Why Should Nonprofits Invest in Brand?: And, Where To Begin

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Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand? And, Where to Begin.

By Mary Weisnewski
August 2009

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


Investing in brand development is increasingly important to build credibility and differentiate in this competitive giving environment.
Cynthia Round, Executive Vice President of Brand Strategy and Marketing, United Way of America

If I give the average Man-on-theStreet $50 and tell them to donate it to the charity of their choice, where will that money wind up? In the hands of the organization they have the strongest and most meaningful relationship with the one they trust the most, and that shares their passion and core beliefs. About 60,000 organizations gained nonprot status last year alone, bringing the total number to more than 1.1 million in the US. Investing in brand development is increasingly important to build credibility and differentiate in this competitive giving environment, says Cynthia Round, Executive Vice President of Brand Strategy and Marketing at United Way of America, which recently rolled out a completely revamped brand campaign. People are making purchasing decisions based on how closely aligned their values are with an organization and how much they trust what that organization is providing. This is as true when

it comes to making donations to nonprots as it is for buying consumer products. In a sense, doing good has become a shop-and-compare commodity, with an onslaught of images and messages bombarding people just like for consumers goods. You need to take a page from Corporate America to not only stand out but stand above the hundreds of thousands of philanthropic endeavors vying for individual and corporate donations and attention. Building a viable brand platform that focuses your mission, and then investing in that brand, is the golden differentiator. And then make sure your organization walks the talk of your cause. The end result: Youll attract like-minded donors and provide the foundation for the longterm meaningful relationships that lead to consistent support, funding and growth.

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


What is Brand?
Simply put, brand is everything associated with a company, product, service, or person all of the attributes, both tangible and intangible. Its your logo, your promise, the product or service you deliver, your name all of that and more. Its what you stand for, what you do, what you say and what you look like. Its everything. It is the beacon that will incite people to join forces with you and make your cause their own. The truth is that every organization already has a brand. Employees, volunteers, board members, community stakeholders and donors already have perceptions and experiences they associate with you. This community is your tribe of like-minded supporters. The real sixty-four thousand dollar question is: Do you know what your brand is, and are you consciously managing it, leveraging it, and strengthening it to continue to grow your tribe and move them from supporters to raving fans? Transforming your core values and unique approach into a platform that you can consistently and effectively communicate builds common ground, making it faster and easier to connect to your tribe, and advance your cause with vision and purpose. Its the key to being the master of your organizations destiny. The good news is that strong brands are fueled by people with a passion. Chances are you already have a strong base of people beating the drum for your organization. The problem many nonprots have is that they are so busy beating that drum loudly proclaiming the value of what they provide that they dont hear the needs and desires of their audience. This is critical in building a meaningful platform. Successful brands are infused with a clear set of shared values.

The truth is that every organization already has a brand.

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


Revealing Your Brand Platform

Capturing and dening your organizations core beliefs the brand platform is done through an audit of those who come in contact with your organization. This means surveying and talking to all segments of your tribe doing deep-dive interviews to reveal what they really think of you. And, more to the point, what is truly meaningful to them. Nonprots get mission myopia, because we care so much about what were doing that we forget to nd out what our potential donors interests and concerns are, explains Katya Andresen, author, Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes and vice president of marketing for Network for Good, the Internets leading charitable giving site. Discovering your brand platform is about having a conversation with your key audiences to nd out where your common ground lies. Friends of Youth of Washington conducted a brand audit in 2004, to develop a clear, singular identity and expand their reach. We had been providing youth services for more than 55 years, and grown to over 100 employees and about 10,000 volunteer hours per year, explains Ed Belleba, President and CEO of Friends of Youth. The people and the communities we served knew us, but we needed to expand our reach into the general public. The organization hired a consultant to conduct an audit of 750 members of its tribe everyone Friends of Youth touched. The majority of the

Discovering your brand platform is about having a conversation with your key audiences to nd out where your common ground lies.
Katya Andresen, Vice President of Marketing, Network for Good



REVEAL : Brand team : Brand audit : Research : Analysis

DEFINE : Preliminary elements : Audit report : Brand workshop : Brand platform

IMPLEMENT : Message development : Internal education : Visual brand : Launch

MANAGE : Living the brand : Consistency of touch points : Infuse into culture and actions : Partner management

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


community members were surveyed by phone, while a selection of clients, volunteers, employees and funders were interviewed face-to-face. We asked what they knew about us, what their perceptions and experiences were, as well as what they thought the important youth issues were, Belleba says. We were surprised to learn that some of their answers were different from our perceptions. That helped us to

develop brand messaging that told people in a simple, straight-forward way what we were about. Our brand promise was revealed as: To make a lasting impact. When it comes to providing services for troubled youth, we found that was the common ground that we all stood on. And, it speaks to our reputation for having a high level of expertise and credentials that allows us to deliver not just for today, but also for longterm, future success.

