List of Prepositions

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How can I recognize prepositions?


4. The whales first to arrive are sighted sometime in late November, after completing a 3,000-mile journey. 5. The humpbacks last to migrate to Hawaii arrive by December late or January early.


Consulting all sections of this chapter, find and correct any errors in word order.
1. A beautiful few flowers began to bloom in my garden this week. 2. A neighbor asked me, You did grow all these yourself? 3. Yes, I replied, the roses are my favorite husbands, but the tulips are my favorite. 4. My neighbor, who extremely was impressed with my gardening efforts, decided to grow some flowers of her own. 5. Weeks later, as I strolled by her house, I saw her planting happily seeds from her favorite type of plantpetunias.


Prepositions function with other words in PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES (7n). Prepositional phrases usually indicate where (direction or location), how (by what means or in what way), or when (at what time or how long) about the words they modify. This chapter can help you with several uses of prepositions, which function in combination with other words in ways that are often idiomaticthat is, peculiar to the language. The meaning of an IDIOM differs from the literal meaning of each individual word. For example, the word break usually refers to shattering, but the sentence Yao-Ming broke into a smile means that a smile appeared on Yao-Mings face. Knowing which preposition to use in a specific context takes much experience in reading, listening to, and speaking the language. A dictionary such as the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English or the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary can be especially helpful when you need to find the correct preposition to use in cases not covered by this chapter.

42a How can I recognize prepositions?

Box 42-1 on the next page lists many common prepositions.




B OX 4 2 - 1


Common prepositions
about above across after against along along with among apart from around as as for at because of before behind beneath beside between beyond but by by means of concerning despite during down except except for excepting for from in in back of in case of in front of in place of in spite of instead of inside into like near next of off outside on onto on top of out out of past regarding round since through throughout till to toward unlike until up upon up to underneath under with within without

according to below

in addition to over

42b How do I use prepositions with expressions

of time and place?

Box 42-2 shows how to use the prepositions in, at, and on to deliver some common kinds of information about time and place.
B OX 4 2 - 2 S U M M A RY

Using in, at, and on to show time and place

in a year or a month (during is also correct but less common) in 1995 in May in a period of time in a few months (seconds, days, years)


How do I use prepositions in phrasal verbs?


Using in, at, and on to show time and plac (continued)

in a period of the day in the morning (afternoon, evening) in the daytime (morning, evening) but at night at a specific time or period of time at noon at 2:00 at dawn at nightfall at takeoff (the time a plane leaves) at breakfast (the time a specific meal takes place) on a specific day on Friday on my birthday

in a location surrounded by something else in the province of Alberta in the kitchen in Utah in the apartment in downtown Bombay in the bathtub at a specific location at your house at the bank at the corner of Third Avenue and Main Street on a surface on page 20 on the second floor but in the attic or in the basement on Washington Street on the mezzanine on the highway

42c How do I use prepositions in phrasal verbs?

Phrasal verbs, also called two-word verbs and three-word verbs, are

that combine with PREPOSITIONS to deliver their meaning. In some phrasal verbs, the verb and the preposition should not be separated by other words: Look at the moon [not Look the moon at]. In separable phrasal verbs, other words in the sentence can separate the verb and the preposition without interfering with meaning: I threw away my homework is as correct as I threw my homework away.




Here is a list of some common phrasal verbs. The ones that cannot be separated are marked with an asterisk (*).

ask out break down bring about call back drop off figure out fill out fill up find out

get along with* get back get off go over* hand in keep up with* leave out look after* look around

look into look out for* look over make up run across* speak to* speak with* throw away throw out

Position a PRONOUN OBJECT between the words of a separable phrasal verb: I threw it away. Also, you can position an object PHRASE of several words between the parts of a separable phrasal verb: I threw my research paper away. However, when the object is a CLAUSE, do not let it separate the parts of the phrasal verb: I threw away all the papers that I wrote last year. Many phrasal verbs are informal and are used more in speaking than in writing. For ACADEMIC WRITING, a more formal verb is usually more appropriate than a phrasal verb. In a research paper, for example, propose or suggest might be a better choice than come up with. For academic writing, acceptable phrasal verbs include believe in, benefit from, concentrate on, consist of, depend on, dream of (or dream about), insist on, participate in, prepare for, and stare at. None of these phrasal verbs can be separated.


Consulting the preceding sections of this chapter and using the list of phrasal verbs in 42c, write a one- or two-paragraph description of a typical day at work or school in which you use at least five phrasal verbs. After checking a dictionary, revise your writing, substituting for the phrasal verbs any more formal verbs that might be more appropriate for academic writing.

42d How do I use prepositions

with past participles?

PAST PARTICIPLES are verb forms that function as ADJECTIVES (43e). Past participles end in either -ed or -d, or in an equivalent irregular form. When past participles follow the LINKING VERB be, it is easy to confuse them with PASSIVE verbs (8n), which have the same endings. Passive verbs describe actions. Past participles, because they act as adjectives, modify NOUNS and PRONOUNS and often describe situations and conditions. Passive verbs follow the pattern be + past participle + by: The child was frightened by a snake. An


How do I use prepositions in expressions?


expression containing a past participle, however, can use either be or another linking verb, and it can be followed by either by or a different preposition.
The child seemed frightened by snakes. The child is frightened of all snakes.

Here is a list of expressions containing past participles and the prepositions that often follow them. Look in a dictionary for others. (See 43a on using GERUNDS after some of these expressions.)
S E L E C T E D PA S T PA R T I C I P L E P H R A S E S + P R E P O S I T I O N S be accustomed to be interested in

be acquainted with be composed of be concerned/worried about be disappointed with (or in someone) be discriminated against be divorced from be done with be excited about be finished/done with

be known for be located in be made of (or from) be married to be pleased/satisfied with be prepared for be satisfied with be tired of (or from) be worried about

42e How do I use prepositions in expressions?

In many common expressions, different PREPOSITIONS convey great differences in meaning. For example, four prepositions can be used with the verb agree to create five different meanings. agree to means to give consent: I cannot agree to my buying you a new car. agree about means to arrive at a satisfactory understanding: We certainly agree about your needing a car. agree on means to concur: You and the seller must agree on a price for the car. agree with means to have the same opinion: I agree with you that you need a car. agree with means to be suitable or healthful: The idea of having such a major expense does not agree with me. You can find entire books filled with English expressions that include prepositions. Here are some common expressions: afraid of, familiar with, famous for, friendly toward (or with), guilty of, patient with, proud of.


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