Sri Lalita Sahasranamam Its Brief Meanings

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Sri Lalita Sahasranamam & its Brief Meaning.

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Meaning 1 2 3 4 ! & ( ) , Srimatha Nam e Mother who gives immeasurable wealth who removes all sorrows and gives only happiness.-indicates also her role of creation She who is the empress who takes care of the universe- indicates her role of protection She who sits on the throne of lions-indicates her role of destruction She who rose from the fire of knowledge and is the ultimate truth She who is interested in helping devas She who glitters like thousand rising suns She who has four arms She who has love for all in the form of rope (pasa)-She has this in one of her left hands She who glitters and has anger in the form of Anghusa in one of her right hands. She who has the bow of sweet cane which is her mind-in one of her left hands She who has five bows of touch smell hearing taste and sight She who makes all the universe immerse in her red color which is like the sun in the dawn She who wears in her hair flowers like !hampaka "unnaga and Sowgandhika She whose crown glitters with rows of inlaid precious stones ("admaraga stones) She who has a beautiful forehead like the half moon (visible on eighth day from new moon) She who has the thilaka(dot) of Musk in her forehead which is like the black shadow in the moon She who has beautiful eyelids which look like the ornaments to her face which is like cupids home She who has beautiful eyes which look like fish in the pond of her face She who has nose like freshly opened flowers of !hampaka She who has a nose ring which shines more than the star She who has beautiful ears like the kadamba flowers

Sri maharajni Sri math simasaneshwari Chidagni Kunda Samb tha

"e#a $ar%a samudh%atha 'd%ath bhanu sahasrabha Chadur bahu saman#idha *agha Swar +a +asad%a

Kr dha$aran$us jwala Man *u+eshu K danda .an/ha than mathra sa%a$a Nijaruna +rabha + ra majjath brahmanda mandala Cham+a$as $a 0+unnaga1 s wgandhi$a1 lasath $a/ha Kuru #inda mani 0sreni1 $anath $ tira manditha 2shtami /handra #ibhraja 0 dhali$a sthala sh bhitha Mu$a /handra $alan$abha mriganabhi #isesha$a 3adana smara mangal%a griha th rana /hilla$a 3a$thra la$shmi 0+ari#aha1 /halan meenabha l /hana Na#a /ham+a$a 0+ush+abha1 nasa dhanda #irajitha 4hara $anthi thiras$ari nasabharana bhasura Kadambha manjari $lu+tha $arna + ra man hara

111 12 13 14 1! 1& 1( 1) 1, 221

22 23 24 2! 2& 2( 2) 2, 331 32 33 34 3! 3& 3( 3) 3, 441 42 43 44 4! 4&

4hadanga %ugali bh tha tha+an du+a mandala .adma raga sila darsha +aribha#i$a + labhu Na#a #idhruma bimbha sri n%a$$ari rathna /hhadha Shuddha #id%angura$ara dwija +angthi dwa% jjala Kar+ ra 3eedi Kam dha Sama$arsha digandara Nija Sallabha Madhur%a 3inirbhardista Ka//habhi Mandasmitha +rabha + ra majjat Kamesha manasa 2na$alidha Sadrush%a Chibu$a sri #irajitha Kamesha baddha mangal%a sutra sh bitha $andhara Kan$angadha Ke%ura Kamani%a Bujan#idha *athna grai#e%a /hintha$a l la mu$tha +halan#itha Kameswara +rema rathna mani +rathi +ana sthani Nabh%ala #ala * mali latha +hala $u/ha dwa%i La$sh%a r ma latha dharatha samunne%a madh%ama Sthana bhara dalan Madh%a +atta bhandha #alithra%a 2runaruna $ausumba #asthra bhaswat $ati thati *athna $in$ini$a ram%a rasana dhama bh shitha Kamesha gnatha s wbhag%a mardw ru dwa%an#itha Mani$h%a mu$uta $ara janu dwa%a #irajitha 5ndra $ +a +ari$shi+tha smarathunabha jangi$a K da 6ul+ha K rma +rashta ja%ishnu +ra+adan#idha Na$adhi dhithi sam/hanna namajjana tham guna .ada dwa%a .rabha jala +ara$rutha sar ruha Sin/hana mani manjira manditha sri +amambuja

She who wears the sun and the moon as her ear studs She who has cheeks which shine more than the mirror made of "admaraga She whose lips are like beautiful new corals She who has teeth which look like germinated true knowledge(Shodasakshari vidya) She who chews betel leaf with the spices which give perfume in all directions She who has voice sweeter than the notes produced by Sarawathi #evi$s %eena(&his is called 'achabhi) She who has lovely smile which is like the river in which the mind of cupid plays She who has a beautiful chin which has nothing else to compare She who shines with the sacred thread in her neck tied by (ord 'ameshwara She who wears golden Armlets She who wears necklace with moving pearls and dollar inlaid with gems She who gave her breasts which are like the pot made of )athna(precious stones) and has obtained the love of 'ameshwara She who has two breasts that are like fruits borne on the creeper of tiny hairs raising from her belly. She who is suspected to have a waist because of the creeper like hairs raising from there She who has three stripes in her belly which looks like having been created to protect her tiny waist from her heavy breasts She who shines in her light reddish silk cloth worn over her tiny waist She who wears a golden thread below her waist decorated with bells made of precious stones She who has pretty and tender thighs known only to her consort 'ameshwara She who has knee *oints like the crown made of manikya below her thighs She who has forelegs like the cupids case of arrows followed by the bee called +ndra kopa She who has round ankles She who has upper feet like the back of the tortoise She who removes the darkness in the mind of her devotees by the sparkle of nails She who has two feet which are much more beautiful than lotus flowers She who has feet wearing musical anklets filled with gem stones

4( 4) 4, !!1 !2 !3 !4 !! !& !( !) !, &&1 &2 &3 &4 &! && &( &)

Marali Mandha 6amana Maha La#an%a Sewadhi Sar#aruna 2na#adh%angi Sr#abharana Bh Shi#a Swadheena 3allabha Summeru Madh%a sringastha Sriman nagara na%i$a Chinthamani grihanthastha .an/ha brahmasana sthitha Maha +adma da#i samstha Kadambha #ana #asini Sudha sagara madh%astha Kama$shi Kamadha%ini "e#arshi 6ana1sangatha1 stu%amanathma1#aibha#a Bhandasura #ad d%u$tha sha$thi sena sama#itha Sam+ath$ari samar da sindh ra #rija se#itha 2swar dadishidaswa $ di $ di bira#rutha Cha$ra raja ratha r da sar#a%udha +arish$ridha 6e%a /ha$ra ratha r da manthrini +ari se#itha 6iri /ha$ra rathar da dhanda natha +uras$rutha 7walimali$a $si+tha #anhi +ra$ara madh%a$a shita

