Learning Puppet
Learning Puppet
If youʼve heard good things about Puppet but donʼt know where to start, this is the best place to
To help with this, we provide a free virtual machine with Puppet already installed. Experiment
While it downloads, move on to the first chapter of Learning Puppet. If you have problems with
getting the VM running, see “VM Tips” below.
The Learning Puppet VM is available in VMWare .vmx format and the cross-platform OVF format,
and has been tested with VMWare Fusion and VirtualBox.
Login Info
The VM is configured to write its current IP address to the login screen about ten seconds
after it boots. If you prefer to use SSH, wait for the IP address to print and ssh to root@<ip
To view the Puppet Enterprise web console, navigate to https://(your VMʼs IP address) in
your web browser. Log in as puppet@example.com, with the password learningpuppet.
Note: If you want to create new user accounts in the console, the confirmation emails will
contain incorrect links. You can work around this by copy-pasting the links into a web
browser and fixing the hostname before hitting enter, or you can make sure the console
is available at a reliable hostname and follow the instructions for changing the
authentication hostname.
To begin with, you wonʼt need separate agent and master VMs; this VM can act in both roles. When
you reach the agent/master exercises, weʼll walk through duplicating the system into a new agent
Part one: Serverless Puppet
Resources and the RAL — Learn about the fundamental building blocks of system
Manifests — Start controlling your system by writing actual Puppet code.
Ordering — Learn about dependencies and refresh events, manage the relationships between
resources, and discover the fundamental Puppet design pattern.
Variables, Conditionals, and Facts — Make your manifests versatile by reading system
Modules and Classes (Part One) — Start building your manifests into self-contained modules.
Templates — Use ERB to make your config files as flexible as your Puppet manifests.
Parameterized Classes (Modules, Part Two) — Learn how to pass parameters to classes and
make your modules more adaptable.
Defined Types — Model repeatable chunks of configuration by grouping basic resources into
VM Tips
Importing the VM into VirtualBox
There are several quirks and extra considerations to manage when importing this VM into
If you are using VirtualBox with the OVF version of the VM, choose “Import Appliance”
from the File menu and browse to the .ovf file included with your download; alternately,
you can drag the OVF file and drop it onto VirtualBoxʼs main window.
If you find the system hanging during boot at a “registered protocol family 2” message,
you may need to go to the VMʼs “System” settings and check the “Enable IO APIC” option.
(Many users are able to leave the IO APIC option disabled; we do not currently know what
causes this problem.)
The VM should work without modification on 4.x versions of VirtualBox. However, on 3.x
versions, it may fail to import, with an error like “Failed to import appliance. Error reading
ʻfilename.ovfʼ: unknown resource type 1 in hardware item, line 95.” If you see this error,
you can either upgrade your copy of VirtualBox, or work around it by editing the .ovf file
and recalculating the sha1 hash, as described here. Thanks to Mattias for this
Parallels Desktop 7 on OS X can import the VMX version of this VM, but it requires extra
configuration before it can run:
If you attempt to start the VM without changing the location of the disk, it will probably
kernel panic.
If you are using a VMware virtualization product, you can leave the VMʼs networking in its
default NAT mode. This will let it contact your host computer, any other VMs being run in
NAT mode, the local network, and the outside internet; the only restriction is that computers
outside your host computer canʼt initiate connections with it. If you eventually need other
computers to be able to contact your VM, you can change its networking mode to Bridged.
VirtualBoxʼs NAT mode is severely limited, and will not work with the later agent/master
lessons. You should change the VMʼs network mode to Bridged Adapter before starting the
VM for the first time.
See here for more information about VirtualBoxʼs networking modes, and see here for more
about VirtualBoxʼs DHCP server.
Log into the Learning Puppet VM as root, and run the following command:
service { 'NetworkManager':
ensure => 'stopped',
enable => 'false',
service { 'acpid':
ensure => 'running',
enable => 'true',
service { 'anacron':
ensure => 'stopped',
enable => 'true',
service { 'apmd':
ensure => 'running',
enable => 'true',
... (etc.)
puppet: Most of Puppetʼs functionality comes from a single puppet command, which has
many subcommands.
resource: The resource subcommand can inspect and modify resources interactively.
service: The first argument to the puppet resource command must be a resource type,
which youʼll learn more about below. A full list of types can be found at the Puppet type
Taken together, this command inspected every service on the system, whether running or
Imagine a systemʼs configuration as a collection of many independent atomic units; call them
These pieces vary in size, complexity, and lifespan. Any of the following (and more) can be modeled
as a single resource:
A user account
A specific file
A directory of files
A software package
A running service
A scheduled cron job
An invocation of a shell command, when certain conditions are met
The implementation might differ — for example, youʼd need a different command to start or stop a
service on Windows than you would on Linux, and even across Linux distributions thereʼs some
variety. But conceptually, youʼre still starting or stopping a service, regardless of what you type into
the console.
If you think about resources in this way, there are two notable insights you can derive:
Learning Puppet • Learning Puppet — Resources and the RAL 7/76
Similar resources can be grouped into types. Services will tend to look like services, and users
will tend to look like users.
The description of a resource type can be separated from its implementation. You can talk about
whether a service is started without needing to know how to start it.
With a good enough description of a resource type, itʼs possible to declare a desired state for a
resource — instead of saying “run this command that starts a service,” say “ensure this service is
These three insights form Puppetʼs resource abstraction layer (RAL). The RAL consists of types
(high-level models) and providers (platform-specific implementations) — by splitting the two, it lets
you describe desired resource states in a way that isnʼt tied to a specific OS.
Anatomy of a Resource
In Puppet, every resource is an instance of a resource type and is identified by a title; it has a
number of attributes (which are defined by the type), and each attribute has a value.
user { 'dave':
ensure => present,
uid => '507',
gid => 'admin',
shell => '/bin/zsh',
home => '/home/dave',
managehome => true,
This syntax is called a resource declaration. You saw it earlier when you ran puppet resource
service, and itʼs the heart of the Puppet language. It describes a desired state for a resource,
without mentioning any steps that must be taken to reach that state.
Try and identify all four parts of the resource declaration above:
Resource Types
Learning Puppet • Learning Puppet — Resources and the RAL 8/76
As mentioned above, every resource has a type.
Puppet has many built-in resource types, and you can install even more as plugins. Each type can
behave a bit differently, and has a different set of attributes available.
Not all resource types are equally common or useful, so weʼve made a printable cheat sheet that
explains the eight most useful types. Download the core types cheat sheet here.
Experienced Puppet users spend most of their time in the type reference.
This page list all of Puppetʼs built-in resource types, in extreme detail. It can be a bit overwhelming
for a new user, but it has most of the info youʼll need in a normal day of writing Puppet code.
We generate a new type reference for every new version of Puppet, to help ensure that the
descriptions stay accurate.
Puppet Describe
The puppet describe subcommand can list info about the currently installed resource types on a
given machine. This is different from the type reference because it also catches plugins installed by
a user, in addition to the built-in types.
puppet describe -l — List all of the resource types available on the system.
puppet describe -s <TYPE> — Print short information about a type, without describing every
puppet describe <TYPE> — Print long information, similar to what appears in the type
Puppet Enterprise includes a web console for controlling many of its features. One of the things it
can do is browse and inspect resources on any PE systems the console can reach. This supports a
limited number of resource types, but has some useful comparison features for correlating data
across a large number of nodes.
Once logged in, navigate to “Live Management” in the top menu bar, then click the “Manage
Resources” tab. You can then follow these instructions to find and inspect resources.
Since youʼre only using a single node, you wonʼt see much in the way of comparisons, but you can
see the current states of packages, user accounts, etc.
Puppet includes a command called puppet resource, which can interactively inspect and modify
resources on a single system.
The first argument must be a resource type. If no other arguments are given, it will inspect every
resource of that type it can find.
The second argument (optional) is the name of a resource. If no other arguments are given, it
will inspect that resource.
After the name, you can optionally specify any number of attributes and values. This will sync
those attributes to the desired state, then inspect the final state of the resource.
Alternately, if you specify a resource name and use the --edit flag, you can change that
resource in your text editor; after the buffer is saved and closed, Puppet will modify the resource
to match your changes.
user { 'root':
ensure => 'present',
comment => 'root',
gid => '0',
groups => ['root', 'bin', 'daemon', 'sys', 'adm', 'disk',
home => '/root',
password => '$1$jrm5tnjw$h8JJ9mCZLmJvIxvDLjw1M/',
password_max_age => '99999',
password_min_age => '0',
user { 'katie':
ensure => 'present',
home => '/home/katie',
shell => '/bin/zsh'
Next Lesson:
The puppet resource command can be useful for one-off jobs, but Puppet was born for greater
things. Time to write some manifests.
