Unit 13 Directed Graphs: Structure

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Fundamentals of Algorithms

Unit 13

Unit 13
Structure 13.1 Introduction Objectives 13.2 Types of Directed Graphs 13.3 Binary Relation As a Digraph 13.4 Eulers Digraphs 13.5 Matrix Representation of Digraphs 13.6 Summary 13.7 Terminal Questions 13.8 Answers

Directed Graphs

13.1 Introduction
The graphs so far studied are undirected graphs (no direction was assigned to the edge in a graph). In this unit, we shall consider directed graphs (graphs in which edges have directions). Many physical situations require directed graphs. The applications of directed graphs are in the street map of city with one-way streets, flow networks with valves in the pipes, and electrical networks. Directed graphs in the form of signal flow graphs are used for system analysis in control theory. Most of the concepts and terminology of undirected graphs are also applicable to directed graphs. In this unit we will discuss some of the properties of directed graphs which are not shared by undirected graphs. Objectives After studying this unit, you should be able to: write the indegree and outdegree of a vertex explain the tournaments and Eulers digraphs give the different matrix representations of digraphs apply the properties to flows, network and traffic problem.

13.2 Types of Directed Graphs

The different types of directed graphs are discussed below: Definition: A directed graph (or) a digraph D consists of a non-empty set V (the elements of V are normally denoted by v1, v2, ) and a set E (the
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elements of E are normally denoted by e1, e2, .) and a mapping


maps every element of E onto an ordered pair (vi, vj) of elements from V. The elements of V are called as vertices or nodes or points. The elements of E are called as edges or arcs or lines. If e E and vi, vj V such that (e) = (vi, vj), then we write e = vi v j . In this case, we say that e is an edge between vi and vj. (We also say that e is an edge from vi to vj). (We also say that e originates at vi and terminates at vj). (An edge from vi to vj is denoted by a line segment with an arrow directed from vi to vj). Note: i) A directed graph is also refered to as an oriented graph. ii) Let D be a directed graph and e = vu . Then, we say that e is incident out of the vertex v, and incident into the vertex u. In this case, we say that the vertex v is called the initial vertex and the vertex u is called the terminal vertex of e. Example: The graph given in Figure-13.1 is a digraph with 5 vertices and ten edges.
v2 e4 v1 e3 e5


v3 e10 e8





e7 Fig .13.1

Here, v5 is the initial vertex and v4 is the terminal vertex for the edge e7. The edge e5 is a self-loop. Definition: i) The number of edges incident out of a vertex v is called the out degree (or) out-valence of v. The out degree of a vertex v is denoted by d+(v). ii) The number of edges incident into v is called the indegree (or) inSikkim Manipal University Page No. 232

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valance of v. The indegree of a vertex v is denoted by d-(v). Note that the degree of v is equal to the sum of indegree and out degree of v, for any vertex v in a graph. (In symbols, we can write as d(v) = d+(v) + d-(v) for all vertices v). Example: Consider the graph given in Fig. 13.1 i) Here, d+(v1) = 3, d+(v2) = 1, d+(v3) = 1, d+(v4) = 1, d+(v5) = 4. d - (v1) = 1, d - (v2) = 2, d - (v3) = 4, d -(v4) = 3, d - (v5) = 0. ii) d(v1) = 4 = 3 + 1 = d+(v1) + d-(v1) ; d(v2) = 3 = 1 + 2 = d+(v2) + d-(v2), and so on. Problem: Let D be a directed graph. Show that the sum of all in-degrees of the vertices of D, is equal to the sum of all out-degrees of the vertices of D; and each sum is equal to the number of edges in D.
n n

[In other words,

i 1

(vi ) =
i 1

( v i ) = q where q is the number of

edges in D, and {v1, v2, , vn} is the set of all vertices in D]. Solution: Let D be any digraph with n vertices and q edges. When the indegrees of vertices are counted, each edge is counted exactly once. [This is because every edge goes to exactly one vertex].

i 1

(vi ) =q

... (i)

Similarly, when the out-degrees of vertices are counted, each edge is counted exactly once. [This is, because each edge goes out of exactly one vertex].

i 1

( v i ) = q . (ii).
n n

From (i) and (ii), we get that

i 1

(vi ) =
i 1

( v i ) = q.

Example: Consider the digraph in Fig. 13.1 Here, the number of vertices n = 5, and the number of edges q = 10.