She who has the slow gait like the swan She who has the store house of supreme beauty She who has light reddish color of the dawn in all her aspects She who has most beautiful limbs which do not lack any aspect of beauty She who wears all the ornaments She who sits on the lap of 'ameswara(shiva) She who is the personification of Shiva She whose husband obeys her She who lives in the central peak of Mount Meru She who is the chief of Srinagara(a town) She who lives in the all wish full filling house She who sits on the five brahmas vi,. -rahma %ishnu )udra .sana and Sadashiva She who lives in the forest of lotus flowers She who lives in the forest of 'admbha (Madurai city is also called 'adambha vana) She who lives in the middle of the sea of nectar She who fulfills desires by her sight She who gives what is desired She who has all the /ualities fit to be worshipped by sages and devas She who is surrounded by army set ready to kill -andasura She who is surrounded by Sampathkari (that which gives wealth) elephant brigade She who is surrounded by crores of cavalry of horses She who is fully armed and rides in the Srichakra chariot with nine stories She who rides in the chariot with seven stories and is served by manthrini who is the goddess of music She who rides in the chariot with five stories and is served by goddess %arahi otherwise called #handa natha She who is in the middle of the fort of fire built by the 0oddess 1walamalini


&, ((1

(2 (3 (4 (!

Bhanda sain%a #ad d%u$tha sha$thi #i$rama harshitha Nith%a +ara$amat +a niree$shana samutsu$a Banda +uthra #ad d%u$tha bala #i$rama nandhita Manthrin%amba #ira/hitha #ishanga#atha " shitha 3ishu$a +rana harana #arahi #eeer%a nandhitha Kameshwara mu$al $a $al+itha sri 6aneshwara Mahaganesha nirbhinna #igna%anthra +raharshitha Banda surendra nirmu$tha sashtra +rath%asthra #arshani Karanguli na$h th+anna nara%ana dasa$rithi

She who was pleased by the various Shakthis(literally strength but a goddess) who helped in killing the army of -handasura She who is interested and happy in observing the valour of 2ithya devathas (literally goddess of every day) She who was pleased by the valour of -ala devi(her daughter) in destroying the sons of -anda She who became happy at seeing 0oddess Manthrini kill %ishanga(this ogre (brother of -anda) represents our desires for physical things) She who appreciates the valour of %arahi in killing %ishuka (another brother of -anda-he is personification of ignorance) She who created 0od 0anesh by the mere look of the face of her (ord 'ameshwara She who became happy at seeing (ord 0anesha destroy the %igna 3anthra (contraption meant to delay ) created by %ishuka She who rained arrows and replied with arrows against -andasura She who created the ten avatharas of 2arayana from the tip of her nails (when -andasura send the Sarvasura asthra (arrow) she destroyed it by creating the ten avatharas of %ishnu) She who destroyed the army of asuras by the Maha pasupatha arrow. She who destroyed -andasura and his city called sunyaka by the 'ameshwara arrow. She who is prayed by (ord -rahma other devas %ishnu indra and

(& (( () (, )-

)1 )2 )3 )4 )! )& )( )) ), ,,1 ,2

Maha +asu+athasthragni nirdagdhasura saini$a Kameshwarasthra nirdhagdha sabandasura sun%a$a Brhm +endra mahendradhi de#a samsthutha #aibha#a 8ara nethragni sandhagdha $ama sanjee#an ushadhi Sri #agbha#e $ daiga swar +a mu$ha +an$aja Kantatha $adi +ar%antha Madh%a $ daiga swar +ini Sa$thi $ daiga tha+anna Kad%ath bhaga dharini M la manthrathmi$ha

She who brought back to life the 0od of love Manmatha who was burnt to ashes by the fire from the eyes of Shiva She whose lotus face is %agbhava 'oota She whose portion from neck to hips is Madya koota She whose portion from neck to hips is Madya koota She who is the meaning of Moola manthra (root manthra) or She who is the cause She whose body is the three parts of the basic manthra i.e. pancha dasakshari manthra She who en*oys the ecstatic state of oneness of one who sees sight and what is seen or She who gets pleasure in drinking the nectar flowing from the thousand pedaled lotus below the brain. She who protects the powerful truths from falling into unsuitable people She who is a lady belonging to cultured family or She who is like Srividya known only to one whom it belongs

M la $ da thra%a $alebhara Kulamruthai$a rasi$a Kula san$etha +alini Kulangana

,3 ,4 ,! ,& ,( ,) ,, 1-1-1 1-2 1-3

Kulanthastha Kaulini Kula % gini 2$ula Sama%anthastha Sama%a/hara that +ara M ladharai$a nila%a Brhama 6randhi 3ibhedini

She who is fit to be worshipped any where She who is the unification of the principles of Shiva and Shakthi She who is related to the family or She who is related to the ultimate knowledge She who is beyond kula or She who is beyond any knowledge She who is within the mental worship of Shiva and Shakthi She who likes Samayachara i.e. worship stepwise from mooladhara !hakra She who e4ists in Mooladhara +n Mooladhara which is in the form of four pedaled lotus the kundalini sleeps. She who breaks the tie in -rahma grandhi i.e she who helps us to cross the ties due to our birth. She who e4ists in Mani pooraka chakra full dressed in her fineries She who breaks the ties of %ishnu grandhi i.e she who helps us cross the ties due to our position. She who lives in between two eye lids in the form of she who orders She who breaks the ties of )udra grandhi i.e she who helps us cross the ties due to our violent thoughts and nature She who has climbed sahasrara the thousand pedaled lotus which is the point of ultimate awakening She who makes nectar flow in all our nerves from sahasrara i.e. she who gives the very pleasant e4perience of the ultimate She who shines like the streak of lightning She who is on the top of si4 wheels starting from mooladhara She who likes worship by her devotees She who is in the form of 'undalini ( a form which is a snake hissing and e4ists in mooladhara) She who is as thin as the thread from lotus She who gives life to the routine life of human beings or She who is the consort of (ord Shiva She who can be attained by thinking She who is like the a4e used to cut the miserable life of the world She who is interested in doing good to her devotees She who is personification of all that is good She who gives all good and luck to her devotees She who likes devotion to her

Mani +

rantharudhitha grandhi

3ishnu #ibedhini

2gna /ha$arantharalastha *udra grandhi #ibhedini Sahararambhujar da

1-4 1-! 1-&

Sudha sarabhi #arshini

1-( 1-) 1-, 11111 112 113 114 11! 11& 11( 11)

4hadillatha samaru/h%a Shad /ha$r +ari samshitha Maha ssa$th%a Kundalini Bisa thanthu thani%asi Bha#ani Bha#ana gam%a Bha#aran% $udariga Bhadra +ri%a Bhadra m rth%

Bha$tha s wbhag%a dha%ini Bha$thi +ri%a

11, 12121 122 123 124 12! 12& 12( 12) 12, 13131 132 133 134 13! 13& 13( 13) 13, 14141 142 143 144 14! 14& 14( 14) 14, 1!1!1 1!2 1!3 1!4 1!!