The LP VM is a tiny sandbox system, and it doesnʼt have much going on. If you have some dev
machines that look more like your actual servers, why not download Puppet Enterprise for free and
inspect them? Follow the quick start guide to get a small environment installed, then try using the
console to inspect resources for many systems at once.
In a text editor — vim, emacs, or nano — create a file with the following contents and filename:
# /root/examples/user-absent.pp
user {'katie':
ensure => absent,
Cool: Youʼve just written and applied your first Puppet manifest.
Puppet programs are called “manifests,” and they use the .pp file extension.
The core of the Puppet language is the resource declaration. A resource declaration describes a
desired state for one resource.
(Manifests can also use various kinds of logic: conditional statements, collections of resources,
functions to generate text, etc. Weʼll get to these later.)
Puppet Apply
Like resource in the last chapter, apply is a Puppet subcommand. It takes the name of a manifest
file as its argument, and enforces the desired state described in the manifest.
Weʼll use it below to test small manifests, but it can be used for larger jobs too. In fact, it can do
nearly everything an agent/master Puppet environment can do.
Resource Declarations
Letʼs start by looking at a single resource:
# /root/examples/file-1.pp
file {'testfile':
path => '/tmp/testfile',
ensure => present,
mode => 0640,
content => "I'm a test file.",
The complete syntax and behavior of resource declarations are documented in the Puppet
A colon ( :)
A set of attribute => value pairs, with a comma after each pair ( path => '/tmp/testfile',
This is just the reverse of what we saw above when we removed the user account: Puppet noticed
that the file didnʼt exist, and created it. It set the desired content and mode at the same time.
# cat /tmp/testfile
I'm a test file.
# ls -lah /tmp/testfile
-rw-r----- 1 root root 16 Feb 23 13:15 /tmp/testfile
If we try changing the mode and applying the manifest again, Puppet will fix it:
And if you run the manifest again, youʼll see that Puppet doesnʼt do anything — if a resource is in
the desired state already, Puppet will leave it alone.
Exercise: Declare another file resource in a manifest and apply it. Try setting a new desired
state for an existing file — for example, changing the login message by setting the content
of /etc/motd. You can see the attributes available for the file type here.
Syntax Hints
Capitalization matters! The resource type and the attribute names should always be lowercase.
The values used for titles and attribute values will usually be strings, which you should usually
quote. Read more about Puppetʼs data types here.
There are two kinds of quotes in Puppet: single ( ') and double ( "). The main difference is that
double quotes let you interpolate $variables, which we cover in another lesson.
Attribute names (like path, ensure, etc.) are special keywords, not strings. They shouldnʼt be
Also, note that Puppet lets you use whatever whitespace makes your manifests more readable. We
suggest visually lining up the => arrows, because it makes it easier to understand a manifest at a
glance. (The Vim plugins on the Learning Puppet VM will do this automatically as you type.)
# /root/examples/file-2.pp
file {'/tmp/test1':
ensure => file,
content => "Hi.",
file {'/tmp/test2':
ensure => directory,
mode => 0644,
file {'/tmp/test3':
ensure => link,
target => '/tmp/test1',
user {'katie':
ensure => absent,
The ensure attribute is somewhat special. Itʼs available on most (but not all) resource types, and it
controls whether the resource exists, with the definition of “exists” being somewhat local.
# ls -lah /tmp/test*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 Feb 23 15:54 test1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Feb 23 15:54 test3 -> /tmp/test1
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Feb 23 16:02 .
drwxrwxrwt 5 root root 4.0K Feb 23 16:02 ..
# cat /tmp/test3
Notice how our original file resource had a path attribute, but our next three left it out?
These attributes are called “namevars.” They are generally the attribute that corresponds to the
resourceʼs identity, the one thing that should always be unique.
If you leave out the namevar for a resource, Puppet will re-use the title as its value. If you do specify
a value for the namevar, the title of the resource can be anything.
So why even have a namevar, if Puppet can just re-use the title?
Most of the time these are the same, but sometimes they arenʼt. For example, the NTP service
has a different name on different platforms: on Red Hat-like systems, itʼs called ntpd, and on
Debian-like systems, itʼs ntp. These are logically the same resource, but their identity on the
target system isnʼt the same.
Also, there are cases (usually exec resources) where the system identity has no particular
meaning, and putting a more descriptive identity in the title can help tell your colleagues (or
yourself in two months) what a resource is supposed to be doing.
By allowing you to split the title and namevar, Puppet makes it easy to handle these cases.
Weʼll cover this later when we get to conditional statements.
Note that you canʼt declare the same resource twice: Puppet always disallows duplicate titles
within a given type, and usually disallows duplicate namevar values within a type.
This is because resource declarations represent desired final states, and itʼs not at all clear
what should happen if you declare two conflicting states. So Puppet will fail with an error
instead of accidentally doing something wrong to the system.
On the /tmp/test1 file, we left off the mode and owner attributes, among others. When we omit
attributes, Puppet doesnʼt manage them, and any value is assumed to be the desired state.
If a file doesnʼt exist, Puppet will default to creating it with permissions mode 0644, but if you
change that mode, Puppet wonʼt change it back.
We said /tmp/test2/ should have permissions mode 0644, but our ls -lah showed mode 0755.
Thatʼs because Puppet groups the read bit and the traverse bit for directories.
This helps with recursively managing directories (with recurse => true), so you can allow traversal
without making all of the contents of the directory executable.
If you were writing an explanation to another human of how to put a system into a desired state,
using the OSʼs default tools, it would read something like “Check whether the mode of the sudoers
file is 0440, using ls -l. If itʼs already fine, move on to the next step; otherwise, run chmod 0440
Under the hood, Puppet is actually doing the same thing, with some of the same OS tools. But it
wraps the “check” step together with the “and fix if needed” step, and presents them as a single
The effect is that, instead of writing a bash script that looks like a step-by-step for a beginning
user, you can write Puppet manifests that look like shorthand notes for an expert user.
Aside: Compilation
Manifests donʼt get used directly when Puppet syncs resources. Instead, the flow of a Puppet
run goes a little like this:
With puppet apply, the distinction doesnʼt mean much. In a master/agent Puppet
environment, though, it matters more, because agents only see the catalog:
By using logic, manifests can be flexible and describe many systems at once. A catalog
describes desired states for one system.
By default, agent nodes can only retrieve their own catalog; they canʼt see information
meant for any other node. This separation improves security.
Since catalogs are so unambiguous, itʼs possible to simulate a catalog run without making
any changes to the system. (This is usually done by running puppet agent --test --
noop.) You can even use special diff tools to compare two catalogs and see the
Puppet apply:
Puppet agent/master:
Puppet agent runs as a service, and triggers a Puppet run about every half hour (configurable).
On your VM, which runs Puppet Enterprise, the agent service is named pe-puppet. (Puppet
agent can also be configured to run from cron, instead of as a service.)
Puppet agent does not have access to any manifests; instead, it requests a pre-compiled catalog
The puppet master always reads one special manifest, called the “site manifest” or site.pp. It uses
this to compile a catalog, which it sends back to the agent.
On your VM, the site manifest is at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp.
This way, you can have many machines being configured by Puppet, while only maintaining your
manifests on one (or a few) servers. This also gives some extra security, as described above under
Run puppet agent --test, which will trigger a single puppet agent run in the foreground
so you can see what itʼs doing in real time.
Check /tmp, and notice that the files are back to their desired state.
Write and apply a manifest that uses the ssh_authorized_key type to let you log into the
learning VM as root without a password.
Bonus work: Try putting it directly into the site manifest, instead of using puppet apply. Use
the console to trigger a puppet agent run, and check the reports in the console to see
whether the manifest worked.
Youʼll need to have an SSH key pair, a terminal application on your host system, and some
basic understanding of how SSH works. You can get all of these with a little outside
Next Lesson:
You know how to use the fundamental building blocks of Puppet code, so now itʼs time to learn
how those blocks fit together.
You already know how to do a bit with Puppet, and managing file ownership and permissions is
Are there any files on your systems that youʼve had a hard time keeping in sync? You already know
enough to lock them down. Download Puppet Enterprise for free, follow the quick start guide to get
a small environment installed, then try putting some file resources at the bottom of the puppet
masterʼs site.pp file to manage those files on every machine.
# /root/training-manifests/2.file.pp
file {'/tmp/test1':
ensure => present,
content => "Hi.",
file {'/tmp/test2':
ensure => directory,
mode => 644,
file {'/tmp/test3':
ensure => link,
target => '/tmp/test1',
Like we mentioned in the last chapter, Puppet combines “check the state” and “fix any problems”
into a single declaration for each resource. Since each resource is represented by one atomic
statement, ordering within a file matters a lot less than it would for an equivalent script.
Or rather, it matters less as long as the resources are independent and not related to each other.