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i 1

( v i ) = d+(v1) + d+(v2) + d+(v3) + d+(v4) + d+(v5) = 3 + 1 + 1 + 1

+ 4 = 10 = q

i 1

( v i ) = d -(v1) + d -(v2) + d -(v3) + d -(v4) + d -(v5) = 1 + 2 + 4

+ 3 + 0 = 10 = q.
n n

i 1

(vi ) =
i 1

( v i ) = q = the number of edges.

Definitions: i) A vertex v is said to be an isolated vertex if the out degree of v and the indegree of v are equal to zero. (In symbols, d+(v) = 0 = d-(v)). ii) A vertex v in a digraph D is said to be a pendent vertex if it is of degree 1. (In other words, a vertex is said to be a pendent vertex if the degree of v = d+(v) + d -(v) = 1). iii) Two directed edges are said to be parallel edges if they are mapped onto the same ordered pair of vertices. iv) In other words, two directed edges e and f are said to be parallel edges if both e and f originates from the same vertex, and also terminates at the same vertex. (In the graph given in Fig. 13.1, the edges e8, e9, and e10 are parallel edges. The edges e2 and e3 are not parallel). Note: i) Let D be directed graph. If we disregard the orientation (that is, direction) of every edge in D, then we get an undirected graph. The undirected graph obtained (in this way) from D is called the undirected graph corresponding to D. ii) Suppose, H is an undirected graph. To each edge of H we can assign a direction. Then the digraph obtained is called an orientation of H. (or a directed graph associated with H). Definition: Let D1 and D2 be two digraphs. These two graphs are said to be isomorphic if i) the corresponding undirected graphs are isomorphic, and ii) the directions of corresponding edges must be same.
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Example: i) Consider the directed graphs D1 and D2. The two digraphs D1 and D2 are not isomorphic (because the direction of the edge e4 in D1 is different from the direction of the edge e4 in D2).
e1 e3 e1

e4 e5 e6 e2

e4 e5 e6 e2 Graph D2


Fig. 13.2: Graph D1

ii) Note that the undirected graphs corresponding to D1 and D2 are isomorphic. Definition: A digraph that has neither self-loops nor parallel edges is called a simple digraph. In other words, a directed graph D is said to be a simple digraph if the corresponding undirected graph is a simple graph. The two digraphs given in Fig. 13.2 are simple directed graphs. Definitions: i) Digraphs that have at most one directed edge between any pair of vertices, but are allowed to have self-loops are called the asymmetric (or) anti-symmetric digraphs. ii) A digraph D is said to be a symmetric digraph if for every edge (a, b) in D there is also an edge (b, a) in D. iii) A digraph that is both simple and symmetric is called a simple symmetric digraph. iv) A digraph that is both simple and asymmetric is called simple asymmetric digraph. v) A simple digraph is said to be a complete symmetric digraph if it satisfies the following condition: "Given any two vertices v1 and v2, there corresponds exactly one edge directed from v1 to v2". vi) A complete asymmetric digraph (or) tournament (or) a complete tournament. is an asymmetric digraph in which there is exactly one edge between every pair of vertices.
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Example: In the following, i) The graph G1 is not asymmetric since there exist two directed edges between v1 and v2. ii) The graph G2 is asymmetric. iii) Any null graph is asymmetric.




Fig. 13.3 G1



iv) The digraph G3 is a complete symmetric digraph. Observation: i) A tournament (means, complete asymmetric digraph) of n vertices n n 1 contains edges. 2 The directed graph given in fig. 13.2 is a tournament. In this graph, the number of vertices is n = 4. n n 1 4 4 1 The number edges is 6 = = . 2 2 ii) A complete symmetric graph of n vertices contains n(n - 1) edges. The digraph given in fig. 13.3, G3 is a complete symmetric graph on n = 4 vertices. In this graph, the number of edges is 12 = 4(4 -1) = n (n - 1). Definition: A digraph D is said to be balanced if the in-degree of v is equal to the out-degree of v for every vertex v in D. In other words, a digraph D is said to be balanced if d+(v) = d-(v) for all vertices v in the digraph D. A balanced digraph is also known as pseudo symmetric digraph (or) an isograph.

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A balanced digraph is said to be a regular digraph if it satisfies the following two conditions: i) The in-degrees of all the vertices of D are equal; and ii) The out-degrees of all the vertices of D are equal. Self Assessment Questions 1. A directed graph is also refered to as an . 2. The number of edges incident out of a vertex v is called the. 3. A vertex v is said to be an isolated vertex if the out degree of v and the indegree of v are equal to.