Bha$thi gam%a Bha$thi #as%a Bha%a+aha Sambha#%a Saradharad%a Sar#ani Sarmadha%ini San$ari Sree$ari Sadhwi Sarat /handra nibhanana Sath dhari Santhimathi Niradhara Niranjana Nirle+a Nirmala Nith%a Nira$ara Nira$ula Nirguna Nish$ala Santha Nish$ama Niru++alla#a Nith%a mu$tha Nir#i$ara Nish+ra+an/ha Nirasra%a Nith%a shuddha Nith%a bhuddha Nira#adh%a Niranthara Nish$arana Nish$alan$a Niru+adhi Nireeswara

She who can be reached by devotion She who can be controlled by devotion She who removes fear She who is married to Shambhu She who is to be worshipped during 2avarathri celebrated during autumn She who is the consort of (ord Shiva in the form of Sarvar She who gives pleasures She who is the consort of Sankara She who gives all forms of wealth and happiness She who is eternally devoted to her husband She who has the face like moon in the autumn She who has a thin belly She who is peace personified She who does not need any support to herself She who is devoid of any blemishes or scars She who does not have any attachment She who is personification of clarity or She who is devoid of any dirt She who is permanently stable She who does not have any shape She who cannot be attained by confused people She who is beyond any characteristics She who is not divided She who is peace She who does not have any desires She who is never destroyed She who is forever free of the ties of the world She never undergoes alteration She who is beyond this world She who does not need support She who is forever clean She She She She who who who who is for ever knowledge can never be accused is forever continuous does not have cause

She who does not have blemishes She who does not have basis She who does not have any one controlling her

1!& 1!( 1!) 1!, 1&1&1 1&2 1&3 1&4 1&! 1&& 1&( 1&) 1&, 1(1(1 1(2 1(3 1(4 1(! 1(& 1(( 1() 1(, 1)1)1 1)2 1)3 1)4 1)! 1)& 1)( 1)) 1), 1,1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,! 1,&

Neeraga *agha madhani Nirmadha Madhanasini Nis/hintha Nirahan$ara Nirm ha M hanasini Nirmama Mamatha hanthri Nish+a+a .a+a nashini Nish$r dha Kr dha 0samani Nir L bha L bha nasini Nissamsa%a Samsa%agni Nirbha#a Bha#a nasini Nir#i$al+a Nirabhadha Nirbhedha Bhedha nasini Nirnasa Mrit%u madhani Nish$ri%a Nish+arigraha Nisthula Neela /hi$ura Nira+a%a Nirath%a%a "hurlabha "hurgama "hurga "hu$a hanthri Su$ha +rada "ushta d ra "ura/hara samani " sha #arjitha Sar#angna

She who does not have any desires She who removes desires from us She who does not have any firm beliefs She who destroys beliefs She who is not worried She who does not have an ego She who does not have any passion She who destroys passion She who does not have selfish feelings She who destroys selfishness She who does not have any sin She who destroys sin She who is devoid of anger She who destroys anger She who is not miserly She who removes miserliness She who does not have any doubts She who clears doubts She who does not have another birth She who helps us not have another birth She who does not do anything she does not desire She who is not affected by anything She who does not have any difference She who promotes oneness She who does not die She who removes fear of death She who does not have any work She who does not accept help from others She who does not have anything to be compared She to who has dark black hair She who is never destroyed She who does not cross limits of rules she herself created She who is difficult to obtain She who can not be neared easily She who is #hurga who is a nine year old girl She who removes sorrows She who gives pleasures and happiness She who keeps far away from evil men She who destroys evil practices She who does not have anything bad She who knows everything

1,( 1,) 1,, 2-2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-! 2-& 2-( 2-) 2-, 21211 212 213 214 21! 21& 21( 21) 21, 22221 222 223 224 22! 22& 22( 22) 22, 23-

Saandra $aruna Samanadhi$a #arjitha Sar#a sha$thi ma%i Sar#a mangala Sad gathi +rada Sar#eshwari Sar#a ma%i Sar#a manthra swar Sar#a %anthrathmi$a Sar#a thanthra r Man nmani Maaheswari Mahaa de#i Maha la$shmi Mrida +ri%a Maha r Maha + +a j%a +a +ini

She who is full of mercy She who is incomparable She who has personification of all strengths She who is personification of all that is good She who gives us good path She who is goddess of all She who is everywhere She who is personification of all manthras She who is represented by all yantras(&alisman) She who is also goddess of all &hanthras which is a method of worship She who is the result of mental thoughts of thoughts and actions She who is the consort of Maheswara ((ord of everything) She who is the consort of Maha #eva(0od of all gods) She who takes the form of Mahalaksmi the goddess of wealth She who is dear to Mrida (a name of (ord Shiva) She who is very big She who is fit to be worshipped by great people She who destroys the ma*or misdemeanors She who is the great illusion She who is greatly knowledgeable She who is very strong She who gives great happiness She who en*oys great pleasures She who has great wealth She who has great valour She who is very strong She who is very intelligent She who has great super natural powers She who is goddess of great yogis She who has the greatest &hantra sasthras She who has the greatest manthras She who has the greatest yanthras She who has the greatest seat She who should be worshipped by performing great sacrifices( -havana yaga and !hidagni 'unda yaga)

Maha +atha$a nasini Maha ma%a Maha sath#a Maha sa$thi Maha rathi Maha bh ga Mahaiswar%a Maha #eer%a Maha bala Maha bhudhi Maha sidhi Maha % geswareswari Mahathanthra Mahamanthra Maha%anthra Mahasana Maha %aga $ramaradh%a

231 232 233 234 23! 23& 23( 23) 23, 24241 242 243 244 24! 24& 24( 24) 24, 2!-

Maha bhaira#a +


She who is being worshipped by the great -hairava She who will be the witness to the great dance to be performed by the great lord at the end of the worlds She who is the prime consort of the great 'ameshwara She who is the beauty of the three great cities She who should be worshipped with si4ty four offerings She who has si4ty four sections She who is being worshipped by the si4ty four crore yoginis in the nine different charkas She who is personification of Sri %idya as e4pounded by Manu She who is personification of Sri %idya as e4pounded by Moon She who is in the center of the universe around the moon She who is very beautiful She who has a beautiful smile She who wears the beautiful crescent She who is the (ord of all moving and immobile things She who lives in the middle of Sree !hakra She who is the daughter of the mountain She who has eyes like the lotus She who shines as much as the "adma )aga *ewel She who sits on the seat of five dead bodies ( these are -rahma %ishnu )udra .esa and Sadasiva without their Shakthi(consort)) She who is personification of five brahmas ( they are the gods mentioned in the last name with their Shakthi) She who is the personification action in every thing She who is supremely happy

