Shaker Table Plans From WWW Jgokey Com
Shaker Table Plans From WWW Jgokey Com
Shaker Table Plans From WWW Jgokey Com
The table is shaken back and forth longitudinally, using a slow forward stroke and a rapid return strike that causes particles to crawl along the deck parallel to the direction of motion. The lighter materials move up and over the riffles and down to exit on the tailings side of the table. Wash water is fed at the top of the table at right angles to the direction of table movement. Tables are most commonly used to recover gold from hard rock ores, but can also be used to recover other mineral materials of higher than normal density. While building a shaker table is a fairly difficult pro ect, the results can be well worth it...
Shaking tables, sometimes also known as wet tables, consist of a vibrating riffled deck mounted o type of support. ! motor, usually mounted separately off to the side, drives a small arm that shake table along its length. The riffles are usually not more than half an inch high and cover only about table"s surface. #aried riffle designs are available for specific types of applications. Shaking table very efficient at recovering heavy minerals from minus $%% microns &$'% mesh( down to ' micron si)e. *eavy minerals of a si)e greater than $'% mesh are better run through a ig.
The table is shaken back and forth longitudinally, using a slow forward stroke and a rapid return strike that causes particles to crawl along the deck parallel to the direction of motion. The lighter materials move up and over the riffles and down to exit on the tailings side of the table. Wash water is fed at the top of the table at right angles to the direction of table movement. These forces combine to move particles diagonally across the deck from the feed end and they separate out on the table according to si)e and density. Tables are most commonly used to recover gold from hard rock ores, but can also be used to recover other mineral materials of higher than normal density. They do an excellent ob of recovering small gold particles, even with a fairly high feed rate. +t has been demonstrated that a simple shaking table is an environmentally friendly method of recovering fine, grained gold from both placer and hard rock ores. Such tables can have a significant role in the reduction of the use of mercury by small,scale miners by providing them
-n commercially manufactured tables, deck si)es range from $. by /% inches for laboratory testin models up to 0 by $' feet for larger commercial applications. These large tables can process up to tons in 1/ hours. The two basic deck types are rectangular and diagonal. 2ectangular decks are ro rectangle shaped with riffles parallel to the long dimension. 3iagonal decks are irregular rectangle riffles at an angle &nearly diagonal(. +n both types, the shaking motion is parallel to the riffle patte diagonal decks generally have a higher capacity, produce cleaner concentrates, and recover finer s particles. The decks are usually constructed of wood and linoleum, rubber or plastics usually cove top of the deck. These materials have a high coefficient of friction, which aids mineral recovery. 4xpensive, hardwearing decks are made from fiberglass. 5oth the deck surface and riffles on thes are formed as part of the mold. +n operation, a slurry consisting of about 1'6 solids by weight is f wash water along the top of the table.
5uilding a gold shaking table is well within the reach of the home fabricator 7 prospector. ! simpl shaking table can be designed and constructed of cheap materials that are available at a low cost a drive mechanism using bicycle gears and chains and rubber bands made from car tire inner tubes. crank powers the drive mechanism of this prototype but it can readily be modified to be powered bicycle, motor cycle or a motor, either electric or diesel. +ts design was particularly aimed at the re of fine,grained gold. 8aboratory trials showed that for the separation of fine,grained gold, this sim table was as good as and probably slightly more effective than the commercial Wilfley table. !ny home made table needs to be ad ustable, allowing a change in tilt for the flow of the material. The surface of the table should be covered with thin sheet rubber. 2iffles are about 9 or :7.ths of an inch tall and are made from s;uare wood. They are laid down with about one inch between each riffle. While a bicycle gearing system can be used to run the table, it is e;ually possible to run the table with a motor.
*omemade tables have been tested via field trials, which were generally successful. The fabricated table was easily set up and when properly ad usted to a stable configuration, the heavy mineral concentrates were readily recovered. <ield examination during the tests with a hand lens showed that considerable amounts of fine,grained gold had been recovered from the tailings that had previously been processed by the miners" normal methods. Subse;uent laboratory examination revealed that the effectiveness of the simple table was ;uite remarkable as most of the gold was only around /% =m in si)e and grains as small as $% =m had been recovered. 3uring normal shaking table operations, mineral particles tend to stratify in the protected pockets the riffles. The finest and heaviest particles are forced to the bottom and the coarsest and lightest p remain at the top. These particle layers are moved across the riffles by the crowding action of new and the flowing film of wash water. The riffles are tapered and shorten towards the concentrate en to the taper of the riffles, particles of progressively finer si)e and higher density are continuously into contact with the flowing film of water that tops the riffles, as lighter material is washed away concentration takes place in the unriffled area at the end of the deck, where the layer of material a stage is usually only a few particles deep.
The shaking table slopes in two directions, across the riffles from the feed to the tailings discharge and along the line of motion parallel to the riffles from the feed end to the concentrate end. The la greatly improves separation due to the ability of heavy particles to climb a moderate slope in re to the shaking motion of the deck. The elevation difference parallel to the riffles should never be l the taper of the riffles> otherwise wash water tends to flow along the riffles rather than across them
While building a shaker table is a fairly difficult pro ect, the results can be well worth it. ?utting t a pro ect like this will involve some welding of metal parts, and + bought a welder and learned to w ust to be able to do this type of pro ect. + heartily recommend small home welders for folks who l craft their own pro ects. @ow my welds arenAt pretty, but they do the ob , they ust need to be stur hold the riffles in place. + so strongly recommend that you consider buying one of these welders t have done up a whole web page on it. +f you are seriously considering building your own sluice b check out my pageB Low Cost, Small Arc Welders For Home Use
The more tools and fabricating skills you possess, the more likely it is that your home made dredg pro ect will be a success. + have done up a page on the hand tools needed for this type of pro ect, y check it out atB Mining Project Necessary Tools
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