Spotlight: The Brand Audit

While a comprehensive brand audit should be conducted by a consultant experienced in brand development, you can begin mining the members of your community who know you well for insights into their perceptions through a simple phone survey of, say, 50 people: a cross-section of donors, volunteers, employees, board members, and members of the community who do advocacy or lobbying work on behalf of your cause. Qualitative, open-ended questions will reveal the essence of the brand something that cannot be achieved through close-ended quantitative surveys. Questions may include: What is your top of mind association with the organization? What are its strengths? And weaknesses? What do you value the most? How would you describe the organizations personality and style? What other organizations do you consider donating to/volunteering for/working for? What makes this one unique? What messages are the most meaningful to you? And why?

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?



The Anatomy of Brand

Situation Analysis: Interconnectivity

Brand Repositioning of the With this open concept and with Asian Art Museum of San the very breadth and diversity of Francisco Using the information gleaned from the audit, youll uncover the that Asiafrom Palestine to tools the Gobi keep your brandand your organizationrunning Desert, from smoothly: Iraq to Vietnamthe An art and education institution possibilities for cultural dialogue are Mission; Explains whyThe the Asian organization founded 51 years ago; Art exists, its reason for being. Should be endless and the prospects exciting. easy to understand, easy to remember and inspiring. Museum of San Francisco houses one of the most comprehensive Athe brand that of reects this drive to Guiding principles; The values that drive culture the organization and Asian art in the world greater inclusivity, dialogue and dene its collections belief system. and is regarded as one of the premier proffer of contemporary activities Promise; The everyday shortcut to the brand that all staff can use to guide Asian art institutions in the West. and exhibitions will move you daily decision-making. It denes the unique approach you want to be known The collection brings together beyond being a niche museum for. approximately 17,000 works of art and help you take your rightful place Personality; The way you would describe the character of the organization if and artifacts from all major Asian in the mainstream of San Francisco it were a person. It denes the appropriate look and feel and tone of voice of countries and traditions, some as culture and indeed, global culture. all communications. much as 6,000 years old. Major Positioning; foundation for all galleries are The devoted to the arts of your messages, and how you are positioned in western the marketplace against your competition. It is your value India, China, Asia (including proposition. Persia), South-East Asia, Korea and Japan. Now, the Museum seeks to reposition its brand Organization name to bring it into alignment with the vision and goals Product/division names of Dr. Jay Xu, Art Historian and Archeologist, Museum Director since June 2008. Mission Values We aspire to be a part of that powerful Promise process. Initial Connections Personality Positioning In our initial discovery process, we found a panel discussion that included Dr. Xu in October Logo 2008. He said that the museum Visual Design seeks to explore and focus on the interconnectivity of cultures, ideas and ideals, and promote dialogue Alignment between Asian art and art in general. Education

Brand Architecture

Outside view of your organization Why you exist Your culture driver Your unique approach Driver of look and tone Message foundation Visual beacon Look and feel Consistency Training

Brand Platform

Visual Brand

Living the Brand

Brand Platform: making your brand tangible so it works for you

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


Brand Personality: A Key Calling Card for Nonprots

The brand platform is the foundation that drives all of the actions and decisions your organization makes, and the development of all your communications tools. It denes your unique approach to what you do, and what you want to be known for. Through the audit of your tribe, the values and drivers that were once so intangible have been captured into solid tools that are the wheels that keep your brand turning: mission, guiding principles, promise, personality and positioning. (See page 6). Once your brand platform is dened, it will include the brand personality, the key element that communicates the appropriate emotion for the organizations personality what makes it feel different from the other one million-plus caring and compassionate nonprots out there. It becomes your calling card to emotionally connect with, and rally, the members of your tribe. The visual brand is powerful emotional glue that connects communications to the experience of the organization, making design one of the most tangible ways to differentiate and convey your messages. Close your eyes and think of the Red Cross, the World Wide Fund for Nature (formally named the World Wildlife Fund), American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity. What many visuals came to mind? The red cross, the black and white panda? These successful nonprots use design to connect and differentiate in all of their communications. Establishing the visual elements of the brand is more than just picking colors its how the colors are used. Its the style and feel of photography: faces cropped or long-shots? Its how that font is used: big, small, centered? And, its the tone of voice, what words are chosen, the energy level conveyed. Design is the place where many organizations start to communicate their brand, but its certainly not the end-all. The cosmetics of how you present your organization arent nearly as valuable as making the substantive changes needed so that youre actually living the brand, says Andresen, who recommends spending one-fourth of your resources on design and three-fourths on xing internal problems identied in the brand

The visual brand is powerful emotional glue that connects communications to the experience of the organization.

