NR 320103 Irrigation Engineering

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Set No.

Code No.320103
III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Discuss History of Irrigation Developments in India.

b) Describe border strip method of Irrigation. Derive an expression for the time
required to cover the given area by this method for a given rate of discharge and
the rate of infiltration of water in the soil.

2.a) Explain with a neat sketch the layout of a modern canal system carrying water
from a barrage. Discuss as to how the duty of water increases as we move
downstream from the head of the main canal towards the head of the water
b) What do you understand by crop ratio; overlap allowance; capacity factor and full
supply coefficient?

3.a) Explain with the help of a neat sketch the Hydrologic cycle in nature, indicating
various phases.
b) In a certain river basin there are six rain gauge stations, the normal annual rainfall
depths at the stations being 42.4, 53.6, 67.8, 78.5, 82.7 and 95.5cm respectively.
Determine the optimum number of rain gauge stations to be established in the
basin if it is desired to limit the error in the mean value of rainfall over the
catchment to 10% and indicate how you distribute them.

4.a) Explain different methods of estimating maximum flood discharge.

b) Describe the step by step procedure of derivation of a unit Hydrograph from an
isolated storm.

5.a) Distinguish between:

i) Aquifer and Aquifuge.
ii) Artesian well and flowing well.
iii) Vadose zone and phreatic zone.
b) In a water table aquifer of 50 m thickness, a 20 cm diameter well is pumped at a
uniform rate of 0.05 m3/sec. If the steady state drawdown measured in the
observation wells located at 10 m and 100 m distances from the well are 6.5 m
and 0.25m respectively. Determine the average hydraulic conductivity of the
aquifer. Also determine the radius of influence and the draw down in the well.

Code No.320103 -2- Set No.1

6.a) Give an account of the investigations and surveys required while planning an
irrigation canal project in a given tract of land. Discuss the factors governing.
b) Design an earth canal section to carry 50 cumecs discharge at a slope of
0.25m/km, having been given that N = 0.0225 and m = 1.00 where the symbols
have their usual meaning.

7. Explain the following with neat sketches:

a) Divide wall
b) Scouring sluices
c) Canal head regulator
d) Fish Ladder.

8. Design a vertical drop weir based on Bligh’s theory for the following data:
Maximum flood discharge = 1200 cumecs
HFL before construction of weir = 172.5m
River Bed Level = 168.0m
FSL of canal = 171.5m
Allowable Afflux = 1m
Coefficient of creep = 11
Assuming any other data not given. The weir wall need not be designed and its
dimensions may be taken as top width = 3m, bottom width = 6m.

*** *** ***

Set No.

Code No.320103
III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) What is meant by surface and sub-surface Irrigation and what are their types?
Discuss briefly the various techniques used for distributing water in the farms.
b) Discuss critically the quality standards required for irrigation water.

2.a) What is meant by Duty of water? Explain the influence of several factors which
affect duty. What are the different ways in which duty can be expressed?
b) What do you mean by consumptive use? How it is estimated?

3.a) Explain different forms and types of precipitation.

b) During a month a raingauge went out of order while the other three gauges in the
basin reported rainfalls of 107, 89 and 120 mm. If the normal annual rainfall for
these three gauges are 1120, 935 and 1200 mm respectively and the normal
annual rainfall of the broken gauge is 978 mm. Estimate the missing monthly

4.a) What are the various components of run off? Describe how each component is
derived in the run off process.
b) Explain briefly how the rum off is computed from different formulae and tables.

5.a) Distinguish between

i) Specific yield and specific capacity.
ii) Confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer.
iii) Water table and piezometric surface.
b) Derive an expression for the steady state discharge into a fully penetrating well in
an unconfined aquifer. State clearly the assumptions involved.

6.a) Explain canal alignment, full supply level and full supply discharge and also state
how will you fix up them in an irrigation canal.
b) Design a channel using Lacey’s theory to carry a discharge of 100 cumecs.
Assume silt factor as 1.

7.a) How a diversion weir is aligned? Draw a neat sketch and explain the different
components of it.
b) Explain the principle and working of a silt excluder with a neat sketch.

Code No.320103 -2- Set No.2

8. Using Khoslas curves, determine the uplift pressures at points C, D, E, D1 and E1

and also exit gradient for apron shown below.

*** *** ***

Set No.

Code No.320103
III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Define Irrigation and explain its necessity in a tropical country like India? What
are the advantages and ill effects of assured irrigation?
b) What is meant by Border Flooding and how does it differ from check Flooding
and Free Flooding.

