Efficiency of Multi-Trailer Systems For Ship To Stacks Container Transportation
Efficiency of Multi-Trailer Systems For Ship To Stacks Container Transportation
Efficiency of Multi-Trailer Systems For Ship To Stacks Container Transportation
P o rt T e c h n o l o g y I n t e r n at i o n a l 1
terminal PT43-21_7
2 P o rt T e c h n o l o g y I n t e r n at i o n a l www.porttechnology.org
PT43-21_7 Terminal
arrival, and the MTS must wait for the crane and not leave while
the crane is handling containers in conjunction with another MTS.
In case of Gantry STS, alignment of trailers for the crane
spreader engagement takes a longer time then for a single trailer.
Also, Long MTS allows for only a one-meter backup movement,
which further complicates the alignment.
Our analysis indicates that one cannot expect significant savings
in fuel consumption and exhaust reduction in the engine while
replacing a single trailer system with an MTS, as the increase in
GCW will require tractors with higher fuel consumption.
In a case where mobile harbour crane are being used as a STS,
the MTS can form a buffer with trailers at the wharf. In this case,
drivers will disconnect from the trailers upon arrival and will be
dispatched for another job. The operation will become decoupled.
This will improve MTS efficiency as multiple sets will require
only one tractor. Congestion will also be reduced. Figure 3. Multi-trailer systems can introduce congestion at the wharf.
In a case of gantry STS, an interchange area can be implemented
to eliminate coupling, and reduce processing time at the wharf as Threats
well as congestion. The tractor operator will bring the trailer-set to
the exchange area and immediately disconnect. Mobile equipment MTSs with up to three trailers have been in operation for ship to
such as reach stackers, and straddle or shuttle carriers will pick the stack transfer for a long time in a number of terminals worldwide.
container from the trailer and transport it to the ground under the However, compliance with local safety regulations and possible
gantry crane. In this particular setting, bidirectional MTSs will be safety risks for a particular implementation must be evaluated.
especially beneficial, as they don’t require large amount of space in This is particularly true for MTSs with a larger number of trailers.
the interchange area.
A number of manufacturers are producing automation systems Conclusions
to guide MTS drivers and allow for quick alignment of the trailers The current downturn in volumes and revenues demands that
under gantry cranes.The Short MTS option allows quick connection terminal operators look for new ways to provide the same level
and disconnection of extra trailers. Thus operation can be optimised of services with less labour and equipment costs. In this paper we
as the MTS is used in the operation where it is the most efficient. have discussed ways of how the multi-trailer system can be used
Hybrid Powered Tractors, which are being tested now, can be to increase efficiency in ship to stacks transportation. Hopefully, it
used to reduce engine exhaust and produce savings in fuel cost. will stimulate interest in further research in this direction.
twenty years experience designing infrastructure terminal operations. Mr Goussiatiner owns his own Modern Port Technologies Inc.
and processes, software solutions and simulation consulting company Modern Port Technologies Inc in Canada
P o rt T e c h n o l o g y I n t e r n at i o n a l 3