The Actual Infinity in Cantor's Set Theory (G.mpantes)
The Actual Infinity in Cantor's Set Theory (G.mpantes)
The Actual Infinity in Cantor's Set Theory (G.mpantes)
. George Mpantes
www. mpantes gr
The actual infinity Aristotle-Cantor
, potential infinity .
, continuum
George Mpantes
by Aristotle .
" ..... There are no infinite objects , wrote Aristotle , and the infinite totalities of
objects do not form objects of study . Infinite totalities of objects can be
studied only internally ... ( potential infinity) there is no actual infinity, viz
infinity as a whole , whose parts would exist simultaneously , otherwise we
would not comprehend nor the continuity of time (the time would have start
and end) , nor divisibility of sizes ", which means that for Aristotle the only
meaningful study is the study of potential infinity ( Anapolitanos 2005 )
He wrote that:
infinity does not exist in the form of an infinite solid or an infinite magnitude
perceived from senses ... infinity exists only potentially, while actual infinity as a
subject , is the result of a mental leap , which is a process not allowed.
arises from the fact that it has exactly the elements that indicates, and if the
natural numbers are a set N , then the above procedure is considered
finished , and N is actual infinity the same for rational numbers , so for real
numbers . Here we say : the natural numbers is potential infinity because
there is no greater number , but the Cantors set of natural numbers is
actual infinity because it exists as an integrated entity . Thus an expression
actual infinite set " is redundant , saying only infinite set .
The concept of Cantors set is a development exceeded the
physiology of the human brain , which in the route of its growth has learned
thinking linearly (especially regarding time ) , the only way to think infinity is a
line that never ends , or a thing that exists forever , how to conceive a line
without end but finished ! We forget intuition , we did and other times , let us
remember the space-time, the continuum , etc. Descardes said that infinity is
recognizable but not comprehensible.
In Aristotle's question " where the human being can sustain the
controversial conceptual leap of objectification the infinity ? " The answer is :
in the concept of Cantors set. In the sequence 1,2,3,4,5we can write a
billion, a trillion,..terms but all of them are aleph (null) terms.
2.The origins of Cantors infinity
Cantor makes a
see the
meaning of the term) , ie integrated infinite of the second and third kind, which
are clearly delimited , can grow more, and therefore are associated with the
finite .Cantor ) .
George Mpantes
have an end , also the space , and yet it seems that every spatial or time
interval can be divided indefinitely . But, recent opinions in physics verify the
views of the operational definitions of physical concepts , ( The Logic of
Modern Physics, Bridgman) , without exception , even in mental (i.e
mathematical concepts, as the mathematical continuity), so the assertion that
time is infinite is a mere statement, such as the statement of classical
mechanics, that time is global the concepts of science are defined by sets
of operations , and not by arbitrary definitions of philosophical type , they are
in a Platonic world only in our minds , Bridgman is the modern Aristotle for the
new realities of physics (relativity). What experiment has proved that time is
infinitely divisible? It is readily apparent that experiments and infinity are
incompatible since the life of the experimenter is finite .
In all theories of physics the problem of infinity is responsible for
creating impasses . Even Zeno 's paradoxes arise from trying to connect
infinity by the motion of natural bodies . These ( theories ) start to accept
infinity initially and then slowly pooping out this concept to be able to produce
equations to correspond to reality. The vision of the Dirac was just that: to
throw out the infinities of the equations studied ( ' unification of forces Abdus
Salam). That seems as the second infinity of Cantor , in the eventual world of
creation, the natural infinity, doesnt exist just as Aristotle considered ..
4.The mathematical infinity :
Until the nineteenth century mathematicians systematically abstained from the
concept of actual infinity . So when Cantor introduced actually infinite sets he
had to advance his creations against conceptions held by the greatest
mathematicians of the past. The infinitesimals which founded calculus is an
example of the contradiction between the two concepts: they were treated as
both potential and actual infinity. Potential because they are constantly
decreasing quantities without end . Actual because they take part in
operations and behave as zero. The unending process of operation
( reduction ) that produces them, is considered finished . Restoring logical
consequence in Calculus is done using only the potential infinity . This is
basically the meaning of expulsion of infinitesimals from the scope of
George Mpantes
Hence Cantor concluded that the two sets contain the same number of
objects. Now an infinite set can be put into one-to-one correspondence with
a proper subset of itself. In this correspondence, Cantor saw that infinite sets
could obey laws that did not apply to finite collections , as quaternions could
obey new laws that did not hold for real numbers.
