Can You Analyze This Problem

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The Kepner Tregoe Tools Situation Analysis Problem Analysis Decision Analysis Potential problem (Opportunity) Analysis

a) Situation Analysis Concerns: 1. A quarter panels manufacturer plant with 4 operation lines suddenly has an increased percentage of rejected panels by Quality Control. 2. Line 1,2 & 4 seem to be troubled. Line 3 still produces normally. 3. No technical malfunction appeared. The maintenance troubleshooters have been all over the press and cant find anything wrong. 4. There is a friction between the supervisor of line 2, Farrel, and one of the employees on this line, Valenti. Farrel suspended Valenti for drinking during office hours, however no evidence or witnesses for this accusation can be found. 5. Farrel made a suggestion on placing the sheets to the press operator, but they just glared at him and said nothing, this happened because Farrell accusing the press operator on a deliberate sabotage. 6. During the whole 15 minutes of the relief break the men from all the lines were talking together about Valentis case and Pete, Valentis young brother, a spot welder who works on line #3 under Dawson, called for a walk out. 7. Patella, the shop steward, claims that the company is trying to discredit the union with the men, especially with the contract negotiations are coming up next month. He also tossed in rumor that the company will threaten to abandon the plant and move out of the state if the union does not accept the local package of benefits management offers in negotiation. Priority concerns : 1. Working out the friction between Farrell and Valenti 2. Deal with Patella and other employees who think theyre being mistreated by the company. 3. Straighten up the rumors about the companys plan to discredit the union and abandon the plant. 4. Make clear on policy issues relates to suspending and drinking regulations, also with how the supervisors correspond to subordinates or other supervisor. 5. Fix the relationship/work atmosphere issue within the company caused by Farrel and Valenti problems etc. b) Decision Analysis Decision statements (actions and result) 1. Working out the friction between Farrell and Valenti and deal with Patella & other employees >

Put up a meeting/negotiation between Burger as the mediator, Farrel, Valenti, and also Patella to say what they think about the problems, do a sharing (like & dislike) and the reasons why we reinstate Valenti. Points in negotiations: Put Farrel and Valenti on the different operation lines. Tell Valenti he is reinstated because of lack of evidence. Obviously drinking in office hours will not be tolerated. Make clear to Farrel next time he needs to negotiate his decision/ideas before suspending an employee. Let Coggins organize a anonymous questionnaire among the employees so they can share the likes and dislikes of their job. 2. Make clear on policy issues> Coggins and the supervisors, with the approval of Oscar Burger, should discuss to provide a solution and make a strict punishment and reward policy for the employees. 3. Arrange a negotiation between all the line supervisors (Farrel, Dawson, Henschel & Adams) in which they can share and learn from each other`s experiences in working/corresponding with their employees, so that at the end the company will make some kind of work instructions/unwritten rules concerning the issues. 4. Fix the relationship/work atmosphere issue within the company caused by Farrel and Valenti problems etc> Organize a team building activity, to make the employees feel appreciated and therefore create a more comfortable work atmosphere. NO 1 2 OBJECTIVE Working out the friction between Farrell and Valenti and deal with Patella & other employees Deal with Patella and other employees who think theyre being mistreated by the company. Straighten up the rumors about the companys plan to discredit the union and abandon the plant. Make clear on policy issues relates to suspending and drinking regulations, also with how the supervisors correspond to subordinates or other supervisor. Fix the relationship/work atmosphere issue within the company caused by Farrel and Valenti problems etc. WEIGHT

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