13.3 Binary Relation As a Digraph

Let X be a set. Represent the elements of X by the symbols x1, x2, Suppose that R is a relation on X. We represent the elements of X as vertices and draw a directed edge from xi to xj if (xi, xj) R. Then, we get a directed graph which represents the given relation R on X. Example: Consider the set X = {3, 4, 5, 7, 8} and the relation (R, >) on X. Then, R = {(8, 3), (8, 4), (8, 5), (8, 7), (7, 3), (7, 4), (7, 5), (5, 4), (4, 3)} = {(x, y) / x > y, x, y X}. The graph D given below represents this relation R on X.

3 Fig 13.4

It is clear that, every binary relation on a finite set can be represented by a directed graph without parallel edges. Conversely, if a directed graph D without parallel edges was given, then there corresponds a binary relation on the set of vertices.
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Definition: i) Let X be a set, and R a relation on X (that is, R X X). If (x, y) R, then we also write xRy. The relation R is said to be reflexive relation if xRx for all x X. (Note that the digraphs of a reflexive relation have a self-loop at every vertex). We call a directed graph representing a reflexive binary relation on its vertex set as reflexive digraph. A digraph in which no vertex has a self-loop is called an irreflexive digraph. ii) Let X be a set, and R a relation on X. We say that R is symmetric if a, b X, aRb bRa. Note that a directed graph representing a symmetric relation is a symmetric digraph. Example: The graph given in G1 is the digraph of a relation which is symmetric but not reflexive. This relation is on the set {x1, x2, x3, x4}. Some authors represent this relation by the undirected graph given in G2. Note that in the graph G2, only one undirected edge is taken between a pair of vertices (that are related under the relation R).

x2 x1



x4 x4


Fig. 13.5: Graph G1

Graph G2

Definition: Let X be a set, and R a relation on X. The relation R is said to be transitive if a, b, c R, aRb, bRc aRc. A digraph representing a transitive relation is called a transitive digraph. [Observe that the graph given in 13.4 is a transitive digraph]. Let X be a set, and R a relation on X. i) The relation R is said to be an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
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ii) A digraph representing an equivalence relation is called an equivalence digraph. Example: Consider the binary relation R (= Congruent modulo 3) defined on the set X = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20}.
10 13 11 14 12







1(mod 3)

2(mod 3)

0(mod 3)

We can observe that this relation R on X is an equivalence relation. The related equivalence graph was given. We are using undirected graph here. Observe that the set of vertices is divided into three disjoint equivalence classes. Each of these sets form separate components. Each component is an undirected subgraph (due to symmetry, we are using undirected graph with a self-loop at each vertex). Also, note that (since any two elements in an equivalence class are related) any two vertices inside the component were joined by an edge. Definition: Let X be a set, and R is a binary relation on X. This relation R on X may be represented by a matrix. This matrix is called as relation matrix. It is a (0,1)-n n-matrix, where n is the number of elements in the set X = {x1, x2, , xn}. The relation matrix ( a ij ) is defined as follows:

a ij = 1 if xiRxj,
= 0 otherwise.

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Example: The relation matrix of the relation R (" usual grater than") on the set X = {3, 4, 5, 7, 8}, is the Matrix
3 3 0 4 1 7 1 5 1 8 1 4 0 0 1 1 1 7 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0

