Architects Act Amendments - Final For Committee

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THE ARCHITECTS ACT, 1972* ___________________________________ *Published in the Gazette of India on 31.05.1972. [31st May 1972!

2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. "n "#t to $%o&ide fo% the %e'ist%ation of a%#hite#ts and fo% (atte%s #onne#ted the%e)ith. *+ it ena#ted by Pa%lia(ent in the ,)enty-thi%d .ea% of the /e$ubli# of India as follo)s 0CHAPTER I CHAPTER I P/+1IMI2"/. P/+1IMI2"/. In se#tion 1 no a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 1. 314 ,his "#t (ay be #alled the "%#hite#ts "#t 1972. 324 It e5tends to the )hole of India. 334 It shall #o(e in to fo%#e on su#h date as the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette a$$oint. 2. In this "#t unless the #onte5t othe%)ise %e8ui%es 0 (a) No amendment is required 3a4 9a%#hite#t: (eans a $e%son )hose na(e is fo% the ti(e bein' ente%ed in the %e'iste%; (aa) !ar"#ite"tura$ ser%i"es& in#lude sellin' %ende%in' o% su$$lyin' fo% 'ain o% %e)a%d any a%#hite#tu%al $lan d%a)in's t%a#in' o% the li<e fo% use in the #onst%u#tion enla%'e(ent o% alte%ation of any buildin' o% $a%t the%eof 7/ bein' in %es$onsible #ont%ol of $%ofessional se%&i#es )hi#h %e8ui%e the $lannin' of sites o% the desi'n in )hole o% in $a%t of buildin's o% '%ou$s of buildin's. (a') !'ui$din( ')e$a*s& in#lude all (uni#i$al buildin' byela)s as defined in &a%ious (uni#i$alities = (uni#i$al a#ts notified by #ent%al and state 'o&e%n(ents all o&e% India. (a") !Certi+i"ate o+ Pra"ti"e& in %elation to a P%a#ti#in' "%#hite#t (eans an

2. In this "#t unless the #onte5t othe%)ise %e8ui%es -



annual #e%tifi#ate issued unde% se#tion 2@" autho%izin' to en'a'e in the $%a#ti#e of a%#hite#tu%e in India (ad) !Certi+i"ate o+ Re(istration& (eans the 6e%tifi#ate of /e'ist%ation issued unde% se#tion 23 of this "#t. (') 3b4 96oun#il: (eans the 6oun#il of "%#hite#tu%e #onstituted unde% >e#tion 3; !Coun"i$& means t#e Coun"i$ o+ Ar"#ite"ture, India "onstituted under Se"tion , -

('a) !.irm o+ Ar"#ite"ts& (eans a Ai%( as defined in the Indian Pa%tne%shi$ "#t 1932; su#h that all $a%tne%s a%e P%a#ti#in' "%#hite#ts as defined in se#tion 23#e4 of this "#t. 3#4 9Indian Institute of "%#hite#ts: (eans the Indian Institute of "%#hite#ts %e'iste%ed unde% the >o#ieties /e'ist%ation "#t 1?@0; 3#4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

("a) !/imited /ia'i$it) Partners#i0 o+ Ar"#ite"ts& (eans a 1i(ited 1iability Pa%tne%shi$311P4 fo%(ed and %e'iste%ed unde% the $%o&isos of the 1i(ited 1iability Pa%tne%shi$ "#t of 200? 32o @ of 20094 in )hi#h all su#h $a%tne%s a%e P%a#ti#in' "%#hite#ts as defined in se#tion 23#e4 of this "#t. ("') !1uni"i0a$it)(s)& has the sa(e (eanin' as defined in a%ti#le 2B33P4 of the 6onstitution of India as a(ended f%o( ti(e to ti(e. ("") !P$annin(23e%e$o0ment Aut#orit)(s)& in#ludes u%ban de&elo$(ent autho%ities all o&e% India as (ay be #%eated unde% &a%ious state and #ent%al u%ban de&elo$(ent la)s. 0ra"ti"e o+ ar"#ite"ture& )ithin the (eanin' and intent of this "#t in#ludes offe%in' sellin' %ende%in' o% su$$lyin' a%#hite#tu%al se%&i#es as defined in se#tion 23aa4 of this "#t. !Pra"ti"in( Ar"#ite"t& )ithin the (eanin' and intent of this "#t (eans an "%#hite#t holdin' a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e.



("e) !0ro+essiona$ e4amination& (eans an e5a(ination #ondu#ted by the 6oun#il fo% '%antin' 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e.



3d4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3d4 9%e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation: (eans any 8ualifi#ation in a%#hite#tu%e fo% the ti(e bein' in#luded in the >#hedule o% notified unde% se#tion 15; 3e4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3e4 3f4 9%e'iste%: (eans the %e'iste% of a%#hite#ts (aintained unde% se#tion 23; 3f4 9%e'ulation: (eans a %e'ulation (ade unde% this "#t by the 6oun#il; 3'4 3'4 :%ule: (eans a %ule (ade unde% this "#t by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. CHAPTER II CHAPTER II 67C26I1 7A "/6DI,+6,C/+ IN3IA 67C26I1 7A "/6DI,+6,C/+ 3. 314 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette #onstitute )ith effe#t f%o( su#h date as (ay be s$e#ified in the notifi#ation a 6oun#il to be <no)n as the 6oun#il of "%#hite#tu%e )hi#h shall be a body #o%$o%ate ha&in' $e%$etual su##ession and a #o((on seal )ith $o)e% to a#8ui%e hold and dis$ose of $%o$e%ty both (o&able and i((o&able and to #ont%a#t and (ay by that na(e sue o% be sued. 324 ,he Dead 7ffi#e of the 6oun#il shall be at Eelhi o% at su#h othe% $la#e as the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette s$e#ify. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 334 ,he 6oun#il shall #onsist of the follo)in' (e(be%s na(ely03a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3a4 fi&e a%#hite#ts $ossessin' %e#o'nized 8ualifi#ations ele#ted by the Indian Institute of "%#hite#ts f%o( a(on' its (e(be%s; (aa) Ten ar"#ite"ts 0ossessin( re"o(ni5ed qua$i+i"ations e$e"ted ') a$$ t#e mem'ers o+ Indian Institute o+ Ar"#ite"ts +rom amon( t#emse$%es 3.314 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette #onstitute )ith effe#t f%o( su#h date as (ay be s$e#ified in the notifi#ation a 6oun#il to be <no)n as the 6oun#il of "%#hite#tu%e India )hi#h shall be a body #o%$o%ate ha&in' $e%$etual su##ession and a #o((on seal )ith $o)e% to a#8ui%e hold and dis$ose of $%o$e%ty both (o&able and i((o&able and to #ont%a#t and (ay by that na(e sue o% be sued. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.




t)o $e%sons no(inated by the "ll India 6oun#il fo% ,e#hni#al +du#ation established by the /esolution of the Go&e%n(ent of India in the late Minist%y of +du#ation 2o.A.1@-10=BB-+.III dated the 30th 2o&e(be% 19B5; fi&e $e%sons ele#ted fo%( a(on' the(sel&es by heads of a%#hite#tu%al institutions in India i($a%tin' full-ti(e inst%u#tion fo% %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ations;

3b4 6ne 0erson nominated ') t#e A$$ India Coun"i$ +or Te"#ni"a$ Edu"ation esta'$is#ed t#e A$$ India Coun"i$ +or Te"#ni"a$ Edu"ation A"t, 1977 (No 82 o+ 1977)93#4 ,en "%#hite#ts ele#ted fo%( a(on' the(sel&es by heads of a%#hite#tu%al institutions in India i($a%tin' full-ti(e inst%u#tion fo% %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ations; Pro%ided t#at *#ere%er institutions im0artin( +u$$:time instru"tion +or re"o(nised qua$i+i"ations in ar"#ite"ture +un"tionin( as a 3e0artment o+ Ar"#ite"ture, on$) t#e Heads o+ 3e0artment o+ Ar"#ite"ture s#a$$ 'e e$i(i'$e +or t#e 0ur0ose o+ e$e"tions under t#is A"t 3d4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed;



the 6hief "%#hite#ts in the Minist%ies of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent to )hi#h the Go&e%n(ent business %elatin' to defen#e and %ail)ays has been allotted and head of the "%#hite#tu%al 7%'anization in the 6ent%al Publi# Fo%<s Ee$a%t(ent e5 offi#io; 3e4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed; one $e%son no(inated by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent; (+) an a%#hite#t f%o( ea#h >tate no(inated by the Go&e%n(ent of that state; t)o $e%sons no(inated by the Institution of +n'inee%s 3India4 f%o( a(on' its (e(be%s; and one $e%son no(inated by the Institution of >u%&eyo%s of India f%o( a(on' its (e(be%s. An Ar"#ite"t #eadin( Ar"#ite"tura$ 6r(anisation, +rom ea"# o+ State ;o%ernment 2 <nion Territor) in India, e4: o++i"io-

3e4 3f4

3'4 3h4

3'4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed; 3h4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. +5$lanation.- Ao% the $u%$oses of this sub-se#tion 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

+5$lanation.- Ao% the $u%$oses of this sub-se#tion 3a4 9Institution of +n'inee%s 3India4: (eans the Institution of +n'inee%s 3India4 fi%st %e'iste%ed in 1920 unde% the Indian 6o($anies "#t 1913 and subse8uently in#o%$o%ated by a /oyal #ha$te% in 1935.



