Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection-C8301C

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

Aristech Acrylics LLC 7350 Empire Drive Florence, KY 41042

Emergency: (859) 283-1501 (8 a.m. 5 p.m. Mon-Fri) (800) 424-9300 (Off-Hour Emergencies)

Section 1 Product Identification

Product Name: Synonyms: Chemical Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Avonite, C1, G3, A3, K1, K3, M3 Polyester

Section 2 Composition/Information on Ingredients

Ingredient Name
* Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection


% WT

Exposure Limits
This product can generate Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated (PNOR). The OSHA PEL-TWA for PNOR is 15 mg/m3 (total dust) and 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). The TLV-TWA for Particles Not Otherwise Specified (PNOS) is 10 mg/m3 (inhalable) and 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction). Y(Hazardous)** PNOC - 15 mg/m3 (total dust) 5 mg/m3 (respirable fraction) (OSHA PEL TWA) PNOC - 10 mg/m3 (inhalable) 3 mg/m3 (respirable fraction) (ACGIH TLV TWA) Y(Hazardous)** N/A OSHA PEL TWA N/A ACGIH TLV TWA N (Hazardous) N/A OSHA PEL TWA N/A ACGIH TLV TWA

Alumina Trihydrate






Cured Polyester Resin



* Mixture. Chemicals that follow this listed chemical are part of the listed mixture. ** All ingredients in quantities >1.0% (>0.1% for carcinogens) that are potentially hazardous per OSHA definitions Some States enforce the PELs that OSHA promulgated in 1989, which were subsequently vacated by the U.S. Supreme Court. Check with your state OSHA agency to determine which PEL is enforced in your jurisdiction.

Section 3 Hazard Identification

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

Emergency Overview: CAUTION! Inhalation of dusts or vapors may cause upper respiratory tract irritation with coughing and a burning sensation in the throat. Repeated skin exposures to dusts may cause dermatitis. Potential Health Effects: Eyes: Transient/mechanical irritation from contact with dusts. Possible irritation from operations and processing vapors or dusts. Skin: Possible transient/mechanical irritation. Ingestion: Product in marketed form is inert. Inhalation: Sawing, sanding, grinding, or burning may cause upper respiratory tract irritation Relevant Routes of Exposure: Inhalation, eye and skin. Signs and Symptoms of Acute Overexposure: Product sold in its marketed form is not expected to present a serious health hazard; however, operations such as sawing, sanding, grinding or burning may generate dust, smoke or vapors which may be irritating. Inhalation of such dusts, smoke and vapors may cause upper respiratory tract irritation. Symptoms may include burning sensation, coughing, sneezing, and sore throat. Skin contact with dust may produce transitory mechanical irritation. Symptoms may include redness and itching. High concentrations of dusts may cause irritation to the eyes causing burning, redness, and tearing. This product is not expected to be toxic if ingested. Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Overexposure: Prolonged or repeated over exposures to high concentrations may cause coughing, dizziness, confusion, headache and drowsiness. Prolonged or repeated skin contact to dust may lead to dry skin. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated By Exposure: Individuals with chronic respiratory disorders may be adversely affected by any fume or airborne particulate matter exposure. Persons with preexisting skin disorders may be more susceptible to the effects of this material. Carcinogenicity: NTP: N/A IARC: Y* OSHA: N/A ACGIH: N/A OTHER: N/A *Titanium Dioxide is listed as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). In lifetime inhalation studies of rats, airborne respirable-size titanium dioxide particles have been shown to cause lung tumors at concentrations associated with substantial particle lung burdens and consequential pulmonary overload and inflammation. However, other laboratory animals such as mice and hamsters did not develop lung tumors under similar testing