Maheswara Maha$al+a Maha thanda#a sa$shini Maha $amesha mahishi Maha tri+ura sundari Chatustat%u+a/harad%a Chathu sashti $ala ma%i Maha Chathusashti $ di % gini gana se#itha Manu 3id%a Chandra 3id%a Chandra mandala Madh%aga Charu * +a Charu 8asa Charu Chandra Kaladhara Chara/hara 7agannatha Cha$ra *aja Ni$ethana .ar#athi .adma na%ana .adma raga sama+rabha .an/ha +rethasana seena .an/ha brahma swar +ini

2!1 2!2 2!3 2!4 2!! 2!& 2!(

Chinma%i .aramananda 3ignana 6ana * +ini

She who is the personification of knowledge based on science She who is personification of meditation the being who meditates and what is being meditated upon She who is beyond #harma (*ustice) and Adharma(in*ustice) She who has the form of the universe She who is always awake

"h%ana "h%athru dh%e%a r +a "harmadhrama #i#arjitha 3iswa r 7agarini +a

2!) 2!, 2&2&1 2&2 2&3 2&4 2&! 2&& 2&( 2&) 2&, 2(2(1 2(2 2(3 2(4 2(! 2(& 2(( 2() 2(, 2)2)1 2)2 2)3 2)4 2)! 2)& 2)( 2)) 2),

Swa+anthi 4haijasathmi$a Su+tha .rangnathmi$a 4hur%a Sar#a#astha #i#arjitha Srishti $arthri Brahma r 6 +thri 6 #inda r Samharini *udhra r 9eswari Sadashi#aa 2nugrahada .an/ha $rith%a +ara%ana Bhanu mandala madh%astha Bhaira#i Bhaga malini .admasana Bhaga#athi .admanabha sah dari 'nmesha nimish t+anna #i+anna bhu#ana#ali Sahasra seersha #adana Sahara$shi Sahasra +ath 2abrahma $eeda janani 3arnashrama #idha%ini Nijangna r +a nigama +a 4hir dhana $ari +ini +a

She who is always in the state of dream She who is the form of &hai*asa which is microbial concept She who is in deep sleep She who is awake She who is in trance She who is above all states She who creates She who is the personification of ultimate She who saves She who is of the form of 0ovinda She who destroys She who is of the form of )udhra She who hides herself from us She who is of the form of easwara She who is of the form of Sadashiva She who blesses She who is engaged in the five duties of creation e4istence dissolving disappearing and blessing She who is in the middle of the sun5s universe She who is the consort of -hairava She who is the goddess bhaga malini She who sits on a lotus She who is with all wealth and knowledge She who is the sister of %ishnu She who creates and destroys the universe by opening and closing of her eye lids She who has thousands of faces and heads She who has thousands of eyes She who has thousands of feet She has created all beings from worm to (ord -rahma She who created the four fold division of society She who gave orders which are based on %edas She who gives compensation for sins and good deeds She whose dust from her lotus feet is the sindhoora fills up in the parting of the hair of the %edic mother

.un%a+un%a +hala +radha Sruthi seemantha $ula sindh ri $ritha +adabjha dh liga Sa$alagama sand ha shu$thi sam+uta mau$thi$a


She who is like the pearl in the pearl holding shell of %edas

2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,! 2,& 2,( 2,) 2,, 3-3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-! 3-& 3-( 3-) 3-, 31311 312 313 314 31! 31& 31( 31) 31, 32321 322 323 324 32!

.urashartha +radha . rna

She who gives us the purusharthas of !harity assets *oy and moksha She who is complete She who en*oys pleasures She who is the 0oddess presiding over the universe She who is the mother of the world She who does not have either end or beginning She who is served by 0ods like %ishnu +ndra and -rahma She who is like 2arayana She who is the shape of music (sound) She who does not have either name or shape She who makes the holy sound 6rim She who is shy She who is in the heart (devotees) She who does not have aspects which can be accepted or re*ected She She She She who who who who is being worshipped by king of kings is the /ueen of 'ameshwara makes others happy is lotus eyed

Bh gini Bhu#aneshwari 2mbi$a 2nadhi nidhana 8ari brahmendra se#itha Naara%ani Naada r Nama r +a +a #i#arjitha

8rim $ari 8arimathi 8rud%a 8e% +ade%a #arjitha *aja rajar/hitha *a$hini *am%a *ajee#a l /hana *anjani *amani *as%a *anath $in$ini me$hala *amaa *aa$endu #adana *athi r +a

She who by her red color makes Shiva also red She who plays with her devotees She who feeds the *uice of everything She who wears the golden waist band with tinkling bells She who is like (akshmi She who has a face like the full moon She who attracts others with her features like )athi (wife of 0od of love-Manmatha) She who likes )athi She who protects She who kills )akshasas-ogres opposed to the heaven She who is feminine She who is interested in making love to her lord She who is of the form of love She who is the personification of the art of love She who likes the flowers of 'adamba She who does good She who is like a root to the world

*athi +ri%a *a$shaa $ari *a$shasagni *aamaa *amana lam+ata Kaam%a Kama$ala r Kal%ani 7agathi $andha +a Kadambha $usuma +ri%a

32& 32( 32) 32, 33331 332 333 334 33! 33& 33( 33) 33, 34341 342 343 344 34! 34& 34( 34) 34, 3!3!1 3!2 3!3 3!4 3!! 3!& 3!( 3!) 3!,

Karuna rasa sagara Kala#athi Kalaala+a Kaantha Kadambari +ri%a 3aradha 3ama na%ana 3aaruni madha #ihwala 3iswadhi$a 3eda #ed%a 3indh%a/hala ni#asini 3idhatri 3eda janani 3ishnu ma%a 3ilasini Kshetra swar Kshetresi +a

She who is the sea of the *uice of mercy She who is an artist or she who has crescents She whose talk is artful She who glitters She who likes the wine called 'adambari or She who likes long stories She who gives boons She who has beautiful eyes She who gets drunk with the wine called varuni(&he wine of happiness) She who is above all universe She who can be understood by %edas She who lives on %indhya mountains She who carries the world She who created the %edas She who lives as the %ishnu maya She who en*oys love making She who is personification of the 'shetra or body She who is goddess of bodies She who looks after bodies and their lord She who neither decreases or increases She who is worshipped by those who look after bodies She who is always victorious She who is clean of ignorance and illusion She who is being worshipped by every body She who has affection towards all those who worship her She who uses words with great effect in arguments She who has beautiful hair She who lives in the universe of fire which is Mooladhara She who is the wish giving creeper 'alpaga She who removes shackles from the living She who destroys those people who have left their faith She who makes things happen through good conduct She who is like the pleasure giving moon to those who suffer from the three types of pain She who is ever young She who is being worshipped by sages

Kshethra $shethragna +alini Ksha%a #ridhi nirmu$tha Kshetra +ala samar/hitha 3ija%a 3imala 3andh%a 3andharu jana #atsala 3aag #adhini 3ama $esi 3ahni mandala #aasini Bha$thi mat $al+a lathi$a .asu +asa #im /hani Samhrutha sesha +ashanda Sada/hara +ra#arthi$a 4ha+atr%agni santha+tha samahladahna /handri$a 4haruni 4ha+asa aradh%a

3&3&1 3&2 3&3 3&4 3&!

