Travel You Pay As You Go and During The Journey You Can Change Your

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People often travel on business, for pleasure, for relaxation or - utazsi formk: zleti t s turistat, even for education or for their health. I love it too, but the snag is that I egyni s szervezett utazs cant afford to travel as much as Id like to. Ive neither the money nor - utazs autval, vonattal, hajval s the time for it. But I usually go for a trip/journey at least once a year in replvel, ezek hasznlata zleti t s summer. In a package tour you travel ith others and follo a nyarals sorn prearranged itinerary covering all the famous landmarks. !ou pay a - szllslehetsgek, kemping single, all"inclusive price that covers everything such as transportation, - utazsi irodai szolgltatsok meals, accommodation, sightseeing tours and guides. #ith independent travel you pay as you go and during the journey you can change your - utazsi lmnyek mind if you ant to. But you can go in a travel agency and ask them to - a klf ldi tartzkodssal kap!solatos give you cost estimates and secure reservation for you. It used to be long tudnivalk time ago. $o adays people ho have Internet they manage all services and goods of the journey on the net. %ots of travel agencies advertise themselves on different eb"sites. !ou can bro se among the pictures of the accommodation& you can read some details about them and of course their prices are sho n for a night. !ou can book a room in a hotel or in an apartman and you can pay a deposit, too. I prefer individual travel to group travel. If you go on a package, you have to be adaptable, you have no time to look at everything you are interested in and the orst thing is hen you have a bad guide. 'e can spoil all your holiday. I can be my o n master, depend on nobody and can al ays do hat I like. (lthough, package tours have some advantages too) everything is arranged for you by travel agency from the necessary documents to hotel reservations. (nd it doesnt seem to be very romantic to arrive in a strange to n at night ith no idea here to go. I plan my holiday ell in advance and make a lot of arrangements. *irst of all I decide here to go. *ortunately, e have unlimited possibilities to go practically any here in the orld only you need have enough foreign currency. It is enough to have a valid passport if you ant to travel abroad. Passports expire from time to time and people have to extend them or apply for a ne one. !our passport entitles you to go any country in the orld ithout restrictions. (s our country is a member of +uropean ,nion, today you dont have to have your passport to step the borders at least your ne type of identity card may be needed. !ou dont need a visa in none of the countries of +urope but it is needed to the ,-( or (ustralia no yet. !ou need to have some foreign currency though, hich you can get at a money changer, a bank or a travel agency. .he exchange rate is al ays changes for the forints value. .he things that you need for a holiday are al ays determined by the length, the time and the type of the holiday. .he general rule is that you should try to travel light and take the fe est possible clothes ith you. !ou must also pack your toilet goods in and dont forget about your camera either, provided you have one. /ustoms officials examine the luggage of out"going and in"going travellers. !ou may be asked to produce all the articles hich you are bringing in ith you. !ou must truthfully ans er any 0uestions put to you by the /ustoms officer. .here are goods liable to duty and you have to pay taxes on them. If you have nothing to declare you tell the officer about it or if you are at the airport you simply go through the green channel. If you have dutiable goods, you go to the red channel and declare them. 1ost of personal belongings are exempt from duty. !ou must pay duty on a large amount of spirits, tobacco, coffee, on electrical appliances etc. If you try to smuggle and then a dutiable article is found in your baggage, you have to pay a fine and your article may be confiscated. If you like sleeping in a tent in the open air then camping is the most ideal ay of spending your holiday. (part from hot sho ers most camping sites offer other facilities like flush toilets, drinking ater, cooking areas, guarded parking places, electricity, bungalo s, restaurants, bathing and fishing facilities and sports grounds. It is so exciting to arrive at a camp"site and pitch your tent herever you ant or park your caravan. *urthermore you can cook your supper over the camping gas fire and you are close to the nature all the time. !ou can enjoy absolute freedom and have none of the headaches of advance hotel booking. *or a ludicrously small sum you can enjoy a comfort. /amp"sites are usually situated beside clear streams, in green valleys bet een high mountains, by a lake or pond, or at the seaside. (ll of outdoor sports are available including ater sports and hiking. *oreigners in 'ungary can stay in ell e0uipped, modern camping"sites all around %ake Balaton in guest"houses, motels or hotels. .he most popular form of accommodation in the Balaton region is renting private rooms or flats for a certain period of time. .here are a lot of people letting their houses to foreigners in summer. In Budapest, there are a lot of nice first"class hotels here people from abroad can spend some pleasant and comfortable nights.