3b4 9Institution of >u%&eyo%s of India: (eans the Institution of su%&eyo%s %e'iste%ed unde% the >o#ieties /e'ist%ation "#t 1?@0. 3B4 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in #lause 3a4 of subse#tion 334 the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay $endin' the $%e$a%ation of the %e'iste% no(inate to the fi%st 6oun#il in #onsultation )ith the Indian Institute of "%#hite#ts $e%sons %efe%%ed to in the said #lause 3a4 )ho a%e 8ualified fo% %e'ist%ation unde% se#tion 25 and the $e%sons so no(inated shall hold offi#e fo% su#h $e%iod as the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette s$e#ify. 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in #lause 3f4 of subse#tion 334 the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay $endin' the $%e$a%ation of the %e'iste% no(inate to the fi%st 6oun#il in #onsultation )ith the >tate Go&e%n(ents #on#e%ned $e%sons %efe%%ed to in the said #lause3f4 )ho a%e 8ualified fo% %e'ist%ation unde% se#tion 25 and the $e%sons so no(inated shall hold offi#e fo% su#h $e%iod as the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette s$e#ify.

3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


354 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


314 ,he P%esident and the Gi#e-P%esident of the 6oun#il shall be ele#ted by the (e(be%s of the 6oun#il f%o( a(on' the(sel&es0 P%o&ided that on the fi%st #onstitution of the 6oun#il and until the P%esident is ele#ted a (e(be% of the 6oun#il no(inated by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent in this behalf shall dis#ha%'e the fun#tions of the P%esident. 324 "n ele#ted P%esident o% Gi#e-P%esident of the 6oun#il shall hold offi#e fo% a te%( of th%ee yea%s o% till he #eases to be a (e(be% of the 6oun#il )hi#he&e% is ea%lie% but subHe#t to his bein' a (e(be% of the 6oun#il he shall be eli'ible fo% %e-ele#tion0

B. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

P%o&ided that I 3a4 the P%esident o% the Gi#e-P%esident (ay by )%itin' unde% his hand add%essed to the Gi#e-P%esident o%

3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



the P%esident as the #ase (ay be %esi'n his offi#e; 3b4 P%esident o% the Gi#e-P%esident shall not)ithstandin' the e5$i%y of his te%( of th%ee yea%s #ontinue to hold offi#e until his su##esso% ente%s u$on offi#e. 334 ,he P%esident and the Gi#e-P%esident of the 6oun#il shall e5e%#ise su#h $o)e%s and dis#ha%'e su#h duties as (ay be $%es#%ibed by the %e'ulations. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

(=) T#e 0ro"ess o+ e$e"tion o+ President and >i"e:President s#a$$ 'e initiated ') t#e Coun"i$ si4 mont#s 'e+ore t#e e40ir) o+ t#eir term Pro%ided t#at in an e4traordinar) situation i+ t#e e$e"tion "annot 'e #e$d 0rior to t#e e40ir) o+ t#e term o+ t#e President and >i"e: President, t#e) ma) "ontinue, u0to a ma4imum 0eriod o+ si4 mont#s, *it#in *#i"# t#e e$e"tion +or t#e o++i"e o+ President and >i"e: President must 'e "om0$eted-& 5. 314 +le#tions unde% this 6ha$te% shall be #ondu#ted in su#h (anne% as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules. 324 Fhe%e any dis$ute a%ises %e'a%din' any su#h ele#tion the (atte% shall be %efe%%ed by the 6oun#il to a ,%ibunal a$$ointed by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette in this behalf and the de#ision of the ,%ibunal shall be final0 P%o&ided that no su#h %efe%en#e shall be (ade e5#e$t on an a$$li#ation (ade to the 6oun#il by an a''%ie&ed $a%ty )ithin thi%ty days f%o( the date of the de#la%ation of the %esult of the ele#tion. 334 @. ,he e5$enses of the ,%ibunal shall be bo%ne by the 6oun#il. @. 314 >ubHe#t to the $%o&isions of this se#tion an ele#ted o% no(inated (e(be% shall hold offi#e fo% a te%( of th%ee yea%s f%o( the date of his ele#tion o% no(ination o% until his su##esso% has been duly ele#ted o% no(inated )hi#he&e% is late%. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 5. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 "n ele#ted o% no(inated (e(be% (ay at any ti(e %esi'n his (e(be%shi$ by )%itin' unde% his hand add%essed to the P%esident o% in his absen#e to the Gi#e-P%esident and the seat of su#h (e(be% shall the%eu$on be#o(e &a#ant. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 334 " (e(be% shall be dee(ed to ha&e &a#ated his seat I 3i4 if he is absent )ithout e5#use suffi#ient in the o$inion of the 6oun#il f%o( th%ee #onse#uti&e o%dina%y (eetin's of the 6oun#il; o% 3i4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3ii4 if he #eases to be a (e(be% of the body %efe%%ed to in #lause 3a4 #lause3'4 o% #lause3h4 of sub-se#tion 334 of se#tion 3 by )hi#h he )as ele#ted o% no(inated as the #ase (ay be; o% 3iii4 in the #ase )he%e he has been ele#ted unde% #lause3#4 of sub-se#tion 334 of se#tion 3 if he #eases to hold his a$$oint(ent as the head of an Institution %efe%%ed to in the said #lause. 3B4 " 6asual &a#an#y in the 6oun#il shall be filled by f%esh ele#tion o% no(ination as the #ase (ay be and the $e%son so ele#ted o% no(inated to fill the &a#an#y shall hold offi#e only fo% the %e(ainde% of the te%( fo% )hi#h the (e(be% )hose $la#e he ta<es )as ele#ted o% no(inated. Me(be%s of the 6oun#il shall be eli'ible fo% %e-ele#tion o% %e-no(ination but not e5#eedin' th%ee #onse#uti&e te%(s. 7. 7. 2o a#t o% $%o#eedin' of the 6oun#il o% the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee o% any othe% 6o((ittee shall be in&alid (e%ely by %eason of I 3a4 any &a#an#y in o% defe#t in the #onstitution of the 6oun#il the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee o% any othe% #o((ittee o% 3b4 any defe#t in the ele#tion o% no(ination of a $e%son a#tin' as a (e(be% the%eof o% 3#4 any i%%e'ula%ity in $%o#edu%e not affe#tin' the (e%its of

3ii4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3iii4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


354 Me(be%s of the 6oun#il shall be eli'ible fo% %e-ele#tion o% %e-no(ination but not e5#eedin' t*o #onse#uti&e te%(s.

2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3#4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



the #ase. ?. ?. " $e%son shall not be eli'ible fo% ele#tion o% no(ination as a (e(be% of the 6oun#il if he I 3a4 3b4 is an undis#ha%'ed insol&ent; o% has been #on&i#ted by a #ou%t in India fo% any offen#e and senten#ed to i($%ison(ent fo% not less than t)o yea%s and shall #ontinue to be ineli'ible fo% a fu%the% $e%iod of fi&e yea%s sin#e his %elease. 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

9. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 9. 314 ,he 6oun#il shall (eet at least on#e in e&e%y si5 (onths at su#h ti(e and $la#e and shall obse%&e su#h %ules of $%o#edu%e in %e'a%d to the t%ansa#tion of business at its (eetin's as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %e'ulations. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 Cnless othe%)ise $%es#%ibed by %e'ulations nine (e(be%s of the 6oun#il shall fo%( a 8uo%u( and all the a#ts of the 6oun#il shall be de#ided by a (aHo%ity of the (e(be%s $%esent and &otin'. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 334 In the #ase of an e8ual di&ision of &otes the P%esident o% in his absen#e the Gi#e-P%esident o% in the absen#e of both the (e(be% $%esidin' o&e% the (eetin' shall ha&e and e5e%#ise a se#ond o% #astin' &ote. 10. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 10. 314 ,he 6oun#il shall #onstitute f%o( a(on' its (e(be%s an +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee and (ay also #onstitute othe% #o((ittees fo% su#h 'ene%al o% s$e#ial $u%$oses as the 6oun#il dee(s ne#essa%y to #a%%y out its fun#tions unde% this "#t. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 ,he +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee shall #onsist of the P%esident and the Gi#e-P%esident of the 6oun#il )ho shall be (e(be%s e5offi#io and fi&e othe% (e(be%s )ho shall be ele#ted by the 6oun#il f%o( a(on' its (e(be%s. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 334 ,he P%esident and the Gi#e-P%esident of the 6oun#il shall be the 6hai%(an and Gi#e-6hai%(an %es$e#ti&ely of the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee. 3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3B4 " (e(be% of the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee shall hold offi#e as



su#h until the e5$i%y of his te%( as a (e(be% of the 6oun#il but subHe#t to his bein' a (e(be% of the 6oun#il he shall be eli'ible fo% %e-ele#tion. 354 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 354 In addition to the $o)e%s and duties #onfe%%ed and i($osed on it by this "#t the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee shall e5e%#ise su#h $o)e%s and dis#ha%'e su#h duties as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %e'ulations.