4hanu Madh%a 4ham +aha Chithi 4hat+ada la$sh%artha Chide$ara swar +ini

She who has a narrow middle (hip) She who destroys darkness She who is personification of wisdom She who is the indicative meaning of the word 7thath8 which is the first word of vedic saying 7that thou art8 She who is wisdom through out She who in her ocean of wisdom makes 9isdom about -rahmam look like a wave She who is the outside meaning of every thing She who makes us look for wisdom inside She who sees everything within herself She who gives power to all gods She who is in the middle of everything

Swathmananda la#i bh tha brahmad%anantha santhathi .araa .rath%a$ /hidi r .as%anthi .ara de#atha Madh%ama 3ai$hari r +a +a

3&& 3&( 3&) 3&, 3(3(1 3(2 3(3 3(4 3(! 3(& 3(( 3() 3(, 3)3)1 3)2 3)3 3)4 3)! 3)& 3)(

She who is of the form with words She who is like a swan in the lake called mind She who is the life source of 'ameswara She who watches all actions of every one or She who knows all She who is being worshipped by the god of love in the kama giri peeta of Mooladhara chakra-'ama She who is lovely She who is personification of victory She who is on 1alandhara peetha or She who is purest of the pure She who is on :dyana peetha or She who lives in orders She who lives in the dot in the center of Srichakra She who can be worshipped by secret sacrificial rites She who is pleased of chants knowing its meaning She who is pleased immediately She who is the witness for the universe She who does not have witness for herself She who has her si4 parts as gods vi,. heart head hair. -attle dress eyes and arrows She who is full of si4 characteristics vi,. wealth duty fame knowledge assets and renunciation

Bha$tha manasa hamsi$ha Kameshwara +rana nadi Kruthagna Kama + jitha rna

Srungara rasa sam+ 7a%aa 7alandhara sthitha :d%ana +eeda nila%a

Bindu mandala #aasini *ah % ga $ramaradh%a *ahas tar+ana tar+itha Sad%a +rasadini 3iswa sa$shini Sa$shi #arjitha Shadanga de#atha %u$tha Shadgun%a +ari+ ritha

3)) 3), 3,3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,! 3,& 3,( 3,) 3,, 4-4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-! 4-& 4-( 4-) 4-, 41411 412 413 414 41! 41& 41( 41) 41, 42421

Nith%a $linna Niru+ama Nir#anasu$ha da%ini Nith%a sh dasi$a r +a

She in whose heart there is always mercy She who does not have anything to be compared to She who gives redemption She who is of the form si4teen goddesses She who occupies half the body of (ord Shiva She who is lustrous of supernatural powers She who is personification of the light provided by super natural powers She who is famous She who is the ultimate goddess She who is the root cause She who is not clearly seen She who is visible and not visible She who is spread everywhere She who has several different forms +ini She who is the form of knowledge as well as ignorance She who is like the full moon which opens the lotus like eyes of (ord 'ameshwara She who is like the sun5s rays which remove the darkness from the heart of devotees She who sent Shiva as her representative She who is worshipped by (ord Shiva She who is of the form of (ord Shiva She who makes good to happen She who is dear to (ord Shiva She who does not have any other interest e4cept (ord Shiva She who likes people with good habits

Sri $andartha sareerini .rabha#athi .rabha r .rasiddha .arameshwari M la +ra$rithi 2#%a$tha 3%$tha 2#%a$tha swar +ini 3%a+ini 3i#idha$ara 3idh%a a#idh%a swar +a

Maha $amesha na%ana $umudahladha $aumudhi Bha$tha hardha tham bedha bhanu mat bhanu santhathi Shi#adh thi Shi#aradh%a Shi#a m rthi Shi#angari Shi#a +ri%a Shi#a+ara Shishteshta Shishta + 2+rame%a Swa+ra$asha Man #a/hama g /hara Chitsa$thi Chethana r 7ada sha$thi 7adathmi$ha 6a%athri 3%ahruthi +a jitha

She who is being worshipped by good people She who cannot be measured She who has her own luster She who is beyond the mind and the word She who is the strength of holy knowledge She who is the personification of the power behind action She who is the strength of the immobile She who is the world of immobile She who is 0ayathri She who is the grammar originating from letters

422 423 424 42! 42& 42( 42) 42, 43431 432 433 434 43! 43& 43( 43) 43, 44441 442 443 444 44! 44& 44( 44) 44, 4!4!1 4!2 4!3 4!4 4!! 4!& 4!(

Sandh%a "wija brinda nishewitha 4atwasana 4at 4wam 2%ee .an/ha $ sandara sthitha Nissema mahima Nith%a % uawana Madha shalini Madha g rnitha ra$tha$shi Madha +atala $handab Chandana dra#a dhigdhangi Cham+e%a $usuma +ri%a Kusala K mala$ara Kuru $ulla Kuleshwari Kula $undala%a Kaula marga that +ara se#itha Kumara gana nadambha 4hushti .ushti Mathi "hrithi Santhi Swasthimathi Kanthi Nandhini 3igna nasini 4ej wathi 4rina%ana L la$shi1Kamar Malini 8amsini Matha +ini

She who is the union of souls and the 0od She who is being worshipped by all beings She who sits on principles She who is that She who is you She who is the mother She who is in between the five holy parts She who has limitless fame She who is ever young She who shines by her e4uberance She who has rotating red eyes due to her e4uberance She who has red cheeks due to e4cessive action She who applies sandal paste all over her body She who likes the flowers of !hampaka tree She who is intelligent She who has soft beautiful form She who is of the form of 'uru kulla devi who lives in %imarsa She who is the goddess for the clan She who lives in kula kunda or She who is the power called 'undalani She who is being worshipped by people who follow 'aula matha She who is mother to 0anesha and Subrahmanya She who is personification of happiness She who is personification of health She who is personification of wisdom She who is personification of courage She who is peaceful She who always keeps well She who is personification of light She who is personification of 2andhini daughter of 'amadenu She who removes obstacles She who shines She who has three eyes She who has wandering passionate eyes She who wears a garland She who is surrounded by swans She who is the mother

