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<Project Name>

Business Requirement Specification

Version <Version No.> <Company Logo>

<Logo of manni or mansoft> Business Requirement Specification <Client Logo> Project Name ocument Name <Name of the Project> Business Requirement Specification Re"ie#er



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%C&'(N) V(RS*%N +*S)%R, Version Num-er (ffecti"e ate Nature of 'o.ification



< Specific the name of individual from customer side as well as form mania or man soft side, who will be receiving this document. Also specify their role as PM, VH, ! etc " his document will be directly distributed to the following individuals. Sr. No. <client #ame / 0 Mania $orporation% mania System / 0 Name of the in.i"i.ual Role

'aster files are store. electronically an. are a"aila-le to all associates Printe. copies of the master files are for reference only

)a-le of contents

/. *ntro.uction................................................. ............1
&.& Purpose...........................................................' &.( Scope...............................................................' &.) *efinitions, acronyms and abbreviations.........' &.' +eference.........................................................' &., *ocument Structure.........................................'

0. !ssumption an. epen.encies..................................1 2. Customer Requirements............................................. 3

).& $urrent -usiness Process........................................, ).&.& $urrent -usiness Sub.Process /low *iagram 0&1...,

).&.( $urrent -usiness Sub.Process /low *iagram 0(1...,

2.0 Propose. Business Process................................3

).(.& Propose -usiness Sub.Process /low *iagram..., ).(.( -usiness Process Sub./low *iagram................., ).) $ustomer +e2uirements......................................3

1. !nne4ure5s6................................................. ...............7

/. *N)R% &C)*%N
/./ P4+P5S6
<7n this sub.section specify the purpose of the document and the intended audience"

/.0 S$5P6
<7n this sub section, describe the domain to be covered and brief description of the domain also specify e8clusions, if any"

/.2 *6/7#7 75#S, A$+5#9MS A#* A--+6$7A 75#S

<7n this sub.section provide all the terms used in this document. Also list in the same subsection acronyms and abbreviation re2uired to properly interpreting the document "



&.' +6/6+6#$6S sr .no *ocume *ocume Versio nt itle nt #o. n & ( ) Author +eleas ed date

&., *ocument Structure

<7n this sub section, describe the contents of the rest of the document and e8plain how the document is organi:ed."

0. !SS&'P)*%NS !N

(P(N (NC*(S

<Specify assumptions and % or dependencies, if any, related to use case *iagram."

2. C&S)%'(R R(8&*R('(N)S ).& $4++6# -4S7#6SS P+5$6SS

<Provide the appropriate diagram to describe current business process and describe the e8isting functionality of the same."

).&.& $urrent -usiness Sub.Process /low *iagram

<Provide the business process flow diagram to describe current business sub.process and describe the e8istent functionality of the same."

).&.( $urrent -usiness Sub.Process /low *iagram

<Provide the business process flow diagram to describe current business sub.process and describe the e8isting functionality of the same."

#ote; +epeat these sections to describe each current -usiness sub.process.

2.0 PR%P%S(


<Provide the activity diagram to describe propose business process and describe the e8isting functionality of the same."

).(.& Propose -usiness Sub.Process /low *iagram

<Provide the business process flow diagram to describe proposed business sub.process and describe the e8isting functionality of the same"

).(.( -usiness Process Sub /low.*iagram

<Provide the business process flow diagram to describe proposed business sub. process and describe the e8isting functionality of the same." #5 6; +epeat these sections to describe each current -usiness sub.process

2.2 C&S)%'(R R(8&*R('(N)

$ustomer re2uirement title $ustomer +e2uirement *escried $ustomer +e2uirement #o. -usiness -enefits Priority Pre conditions <Mention the customer re2uest title 0-rief description of $ustomer +e2uirement1" <*escribe the $ustomer re2uirement%68pectation%#eed in detail" <Mention the customer re2uirement no. as applicable or reference of re2uest received through tool" <*escribe how this customer re2uest will be benefited to the -usiness and achieve desired business goal" $ritical%7mportant%#ice to have <Stri<e out the item which is not applicable" <*escribe the conditions that must e8ist before implementing the customer re2uirement for e.g. *ata Availability, Some transactions%action needs to be completed, Validations, chec<s to be preformed etc" <*escribe the conditions that must e8ist after implementing the customer re2uirement for e.g. *ata 4pdate as e8pected, Some transactions%action needs to be completed, Validations, chec<s to be preformed etc" <*escribe the specific business rule%conditions%validations re2uirement 0if any1 to implement this customer re2uirement " < *escribe the assumptions 0if any1specific to this customer re2uirement"

Post conditions

-usiness +ule Assumptions

*ependencies < *escribe the assumptions 0if any1specific to this customer re2uirement, for e.g. dependency on some other re2uests%action%transactions%e8ternal interfaces%result of some other transactions etc" $onstraints << *escribe the constraints 0if any1specific to this customer re2uirement, for e.g. $onstraints related to operating. implementing. $ustomer testing, environment etc" #on <*escribe #on /unctional +e2uirement" /unctional +e2uirement #on functional <Specify the uni2ue no. for #on functional re2uirement re2uirement" #o.


<!ist of performance characteristics includes following . +esponse time per Performance transaction0average, ma8imum1 . hroughput 0transactions per second1 . $apacity 0number of customers or transactions the system can accommodate1" ( 4sability < his section includes all of those re2uirements that affect the usability" ) +eliability <*escribe the reliability related re2uirements" ' Security <*escribe the following . +e2uirements for access to the system . +e2uirements for the protection of information0privacy" Proposed Screen !ayout%user 7nterface its details;

<Paste the re2uirement screen layout%user interface and describe the re2uirement and describe the re2uirement in detail in terms of what is e8pected. How it is e8pected, loo< =feel of Screen%4ser interface validation chec<s for ob>ects places on screen%4ser interface etc."
#ote; +epeat this table to describe various customer

re2uirements 4. ANNEXURE(s) <if any"

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