Adult Medical Surgical Ati

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Individual Performance Profile RN Adult Medical Surgical 2010

Individual Name: ASHLEY B WOLCOTT Student Number: 000444306 Institution: Program Type: Test Date: # of Questions: Northwest U WA BSN 4/29/2013 90 Adjusted Individual Total Score: ATI Proficiency Level: Mean - National: Mean - Program: Percentile Rank - National: Percentile Rank - Program: 68.9% Level 2 64.5% 63.7% 72 75

Individual Performance in the Major Content Areas

# Sub-Scale Safety and Infection Control Health Promotion and Maintenance Basic Care and Comfort Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies Reduction of Risk Potential Physiological Adaptation Items 2 1 6 24 25 32 Individual Score 100.0% 0.0% 83.3% 66.7% 80.0% 62.5% Mean Percentile Rank Individual Score (% Correct) National Program National Program Type Type
N/A N/A 76.5% 71.4% 62.4% 62.0% N/A N/A 75.3% 70.9% 61.3% 61.1% N/A N/A 84 37 96 57 N/A N/A 86 39 97 60

NOTE: Means and percentile ranks are not presented for sub-scales with fewer than five items.

Topics To Review
Health Promotion and Maintenance (1 item)
Health and Wellness (1 item) Health, Wellness, and Illness: Smoking Cessation Strategies (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 1, Basic Concept)

Basic Care and Comfort (6 items)

Nutrition and Oral Hydration (2 items) Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema: Dietary Teaching (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 36, System Disorder)

Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (24 items)

Central Venous Access Devices (3 items) Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Administering Medication Through a Nontunneled Percutaneous Central Venous Catheter (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 31, Therapeutic Procedure, RM AMS RN 7.1 Chp 40) Cardiovascular Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: PICC (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 31, Therapeutic Procedure) Medication Administration (3 items) Diabetes Mellitus Management: Administering Insulin (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 96, Medication) Diabetes Mellitus Management: Teaching a Client Who is Visually Impaired (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 96, Therapeutic Procedure) Pharmacological Pain Management (3 items) Angina and Myocardial Infarction: Assess for Need for Nitroglycerin (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 35, Therapeutic Procedure) Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema: Client Response to Propranolol (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 36, Medication)
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Report Created on: 5/2/2013 02:03 AM CDT

Topics To Review
Pain Management: Priority Action (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 4, Therapeutic Procedure) Total Parenteral Nutrition - TPN (4 items) Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Shortage of TPN Solution (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 52, Therapeutic Procedure)

Reduction of Risk Potential (25 items)

Changes/Abnormalities in Vital signs (1 item) Hepatitis and Cirrhosis: Clinical Manifestations of Hepatitis B (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 62, System Disorder) Laboratory Values (5 items) Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema: Recognizing Digoxin Toxicity (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 36, Medication) Hyperthyroidism: Monitoring Laboratory Results (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 91, Diagnostic Procedure, RM AMS RN 7.1 Chp 52) Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures (5 items) Respiratory Diagnostic Procedures: Postoperative Plan of Care (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 18, Diagnostic Procedure) Therapeutic Procedures (6 items) Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Client Education After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 34, System Disorder)

Physiological Adaptation (32 items)

Alterations in Body Systems (11 items) Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Recognizing Complications (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 52, Therapeutic Procedure) Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis: Complications (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 65, System Disorder) Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Dietary Recommendations (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 58, System Disorder) Oxygen Therapy and Mechanical Ventilation: Caring for a Client with an Endotracheal Tube (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 21, Therapeutic Procedure) Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances (5 items) Emergency Nursing Principles and Management: Treating Shock (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 2, Therapeutic Procedure, RM AMS RN 7.1 Chp 50) Illness Management (7 items) Electrolyte Imbalances: Hyponatremia (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 49, System Disorder) Heart Failure and Pulmonary Edema: Recognizing Manifestations of Left-Sided Heart Failure (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 36, System Disorder) Hyperthyroidism: Teaching Self-Care (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 91, System Disorder) Osteoporosis: Illness Management (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 81, System Disorder) Medical Emergencies (5 items) Esophageal Disorders: Prioritizing Emergency Interventions (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 53, Therapeutic Procedure) Pathophysiology (2 items) Burns: Laboratory Values (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 87, System Disorder) Unexpected Response to Therapies (1 item) Colorectal Cancer: Interpreting Laboratory Values for Client Undergoing Chemotherapy (RM AMS RN 8.0 Chp 59, Diagnostic Procedure)

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Report Created on: 5/2/2013 02:03 AM CDT

No of Individual Score 66.7% 71.2% Description
Ability to recall and comprehend information and concepts foundational to quality nursing practice. Ability to use critical thinking skills (interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, and explanation) to make a clinical judgment regarding a posed clinical problem. Includes cognitive abilities of application and analysis.

Thinking Skills
Foundational Thinking in Nursing (RN 2010) Clinical Judgment/Critical Thinking in Nursing (RN 2010)

Items 24 66

No of

Individual Score 70.6% Description

Ability to demonstrate nursing judgment in making decisions about priority responses to a client problem. Also includes establishing priorities regarding the sequence of care to be provided to multiple clients.