4!) 4!, 4&4&1 4&2 4&3 4&4 4&! 4&& 4&( 4&) 4&, 4(4(1 4(2 4(3 4(4 4(! 4(& 4(( 4() 4(, 4)4)1 4)2 4)3 4)4 4)! 4)& 4)( 4)) 4), 4,4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4

Mala%a/hala #asini Sumu$hi Nalini Subru Sh bhana Sura Na%i$a Kala $anti Kanthi mathi Ksh bhini Su$shma r 3ajreshwari 3amade#i 3a% #astha #i#arjitha Sidheswari Sidha #id%a Sidha matha ;asawini 3ishudhi/ha$ra Nila%a 2ara$tha#arni 4ril /hana Khadwangadhi +ra$arana 3adanai$a sama#idha .a%asanna +ri%a 4wa$stha .asu l $a Bha%am$ari 2mruthathi maha sa$thi sam#rutha "a$ineeswari 2nahathabja nila%a S%amabha 3adanadwa%a "hamshtr jwala 2$sha maladhi dhara *udhira samsthida Kala rathr%adhi Sha$thi % uga #rudha Sniggd wdhana +ri%a Maha #eerendra #aradha *a$in%ambha swar +ini +ini

She who lives in the Malaya mountain She who has a pleasing disposition She who is tender She who has beautiful eyelids She who brings good things She who is the leader of devas She who is the consort of he who killed the god of death She who has ethereal luster She who creates high emotions or She who gets agitated She who has a micro stature She who is %a*reswari (lord of diamonds) who occupies *alandhara peetha She who is the consort of %ama deva She who does not change with age She who is the goddess of Siddhas (saints with super natural powers) She who is personification of pancha dasa manthra which is called siddha vidya She who is the mother of Siddhas She who is famous She who is in si4teen petalled lotus She who is slightly red She who has three eyes She who has arms like the sword She who has one face She who likes sweet rice ("ayasam) She who lives in the sensibility of the skin She who creates fear for animal like men She who is surrounded by Maha shakthis like Amrutha 'arshini +ndrani .esani uma ;rdwa kesi She who is goddess of the south(denoting death) She who lives in the twelve petalled lotus She who is greenish black She who has two faces She who shines with long protruding teeth She who wears meditation chains She who is in blood She who is surrounded by Shakthis like 'alarathri. 'anditha 0ayathri <.etc She who likes 0hee mi4ed rice She who gives boons to great heroes or She who gives boons to great sages She who has names like rakini

4,! 4,& 4,( 4,) 4,, !-!-1 !-2 !-3 !-4 !-! !-& !-( !-) !-, !1!11 !12 !13 !14 !1! !1& !1( !1) !1, !2!21 !22 !23 !24 !2! !2& !2( !2) !2, !3-

Mani +

rabja nila%a

She who lives in ten petalled lotus She who has three faces She who has weapons like %a*rayudha She who is surrounded by 0oddess like #amari She who is of the color of blood She who is in flesh She who likes rice mi4ed with *aggery She who gives pleasure to all her devotees She who is famous in the name of 7(akini8 She She She She who who who who lives in the si4 petalled lotus has four beautiful faces has weapons like Spear is of golden color

3adana thra%a sam%udha 3ajradhi$a%udh +etha "amar%adhibhi ra#rutha *a$tha #arna Mamsa nishta 6udanna +reetha manasa Samastha bha$tha su$hadha La$in%ambha swar +ini

Swadhishtanambujagatha Chathur #a$thra man hara Sula%udha sam+anna .eetha #arna 2dhi gar#itha Medh nishta Madhu +reetha Bhandin%adhi saman#idha "had%anna sa$tha hridha%a Ka$ini r M +a dharini da ladrambujar

She who is very proud She who is in the fatty layer She who likes honey She who is surrounded by Shakthis called -andhini She who likes curd rice She who resembles 7'akini8 She who sits on the mooladhara kamala or the lotus which is the basic support She who has five faces She who is in the bones She who holds Ankusha and other weapons She who is surrounded by %ardha and other shakthis She who likes rice mi4ed with green gram dhal She who has the name 7Sakini8 She who sits on the lotus called Agna chakra or the wheel of order She who is white colored She who has si4 faces She who is in the fat surrounding the body She who is surrounded by shakthis called 6amsavathi She who likes rice mi4ed with turmeric powder She who has the name 76akini8 She who sits on thousand petalled lotus She who shines in all colors She who is armed with all weapons

.an/ha #a$thra Sthithi samsthitha 2n$usathi +raharana 3aradadhi nishe#itha Mudg u danasa$tha /hittha Sa$in%ambha swar +ini 2gna /ha$rabja nila%a Shu$la #arna Shadanana Majja samstha 8amsa#athi mu$h%a sha$thi saman#itha 8ardrannai$a rasi$a 8a$ini r +a dharini Sahasra dhala +adhmastha Sar#a #arn +i sh bitha Sar#a%udha dhara

!31 !32 !33 !34 !3! !3& !3( !3) !3, !4!41 !42 !43 !44 !4! !4& !4( !4) !4, !!!!1 !!2 !!3 !!4 !!! !!& !!( !!) !!, !&!&1 !&2 !&3 !&4 !&! !&& !&(

Shu$la samsthitha Sar#ath mu$hi Sar# u dhana +reetha /hittha ;a$in%ambha swar +ini Swaha Swadha 2mathi Medha Sruthi Smrithi 2nuthama .un%a $eerthi .un%a labh%a .un%a sra#ana $eerthana .ul majar/hidha Bandha m /hini Barbharala$a 3imarsa r 3idh%a 3i%adhadhi jagat +rasu Sar#a #%adhi +rasamani Sar#a mrut%u ni#arini 2gra gan%a 2/hint%a r Kath%a%ini Kala hanthri Kamala$sha nishe#itha 4hamb la + ritha mu$hi +a Kali $almasha nasini +ini

She who is in shukla or semen She who has faces everywhere She who likes all types of rice She who is named as 7yakini8 She who is personification of Swaha ( the manthra chanted during fire sacrifice ) She who is of the form of Swadha She who is ignorance She who is knowledge She who is %edas She who is the guide to %edas She who is above all She who is famous for good deeds She who can be attained by good deeds She who gives good for those who listen and those who sing about her She who is worshipped by wife of +ndra She who releases us from bondage She who has forelocks which resembles waves She who is hidden from view She who is 7learning8 She who created the earth and the sky She who cures all diseases She who avoids all types of death She who is at the top She who is beyond thought She who removes the ills of the dark age She who is 'athyayini in :dyana peetha or She who is the daughter of sage 'athyayana She who kills god of death She who is being worshipped by the lotus eyed %ishnu She whose mouth is filled with betel leaves betel nut and lime She whose color is like the pomegranate bud She who has eyes like deer She who bewitches She who is the chief She who gives pleasure She who is of the form of Sun She who is satisfied always She who is the treasure house of devotees

