EOHSMS-02-C22 LOA Lifting Supervisor

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Letter Of Appointment
Appointment Of Contractor Lifting Supervisor


Factory No:

I _____________________________________________(name) ID No : _____________________(NRIC/ EP/WP) contact number _______________________of ___________________________________________(company) __________________________________________________________________________________ (work title) un!er"tan!

t#at a" t#e Contractor Lifting Supervisor of t#e Pro$ect work"ite it i" my !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" to en"ure t#at t#e pro%i"ion" un!er t#e Re&ulation" an! 'tatutory re(uirement are complie! wit#) *y !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" a" Contractor Lifting Supervisor are a" follow":

+) Co,or!inate all liftin& acti%itie") -) C#eck t#e loa! an! Ri&&er" to en"ure t#at t#e loa! can be lifte! an! remo%e! "afely by any crane mobile crane tower crane or crawler crane) .) En"ure t#at t#e &roun! con!ition" are "afe for any operation to be performe! by any crane mobile crane tower crane or crawler crane) /) En"ure t#at t#ere i" a "et of "afe liftin& proce!ure" for any liftin& operation by any crane mobile crane tower crane or crawler crane) 0) 1rief all Crane 2perator" Ri&&er" an! 'i&nalman on t#e "afe liftin& proce!ure" R3) 4) 3ny un"ati"factory or un"afe con!ition" are reporte! to you by Crane 2perator or Ri&&er take "uc# mea"ure" to rectify t#e un"ati"factory or un"afe con!ition or ot#erwi"e en"ure t#at any liftin& operation i" carrie! out "afely) 5) 6o monitor !aily c#eckin& of Crane by Crane 2perator 7) 6o en"ure t#at maintenance an! in"pection pro&ramme of crane) 8) 6o en"ure Ri&&er c#eck t#e loa! an! ri&&er" to en"ure t#at t#e loa! can be lifte! an! remo%e! "afely by any crane) +9) 3""e""ment of t#e liftin& operation to pro%i!e "uc# plannin& "election of crane(") liftin& &ear an! e(uipment in"truction an! "uper%i"ion) ++) *u"t be aut#ori:e! to perform all t#e"e !utie" particularly t#e aut#ority to "top operation w#ene%er #e con"i!er" t#at !an&er i" likely to ari"e) +-) Dutie" but not re"pon"ibilitie" may be !ele&ate! to anot#er per"on w#ere appropriate)
EOHSMS-02-C22_Rev0 1-2

Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

+.) En"ure t#at t#e crane an! it" foun!ation are erecte! accor!in& to t#e manufacturer;" !e"i&n) +/) En"ure t#at Ri&&er" 'i&nalman Crane 2perator" are properly traine! an! competent ((ualifie!) to !o t#eir $ob) +0) En"ure t#at t#e crane i" re&ularly maintaine! by (ualifie! 6ec#nician" an! to keep a recor! of t#e maintenance #i"tory of t#e crane) +4) En"ure t#at %ariou" "afety !e%ice" are in"talle! an! functionin& properly) +5) <iai"e wit# "ub,contractor to en"ure t#at t#e crane i" not abu"e! by t#em) +7) <ook into complaint" ari"in& from t#e u"e of t#e crane ie) come from t#e Crane 2perator 'i&nalman Ri&&er" *ember of Public etc) +8) 'uper%i"e t#e work" of t#e Crane 2perator Ri&&er an! 'i&nalman) -9) Per"onally take c#ar&e of liftin& operation" in%ol%in& #ea%y loa! or re(uirin& !ifficult manoeu%re") -+) En"ure t#at Ri&&er 'i&nalman an! Crane 2perator" "ubmit !aily / weekly / mont#ly c#eckli"t) --) 6raffic control for internal an! e=ternal of "ite) -.) *aterial "c#e!ule" / "tora&e) -/) Crane 2perator / 'i&nalman / Ri&&er work "c#e!ule") -0) En"ure all liftin& appliance" &ear" an! mac#ine" certificate are %ali!) -4) En"ure t#at all Crane 2perator" are re&i"tere! wit# *ini"try of *anpower > 2ccupational 'afety Department (*2*,2'D)) -5) En"ure t#at all crane to be in"talle! by traine! an! 3ppro%e! Erector") -7) En"ure Contractor" carryin& out in"tallation !i"mantlin& or repair of tower crane" an! mobile crane" mu"t "eek appro%al in writin& from t#e C#ief In"pector of ?actorie") -8) En"ure t#at all Crane 2perator certificate" crane certificate" liftin& &ear certificate" an! ot#er certificate" "ubmitte! before any liftin& operation .9) <ia"e wit# #ire! crane) .+) 6#e"e "pecific !utie" are al"o pre"cribe! un!er t#e Re&ulation")

Appointed by Ryobi Kiso P :

!ndorsed "y Ryobi Kiso #S$O: Name De"i&natio n : :

Accepted "y :

Name De"i&nati on

: :

Name De"i&nati on

: :



Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

'i&nature Date : : 'i&nature Date : : 'i&nature Date : :




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