Definitions: i) A path v0e1v1e2v2 envn is said to be a directed path if ek is oriented from vk-1 to vk for each 1 k n. A path which is not a directed path is called a semi-path. In a directed graph, the word "path" refers to either a directed path or a semi-path. ii) Let D be a directed graph. A directed walk (in D) from a vertex v to u is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges beginning with v and ending with u such that each one of the edges is oriented (or directed) from the vertex preceding it to the vertex following it. [In other words, a walk v0e1v1e2v2 envn in the undirected graph D is said to be a directed walk if ek is oriented from vk-1 to vk for all 1 k n]. Example: Consider the graph given in the Fig-13.1 i) The path v5 e8 v3 e6 v4 e3 v1 is a directed path from v5 to v1. ii) If we disregard the orientation in D, then v5 e7 v4 e6 v3 e1v1 is a path. Observe that it is not a directed path. So it is a "semi-path". Since a directed walk is a walk, no edge appears more than once (but a vertex may appear more than once). Definitions: Let D be a digraph. i) A walk which is not a directed walk is called as semi-walk. We use the term "walk" to mean either a directed walk (or) a semi-walk. ii) A circuit (in the corresponding undirected graph) v0e1v1e2v2 envn is said to be a directed circuit if ek is oriented from vk-1 to vk for all 1 k n. iii) A circuit which is not a directed circuit is a semi-circuit.
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Example: Consider the digraph G given 13.1 i) The circuit v1e1v3e6v4e3v1 is a directed circuit. ii) The circuit v1e1v3e6v4e2v1 is not a directed circuit. So it is a semi-circuit. In undirected graphs, we define the connectedness by using the notion "path". As there are two different types of paths (namely directed path, semi-path) in digraphs, we have two different types of connectedness in the digraphs. Definitions: Let D be a digraph. i) D is said to be strongly connected if there exists at least one directed path from every vertex to every other vertex. ii) D is said to be weakly connected if its corresponding undirected graph is connected, but D is not strongly connected. iii) We say that D is connected if the undirected graph corresponding to D is connected. So the word "connected digraph" refers to both strongly connected digraph and weakly connected digraph. iv) If D is not connected, then we say that D is a disconnected graph. Example: Consider the digraphs D1 and D2 given in the following. i) The graph-D1 is a strongly connected graph. ii) In the graph-D2, there is no directed path from v1 to v4 so it is a weakly connected digraph.
e1 e4 e5 e6 e2 Graph-D1 e3 e1 v4 e4 e3 v1

e5 e6
e2 Graph-D2

Since there are two types of connectedness in a digraph, we define two types of components. Definitions: Let D be a directed graph. i) Each maximal connected (weakly or strongly) subgraph of a digraph D, is said to be a component of D. ii) Within each component of D, the maximal strongly connected subgraphs are said to be the fragments (or) strongly connected fragments of D.
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Example: Consider the digraph given in the Fig-13.6. This graph consists of two components H1 and H2.
e1 e14 e4 e5 e8 e7 e11 e12 e6 H1 e9 e10 H2 e13 v1

e2 e3


i) The component H1 contains three fragments: {e1, e2}; {e5, e6, e7, e8}; and {e10}. ii) The component H2 contains a fragment {e11, e12, e13}. iii) It can be observed that e3, e4 and e9 do not appear in any fragment of H1. Definitions: Let D be a digraph. The condensation Dc of D is a digraph obtained by using the following method: i) Each strongly connected fragment is to be replaced by a new vertex, and ii) For any two strongly connected components c1 and c2, the set of all the directed edges from c1 to c2 is to be replaced by a single directed edge (from c1 to c2). iii) Let D be a directed graph and v, u are vertices in D. Then v said to be accessible (or) reachable from the vertex u, if there is a directed path from u to v. Example: Consider the graph D given in the Fig-13.6 i) The components of D are H1, H2. ii) The fragments of D are C1 = {e1, e2}; C2 = {e5, e6, e7, e8}; C3 = {e10}; and C4 = {e11, e12, e13}.
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iii) iv)

v) vi)


The fragments C1, C2, C3 and C4 are to be considered as vertices. There are two edges e3 and e4 from C1 to C2. These two edges e3 and e4 are to be replaced by an edge (say f 1) from the vertices C1 to C2. There is only one edge e9 from the fragment C2 to C3. So this edge e9 is to be drawn from the vertex C2 to C3. There is only one edge (e14) from the fragment C4 to the vertex v1. So, this edge is to be drawn (in the condensation) from the vertex C 4 to v1. Finally, we get the condensation Dc that is given in the Fig-13.7
C1 f1 C2 e9 C3 Fig. 13.7 e14 C4 v1

Observations: i) The condensation Dc of a strongly connected digraph D is a vertex. ii) The condensation Dc of a digraph D contains no directed circuits. It is clear that a digraph D is strongly connected for all vertices v and u in D. "v is accessible from u"

Self Assessment Questions 4. Let X be a set, and R a relation on X. The relation R is said to be if a, b, c R, aRb, bRc aRc. 5. Each maximal connected subgraph of a digraph D, is said to be a of D

