For Black Boys Who Have Considered Homicide When The American Dream Wasn't Enough

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For Black Boys Who Have Considered Homicide When The American Dream Wasnt Enough By Michael Oatman

MFA !lay"right#$n#%esidence at &aramu Theater Characters 'iko # A (ormer gang mem)er a negro* Treysha"n # A (ormer gang mem)er a negro* Marie # The "i(e o( 'iko a "hite "oman* Melvin # Former gang mem)er a negro &isha # Female gang mem)er a negro* Dr* Wideman+'e"scaster # A ,sychiatrist+A 'e"sre,orter anyone* -yno,sis Three (ormer gang mem)ers con(ront their ,ain(ul ,ast* -ettings An o((ice A den A "arehouse

Movement One

.At Rise: In the dark, the sound of gunfire, voices yelling and screaming. A Silence. The sound of Kisha screaming./ Kisha $m hit $m hit* $m )leeding * * * $m (ucking )leeding * * * my god oh my (ucking god * * * that nigga shot me * * * he shot me he shot me * * * Niko * * * 0oure okay * * * youre okay * * * your alright )a)y youre alright* 1 Beat2 &isha * * * &isha * * * stay "ith me stay "ith me * * * $ need hel, * * * $ need hel,* $ need hel, goddamit* 1The sound of sirens and general chaos in the background, continued darkness*2 &isha3 &isha3 &isha3 1A red light begins to blink in the corner of the stage. The red light gets brighter and brighter and reveals a young girl sitting on a crate. 2 Kisha $ roll "ith the ,unches so $ survive* $ rock so $ kee, the cro"d alive $m )alling never stalling )ut $m ,ast the days o( yes ya"ling* %ound a round $ )um, you 4um, u, hear my "ords my ver)s and get 4uiced u,* -o "hat $m $ su,,ose to stand here3 These )right lights $ ,ro)a)ly get a tan here* Hey -cott turn#u, the master so $ can hear and talk (aster* $m the Blast Master 5cause $m )lasting $ kno" a lot o( you are shocked that $ve lasted* 5Cause ra, is like a set u,* A lot o( games a lot o( suckers "ith color(ul names* $m so insulted $m this $m that )ut cha all 4ust "ick "ick "hack* 1 ong beat2 $ lost my li(e on this street corner* $ 4ust got caught u,* $ "ould have you cry (or me )ut that "ould )e )ullshit* $ earned my )ullet* $ did $ kno" that "e all had it coming* $ "atched it all go to hell* We (led (rom the light like cockroaches running (rom a nuclear )last* $m a survivor#ty,e )itch* %ocked it ra" and lived it (ast and loose* We are the a(termath the )ack"ash (rom the (orty the (ace that dont make it in no history )ooks* But "e the niggas that live that real shit* $ aint Harriet Tu)man $ aint %osa !arks $ aint Correta or none o( them other )itches* $ rock it real and )leed in the dark* $n the ,laces the history )ooks dont talk a)out* $ aint the )itch that they talk a)out )ut $ am as real as all them )itches * * * $ cra"led out o( a se"er on my (ucking knees and made something out o( nothing* But its 6uiet no"* Met my end on that s,ot right there* 1 A bright !hite s"otlight illuminates on a s"ot on the floor *2 0eah right there* !layed the game and a nigga got ,layed * * * laid the (uck out * * * Mutha * * * $ "as this close to really * * * this mutha(ucking close to having * * * having a ,iece o( something * * * o( making my

"ay and having* But thats gone no"* $ am here in the in#)et"een ,lace the grey the darkness the ether* $ dont have to )other "ith cleaning u, the mess* 1 The sound of gunfire. Kisha#s "ortion of the stage goes dark as the main "latform becomes illuminated. $iko is standing in the foreground smoking a cigarette and looking out into the audience. A fe! seconds later, a s"otlights illuminates %r. &ideman sitting in a chair behind $iko. %r. &ideman is !riting on a !riting "ad*/ Dr. Wideman Those thingsll kill ya* Niko Thats "hat they say* Niko 1 ong beat2 -orry* That "as indelicate* Niko $ts alright* Dr. Wideman $ts 4ust that * * * that a man "ith your condition * * * $ "ould think * * * Niko * * * Thats not your area Dr* Wideman * * * Dr. Wideman * * * 0es $ kno" $ "as 4ust * * * Niko * * * 8eave it * * * $ need you chasing the co) "e)s out o( my attic* Dr. Wideman $ kno" youve )een struggling "ith * * * Niko * * * $ said leave it* Dr. Wideman Okay* Niko -orry* Dr. Wideman

'o ,ro)lem )ut this is a non#smoking )uilding* $ "ould think that a man * * * $ "ould think you "ouldnt "ant to come any"here near those things* Niko $n (or a ,enny * * * Dr. Wideman * * * 'o smoking signs all over the ,lace * * * Niko * * * :ood thing $ o"n the ,lace* Dr. Wideman He "ho has the gold and all that* Niko 1$iko "uts the cigarette out in a cu" of coffee on the small table behind him *2 Ha,,y3 Dr. Wideman 0our not ,aying ;<= )ucks an hour to hear a)out my ha,,iness* Niko $ s"ear $ dont kno" "hy $ ,ay it* Dr. Wideman $ couldnt say* $ 4ust cash the checks* 1Beat2 -o "hat did she say3 Niko What did "ho say3 Dr. Wideman !laying (ootsie "ith me3 :ood ahead* $ get ,aid either "ay* Niko 0eah* 1 ong beat2 'o* Dr. Wideman 'o3 Niko 'o* $ did not talk to her* Dr. Wideman 0ou didnt talk to her3 Niko $s there an echo in here3


Dr. Wideman 0ou said you "ould * * * "ould discuss it "ith her * * * Niko * * * $ kno" "hat $ said* $ * * * $ * * * $ 4ust couldnt* Dr. Wideman 0ou mean "ouldnt* Couldnt denotes an ina)ility to do so* 0ou !ouldn#t do it* Niko Okay* Wouldnt* Dr. Wideman Thats a ,ro)lem* Niko Dont start morali?ing * * * Dr. Wideman * * * -to, it 'iko* Morali?ing has nothing to do "ith it* Niko Bullshit "hy does it (ucking matter i( $m ti,,ing on my "i(e "hy does that one act have to turn into some * * * some ,lat(orm (or you to 4udge me* Only :od can 4udge me* Dr. Wideman 0ou (inished3 Niko 0es* Dr. Wideman $ do not 4udge you )y my standards $ am sim,ly holding you accounta)le )y your o"n* This thing is tearing a,art* And the "ear is starting to sho"* @ntil you deal "ith this situation all the other * * * stu(( "e are dealing "ith in your marriage "ont mean a thing* $ts like trying to heal the "ound "hile the )lade is still in your )ack* Niko $ dont "ant to * * * Dr. Wideman * * * 0ou kno" that shes never coming )ack right3 Niko -orry3


Dr. Wideman &isha* -hes never coming )ack* -hes dead* And you can slee, "ith all o( the dangerous unsta)le "omen you "ant )ut you "ill never )ring her )ack* 0ou kno" that right3 Niko 0es* Dr. Wideman 0es3 Niko 0es* Dr. Wideman $ts okay to have memories )ut you cant "allo" in them* Niko 0eah* 1A red light begins to flicker in the corner of the stage. Kisha enters*2 Kisha 0eah that aint no mutha(ucking lie "allo"ing in the ,ast can kill a nigga 6uicker than Cancer* 0ou kno" "hat $ mean3 Niko 0es * * * yes $ do* 1Kisha !alks over to $iko#s 'acket, takes out a "ack of cigarettes and "ulls one out, lights it and begins to smoke*2 Dr. Wideman 'iko3 Niko 0eah * * * yeah * * * Dr. Wideman * * * 0es "hat3 0ou (loating o(( again3 Kisha These are good ass scented eA,ensive s6uares* That is the )usiness* 1Kisha !alks over and straightens $iko#s collar*2 0ou a high level nigga no" guess you have to act accordingly* Niko 'o doc $m right here* 1Kisha e(its*2 0ou think $ should tell her*

Dr. Wideman 'ot my call* -hes your "i(e* Niko $ dont kno"* Dr. Wideman -ince you carry such guilt a)out the a((air $ "ould think ending it "ould )e a,,ro,riate* Besides a(ter the last incident $ "ould think you "ould have other reasons to end this situation* Niko -hes )etter no"* Dr. Wideman -hes not sta)le* Niko $ kno"* Dr. Wideman That cant end "ell* Niko $ kno"* Dr. Wideman $ kno" you kno" no" you have to do* Thera,y is not some o)4ect lesson it also has to serve as an action ,lan to do something* Niko 0eah so you say* Dr. Wideman Being around someone that unsta)le is not a good thing (or you* $ts destructive* $ts not )een that long since * * * since the car crash the incident* Niko The incident3 Dr. Wideman The incident* Niko That "as almost t"o years ago*

Dr. Wideman Might as "ell have )een yesterday* Niko $m (ine* Dr. Wideman Thats "hat you said )e(ore the car crash* Niko $m (ine * * * that "as 4ust a * * * 4ust a * * * Dr. Wideman * * * 0our minimi?ing* Niko $m not * * * $m 4ust struggling a little is all* But $ "ill )e (ine* Dr. Wideman And your drug use3 Niko $ told you )e(ore $m done "ith that* Done* Thats one demon thats gone (or good* Dr. Wideman :ood to here )ut $ still think that you might )ene(it (rom going to a meeting * * * Niko Dont start "ith that meeting 4a?? * * * all $ need is :od thats it* $ dont have to sit in a circle "ith some )urn outs to kick* Dr. Wideman 0ou needed some hel, a(ter the car "reck* 0ou couldnt do that )y yoursel(* 0ou came to me (or hel,* 0ou sought out hel,* That "as a good instinct* Niko 0ou "ere my "i(es idea* Dr. Wideman Thank :od (or her* Niko $ts done in the rearvie" mirror Dr.Wideman 'o ,un intended*

Niko $m done "ith it you D*$*:3 Dr. Wideman $( you say so* 1Beat2 And on that note * * * Niko * * * Time to end the session3 Dr. Wideman 0e,* Niko :ood* 1$iko !alks over to the chair and "icks u" his suit 'acket and "uts it on*2 $ have a headache* Dr. Wideman Tough thing having another ,erson running around in your head* Niko 0ou have no idea* 1$iko begins to e(it*2 Oh and uh * * * )y the "ay $ might )e going u, on the rent a little )it * * * you kno" that economy and everything* Dr. Wideman 1Beat2 0eah $ kno" "hat you mean* Been thinking a)out u,,ing the hourly rate on my sessions* 1Beat2 This economy is a killer* Niko 1 ong beat. $iko smiles*2 -ee ya neAt "eek doc* Dr. Wideman 'eAt "eek* 1$iko e(its as the lights fade to black* Music ,lays*2