And most resources are! But some resources depend on other resources. Consider a service which
is installed by a package — itʼs impossible to get the service into its desired state if the package isnʼt
installed yet. The service has a dependency on the package.
So when dealing with related resources, Puppet has ways to express those relationships.
You can embed relationship information in a resource with the before, require, notify,
and subscribe metaparameters.
You can also declare relationships outside a resource with the -> and ~> chaining arrows.
file {'/tmp/test1':
ensure => present,
content => "Hi.",
Each resource type has its own set of attributes, but thereʼs another set of attributes, called
metaparameters, which can be used on any resource. (Theyʼre “meta” because they donʼt describe
any feature of the resource that you could observe on the system after Puppet finishes; they only
describe how Puppet should act.)
All of them accept a resource reference (or an array of them) as their value. Resource references
look like this:
The easy way to remember this is that you only use the lowercase type name when declaring
a new resource. Any other situation will always call for a capitalized type name.
before and require make simple dependency relationships, where one resource must be synced
before another. before is used in the earlier resource, and lists resources that depend on it;
require is used in the later resource, and lists the resources that it depends on.
These two metaparameters are just different ways of writing the same relationship — our example
above could just as easily be written like this:
file {'/tmp/test1':
ensure => present,
content => "Hi.",
before => Notify['/tmp/test1 has already been synced.'],
A few resource types ( service, exec, and mount) can be “refreshed” — that is, told to react to
changes in their environment. For a service, this usually means restarting when a config file has
been changed; for an exec resource, this could mean running its payload if any user accounts have
been changed. (Note that refreshes are performed by Puppet, so they only occur during Puppet
file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
ensure => file,
mode => 600,
source => 'puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config',
service { 'sshd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'],
In this example, the sshd service will be restarted if Puppet has to edit its config file.
Chaining Arrows
Thereʼs one last way to declare relationships: chain resource references with the ordering ( ->) and
notification ( ~>; note the tilde) arrows. Think of them as representing the flow of time: the resource
behind the arrow will be synced before the resource the arrow points at.
This example causes the same dependency as the similar examples above:
file {'/tmp/test1':
ensure => present,
content => "Hi.",
notify {'after':
message => '/tmp/test1 has already been synced.',
Chaining arrows can take several things as their operands: this example uses resource references,
but they can also take resource declarations and resource collectors.
Since whitespace is freely adjustable in Puppet, and since chaining arrows can go between resource
declarations, itʼs easy to make a short run of resources be synced in the order theyʼre written — just
put chaining arrows between them:
file {'/tmp/test1':
Some of Puppetʼs resource types will notice when an instance is related to other resources, and
theyʼll set up automatic dependencies. The one youʼll use most often is between files and their
parent directories: if a given file and its parent directory are both being managed as resources,
Puppet will make sure to sync the parent directory before the file. This never creates new resources;
it only adds dependencies to resources that are already being managed.
Donʼt sweat much about the details of autorequiring; itʼs fairly conservative and should generally do
the right thing without getting in your way. If you forget itʼs there and make explicit dependencies,
your code will still work. Explicit dependencies will also override autorequires, if they conflict.
Example: sshd
Hopefully thatʼs all pretty clear! But even if it is, itʼs rather abstract — making sure a notify fires after
a file is something of a “hello world” use case, and not very illustrative. Letʼs break something!
Youʼve probably been using SSH and your favorite terminal app to interact with the Learning Puppet
VM, so letʼs go straight for the most-annoying-case scenario: weʼll pretend someone accidentally
gave the wrong person (i.e., us) sudo privileges, and they ruined rootʼs ability to SSH to this box.
Letʼs get a copy of the current sshd config file; going forward, weʼll use our new copy as the
canonical source for that file.
# cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config ~/examples/
# /root/examples/break_ssh.pp (incomplete)
file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
ensure => file,
mode => 600,
source => '/root/examples/sshd_config',
# And yes, that's the first time we've used the "source" attribute. It
This is only half of what we need, though. It will change the config file, but those changes will only
take effect when the service restarts, which could be years from now.
To make the service restart whenever we make changes to the config, we should tell Puppet to
manage the sshd service and have it subscribe to the config file:
# /root/examples/break_ssh.pp
file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
ensure => file,
mode => 600,
source => '/root/examples/sshd_config',
service { 'sshd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'],
Next, edit the original /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. Thereʼs a commented-out line in there that says
#PermitRootLogin yes; find it, remove the comment, and change the yes to a no:
PermitRootLogin no
… and log out. You should no longer be able to log in as root over SSH; test it to make sure.
(Although you can still log in via your virtualization softwareʼs console.)
Actually, now that youʼve added those resources to site.pp, Puppet will fix this automatically within
about half an hour. But if youʼre impatient, you can log in to the Puppet Enterprise console, then
trigger a puppet agent run in the live management page.
Thereʼs an odd situation you can get into if you apply a manifest that makes config file
changes before you finish writing it.
Puppet only sends refresh events if it makes changes to the notifying resource in this run. So
if you wrote a file resource with new desired content for a config file, applied the manifest,
then edited the manifest again to create a refresh relationship with a service, the service
would miss its refresh, since the file resource would already be in its desired state.
This will generally only happen to you on the machines youʼre testing early versions of
manifests on, rather than your production boxes. If it does bite you, you can restart the
service manually with the “Advanced Tasks” section of the PE consoleʼs live management
page — use the “restart” action in the “service tasks” section.
The example we just saw was very close to a pattern youʼll see constantly in production Puppet
code, but it was missing a piece. Letʼs complete it:
# /root/examples/break_ssh.pp
package { 'openssh-server':
ensure => present,
before => File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'],
file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
ensure => file,
mode => 600,
source => '/root/examples/sshd_config',
service { 'sshd':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File['/etc/ssh/sshd_config'],
This is the package/file/service pattern, one of the most useful idioms in Puppet: the package
resource makes sure the software and its config file are installed, the config file depends on the
package resource, and the service subscribes to changes in the config file.
Itʼs hard to overstate the importance of this pattern! If you stopped here and only learned this, you
could still get a lot of work done.
Write and apply a manifest that will install the Apache package, then make sure the Apache
service is running. Prove that it worked by using a web browser on your host OS to view the
Apache welcome page.
Bonus work: Manage the httpd.conf file, and have it notify the service. Force Apache to be
kept at a certain version (note that youʼll have to research the format of the version strings
for your operating system, as well as which versions are available).
On modern Red Hat-like (your VM) and Debian-like Linux systems, packages are installed
from the operating systemʼs Apt or Yum repositories. Since the system tools know how to
find and install a package (or even a specific version of a package), all Puppet needs to
know is ensure => installed; it doesnʼt need to know where the package lives.
The names of package and service resources depend on the OSʼs own naming
conventions. This means you often need to do a bit of research before writing a manifest,
to learn what the local name for, e.g., the Apache package and service are. On CentOS,
which your VM runs, both the package and service are named httpd.
Make sure youʼre using the right ensure values for each resource type; they arenʼt the
same for package, file, and service.
The core types cheat sheet and the type reference are your friends.
Next Lesson:
Now that you can express dependencies between resources, itʼs time to make your manifests more
aware of the outside world with variables, facts, and conditionals.
Now that you can manage a complete service from top to bottom, try managing an important
service on your own test systems. Download Puppet Enterprise for free, follow the quick start guide
to get a small environment installed, then try building a package/file/service pattern at the bottom
of the puppet masterʼs /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp file. MySQL? Memcached?
You decide.
Variables! Youʼve almost definitely used variables before in some other programming or scripting
language, so weʼll cover the basics very quickly. A more complete explanation of the syntax and
behavior of variables is available in the variables chapter of the Puppet reference manual.
$variables always start with a dollar sign. You assign to variables with the = operator.
Variables can hold strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, hashes, and the special undef value. See
the data types chapter of the Puppet reference manual for more information.
If youʼve never assigned a variable, you can actually still use it — its value will be undef.
You can use variables as the value for any resource attribute, or as the title of a resource.
You can also interpolate variables inside double-quoted strings. To distinguish a variable from
the surrounding text, you can wrap its name in curly braces. ( "This is the ${variable}
name.") This isnʼt mandatory, but it is recommended.
Fully qualified variables look like $scope::variable. Top scope variables are the same, but their
scope is nameless. (For example: $::top_scope_variable.)
If you reference a variable with its short name and it isnʼt present in the local scope, Puppet will
also check the global top scope; this means you can almost always refer to global variables with
just their short names. You can see more about this in the scope chapter of the Puppet reference
manual: scope in Puppet Enterprise 2.x and Puppet 2.7, scope in Puppet 3
You can only assign the same variable once in a given scope. In this way, theyʼre more like
constants from other programming languages.
file {'authorized_keys':
path => '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys',
content => $longthing,
People who write manifests to share with the public often adopt the habit of always using the
$::variable notation when referring to facts.