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


Brand is an outward reection of your organizational values and culture, and needs to go way beyond collateral
Diana Reid, Vice President, Global Communication Unitus

audit whether thats how you conduct your programs, improving accountability to donors of where their money goes, training volunteers or community outreach. If you want people to align with your cause, you have to show you care about their concerns, especially when it comes to how you carry out the mission you are asking them to support. Brand is an outward reection of your organizational values and

culture, and needs to go way beyond collateral, says Diana Reid, Vice President, Global Communication for Unitus, a nonprot in Seattle that facilitates micronance loans in developing countries. Our personality is reected in everything from the red walls of our curved hallways, to the consistent interactions that people have with our employees whether theyre in Africa, India or the US.

Three good times to evaluate your brand

Brand is not a launch event, its a long-term investment. As your organization grows and evolves, so should your brand. Particularly relevant times to evaluate and build your brand are when your organization experiences: Shift in focus; When theres a change in the direction of your organization, you may need a brand audit to help ensure the shift is meaningful and to make sure everyone is on the same page with the revitalized mission. For example, many nonprots start as direct care agencies and then discover they want to make a bigger impact and shift to being inuencers of change through advocacy and policymaking. Growth; When an organization is small and funding efforts are grassroots based asking 1,000 people for donations of $10 your communications can be less sophisticated. But if you are approaching heavy hitters and corporate sponsors for substantial donations and support, you have to demonstrate that you are reliable, credible and savvy enough to trust. A sophisticated visual brand and messages are needed for this. Broadening geographic reach; The farther spread out your tribe is, the more important it is that they have clear and focused guidelines. A strong brand is the lter for consistency, no matter how far apart they are.

Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


Building Relationships: Its About Trust

Ultimately, great brand boils down to relationships built on trust both internally and externally. Remember that Man-on-the-Street I gave $50 to? Exactly how can you convince him, in this age of instant promises overloading him from everywhere he looks, that your organization is for real? Easy: Be real. In every action that everyone within your organization carries out because consistently delivering on your promise builds trust. People make decisions about buying products for lots of reasons, but the decision to invest in a charity is made 100 percent on faith and how much trust there is in the organization, Round says. The condence one has in the brand has a lot to do with the choices people make about donating their time and money. In fact, when United Way underwent a rigorous brand evaluation in 2003, they discovered that the strong brand was 67 percent of the reason why people chose to invest in the organization. Thats a clear and powerful return-on-investment that holds as true for corporate support as it does for individual donors. Companies are under increasing pressure from board members, share holders, employees, customers

Be real. In every action that everyone within your organization carries out, because consistently delivering on your promise builds trust.

Our brand isnt just our logo or our tagline, its everything we do, says United Ways Cynthia Round. Our new platform and tagline, Live United, is an invitation and call to action to our community. Our brand audit told us that everyone wants to see themselves as part of the change, and were providing even more opportunities for people to do that. The redesigned United Way web site has sections devoted to volunteering, donating money and advocacy and lots of personal stories of how people from all walks of life are getting involved with the organization. The complete brand makeoverthe rst one since the organization rst developed its platform in the mid-seventies, encompasses everything from a new public service announcement campaign, to marketing materials, to work in customer relationship management. Were creating a total experience around our new brand because thats what successful brand is: a total experience, Round explains.


Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?


Brand is an accessible and useful tool to ensure consistency in thought, word, and deed.

and the community to be positive contributors to society and this is good news for non-prots, explains Andresen. Theyre looking to cobrand with charitable organizations that share their core values. Thats why its more important than ever for non-prots to be able to communicate their brand easily and succinctly in everything that they do. The bottom line is that when it comes to investing in brand, it makes sense to do it right from the get-go. If you develop a strong

brand foundation it perpetuates itself everyone acts on-brand and decisions are made that reect your core valuesand youll save money in the long-run. The true power of a brand-driven organization that is building ever strengthening relationships is the understanding that everything matters. Every interaction at every touch point is an opportunity to strengthen or dilute the experience and therefore the level of trust and loyalty. There are no neutrals.

Living the Brand

Website / Online Experience Programs Marketing / Advertising / PR Internal Communications Place Experience HR / Internal Culture Events / Fundraising Sponsorships / Associations


Why Should Nonprots Invest in Brand?

About the Author Mary Weisnewski is principal of Kite Inc., a full-service brand strategy, graphic and interactive design rm passionate about building authentic brands. While the sky is the limit of our creativity, everything we do is down-to-earth, strategic and authentically brand driven. We build, guide and protect the meaning of a brand through clear, consistent design and communications that connect etmotionally with employees, customers, donors and other stakeholders.

206.306.6515 | [email protected] | www.kitebrandstudio.com

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