Movement T"o .The s"otlight comes u" and reveals $iko in a large comfortable den in an u"scale home. There are t!o lounger chairs and bet!een those t!o chairs is a small table. $iko is on the "hone in mid)conversation and clearly agitated.. / Niko Fesus Christ* This is cra?y * * * 4ust (iA the ,ro)lem * * * thats "hat $ ,ay you (or * * * (iA the damn ,ro)lem * * * -heronda $ * * * 8ook * * * $ dont care "hat you have to do "hen he leaves you make sure that he understands * * * "e "ill ,ay (or the vendors (ee and go hal( on the late ,enalty )ut no more* -heronda * * * -heronda * * * $ cant * * * -heronda $ cant * * * )etter yet $ "ont ,ay (or anything * * * i( its a deal )reaker than its a deal )reaker* 0ou make sure he kno"s that $ am "illing to "alk a"ay (rom this thing * * * Take care o( it its "hat $ ,ay you (or s"eetheart* $ trust you -heronda 4ust use your commonsense* Okay3 0eah* -ure thing* -ee you tomorro" * * * 0eah yeah yeah* Tomorro"* 0eah* Bye )ye no"* 1$iko hangs u" the "hone. *e "laces it on the small table bet!een the t!o loungers* Almost as soon as he "uts it do!n the "hone rings again. *e "icks u" the "hone off the small table and grimaces. Then he cuts the "hone off and "uts the "hone back do!n. The he !alks over to the door in his offices and he locks it. Then he !alks over to his lounger and sits back do!n. *e reaches into the small dra!er and "ulls out a small "lastic bag !ith !hite "o!der in it. *e s"rinkles some "o!der on the back of his hand and snorts it. *e !inces as the drug absorbs into


his system. *e eases back in his lounger and closes his eyes. There is a knock on the door. $iko gets u" and !alks over to the door and unlocks it. 2 Marie 'iko* Niko 0es3 Marie -ome)odys at the door* Niko At the door3 At this time o( night3 Who is it3 Marie $ dont kno"* He "ouldnt give his name* He said he needs to talk to you* Niko -ho" him in* 1+arie e(its. Treysha!n and +arie re)enter the room*2 Can $ hel, you3 Treyshawn For starters you could (iA me a drink* Niko And "ho are you again3 Treyshawn Forgot me already ,hi ,hi3 1$iko turns around*2 Niko $ts okay Marie* $ts okay* Marie Alright* $ll )e in the living room* Niko Okay Marie* 1+arie e(its the stage*2 What did you call me3 Treyshawn $ called you your name* Niko Thats not my name* $t hasnt )een my name (or a long time* 1 Beat2 Who are * * * Fesus Christ* Treysha"n* Treyshawn


$n the (lesh* Niko Fesus Christ* Treyshawn 0ou look like you seen a ghost* Niko May)e $ have* 1Beat2 Ho" much "eight have you lost3 Treyshawn A)out C= ,ounds give or take a (e"* Couldnt live right carrying all that "eight* -to,,ed eating that s"ine and cut do"n on the red meat* Niko 0ou a Muslim3 Treyshawn 'ot even close* $m 4ust a nigga trying to survive the )est $ can* Niko What in the hell are doing in -olon3 Treyshawn Fust in the neigh)orhood* Niko 0ou a long "ay (rom East Cleveland* Treyshawn 'ot really* Outside that "indo" is as much East Cleveland as any ,lace else no" a days* East Cleveland done s,read like a virus* 1Beat2 Thats a nice suit Brooks Brothers3 Niko 0ou have a good eye* $ 4ust got home (rom a meeting* 1 Beat2 0ou still havent told me "hy youre here* Treyshawn What a)out that drink3 1The $iko !alks over to the small bar and grabs t!o glasses and "uts ice in them*2 Niko Whatchu drinking3 Treyshawn


$ll take a vodka on the rocks* 1The $iko "ours the drinks. And then he !alks over to the t!o loungers and sits the drinks on the small table in bet!een the t!o loungers*2 Niko Alright so no" you got a seat and a drink* 'o" you mind telling me "hy your here3 Treyshawn $ need something (rom me* Niko 0ou need something (rom you3 Treyshawn 0eah $ need something (rom you* Niko 0eah $ (igured it "as something like that* 1$iko stands u"*2 8ook $ dont run the streets anymore )ut $m not some easy mark * * * Treyshawn * * * 0eah you aint no easy mark * * * your "hat a real estate mogul right3 At least thats "hat the ,a,ers say* Niko $ do okay :od )less* Treyshawn More than okay* According to the ,a,ers you got some huge ,ro4ect you "orking on do"n on <<th and Euclid Avenue* :ot a )uilding going u, there $ hear* Niko 0ou remem)er them rat tra,s "e came u, in3 We kno" )etter than most the need (or lo" cost a((orda)le housing (or our ,eo,le* $m one o( many investors involve in that ,ro4ect* Treyshawn 0ou are "ay too modest* To let the ,a,ers tell it you hel,ed organi?e that "hole thing got the city involved* Niko $ve have gained some (riends over the years* Treyshawn 8o" cost a((orda)le housing* -hit East Cleveland could use that ty,e o( entra,anurial vision* Ever launch any ,ro4ects there3


Niko 1 ong "ause2 $ dont do much "ork in East Cleveland* Treyshawn Dont o"n any ,ro,erties there3 Niko 'o* Treyshawn And "hy is that3 Niko 0ou kno" "hy* Treyshawn Too many memories* 1Beat2 Ho" the hell does a nigga (rom East Cleveland end u, doing real estate any"ay3 Niko A(ter doing time in ,rison there "erent many vocational o,tions* -cratched together a (e" ,ennies here and there * * * ,urchased a cou,le o( houses "orked my ass o(( (or years neAt thing you no" Guality %eality "as )orn* Ho" do you kno" so much a)out my com,anyH $ "as a ,retty small ,art o( that article on the <<th ,ro4ect3 Treyshawn That $nternet shit is un)elieva)le* A cou,le key strokes and you (ind any)ody and damn near track they "hole li(e* Oh congratulations on your a"ard (rom the @r)an 8eague* $ sa" a ,ress release on the net a)out it* Niko This is real nice catching u, and all )ut "hy are you here3 Treyshawn 8ike $ said $ need something (rom you* Niko And like $ said $m not an easy mark* And $ dont o"e you anything* And $ aint some ATM (or niggas (rom my old hood trying to come u, on a (ree ,ay day* Treyshawn 1-irst line to s"oken in a mock +arlon Brando, .odfather voice *2 What $ have $ done to make you treat me so disres,ect(ully3 Thats "hy you think $m here3


Niko 'a" you here (or the scenery* Treyshawn 'ot too long ago "e "ere (riends* 8ike )rothers and you come at me like that3 My sister loved you * * * Niko * * * 8eave &isha out o( this* Treyshawn Ho" in the hell can $ leave her out o( this* Huh * * * a day hasnt ,assed that $ aint thought a)out her * * * her smell * * * $ can still remem)er ho" she used to smell* Do you still remem)er3 Niko O( course* Treyshawn Do you really3 Niko What is this a)out3 Treyshawn This is a)out us 'iko* A)out "ho are* Niko $ cant live in that ,ast* Treyshawn We cant run (rom it either can "e3 Niko -,eak (or yoursel(* When $ got out $ couldnt run (ast enough* Treyshawn 0eah $ sa" all the stories in the ne"s,a,er a)out that la"yer "ho got you out* Niko He didnt 4ust get me out he cleared my name* Treyshawn $ "as sur,rised he didnt call me $ "ould have told him you "ere innocent* $ said (rom the )eginning you didnt kill my sister*


Niko We looked (or you )ut "e couldnt (ind you* Treyshawn 0eah $ had to leave* Had to get a"ay* Niko We did use the statement you gave the ,olice* :reen (ound it on discovery* But it didnt do much good gang )angers dont eAactly carry much "eight "ith the ,rosecutor* Treyshawn That night "as a )lur* Niko 'ot (or me* $ remem)er every damned minute o( it* Missed killing him )y a)out t"o inches* Treyshawn %emem)er "hat "e talked a)out )e(ore they loaded me into the meat "agon3 Niko 'o* Treyshawn 'o huh3 Niko 'o* 0ou "ere hal( out o( your mind* Treyshawn What a)out later "hen "e s,oke at the county "hen $ came to see you3 Niko That "as over t"enty years ago* Treyshawn -ome things you dont (orget* Niko 8ive long enough and you (orget everything * * * i( youre lucky* Treysha"n $ve never (orgotten her* Niko Thats not "hat $ meant


Treyshawn -o you still remem)er her3 Niko O( course* 0ou kno" ho" many times since that night that $ve * * * But $ cant live there (orever* $ moved on* $ dont live in your "orld anymore* And $m not a)out to let you ,ull me )ack in* Treyshawn My "orld3 My "orld3 0ou said that like yo hands are clean* 0ou think $m still hustling rock on street corners3 Well aintchu )rand ne"* 1Treysha!n reaches /uickly in his "ocket*2 Niko 1$iko rears back in his chair as if Treysha!n is about to "ull out a gun*2 Hey easy man* 1The Treysha!n "roduces a card. *e hands it over to the $iko. $iko reads aloud from the card*2 Easy Cream $nc* I-erving u, the -miles*J Treysha"n Hairston o"ner and ,ro,rietor* What the (uck is this3 Treyshawn Thats my li(e* Niko Easy Cream $nc3 Treyshawn $ run a chain o( ice cream sho,s in southern Ohio* Thirteen locations in eight di((erent cities* We do sundaes so(t serve * * * "e even )ranched out to doing ham)urgers and hot dogs at ten o( our locations* Our main store is in Colum)us* Thats "here $ live no"* Niko $ce cream3 Treyshawn Hey "e cleared 7*< million in sells last year selling that shit* Niko Ho" did you end u, * * * Treyshawn * * * $ dont kno"* $ts like anything else $ guess* !retty much like your story* 0ou make a (e" decisions that dont seem like much at the time* And the neAt thing you kno" you a