As mentioned above, the double-colon prefix specifies that a given variable should be found
at top scope. This isnʼt actually necessary, since variable lookup will always reach top scope
anyway. (See the scope chapter of the Puppet reference manual.)
However, explicitly asking for top scope helps work around two issues that can make public
code behave unpredictably. One issue affects all versions of Puppet 2.x, and the other
affected earlier versions of Puppet 2.7.x:
In Puppet 2.x: if a user declares a class from a public module inside one of their own
classes, and their personal class sets a variable whose name matches the name of a fact
that the public class is trying to access, the public class will get the local variable instead
of the fact. This will generally cause the public class to fail or do something really strange.
In earlier versions of Puppet 2.7.x: the dynamic scope deprecation warnings would
sometimes be improperly triggered when manifests accessed top scopes variables without
the double-colon prefix. This was fixed in later versions, but was very annoying for a
Neither of these issues are relevant as of Puppet 3, but not everyone is using Puppet 3 yet,
and a Puppet 3-based version of Puppet Enterprise is still forthcoming later this year. Since a
lot of people are still writing public code meant to be used with Puppet 2.7, you still see this
idiom a lot.
Puppet has a bunch of built-in, pre-assigned variables that you can use. Check it out:
# /root/examples/motd.pp
file {'motd':
ensure => file,
path => '/etc/motd',
mode => 0644,
content => "This Learning Puppet VM's IP address is ${ipaddress}. It
thinks its
hostname is ${fqdn}, but you might not be able to reach it there
from your host machine. It is running ${operatingsystem}
${operatingsystemrelease} and
Puppet ${puppetversion}.
Web console login:
URL: https://${ipaddress_eth0}
# cat /etc/motd
This Learning Puppet VM's IP address is It thinks its
hostname is learn.localdomain, but you might not be able to reach it there
from your host machine. It is running CentOS 5.7 and
Puppet 2.7.21 (Puppet Enterprise 2.8.1).
Web console login:
User: puppet@example.com
Password: learningpuppet
Our manifests are becoming more flexible, with pretty much no real work on our part.
Theyʼre “facts.” Puppet uses a tool called Facter, which discovers some system information,
normalizes it into a set of variables, and passes them off to Puppet. Puppetʼs compiler then has
access to those facts when itʼs reading a manifest.
See here for a list of all of the “core” facts built into Facter. Most of them are always available to
Puppet, although some of them are only present on certain system types.
You can see what Facter knows about a given system by running facter at the command line.
You can also see all of the facts for any node in your Puppet Enterprise deployment by browsing
to that nodeʼs page in the console and scrolling down to the inventory information.
You can also add new custom facts to Puppet; see the custom facts guide for more information.
In addition to the facts from Facter, Puppet has a few extra built-in variables. You can see a list of
them in the variables chapter of the Puppet reference manual.
Conditional Statements
Puppet has several kinds of conditional statements. You can see more complete info about them in
the conditional statements chapter of the Puppet reference manual..
By using facts as conditions, you can easily make Puppet do different things on different kinds of
if condition {
block of code
elsif condition {
block of code
else {
block of code
The blocks of code for each condition can contain any Puppet code.
The conditions can be any fragment of Puppet code that resolves to a boolean true/false value,
including expressions, functions that return values, and variables. Follow the links for more
detailed descriptions of expressions and functions.
An example if statement:
if str2bool("$is_virtual") {
service {'ntpd':
ensure => stopped,
enable => false,
else {
service { 'ntpd':
name => 'ntpd',
ensure => running,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => Package['ntp'],
The condition for an if statement has to resolve to a boolean true/false value. However, all
facts are strings, and all non-empty strings — including the string "false" — are true. This
means that facts that are “false” need to be transformed before Puppet will treat them as
Surrounding the variable with double quotes — if it contained an actual boolean for some
reason (and it usually wouldnʼt), this would convert it to a string.
Passing the string to the str2bool function, which converts a string that looks like a
boolean into a real true or false value.
The str2bool function is part of the puppetlabs/stdlib module, which is included with
Puppet Enterprise. If you are running open source Puppet, you can install it by running sudo
puppet module install puppetlabs/stdlib.
We could also use an expression instead: the expression $is_virtual == 'true' would
resolve to true if the is_virtual fact has a value of true, and false otherwise.
Another kind of conditional is the case statement. (Or switch, or whatever your language of choice
calls it.)
case $operatingsystem {
centos: { $apache = "httpd" }
# Note that these matches are case-insensitive.
redhat: { $apache = "httpd" }
debian: { $apache = "apache2" }
ubuntu: { $apache = "apache2" }
default: { fail("Unrecognized operating system for webserver") }
package {'apache':
name => $apache,
ensure => latest,
Instead of testing a condition up front, case matches a variable against a bunch of possible values.
default is a special value, which does exactly what it sounds like.
In this example, we also see the fail function. Unlike the str2bool function above, fail doesnʼt
resolve to a value; instead, it fails compilation immediately with an error message.
Case matches can be simple strings (like above), regular expressions, or comma-separated lists of
Hereʼs the example from above, rewritten to use comma-separated lists of strings:
case $operatingsystem {
Learning Puppet • Learning Puppet — Variables, Conditionals, and Facts 32/76
case $operatingsystem {
centos, redhat: { $apache = "httpd" }
debian, ubuntu: { $apache = "apache2" }
default: { fail("Unrecognized operating system for webserver") }
case $ipaddress_eth0 {
/^127[\d.]+$/: {
notify {'misconfig':
message => "Possible network misconfiguration: IP address of $0",
String matching is case-insensitive, like the == comparison operator. Regular expressions are
denoted with the slash-quoting used by Perl and Ruby; theyʼre case-sensitive by default, but you
can use the (?i) and (?-i) switches to turn case-insensitivity on and off inside the pattern. Regex
matches also assign captured subpatterns to $1, $2, etc. inside the associated code block, with $0
containing the whole matching string. See the regular expressions section of the Puppet reference
manualʼs data types page for more details.
Selectors might be less familiar; theyʼre kind of like the common ternary operator, and kind of like
the case statement.
Instead of choosing between a set of code blocks, selectors choose between a group of possible
values. You canʼt use them on their own; instead, theyʼre usually used to assign a variable.
$apache = $operatingsystem ? {
centos => 'httpd',
redhat => 'httpd',
/(?i)(ubuntu|debian)/ => 'apache2',
default => undef,
Careful of the syntax, there: it looks kind of like weʼre saying $apache = $operatingsystem, but
weʼre not. The question mark flags $operatingsystem as the control variable of a selector, and the
actual value that gets assigned is determined by which option $operatingsystem matches. Also
note how the syntax differs from the case syntax: it uses hash rockets and line-end commas
instead of colons and blocks, and you canʼt use lists of values in a match. (If you want to match
against a list, you have to fake it with a regular expression.)
It can look a little awkward, but there are plenty of situations where itʼs the most concise way to get
a value sorted out; if youʼre ever not comfortable with it, you can just use a case statement to assign
Selectors can also be used directly as values for a resource attribute, but try not to do that, because
it gets ugly fast.
Use the $operatingsystem fact to write a manifest that installs a C build environment on
Debian-based (“debian,” “ubuntu”) and Enterprise Linux-based (“centos,” “redhat”)
machines. (Both types of system require the gcc package, but Debian-type systems also
require build-essential.)
Write a manifest that installs and configures NTP for Debian-based and Enterprise Linux-
based Linux systems. This will be a package/file/service pattern where both kinds of systems
use the same package name ( ntp), but youʼll be shipping different config files (Debian
version, Red Hat version – remember the file typeʼs “source” attribute) and using different
service names ( ntp and ntpd, respectively).
Next Lesson:
Now that your manifests can adapt to different kinds of systems, itʼs time to start grouping
resources and conditionals into meaningful units. Onward to classes, defined resource types, and
Since facts from every node show up in the console, Puppet Enterprise can be a powerful inventory
tool. Download Puppet Enterprise for free, follow the quick start guide to get a small environment
installed, then try browsing the consoleʼs inventory for a central view of your operating system
versions, hardware profiles, and more.
class my_class {
notify {"This actually did something":}
include my_class
Past a handful of resources, this gets unwieldy. You can probably already see the road to the three
thousand line manifest of doom, and you donʼt want to go there. Itʼs much better to split chunks of
logically related code out into their own files, and then refer to those chunks by name when you
need them.
Classes are Puppetʼs way of separating out chunks of code, and modules are Puppetʼs way of
organizing classes so that you can refer to them by name.
Classes are named blocks of Puppet code, which can be created in one place and invoked
Defining a class makes it available by name, but doesnʼt automatically evaluate the code inside it.