Priority Setting

Items 17

No of

Individual Score 86.7% Description

Ability to apply nursing knowledge to the systematic collection of data about the clients present health status in order to identify the clients needs and to identify appropriate assessments to be performed based on client findings. Also includes the ability to accurately collect client data throughout the assessment process (client history, client interview, vital sign and hemodynamic measurements, physical assessments) and to appropriately recognize the need for assessment prior to intervention. Ability to analyze collected data and to reach an appropriate nursing judgment about the clients health status and coping mechanisms, specifically recognizing data indicating a health problem/risk and identifying the clients needs for health intervention. Also includes the ability to formulate appropriate nursing diagnoses/collaborative problems based on identified client needs. Ability to apply nursing knowledge to the development of an appropriate plan of care for clients with specific health alterations or needs for health promotion/maintenance. Includes the ability to establish priorities of care, effectively delegate client care, and set appropriate client goals/outcomes in order to ensure clients needs are met. Ability to select/implement appropriate interventions (e.g., technical skill, client education, communication response) based on nursing knowledge, priorities of care, and planned goals/outcomes in order to promote, maintain, or restore a clients health. Also includes the ability to appropriately respond to an unplanned event (e.g., observation of unsafe practice, change in client status) or lifethreatening situation and to routinely take measures to minimize a clients risk. Ability to evaluate a clients response to nursing interventions and to reach a nursing judgment regarding the extent to which goals and outcomes have been met. Also includes the ability to assess client/staff understanding of instruction, the effectiveness of intervention, and the recognition of a need for further intervention.

Nursing Process
Assessment (RN 2010)

Items 15

Analysis/Diagnosis (RN 2010)



Planning (RN 2010)


Implementation/Therapeutic Nursing Intervention (RN 2010)



Evaluation (RN 2010)



Please see page 4 for an explanation of the Scores and Topics to Review sections

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Report Created on: 5/2/2013 02:03 AM CDT

Score Explanation and Interpretation

Individual Performance Profile
Adjusted Individual Total Score:
The adjusted individual total score is a function of the number of questions answered correctly divided by the number of scored questions on the assessment. This percentage-correct score is then adjusted to account for differences in the difficulty of the form taken, producing the adjusted individual total score. For example:
Number of questions answered correctly Total number of scored questions on the assessment Adjustment 65 = 72.2% ( for form ) = Adjusted Individual 90 difficulty Total Score =

Below Level 1 Scores below the Proficiency Level 1

standard can be considered below minimum expectations and may be indicative of significant risk in this content area. ATI strongly advises these students to develop and complete an intensive plan for focused review and remediation, including the use of ATI materials, textbooks, class notes, reference materials, and assistance from nurse educators.

Norm-Referenced Measures:
Means and percentile ranks can be useful for comparing performance to other nursing students, both nationally and within the same RN program type. These means and percentile ranks are initially set on a volunteer norming sample. They are reviewed annually, and may be periodically reset as more students take the assessments.

Individual scores can be interpreted through criterionreferenced or norm-referenced measures. Criterionreferenced measures are best used to determine if an established standard has been met. Norm-referenced measures can be useful for comparing performance to other students.

Mean - National:
The national mean is the average of the individual scores of all test takers (within a specified sample from the ATI data pool) for this assessment. The national mean includes all RN program types.

Mean - Program:

Criterion-Referenced ATI Proficiency Levels:

These classifications were developed as the result of a national standard setting study conducted by ATI, involving nurse educator content experts from across the U.S.

The program mean is the average of the individual scores of all test takers of your RN program type (within a specified sample from the ATI data pool) for this assessment.

Percentile Rank - National:

The national percentile rank refers to the proportion of test takers from all types of RN nursing programs (within a specified sample from the ATI data pool) whose scores are the same as or lower than your individual score.

Level 3 - Scores meeting the Proficiency Level 3 standard may be considered to exceed most expectations for performance in this content area. Scores at this level were judged by the content expert panel to indicate a student as likely to exceed NCLEX-RN standards in this content area. ATI advises these students to engage in continuous focused review to maintain and improve their knowledge of this content. Level 2 - Scores meeting the Proficiency Level 2 standard may be considered to exceed minimum expectations for performance in this content area. Scores at this level were judged by the content expert panel to indicate a student as fairly certain to meet NCLEX-RN standards in this content area. ATI advises these students to engage in continuous focused review in order to improve their knowledge of this content. Level 1 - Scores meeting the Proficiency Level 1 standard may be considered to meet the absolute minimum expectations for performance in this content area. Scores at this level were judged by the content expert panel to indicate a student as likely to just meet NCLEX-RN standards in this content area. ATI advises these students to develop and complete a rigorous plan of focused review in order to achieve a firmer grasp of this content.

Percentile Rank - Program:

A program percentile rank refers to the proportion of test takers from your specific type of RN nursing program (within a specified sample from the ATI data pool) whose scores were the same as or lower than your individual score.

NA: Data not available Pretest Items: There are 5 unscored pretest questions
throughout the assessment, and 90 scored questions. The pretest questions are used for research purposes.

Topics to Review:
Based on the questions missed on this assessment, a listing of content areas and topics to review is provided. A variety of learning resources may be used in the review process, including content, images, animations and videos in select components of ATIs Content Mastery Series Review Modules, and online practice assessments.


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