(uckin ice cream king,in* 1Beat2 The ,oint )eing $ aint here (or money * * * or to casually stroll do"n memory lane* Niko Then "hy are you here3 1The Treysha!n reaches into his "ocket and "roduces a "icture of his sister and hands it to $iko*2 Treyshawn Thats "hy $m here* Niko Fesus Christ* -he still the most )eauti(ul thing $ve ever seen* Treyshawn $ still miss her* My mother "ent to her grave )laming me (or her death* Niko Thats messed u,* Treyshawn Whats messed u, is she "as right* 1Beat2 $ should have looked out (or my &isha ke,t her o(( them streets * * * Niko * * * &e,t her a"ay (rom me* Treyshawn $ didnt say that* Niko $ use to sit in that cell hour a(ter hour minute a(ter minute trying to (igure out ho" things got so (ucked u,* 0ou shot and her * * * gone * * * and $ "as in a cell* The co,s "ouldnt even let me grieve* Treyshawn $ remem)er "aking u, "ith tu)es cra"ling out my ass* Bleeding into my lungs and shit* Every time $ coughed it "as like )ringing u, a )loody Mary* Niko $ "asnt too much older than my daughter is no" having some CO looking u, my ass "ith a (lashlight* To this day )ack in East Cleveland they still think $ killed her* Treyshawn 0ou kno" $ still got a )ullet logged in the so(t tissue o( my )ack3


Niko %eally3 Treyshawn Every time $ (ly $ light u, the metal detector like the (ourth o( Fuly* As i( a )rother aint sus,icious enough* While they got me hemmed u, some Ara) mother (ucker ski,,ing through security "ith Allah in his heart and a ,i,e )om) in his carry#on* This ,ost E;;# shit aint no 4oke* Niko Fust another reason to harass a )rotha* Treyshawn As i( they need another one* 1Beat2 When $ got out the hos,ital * * * $ told them* Told the hood "ho "as really res,onsi)le* $ told 5em a)out Wu#tang* $ told 5em "hat he did* -,ent the neAt (ive years trying to (ind that nigga )ut he "as gone* Niko Kanished like a ghost* Treyshawn 8ike a mutha(ucking ghost* He "as 4ust gone* Niko -o thats "hy you here3 To talk a)out &isha3 -,ent ten years trying to make mysel( (orget no" you here to ri, the sca) )ack o((3 Treyshawn 0eah 'iko thats "hy $m here* Thats it eAactly* $ le(t my "i(e my kids my )usiness* Tracked yo )lack ass do"n so that $ can reminisce* Thats it eAactly* Niko Then "hat3 Treyshawn 0ou remem)er "hat "e ,romised )e(ore the am)ulance came (or me3 Niko $ ,romised a lot o( shit* Treyshawn 'igga you kno" "hat the (uck $m talkin a)out* Niko


$ dont kno" "hat the hell * * * Treyshawn 1Treysha!n gets u" and gets in $iko#s face*2 * * * Dont ,lay "ith this* The ,romise* Niko $ remem)er* Treyshawn Do you3 Niko $ do* Treyshawn The time has come* Niko The time has come nigga that ice cream then gave you )rain (ree?e you talking in riddles* Treyshawn $ (ound him* Niko 1 ong beat2 Wu#tang Treyshawn Damn right mutha(ucking Wu#tang* Niko 0ou (ound him3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko Hes still alive*3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko 1 ong beat2 -o "hy are you telling me this3 Treyshawn The ,romise* Niko


1$iko laughs incredulously*2 The ,romise3 -o "hat you eA,ect me to * * * Treyshawn * * * 0es* Niko Are you (uckin cra?y3 Treyshawn O(( my (uckin rocker* Niko $m married* Treyshawn -o am $* $t "ill )e eight years neAt May* Niko $ have a daughter* Treyshawn $ve got t"o daughters and a son Damu* He turns three in a month* Niko $m a )usinessman and you sell ice cream* Treyshawn $m a nigga (rom the )lock and so are you* What you think these (ancy clothes "e "ear changes something3 0ou think that that su)ur)an ,rison you live in means something3 0ou think that you can scru) the stain a"ay* 0oure a (uckin ,retender and so am $* This shit aint real its an illusion an act like a role "eve skill(ully learned to ,lay* But in our heart nigga dee, do"n inside "here these "hite mutha(uckas cant see "e still )lock )oys* We le(t shit )ehind on dem street corners "e still have o)ligations* Niko O)ligations* To "hat some (uckin crum)ling ghetto that $ "orked my "hole li(e to esca,e3 Treyshawn May)e not )ut may)e to the ,eo,le may)e to &isha* We made a ,romise* 0ou looked directly in my eyes and you made a ,romise* A ,ledge that no matter "hat ha,,ened or ho" much time ,assed i( "e ever (ound that man "e "as gon make "hat ha,,ened right* %ight (or us right (or &isha3


Niko We "ere kids* Treyshawn We "ere moving rock and selling "eight )e(ore "e got hair on our (ace* Even "hen "e "as kids "e "erent kids* 0ou didnt ,ledge them "ords to me )ecause you "ere innocent and didnt kno" )etter* 0ou ,ledged it to make it right* He ruined )oth o( us* Niko -,eak (or yoursel(* $m doing 4ust (ine* Treyshawn Why )ecause you drive a nice car3 0ou a healthy "ell#ad4usted mutha(ucker )ecause you got money3 Niko 0ou dont kno" a goddamned thing a)out me* Treyshawn $m the only one that really kno"s you* Dont you understand that3 $ am you* $ tell the same lies "ear the same mask* -it at the same (uckin soccer matches like $ )elong there* Niko Dont cra, on me )ecause your li(e is not "hat you think it should )e* $m (ine* Treyshawn 0ou cant make this (antasy "ork3 'ot until you make the ,ast right* Niko $ts not a (antasy its my li(e* Treyshawn We have to make this right* Niko Ho" can "e do that * * * Treyshawn * * * Do "e have any choice3 Niko O( course "e have a choice* We kee, living our lives* Treyshawn


0ou mean "e kee, living a lie* 1Treysha!n flashes a gang sign. *is hands resembles t!o 0*s.#2 We Hillto, Hustlers till "e die nigga dont care ho" many !TA meetings "e go to* $ tried to (orget too 'iko* $ "as in Chillicothe Ohio staying at the Marriot to meet "ith one o( my distri)utors* $ "as sitting in the restaurant scar((ing do"n a steak* 'ot thinking a)out nothing 4ust living my (ucking li(e* Then like a (lash like monster out the mist $ see a (ace * * * hear the )ells in my head go o( like an alarm* But (or a (e" seconds my mind needs to "ra, itsel( around to remem)er* Where do $ kno" that nigga3 He 4ust standing around like aint shit ever ha,,ened* Then it hits me * * * na" (uck na" couldnt )e * * * it 4ust couldnt )e* But it "as* $t "as him* Niko Wu#tang* Treyshawn 0eah Wu#tang* Niko What did you do3 Treyshawn $ "ent to my room * * * like $ "as in a da?e* My mind ke,t "orking and s,inning* -hould $ 4ust go do"n there and )eat the nigga to death3 'a" like you said "e aint "hat "e used to )e* Niko Back in the day you "ouldnt have even hesitated* Treyshawn EAactly* $( this "as then the nigga "ould have made it ten (eet* But $m older no"* $ got shit to lose* Niko $ts "hat $ )een saying* Treyshawn -o $ remem)ered our ,romise* And $ kne" "hat $ had to do* Niko %emem)ered our ,romise3 Treyshawn


0eah* $ remem)ered our ,romise* $ kne" $ had to (ind you kne" that "e had to make it right3 But "e had to )e smart* -trategic* $ (ollo"ed him* Watched him* He laid his (ucking )usiness card in a glass vase (or some (uckin ra((le or some shit* 0ou kno" "hat they say something a)out revenge )eing served like ice cream or something* Niko 1 aughs2 $ think the saying is revenge is a dish )est served cold* Treyshawn Whatever the ,oint )eing that revenge is something that you calculate like your 6uarterly taAes and "hen you ready you strike* 0ou do it hard (ast and "ithout hesitation* Thats "hat "e have to do serve that nigga the coldest dish o( all* $ts "hat "e o"e )lood (or )lood* $ts "hat you o"e* Niko $ dont o"e any)ody anything* Treyshawn 0es you do* Niko 'o $ dont Treyshawn 0es you do* Niko 'o $ dont* Treyshawn 0ou ,iece o( shit you cant 4ust "alk a"ay untouched and ever clean* Niko Fuck you* Treyshawn Fuck you* 0ou o"e &isha* 0ou o"e her i( nothing else* Niko Only ,erson $ o"e is my kids my "i(e* Treyshawn 'igga the streets is calling* Niko


Fuck the streets* 1$iko slams the glass do!n on the small table bet!een the loungers and it breaks*2 -hit 1$iko cuts his hand and grabs a to!el. Treysha!n reaches out and grabs the !rist of the $iko*2 Treyshawn 'o* 8et it )leed* May)e you need to see the )lood* 8et it )leed nigga may)e you need to remem)er* %emem)er the )lood* The )lood nigga the )lood* Niko 1$iko smiles*2 $ kno" youve (orgotten "ho $ "as so let me remind you* 1 $iko leans in closer*2 Dontchu ever touch me again nigga* 1The t!o men stare at one another eye to eye* Treysha!n releases $iko#s hand. $iko grabs the to!el and !i"es the blood off of his hand*2 Treyshawn $t dont "i,e a"ay* The )lood dont "i,e a"ay* Niko -o "hat are you ,ro,osing "e do eAactly3 Treyshawn 1 ong beat2 $ ,ro,ose "e get into my car and "e drive do"n to southern Ohio and do "hat "e ,romised "e "ould do i( "e ever (ound Wu#tang* Niko &ill him3 Treyshawn 'o tickle the mutha(ucka and tuck him in* O( course kill him* Niko Are you cra?y3 Treyshawn 0es yes $ am* Niko $ve havent even held a gun in t"enty years* Treyshawn $ run a chain o( ice cream stores (or Christ sake you think $ )e on the )lock gunning (or niggas3 Niko