Declaring a class evaluates the code in the class, and applies all of its resources.
For the next five minutes, weʼll keep working in a single manifest file; either a one-off, or site.pp. In
a few short paragraphs, weʼll start separating code out into additional files.
Defining a Class
Before you can use a class, you must define it, which is done with the class keyword, a name, curly
braces, and a block of code:
What goes in that block of code? How about your answer from last chapterʼs NTP exercise? It should
look a little like this:
# /root/examples/modules1-ntp1.pp
class ntp {
case $operatingsystem {
centos, redhat: {
$service_name = 'ntpd'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.el'
debian, ubuntu: {
$service_name = 'ntp'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.debian'
package { 'ntp':
ensure => installed,
file { 'ntp.conf':
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
ensure => file,
require => Package['ntp'],
source => "/root/examples/answers/${conf_file}"
service { 'ntp':
name => $service_name,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File['ntp.conf'],
Note: You can download some basic NTP config files here: Debian version, Red Hat version.
Class names must start with a lowercase letter, and can contain lowercase letters, numbers,
and underscores.
Class names can also use a double colon ( ::) as a namespace separator. (This should look
familiar.) Namespaces must map to module layout, which weʼll cover below.
Any variables you assign inside the class wonʼt be accessible by their short names outside
the class; to get at them from elsewhere, you would have to use the fully-qualified name
(e.g. $ntp::service_name, from our example above).
You can assign new, local values to variable names that were already used at top scope.
For example, you could specify a new local value for $fqdn.
Okay, remember how we said that defining makes a class available, and declaring evaluates it? We
can see that in action by trying to apply our manifest above:
To declare a class, use the include function with the classʼs name:
# /root/examples/modules1-ntp2.pp
class ntp {
case $operatingsystem {
centos, redhat: {
$service_name = 'ntpd'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.el'
debian, ubuntu: {
$service_name = 'ntp'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.debian'
package { 'ntp':
ensure => installed,
file { 'ntp.conf':
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
ensure => file,
require => Package['ntp'],
source => "/root/examples/answers/${conf_file}"
service { 'ntp':
name => $service_name,
ensure => running,
include ntp
You know how to define and declare classes, but weʼre still doing everything in a single manifest,
where theyʼre not very useful.
To help you split up your manifests into an easier to understand structure, Puppet uses modules
and the module autoloader.
Modules are just directories with files, arranged in a specific, predictable structure. The manifest
files within a module have to obey certain naming restrictions.
Puppet looks for modules in a specific place (or list of places). This set of directories is known as
the modulepath, which is a configurable setting.
If a class is defined in a module, you can declare that class by name in any manifest. Puppet will
automatically find and load the manifest that contains the class definition.
This means you can have a pile of modules with sophisticated Puppet code, and your site.pp
manifest can look like this:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
include ntp
include apache
include mysql
include mongodb
include build_essential
The Modulepath
Before we make a module, we need to know where to put it. So weʼll find our modulepath, the set of
directories that Puppet searches for modules.
The Puppet config file is called puppet.conf, and in Puppet Enterprise it is located at
# less /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet
logdir = /var/log/pe-puppet
rundir = /var/run/pe-puppet
modulepath =
user = pe-puppet
group = pe-puppet
archive_files = true
archive_file_server = learn.localdomain
... etc.
The format of puppet.conf is explained in the configuration guide, but in short, the [main] section
has settings that apply to everything (puppet master, puppet apply, puppet agent, etc.), and it sets
the value of modulepath to a colon-separated list of two directories:
The first, /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules, is the main module directory weʼll be using. (The
other one contains special modules that Puppet Enterprise uses to configure its own features; you
can look in these, but shouldnʼt change them or add to them.)
You can also get the value of the modulepath by running puppet master --configprint
modulepath. The --configprint option lets you get the value of any Puppet setting; by
using the master subcommand, weʼre making sure we get the value the puppet master will
A module is a directory.
The moduleʼs name must be the name of the directory.
It contains a manifests directory, which can contain any number of .pp files.
Thereʼs more to know, but this will get us started. Letʼs turn our NTP class into a real module:
# cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules
# mkdir -p ntp/manifests
# touch ntp/manifests/init.pp
Edit this init.pp file, and paste your ntp class definition into it. Be sure not to paste in the include
statement; itʼs not necessary here.
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp
class ntp {
case $operatingsystem {
centos, redhat: {
$service_name = 'ntpd'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.el'
debian, ubuntu: {
$service_name = 'ntp'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.debian'
package { 'ntp':
ensure => installed,
file { 'ntp.conf':
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
ensure => file,
require => Package['ntp'],
source => "/root/examples/answers/${conf_file}"
service { 'ntp':
name => $service_name,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File['ntp.conf'],
Now that we have a working module, you can edit your site.pp file: if there are any NTP-related
resources left in it, be sure to delete them, then add one line:
include ntp
Turn off the NTP service, then do a foreground puppet agent run so you can see the action:
It worked!
We already saw this: you can declare classes by putting include ntp in your main manifest.
The include function declares a class, if it hasnʼt already been declared somewhere else. If a class
HAS already been declared, include will notice that and do nothing.
This lets you safely declare a class in several places. If some class depends on something in another
class, it can declare that class without worrying whether itʼs also being declared in site.pp.
These look like resource declarations, except with a resource type of “class:”
class {'ntp':}
These behave differently, acting more like resources than like the include function. Remember
weʼve seen that you canʼt declare the same resource more than once? The same holds true for
resource-like class declarations. If Puppet tries to evaluate one and the class has already been
declared, it will fail compilation with an error.
However, unlike include, resource-like declarations let you specify class parameters. Weʼll cover
those in a later chapter, and go into more detail about why resource-like declarations are so strict.
Learning Puppet • Learning Puppet — Modules and Classes 41/76
The PE Console
You can also assign classes to specific nodes using PEʼs web console. Youʼll have to add the class to
the console, then navigate to a nodeʼs page and assign the class to that node.
Weʼll go into more detail later about working with multiple nodes.
# mkdir /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ntp/files
# mv /root/examples/answers/ntp.conf.*
Then, edit the init.pp manifest; weʼll use the special puppet:/// URL format to tell Puppet where the
files are:
# ...
file { 'ntp.conf':
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
ensure => file,
require => Package['ntp'],
source => "puppet:///modules/ntp/${conf_file}",
Now, everything the module needs is in one place. Even better, a puppet master can actually serve
those files to agent nodes over the network now — when we were using /root/examples/etc...
paths, Puppet would only find the source files if they already existed on the target machine.
Weʼve seen two of the subdirectories in a module, but there are several more available:
templates/ — Contains templates, which can be referenced from the moduleʼs manifests. More
on templates later.
lib/ — Contains plugins, like custom facts and custom resource types.
tests/ or examples/ — Contains example manifests showing how to declare the moduleʼs
classes and defined types.
Our printable Module Cheat Sheet shows how to lay out a module and explains how in-
manifest names map to the underlying files; itʼs a good quick reference when youʼre getting
started. The Puppet reference manual also has a page of info about module layout.
This is a good time to explain more about how the manifests and files directories work:
Each manifest in a module should contain exactly one class or defined type. (More on defined types
Each manifestʼs filename must map to the name of the class or defined type it contains. The init.pp
file, which we used above, is special — it always contains a class (or defined type) with the same
name as the module. Every other file must contain a class (or defined type) named as follows:
You can see more detail about this mapping at the namespaces and autoloading page of the
Puppet reference manual.
Static files can be arranged in any directory structure inside the files/ directory.
When referencing these files in Puppet manifests, as the source attributes of file resources, you
should use puppet:/// URLs. These have to be structured in a certain way:
Note that the final segment of the URL starts inside the files/ directory of the module. If there are
any extra subdirectories, they work like youʼd expect, so you could have something like
The Puppet Forge is a repository of free modules you can install and use. Most of these modules
are open source, and you can easily contribute updates and changes to improve or enhance these
modules. You can also contribute your own modules.
Puppet ships with a module subcommand for installing and managing modules from the Puppet
Forge. Detailed instructions for using it can be found in the Puppet reference manualʼs “installing
modules” page. Some quick examples:
Modules from the Puppet Forge have a user name prefix in their names; this is done to avoid
name clashes between, for example, all of the Apache modules out there.
The puppet module subcommand handles these user name prefixes automatically — it
preserves them as metadata, but installs the module under its common name. That is, your
Puppet manifests would refer to a mysql module instead of the puppetlabs-mysql module.
Building on your work from two chapters ago, create an Apache module and class, which
ensures Apache is installed and running and manages its config file. Bonus work: Make
Puppet manage the DocumentRoot folder, and put a custom 404 page and default
index.html in place. You can also use conditional statements to set any files or
package/service names that might vary per OS; if you donʼt want to research the names used
by other OSes, you can just have the class fail if itʼs not used on CentOS.
