefits of photos and videos from mobile devices.

Here are the Top 5 Visual Social Networks

Facebook - As the no. 1 destination for photos shared and the no. 2 destination for videos watched and over 900 million users, Facebook is the top social network on the Internet. Twitter - This is the no. 1 destination to share links to photos and videos. With more than 400 million users, Twitter is built on short updates and the sharing of multimedia amongst its users. YouTube - Has 80 percent of all online videos and is the no.1 destination for videos watched on the entire Internet. Instagram - After being bought by Facebook for $1 billion, this app is firmly established as the no. 1 mobile photosharing app. With its photo filters, ease of sharing and easy integration to Facebook and Twitter, Instagram is the go-to photo app for all mobile phones. Pinterest - Is the fastest growing photo and video website with its ease of use and quick pinning features. -EIF

If you are in the Los Angeles area, stop by our bookstore on the campus of Crenshaw Christian Center. In addition to books, we carry Bibles, greeting cards, music, Word of Faith products, and a host of other great gift items. Hours of Operation: Monday Thursday 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Saturday As services are scheduled Sunday 9:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. / Noon 2:00 p.m.

or 35 years, Dr. Betty Price has been sharing her practical and Bible-based advice to women from the Word of God during her annual Wisdom From Above luncheons. The luncheons, which are held every year in October, have grown from a few hundred women to well over 1,200 women. Its safe to say that attendees find great wealth in what Dr. Betty has to share. But Dr. Betty admits that there was a time when she dreaded getting up in front of a crowd to speak because of her shyness.

Luncheons Through The Years

of Wisdom From Above

By Antracia Moorings

35 Years

testimonies from all over from people who say theyve wanted to meet me all these years. Its God I never looked for any of it. Some of Dr. Bettys favorite topics to share with the women are on holiness and faith. She wants them to know that the Word of God applies to everyone. The same way that she has been blessed, others can be blessed. She says her greatest joy has been seeing women who have received the Word with gladness and have obeyed that which theyve heard. There was one woman who told me that my teachings during the Wisdom From Above luncheons have helped her to be the best mother and wife. To hear that was a blessing. Thats all I want to do is be a blessing to them and let them know they can do it,they can win. God has

Dr. Betty Price celebrating 35 years of Wisdom From Above.

Because of my husband being filled with the Holy Spirit and learning the principles of faith, he was called to come and speak frequently. When youre a pastors wife, you are expected to say something and I never wanted to do it. Finally, when we went to Australia, they wanted to hear from me and I didnt want to talk. Then I just said I can talk. I didnt want God to ask me why I didnt share. So I told my husband to stand there and be ready to take over because I wasnt going to be able to last over 20 minutes. I ended up speaking for more than an hour. Thats what started it. Theres stuff inside of you that you might not even know. I thought I would just be a behind-the-scenes person and never out front. But God has made a difference and I get

Dr. Betty with Pastor Taffi Dollar, first lady of World Changers Church International.

made them special. The whole idea is just to help somebody. Much of what she teaches comes from lessons shes learned in her own life. Shes freely shared how she has overcome fear, worry and even a battle with cancer. She is her own best student.


And after being in ministry with her husband Apostle Frederick K.C. Price for more than 43 years, she is showing no signs of slowing down. I havent even thought about taking a break only because the women look so forward to this luncheon, she says. Ive never thought about sitting down because Ive never thought
Angel Price, first lady of Crenshaw Christian Center, along with Myesha Chaney, first lady of First Antioch Church of Long Beach.

Crenshaw Christian Center employee Nina Tunzi, Angela Evans, president of Crenshaw Christian Center and eldest daughter of Dr. Betty with Anush Berberyan, who gave her testimony of how she was healed from cancer after reading Dr. Bettys book Through the Fire and Through the Water: My Triumph Over Cancer.

about retiring. Im just as excited about the Word of God and the principles of faith as I was when we learned them 43 years ago. I look forward to sharing because I really want to see more women prosper and just do better in their lives. All the women can have the same benefits in the Word because the Word of God says the same thing to all of us. Thats why I like to come and just encourage them and tell them you win no matter what. But you have to stay with the Word. You have to learn the principles of faith. You can learn that the Word is real and that its God talking to you.

Wisdom from Above

Volume one of this book has been written to share with you how to walk in Gods Spirit and to draw on His heavenly wisdom to make it through this life. Much of this book was compiled from Dr. Bettys Wisdom From Above womens luncheons, in which she candidly shares intimate details of how the Word of God brought her from poverty to wealth, from sickness to health, and from discouragement to a life filled with joy and peace. This practical resource includes personal anecdotes and scriptural advice about issues concerning women from all walks of life. She candidly discusses such topics as living single, honoring God and your spouse, sex, parenting, interracial marriage, and health. In this follow-up to the first volume of Wisdom From Above, Dr. Betty established how to grow in Gods wisdom and understand just how important it is to our everyday lives. Join her on a journey to a more fulfilling life by discovering Gods best!

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Apostle and Dr. Betty Price

hearers of the Word. We must be doers of the Word. In John 2, we read the story of the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. Mary, who had asked Jesus to intervene because the wine had run out, turned to the servants and instructed them, Whatever He says to you, do it (John 2:5). This same principle is the basis for our walk with God, the principle of obedience to the Word of God and the commitment to do what Jesus says. It was through their obedience to Jesus that the servants participated with the Lord in the miracle of changing the water into wine. Obedience opens the door for the miracle power of God to work. Do you have a question on your mind?

Q&A with

Q: How can I know for certain that I am a doer of the Word like James 1:22 says: But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. If we, as Christians, want to experience the fullness of our life in Christ, it is absolutely essential that we are more than

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations noted above are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.

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Spiritual Food: Daily Devotionals

Crenshaw Christian Center EIF Ministries

1,000+ likes, 400+ shares and 24,000+ views on our Ever Increasing Faith Ministries Facebook page. [Temecca Abram] Wow....amazing devotional!!!!! [Sulma Heffley] I RECEIVE IT AMEN. [Eric Jones] Yes and yes! Infinite supply is my portion. [Horace Burrow] Let it be known!!! [Joyce E Smith] Yes! Amen! AAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAmen! 1,000+ Likes 400+ shares, 1700+ views [CarLissa Sanders Booker] Amen!!! No better way of said it is the true... [Drusilla Harris] If you want to know God...read... read and read some more. Ever Increasing Faith BROADCAST TOPIC: Exposing Idolatry in the church From the teaching The Pursuit of Holiness #8

[Ruthie Johnson McThay] Pastor Price your teaching yesterday on sororities was so informative. The way you broke it down bit by bit was amazing. I wish all churches and Pastors would take the time to understand GODS word. People are dying because of lack of knowledge. The world is getting worse and all the pastors can tell us is that God wants us prosperous. God cares nothing about this material foolishness. [Frances Welch] Ditto. I learned so much from your sermon yesterday. Keep it coming. Doers of the word, not just hearers.

CCC New York Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

[On the Itinerary]

DECEMBER 22, 2013

MARCH 6, 2014
T.D. Jakes Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 5390 Dallas, TX 75208 International Pastors and Leadership Conference Orange County Convention Center Orlando, FL (800-247.4672) [Bishop T.D. Jakes] Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

ICCM of Churches and Ministers Osborne Office Center, Suite 500 5746 Marlin Road Chattanooga, TN 37411-5679 [Dr. Michael Chitwood] Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

MARCH 7, 2014

*Dates subject to change and/or cancellation.


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