$ didnt say that* Treyshawn $m not here to get )ack into )usiness* $m here to conclude our )usiness* We gotta shut the door* Close out the )ooks* Balance the mutha(ucking ledgers* Niko By killing a man* By shedding )lood* By Murder* Treyshawn 'ot a murder an eAecution* Ho" many years did you serve (or that mans crime3 Huh3 -iA3 -iA years in 4ail )e(ore that (uckin shyster s,rung yo )lack ass* -iA years rotting "hile that mutha(ucka danced the (uck a"ay* While $ laid in the hos,ital )ed "ith "ires and tu)es hanging out me* 1 ong beat2 $ have a li(e too* $ have children* $ have a son Damu "ho loves his daddy* But some things cant )e made right )y "alking a"ay* -ome things dont dull "ith time* They 4ust gro" shar,er and sting more* 1 Beat2 There "as a girl 'iko s"ear to Christ* There "as a girl * * * $ mean (ace hair legs nose )reath laughter * * * a girl* A real li(e (lesh and )lood living )reathing * * * there "as a girl* Thats gotta mean something her death has to mean something there "as a girl 'iko* Or have you (orgotten3 Huh3 Been hiding in the 5)ur)s so long you think you )elong here3 There "as a girl 'iko * * * "e gotta "e have to * * * $ mean * * * its gotta mean something that ,romise t"o niggas made huddled in the )eam o( a streetlight on some (orgotten street corner thats gotta mean something* 5Cause i( it dont then "hat does3 Niko $ am not the same man* Treyshawn Me neither* Niko Thats not "hat $ mean* $ve )een changed* $ * * * $ * * * ,romised that i( :od hel,ed me get out o( that cell $ "ould devote the rest o( my li(e * * * Treyshawn * * * :od3 :od3 0ou handing me that shit3 0our a holy roller no"3 Niko $m not a holy roller )ut $ do have (aith* Ho" could $ not3


Treyshawn Faith* Faith in "hat some old "hite man "ith a long )eard "ho "atches over us3 Thats )ullshit* Thats 4ust ,eo,le (inding "ays not to take res,onsi)ility (or their lives* $ts an eAcuse (or you to "alk a"ay* Niko :od is not )ullshit* He got me through* Treyshawn :ot you through to "here3 0our a (ucking shell* 'igga $ can smell it on you* 'o" that you got to "herever you think :od has delivered you you dont have a (ucking clue do you3 'ot a goddamned clue* 0ou "ear the suits and go to the meetings )ut the sting dont go a"ay* $ kno"* Niko We are sustained )y our (aith* Treyshawn Where did you get that shit (rom a (ortune cookie3 Niko Dont knock my (aith )ecause you lost yours* Treyshawn 0ou have to have something )e(ore you can lose it* Niko :od "as al"ays there even "hen the shit got dark* Treyshawn Where "as the mutha(ucka "hen my guts "ere s,illed on the goddamned ground3 Niko May)e :od "as in the hand o( surgeon that stitched your ass u,3 Treyshawn 0ouve seen "hat $ve seen* We came u, in the darkness* Where "as :od then3 Huh3 Where "as he "hen that )astard slaughtered my sister "here the (uck "as :od then3 Huh ho" come "e al"ays thank that mutha(ucka (or all the good shit that ha,,ens )ut "e dont hold his ,unk ass accounta)le (or all o( the hurt all o( the ,ain* Huh3 Niko $ aint gon ,retend that $ have all the ans"ers* But $ have seen :od*


Treyshawn 0ou seen nothing* :od is 4ust a re(lection o( mans (uckin vanity* But "hen things get tight that mutha(ucka is never there* Niko Fo) re)orn* Treyshawn What the (uck are you talkin a)out3 Niko $m talking a)out a ,rodigal son trying to (ind his "ay )ack home* 1 $iko laughs2 Treyshawn And "hats so goddamned (unny3 Niko Whats (unny is that its im,ossi)le to )e ,issed at :od then claim he doesnt eAist at the same time* 1Beat2 8et me tell you a story* Treyshawn 'igga this aint )ed time $ dont need to )e tucked in* Niko $ts a short story* $ts a 4oke really )ut it has a ,oint* Treyshawn By all means ,roceed reverend 'iko* Niko Okay there "as this )rother in 'e" Orleans during the (lood* And this )rother )elieved in :od and (elt that :od "ould al"ays )e there (or him* -o "hen the (lood came he "as stuck in the Eth "ard "here the (lood hit the hardest* His (riends and (amily )ecame concerned "hen the "ater )egan to rise* -o they le(t and (led (or higher ground* But this )rother said 5$ aint "orried )ecause :od "ill ,rovide and kee, me* -o the "ater continued to rise to the ,oint that the )rother had to go u,stairs and clim) out on his roo( )ecause the "ater had (illed u, his entire house* -o "hile he sitting on his roo( a helico,ter comes )y and the ,eo,le said IHey man the "aters continuing to rise get in the helico,ter so "e can (ly you to sa(ety* But the )rother said 5'a" man $m good 5cause $ kno" that :od "ill ,rovide and kee, me* -o the helico,ter (lies a"ay* Then the "ater rises u, to his knees and a )oat comes )y and the ,eo,le in the )oat said


5Hey man get in here the "ater is rising (ast*J And the )rother said na" man $ )elieve in my :od and $ kno" that :od "ill kee, me and ,rovide (or me* And the )oat (loats on a"ay* -o no" the "ater is u, to his chest and another )oat comes )y and the ,eo,le in the )oat ,leaded "ith the man IHey man get in the )oat the "aters almost u, to your head* But the man "ho "as al"ays (aith(ul to :od said no* :od "ill ,rovide and kee, me* -o then the "ater cree,s u, to the mans nose and he is 4ust a)out to dro"n and the )rother )ecomes angry and )egins to curse :od* He said I:od $ have al"ays )elieved in you al"ays )een (aith(ul* Why :od "hy3 Why have you (orsaken me* And 4ust )e(ore the man dro"ns :od s,eaks do"n (rom the heavens and says IHey (uck head "ho do you think sent the helico,ter and t"o )oats*J Treyshawn 1Beat2 And "hat is the (ucking ,oint o( that story3 Niko The (ucking ,oint is that :od dont "ork (or you* 0ou here to serve him* And "hen he comes he "ont )e "earing a goddamned name )adge that says :od* He dont "ork on your time ta)le or your level o( understanding* And he dont mani(est 4ust )ecause you say he should* :od is the air you )reathe "hen you "ake u,* :od is the s,arkle in your childs eye* :od is the good health that you are )lessed to en4oy and tiny little miracles that ha,,en everyday* And dont you dare shit on that* Treyshawn Well since you love :od so much here is one (or you* An eye#(or#an#eye a tooth (or a tooth and a li(e (or a li(e* Thats straight out o( that )ook o( (airy tales that you love so much* Niko And "hat a)out thou shall not murder3 Treyshawn $ told you its not murder * * * its an eAecution* Blood (or )lood 4ust like the good )ook say* Niko $ dont * * * $ dont kno" * * * Treyshawn


* * * 0ou a )i)le thum,er no" (amily* Okay its all to the good )ut dont hide )ehind it* 0ou "anna say no then )e a man and say no* But dont hand me this saved shit* Niko 1 ong "ause2 $ 4ust cant do it* $ cant risk it* Treyshawn Cant let the mask (all a"ay huh3 1 ong "ause2 $ guess $ understand* Niko $ cant do it* Treyshawn Okay* $( thats your "ord $ guess $ gotta live "ith that* 1 Treysha!n stands u"*2 Niko $m sorry* Treyshawn -o am $* 1Treysha!n reaches into his "ocket and grabs a "iece of "a"er and a "en.2 This is "here $ "ill )e staying in -outhern Ohio* $( you change your mind here is "here $ "ill )e* And my cell ,hone is on there too* 1Treysha!n begins to e(it and then he turns back to face $iko*2 Oh yeah* $ (orgot $ )ought you something* 1Treysha!n reaches into his "ocket and "roduces a small "ackage !ra""ed in bro!n "a"er and tied !ith t!ine string. *e hands it over*2 $ts &ishas* $ think she "ould "ant you to have it* Niko &isha3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko Okay* Treyshawn Okay* 1Treysha!n e(its the stage. $iko sits at his chair and stares at the "ackage. *e hedges and debates if he should o"en it. *e "uts it do!n and then he "icks it u". *e studies it a bit and then "uts it do!n. *e gets u" and "aces around the room. *e begins to mumble to himself. *e !alks back over to the "ackage and reaches for it but then sto"s. *e "aces some more. Then he !alks over to his desk and reaches into one of the dra!ers and "roduces a letter o"ener. *e snugs it into his hand and "auses, then he


cli"s the t!ine string off of the "ackage. *e gingerly unfurls the t!ine string and lays it to one side, then he carefully "eals the bro!n "a"er o"en. *e is struck by !hat he sees inside. A blood red light shines u" from the "ackage and !ashes over his face. The lights on stage begin to gro! dark !ith only the red "ulsing light to color face. In the corner, the red light in the corner begins to blink !ith Kisha standing under it as before. She is !atching $iko. The contents of the "ackage is not visible to the audience. *e begins to /uietly !ee". *e reaches into the "ackage and "roduces a large blood red scarf. *e stretches it out and stands u". *e holds the outstretched blood red scarf over his head and an intense light beams through the blood red scarf as $iko is !ee"ing. %rums begin to /uietly "lay in the background. The drumming gro!s louder and louder. $iko#s hand begins to bleed again, causing it to dri" do!n his arm.2 &isha* &isha* &isha* 1As the drumming reaches its crescendo Kisha crosses the stage and grabs the red scarf from his out stretched hands and !ra"s it around her neck. She touches it !ith great affection as she remembers her life. *e dro"s to this knees. Then she removes it and thro!s it u" in the air. It dro"s and glides through the air and settles at his feet. *is arms and "alms are left o"en and u" in the air as he stares u"!ard to the skies. Kisha stands behind him. *e brings his "alms together in a set of "raying hands and brings those "raying hands do!n in front of his face. *is hands dro" to his side and his hand dri"s blood. Kisha is standing above him "eering do!n. The lights go do!n on stage and s"otlight focuses on Kisha. $iko becomes not visible for the audience. Kisha $ aint greedy* $ dont ask :od to let me live again* Dat li(e "hich clutched so long ago is gone "ashed a"ay like (lood "ater do"n a se"er drain* $ dont ,ine (or that li(e anymore* All $ "ant no" is to )e remem)ered 4ust a little )it* 'ot loved liked or admired* Dont need no ,oems "ritten a)out no statues to mark my ,assing* $ 4ust "ant to made "hole in the mind* $ "ant to live in this small )roken vaguely dim memories o( those "ho loved and kne" me* $ never made my mark* $ dont "ant to )e 4ust another nameless (aceless nothing rotting siA (eet into the ground* $ dont like it here* $ "ant to live again * * * )ut $ll not ask (or that* But $ need to )e remem)ered* En4oyed like a good chesse)urgerl* $ "ant to )e remem)ered