!ou can book a hotel room on the phone or you might as ell book on the internet. If they have vacancies or they are not all booked up, they can usually offer you a choice of single/double rooms or suites, rooms ith or ithout sho ers. #hile booking, you have to make sure hat room you ant to take. It can be faced to the main street or it can be on the ground floor/top floor. Besides you have to decide hether you ant a breakfast or full board or not. #hen you have arrived at the hotel you go up to the reception desk and sho your passport or I.2. to the receptionist. It can 0uite easily happen that he isnt at the desk. In such a case you can ring the bell. 'e ill fill in a registration slip for you and rite your name in the hotel register. If you havent done it previously, it is good to ask him about the price of the room per night and hat meals and facilities this price includes. .hen the reception clerk ill give you your key 3ticket for the room4 and the porter ill sho you to your room and hell also take up your luggage 3hotel valet4. #hen you decide to leave, you give your key to the receptionist, check out and settle your bill. Train/rail: I hardly ever travel by train, perhaps once in a blue moon. 'o ever, I like travelling by rail because its very comfortable and 0uick. Besides its an excellent ay to get to see the countryside too. (nd although the trains dont al ays leave and arrive on the dot, they are usually punctual. .ickets can be purchased from rail ay stations and travel agencies. If you go on a day trip it is better to buy a return ticket than a single one as you pay less and you dont have to orry about buying another ticket for your journey back. /hildren under the age of 56 get some reduction, you just have to ask for a special childrens ticket at the booking office. I think that the rail ay today still carries the bulk of passenger traffic. .here are a lot of commuters ho cant afford to use their cars every day so they choose to travel by train. 7thers choose the rail ay because in a train they al ays have enough space to move about, and they can be absolutely relaxed and calm on a train. In 'ungary you have the choice of follo ing kinds of trains) express trains, fast and slo passenger trains. +xpress trains are usually through trains hile slo passengers trains stop at every single station. !ou have to make a seat reservation for express trains, but not for fast or slo passenger trains. In the hall, in front of the booking offices there are long 0ueues of people buying tickets. -ome of them are already nervous because they are afraid of missing their trains. 7thers are aiting patiently for their trains to be announced over the loudspeakers. ,nfortunately, there is a gro ing number of homeless people ho find shelter in the aiting rooms of rail ay stations. 'aving bought a cheap fare, I go to the platform here Im aiting for the train. !ou mustnt step over a yello painted line because it is dangerous. Inside the first"class carriages you can find very comfortable upholstered seats hile in a second"class car the compartments are less comfortable and the seats are covered ith fake leather. .hats hy the latter one is cheaper. In each compartment there are luggage racks over the seats here you can put your trunks, holdalls or suitcases. I like sitting facing the engine as opposed to sitting back to the engine. I al ays choose a non"smoking compartment and preferably a seat by the indo . 2uring the journey an inspector can come to clip every passengers ticket. #ithout having a ticket youll possibly be fined by the ticket inspector on the train. !ou can go to the corridor and look at the beautiful scenery. .here are some people ho are smoking& others are trying to get past them hile they go a ay to be more precise people are coming to and fro. If it is not a direct train you have to change to get your real destination. (part from passengers, trains also carry goods of many different kinds. 8ail ay transport is still one of the cheapest ays of carrying freight over long distances. *or example milk, coal, cars and many other things are transported by loaded containers. 1ost rail ay accidents happen at level crossings here there are no crossing gates and inattentive drivers go across the track ithout checking if the signal is red or hite. -ometimes trains go off the track it can cause delays or even casualties. .ypes of trains) slo train/passenger train/fast train through train/direct train/non"stop express freight train/goods train Air(port): (ir travel is definitely the 0uickest ay of transport. (ir travel does save time. I have flo n once or t ice in my life and the mere feeling of flying as really a memorable experience for me. I ish I could fly more often. I enjoyed travelling in a jet because it as so nice to be above the clouds, not to mention clear eather hen you could see everything underneath and everybody tried to look through the indo and drunk in the sights. 1(%9:, the 'ungarian (irlines operate flights to all important cities abroad all the year around. -ome internal flights have been started recently hich enable you to get to another to n ithin 'ungary in the shortest possible time.


