Villa Mona v. Bosque Digest

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BOSQUE: Present case was instituted in the CFI by the widow of Enrique Bota,
Rosa Villa, for the purpose of recovering from the defendants Bosque and Ruiz (as principals) and R. G. France and F. H. Goulette (as solidary sureties), the sum of P20,509.71. o 1919- Defendants had purchased a printing establishment and bookstore by Villas Atty. In Fact, Manuel Pirretas. In 1920, Pirretas absented himself from the Philippine Islands on a prolonged visit to Spain; and in contemplation of his departure he executed a document purporting to be a partial substitution of agency, whereby he transferred to "the mercantile entity Figueras Hermanos, or the person, or persons, having legal representation of the same said power. o Purpose mentioned: So that they may be able to effect the collection of such sums of money as may be due to the plaintiff. When the time came for the payment of the second installment and accrued interest due at the time, the purchasers were unable to comply. o o Figueras Hermanos, acting as attorney in fact for the plaintiff, an agreement was reached, whereby Figueras Hermanos accepted the payment of P5,800 Afterwhich, another document was entered (Exhibit 1) whereby the partnership conveyed all its assets to Bota Printing Co. Inc for the purported consideration of P15,000. o In said document it stated that Bosque is indebted to Villa in the amount of 32k which France and Goulette are bound as joint and several sureties, and that the latters partnership had transferred all its assets to the Bota Printing Company. o It is then stipulated that France and Goulette shall be relieved from all liability on their contract as sureties and that in lieu thereof the creditor Villa accepts the Bota Printing Company, Inc., as debtor to the extent of P20,000. No question is made as to the authenticity of this document or as to the intention of Figueras to release the sureties. The only question, is plaintiff bound to it? RTC: Ruiz not appearing, he is held in Default. Other defendants, answered with a general denial and various special defenses. o SC. WoN Exhibit 1 is binding Exhibit 2 executed by Pirretas confers a partial substitution of agency to Figueras Hermanos or the person or persons exercising legal representation of the same all of the powers that had been conferred on Pirretas. o Such was executed To the end that the said lady may be able to collect the balance of the selling price of the Printing Establishment and Bookstore above-mentioned, which has been sold. o With the abovementioned, there is nothing that can be construed to discharge any of the debtors without payment or to novate the contract. However, through Exhibit 1, that is exactly what they did. RTC ruled in favor of plaintiff.

Under the Exhibit B the substituted authority should be exercised by the mercantile entity Figueras Hermanos or the person duly authorized to represent the same. o However, in the actual execution of Exhibit 1, M. T. Figueras intervenes as purported attorney in fact without anything whatever to show that he is in fact the legal representative of Figueras Hermanos. o o The act of substitution conferred no authority whatever on M. T. Figueras as an individual.

In view of these defects Exhibit 1 is not binding on the plaintiff. o Figueras had no authority to execute the contract of release and novation in the manner attempted.

WoN Villa ratified Exhibit 1 by accepting and retaining 14k (No) Bota Printing had become a primary debtor to the plaintiff; and she therefore had a right to accept the payments and to apply the same to the satisfaction of the third installment of the original indebtedness. o Besides, nearly all of this money was so paid prior to the execution of Exhibit 1 (save P200). Plaintiff may lawfully retain that money notwithstanding her refusal to be bound by Exhibit 1.

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