(?) T#e 0ro"ess o+ e$e"tion o+ E4e"uti%e Committee mem'ers s#a$$ 'e initiated si4 mont#s 'e+ore t#e e40ir) o+ t#eir term Pro%ided t#at in an e4traordinar) situation i+ t#e e$e"tion "annot 'e #e$d 0rior to t#e e40ir) o+ t#e term o+ t#e President and >i"e: President, t#e) ma) "ontinue, u0to a ma4imum 0eriod o+ si4 mont#s, *it#in *#i"# t#e e$e"tion +or t#e o++i"e o+ President and >i"e: President must 'e "om0$eted-& 11.2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


,he P%esident the Gi#e-P%esident and othe% (e(be%s of the 6oun#il shall be entitled to su#h fees and allo)an#es as the 6oun#il (ay )ith the $%e&ious san#tion of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent fi5 in this behalf. 12.314 ,he 6oun#il shall I 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ents %e8ui%ed; 3#4 .i4 t#e 0a) and a$$o*an"es and ot#er "onditions o+ ser%i"e o+ o++i"ers and ot#er em0$o)ees o+ t#e Coun"i$

12. 314 ,he 6oun#il shall I 3a4 a$$oint a /e'ist%a% )ho shall a#t as its >e#%eta%y and )ho (ay also a#t if so de#ided by the 6oun#il as its t%easu%e%; 3b4 a$$oint su#h othe% offi#e%s and e($loyees as the 6oun#il dee(s ne#essa%y to enable it to #a%%y out its fun#tions unde% this "#t; 3#4 )ith the $%e&ious san#tion of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent fi5 the $ay and allo)an#es and othe% #onditions of se%&i#e of offi#e%s and othe% e($loyees of the 6oun#il.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in #lause3a4 of subse#tion314 fo% the fi%st th%ee yea%s f%o( the fi%st #onstitution of the 6oun#il the /e'ist%a% of the 6oun#il shall be a $e%son a$$ointed by the 6ent%al 'o&e%n(ent )ho shall hold offi#e du%in' the $leasu%e of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. 334 "ll the $e%sons a$$ointed unde% this se#tion shall be the

334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



e($loyees of the 6oun#il. 13. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 13. 314 ,he%e shall be established a Aund unde% the (ana'e(ent and #ont%ol of the 6oun#il into )hi#h shall be $aid all (oneys %e#ei&ed by the 6oun#il and out of )hi#h shall be (et all e5$enses and liabilities $%o$e%ly in#u%%ed by the 6oun#il. 324 ,he 6oun#il (ay in&est any (oney fo% the ti(e bein' standin' to the #%edit of the Aund in any Go&e%n(ent se#u%ity o% in any othe% se#u%ity a$$%o&ed by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. 334 ,he 6oun#il shall <ee$ $%o$e% a##ounts of the Aund distin'uishin' #a$ital f%o( %e&enue. 3B4 ,he annual a##ounts of the 6oun#il shall be subHe#t to audit by an audito% to be a$$ointed annually by the 6oun#il. 354 "s soon as (ay be $%a#ti#able at the end of ea#h yea% but not late% than the thi%tieth day of >e$te(be% of the yea% ne5t follo)in' the 6oun#il shall #ause to be $ublished in the 7ffi#ial Gazette a #o$y of the audited a##ounts and the %e$o%t of the 6oun#il fo% that yea% and #o$ies of the said a##ounts and %e$o%t shall be fo%)a%ded to the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. 3@4 ,he Aund shall #onsist of I 3a4 all (oneys %e#ei&ed f%o( the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent by )ay of '%ant 'ift o% de$osit; 3b4 any su(s %e#ei&ed unde% this "#t )hethe% by )ay of fee o% othe%)ise. 374 "ll (oneys standin' at the #%edit of the 6oun#il )hi#h #annot be i((ediately be a$$lied shall be de$osited in the >tate *an< of India o% in any othe% ban< s$e#ified in #olu(n 2 of the Ai%st >#hedule to the *an<in' 6o($anies 3"#8uisition and ,%ansfe% of Cnde%ta<in's4 "#t 1970. 1B. 314 ,he 8ualifi#ations in#luded in the s#hedule o% notified unde% se#tion 15 shall be %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ations fo% the $u%$oses of this "#t. 324 "ny autho%ity in India )hi#h '%ants an a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation not in#luded in the s#hedule (ay a$$ly to the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent to ha&e su#h 8ualifi#ation %e#o'nised and the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent afte% #onsultation )ith the 6oun#il (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette a(end the s#hedule so as to in#lude su#h 8ualifi#ation the%ein and any su#h notifi#ation (ay also di%e#t that an ent%y shall be (ade in the s#hedule a'ainst su#h a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation de#la%in' that it shall be a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation only )hen

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 354 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3@4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 374 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

1B. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



'%anted afte% a s$e#ified date. P%o&ided that until the fi%st 6oun#il is #onstituted the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall befo%e issuin' any notifi#ation as afo%esaid #onsult an e5$e%t #o((ittee #onsistin' of th%ee (e(be%s to be a$$ointed by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent by notifi#ation in the offi#ial Gazette. 15. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 15.314 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay afte% #onsultation )ith the 6oun#il di%e#t by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette that an a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation '%anted by any uni&e%sity o% othe% institution in any #ount%y outside India in %es$e#t of )hi#h a s#he(e of %e#i$%o#ity fo% the %e#o'nition of a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation is not in fo%#e shall be a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation fo% the $u%$oses of this "#t o% shall be so only )hen '%anted afte% a s$e#ified date o% befo%e a s$e#ified date 0 P%o&ided that until the fi%st 6oun#il is #onstituted the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall befo%e issuin' any notifi#ation as afo%esaid #onsult the e5$e%t #o((ittee set u$ unde% the $%o&iso to sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 1B. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 ,he 6oun#il (ay ente% into ne'otiations )ith the autho%ity in any >tate o% #ount%y outside India )hi#h by the la) of su#h >tate o% #ount%y is ent%usted )ith the (aintenan#e of a %e'iste% of a%#hite#ts fo% settlin' of a s#he(e of %e#i$%o#ity fo% the %e#o'nition of a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ations and in $u%suan#e of any su#h s#he(e the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette di%e#t that su#h a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation as the 6oun#il has de#ided should be %e#o'nised shall be dee(ed to be a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation fo% the $u%$oses of this "#t and any su#h notifi#ation (ay also di%e#t that su#h a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation shall be so %e#o'nised only )hen '%anted afte% a s$e#ified date o% befo%e a s$e#ified date. 1@. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

1@. 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 1B the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent afte% #onsultation )ith the 6oun#il (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette a(end the s#hedule by di%e#tin' that an ent%y be (ade in %es$e#t of any a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation. 17. 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in any othe% la) but subHe#t

17 Not*it#standin( an)t#in( "ontained in an) ot#er $a*, 'ut su'@e"t to t#e 0ro%isions o+ t#is A"t, an) re"o(ni5ed qua$i+i"ation s#a$$ 'e a su++i"ient



to the $%o&isions of this "#t any %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation shall be a suffi#ient 8ualifi#ation fo% en%ol(ent in the %e'iste%. 17 1?. +&e%y autho%ity in India )hi#h '%ants a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation shall fu%nish su#h info%(ation as the 6oun#il (ay f%o( ti(e to ti(e %e8ui%e as to the #ou%ses of study and e5a(inations to be unde%'one in o%de% to obtain su#h 8ualifi#ation as to the a'es at )hi#h su#h #ou%ses of study and e5a(inations a%e %e8ui%ed to be unde%'one and su#h 8ualifi#ation is #onfe%%ed and 'ene%ally as to the %e8uisites fo% obtainin' su#h 8ualifi#ation .

qua$i+i"ation +or a00earin( in t#e Pro+essiona$ E4amination as ma) 'e "ondu"ted ') t#e Coun"i$ +or enro$ment in t#e re(ister (a) E%er) aut#orit) or institution in India *#i"# (rants a re"o(ni5ed qua$i+i"ation s#a$$ seeA 0rior a00ro%a$ o+ t#e Coun"i$ *it# intaAe to "ommen"e a re"o(ni5ed qua$i+i"ation and +or "ontinuation o+ t#e same +rom time to time (') T#e Coun"i$, ma) seeA in+ormation +rom an) su"# aut#orit) or institution as to t#e "ourses o+ stud) and e4aminations to 'e under(one in order to o'tain su"# qua$i+i"ation, as to t#e a(es at *#i"# su"# "ourses o+ stud) and e4aminations are required to 'e under(one and su"# qua$i+i"ation is "on+erred and (enera$$) as to t#e requisites +or o'tainin( su"# qua$i+i"ation and an) ot#er in+ormation as ma) 'e +ound re$e%ant ') t#e Coun"i$ 19 (1) T#e E4e"uti%e Committee s#a$$, su'@e"t to re(u$ations, i+ an), made ') t#e Coun"i$, u0on re"ei0t o+ ins0e"tion "#ar(es +rom t#e "on"erned institution, as ma) 0res"ri'e ') t#e Coun"i$, a00oint su"# num'er o+ ins0e"tors as it ma) deem requisite to ins0e"t an) "o$$e(e or institution *#ere ar"#ite"tura$ edu"ation is (i%en or is 0ro0osed to 'e (i%en or to attend an) e4amination #e$d ') an) "o$$e(e or institution +or t#e 0ur0ose o+ re"ommendin( to t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment re"o(nition o+ ar"#ite"tura$ qua$i+i"ations (ranted ') t#at "o$$e(e or institution 324 T#e ins0e"tors s#a$$ not inter+ere *it# t#e "ondu"t o+ "$asses and an) trainin( or e4amination, 'ut s#a$$ re0ort to t#e E4e"uti%e Committee on t#e adequa") o+ t#e standards o+ ar"#ite"tura$ edu"ation in"$udin( admissions to t#e "ourse, sta++, equi0ment, a""ommodation, trainin( qua$i+i"ations o+ +a"u$t) and su"# ot#er +a"i$ities as ma) 'e 0res"ri'ed ') re(u$ations +or (i%in( su"# edu"ation or on t#e su++i"ien") o+ e%er) e4amination *#i"# t#e) attend 334 ,he +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee shall fo%)a%d a #o$y of su#h %e$o%t to the #olle'e o% institution and shall also fo%)a%d #o$ies )ith %e(a%<s if any of the #olle'e o% institution the%eon to the a00ro0riate Go&e%n(ent. 20.314 Fhen u$on %e$o%t by the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee it a$$ea%s to the 6oun#il -

19. 314

,he +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee shall subHe#t to %e'ulations if any (ade by the 6oun#il a$$oint su#h nu(be% of ins$e#to%s as it (ay dee( %e8uisite to ins$e#t any #olle'e o% institution )he%e a%#hite#tu%al edu#ation is 'i&en o% to attend any e5a(ination held by any #olle'e o% institution fo% the $u%$ose of %e#o((endin' to the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent %e#o'nition of a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ations '%anted by that #olle'e o% institution. ,he ins$e#to%s shall not inte%fe%e )ith the #ondu#t of any t%ainin' o% e5a(ination but shall %e$o%t to the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee on the ade8ua#y of the standa%ds of a%#hite#tu%al edu#ation in#ludin' staff e8ui$(ent a##o((odation t%ainin' and su#h othe% fa#ilities as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %e'ulations fo% 'i&in' su#h edu#ation o% on the suffi#ien#y of e&e%y e5a(ination )hi#h they attend.