Before boarding the plane the passengers must register at the check"in counter. #hile checking in your luggage is eighed and the attendant attaches a special tag to it to prevent it from getting lost or misplaced. If you exceed the baggage allo ance you ill have to pay an excess fare. (fter the officer has checked your passport you go to the departure lounge here you usually have to ait for some time before your plane is due to take off. It is ise to check the flight list on the .: screens to see if your flight is going to be delayed or not. 2epartures, calls for flights, delays, cancellations or changes are also announced over loudspeakers. #hen your flight is announced you go to the right gate and boarding begins. -te ardesses greet you on the board the plane. !ou sho your boarding card to them and take your seat. .hey help everyone to put the hand"luggage into the luggage"compartment, to sit comfortably in the reclining seats and to adjust the safety belts. -tatistics sho that air travel is safer than any other ay of travelling. (ir crashes are rarer than serious accidents on the rail ays not to mention roads. .he cockpit is full of modern navigational e0uipment and the landing and take"off are controlled by computers. To be hijacked eltrtik / To ascend/descend fel/le szll Ship) Ive travelled by ship several times on %ake Balaton, but most of these trips ere pleasure cruises. (fter e had bought the tickets e ent to the pier and sa the ship entering the harbour. .hen it dropped anchor, e ent on the board and the ship started. !ou can enjoy the sight of the calm, green ater and the hite sailing boats on it as ell as the pleasant vie of the surrounding hills and villages. In 'ungary you can also take one of the passenger boats hich ply our big rivers or the ferries that cross them regularly. *rom 1ay to -eptember there is a daily boat service on the 2anube bet een Budapest :ienna, hich takes about five hours. 7n %ake Balaton a daily ferry run from Balatonf;red to -i<fok every day. 3.ihany"*ony<d=4 Big ocean liners are like real floating cities ith all modern conveniences. .hey can transport several thousand passengers. .he cabins are above and belo deck. ( cabin looks very much like a compartment of a rail ay sleeping car. (ll cabins have portholes. In stormy eather many passengers feel seasick hen the stern dips do n and the bo goes up. In case of emergency like running aground, hitting an iceberg or sinking, on board a ship are available life"boats, life"belts, buoys and other safety devices. #hen the ship approaches its destination, it slo ly slips into the harbour and the passengers disembark. .ypes of atercraft) sailing ship, barge, tra ler, yacht, kayak, tanker, submarine, ferry, ocean liner, raft, paddle"boat, rubber boat To be shipwrecked - hajtrst szenved Coach, bus) 'ungary has 0uite an extensive inter"city coach net ork reaching into all parts of the country. .he vehicles are comfortable and the service is reasonably rapid. Prices are on a par ith those for first"class rail travel. 1ost coaches are operated by a company called :ol>n, but the number of privately run coaches is gradually increasing. (t present they are mainly hired for school trips or package tours. ,nfortunately, they are often on a strike in fact because they can. .hey demand to rise their salary if not they dont transport the passengers.

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