hook or crook* $( you only remem)er a )itch as a )ad dream $ "ant to )e remem)ered $ aint sel(ish * * * $ aint asking (or much* $ 4ust "ant to )e a "his,er on someones li,s* %emem)er me * * * i( only "ith a (leeting sigh* $ re(use to ,hase into the )lack em,ty o( nothingness* $ kno" that my name my memory "ill (ade "ith the ,eo,le that hold them* $ "ill in memory )urn hot and )right and then "ith a sna, ,o, (ade* $ "ill leave my scorched shado" on the "all* 1The s"otlight comes u" on the entire stage. Kisha e(its the stage, a fe! seconds later +arie enters the stage.2 Marie 0oure )leeding* 1$iko is shaken from his trance and stands)u", but !ill not look at his !ife*2 Niko $m (ine* Marie 0oure )leeding* Bleeding is not (ine* 1+arie !alks over to e(amine $iko#s !ound*2 Niko 1Angrily2 $m (ine* Marie Okay* Niko 1Reali1ing his tone !as too harsh, softens a bit*2 $ cut my hand on the glass* $ "as ,icking u, the ,ieces* But $m okay* Marie Okay* Niko $m sorry $ yelled* Marie 1 ong "ause2 Dare $ ask "ho that "as3 Niko He "as someone (rom a very long time ago* Marie From East Cleveland*


Niko 0es* Marie Whats going on 'iko3 Niko 'othing* Marie 'othing3 Niko 0eah* Everythings (ine* Marie -o "ho "as that guy3 Niko $ told you he "as 4ust a guy (rom the old days* Marie $ts too late and $m too tired to dance "ith you 'iko* When youre ready to let me into your li(e you kno" "here to (ind me* Niko Dont start that shit again* Marie $m not starting anything $m leaving* 1+arie stands u"*2 Niko Marie * * * ,lease sit do"n* Marie $ dont need to )e here to ,ull teeth* Everythings al"ays such a damned secret * * * and to )e honest "ith you $m to the ,oint "ere $ dont care anymore* 0ou can kee, your secrets i( their that im,ortant to you* :oodnight* 1+arie begins to e(it*2 Niko His name is Treysha"n* 1+arie sto"s !alking for the door*2 We ran together )ack in East Cleveland* Marie 0ou "ere (riends3


Niko 'o* Marie Enemies3 Niko 'ot 6uite* Marie Okay $ give u,* Niko We ran together $ dont kno" that $ "ould call our relationshi, (riendshi,* 1 ong "ause2 $ dated his sister* Marie The dark years* Niko The "hat3 Marie When you "ere young * * * $ call those years the dark years* The years "e dont talk a)out* -ince $ve kno"n you $ get (lashes o( your li(e in (its and starts* The dark years* $ts like your li(e started "hen they let you out o( 4ail* Niko $n a lot o( "ays it did* Marie And "hat came )e(ore * * * Niko * * * What came )e(ore "as nothing short o( a nightmare* Marie A nightmare you cant talk a)out* Niko Theres nothing to say* Marie Thats "hy "e go to see a marital counselor once a "eek* Niko


We go to see a marriage counselor once a "eek )ecause you "oke u, one day and reali?ed that "e "erent your ,arents* $m not some )lack ken doll* Marie And $m not trying to )e Bar)ie* $m not looking (or ,er(ection* Niko Then "hat do you "ant3 Marie $ 4ust "ant you to let me in little* $m not the enemy* Niko $ kno"* Marie 0ou got issues that go (ar )eyond our marriage ,ro)lems* Niko $ dont need you to remind me o( that* Marie We cant kee, "alking a"ay (rom this thing like its gonna go a"ay* Niko $ve already ,ut my (aith in :od* Marie Faith in :od is not gonna cut that mass out o( your chest* Niko $ dont "ant to talk a)out this Marie 8ately you dont "ant to talk a)out anything* Niko Doctors are not saviors Marie* They already told me the ,rognosis* $ts not like $m hiding (rom the doctor* But its already s,read * * * Marie * * * But that does not mean "ith treatment "e cant make it )etter* But "e cant kee, s,inning our "heels in the mud* Niko We3


Marie 0es "e* Niko When $ slide into that M%$ machine )elieve me !e dont have any thing to do "ith it its all a)out me* $m the one on the sla)* Marie Our marriage in a nutshell* 'iko against the "orld* Niko Thats ho" it is* Marie 0ou can )e such a )astard sometime* Ho" can you )elieve that you are in it alone* 8ike $ dont have an investment in you like $ dont love you* Niko Marie can "e ,lease * * * ,lease not talk a)out this no"3 Marie Okay* 1Beat2 $ love you* Niko $ kno"* 1 ong beat2 Marie -o "ho came here tonight* Niko $t "as nothing * * * 1+arie 'um"s u" and sla"s $iko across the face. $iko rises /uickly and the t!o are face to face*2 Marie Who came to my home tonight3 0ou tell me or may)e you can )e in this great )ig home )y yoursel(3 0ou can (ill it u, "ith your goddamned silence* Niko 8ike $ said his name is Treysha"n* $ * * * $ * * * cared (or his sister* Marie His sister* Niko 0es*


Marie Did you love her3 Niko 12ery long "ause2 0es* Marie 0ou "ere in love "ith someone )e(ore me3 Niko 0es* Marie 0ou loved her3 Niko 0es* Marie 8ike a ,u,,y love ty,e o( thing3 Niko 'o * * * Marie * * * 0ou must have )een kids3 Niko 0es* Marie But you loved her3 Niko Kery much* Marie 0ou never told me this* Niko 'o* Marie 0ou never told me a)out this other ,erson* Niko $ kno"*


Marie Did you * * *did you love her more * * * more than me3 Niko What kind o( 6uestion is that3 Marie A direct one* Niko $ dont kno" ho" to ans"er that* Marie Try truth(ully* Niko $ts not a (air 6uestion* Marie Thats very com(orting* Niko $t "as di((erent* $ "as di((erent* Marie Thats not an ans"er* Did you * * * Niko * * * Why do $ have to vet my (eelings (or you3 $snt the (act that $ love you enough3 Marie $ guess it "ill have to )e* Niko $ love you* Marie 0eah* 0ou "ere saying a)out this girl3 What "as her name3 Niko &isha* Marie &isha huh3 !ro)a)ly some home girl )ig tits (at ass 4ust like you like * * * Niko * * * Marie * * *


Marie * * * 'iko $ got eyes * * * $ kno" "hat you like* Niko 1Beat2 -hes the "oman $ "as accused o( killing* That man "as her )rother* Marie Her )rother* The )rother o( the "oman you "ere accused o( killing * * * thats "ho that man "as3 Niko 0es* Marie What did he "ant3 Niko $ * * $ * * He uh * * * he 4ust * * * Marie * * * 0ou dont "ant to tell me* Niko 'o* $ dont* Marie 1 ong "ause2 $ve never 6uestioned you 'iko* $ve sat )ack and allo"ed you to al"ays do your thing* $ stayed in the )ack o( the room "hile you ran our marriage like one o( your )usiness* $ never claimed my right as a "i(e* $ve never asked anything o( you* And $ admit * * * that "as my (ault* $ le(t you to your o"n devices* $ts like "e "ere never really married* Weve lived se,arate lives* And at (irst* $t "orked* But its not "orking anymore* $ need a hus)and $ cant live "ith a ,hantom anymore* 0ou not a child anymore* $ts time to gro"* $ts time to make a decision a choice* Niko $ made my choice long time ago* Marie 'o you didnt you never had to* $ never (orced you to $ allo"ed you to (loat around in a (antasy land* The (antasy is over* Either you are my hus)and or your not* Tell me the truth* Niko


1Becomes teary)eyed*2 And "hat i( the truth is too terri)le to tell3 Marie There is nothing you could tell me that "ould make me sto, loving you* A(ter all this time dont you kno" that3 $m not going any"here* 1 ong beat2 Niko Her name "as &isha* -he "as killed* Murdered* By a guy named Wu#tang* He "as a cra?y ass drug dealer )ack in East Cleveland* Me and him got into a )ee( * * * Marie * * * A)out "hat3 Niko To )e honest * * * $ dont even remem)er anymore* $m sure it "as a)out something vitally im,ortant like "hat shoe he "as "earing or may)e "e locked eyes )y chance and neither one o( us looked a"ay (ast enough or may)e "e )um,ed into each other in a hall"ay or may)e the (ucking sun rose* We came (rom a time "hen )eing a )ad ass in my hood "ent (rom knocking niggas out in (ist (ights to gunning )rothas do"n* $ "as in the (irst generation o( a death culture* We got into it )y Hastings )asket)all court * * * again $ cant remem)er "hy* At the time $ "as hustling * * * Marie * * * Hustling3 Niko Dealing drugs* Marie $ never kne"3 Niko $ ho,ed you never "ould* $ al"ays ho,ed $ could kee, that story the ,a,ers su,,lied (or me* The innocent hard"orking kid "ho "as convicted (or a murder he didnt commit* $ may not have committed the murder )ut $ "as (ar (rom innocent* Marie And like $ said* $m not going any"here* Niko We got into a shootout on the street like it "as the (ucking the Wild West* T"o idiots gunning (or each other on the street* &isha "as "ith me* -he got hit she "ent do"n*


He ran* Treysha"n heard the shots (rom u, the street he "as in the ,ark hustling o( course* $ told him "hat ha,,ened "e chased Wu#tang into the ,ro4ects on Doan* Three kids (ired shots as they ran* Treysha"n "ent do"n (rom t"o )ullets $ (ired a cou,le shots )ut Wu#tang esca,ed into the ,ro4ects $ lost em* My )ullet came a)out an inch a"ay (rom taking his li(e* He dashed through a door"ay and my )ullet (ound the so(t "ood o( the door (rame* He dro,,ed his gun on the stoo,* $ ,icked u, his gun and ke,t a(ter him eventually $ lost him in the ,ro4ects* Marie 0ou ,icked u, the gun3 Niko 0es* Marie Thats ho" the gun ended u, "ith your ,rints on it* Niko 0es* Marie $ al"ays "ondered a)out that* Niko 0ou "ondered3 Marie $ am a la"yer* Niko %ight* Marie $ didnt "onder i( you killed the girl $ slee, neAt to you everyday $ kno" you could never hurt a "oman* $ 4ust "ondered ho" it ha,,ened* Niko 0eah* Marie $m not going any"here* Niko