,he +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee shall fo%)a%d a #o$y of su#h %e$o%t to the #olle'e o% institution and shall also fo%)a%d #o$ies )ith %e(a%<s if any of the #olle'e o% institution the%eon to the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent.



20.314 Fhen u$on %e$o%t by the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee it a$$ea%s to the 6oun#il 3a4 that the #ou%ses of study and e5a(ination to be unde%'one in o% the $%ofi#ien#y %e8ui%ed f%o( the #andidates at any e5a(ination held by any #olle'e o% institution o% 3b4 that the staff e8ui$(ent a##o((odation t%ainin' and othe% fa#ilities fo% staff and t%ainin' $%o&ided in su#h #olle'e o% institution do not #onfo%( to the standa%ds $%es#%ibed by %e'ulations the 6oun#il shall (a<e a %e$%esentation to that effe#t to the a$$%o$%iate Go&e%n(ent. 324 "fte% #onside%in' su#h %e$%esentation the a$$%o$%iate Go&e%n(ent shall fo%)a%d it alon' )ith su#h %e(a%<s as it (ay #hoose to (a<e to the #olle'e o% institution #on#e%ned )ith an inti(ation of the $e%iod )ithin )hi#h the #olle'e o% institution as the #ase (ay be (ay sub(it its e5$lanation to the a$$%o$%iate Go&e%n(ent. 7n %e#ei$t of the e5$lanation o% )he%e no e5$lanation is sub(itted )ithin the $e%iod fi5ed then on the e5$i%y of that $e%iod the >tate Go&e%n(ent in %es$e#t of the #olle'e o% institution %efe%%ed to in #lause3b4 of sub-se#tion 354 shall (a<e its %e#o((endations to the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent I 3a4 afte% (a<in' su#h fu%the% en8ui%y if any as it (ay thin< fit in %es$e#t of the #olle'e o% institution %efe%%ed to in sub-se#tion 334 o% 3b4 on %e#ei$t of the e5$lanation f%o( a #olle'e o% institution %efe%%ed to in #lause 3a4 of sub-se#tion 354 o% )he%e no e5$lanation is sub(itted )ithin the $e%iod fi5ed then on the e5$i%y of that $e%iod

3a4 3b4

that the #ou%ses of study and e5a(ination to be unde%'one in o% the $%ofi#ien#y %e8ui%ed f%o( the #andidates at any e5a(ination held by any #olle'e o% institution o% that the staff e8ui$(ent a##o((odation t%ainin' and othe% fa#ilities fo% staff and t%ainin' $%o&ided in su#h #olle'e o% institution

do not #onfo%( to the standa%ds $%es#%ibed by %e'ulations the Coun"i$ ma) sus0end su"# institution +rom admittin( +urt#er students +or a ma4imum 0eriod o+ 1 )ear and s#a$$ +urt#er maAe a re0resentation to t#at e++e"t to t#e a00ro0riate ;o%ernment and a$so Centra$ ;o%ernment. (2) A+ter "onsiderin( su"# re0resentation t#e a00ro0riate ;o%ernment s#a$$ +or*ard it a$on( *it# su"# remarAs as it ma) "#oose to maAe *it#in ,B da)s o+ re"ei0t o+ su"# re0resentation to t#e "o$$e(e or institution "on"erned, *it# an intimation t#at t#e "o$$e(e or institution, as t#e "ase ma) 'e, ma) su'mit its e40$anation to t#e a00ro0riate ;o%ernment *it#in t#e ne4t ,B da)s 334 6n re"ei0t o+ t#e e40$anation or *#ere no e40$anation is su'mitted *it#in t#e 0eriod +i4ed, t#en on t#e e40ir) o+ t#at 0eriod, t#e State ;o%ernment, in res0e"t o+ t#e "o$$e(e or institution re+erred to in "$ause(') o+ su':se"tion (8), s#a$$ maAe its re"ommendations to t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment *it#in 18 da)s a+ter e40ir) o+ 0eriod 0res"ri'ed under su':se"tion (2). 3B4 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent I



(a) a+ter maAin( su"# +urt#er enquir) *it#in ,B da)s o+ re"ei0t o+ re"ommendations o+ a00ro0riate ;o%ernment, i+ an), as it ma) t#inA +it, in res0e"t o+ t#e "o$$e(e or institution re+erred to in su':se"tion (,), or 3b4 on %e#ei$t of the e5$lanation f%o( a #olle'e o% institution %efe%%ed to in #lause 3a4 of sub-se#tion 354 o% )he%e no e5$lanation is sub(itted )ithin the $e%iod fi5ed then on the e5$i%y of that $e%iod s#a$$, ') noti+i"ation in t#e 6++i"ia$ ;a5ette, dire"t t#at an entr) s#a$$ 'e made in t#e S"#edu$e a(ainst t#e ar"#ite"tura$ qua$i+i"ation a*arded ') su"# "o$$e(e or institution, as t#e "ase ma) 'e,

(ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette di%e#t that an ent%y shall be (ade in the >#hedule a'ainst the a%#hite#tu%al



8ualifi#ation a)a%ded by su#h #olle'e o% institution as the #ase (ay be de#la%in' that it shall be a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation only )hen '%anted befo%e a s$e#ified date and the >#hedule shall be dee(ed to be a(ended a##o%din'ly.

de"$arin( t#at it s#a$$ 'e a re"o(nised qua$i+i"ation on$) *#en (ranted 'e+ore a s0e"i+ied date and t#e S"#edu$e s#a$$ 'e deemed to 'e amended a""ordin($) and su"# institution s#a$$ not im0art su"# qua$i+i"ation 354


Ao% the $u%$oses of this se#tion 9a$$%o$%iate Go&e%n(ent: (eans I 3a4 in %elation to any #olle'e o% institution established by an "#t of Pa%lia(ent o% (ana'ed #ont%olled o% finan#ed by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent and 3b4 in any othe% #ase the >tate Go&e%n(ent . ,he 6oun#il (ay $%es#%ibe the (ini(u( standa%ds of a%#hite#tu%al edu#ation %e8ui%ed fo% '%antin' %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ations by #olle'es o% institutions in India.

3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 21 (1) T#e Coun"i$ ma) 0res"ri'e t#e minimum standards o+ ar"#ite"tura$ edu"ation required +or (rantin( re"o(nised qua$i+i"ations ') "o$$e(es or institutions or ot#er aut#orities in India, *#i"# s#a$$ 'e 'indin( on t#em (2) T#e Coun"i$ ma) ranA or a""redit t#e institutions as 0er t#e standards 0res"ri'ed ') it 22 (1) T#e Coun"i$ ma) ') re(u$ations 0res"ri'e standards o+ 0ro+essiona$ "ondu"t and etiquette and a "ode o+ et#i"s +or ar"#ite"ts, ar"#ite"tura$ +irms and $imited $ia'i$it) 0artners#i0s (2) Re(u$ations made ') t#e Coun"i$ under su':se"tion (1) ma) s0e"i+) *#i"# %io$ations t#ereo+ s#a$$ "onstitute in+amous "ondu"t in an) 0ro+essiona$ res0e"t, t#at is to sa), 0ro+essiona$ mis"ondu"t o+ an Ar"#ite"t, ar"#ite"tura$ +irm, $imited $ia'i$it) 0artners#i0 o+ Ar"#ite"ts and su"# 0ro%ision s#a$$ #a%e e++e"t not*it#standin( an)t#in( "ontained in an) $a* +or t#e time 'ein( in +or"e CHAPTER III /+GI>,/",I72 7A "/6DI,+6,> 23. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



,he 6oun#il (ay by %e'ulations $%es#%ibe standa%ds of $%ofessional #ondu#t and eti8uette and a #ode of ethi#s fo% a%#hite#ts. /e'ulations (ade by the 6oun#il unde% sub-se#tion 314 (ay s$e#ify )hi#h &iolations the%eof shall #onstitute infa(ous #ondu#t in any $%ofessional %es$e#t that is to say $%ofessional (is#ondu#t and su#h $%o&ision shall ha&e effe#t not)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in any la) fo% the ti(e bein' in fo%#e. CHAPTER III /+GI>,/",I72 7A "/6DI,+6,>


23. 314

,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall as soon as (ay be #ause to be $%e$a%ed in the (anne% he%einafte% $%o&ided a %e'iste% of a%#hite#ts fo% India.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



324 ,he 6oun#il shall u$on its #onstitution assu(e the duty of (aintainin' the %e'iste% in a##o%dan#e )ith the $%o&isions of this "#t. 334 ,he %e'iste% shall in#lude the follo)in' $a%ti#ula%s na(ely03a4 the full na(e )ith date of bi%th nationality and %esidential add%ess of the a%#hite#t ; 3b4 his 8ualifi#ation fo% %e'ist%ation and the date on )hi#h he obtained that 8ualifi#ation and the autho%ity )hi#h #onfe%%ed it ; 3#4 the date of his fi%st ad(ission to the %e'iste%; 3d4 his $%ofessional add%ess ; and 3e4 su#h fu%the% $a%ti#ula%s as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules.

