October2013 WestlakeCycleTrack OpenHouse Presentation

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Westlake Cycle Track Project

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Project Overview
What: Develop and Study Alternatives for a Cycle Track Where: Between S. Lake Union & Fremont Bridge

Westlake Cycle Track Project

What is a cycle track?

Dedicated bicycle facility Physically separated from: Pedestrians Motor Vehicles More space than bike lanes Special consideration at street crossings Supports a broader range of bicyclists

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Alignment options

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Why a Cycle Track on Westlake

Safety: All modes Connectivity: Multimodal link to network Inclusiveness: Serve more users

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Project Benefits
Enhanced parking lot safety Improved access and circulation Upgraded crossing Improvements Opportunities for linear placemaking

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Planning History
Bicycle Master Plan 2007 2nd most requested for safety 2009 Bands of Green, Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop Master Plan Bicycle Advisory Board top 15 projects

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Bicycle Rider Demographics

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Estimated Cost: 3.6 million
1.7 million PSRC Grant Local funds and bonds

Westlake Cycle Track Project

What does it take?

Tool Box Pavement markings Signs Physical separation Crossing Treatments Curb/Island Modifications Options Lines, symbols, color Warning and educational Flex posts, planters, curbs Raised crosswalks, signs, signals Widened cut-through, bump-outs

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Corridor Overview
150 right of way ~24,000 cars a day use Westlake Avenue ~1300 parking spaces (500 metered) ~75% of corridor for movement/storage of motor vehicles No dedicated space for bikes

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Data-driven Concept Design

Turning movements and volume Parking lot traffic flow User behavior, conflicts Bike/ped counts Parking utilization for paid and unpaid stalls Weekday/weekend, day and nighttime

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Turning movements

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Bike & Pedestrian Counts

North parking lot near Diamond Marina

Middle parking lot at Galer Street

South parking lot, south of Highland Dr

Westlake Cycle Track Project

What we heard and observed:

High volume of bicyclists + narrow shared use pathway Most choose to ride in the parking access lanes, few in roadway Many choices for bicyclists, less predictability in behavior Visibility and speed issues Ingress and egress issues at 14 driveways/street ends

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Parking Utilization
City data (3 highest hours, 8am 3pm)
2011 52% 2012 60% 2013 76%

2-3 Hour Parking Maximum

7 Hour Parking Maximum

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Parking Utilization
September 2013 Spot Study
Friday 9/13/2013 Saturday 9/14/13 Friday 9/18/2013 7am, noon, 6pm, midnight noon, 6pm 7am, noon, 6pm

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Parking Utilization
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Average peak hour parking occupancy Total Occupancy Average parking occupancy (3 observations) free paid 91%

Free and Paid Parking Utilization


Westlake Cycle Track Project


On-Street Parking Occupancy

Westlake Avenue N - Weekday



Percent of Parking Occupied



On-Street Parking Occupancy

Westlake Avenue N - Weekday



Time Interval
Total Occupied Parking by Hour Disabled Occupied Parking by Hour Target Parking Occupancy

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Design Guidelines
Design Speed Sight Distance Separation methods Materials

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Westlake Cycle Track Features

Two-way 10 foot minimum width Special crossings treatments Pavement markings lines, symbols and green pavement Warning, education signs

Westlake Cycle Track Project

Schedule & Next Steps

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