Do Love Spells Work

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Inner Awareness Do love spells work? By Jaime Licauco Philippine Daily Inquirer Read more: http://lifestyle.inquirer.

net/141671/do-love-spells-work#ixzz2nKdPuTh s Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook Leah (not her real name), a young female reader, texted me recently the followin g question: Does gayuma or love spell really work? I replied to her that, It works if you are susceptible to it.

Apparently, Leah did not fully understand my reply, because she next asked me if I knew anybody who did this. So, let me explain. Gayuma, the practice or process of making one fall in love w ith you through the use of some ritual or incantation, is as old as mankind. The process may involve using the victim s clothing, picture, hair or nail cutting s to cast a spell. In this sense the practice of gayuma is a form of white witch craft. But does it work? I think love spells work only on individuals who are susceptib le or vulnerable to them. They do not work on everybody. Somehow, the intended victim should at least be open to such spell, even though only on a subconscious level. If a person truly does not have any feeling for th e individual, either consciously or subconsciously, it won t work. I think the same principle applies in the case of incubus attack. An incubus is a male spirit who makes love to or seduces a woman. If the woman truly does not want such sexual advances from a spirit, the spirit cannot succeed in his intent ion. I remember a case of an Italian woman who used to live in Bel-Air Makati. She ha d an incubus lover, and would enjoy having sex with the spirit to the point of c limax or orgasm. She really enjoyed the trysts with the spirit, so that when he suddenly disappeared and no longer made love to her, she called on me to find ou t if there s a way for her to call the incubus back. Of course, I didn t know how to do this, because usually women ask me how to get r id of such sex-starved spirits, not to invite them back. The same principle, I think, holds true in the case of love spells. They work on ly if one subconsciously welcomes them, or at least, is not opposed to them. Leah s next question was, if I knew anybody who does it. Yes, for a very fat fee. But I think it s a waste of time and money to hire such a person. There s no guarant ee it will work. And I am against anything that forces another person to do some thing that may be against his or her conscious will or desire. So my advice to Leah is this: Let go! If you love somebody, let him go. If he com es back, he is yours; if he does not, he never was.


What about curses? Are there such things? Do they work? How? Curses are mentioned several times both in the Old and New Testaments of the Chr istian Bible. And from what we ve read in the Bible, they all seem to work. But wh at is a curse? A curse has been defined as the expression, or a wish that a misfortune, evil or doom befall a person. For example, a curse may go like this: May all your daughter s and the children of your daughters be afflicted with bad breath. It may also refer to an offensive word or phrase used to express anger or vengean ce. For example, you are angry at a person who has offended you and you say to hi m, May you step on fresh cow dung as you go home, or something like that. A curse uttered with strong negative emotion or intention does work because our mind is so powerful it can even affect material objects. Scientific experiments have been conducted by materials engineer William Tiller about the power of inte ntion to affect the pH level of ordinary water and to retard the biological prog ress of a fly s larva. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, proved after years of careful experimen ts that intention uttered or exposed on water can affect its molecular structure . That s probably why curses work. Jesus Christ, for example, cursed the fig tree that did not bear fruit, and it w ithered and died. But cursing somebody can bring about karmic consequences on the person doing it. Therefore, we are warned in the Bible not to put a curse on anybody; neither sh ould we even get angry with another, which is very difficult in practice. But it may be good to be aware of it. Your past lives affect your present life and your relationship with others more than you think. Learn more about this by attending my next Soul mates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar on Dec. 14 at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza 1, Legaspi St., Greenb elt, Makati City. For reservation and further details, call tel. nos. 8107245, 8 159890 or 0908-3537885; or e-mail [email protected]. Read more: 0 Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

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