334 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3#4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3d4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3e4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 2,A (1) T#e Coun"i$ s#a$$ 0re0are a $istin( o+ !.irm o+ Ar"#ite"ts& as *e$$ as !//PCs o+ Ar"#ite"ts& +or India as ma) 'e 0res"ri'ed ') Ru$es (2) T#e "oun"i$ s#a$$ 0res"ri'e Re(u$ation +or rene*a$, sus0ension, "an"e$ation or an) ot#er re$ated matter *it# res0e"t to Certi+i"ates o+ Re(istration and Certi+i"ates o+ Pra"ti"e, as issued ') t#e "oun"i$ under t#e 0ro%isos o+ t#is a"t 2B. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

2B. 314

Ao% the $u%$oses of $%e$a%in' the %e'iste% of a%#hite#ts fo% the fi%st ti(e the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette #onstitute a /e'ist%ation ,%ibunal #onsistin' of th%ee $e%sons )ho ha&e in the o$inion of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent the <no)led'e of o% e5$e%ien#e in a%#hite#tu%e; and the /e'ist%a% a$$ointed unde% se#tion 12 shall a#t as >e#%eta%y of the ,%ibunal.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

324 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent shall by the sa(e o% a li<e notifi#ation a$$oint a date on o% befo%e )hi#h a$$li#ation fo% %e'ist%ation )hi#h shall be a##o($anied by su#h fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules shall be (ade to the /e'ist%ation ,%ibunal. 334 ,he /e'ist%ation ,%ibunal shall e5a(ine e&e%y a$$li#ation %e#ei&ed on o% befo%e the a$$ointed day and if it is satisfied that the a$$li#ant is 8ualified fo% %e'ist%ation unde% se#tion 25 shall di%e#t the ent%y of the na(e of the a$$li#ant in the %e'iste%.

334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



3B4 ,he fi%st %e'iste% so $%e$a%ed shall the%eafte% be $ublished in su#h (anne% as the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay di%e#t and any $e%son a''%ie&ed by a de#ision of the /e'ist%ation ,%ibunal e5$%essed o% i($lied in the %e'iste% so $ublished (ay )ithin thi%ty days f%o( the date of su#h $ubli#ation a$$eal a'ainst su#h de#ision to an autho%ity a$$ointed by the #ent%al Go&e%n(ent in this behalf by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette. 354 ,he autho%ity a$$ointed unde% sub-se#tion 3B4 shall afte% 'i&in' the $e%son affe#ted an o$$o%tunity of bein' hea%d and afte% #allin' fo% %ele&ant %e#o%ds (a<e su#h o%de% as it (ay dee( fit.

354 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3@4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3@4 ,he /e'ist%a% shall a(end )he%e ne#essa%y the %e'iste% in a##o%dan#e )ith the de#isions of the autho%ity a$$ointed unde% sub-se#tion 3B4. 374 +&e%y $e%son )hose na(e is ente%ed in the %e'iste% shall be issued a #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation in su#h fo%( as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules. 3?4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3?4 C$on the #onstitution of the 6oun#il the %e'iste% shall be 'i&en into its #ustody and the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay di%e#t that the )hole o% any s$e#ified $a%t of the a$$li#ation fees fo% %e'ist%ation in the fi%st %e'iste% shall be $aid to the #%edit of the 6oun#il. 25. " $e%son shall be entitled on $ay(ent of su#h fees as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules to ha&e his na(e ente%ed in the %e'iste% if he %esides o% #a%%ies on the $%ofession of a%#hite#t in India and I 3a4 holds a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation o% 3b4 2o a(end(ents %e8ui%ed. 3b4 does not hold su#h a 8ualifi#ation but bein' a #itizen of India has been en'a'ed in $%a#ti#e as an a%#hite#t fo% a $e%iod of not less than fi&e yea%s $%io% to the date a$$ointed unde% sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 2B o%

374 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

25. " $e%son shall be entitled on $ay(ent of su#h fees as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules to ha&e his na(e ente%ed in the %e'iste% if he %esides and #a%%ies on the $%ofession of a%#hite#t in India and I 3a4 #o$ds a re"o(nised qua$i+i"ation and #as 0assed Pro+essiona$ E4amination "ondu"ted ') t#e Coun"i$. t#e

3#4 2o a(end(ents %e8ui%ed;



3#4 $ossesses su#h othe% $%es#%ibed by %ules 0




be 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

P%o&ided that no $e%son othe% than a #itizen of India shall be entitled to %e'ist%ation by &i%tue of a 8ualifi#ation I 3a4 %e#o'nised unde% sub-se#tion 314 of se#tion 15 unless by the la) and $%a#ti#e of a #ount%y outside India to )hi#h su#h $e%son belon's #itizens of India holdin' a%#hite#tu%al 8ualifi#ation %e'ist%able in that #ount%y a%e $e%(itted to ente% and $%a#tise the $%ofession of a%#hite#t in su#h #ount%y o% 3b4 unless the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent has in $u%suan#e of a s#he(e of %e#i$%o#ity o% othe%)ise de#la%ed that 8ualifi#ation to be a %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation unde% subse#tion 324 of se#tion 15.

3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 28A " $e%son )ho holds a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of /e'ist%ation issued by the 6oun#il shall0 a *e entitled to use the title of a%#hite#t and ' >ee< e($loy(ent as an "%#hite#t in both $ubli# and $%i&ate se#to% in#ludin' the state and #ent%al 'o&e%n(ent. P%o&ided that a $e%son )ho holds a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of /e'ist%ation shall be $e%(itted to $%a#ti#e a%#hite#tu%e only afte% he %e#ei&es a 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e f%o( the 6oun#il as $e% >e#tion 2@" of this "#t. 25*. 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in any la) bye-la) %e'ulation of any de&elo$(ent autho%ity (uni#i$al autho%ity lo#al body a%#hite#t %e'iste%ed unde% this shall be entitled to $%a#ti#e a%#hite#tu%e th%ou'hout the #ount%y and shall not %e8ui%e any fu%the% %e'ist%ation. 2@. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

2@. 314 "fte% the date a$$ointed fo% the %e#ei$t of a$$li#ations fo% %e'ist%ation in the fi%st %e'iste% of a%#hite#ts all a$$li#ations fo% %e'ist%ation shall be add%essed to the /e'ist%a% of the 6oun#il and shall be a##o($anied by su#h fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules. 324 If u$on su#h a$$li#ation the /e'ist%a% is of o$inion that the a$$li#ant is entitled to ha&e his na(e ente%ed in the %e'iste% he shall ente% the%eon the na(e of the a$$li#ant 0 P%o&ided that no $e%son )hose na(e has unde% the $%o&isions of this "#t been %e(o&ed f%o( the %e'iste% shall be entitled to ha&e his na(e %e-ente%ed in the %e'iste% e5#e$t

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



)ith the a$$%o&al of the 6oun#il. 334 "ny $e%son )hose a$$li#ation fo% %e'ist%ation is %eHe#ted by the /e'ist%a% (ay )ithin th%ee (onths of the date of su#h %eHe#tion a$$eal to the 6oun#il. 3B4 C$on ent%y in the %e'iste% of a na(e unde% this se#tion the /e'ist%a% shall issue a #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation in su#h fo%( as (ay be $%es#%ibed by the %ules.

334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

2?A Certi+i"ate o+ Pra"ti"e (C6P) ,he 6oun#il shall )ithin si5 (onths f%o( the date of notifi#ation of this a(end(ent in the 7ffi#ial Gazette by the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent; #ause to be $%e$a%ed in a (anne% $%es#%ibed by /e'ulations a syste( of issuin' 6e%tifi#ates of P%a#ti#e to "%#hite#ts. (1) 7nly an "%#hite#t )ho holds a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e 367P4 shall be entitled0 a ,o %e$%esent hi(self and si'n as a P%a#ti#in' "%#hite#t on d%a)in's $lans o% the li<e do#u(ents in#ludin' #e%tifi#ates and a$$li#ations (ade to Muni#i$alities Plannin'=Ee&elo$(ent "utho%ities and othe% statua%y bodies in India. ,o be $a%tne% in Ai%( of "%#hite#ts o% an 11P of "%#hite#ts. ,o %e$%esent hi(self as a P%a#ti#in' "%#hite#t in 6ou%ts Muni#i$alities Plannin'=Ee&elo$(ent "utho%ities and any othe% statua%y autho%ities in India.

' "

(2) ,he 6oun#il shall issue a 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e to an "%#hite#t only afte% the "%#hite#t hasa *een e($loyed fo% a (ini(u( of 2B (onths by any othe% a%#hite#t3s4 )ho hold3s4 a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e issued by the 6oun#il $%o&ided that the e($loye% a%#hite#t3s4 has held a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e fo% a (ini(u( of 5 yea%s o% /e#ei&ed a %e#o'nized $ost '%aduate de'%ee in a%#hite#tu%e )ith #ou%se du%ation of (ini(u( of 2B (onths; and >u$$lied all $%ofessional info%(ation as (ay be %e8uested by the 6oun#il o% as $%es#%ibed by /e'ulations.

' "

(,) 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e shall be &alid till the 31 st day of Ee#e(be% of ea#h



#alenda% yea% and the holde% of a 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e shall a$$ly fo% a %ene)al )ithin 30 days of its e5$i%y e&e%y yea%. (=) ,he 6oun#il (ay $%es#%ibe %e'ulations to enable the 6oun#il to 0 a see< info%(ation in#ludin' info%(ation %elated to edu#ational 8ualifi#ations lo#ation fo% $%ofessional add%ess finan#ial sol&en#y of the "%#hite#t see<in' 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e. P%es#%ibe fees fo% the $u%$ose of issuan#e of 6e%tifi#ates of P%a#ti#e to "%#hite#ts.


(8) ,he 6oun#il (ay by o%de% %efuse to issue a #e%tifi#ate of $%a#ti#e if0 a ' " ,he #oun#il is not satisfied that the a$$li#ant3s4 has su$$lied t%uthful data in his a$$li#ation o% has su$$%essed a (ate%ial fa#t o% ,he a$$li#ant3s4 is an un-dis#ha%'ed insol&ent o% ,hat he has been #on&i#ted of any offen#e )hi#h in the o$inion of the 6oun#il in&ol&es (o%al tu%$itude o% ,hat he has been adHud'ed by a #o($etent #ou%t to be of unsound (ind.