Whatʼs with that templates/ folder in the module structure? And can we do anything more
interesting with config files than just replacing them with static content? Find out in the Templates
Since you know how to install free modules from the Puppet Forge, and how to declare the classes
inside those modules, search around and try to find some modules that might be useful in your
infrastructure. Then download Puppet Enterprise for free, follow the quick start guide to get a small
environment installed, and try managing complex services on some of your test nodes.
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp
class ntp {
file { 'ntp.conf':
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
ensure => file,
require => Package['ntp'],
content => template("ntp/${conf_file}.erb"),
# cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ntp
# mkdir templates
# cp files/ntp.conf.el templates/ntp.conf.el.erb
# cp files/ntp.conf.debian templates/ntp.conf.debian.erb
Right now, weʼre shipping around two different config files, which resemble the defaults for Red
Hat-like and Debian-like OSes. What if we wanted to make a few small and reasonable changes? For
We could end up maintaining eight or more different config files! Letʼs not do that. Instead, we can
manage a bunch of small differences in one or two template files.
Templates are documents that contain a mixture of static and dynamic content. By using a small
amount of conditional logic and variable interpolation, they let you maintain one source document
that can be rendered into any number of final documents.
For more details on the behavior of Puppet templates, see the guide for Using Puppet Templates;
weʼll cover the basics right here.
Template Files
Templates are saved as files with the .erb extension, and should be stored in the templates/
directory of any module. There can be any number of subdirectories inside templates/.
Rendering Templates
To use a template, you have to render it to produce an output string. To do this, use Puppetʼs built-
in template function. This function takes a path to one or more template files and returns an
output string:
file {'/etc/foo.conf':
ensure => file,
require => Package['foo'],
content => template('foo/foo.conf.erb'),
Notice that weʼre using the output string as the value of the content attribute — it wouldnʼt work
with the source attribute, which expects a URL rather than the actual content for a file.
Note that the path to the template doesnʼt use the same semantics as the path in a
puppet:/// URL. Sorry about the inconsistency.
Inline Templates
Alternately, you can use the inline_template function, which takes a string containing a template
and returns an output string.
This is less frequently useful, but if you have a very small template, you can sometimes embed it in
the manifest instead of making a whole new file for it.
Weʼve seen several functions already, including include, template, fail, and str2bool, so
this is as good a time as any to explain what they are.
The template and str2bool functions both return values; you can use them anywhere that
requires a value, as long as the return value is the right kind. The include and fail
functions do something else, without returning a value — declare a class, and stop catalog
compilation, respectively.
All functions are run during catalog compilation. This means they run on the puppet master,
and donʼt have access to any files or settings on the agent node.
Functions can take any number of arguments, which are separated by commas and can be
surrounded by optional parentheses:
Complete documentation about functions are available at the functions page of the Puppet
reference manual and the list of built-in functions.
Facts, global variables, and local variables from the current scope are available to a template as
Ruby instance variables — instead of Puppetʼs $ prefix, they have an @ prefix. (e.g. @fqdn,
@memoryfree, @operatingsystem, etc.)
Variables from other scopes can be accessed with the scope.lookupvar method, which takes a
long variable name without the $ prefix. (For example, scope.lookupvar('apache::user').)
ERB templates mostly look like normal configuration files, with the occasional <% tag containing
Ruby code %>. The ERB syntax is documented here, but since tags can contain any Ruby code, itʼs
possible for templates to get pretty complicated.
In general, we recommend keeping templates as simple as possible: weʼll show you how to print
variables, do conditional statements, and iterate over arrays, which should be enough for most
Non-Printing Tags
ERB tags are delimited by angle brackets with percent signs just inside. (There isnʼt any HTML-like
concept of opening or closing tags.)
Tags contain one or more lines of Ruby code, which can set variables, munge data, implement
control flow, or… actually, pretty much anything, except for print text in the rendered output.
Printing an Expression
For that, you need to use a printing tag, which looks like a normal tag with an equals sign right
after the opening delimiter:
The value you print can be a simple variable, or it can be an arbitrarily complicated Ruby
A tag with a hash mark right after the opening delimiter can hold comments, which arenʼt
interpreted as code and arenʼt displayed in the rendered output.
Regular tags donʼt print anything, but if you keep each tag of logic on its own line, the line breaks
you use will show up as a swath of whitespace in the final file. Similarly, if youʼre indenting for
readability, the whitespace in the indent can mess up the format of the rendered output.
Trim line breaks by putting a hyphen directly before the closing delimiter
Trim leading space by putting a hyphen directly after the opening delimiter
First, make sure you change the file resource to use a template, like we saw at the top of this page.
You should also make sure youʼve copied the config files to the templates/ directory and given
them the .erb extension.
Next, weʼll move the default NTP servers out of the config file and into the manifest:
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp
class ntp {
case $operatingsystem {
centos, redhat: {
$service_name = 'ntpd'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.el'
$default_servers = [ "0.centos.pool.ntp.org",
"2.centos.pool.ntp.org", ]
debian, ubuntu: {
$service_name = 'ntp'
$conf_file = 'ntp.conf.debian'
$servers_real = $default_servers
package { 'ntp':
ensure => installed,
service { 'ntp':
name => $service_name,
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File['ntp.conf'],
file { 'ntp.conf':
path => '/etc/ntp.conf',
ensure => file,
require => Package['ntp'],
content => template("ntp/${conf_file}.erb"),
Weʼre storing the servers in an array, so we can show how to iterate within a template. Right now,
weʼre not providing the ability to change the list of servers, but weʼre paving the way to do so in the
next chapter.
First, make each template use the $servers_real variable to create the list of server statements:
# Managed by Class['ntp']
<% @servers_real.each do |this_server| -%>
server <%= this_server %>
<% end -%>
# ...
Using a non-printing Ruby tag to start a loop. We reference the $servers_real Puppet variable
by the name @servers_real, then call Rubyʼs each method on it. Everything between do
|server| -%> and the <% end -%> tag will be repeated for each item in the $servers_real
array, with the value of that array item being assigned to the temporary this_server variable.
# Managed by Class['ntp']
server 0.centos.pool.ntp.org
server 1.centos.pool.ntp.org
server 2.centos.pool.ntp.org
Next, letʼs use the $is_virtual fact to make NTP perform better if this is a virtual machine. At the
top of the file, add this:
Then, below the loop we made for the server statements, add this (being sure to replace the similar
section of the Red Hat-like template):
By using facts to conditionally switch parts of the config file on and off, we can easily react to the
type of machine weʼre managing.
Next Lesson:
Weʼve already seen that classes should sometimes behave differently for different kinds of systems,
and have used facts to make conditional changes to both manifests and templates.
Sometimes, though, facts arenʼt enough — there are times when a human has to decide what
makes a machine different, because that difference is a matter of policy. (For example, the
difference between a test server and a production server.)
In these cases, we need to give ourselves a way to manually change the way a class works. We can
do this by passing in data with class parameters.
Are you managing any configuration on your real infrastructure yet? Youʼve learned a lot by now, so
why not download Puppet Enterprise for free, follow the quick start guide to get a small
environment installed, and start automating?
class {'echo_class':
to_echo => 'Custom value',
But this isnʼt always the best way to do it, and it starts to break down once you need to switch a
moduleʼs behavior on information that doesnʼt map cleanly to system facts. Is this a database
server? A local NTP server? A test node? A production node? These arenʼt necessarily facts; usually,
theyʼre decisions made by a human.
In these cases, itʼs often best to just configure the class, and tell it what it needs to know when you
declare it. To enable this, classes need some way to ask for information from the outside world.
Class Parameters
When defining a class, you can give it a list of parameters. Parameters go in an optional set of
parentheses, between the name and the first curly brace. Each parameter is a variable name, and
can have an optional default value; each parameter is separated from the next with a comma.
class {'mysql':
user => mysqlserver,
If you declare the class with a resource-like class declaration, the parameters are available as
resource attributes.
Inside the definition of the class, they appear as local variables.
Default Values
When defining the class, you can give any parameter a default value. This makes it optional when
you declare the class; if you donʼt specify a value, it will use the default. Parameters without defaults
become mandatory when declaring the class.
In Puppet 2.7, which is used in the Puppet Enterprise 2.x series, you must use resource-like class
declarations if you want to specify class parameters; you cannot specify parameters with include or
in the PE console. If every parameter has a default and you donʼt need to override any of them, you
can declare the class with include; otherwise, you must use resource-like class declarations.
Resource-like declarations donʼt play nicely with include, and if youʼre using them, you need to
organize your manifests so that they never attempt to declare a class more than once. This has
traditionally been a pain, but class parameters are still superior to older ways of configuring
classes, and the best practices developed over the course of the Puppet 2.7 series have made them
much easier to deal with.