1Beat2 0eah* $ circled )ack to "here Treysha"n "as laying in a ,ool o( his o"n )lood* As he lay there may)e dying* We made * * * a ,ledge* Marie A ,ledge* Niko A ,romise* Marie What kind o( ,romise3 Niko That "e "ould (ind Wu#tang and make sure that 4ustice "as done* Marie 0ou "ere kids* Niko We made a ,romise* Marie Okay "hat does that mean3 What does some ,romise made a million years ago have to do "ith some drug dealer sho"ing u, on our doorste,3 Niko Hes not a drug dealer * * * Marie $m sorry3 Niko Hes not a drug dealer anymore * * * hes an ice cream salesman* Marie Hes an ice cream salesman3 Niko 0es he sells ice cream* Marie A drug dealing ice cream man3 Niko He doesnt deal drugs anymore he o"ns a chain o( ice cream stores* Marie


What in the hell does that have to do "ith "hat $m talking a)out* $ dont care i( he sells socks (or a living* Niko 0ou called him a drug dealer* $ts im,ortant )ecause "hat a man "as should not al"ays de(ine "hat he is* Marie Fine* Why did the ice cream man sho" u, on our doorste,3 Niko He "ants to * * * "ell (ul(ill the ,romise* Marie $s that a 4oke3 Niko 0ou see me laughing3 Marie He "ants you to hunt do"n this * * * this * * * Niko * * * Wu#tang* Marie He "ants you to hunt do"n this guy3 Niko He doesnt have to he (ound him* $n southern Ohio* Marie 1Beat2 And you told him that he "as cra?y and you thre" his )utt out o( our home3 Niko 0es* Marie But * * * Niko * * * But "hat3 Marie But $ kno" you and the "heels are s,inning in your head* Niko


$ made him leave )ut he made sense* Marie He "hat3 Niko $ le(t something )ehind on that street corner* $ts like a ,age in my li(e that has never )een turned* Marie -o "hat is this3 What is our li(e our daughter our marriage3 Niko $ love you our daughter* 0ou mean everything to me* Marie A,,arently not everything* 0ouve made a decision* Niko $ * * * uhhh * * * Marie * * * 'iko * * * Niko $ have to go* Marie 1Beat2 0ou have to go3 Niko 0es* Marie This is cra?y* Niko $ kno"* Marie 0ou cant leave* Niko $ cant stay* Marie 0ou cant leave your (amily*


Niko As youve ,ointed out $m not really here any"ay* $ need to close this cha,ter o( my li(e* Marie $s this a)out the lum,3 Niko 'o* Marie $ dont )elieve you* Niko This is not a)out that* Marie 0es it is* Niko This is not a)out that* Marie 0ou scared3 0ou think * * * you think your gonna die* Niko One day "ere all gonna die* Marie Dont do that* Niko Do "hat3 Marie !lay "ord games "ith me* This is too im,ortant* 0ou think your gonna die* 0ouve )een living like these are the last days or something* Well $ got a ne"s (lash (or you slick* What ha,,ens i( you dont die3 What ha,,ens i( you live3 Niko 8ook $m telling you this is not a)out my health* $ kno" that $m sick )ut $ dont have a death "ish* $ kno" that $ve )een distant* $m sorry (or that* 0our right* 0ou deserve )etter* And you right to call me on it* But )a)y my hand to :od* This is not a)out that* Marie Then "hat is it really a)out3


Niko To )e honest $ dont kno"* There is a thing in me that is gro"ing eating a"ay at me (rom the inside gathering and getting more ,o"er(ul* $ got to 6uail this thing i( "e are going move on* $ 4ust kno" that $ have to go and see ho" it ends* $ need to go to southern Ohio* Marie And "hat then* Niko And then $ can ,ut it )ehind me* Marie $t doesnt "ork that "ay 'iko* 0ou cant go commit a murder and then come home and drive your daughter to soccer ,ractice* Niko $ didnt say that $ "as going to murder him* Marie -o youre going to sto, the murder3 Niko 0es* 'o * * * $ dont kno"* $ 4ust kno" that :od has called me to )e there* $ can (eel it * * * in here* Marie * * * Thats 4ust heart)urn 'iko* 1$iko gets u" and begins to e(it the stage*2 Niko $m leaving no"* $m gonna go u, stairs and kiss Mara )e(ore $ go* Marie And "hat "ill you tell her3 What "ill you tell your daughter i( she ever (inds out "hat youve done3 What youve )een a ,art o(3 Niko $ dont kno"* Marie Thats not a good enough ans"er* 0ou need to kno" )e(ore you leave this house* 0ou need to kno" "hat you "ill say to her i( she ever asks* $( she ever "ants to kno" that


you did "hen you "ent to southern Ohio* What you "ill say i( you cant leave "hat ha,,ens do"n there do"n there3 Niko $ll tell her that $ love her* $ "ill tell her that :od loves her * * * and that the "orld is not a thing to )e understood )ut to )e * * * survived* Marie Thats i( you come )ack* Niko $ "ill * * * Marie * * * $m not 4ust talking a)out your ,hysical )ody* Niko $ "ill return to this home* Marie $( you do this dont assume that you "ill )e "elcome in this home in a (e" days* Niko 1 ong beat*2 $ understand* 1$iko begins to e(it*2 Marie $ love you* Niko 1$iko "auses before he e(its the stage*2 $ kno"* 1$iko e(its the stage.*2 Marie 1+arie gets on her knees and begins to "ray*2 Dear :od ,lease kee, that man your son* &ee, him (rom harm and "atch over him as only :od can* $ love him as $ love you and $ need you to )e his light the )eacon that "ill lead him home sa(ely* 1 +arie looks over at the red scarf sitting on the small table and grabs it and holds it in her fist and then she rests that fists on her forehead causing the red scarf to dra"e over her face. The lights slo!ly fade to black*2


Movement Three .The s"otlight comes u" and reveals Treysha!n "acing around. $iko is in an old, abandoned, factory. There is a knock at the door*/ Treyshawn $ "as ha,,y "hen $ got your call* 1Beat2 $ kne" you "ould come* Niko $ had to come* Treyshawn $ kno"* Niko Honestly $ dont kno" "hy $m here* Treyshawn


$ kno" ho" you (eel* 8ike this is some kind o( dream or something* Niko 0eah* Treyshawn But it aint no dream is it3 Niko 'o* $ts real* Treyshawn 0eah* -hit $ kne" you "ouldnt let me do"n* Niko 1 ong beat2 * * * $m sick* Treyshawn -ick* Niko They (ound a mass in my chest* Treyshawn Niko They think they caught it in the early stages* Treyshawn 0ou scared3 Niko 'o* Treyshawn %eally3 Niko $ll )e (ine* Treyshawn 0ou kno" "hat3 $ think youre a (ucking liar* Niko $m (ine* Treyshawn


'o your not* Niko $m a man $ dont run "hen the rain comes* $ )elieve in :od * * * $m gonna )e (ine* Treyshawn %eally3 $s that "hy you need a little ,ick me u,3 Niko What the (uck are you talking a)out3 Treyshawn Come on man "hen $ came to your house your eyes "ere as "ide as my "omans )ig ass* @nless you 4ust come (rom the eye doctor nigga your eyes "asnt dilated (rom co((ee* 1Beat2 0ou "ere (unctional* 'ot s"eating or shaking so a stimulant* $ thinking either coke or horse* But you "erent eu,horic so $m guessing may)e "hat an eight)all o( coke3 Niko 1 ong "ause2 $t "as a hal(* 1Beat2 Fust to * * * Treyshawn * * * take the edge o((* 0eah yeah $ kno"* Done heard enough 4unkie talk to last me a li(etime* Niko $m not a * * * Treyshawn * * * Hey 'iko its not my (ucking )usiness* $m not your (ucking con(essor* 0ou can snort )lo" till your )alls curl u, not my )usiness* My )usiness is Wu#tang* Niko We cant * * * Treyshawn * * * We have to man (or our o"n sanity* This shit then ate us u,* Niko 1Beat2 0ou cant go through this3 Treyshawn $ think "e have to* $ think "e have to (or our o"n sanity* Ho" many times have you thought a)out him3


Niko Many* Treyshawn Ho" man times have you thought a)out revenge3 Niko A )unch* Treyshawn Me too* At times $ couldnt think o( anything else* Niko $m not a killer* Treyshawn And $m not some su)ur)an hus)and "ho sells ice cream (or a living* But the (act remains* Niko What is this ,lace3 Treyshawn $ts an a)andoned shoe ,lant* They closed u, sho, a)out (our years ago* $ seriously considered )uying the ,lace* Niko Why3 Treyshawn For a"hile $ "as looking into the (easi)ility o( creating my o"n ice cream (actory and su,,lying my stores in house* A(ter crunching the num)ers "e decided that it "ould )e more cost a((ective to limit overhead and deal "ith outside com,anies* This "as one o( the sites "e considered* 1Beat2 $ remem)ered this ,lace* Out in the middle o( no"here* A ,er(ect courtroom to dis,ense 4ustice "ouldnt you say3 Niko $s that "hat "ere doing3 Treyshawn Damn straight* And $ )rought the gavel* 1Treysha!n reaches inside of his suit "ocket and "roduces a "arcel. *e hands it over to $iko*2 Care to do the honors* Niko


'o* Treyshawn 0ou not curious "hats in it3 Niko $ kno" "hats in it* Treyshawn Fustice in there* Niko 'o Treysha"n a gun is in there* Treyshawn -ame di((erence* 1Beat2 $ "aited (or you* Niko 0ou kne" that $ "ould come* Treyshawn $ts )een a long time )ut it aint )een that long* A nigga can only change so much* $ kne" you "as gon see this thing through* Come do"n 4ust to see ho" it ends* Niko $ "ish my "i(e kne" me as "ell as you do* Niko 0ou look tired* Treyshawn $m eAhausted* $ havent sle,t since $ (irst s,otted him* Niko Kengeance i( the ultimate ,e, ,ill* 1$iko "ulls over a crate and sits it underneath Treysha!n*2 -it do"n )e(ore you (all do"n* 1Treysha!n sits do!n*2 Treyshawn $m sorry* Niko -orry3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko


-orry a)out "hat3 Treyshawn A)out "hat $ said )e(ore* $ "as out o( line* $ hand no right to talk a)out your li(e like that* $ 4ust * * * this thing is * * * $ dont kno" 4ust making me (ucking cra?y* Niko $ts okay* Treyshawn 'o its not okay* $ "as "rong* Niko 1 ong beat*2 'o* 'o you "erent* 0ou "ere right* When you sho"ed u, it "as like my "hole li(e caved in on me* Treyshawn 'iko * * * Niko * * * 0ou "ere right* $ve )een ,retending so long $ dont even kno" "ho $ am anymore* 1 aughs a sad laugh*2 $ got a"ay "ith it (or a "hile toH )ut my "i(e is getting tired o( living "ith a ghost* -he says $m distant not there (or here* Treyshawn Damn nigga "hat is this O,rah3 We gon hug and tickle each others )alls or "hat3 Niko $m 4ust saying you "ere right * * * Treyshawn * * * $ kno" $ "as right that aint n revelation* And as (or the )roads they al"ays say that shit* Hell my "i(e got that s,eech on a loo,* 0oure too distant you dont communicate enough* But it sholl dont sto, 5em (rom en4oying the (ruits o( that lack o( communication do it3 They say you to distant yet and still they s,end money like "ater making it necessary (or a )rother to get his ass out in these streets and hustle more o( that green* 0ou me to communicate you "ant me to talk* Talk a)out "hat3 My cra,,y day3 The distri)utors that $ have to ,ut in a head lock to move ,roduct3 What is it that they "ant (rom us3 $ )ring home the money $ s,end time "ith the (ucking kid at tee#)all or "hatever the hell that is* -mile u, at all them s6uare as civilians "hile they talk a)out gol(


courses and skiing###and $ s"ear 'iko i( one more honkey ask me a)out O*F* $m like to kill a nigga* Niko 'ot 4ust O*F* )ut the )lack 6uestion ,eriod* Treyshawn EAactly* Hey Trey "hat do you think a)out that A((irmative Action thing3 8ike "hat the (uck $m the s,okesman (or the race already* Mutha(uckas make me (eel like $ should have an o,inion* -hit $ started to read the damn ne"s,a,er 4ust so $ "ould kno" ho" to ans"er* IWell Bo) $ think that diversity is a goal that "e should all "ork to"ards in the "ork ,lace* A((irmative Action is a )rand name* Weve got to get ,ast those )rand names and not get hung u, on the ,olitics* We need to get )eneath the ,olitics and (igure out a "ay to make o,,ortunities availa)le to everyone * * * and $ dont kno" i( you do that through A((irmative Action or Koodoo )ut "e have to continue to kee, o,ening u, the doors o( o,,ortunity to everyone men "omen minority ,oor "hite Asian "hatever* $ts "hat this country "as )uilt u,on*J Niko Thats good you gotta "rite that one do"n (or me* Treyshawn $ have mastered the skill o( s,eaking at length "ithout saying a damn "ord* $ve learned that art o( nothingness "ill take you (ar in the )usiness "orld* Thats all its a)out the art o( )eing )land* Niko My "i(e )elieves that $ have mastered that * * * thats not (airH $ said that as i( it "as not true a (igment o( her imagination )ut its not* $ really have )ecome )land* Treyshawn Who you telling me and my "i(e dont even (uck doggy style* $ call her missionary Marge* And they "onder "hy "e dont o,en u,###may)e i( they o,ened u, they legs once and a "hile and give us something to ins,ire a nigga "e "ould talk our (ucking heads o((* Niko Our silence is not a)out ,ussy* Treyshawn


1 ong beat2 0eah $ kno"* But li(e is hard (or a )rother "ho "ants to hear a)out the lives "e lead out here in the "orld3 Niko $ts not a)out that either* Treyshawn $ guess* Niko 0ou kno" "hat its a)out* $ts a)out the ,ast* When $ got out o( 4ail and started "orking and $ started to taste a little success * * * $ thought $ dont kno" that may)e $ had dodged a )ullet* Treyshawn What do you mean3 Niko $ mean $ thought that may)e $ had made it out you kno" that all o( the dirt "e did )ack then that it had )een cast o(( * * * that $ had )een )a,ti?ed and made clean again* 8ike $ had gone through a long dark corridor and emerged on the other side as another ,erson* Treyshawn Then youre a (ool* We "ill never )e clean again* And the hurt and the ,ain "ill never die never go a"ay* The )odies "e le(t in our "ake "ill never )e "hole and never live again* We drag )ehind us the graveyard o( our ,ast and that "ill never end until "e are made "hole "ith that graveyard* Niko Well arent you a ,oet* Treyshawn 'o* $m 4ust a nigga thats learned to )leed and survive* Niko $ts got to end* Treyshawn 'ot until death* Thats "hy Wu#tang has to die* That is "hy "e have to do this* Niko


Ho" many Wu#tangs are in our ,ast3 Are "e gonna kill 5em all3 And (or ho" many ,eo,le are "e Wu#tang3 Huh3 0ou ever thought a)out that one3 What a)out &eysha"n3 Treyshawn 'igga Dont go there* Niko 'igga "e there* $ dun )uilt a summer home there* What a)out &eysha"n3 Treyshawn That "as di((erent* Niko Was it3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko Bullshit* $n the end its never di((erent* $ts al"ays all the same* Dead is dead* Who loved him3 Huh3 Who avenges (or him3 Who "as his )rother and "hat are his rights to kill you3 Treyshawn $ dont live in the "orld o( "hat i(* $ dont even kno" i( $ "ill live to see tomorro"* The neAt hour the neAt minute the neAt second is not ,romised to us* We have to live no"* We have to act no"* &isha deserves it* Niko This is not a)out &isha* $ts a)out us* Men trying to (igure out "hos got the )iggest dick3 Treyshawn Well thats de(initely me* Niko $ "onder "hose hunting us* Thats the ,oint* Treyshawn $m not trying to hang my hat on some o)scure morality* Niko Morality is not o)scure* Fesus made it ,retty clear actually*


Treyshawn Made it clear ho" )y running around "ith )unch o( (ucking le,ers Niko 'o )y dying on the cross (or our sins Treyshawn Okay* Then "e can make Wu#tang our Fesus* Our o"n ,ersonal Fesus* Niko $ already have a ,ersonal Fesus* Treyshawn Fine* Then he can )e a sym)ol* Niko A sym)ol3 Treyshawn A sym)ol* Niko A sym)ol (or "hat3 Treyshawn A sym)ol (or all o( us* A martyr* Niko A sacri(ice* Treyshawn :angsta Fesus* Niko Dying (or our sins3 Treyshawn A)so#(uckin#lutley Niko -ounds logical enough $ 4ust got one ,ro)lem* Treyshawn -uch as3 Niko -uch as "ho says you get to chose3


Treyshawn What3 Niko Why you3 Who (ucking elected you as kingmaker "hy do you get to ,ick "ho "ill ,lay Fesus3 :od chose Fesus to die (or our sins "hat makes you the one "ho shall ,ick Wu# tang to )e our Fesus3 Treyshawn 13ulls the gun out of the bo( as Treysha!n s"eaks the line*2 Because $ have the (ucking gun* Niko 1 ong beat*2 0es* 0ou got the (ucking gun* $ guess youre "hat ,asses (or :od no"adays* Treyshawn $ dont have delusions o( grandeur* $ aint :od* On most days $m )arely making as a man* Niko And &eysha"n3 Treyshawn Fust another casualty $ guess* Niko 0ou still think a)out him3 Treyshawn Every goddamned day* 1Beat2 $t never goes a"ay* Niko 'ever gets )etter3 Treyshawn 'ever* Niko 0ou gonna )uy this ,lace3 Treyshawn


$ havent decided yet )ut ,ro)a)ly so* $t "ould cut my costs )y a third* $nstead o( ,utting the money in the hands o( my vendors $ could ,ress out my o"n* !lus it "ould allo" me to )rand my ice cream and distri)ute it* Niko 'ational3 Treyshawn $m gonna start "ith Ohio and then may)e look to take it national in a cou,le years i( the stu(( moves in Ohio* Niko Ho" much they asking (or this ,lace3 Treyshawn A hundred eighty (ive* Niko -heesh* $n this area3 Treyshawn 0eah* What that sound too high or something3 Niko May)e a little )it* $ mean $ "ould have to do the com,ara)les )ut this area has very little develo,ment and does not seem to have any hard"are that dictate such a high ,rice tag* $ "ould hit the seller at a hundred thirty* Treyshawn That lo"* Theyd never go (or that* Niko O( course not* Theyll counter and youll counter and "hen you get then around a hundred (i(ty then $ "ould think a)out signing the ,a,er"ork* Treyshawn A hundred (i(ty3 Niko 0e,* Treyshawn Hmmm* Niko


0ou still "ant to do this dont you3 Treyshawn 0eah* Niko And ho" "ould this "ork3 0ou sa" him at a hotel or something right3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko -o you "ant to do "hat drive u, to the valet ,arking and 4ust shove the guy in a car* Treyshawn $m a)out ten miles ,ast that my man* Niko What do you mean3 Treyshawn $t means that $m in too dee, to turn )ack* 1 Beat2 8et me introduce you to someone* 1Treysha!n !alks to the o""osite side of the stages and the s"otlight illuminates a man tied to a chair and gagged. &u)tang looks as if he has been sla""ed around a little. 2 Niko Holy Fesus* Treyshawn 0ou remem)er this ,iece o( shit* 1Treysha!n !alks to the other side of the stage and a light illuminates. Sitting in the middle of the stage is +elvin !ho is tied to a chair !ith ta"e on his mouth.2 Niko Oh my :od* 0ou did it* Treyshawn $ did it* Niko 0ou kidna,,ed the guy3 Treyshawn 0es* 0es $ did* 'o going )ack no"* $m in a kidna,,ing ra, t"enty to li(e* $ might as "ell do him cuss hook or crook $m still in it (or a t"anky* 1 Beat2 0ou recogni?e him3