(?) >ubHe#t to the $%o&isions of this se#tion the 6oun#il (ay o%de% that the na(e of any a%#hite#t shall be %e(o&ed f%o( the listin' of the #e%tifi#ate of $%a#ti#e )he%e it is satisfied afte% 'i&in' hi( a %easonable o$$o%tunity of bein' hea%d and afte% su#h fu%the% in8ui%y if any as it (ay thin< fit to (a<e a ' " d that his na(e has been ente%ed in the listin' by e%%o% o% on a##ount of (is%e$%esentation o% su$$%ession of a (ate%ial fa#t; o% ,hat he has been #on&i#ted of any offen#e )hi#h in the o$inion of the 6oun#il in&ol&es (o%al tu%$itude o% ,hat the a$$li#ant3s4 is an un-dis#ha%'ed insol&ent o% ,hat he has been adHud'ed by a #o($etent #ou%t to be of unsound



(ind. (7) "n a%#hite#t )ho holds a &alid 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e (ay %etu%n his 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e at )ill alon' )ith stated %easons of su#h a %etu%n $%o&ided that in the e&ent of hi( %e8uestin' anothe% 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e the 6oun#il shall issue a se#ond #e%tifi#ate=%ene)ed 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e only afte% the a%#hite#t has (et the %e8ui%e(ents $%es#%ibed in the se#tion 2@" 324 abo&e. 27. 314 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette di%e#t that fo% the %etention of a na(e in the %e'iste% afte% the 31st day of Ee#e(be% of the yea% follo)in' the yea% in )hi#h the na(e is fi%st ente%ed in the %e'iste% the%e shall be $aid annually to the 6oun#il su#h %ene)al fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules and )he%e su#h di%e#tion has been (ade su#h %ene)al fee shall be due to be $aid befo%e the fi%st day of "$%il of the yea% to )hi#h it %elates. 324 Fhe%e the %ene)al fee is not $aid befo%e the due date the /e'ist%a% shall %e(o&e the na(e of the defaulte% f%o( the %e'iste% 0 P%o&ided that a na(e so %e(o&ed (ay be %esto%ed to the %e'iste% on su#h #onditions as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules. 334 7n $ay(ent of the %ene)al fee the /e'ist%a% shall in su#h (anne% as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules endo%se the #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation a##o%din'ly. 2?. "n a%#hite#t shall on $ay(ent of su#h fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules be entitled to ha&e ente%ed in the %e'iste% any fu%the% %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ation )hi#h he (ay obtain. 29. 314 ,he 6oun#il (ay by o%de% %e(o&e f%o( the %e'iste% the na(e of any a%#hite#t I 3a4 f%o( )ho( a %e8uest has been %e#ei&ed to that effe#t o% 3b4 )ho has died sin#e the last $ubli#ation of the %e'iste%. 324 >ubHe#t to the $%o&isions of this se#tion the 6oun#il (ay o%de% that the na(e of any a%#hite#t shall be %e(o&ed f%o( the %e'iste% )he%e it is satisfied afte% 'i&in' hi( a %easonable o$$o%tunity of bein' hea%d and afte% su#h fu%the% in8ui%y if any as it (ay thin< fit to (a<e 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 27. 314 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette di%e#t that fo% the %etention of a na(e in the %e'iste% afte% the 31st day of Ee#e(be% of the yea% follo)in' the yea% in )hi#h the na(e is fi%st ente%ed in the %e'iste% the%e shall be $aid annually or one:time 0a)ment to the 6oun#il su#h %ene)al fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules and )he%e su#h di%e#tion has been (ade su#h %ene)al fee shall be due to be $aid befo%e the fi%st day of "$%il of the yea% to )hi#h it %elates. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

2?. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

29. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



3a4 that his na(e has been ente%ed in the %e'iste% by e%%o% o% on a##ount of (is%e$%esentation o% su$$%ession of a (ate%ial fa#t; o% 3b4 that he has been #on&i#ted of any offen#e )hi#h in the o$inion of the 6oun#il in&ol&es (o%al tu%$itude; o% 3#4 that he is an undis#ha%'ed insol&ent; o% 3d4 that he has been adHud'ed by a #o($etent #ou%t to be of unsound (ind. 334 "n o%de% unde% sub-se#tion 324 (ay di%e#t that any a%#hite#t )hose na(e is o%de%ed to be %e(o&ed f%o( a %e'iste% shall be ineli'ible fo% %e'ist%ation unde% this "#t fo% su#h $e%iod as (ay be s$e#ified. "n o%de% unde% sub-se#tion 324 shall not ta<e effe#t until the e5$i%y of th%ee (onths f%o( the date the%eof. Fhen on %e#ei$t of a #o($laint (ade to it the 6oun#il is of o$inion that any a%#hite#t has been 'uilty of $%ofessional (is#ondu#t )hi#h if $%o&ed )ill %ende% hi( unfit to $%a#tise as an a%#hite#t the 6oun#il (ay hold an in8ui%y in su#h (anne% as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules. "fte% holdin' the in8ui%y unde% sub-se#tion 314 and afte% hea%in' the a%#hite#t the 6oun#il (ay by o%de% %e$%i(and the said a%#hite#t o% sus$end hi( f%o( $%a#ti#e as an a%#hite#t o% %e(o&e his na(e f%o( the %e'iste% o% $ass su#h othe% o%de% as it thin<s fit.

3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3#4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3d4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3B4 30. 314

3B4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 30.314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


A00ea$ to t#e Hi(# Court J"ny $e%son a''%ie&ed by an o%de% (ade by the 6oun#il unde% >e#tion 30 (ay $%efe% an a$$eal to the Ei&ision *en#h of a Di'h 6ou%t and the 6ou%t (ay $ass su#h o%de% in#ludin' an o%de% &a%yin' the $unish(ent a)a%ded by the 6oun#il the%eon as it dee(s fit0 P%o&ided that no o%de% of the 6oun#il shall be &a%ied by the Di'h 6ou%t so as to $%eHudi#ially affe#t the $e%son a''%ie&ed )ithout 'i&in' hi( a %easonable o$$o%tunity of bein' hea%d.


" $e%son )hose na(e has been %e(o&ed f%o( the %e'iste% unde% sub-se#tion 324of se#tion 27 sub-se#tion 314 o% subse#tion324 of se#tion 29 o% sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 30 o% )he%e su#h $e%son is dead his le'al %e$%esentati&e as defined in #lause 3114 of se#tion 2 of the 6ode of 6i&il P%o#edu%e 190?

31. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



shall fo%th)ith su%%ende% his #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation to the /e'ist%a% and the na(e so %e(o&ed shall be $ublished in the 7ffi#ial Gazette. 32. ,he 6oun#il (ay at any ti(e fo% %easons a$$ea%in' to it be suffi#ient and subHe#t to the a$$%o&al of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent o%de% that u$on $ay(ent of su#h fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules the na(e of the $e%son %e(o&ed f%o( the %e'iste% shall be %esto%ed the%eto. Fhe%e it is sho)n to the satisfa#tion of the /e'ist%a% that a #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation has been lost o% dest%oyed the /e'ist%a% (ay on $ay(ent of su#h fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules issue a du$li#ate #e%tifi#ate in the fo%( $%es#%ibed by the %ules. "s soon as (ay be afte% the Ist day of "$%il in ea#h yea% the /e'ist%a% shall #ause to be $%inted #o$ies of the %e'iste% as it stood on the said date and su#h #o$ies shall be (ade a&ailable to $e%sons a$$lyin' the%efo% on $ay(ent of su#h fee as (ay be $%es#%ibed by %ules and shall be e&iden#e that on the said date the $e%sons )hose na(es a%e ente%ed the%ein )e%e a%#hite#ts. 314 "ny %efe%en#e in any la) fo% the ti(e bein' in fo%#e to an a%#hite#t shall be dee(ed to be a %efe%en#e to an a%#hite#t %e'iste%ed unde% this "#t. 324 "fte% the e5$i%y of t)o yea%s f%o( the date a$$ointed unde% sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 2B a $e%son )ho is %e'iste%ed in the %e'iste% shall 'et $%efe%en#e fo% a$$oint(ent as an a%#hite#t unde% the 6ent%al o% >tate Go&e%n(ent o% in any othe% lo#al body o% institution )hi#h is su$$o%ted o% aided f%o( the $ubli# o% lo#al funds o% in any institution %e#o'nised by the 6ent%al o% >tate Go&e%n(ent. 32. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


33. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


,= As and *#en required, t#e Re(istrar s#a$$ "ause to 0rint or 0u'$i"ise e$e"troni" "o0ies o+ t#e re(ister as it stood on t#e date and su"# "o0ies s#a$$ 'e made a%ai$a'$e to 0ersons a00$)in( t#ere+or on 0a)ment o+ "#ar(es 0res"ri'ed ') t#e Coun"i$


35. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

(2) A+ter t#e e40ir) o+ t*o )ears +rom t#e date a00ointed under su': se"tion (2) o+ se"tion 2=, a 0erson *#o is re(istered in t#e re(ister or a +irm o+ ar"#ite"ts or $imited $ia'i$it) o+ ar"#ite"ts s#a$$ 'e a00ointed as an ar"#ite"t under t#e Centra$ or State ;o%ernment or in an) ot#er $o"a$ 'od) or institution *#i"# is su00orted or aided +rom t#e 0u'$i" or $o"a$ +unds or in an) institution re"o(nised ') t#e Centra$ o+ State ;o%ernment, +or "arr)in( out ar"#ite"tura$ ser%i"es (,) E%er) ar"#ite"t a00ointed in t#e ser%i"es o+ Centra$2 State ;o%ernment2 <nion Territories and ot#er aut#orities esta'$is#ed ') $a* ma) e4er"ise su"# duties and +un"tions as 0res"ri'ed ') t#e