The best way to deal with class parameters in the Puppet Enterprise 2.x series is to create “role” and
“profile” modules that combine your functional classes into more complete node descriptions. Once
you find yourself managing multiple nodes with Puppet, you should read Craig Dunnʼs “Roles and
Profiles” essay, which matches the best practices used by Puppet Labsʼs services engineers.
To make your roles and profiles more flexible and avoid repeating yourself, you can also install and
configure Hiera on your puppet master and specify Hiera lookup functions as the values of class
The problem is that classes are singletons, parameters configure the way they behave, and include
can declare the same class more than once.
If you were to declare a class multiple times with different parameter values, which set of values
should win? The question didnʼt seem to have a good answer. The older method of using magic
The solution Puppetʼs designers settled on was that parameter values either had to be explicit and
unconflicting (the restrictions on resource-like class declarations), or had to come from somewhere
outside Puppet and be already resolved by the time Puppetʼs parsing begins (Puppet 3ʼs automatic
parameter lookup).
Class parameters were added to Puppet in version 2.6.0, to address a need for a standard and
visible way to configure clases.
Prior to that, people generally configured classes by choosing an arbitrary and unique external
variable name and having the class retrieve that variable with dynamically-scoped variable lookup:
include some_class
# This class will reach outside its own scope, and hope
# it finds a value for $some_variable.
Every class was competing for variable names in an effectively global name space. If you
accidentally chose a non-unique name for your magic variables, something bad would happen.
When writing modules to share with the world, you had to be very careful to document all of your
magic variables; there wasnʼt a standard place a user could look to see what data a class needed.
This inspired many many people to try and make intricate data hierarchies with node inheritance,
which rarely worked and had a tendency to fail dramatically and confusingly.
Next, weʼll change how we set that $servers_real variable that the template uses:
if $servers == undef {
$servers_real = $default_servers
else {
$servers_real = $servers
And… thatʼs all it takes. If you declare the class with no attributes…
include ntp
…itʼll work the same way it used to. If you declare it with a servers attribute containing an array of
servers (with or without appended iburst and dynamic statements)…
class {'ntp':
servers => [ "ntp1.example.com dynamic", "ntp2.example.com dynamic", ],
Thereʼs a bit of trickery to notice: setting a variable or parameter to undef might seem odd, and
weʼre only doing it because we want to be able to get the default servers without asking for them.
(Remember, parameters canʼt be optional without an explicit default value.)
Also, remember the business with the $servers_real variable? That was because the Puppet
language wonʼt let us re-assign the $servers variable within a given scope. If the default value we
wanted was the same regardless of OS, we could just use it as the parameter default, but the extra
logic to accomodate the per-OS defaults means we have to make a copy of the variable.
While weʼre in the NTP module, what else could we make into a parameter? Well, letʼs say you
sometimes wanted to prevent the NTP daemon from being used as a server by other nodes. Or
maybe you want to install and configure NTP, but not keep the daemon running. You could expose
all of these as extra class parameters, and make changes in the manifest or the templates to use
All of these changes are based on decisions from the free puppetlabs/ntp module. You can browse
the source of this module and see how these extra parameters play out in the manifest and
Module Documentation
You have a fairly functional NTP module, at this point. About the only thing itʼs missing is some
# = Class: ntp
# This class installs/configures/manages NTP. It can optionally disable NTP
This doesnʼt have to be Tolstoy, but you should at least write down what the parameters are and
what kind of data they take. Your future self will thank you. Also! If you write your documentation in
RDoc format and put it in a comment block butted up directly against the start of the class
definition, you can automatically generate a browsable Rdoc-style site with info for all your
modules. You can test it now, actually:
(Then just upload that ~/moduledocs folder to some webspace you control, or grab it onto your
desktop with SFTP.)
Next Lesson:
Okay, we can pass parameters into classes now and change their behavior. Great! But classes are
still always singletons; you canʼt declare more than one copy and get two different sets of behavior
Learning Puppet • Learning Puppet — Class Parameters 56/76
simultaneously. And youʼll eventually want to do that! What if you had a collection of resources that
created a virtual host definition for a web server, or cloned a Git repository, or managed a user
account complete with group, SSH key, home directory contents, sudoers entry, and
.bashrc/.vimrc/etc. files? What if you wanted more than one Git repo, user account, or vhost on a
single machine?
What you want is something more like a resource type — you canʼt declare the same resource twice,
but you can declare as many files or users as you want.
apache::vhost {'users.example.com':
port => 80,
docroot => '/var/www/personal',
options => 'Indexes MultiViews',
This turns out to be easy. To model repeatable chunks of configuration — like a Git repository or an
Apache vhost — you should use defined resource types.
Defined types act like normal resource types and are declared in the same way, but theyʼre
composed of other resources.
Defining a Type
You define a type with the define keyword, and the definition looks almost exactly like a class with
parameters. You need:
A name
A list of parameters (in parentheses, after the name)
Defined types also get a special $title parameter without having to declare it, and its value is
always set to the title of the resource instance. (The $name parameter acts the same way, and
usually has the same value as $title.) Classes get these too, but theyʼre less useful since a
class will only ever have one name.
Like this:
user {'nick':
ensure => present,
managehome => true,
uid => 517,
planfile {'nick':
content => "Working on new Learning Puppet chapters. Tomorrow: upgrading
the LP virtual machine.",
This oneʼs pretty simple. (In fact, itʼs basically just a macro.) It has two parameters, one of which is
optional (it defaults to the title of the resource), and the collection of resources it declares is just a
single file resource.
See how the title of the file resource isnʼt tied to any of the definitionʼs parameters?
planfile {'chris':
content => "Resurrecting a very dead laptop.",
Yikes. You can see where we went wrong — every time we declare an instance of planfile, itʼs
going to declare the resource File['.plan'], and Puppet will fail compilation if you try to declare
the same resource twice.
To avoid this, you have to make sure that both the title and the name (or namevar) of every
resource in the definition are somehow derived from a unique parameter (often the $title) of the
defined type. (For example, we couldnʼt derive the fileʼs title from the $content of the planfile
resource, because more than one user might write the same .plan text.)
Also inside the type definition, use something like the following to establish an order
Establishing ordering relationships at the class level is generally better than directly requiring
one of the resources inside it.
You might have already noticed this above, but: when you make a resource reference to an instance
of a defined type, you have to capitalize every namespace segment in the typeʼs name. That means
an instance of the foo::bar::baz type would be referenced like Foo::Bar::Baz['mybaz'].
# Definition: apache::vhost
# This class installs Apache Virtual Hosts
# Parameters:
# - The $port to configure the host on
# - The $docroot provides the DocumentationRoot variable
# - The $template option specifies whether to use the default template or
# - The $priority of the site
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# - The $serveraliases of the site
# - The $options for the given vhost
# - The $vhost_name for name based virtualhosting, defaulting to *
# Actions:
# - Install Apache Virtual Hosts
# Requires:
# - The apache class
# Sample Usage:
# apache::vhost { 'site.name.fqdn':
# priority => '20',
# port => '80',
# docroot => '/path/to/docroot',
# }
define apache::vhost(
$template = 'apache/vhost-default.conf.erb',
$priority = '25',
$servername = '',
$serveraliases = '',
$options = "Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews",
$vhost_name = '*'
) {
include apache
if $servername == '' {
$srvname = $title
} else {
$srvname = $servername
case $operatingsystem {
'centos', 'redhat', 'fedora': { $vdir = '/etc/httpd/conf.d'
$logdir = '/var/log/httpd'}
'ubuntu', 'debian': { $vdir = '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'
$logdir = '/var/log/apache2'}
default: { $vdir = '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'
$logdir = '/var/log/apache2'}
file {
content => template($template),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '755',
require => Package['httpd'],
notify => Service['httpd'],
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# /etc/puppetlabs/modules/apache/templates/vhost-default.conf.erb
# ************************************
# Default template in module puppetlabs-apache
# Managed by Puppet
# ************************************
And thatʼs more or less a wrap. You can apply a manifest like this:
apache::vhost {'testhost':
port => 8081,
docroot => '/var/www-testhost',
priority => 25,
servername => 'puppet',
…and (as long as the directory exists) youʼll immediately be able to reach the new vhost:
# curl http://puppet:8081
In a way, this is just slightly more sophisticated than the first example — itʼs still only one file
resource — but the use of a template makes it a LOT more powerful, and you can already see how
much time it can save. And you can make it slicker as you build more types: once youʼve got a
Take a minute to make a few more defined types, just to get used to modeling repeatable groups of
Try wrapping a user resource in a human::user type that manages that personʼs .bashrc file and
manages one or more ssh_authorized_key resources for their account.
