Questions 2008

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junior mathematics


TIME ALLOWED: ONE HOUR Only Year 9 candidates may attempt QUE TION ONE ALL candidates may attempt QUE TION TWO t! "I#E T$ese %&esti!ns are desi'ned t! test a(ility t! analyse a pr!(lem and t! e)press a s!l&ti!n clearly and acc&rately*

Please read the following instructions carefully before you begin:

+,- D! as m&c$ as y!& can* Y!& are n!t e)pected t! c!mplete t$e entire paper* In t$e past. /&ll ans0ers t! t$ree %&esti!ns $a1e represented an e)cellent e//!rt* +2- Y!& m&st e)plain y!&r reas!nin' as clearly as p!ssi(le. 0it$ a care/&l statement !/ t$e main p!ints in t$e ar'&ment !r t$e main steps in t$e calc&lati!n* 3enerally. e1en a c!rrect ans0er 0it$!&t any e)planati!n 0ill n!t recei1e m!re t$an $al/ credit* Li4e0ise. clear and c!mplete s!l&ti!ns t! t0! pr!(lems 0ill 'enerally 'ain m!re credit t$an s4etc$y 0!r4 !n /!&r* +5- 6redit 0ill (e 'i1en /!r partial s!l&ti!ns and e1idence !/ a seri!&s attempt t! tac4le a pr!(lem* +7- Te)t(!!4s are NOT all!0ed* 6alc&lat!rs may (e &sed (&t st&dents 0$! d! n!t $a1e !ne s$!&ld n!t (e disad1anta'ed* Ot$er0ise n!rmal e)aminati!n c!nditi!ns apply* +8- Dia'rams are a '&ide !nly and are n!t necessarily dra0n t! scale*

University of Otago
Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Question 1 (Year 9) 9a4&r! is t$e name !/ a n&m(er p&::le 0$ere y!& place a n&m(er /r!m , t! 9 int! empty (!)es* T$e dia'ram (el!0 s$!0s a small /inis$ed 9a4&r! p&::le* T$ere are t$ree r&les in a 9a4&r! p&::le:
17 10 11 4

9 8

1 3

,* Only n&m(ers /r!m , t! 9 may (e &sed* 2* N! n&m(er is all!0ed in any line +acr!ss !r d!0n- m!re t$an !nce* 5* T$e n&m(ers m&st add &p t! t$e t!tals s$!0n at t$e t!p and t$e le/t*

In part +e- y!& are as4ed t! s!l1e a 9a4&r! p&::le* ;e/!re t$en y!& are as4ed /!&r %&esti!ns. s!me !/ 0$ic$ may $elp y!& in t$e p&::le in +e-* T$r!&'$!&t t$is %&esti!n. t$e t$ree r&les a(!1e m&st (e &sed* +a+(+c+d+eWrite d!0n two n&m(ers 0$ic$ add t! ,< +&sin' t$e r&les a(!1e-* Write d!0n a t$e 'r!&ps !/ t0! n&m(ers 0$ic$ add t! ,2* Write d!0n four n&m(ers 0$ic$ add t! 5=* Write d!0n a t$e 'r!&ps !/ t$ree n&m(ers 0$ic$ add t! 2,* !opy t$e 9a4&r! p&::le at t$e ri'$t into your "nswer #oo$ et and s!l1e it &sin' t$e t$ree r&les a(!1e*
30 29 16 12 16 24 23

%ote& You can use the diagram on this 'uestion sheet for rough wor$ing if you i$e( )ut ma$e sure that you write your fina answer into your "nswer #oo$ et* Question + (a students) A Latin s%&are is a ta(le /illed 0it$ di//erent sym(!ls* Eac$ sym(!l !cc&rs e)actly !nce in eac$ r!0 and e)actly !nce in eac$ c!l&mn* Latin s%&ares !cc&r in di//erent si:es* T$e e)ample at t$e ri'$t is !ne !/ t$e 8>< di//erent 7 ? 7 Latin s%&ares 0$ic$ can (e made &p &sin' t$e n&m(ers ,. 2. 5. and 7* +a+(Usin' t$e n&m(ers , and 2. dra0 in your "nswer #oo$ et all !/ t$e p!ssi(le 2 ? 2 Latin s%&ares*