2.a) Define Duty and Delta and derive their relationship.

b) Compute the depth and frequency of irrigation required for a certain crop with
data given below:
Root zone depth = 100 cm
Field capacity = 22%
Wilting point = 12%
Apparent specific gravity of soil = 1.5
Consumptive use = 25mm/day
Efficiency of Irrigation = 50%
Assume 50% depletion on available moisture before application of irrigation
water at field capacity.

3.a) Explain the principle and working of a Syphon Type Recording rain gauge with a
neat sketch.
b) What are the precautions to be taken in selecting a site for the location of a rain
c) A major river basin is divided into four sub basins with areas of 920, 705, 1075
and 1665 square kilometers. If the average annual rain fall on these sub-basins is
73, 85, 112 and 100cm respectively. What is the average annual rainfall for the
basin as a whole.

4.a) Discuss the various methods of estimating evaporation from water bodies.
b) Discuss various methods of reducing evaporation from a water reservoir.
c) A storm during a dry weather has rainfall intensities of 8, 12, 40, 38, 30, 26, 28, 5,
16, 32, 36, 24, 14 and 4 mm/hr at half an hour intervals. What is the rum off
volume from a basin area of 600 square kilometers if the initial abstractions are
10 mm and the φ index is 20 mm/hr.

Code No.320103 -2- Set No.3

5.a) Explain the terms

i) Cone of depression
ii) Radius of Influence
iii) Transmissivity.
b) Derive an expression for the steady state discharge into a fully penetrating well
into a confined aquifer. Discuss the assumptions involved in the derivation.

6.a) What do meanly balancing depth of a canal. Derive an expression for it.
b) Bring out clearly the differences between Kennedy’s theory and Lacey’s theory.

7.a) Draw a neat layout of a river regulator and explain scouring sluices and fish
ladder in detail.
b) Differentiate between
i) Barrage and Dam
ii) Surplus weir and storage weir
iii) Silt excluders and silt Ejectors
iv) River regulator and canal regulator.

8. Explain the following in detail:

a) Exit gradient and its importance
b) Factors governing the design of weir
c) Launching aprons
d) Failures of weirs and their remedies.

*** *** ***

Set No.

Code No.320103
III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max.Marks:80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) The Sprinkler system of irrigation is an excellent method but not used in India.
Discuss critically.
b) Explain the crop seasons in India and their principal crop.
c) Explain paleo irrigation.

2.a) Describe briefly the necessity and importance of irrigation works in our country.
What are different types of Irrigation? Write brief notes on each of them.
b) Explain different methods of improving soil fertility.

3.a) What factors you consider in selecting a site for a rain guage station? Distinguish
between recording and non-recording rain gauges giving examples of such
b) Find the mean precipitation for the area shown in figure by Theisson polygon
method. The area is composed of a square plus an equilateral triangular plot of
side 2 km. rain fall readings are in cm at the various stations indicated.

4.a) What are the factors affecting infiltration?

b) Bring out the difference between φ index and W-index.
c) The ordinates of rainfall mass curve of a storm over a basin of area 850 square
kilometers in mm at one hour interval are
0, 10, 22, 30, 39, 45.5, 50, 55.5, 60, 64 and 68.
The infiltration is expected to occur at capacity rate during this storm given by
Hortons equation with fo = 6.5 mm/hr, fc = 1.5 mm/hr and k = 0.15. Estimate the
resulting run off volume.

Code No.320103 -2- Set No.4

5.a) Explain the terms coefficient of retention, perched water table, Darcy’s Law and
Radius of Influence.
b) A 15 cm diameter tubewell penetrates an 30m thick confined aquifer and is
pumped at a certain rate to yield a draw down of 2.6m if permeability coefficient
of aquifer material is 30m/day, radius of influence is 300m, determine the
discharge from the well. If the diameter of the tube well is doubled, compute the φ
percentage increase in discharge and coment on the result.

6.a) Give the classification of canals according to various criterion.

b) Design an irrigation channel section for the following data:
Discharge 30 cumecs; Silt factor = 1; Side slopes = ½:1

7.a) Explain different types of diversion weirs along with neat sketches.
b) Enumerate and explain briefly the different methods for control of entry of silt
into canals. Discuss any one silt exclusion work with a neat sketch showing
structural details.

8.a) What are the main causes of failures of Weirson permeable foundations and what
remedies would you suggest to prevent them?
b) Bring out the differences between Bligh’s creep theory and Khosla’s theory.

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