This correspondence is a thought experiment , a process we saw
several times in science (space time, continuum). We get conclusions
applicable equally to finite or infinite sets.
Definition 2
equivalent if and only if they can have one to one correspondence with each
other eg A = {1,2,3 ....... 24} B = {letters of the alphabet} .
The concepts: equivalence and correspondence are the drivers
of Cantor in his research. We mention a few examples of equivalent sets.
1.For points any two finite intervals T1 and T2 always happens T1 ~ T2
2.A semi-line and an entire line are equivalent with an interval.
3.The sets of points [0,1], (0,1], [0,1), (0,1) are equivalent
4.The interval [0,1] is designated as the continuum. The intervals, the semi-lines and
the lines are equivalent to each other, especially with the continuum.(fig1,2)
5. there are infinite sets that are not
equivalent to each other, for example, the
continuum and a countable set. But this does
not preclude that all uncountable sets are
equivalent to each other. Therefore, the
following proposal acquires fundamental
theorem 4 : there are infinite sets that are neither countable nor equivalent
George Mpantes
and implied the 'number ' of elements of sets such as the natural numbers or the real
Note that subtraction and division are not defined in this arithmetic . There are
not zero , unit , inverse and negative .
The well-known theorem of Cantor tells us that the power
Cantor's theory provides an infinite sequence of transfinite numbers
and there is evidence that an unlimited number of cardinals larger than c,
there is in reality.
1 = The size of the power set of a set with size aleph3 zero
2 = The size of the power set of a set with a size aleph one,
3 = The size of the power set of a set with a size aleph two .....
We take this way the sequence of the first infinite transfinite numbers 4
But are there transfinite numbers between
and c; the name ( aleph 1 ) was given for such a cardinal . The belief was
that there was not such a number, ie there is no set with cardinality between
the two . This belief is known as the " continuum hypothesis ", and was not
possible to be proved . Finally it has been shown that is not supported by the
More often the question has been discussed of whether Georg Cantor was of Jewish origin.
About this it is reported in a notice of the Danish genealogical Institute in Copenhagen from
the year 1937 concerning his father: "It is hereby testified that Georg Woldemar Cantor, born
1809 or 1814, is not present in the registers of the Jewish community, and that he completely
without doubt was not a Jew .
George Mpantes
usual axioms of set theory , but is usually taken as an additional axiom (Paul
Cohen). At this point the theory bifurcates, here applies the continuum
hypothesis there is not true ! The situation is analogous to the parallel
postulate of Euclidean geometry .
In addition to the transfinite numbers already described
which are
In the case of actual infinity Aristotle does not admit infinite sets as a
totality, in the same way that rejects a seven sided regular polygon. The
Platonists (Cantor was one) on the other hand believe that this exists in some
objective word independent of man, who discovers it.
at all times there have been opposing tendencies in philosophy , and it
would not seem that these differences are nearing any settlement. The reason is
presumably that men have different minds, and that these minds cannot be changed.
There is therefore no hope of expecting any agreement between the Pragmatists
and the Cantorians. Men do not agree because they do not speak the same
language and because some languages can never be learned.Poincare
numbers. Hence there must exist transcendental irrational numbers. But this
existence proof did not enable one to name, much less calculate, even one
transcendental number. Also Gauss , proved that every nth degree polynomial
equation with real or complex coefficients had at least one root. But the proof
did not show how to calculate this root. Many mathematicians regarded the
mere proof of existence as worthless. They wanted a proof that demonstrates
the existence of a mathematical object by creating or providing a method for
creating the object, say that the proof of existence should enable
mathematicians to calculate the existing quantity. Such proofs they call
constructive proof.
proof, because
George Mpantes
itself just the existential part of math, we cant palpate actual infinity but only
to imagine it. It is a mathematical reality on logic, a monster of logic just for
Platonists who believe that true is everything we think, without a connection
with the real world round us.
George Mpantes
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