1 4 3 2

2 1 4 3

3 2 1 4

4 3 2 1

T$e 7 ? 7 Latin s%&are s$!0n in t$e dia'ram $as t$e n&m(ers ,. 2. 5. and 7 in that order in t$e t!p r!0* H!0e1er t$ey c!&ld (e arran'ed in !t$er !rders* In $!0 many !rders alt!'et$er can t$e n&m(ers ,. 2. 5. and 7 (e arran'ed@ (Question + continued over)

(Question + continued) "!r parts +c- and +d- !/ t$e %&esti!n. ass&me t$at t$e t!p r!0 !/ a 7 ? 7 Latin s%&are $as t$e /!&r n&m(ers ,. 2. 5. and 7 arran'ed in that order* +c+dI/ t$e t!p r!0 !/ a 7 ? 7 Latin s%&are $as t$e n&m(ers ,. 2. 5. and 7 arran'ed in that order. 0rite d!0n all t$e p!ssi(le di//erent 0ays in 0$ic$ t$e sec!nd r!0 can (e arran'ed* I/ a 7 ? 7 Latin s%&are $as t$e t!p t0! r!0s s$!0n as in t$e dia'ram (el!0. in $!0 many di//erent 0ays alt!'et$er c!&ld it (e c!mpleted@
1 4 2 1 3 2 4 3


Usin' t$e n&m(ers ,. 2. and 5. $!0 many p!ssi(le di//erent 5 ? 5 Latin s%&ares are t$ere@

Question , (a students) i) teams ta4e part in a card t!&rnament* Eac$ team plays !ne !t$er team /!r t$e /irst r!&nd !/ 'ames. t$en a ne0 r!&nd (e'ins* T$e p!ssi(le sc!res in a r!&nd are 7 A =. 5 A ,. 2 A 2 +0$ic$ is a dra0-. , A 5. and = A 7* On t$e /irst ni'$t t0! r!&nds 0ere played* T$e sc!res are s$!0n in t$e ta(le* Un/!rt&nately t$e sc!res /!r eac$ r!&nd 0ere n!t rec!rded and Dai. t$e direct!r !/ play. needs t! c!mplete t$e ta(le and als! /ind !&t 0$ic$ Teams played eac$ !t$er* He emails all t$e players and as4s i/ t$ey remem(er 0$! t$ey played and $!0 m&c$ t$ey sc!red in eac$ r!&nd*
T e am A B C D E F Round 1 Round 2 T ot al 7 5 4 3 3 2

Only t$ree pe!ple replied t! $is email* In t$is %&esti!n. ass&me t$at all t$ree pe!ple t!ld t$e tr&t$* +aMa(el /r!m Team 6 replied: BWe $ad t0! dra0s and t$ey 0ere t$e !nly dra0s t$e 0$!le ni'$t* I canCt remem(er 0$! 0e played (&t I 4n!0 0e didnCt play Team " at all*D ;ased !n Ma(elCs in/!rmati!n. name !ne !t$er team 0$ic$ Team 6 certainly did n!t play and 'i1e a (rie/ reas!n* Later !n E!$n /r!m Team E replied: BWe dre0 in R!&nd ,*D E1en 0$en t$is in/!rmati!n is added t! 0$at Ma(el said. t$ere is still n!t en!&'$ in/!rmati!n /!r Dai t! c!mplete t$e ta(le* In a sentence !r t0! e)plain 0$y n!t* E1en later. "red /r!m Team D replied: BWe $ad a 0in in R!&nd 2*D Use t$is in/!rmati!n. al!n' 0it$ t$e in/!rmati!n /r!m parts +a- and +(-. t! c!mplete t$e ta(le* !opy your comp eted ta) e into your "nswer #oo$ et* D!es Dai n!0 4n!0 e1eryt$in' $e 0anted t! 4n!0@ I/ $e d!es. (rie/ly e)plain 0$y $e d!es 4n!0 e1eryt$in'* I/ $e d!esnCt. (rie/ly e)plain 0$at in/!rmati!n $e d!esnCt 4n!0*