Coun"i$ +rom time to time 3B4 ,he 6oun#il shall by %e'ulations $%es#%ibe (ethods fo% holdin' of #o($etitions fo% a%#hite#ts and fo% %ende%in' a%#hite#tu%al se%&i#es by a%#hite#ts Ai%( of a%#hite#ts and 11P of a%#hite#ts. (5) 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in any othe% la) but subHe#t to the $%o&isions of this "#t /e'ulations $%es#%ibed by the #oun#il unde% se#tion 35344 shall effe#t o&e% any othe% la) in fo%#e. CHAPTER I> CHAPTER I> MI>6+11"2+7C> MI>6+11"2+7C> 3@. If any $e%son )hose na(e is not fo% the ti(e bein' ente%ed in the %e'iste% falsely %e$%esents that it is so ente%ed o% uses in #onne#tion )ith his na(e o% title any )o%ds o% lette%s %easonably #al#ulated to su''est that his na(e is so ente%ed he shall be $unishable )ith fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to one thousand %u$ees. 314 "fte% the e5$i%y of one yea% f%o( the date a$$ointed unde% sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 2B no $e%son othe% than a %e'iste%ed a%#hite#t o% a fi%( of a%#hite#ts shall use the title and style of a%#hite#t 0 P%o&ided that the $%o&isions of this se#tion shall not a$$ly to3a4 $%a#ti#e of the $%ofession of an a%#hite#t by a $e%son desi'nated as a 9lands#a$e a%#hite#t: o% 9na&al a%#hite#t:; 3b4 a $e%son )ho #a%%yin' on the $%ofession of an a%#hite#t in any #ount%y outside India unde%ta<es the fun#tion as a #onsultant o% desi'ne% in India fo% a s$e#ifi# $%oHe#t )ith the $%io% $e%(ission of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. +5$lanation I Ao% the $u%$oses of #lause 3a4 3i4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3i4 9lands#a$e a%#hite#t: (eans a $e%son )ho deals )ith the desi'n of o$en s$a#es %elatin' to $lants t%ees 3ii4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3@. If any $e%son )hose na(e is not fo% the ti(e bein' ente%ed in the %e'iste% falsely %e$%esents that it is so ente%ed o% uses in #onne#tion )ith his na(e o% title any )o%ds o% lette%s %easonably #al#ulated to su''est that his na(e is so ente%ed he shall be $unishable )ith fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to .i%e $aA# ru0ees.


37. (1)

+5#e$t as othe%)ise $%o&ided in this "#t no $e%son shall afte% a $e%iod of th%ee (onths f%o( the date of notifi#ation of this a(end(ent be entitled to %ende% a%#hite#tu%al se%&i#es o% $%a#ti#e a%#hite#tu%e unless he is issued a 6e%tifi#ate of P%a#ti#e unde% se#tion 2@3"4 of this a#t. 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



3ii4 324

and lands#a$e; 9na&al a%#hite#t: (eans an a%#hite#t )ho deals )ith desi'n and #onst%u#tion of shi$s. (2) +5#e$t as othe%)ise $%o&ided in this a#t o% any othe% la) fo% the ti(e bein' in fo%#e no entity othe% than %e'iste%ed a%#hite#t o% a Ai%( of "%#hite#t o% an 11P of a%#hite#ts shall use the title and style of a%#hite#t $%o&ided that the $%o&isions of this se#tion shall not a$$ly to P%o&ided that the $%o&isions of this se#tion shall not a$$ly to3a4 $%a#ti#e of the $%ofession of an a%#hite#t by a $e%son desi'nated as a 9lands#a$e a%#hite#t: o% 9na&al a%#hite#t: o% 9'olf #ou%se a%#hite#t:; 3b4 a $e%son )ho #a%%yin' on the $%ofession of an a%#hite#t in any #ount%y outside India unde%ta<es the fun#tion as a #onsultant o% desi'ne% in India fo% a s$e#ifi# $%oHe#t )ith the $%io% $e%(ission of the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent. +5$lanation I Ao% the $u%$oses of #lause 3a4 3i4 9lands#a$e a%#hite#t: (eans a $e%son )ho deals )ith the desi'n of o$en s$a#es %elatin' to $lants t%ees and lands#a$e; (ii) 9na&al a%#hite#t: (eans an a%#hite#t )ho deals )ith desi'n and #onst%u#tion of shi$s. (iii) 9'olf #ou%se a%#hite#t: (eans a $e%son )ho deals )ith desi'n of Golf 6ou%ses. (,) If any $e%son #ont%a&enes the $%o&isions of abo&e sub-se#tions he shall be $unishable on fi%st #on&i#tion )ith fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to fi&e la<h %u$ees and on any subse8uent #on&i#tion )ith i($%ison(ent )hi#h (ay e5tend to fi&e yea%s o% )ith fine not e5#eedin' ten la<h %u$ees o% )ith both. (=) 2ot)ithstandin' anythin' #ontained in any la) fo% the ti(e bein' in fo%#e no $e%son (uni#i$ality o% $lannin'= de&elo$(ent autho%ity o% lo#al body o% any othe% statua%y autho%ity #%eated unde% any othe% la) shall ha&e $o)e% to li#ense o% to desi'nate a $e%son as an "%#hite#t o% to enable hi( to unde%ta<e a%#hite#tu%al se%&i#es.

If any $e%son #ont%a&enes the $%o&isions of sub-se#tion 314 he shall be $unishable on fi%st #on&i#tion )ith fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to fi&e hund%ed %u$ees and on any subse8uent #on&i#tion )ith i($%ison(ent )hi#h (ay e5tend to si5 (onths o% )ith fine not e5#eedin' one thousand %u$ees o% )ith both.


If any $e%son )hose na(e has been %e(o&ed f%o( the %e'iste% fails )ithout suffi#ient #ause fo%th)ith to su%%ende% his #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation he shall be $unishable )ith fine )hi#h

3?. If any $e%son )hose na(e has been %e(o&ed f%o( the %e'iste% fails )ithout suffi#ient #ause fo%th)ith to su%%ende% his #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation he shall be $unishable )ith fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to ten t#ousand ru0ees and in



(ay e5tend to one hund%ed %u$ees and in the #ase of a #ontinuin' failu%e )ith an additional fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to ten %u$ees fo% ea#h day afte% the fi%st du%in' )hi#h he has $e%sisted in the failu%e. 39. 314 2o #ou%t shall ta<e #o'nizan#e of any offen#e $unishable unde% this "#t e5#e$t u$on #o($laint (ade by o%de% of the 6oun#il o% a $e%son autho%ised in this behalf by the 6oun#il. 324 2o Ma'ist%ate othe% than a P%esiden#y Ma'ist%ate o% a Ma'ist%ate of the fi%st #lass shall t%y any offen#e $unishable unde% this "#t.

the #ase of a #ontinuin' failu%e )ith an additional fine )hi#h (ay e5tend to one #undred ru0ees fo% ea#h day afte% the fi%st du%in' )hi#h he has $e%sisted in the failu%e. 39. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

B0. 314 ,he 6oun#il shall fu%nish su#h %e$o%ts #o$ies of its (inutes and othe% info%(ation to the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent as that Go&e%n(ent (ay %e8ui%e. 324 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay $ublish in su#h (anne% as it (ay thin< fit any %e$o%t #o$y o% othe% info%(ation fu%nished to it unde% this se#tion. B1. 2o suit $%ose#ution o% othe% le'al $%o#eedin' shall lie a'ainst the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent the 6oun#il o% any (e(be% of the 6oun#il the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee o% any othe% #o((ittee o% offi#e%s and othe% e($loyees of the 6oun#il fo% anythin' )hi#h is in 'ood faith done o% intended to be done unde% this "#t o% any %ule o% %e'ulation (ade the%eunde%. ,he (e(be%s of the 6oun#il and offi#e%s and othe% e($loyees of the 6oun#il shall be dee(ed to be $ubli# se%&ants )ithin the (eanin' of se#tion 21 of the Indian Penal 6ode.

B0. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

B1.2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


B2. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 42A. Not*it#standin( an)t#in( "ontained in t#e Dea$t#:ta4 A"t, 1987 (27 o+ 1987), t#e In"ome:ta4 A"t, 19?1 (=, o+ 19?1), or an) ot#er ena"tment +or t#e time 'ein( in +or"e re$atin( to ta4 on *ea$t#, in"ome, 0ro+its or (ains, t#e Coun"i$ s#a$$ not 'e $ia'$e to 0a) *ea$t# ta4, in"ome ta4 or an) ot#er ta4 in res0e"t o+ its *ea$t#, in"ome, 0ro+its or (ains deri%ed

B3. 314 If any diffi#ulty a%ises in 'i&in' effe#t to the $%o&isions of this "#t the 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by o%de% $ublished in the 7ffi#ial Gazette (a<e su#h $%o&isions not in#onsistent )ith the $%o&isions of this "#t as a$$ea% to it to be ne#essa%y o% e5$edient fo% %e(o&in' the diffi#ulty 0

B3. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



P%o&ided that no su#h o%de% shall be (ade unde% this se#tion afte% the e5$i%y of t)o yea%s f%o( the date of #o((en#e(ent of this "#t. 324 +&e%y o%de% (ade unde% this se#tion shall as soon as (ay be afte% it is (ade be laid befo%e ea#h Douse of Pa%lia(ent and the $%o&isions of sub-se#tion334 of se#tion BB shall a$$ly in %es$e#t of su#h o%de% as it a$$lies in %es$e#t of a %ule (ade unde% this "#t. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.