"hadimi $usuma +rabha Mrga$shi M hini Mu$h%a Mridani Mithra r +ini Nith%a 4ru+tha Bha$tha Nidhi

!&) !&, !(!(1 !(2 !(3 !(4 !(! !(& !(( !() !(, !)!)1 !)2 !)3 !)4 !)! !)& !)( !)) !), !,!,1 !,2 !,3 !,4 !,! !,& !,( !,) !,, &-&-1 &-2 &-3 &-4

Ni%anthri Ni$hileswari Maitr%adhi #asana Labh%a Maha +rala%a sa$shini .ara Sha$thi .ara Nishta .rgnana 6ana r +ini

She who controls She who is goddess for every thing She who can be attained by habits like Maithree (friendship) She who is the witness to the great deluge She who is the end strength She who is at the end of concentration She who is personification of all superior knowledge She who is not interested in anything else due to drinking of toddy She who appears to be fainted She who is the model of color and shape She who sits on Maha 'ailasa She who has arms as tender as lotus stalk She who is fit to be venerated rthi She who is personification of mercy She who is the chef of all the worlds She who is the science of soul She who is the great knowledge She who is the knowledge of 0oddess She who is worshipped by 'ama the 0od of love She who is the si4teen lettered knowledge She who is divided in to three parts She who sits on 'ama 'oti peetha tha She who is attended by crores of (akshmis who yearn for her simple glance She who is in the head She who is like the full moon She who is in the forehead She who is like the rain bow She who is in the heart She who has luster like Sun 0od She who is like a light in a triangle She who is the daughter of #aksha She who kills asuras She who destroyed the sacrifice of )udra She who has long eyes which have slight movement She who has face that glitters with her smile She who is the teacher She who is the treasure house of good /ualities

Madh#i +ana lasaa Matha Mathru$a #arna r +ini Maha Kailasa nila%a Mrinala mrudhu dh rllatha Mahanee%a "ha%a m Maha samraj%a shalini 2tma #idh%a Maha 3idh%a Sri#idh%a Kama se#itha Sri Sh dasa$shari #idh%a 4ri$ ta Kama K ti$a Kata$sha $im$ari bh $amala $ ti se#itha Shira sthitha Chandra nibha Bhalastha 5ndra "hanu .rabha 8rida%astha *a#i +rag%a 4ri $ nanthara dee+i$a "a$sha%ani "hith%a hanthri "a$sha %agna #inasini "harandh litha deerga$shi "harahas jwalanmu$hi 6uru m rthi 6una nidhi

&-! &-& &-( &-) &-, &1&11 &12 &13 &14 &1! &1& &1( &1) &1, &2&21 &22 &23 &24 &2! &2& &2( &2) &2, &3&31 &32 &33 &34 &3! &3& &3( &3) &3, &4-

6 matha 6uhajanma bh "e#eshi "handa neethistha "hahara$asa r +ini

She who is the mother cow She who is the birth place of (ord Subrahmanya She who is the goddess of 0ods She who *udges and punishes She who is of the form of wide sky She who is being worshipped on all the fifteen days from full moon to new moon She who is the soul of arts She who is the chief of arts She who en*oys being described in epics She who is being fanned by (akshmi the goddess of wealth and Saraswathi the goddess of knowledge She who is the primeval force She who cannot be measured She who is the soul She who is better than all others She who is personification of purity She who is the mother of several billions of universes She who is beautifully made She who is the shape of 7'lim8 She who is she herself She who is secret She who gives redemption as well as position She who lives everything in three aspects She who is worshipped by all in three worlds She who is the trinity She who is the goddess for all gods She who is of the form of three letters She who has godly smell She who wears the sindhoora dot in her forehead She who is in 7om8 She who is the daughter of the king of mountains She who is white colored She who is worshipped by gandharwas She who carries the universe in her belly She who is personification of gold She who punishes bad people She who is the goddess of words

.rathi +anmu$h%a ra$antha thidhi mandala + jitha Kalathmi$a Kala nadha Ka#%a labha #im dhini Sa/hamara rama #ani sa#%a dha$shina se#itha 2disha$thi 2me%a 2tma .arama .a#ana $rithi 2ne$a $ ti Bramanda janani "i#%a 3igraha Klim $aree Ke#alaa 6uh%a Kai#al%a .adha dha%ini 4ri+ura 4rijagat #andh%a 4rimurthi 4ri daseswari 4r%a$sh%a "i#%a 6andhad%a Sindhura thila $an/hidha 'ma Sailendra 4hana%a 6 wri 6andharwa Se#itha 3iswa 6rabha Swarna 6arbha 2#aradha 3agadeeswaree

&41 &42 &43 &44 &4! &4& &4( &4) &4, &!&!1 &!2 &!3 &!4 &!! &!& &!( &!) &!, &&&&1 &&2 &&3 &&4 &&! &&& &&( &&) &&, &(&(1 &(2 &(3 &(4

"h%anagam%a 2+ari/hed%a 6nadha 6nana 3igraha Sar#a #edhantha sam#ed%a Sat%ananda swar L +a mudrar/hitha Leela $lu+tha brahmanda mandala 2dursh%a "rus%a rahitha 3ignathree 3edh%a #arjitha ; gini ; gadha ; g%a ; gananda ;ugandhara 5//ha sha$thi16nana sha$thi1 Kri%a sha$thi swar +ini Sar#aadhara Su+rathishta Sada sadr +a dharini 2shta m rth% 2ja jethree L $a %athra #idah%ini 9$a$ini Bh ma r +a +ini

She who can be attained by meditation She who cannot be predicted to be in a certain place She who gives out knowledge She who is personification of knowledge She who can be known by all ;panishads She who is personification of truth and happiness She who is worshipped by (opa Mudhra the wife of Agasthya She who creates the different universes by simple play She who cannot be seen She who does not see things differently She who knows all sciences She who does not have any need to know anything She who is personification of 3oga She who gives knowledge and e4perience of yoga She who can be reached by yoga She who gets pleasure out of yoga She who wears the yuga (#ivision of eons of time) She who has desire as her head 'nowledge as her body and work as her feet She who is the basis of everything She who is the best place of stay She who always has truth in her She who has eight forms She who has won over ignorance She who makes the world rotate(travel) She who is only herself and alone She who is what we see hear and understand She who makes everything as one She who is away from 7more than one8 She who gives food She who gives wealth She who is old +ini She who merges herself in brahma-the ultimate truth She who is big She who is the wife of easwara

Nirdwaitha "waitha #arjitha 2nnadha 3asudha 3riddha Brhmatm%$%a swar Brihathi Brahmani

&(! &(& &(( &() &(, &)&)1 &)2 &)3 &)4 &)! &)& &)( &)) &), &,&,1 &,2 &,3 &,4 &,! &,& &,( &,) &,, (-(-1 (-2 (-3 (-4 (-! (-& (-( (-) (-, (1-