Question - (a students) T$e 9a4an&i ailin' 6l&( is plannin' its 2==F Winter Race* ;y traditi!n t$e (!ats al0ays start at G. sailin' d&e n!rt$ /!r a distance !/ a 4m &ntil t$ey reac$ Q* T$ey t$en t&rn and sail a distance !/ x 4m t! R +0$ic$ is d&e East !/ G-* Ne)t t$ey t&rn and sail a distance !/ y 4m t! +0$ic$ is !&t$ !/ G- (e/!re /inally sailin' d&e N!rt$ /!r a distance !/ b 4m &ntil t$e /inis$ line. 0$ic$ is (ac4 at t$e startin' p!int G* ee t$e dia'ram* ;ernie. t$e 6l&( 6!mmander. ma4es /!&r e)tra r&les /!r t$e 2==F race* ;ernieCs /!&r r&les are:

Q a tart J "inis$ G x R


,* 2* 5* 7* +a+(-

a H b I 7= 4m x H y I 8= 4m a<b T$e /!&r len't$s +a. b. x. and y- m&st eac$ (e a 0$!le n&m(er !/ 4il!metres* +;ernie d!esnCt li4e decimals*-

+n!t t! scale-

"ind /!&r len't$s a. b. x. and y 0$ic$ satis/y ;ernieCs /!&r r&les* ;rie/ly e)plain 0$y y!&r /!&r 1al&es 0!r4 /!r ;ernieCs /!&r r&les* Are t$ere /!&r di//erent len't$s a. b. x. and y 0$ic$ als! satis/y ;ernieCs /!&r r&les apart /r!m t$e /!&r len't$s y!& /!&nd in part +a-@ I/ t$ere are t$en state t$em. (rie/ly e)plainin' 0$y t$ey 0!r4* I/ t$ere are n! !t$er len't$s. t$en (rie/ly e)plain 0$y n!t*

Question . (a students) In $is !//ice. $a%&ille $ad nine pin' p!n' (alls 0$ic$ $e &sed /!r t$erape&tic rec!1ery (y t$r!0in' t$em int! t$e 0aste paper (as4et at slac4 times* Eac$ time $e t$re0 t$e nine (alls. s!me !/ t$em 0!&ld land in t$e (as4et. 0it$ t$e rest !/ t$em landin' !n t$e /l!!r* +a+(+cAss&min' t$at t$e (alls are identical. $!0 many di//erent res&lts c!&ld t$ere (e@ &pp!se n!0 t$at t$e (alls are n&m(ered , t! 9* H!0 many di//erent res&lts c!&ld t$ere (e n!0@ +"!r e)ample !ne p!ssi(le res&lt is /!r (alls , t! 7 t! land in t$e (as4et. 0it$ 8 t! 9 !n t$e /l!!r*&pp!se instead t$at t$e (alls are n!t n&m(ered. (&t /i1e are c!l!&red yell!0 and /!&r (l&e* N!0 $!0 many di//erent res&lts c!&ld t$ere (e@ +"!r e)ample !ne p!ssi(le res&lt is /!r t0! yell!0 (alls and t$ree (l&e (alls t! land in t$e (as4et. and t$e rest t! land !n t$e /l!!r*One day an!t$er (as4et appeared in t$e !//ice* ! n!0 $a%&ille $ad a c$!ice !/ (as4ets t! aim at* H!0 did t$is c$an'e t$e ans0ers t! +a-. +(-. and +c-@ +"!r e)ample in +(- !ne p!ssi(le res&lt is /!r (alls , t! 7 t! land in t$e /irst (as4et. (alls 8 t! > in t$e sec!nd (as4et. and t$e rest !n t$e /l!!r*N!0 s&pp!se t$at e1ery time $e t$re0 t$e (alls at t$e t0! (as4ets. eac$ (as4et recei1ed at least t0! (alls* H!0 0!&ld t$is c$an'e t$e ans0ers t! +a-. +(-. and +c-@



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