If youʼre familiar with git, take a stab at writing a git::repo type that can clone from a repository
on the network (and maybe even keep the working copy up-to-date on a specific branch!). Thisʼll
be harder — youʼll probably have to make a git class to make sure git is available, and youʼll
have to use at least one file ( ensure => directory) and at least one exec resource. Keep in
mind that execs can be tricky, since you need to make sure they only run when necessary.
If youʼre going to make a practice of validating your inputs (hint: DO), you can save yourself a lot of
effort by using the validation functions in Puppet Labsʼ stdlib module. We ship a version of stdlib
with PE 2.0, and you can also download it for free at either GitHub or the module forge. The
functions are:
You can learn how to use these by running puppet doc --reference function | less on a
system that has stdlib installed in its modulepath, or you can read the documentation directly in
each of the functionsʼ files — look in the lib/puppet/parser/functions directory of the module.
Thereʼs more to say about modules — we still havenʼt covered data separation, patterns for making
your modules more readable, or module composition yet — but thereʼs more important business
afoot. Continue reading to prepare your VMs (yes, plural) for agent/master Puppet.
Weʼve seen several Apache examples already, and itʼs pretty likely that youʼre running at least one
web server in your own infrastructure. Why not use one of the off-the-shelf modules available, and
see whether you can reproduce your own configuration in an automated way?
Download Puppet Enterprise for free, and follow the quick start guide to get a small environment
installed on some test machines. Then, install one of the following modules:
simondean/iis (for IIS on Windows Server)
Any of the many Nginx modules
Read the moduleʼs documentation to see how it works, then try managing the service and any
relevant virtual hosts to match your manually configured infrastructure.
If youʼre up to date, skip down to here. If youʼre running an older version, do one of the following:
Before replacing your VM, make sure to save any manifests or modules from your previous copy.
(After all, the whole point of Puppet is that you can use them to get right back to where you were.)
Download the latest version of Puppet Enterprise. Choose the EL 5 for i386 installer, which is
about 50 MB.
Copy the installer tarball to your VM and follow the upgrade instructions in the PE 2 Userʼs
This is more advanced than just downloading the current VM, especially if youʼre upgrading from PE
1.0 or 1.1, but weʼve tried to document the process clearly. Follow the instructions for upgrading a
combined master/console server.
Below, we give instructions for copying the VM with VMware Fusion and with VirtualBox.
(Note: although we donʼt provide a full walkthrough for VMware Workstation, the process should be
1. If you still have the zipped VM archive you originally downloaded, you can extract it again for a
fresh copy.
Otherwise, shut down the VM by running shutdown -h now while logged in as root. Once the
system is stopped, locate the folder or bundle that contains the VMX file — you can right-click its
entry in the Virtual Machine Library window and choose “Show in Finder” — and duplicate that
entire directory.
3. Once Fusion has the VM, you can right-click its entry in the Library window and choose “Settings”
to change the amount of memory it will consume. (Use the “Processors & RAM” section of the
settings window.) Although the original (puppet master) VM will need at least 512 MB of RAM,
you can safely dial the agent VM down to 256 MB.
You shouldnʼt need to change the networking settings from the default mode (NAT); with
VMware, this will allow your VMs to access the internet, each other, and your host system. If you
need other nodes on the network to be able to contact your VMs, you can change the networking
mode to Bridged.
4. When you start the VM for the first time, Fusion will ask whether you moved it or copied it. You
should answer that you copied it.
With VirtualBox
1. If you still have the folder with the original OVF file, you can re-import it into VirtualBox for a
new VM.
Otherwise, shut down the VM by running shutdown -h now while logged in as root. Once the
system is stopped, right-click on the VMʼs entry in the VirtualBox Manager window, and select
Clone. You will be presented with a series of dialog boxes.
3. You can also click on the “System” settings to reduce the amount of memory the VM will
consume. An agent node should only need 256 MB of RAM.
# wget http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/files/learningpuppet.tar.gz
# tar -xzf learningpuppet.tar.gz
# mv learningpuppet /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/
# puppet apply -e "class {'learningpuppet::makeagent':}"
If you donʼt give the class a newname attribute, it will default to agent1, which is probably what you
The VMs will be communicating via their eth0 IP addresses. Find these addresses by running
facter ipaddress_eth0 on each system, then try to ping that IP from the other VM.
If both VMs have a single network adapter in Bridged Adapter mode (recommended), they will be
communicating via their eth0 IP addresses. Find these addresses by running facter
ipaddress_eth0 on each system, then try to ping that IP from the other VM.
If you have configured the VMs to have two network adapters, examine their settings — the VMs will
be communicating via whichever adapter is set to Host Only Adapter mode. Run facter
ipaddress_<ADAPTER> to find these IP addresses.
Make sure both VMsʼ /etc/hosts files contain a line similar to the following:
The IP address should be the one you found for the puppet master in the previous step.
Once youʼve edited the files, test that both VMs can ping the master at both its full name and its
If this doesnʼt work, make sure that the /etc/hosts files donʼt have any conflicting lines — there
should be only one line with those puppet master hostnames. If /etc/hosts looks good, you may
also need to flush cached DNS information in each VM:
# nscd --invalidate=hosts
We shipped the VM with iptables turned off, but itʼs worth checking to make sure itʼs still down:
(In a real environment, youʼd add firewall rules for Puppet traffic instead of disabling the firewall.)
Run date -u on both VMs, and compare the output. They should be within about a minute of each
Your VMs are ready — now continue reading for a tour of the agent/master Puppet workflow.
How Do Agents Get Configurations?
Puppetʼs agent/master mode is pull-based. Usually, agents are configured to periodically fetch a
catalog and apply it, and the master controls what goes into that catalog. (For the next few
exercises, though, youʼll be triggering runs manually.)
Earlier, you saw this diagram of how Puppet compiles and applies a manifest:
Weʼll be using the second mode, since it gives a better view of whatʼs going on. To keep the agent
from daemonizing, you should use the --test option, which also prints detailed descriptions of
what the agent is doing.
If you accidentally run the agent without --test, it will daemonize and run in the background. To
check whether the agent is running in the background, run:
# /etc/init.d/pe-puppet status
# /etc/init.d/pe-puppet stop
Saying Hi
Time to start! On your agent VM, start puppet agent for the first time:
What Happened?
Puppet agent found the puppet master, but it got stopped at the certificate roadblock. It isnʼt
authorized to fetch configurations, so the master is turning it away.
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Itʼs possible you didnʼt see the response printed above, and there are a number of possible culprits.
Read back over the instructions for creating your agent VM and make sure you didnʼt miss anything;
in particular, check that:
Thereʼs our agent node. And the request fingerprint matches, too. You know this node is okay, so
go ahead and sign its certificate with puppet cert sign:
Now that itʼs authorized, go back to the agent VM and run puppet agent again:
It worked! That was a successful Puppet run, although it didnʼt do much yet.
What Happened?
When we were using puppet apply, we would usually specify a manifest file, which declared all of
the classes or resources we wanted to apply.
The puppet master works the same way, except that it always loads the same manifest file, which
we usually refer to as site.pp. With Puppet Enterprise, itʼs located by default at
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp, but you can configure its location with the
manifest setting.
You could declare classes and resources directly in site.pp, but that would make every node get the
same resources in its catalog, which is of limited use. Instead, weʼll hide the classes we want to
declare in a node definition.
Node Definitions
node 'agent1.localdomain' {
# Note the quotes around the name! Node names can have characters that
# aren't legal for class names, so you can't always use bare, unquoted
# strings like we do with classes.
include apache
class {'ntp':
enable => false,
ensure => stopped,
But unlike classes, nodes are declared automatically, based on the name of the node whose catalog
is being compiled. Only one node definition will get added to a given catalog, and any other node
definitions are effectively hidden.
An agent nodeʼs name is almost always read from its certname setting, which is set at install time
but can be changed later. The certname is usually (but not always) the nodeʼs fully qualified domain
More on node definitions later, as well as alternate ways to assign classes to a node.
Now that youʼve saved site.pp with a node definition that matches the agent VMʼs name, go back to
that VM and run puppet agent again:
If you change this nodeʼs definition in site.pp, it will fetch that new configuration on its next run
Learning Puppet • Learning Puppet — Basic Agent/Master Puppet 75/76
If you change this nodeʼs definition in site.pp, it will fetch that new configuration on its next run
(which, in a normal environment, would happen less than 30 minutes after you make the change).
Authorize a new agent node to pull configurations from the puppet master
Use node definitions in site.pp to choose which classes go into a given nodeʼs catalog
But there are some important details weʼve glossed over. In a future installment, weʼll talk more
about certificates and node classification.
© 2010 Puppet Labs info@puppetlabs.com 411 NW Park Street / Portland, OR 97209 1-877-575-