13.4 Eulers Digraphs

Definitions: Let D be a directed graph. i) A directed walk that starts and ends at the same vertex is called a closed directed walk.
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ii) A closed directed walk which traverses every edge of D exactly once, is called a directed Euler line. iii) D is said to be a Euler digraph if it contains a directed Euler line. Example: Consider the graph given below
c 1 d

b e f c a Fig. 13.8

The edge sequence f, a, b, c, d, e forms a directed Euler line. Hence, this graph is a Euler digraph. Theorem: Let D be a digraph. Then D is an Euler digraph if and only if D is connected and balanced. [that is, d+(v) = d-(v) for every vertex v in D]. Definition: A connected digraph containing no circuit (neither a directed circuit nor a semi-circuit) is said to be a tree. Note: i) A tree of n vertices contain n - 1 edges (directed). ii) Trees in digraphs have additional properties (than those in undirected graphs) and variations resulting from the relative orientations of the edges. Definitions: A digraph D is said to be an arborescence if it satisfies the following two conditions: i) D contains no circuit (neither a directed circuit nor a semi-circuit). ii) There exists exactly one vertex v of zero in-degree (this vertex v is called the root of the arborescence).

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Example: The graph given here is arborescence.

v (root) Fig. 13.9

Self Assessment Questions 6. A closed directed walk which traverses every edge of D exactly once, is called a . 7. A tree of n vertices contains edges.

13.5 Matrix Representation of Digraphs

Definition: Let D be a digraph with p vertices. The adjacency matrix of D is a p p matrix (aij) with aij = 1 if vi v j is an arc of D .

0 otherwise
It is denoted by A(D).
e5 e4 v1 v3 e1



e2 v4

e6 e8 e7 v5

Fig. 13.10

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01110 01000 The adjacency matrix for the digraph given in figure13.10 is 00010 . 10000 00110
The sum of the ith row entries of the adjacency matrix gives d+(vi) and the sum of the ith column entries gives d-(vi) for every i. The powers of A(D) give the number of walks from one point to another. Definitions: i) Let D be digraph with p vertices. The reachability matrix R = (rij) is the p p matrix with
rij 1 if v j is reachable fromv i 0 otherw ise , w e assume that each vertex is reachable from itself .

ii) The distance matrix is the p p matrix whose (i,j)th entry gives the distance from the point vi to the point vj and is infinity if there is no path from vi to vj. iii) The detour matrix is the p p matrix whose (i,j)th entry is the length of any longest vi-vj path and infinity if there is no such path. Example: The reachable matrix, distance matrix and the detour matrix respectively for the matrix of given of 13.10 is given below.

11110 111 01000 10110 , 2 3 3 1 11110 1 2 2 2 11110 2 3 31

11 2 and 2 3 3 1 12 2 3 2 33 2 .

Self Assessment Question 8. Let D be a digraph with p vertices. The adjacency matrix of D is a matrix

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13.6 Summary
In this unit, we have investigated the fundamental features of the directed graphs. We have observed that the properties of digraphs are similar to some types of undirected graphs. The close relation ship between binary relation and digraphs was given in the unit. Directed graphs have interesting applications in telecommunications, flows and networks routing problems.


Terminal Questions

1. Find the in-degree and out-degree of the following digraphs (i) (ii)

c d

2. Find the spanning tree of the digraph given in 1 (ii). 3. Verify whether or not the following digraphs are isomorphic? If so, write the isomorphisms.
2 G:

b 4 G:

o o



4. Draw the digraphs for the digraph D = {a, b, c, d, e} where the arcs represented by {(a, c), (a, d), (b, e), (e, c), (d, c)}. Write the in-degree and out-degree of D.
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Find also the converse D1 (i.e., reversing the each arc direction in D) and find the indegree and outdegree of each point in D1. 5. Give an example of a directed tree with five vertices. 6. Find in-degree and out-degree of each vertex in the following directed graphs.
(i) v5 (ii) a b


o o o



13.8 Answers
Self Assessment Questions 1. Oriented Graph 2. Out-Degree 3. Zero 4. Transitive 5. Component 6. Directed Euler line 7. n - 1 8. p p Terminal Questions 1. i) In-degree a = 1 out-degree a = 2 Similarly id (b) = 1, Od (b) = 1 id (c) = 2, Od (c) = 1 ii) id (a) = 1 id (b) = 2 id (c) = 3 Od (a) = 1 Od ( b) = 2 Od (c) = 2

id (d) = 1 Od (d) = 1

id (e) = 1 Od (e) = 1

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aa o a c b d

3. D and D1 are isomorphic under the isomorphism f(1) = a, f(2) = b, f(3) = c, f(4) = d. 4. The digraph representing the given arcs is




The converse digraph also can be found in a similar way. 5.

a b c d

o e o

6. i)

in-degree v1 =2, out-degree v1 = 1 in-degree v2 = 2, out-degree v2 = 2 Similar for other vertices. (ii). Similar to (i).

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