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

with titanium dioxide. Furthermore, human epidemiology studies do not suggest an association between occupational exposure to titanium dioxide and risk for cancer Under normal conditions of use and exposure, toxicological and epidemiological studies for titanium dioxide have shown no significant adverse health effects. Results of an epidemiology study showed that employees who had been exposed to titanium dioxide were at no greater risk of developing lung cancer than were employees who had not been exposed to titanium dioxide. No associations were observed between titanium dioxide exposure and chronic respiratory disease or lung abnormalities. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that titanium dioxide will not cause lung cancer or chronic respiratory disease in humans at concentrations experienced in the work place. Additional Information If Applicable

Section 4 First Aid Measures

Eyes: Flush immediately with plenty of cool water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician immediately. Skin: Wash affected area with soap and plenty of water. If irritation develops, call a physician. Ingestion: Product in its marketed form is inert. If large amounts are swallowed, call physician, immediately. Inhalation: For overexposure to heated resins, remove from exposure. If breathing is difficult, or has stopped, administer artificial respiration (mouth-to-mouth) or oxygen as indicated. Call a physician, immediately. Notes to Physicians: None known.

Section 5 Fire Fighting

Flammable Limits in Air (% by Volume): N/A Extinguishing Media: Use water or dry chemicals to extinguish fire. Fire Fighting Instructions: Firefighters should wear NIOSH/MSHA approved self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing when fighting fires. Use cold water spray to cool fire-exposed containers. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Burning material may give off toxic products of combustion (CO, CO2 ) when involved in a hot fire. Known or Anticipated Hazardous Products of Combustion: Combustion products may include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and acrid smoke and fumes. Flash Point: N/A

Section 6 Accidental Release Measures

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

Accidental Release Measures and Methods for Cleanup: If released or spilled, product may be cleaned up and disposed in the trash. Allow hot or heated material to solidify and cool before disposal.

Section 7 Handling and Storage

Handling: Avoid breathing of vapors, fumes and smoke which may be released during thermal processing. Since finished product has sharp edges, protective gloves should be worn when handling. Storage: Store in cool dry area.

Section 8 Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Ventilation Requirements: Local exhaust ventilation should be used to control the emissions of air contaminants. General dilution ventilation may assist with the reduction of air contaminant concentrations. Personal Protective Equipment: Eye/Face: Employees should be required to wear chemical safety goggles to prevent eye contact. A face shield should be used when appropriate to prevent contact with hot material. Skin: When necessary, garments for protection against heated materials should be used to prevent skin contact with hot polymer. Since finished material has sharp edges, wear protective gloves when handling. Polyvinyl alcohol, Teflon and Viton protective garments have been recommended for protection against styrene. Respiratory: Respiratory equipment approved by NIOSH/MSHA for protection against organic vapors and dusts is necessary to avoid inhalation of excessive air contaminants. The appropriate respirator selection depends on the type and magnitude of exposure (refer 29 CFR 1910.134 for appropriate NIOSH approved respirators and to the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication NO. 2001145 for equipment selection). Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is a potential for an uncontrolled release, exposure levels are not known or under any other circumstances where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. Other Protective Clothing/Equipment: Emergency eye wash stations and safety showers should be available in the work area.

Section 9 Physical/Chemical Properties

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

Appearance: Solid sheet, various colors Boiling Point: 290 F Evaporation Rate: N/A Freezing Point: N/A Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient: N/A Odor: Odorless Percent Volatile: <1% Physical State: Solid sheet Solubility in Water: N/A Vapor Density: N/A Molecular/Chemical Formula: Mixture Bulk Density: N/A Melting Point: N/A Water/Oil Distribution Coefficient: N/A Odor Threshold: N/A pH Value: N/A Reactivity in Water: N/A Specific Gravity or Density (Water=1): 1.13-1.28 Vapor Pressure: N/A

Section 10 Stability/Reactivity
Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Temperatures above 290 Deg. F (143 Deg. C) can release styrene. Incompatibility With Other Materials: None known. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, acrid smoke and fumes, possibly styrene. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Conditions to Avoid: None known.