Niko 0es* 0es $ do* $ts Wu#tang* Hes older a little grey around the tem,les )ut thats him* Treyshawn Damn straight its him* 1 ong beat. $iko stares at &u)tang !ith a long, hard death stare. $iko begins to /uietly !ee", but continues to hold his stare*2 $ts time to shit or get o(( the ,ot 'iko* Are you in or out3 Niko $m in* 1$iko !alks over to &u)tang and ri"s the ta"e off of his mouth *2 0ou remem)er me3 Melvin O( course* Niko O( course3 Melvin O( course* Niko $ "ould have thought that "hen you le(t &isha )leeding on the street like a dog you "ould not have gave a second thought* $ "ould have thought you tucked the image o( my (ace a"ay in some mental gar)age can a hundred years ago* Melvin 1$iko leans for!ard and s"eaks barely above a !his"er*2 Then shame on you* 0ou should kno" )etter* $t doesnt "ork that "ay* $t never "orks that "ay* Treyshawn Mutha(ucking Wu#tang* As cool as ever* 'igga kno" "e gon kill his ass and he dont even )reak a s"eat* Melvin Melvin* Niko Melvin3 Melvin My name is Melvin not Wu#tang* Treyshawn


Mutha(ucka your name is mud i( $ say it is* Melvin 0ou can only kill once* Treyshawn 0eah )ut "e can make it hurt though good and long* 0ou ,iece o( shit $ can stretch that hurt out (orever* Melvin 0ou cant touch me* 0ou can end this li(e )ut $m more than this li(e* Niko 0ou a ,hiloso,her no" Wu#tang3 Melvin 'o* But $m a man* And my name is Melvin* Wu#tang died a long time ago* 1Treysha!n rushes for!ard and sla"s +elvin across the face*2 Treyshawn -hut yo (uckin mouth* 1+elvin recoils from the blo! and then s"its out a mouth full of blood*2 Melvin $m not a(raid to die* 0ou "ant to kill me then kill :od kno"s $ got it coming* :od kno"s "e all got it coming* But my name is Melvin Fohnson* Thats my name* 'ot Wu# tang Melvin Fohnson* Niko Where did you (ind him3 Treyshawn He "as at some con(erence at the hotel $ "as staying at* Niko A con(erence3 Melvin $m a su,ervisor at Kiceroy 8imited* Niko $nsurance3 Melvin 0es*


Niko 0oure an insurance salesman* Melvin Well technically $m a su,ervisor* Niko 1Said simultaneously2 Whatever* Treyshawn Whatever* Niko Do you kno" "hat ha,,ened a(ter that day3 Melvin &isha3 Treyshawn 0es* Niko $ "as also arrested* $ "as charge "ith her death* Melvin $ didnt kno" that* Niko $ ,icked u, your gun "hen you dro,,ed it* My (inger,rints all over it* They convicted me in t"enty minutes* 1$iko reaches into his "ocket and "roduces the red scarf*2 This )elonged to her* 1$iko holds it u" to his face. +elvin "ulls a!ay*2 -he "as "earing it that day* The red covers the )lood* 1$iko dro"s the scarf at +elvin#s feet*2 Melvin That day $ le(t $ le(t everything* $ ran to Ala)ama lived "ith some relatives there and recu,erated* Niko %ecu,erated3 0ou "ere shot3 Melvin T"ice* Once in my side and once in the thigh* $ had that dude &ri? (rom over on Alder * * * Treyshawn


* * * 0eah $ kno" him )e(ore he )ecame a crack head he "as a nurse * * * Melvin * * * 0eah $ had him ,ull the )ullets out o( me* Niko $ hit you that day* Melvin 0es* Niko -he choked on her o"n )lood* Melvin $ kno" a)out death and dying* $ kno" that she su((ered* $ kno" that $m res,onsi)le (or that* Treyshawn Do you3 Melvin $ do* Niko 0ou do do you kno" a)out looking into the (ace o( a "oman and telling her that her daughter is dead3 Melvin 0es $ do* Niko Do you kno" a)out rotting in a cell t"enty#(our seven "hile the "orld 4ust s,eeds ,ast you3 Melvin 0es $ do* Niko Did you kno" that &isha "as ,regnant3 Huh Melvin3 Did you kno" that huh that she "as carrying my )a)y since you kno" so damn much3 Did you kno" that3 Melvin $ didnt* Niko


Did you kno" that you (lushed my li(e a"ay "ith that )ullet* Melvin 'o* But $ am sorry sorry (or it all* But you cant o"n it* Niko $m sorry Melvin The ,ain is not 4ust yours the shame the hurt * * * $ kno" that your "oman yo )a)y "as killed )ut you dont o"n the shame* 0ou dont o"n the ,ain* $t is as much mine as yours* Niko What the hell are you saying3 Melvin $ o"n their deaths as much as you* Niko What3 Melvin 0ou dont o"n that* Niko Come again3 Melvin 0ou heard me* Niko 0ou )astard* $ dont o"n that my )a)y $ dont o"n that3 Melvin 'o* -he lives in my memory* 0our girl(riend* $( she "as ,regnant * * * no" that child "ill live in my nightmares* $ts a ,art o( me* A ,art that "ill never go a"ay* $ts not 4ust your loss* $ts my loss too* Niko -hut your mouth* 0ou murdered you killed your a murderer* But $ dont o"n it* 0ou son o( a )itch* 1$iko "ulls the gun out of Treysha!n#s hand and "oints it at +elvin *2 Thats the stu,idest (ucking thing $ have ever heard* Melvin


0ou think $ dont kno" that3 0ou think that $ am the one man in this "orld "ho doesnt understand ho" utterly stu,id "e "ere huh3 Our lives are like o,en "ounds* Festering )leeding "ounds that never heal* $ killed &isha and all the "ishing "ont "ash it a"ay* $ killed your child* 1+elvin begins to !ee"*2 $ killed your child* Niko 0es* Melvin $ killed your child* Niko 0es* Melvin Then shoot* Niko 0es* Melvin -hoot* Fuckin end it* End it* -hoot ,ull the (uckin trigger* -hoot* 1 The gun goes off * The gun is fired into the floor*2 Treyshawn 'O* 1 ong beat2 'o* Dont* 1$iko turns and looks at Treysha!n*2 Niko What3 Treyshawn 'o* Niko He killed * * * He * * * Treyshawn * * * We are chasing ghosts 'iko* Niko What3 Treyshawn We are holding a gun on a (ucking insurance agent (or christsake* Melvin


Well technically $m a su,ervisor* Niko and Treyshawn Whatever 1Said simultaneously*2 Treyshawn WhateverL The ,oint is like the man already said Wu#tang died a long time ago* Niko Than "hat3 Treyshawn Then nothing* $ts over* Niko $ts over* Treyshawn 0es* Niko $ts over* Fust like that3 Treyshawn Fust like that* Niko Tell me "here do $ ,ut my ,ain my rage my hate3 Where do $ ,ut it3 $ )een dying slo"ly (or t"enty years* Were do $ ,ut my ,ain3 Treyshawn $ dont kno"* Niko Thats the ans"er3 $ dont kno" $ dont kno"* Treyshawn $ dont kno"* Niko 1The gun dro"s to his side and he backs off of +elvin*2 Where do $ ,ut my hate3 Treyshawn 1Treysha!n !alks u" to +elvin and unties him. Treysha!n reaches into his 'acket "ocket and hands +elvin a cell "hone*2 Melvin


What3 Treyshawn $ take it you "anna call the ,olice3 Melvin 1 ong beat2 $ aint Wu#tang )ut $ aint that nigga either* Treyshawn Okay* -o then "hat no"3 Melvin 1 ong "ause2 Well * * * my "i(es (iAing a roast* Treyshawn A roast3 Melvin A(ter all thats ha,,ened the least $ can do is o((er you a meal* 1 The t!o men look at him long and hard*2 Treyshawn Are "e talking side dishes or "hat3 Melvin Well my "i(e makes a killer three cheese macaroni* Treyshawn Macaroni yeah that is the a,,ro,riate side dish )eing a roast and all* Melvin That gun (ire is gonna dra" attention* As i( three niggas didnt dra" attention already* 8ets go )e(ore the co,s get here* Treyshawn 0eah* $ think "eve had enough involvement "ith them mutha(uckas to last us a li(e time* 1+elvin and Treysha!n begin to e(it the stage*2 Niko Melvin* Melvin* 1The t!o men e(iting the stage sto" and turn around. $iko /uickly raises the "istol in his hand and fires it at "oint blank range. +elvin clutches his chest and falls dead to the ground. Treysha!n recoils in horror*2 Treyshawn Why* Why*


Niko 1 ong "ause2 Because it "ill never end * * * 1$iko raises the gun slo!ly and "oints it at Treysha!n*2 * * * until "e do* 1$iko fires the "istol at "oint blank range. Treysha!n clutches his chest and falls to the ground dead. $iko !anders to the front of the stage and directly addresses the audience.2 $n "hom "e have redem,tion through his )lood the (orgiveness o( sins according to the riches o( his graceH Wherein he hath a)ounded to"ard us in all "isdom and ,rudenceH Having made kno"n unto us the mystery o( his "ill according to his good ,leasure "hich he hath ,ur,osed in himsel(M That in the dis,ensation o( the (ullness o( times he might gather together in one all things in Christ )oth "hich are in heaven and "hich are on earthH even in himM $n "hom also "e have o)tained an inheritance )eing ,re#destined according to the ,ur,ose o( him "ho "orketh all things a(ter the counsel o( his o"n "illM That "e should )e to the ,raise o( his glory "ho (irst trusted in Christ* 1$iko smiles and falls to his knees. *e slo!ly raises the gun to his head.2 Ask and it "ill )e given to youH seek and you "ill (indH knock and the door "ill )e o,ened to you* 1The stage suddenly goes black. A fe! seconds later !e hear a gun shot. &e hear the sound of a body dro""ing. A fe! seconds later the light comes u" and reveals that the stage is littered !ith bodies. The sound of drums slo!ly begins to rise. &e hear a ne!scaster begin to s"eak as a bright !hite light begins to gro! brighter and brighter until it is a blinding !hite light cast over the entire stage. The red light from the corner of the stage continues to blink. Kisha is standing underneath it. She !alks over to the front of the stage and "icks u" her red scarf she !ra"s it around her head and !alks off stage.2 Newscaster Tonight "e have a shocking story out o( the usually slee,y community in southern Ohio* Three ,rominent A(rican American )usiness men "ere (ound murdered in an a)andoned (actory 4ust outside o( Colum)us* One o( the men included ,rominent real estate mogul and activist 'iko Fackson* The ,olice have yet to release the identities o( the other t"o men )ut it is clear that all three men "ere shot to death* Colum)us authorities have yet to release motive or i( a sus,ect has )een a,,rehended* 1The lights fade to black*2 F$'*


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