In t#e dis"#ar(e o+ its +un"tions under t#is A"t, t#e Coun"i$ s#a$$ 'e (uided ') su"# dire"tions on questions o+ 0o$i") re$atin( to nationa$ 0ur0oses as ma) 'e (i%en to it ') t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment Pro%ided t#at t#e Coun"i$ s#a$$, as +ar as 0ra"ti"a'$e, 'e (i%en an o00ortunit) to e40ress its %ie*s 'e+ore an) dire"tion is (i%en under t#is su':se"tion

=,F (1) D#ene%er it a00ears to t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment t#at t#e Coun"i$ is not "om0$)in( *it# an) o+ t#e 0ro%isions o+ t#is A"t, Ru$es and Re(u$ations +ramed t#ereunder, or t#e dire"tions issued ') t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment under Se"tion =,A, t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment ma), i+ it t#inA so a+ter #a%in( a++orded an o00ortunit) to t#e Coun"i$ to maAe its %ie*s, a00oint a Commission o+ Enquir) "onsistin( o+ t#ree 0ersons, t*o o+ *#om s#a$$ 'e a00ointed ') t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment one 'ein( t#e Gud(e o+ a Hi(# Court, and one ') t#e Coun"i$- and re+er to it t#e matters on *#i"# t#e enquir) is to 'e made (2) T#e Commission s#a$$ 0ro"eed to enquire in su"# manner as it ma) deem +it and re0ort to t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment on t#e matters re+erred to it to(et#er *it# su"# remedies, i+ an), as t#e Commission ma) $iAe to re"ommend (,) A+ter t#e re0ort is +ina$$) a""e0ted, t#e Centra$ ;o%ernment ma) +or*ard t#e same to t#e Coun"i$ to ado0t t#e remedies so re"ommended *it#in su"# time as ma) 'e s0e"i+ied in t#e dire"tion BB. 314 ,he 6ent%al Go&e%n(ent (ay by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette (a<e %ules to #a%%y out the $u%$oses of this "#t. 324 In $a%ti#ula% and )ithout $%eHudi#e to the 'ene%ality of the fo%e'oin' $o)e% su#h %ules (ay $%o&ide fo% all o% any of BB. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



the follo)in' (atte%s na(ely 0 3a4 the (anne% in )hi#h ele#tions unde% 6ha$te% II shall be #ondu#ted the te%(s and #onditions of se%&i#e of the (e(be% of the ,%ibunal a$$ointed unde% subse#tion 324 of se#tion 5 and the $%o#edu%e to be follo)ed by the ,%ibunal; 3b4 the $%o#edu%e to be follo)ed by the e5$e%t #o((ittee #onstituted unde% the $%o&iso to sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 1B in the t%ansa#tion of its business and the $o)e%s and duties of the e5$e%t #o((ittee and the t%a&ellin' and daily allo)an#es $ayable to the (e(be%s the%eof; 3#4 3d4 the $a%ti#ula%s to be in#luded in the %e'iste% of a%#hite#ts unde% sub-se#tion 334 of se#tion 23; the fo%( in )hi#h a #e%tifi#ate of %e'ist%ation is to be issued unde% sub-se#tion 374 of se#tion 2B subse#tion 3B4 of se#tion 2@ and se#tion 33. the fee to be $aid unde% se#tions 2B 25 2@ 27 2? 32 and 33; the #onditions on )hi#h na(e (ay be %esto%ed to the %e'iste% unde% the $%o&iso to sub-se#tion 324 of se#tion 27; the (anne% of endo%se(ent unde% sub-se#tion 334 of se#tion 27; the (anne% in )hi#h the 6oun#il shall hold an en8ui%y unde% se#tion 30; the fee fo% su$$lyin' $%inted #o$ies of the %e'iste% unde% se#tion 3B. any othe% (atte% )hi#h is to be o% (ay be $%o&ided by %ules unde% this "#t.

3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

(") t#e 0arti"u$ars to 'e in"$uded in t#e re(ister o+ ar"#ite"ts under su':se"tion (,) o+ se"tion 2, and 2,A(d) t#e +orm in *#i"# a "erti+i"ate o+ re(istration is to 'e issued under su':se"tion (7) o+ se"tion 2=, su':se"tion (=) o+ se"tion 2? and se"tion ,, and Certi+i"ate o+ Pra"ti"e to 'e issued under Se"tion 2?A (e) t#e +ee to 'e 0aid under se"tions 2=, 28, 2?, 2?A, 27, 27 , ,2 and ,,3f4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3e4 3f4 3'4 3h4 3i4 3H4

3'4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3h4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3i4 3H4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

334 +&e%y %ule (ade unde% this se#tion shall be laid as soon as (ay be afte% it is (ade befo%e ea#h Douse of Pa%lia(ent )hile it is in session fo% a total $e%iod of thi%ty days )hi#h (ay be #o($%ised in one session o% in t)o o% (o%e su##essi&e sessions and if befo%e the e5$i%y of the session i((ediately follo)in' the session o% the

(A) .ees +or +i$in( "om0$aints +or 0ro+essiona$ mis"ondu"t a(ainst Ar"#ite"ts

334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



su##essi&e sessions afo%esaid both Douses a'%ee in (a<in' any (odifi#ation to the %ule o% both Douses a'%ee that the %ule should not be (ade the %ule shall the%eafte% ha&e effe#t only in su#h (odified fo%( o% be of no effe#t as the #ase (ay be; so ho)e&e% that any su#h (odifi#ation o% annul(ent shall be )ithout $%eHudi#e to the &alidity of anythin' $%e&iously done unde% that %ule. B5. 314 ,he 6oun#il (ay )ith the a$$%o&al of the #ent%al Go&e%n(ent *[by notifi#ation in the 7ffi#ial Gazette! (a<e %e'ulations not in#onsistent )ith the $%o&isions of this "#t o% the %ules (ade the%eunde% to #a%%y out the $u%$oses of this "#t. 324 In $a%ti#ula% and )ithout $%eHudi#e to the 'ene%ality of the fo%e'oin' $o)e% su#h %e'ulations (ay $%o&ide fo% I 3a4 the (ana'e(ent of the $%o$e%ty of the 6oun#il; 3b4 the $o)e%s and duties of the P%esident and the Gi#eP%esident of the 6oun#il; 3#4 the su((onin' and holdin' of (eetin's of the 6oun#il and the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee o% any othe% #o((ittee #onstituted unde% se#tion 10 the ti(es and $la#es at )hi#h su#h (eetin's shall be held the #ondu#t of business the%eat and the nu(be% of $e%sons ne#essa%y to #onstitute a 8uo%u(. 3d4 the fun#tions of the +5e#uti&e 6o((ittee o% of any othe% #o((ittee #onstituted unde% se#tion 10; 3e4 the #ou%ses and $e%iods of study and of $%a#ti#al t%ainin' if any to be unde%ta<en the subHe#ts of e5a(inations and standa%ds of $%ofi#ien#y the%ein to be obtained in any #olle'e o% institution fo% '%ant of %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ations; 3f4 the a$$oint(ent $o)e%s and duties of ins$e#to% 3f4 3'4 the standa%ds of staff e8ui$(ent a##o((odation t%ainin' and othe% fa#ilities fo% a%#hite#tu%al edu#ation; 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. (() 1inimum Hua$i+i"ation and e40erien"e +or +a"u$t) mem'ers, t#e standards o+ sta++, equi0ment, a""ommodation, trainin( and ot#er +a"i$ities +or ar"#ite"tura$ edu"ation in"$udin( (rant o+ B5. 314 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

324 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3a4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3b4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3#4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.

3d4 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed. 3e4 establish(ent of an institution syllabus #ou%ses and $e%iods of study and of $%a#ti#al t%ainin' if any to be unde%ta<en the subHe#ts of e5a(inations and standa%ds of $%ofi#ien#y the%ein to be obtained in any #olle'e o% institution fo% '%ant of %e#o'nised 8ualifi#ations and $enalty fo% non-adhe%en#e to (ini(u( standa%ds o% (al$%a#ti#es of any natu%e by any institution.



intaAe, 0eriod o+ a00ro%a$ et" 3h4 the #ondu#t of $%ofessional e5a(inations 8ualifi#ations of e5a(ine%s and the #onditions of ad(ission to su#h e5a(inations; 3i4 the standa%ds of $%ofessional #ondu#t and eti8uette and #ode of ethi#s to be obse%&ed by a%#hite#ts; any othe% (atte% )hi#h is to be o% (ay be $%o&ided by %e'ulations unde% this "#t and in %es$e#t of )hi#h no %ules ha&e been (ade. 3h4 the #ondu#t of "$titude ,est $%ofessional e5a(inations 8ualifi#ations of e5a(ine%s (anne% and (ode and $la#e of e5a(ination and the #onditions of ad(ission to su#h e5a(inations; (i) t#e standards o+ 0ro+essiona$ "ondu"t and etiquette and "ode o+ et#i"s to 'e o'ser%ed ') ar"#ite"ts and ar"#ite"tura$ +irms and "om0anies 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.



(A) 0res"ri'e t#e minimum standards +or 0ost(raduate and ot#er #i(#er $e%e$ "ourses in ar"#ite"ture($) +or ranAin( or a""reditation o+ ar"#ite"tura$ "ourses o++ered ') institutions

(m) Com0u$sor) minimum #ours to 'e s0ent +or tea"#in( in re"o(ni5ed ar"#ite"tura$ institutions (n) Settin( out duties and +un"tions o+ Ar"#ite"ts in (o%ernment ser%i"es (o) Pres"ri'in( 0ro"edure +or a00ointment o+ Pra"tisin( Ar"#ite"ts ') (o%ernment a(en"ies (0) Promotin( resear"# and inno%ati%e te"#niques in Ar"#ite"ture * 334 +&e%y %e'ulation (ade unde% this se#tion shall be laid as soon as (ay be afte% it is (ade befo%e ea#h Douse of Pa%lia(ent )hile it is in session fo% a total $e%iod of thi%ty days )hi#h (ay be #o($%ised in one session o% in t)o o% (o%e su##essi&e sessions and if befo%e the e5$i%y of the session i((ediately follo)in' the session o% the su##essi&e sessions afo%esaid both Douses a'%ee in (a<in' any (odifi#ation to the %e'ulation o% both Douses a'%ee that the %e'ulation should not be (ade the %e'ulations shall the%eafte% ha&e effe#t only in su#h (odified fo%( o% be of no effe#t as the #ase (ay be; so ho)e&e% that any su#h (odifi#ation o% annul(ent shall be )ithout $%eHudi#e to the &alidity of anythin' $%e&iously done unde% that %e'ulation. 334 2o a(end(ent is %e8ui%ed.




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