Section 11 Toxicological Information





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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

Toxicological Information: Product Based Information: No toxicological information is available for the finished product. This product is generally believed to be inert based on available data. Ingredient Based Information: Alumina trihydrate may cause eye and skin irritation. Rabbits given polyester resin in the eye developed moderate corneal injury, iritis and conjunctival injury with corneal vascularization. However, all eyes healed by day 21. (USS Toxicity Test Report No. 47-503). Carcinogenicity: Titanium Dioxide is listed as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). In lifetime inhalation studies of rats, airborne respirable-size titanium dioxide particles have been shown to cause lung tumors at concentrations associated with substantial particle lung burdens and consequential pulmonary overload and inflammation. However, other laboratory animals such as mice and hamsters did not develop lung tumors under similar testing with titanium dioxide. Furthermore, human epidemiology studies do not suggest an association between occupational exposure to titanium dioxide and risk for cancer Under normal conditions of use and exposure, toxicological and epidemiological studies for titanium dioxide have shown no significant adverse health effects. Results of an epidemiology study showed that employees who had been exposed to titanium dioxide were at no greater risk of developing lung cancer than were employees who had not been exposed to titanium dioxide. No associations were observed between titanium dioxide exposure and chronic respiratory disease or lung abnormalities. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that titanium dioxide will not cause lung cancer or chronic respiratory disease in humans at concentrations experienced in the work place. Possible target organs: Skin and respiratory system (e.g., lungs)

Additional Information If Applicable

Section 12 Ecological Information

Ecological Information: No ecological data are currently available.

Additional Information If Applicable

Section 13 Disposal Considerations

Disposal Considerations: Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal requirements. This product as sold in its marketed form is not considered an EPA hazardous waste when discarded.

Additional Information If Applicable

Section 14 Transport Information

Proper Shipping Name: Not regulated as a hazardous material Hazard Class: none

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

ID Number: none

Packing Group: none

Additional Information If Applicable

Section 15 Regulatory Information

U.S. Federal Regulations: Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory- Yes Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA 313)- N/A State Regulations: California Proposition 65 List. This product does not any chemicals listed by the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm. International Regulations: European Inventory (EINECS)- Unknown Canadian Inventory (DSL)- Yes SARA Hazards: Acute: Yes Chronic: No Reactive: No Fire: No Pressure: No

Additional Information If Applicable

Section 16 Other Information

NFPA Codes: Health: 2 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 HMIS Codes: Health: 1 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0

Label Statements: CAUTION! Inhalation of dusts or vapors may cause upper respiratory tract irritation with coughing and a burning sensation in the throat. Repeated skin exposures to dusts may cause dermatitis. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing Avoid breathing dust or vapors. Wash thoroughly after handling. Launder contaminated clothing before re-use. Use only with adequate ventilation. If repeated skin contact may occur, wear PVA gloves. Wear chemical safety goggles. If Exposure Limits may be exceeded, wear NIOSH approved respirator with OV/N95 cartridges. Other Information: If you require additional information regarding any legal or regulatory requirements referred to in this MSDS, we suggest that you consult with an appropriate regulatory agency, or with a professional with

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Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS Number: C8301C Product Name: Avonite Surfaces Studio Collection Issue Date: 12/01/2004 Revised Date: 1/27/2010

expertise in this area. This information is taken from sources or based upon data believed to be reliable; however, Aristech Acrylics LLC makes no warranty as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any of the foregoing or that additional or other measures may not be required under particular conditions.

Additional Information If Applicable

Reason for MSDS Revision: TiO2 admonition This MSDS was prepared in accordance with the ANSI Z400.1 1993 Guideline for the Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheets. KEY N/A= Not Applicable MSHA=Mine Safety and Health Administration NIOSH=National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health SARA= Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act CNS= Central Nervous System ACGIH=American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists OSHA=Occupational Safety and Health Administration PNOC=Particulates Not Otherwise Classifiable TLV=Threshold Limit Value PEL=Permissible Exposure Limit TWA=Time Weighted Average STEL=Short Term Exposure Limit CEIL=Ceiling Limit Value For additional product information, please call 800-354-9858.

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