Brahmi Brahmananda Bali +ri%a Bhasha r +a Brihat sena Bha#abha#a #i#arjitha Su$haradh%a Shubha$aree Sh bhana sulabha gathi *aja rajeswari *aj%a "ha%ini *aj%a #allabha *ajat $ru+a *aja +eetha ni#esitha nijasritha *aj%a la$shmi K sa natha Chathuranga baleswai Samraj%a "ha%ini Sath%a Sandha Sagara Me$hala "ee$shitha "hait%a Shamani Sar#a l $a #asam $ari Sar#artha "hatri Sa#ithri Sa/hidananda r +ini "esa $ala +aris/hinna Sar#aga Sar#a m hini Saraswathi Sasthra ma%i 6uhamba 6uh%a r +ini

She who has one aspect of -rahma She who is the ultimate happiness She who likes the strong She who is personification of language She who has big army She who does not have birth or death She who can be worshipped with pleasure She who does good She who is easy to attain and does only good She who is goddess to king of kings like #evara*a 3aksha ra*a -rahma %ishnu and )udra She who gives kingdoms like %aikunta kailasa etc She who likes such kingdoms She whose mercy shines everywhere She who makes people approaching her as kings She who is the wealth of kingdoms She who protects the treasury She who is the leader of the four fold army (Mind brain thought and ego) She who makes you emperor She who is truthful She who is the earth surrounded by the sea She who gives the right to do fire sacrifice She who controls anti gods She who keeps all the world within her control She who gives all wealth She who is shines like the sun She who is personification of the ultimate truth She who is not divided by region or time She who is full of everywhere She who attracts every thing She who is the goddess of knowledge She who is the meaning of sciences She who is mother of (ord Subrahmanya (0uha) She whose form is hidden from all She who does not have any doctrines She who is devoted wife for all times to (ord Shiva She who is goddess to rituals or She who is goddess to teacher-student hierarchy

Sar# +adhi #inirmu$tha Sada shi#a +athi #ritha Sam+radha%eshwari

(11 (12 (13 (14 (1! (1& (1( (1) (1, (2(21 (22 (23 (24 (2! (2& (2( (2) (2, (3(31 (32 (33 (34 (3! (3& (3( (3) (3, (4(41 (42 (43 (44 (4! (4&

Sadhu 9e 6uru mandala r Kul theerna Bhagaradh%a Ma%a Madhumathi Mahee 6anamba 6uh%a$aradh%a K malangi 6uru .ri%a Swathanthra Sarwa thanthresi "a$shina m rthi r +ini +ini

She who is innocent She who is the letter 7e8 She who is the universe round teachers She who is beyond the group of senses She who is to be worshipped in the universe round the sun She who is illusion She who is the trance stage (seventh ) in yoga She who is personification of earth She who is mother to 0anesha and bhootha ganas She who should be worshipped in secret places She who has beautiful limbs She who likes teachers She who is independent She who is goddess to all thanthras (tricks to attain 0od) She who is the personification of 0od facing South (&he teacher form of Shiva) She who is being worshipped by Sanaka sages She who gives the knowledge of 0od She who is the micro power deep within She who is the happiness in beings She who is the form of love She who does what is liked She who likes repetition of her various names She who is the knowledge taught by 2andi deva (&he bull god on whom Shiva rides) She who is the goddess of dance She who is luck to this world of illusion She who gives redemption She who is redemption She who likes feminine dance She who is the bridge between dance and music She who is shy She who is worshipped by the celestial dancers She who douses the forest fire of the sad life of mortals with a rain of nectar. She who is the forest fire that destroys the forest of sin la She who is the cyclone that blows away the cotton of bad luck. She who is the suns rays that swallows the darkness of old age She who is the full moon to the sea of luck +a

Sana$adhi samaradh%a Si#a gnana +radha%ini Chid $ala 2nanda Kali$a .rema r .ri%am$aree Nama +ara%ana +reetha Nandhi #idh%a Nateshwaree Mith%a 7agat athishtana Mu$thida Mu$thi r La%a $aree Lajja *ambha adhi #andhitha Bha#a dha#a sudha #rishti .a+aran%a dha#anala "aurbhag%a th la#ath +ini Las%a +ri%a

7aradwanthara #i+rabha Bhag%abdhi /handri$a

(4( (4) (4, (!(!1 (!2 (!3 (!4 (!! (!& (!( (!) (!, (&(&1 (&2 (&3

Bha$tha Chitta Ke$i 6anagana * ga +ar#atha "hamb la Mrut%u "haru Kudari$a Maheswaree Maha $ali Maha grasa Mahasana 2+arna Chandi$a Chanda mundasura nish dhini Kshara$sharathmi$a Sar#a l $esi 3iswa "harini 4hri#arga "hathri Subhaga 4hr%ambhaga 4rigunathmi$a

She who is the black cloud to the peacock which is he devotees mind She who is the %a*ra weapon which breaks the sickness which is like the mountain She who is like the a4e which fells the tree of death She who is the greatest goddess She who is the great 'alee She who is like a great drinking bowl She who is the great eater She who did meditation without even eating a leaf She who is supremely angry She who killed the asuras called !handa and Munda She who can never be destroyed and also destroyed She who is goddess to all the worlds She who carries all the universe She who gives dharma Assets and pleasure She who is pleasing to look at She who has three eyes She who is personification of three gunas vi, . &hamo ('ali) )a*o (#hurga) and Sathva ("arvathy) She who gives heaven and the way to it She who is clean She who has the color of hibiscus She She She She who who who who is full of vigour has light is of the form of sacrifice likes penances

(&4 (&! (&& (&( (&) (&, ((((1 ((2 ((3 ((4 ((! ((& ((( (() ((, ()()1 ()2

Swarga+a#argadha Shuddha 7a+a+ush+a nibha$rithi :j #athi "h%uthidhara ;agna r +a .ri%a#rudha "huraradh%a "huradharsha .atali $usuma +ri%a Mahathi Meru nila%a Mandhara $usuma +ri%a 3eeraradh%a 3irad * 3iraja 3iswath mu$hi .rath%g r .ara$asa +a +a

She who is rarely available for worship She who cannot be won She who likes the buds of "atali tree She who is big She who lives in Meru mountain She who likes the buds of Mandhara tree She who is worshipped by heroes She who a universal look She who does not have any blemish She who sees through every ones eyes She who can be seen by looking inside She who is the great sky

()3 ()4 ()! ()& ()( ()) (), (,(,1 (,2 (,3 (,4 (,! (,& (,( (,) (,, )-)-1 )-2 )-3 )-4 )-! )-& )-( )-) )-, )1)11 )12 )13 )14 )1! )1& )1( )1) )1, )2-

.ranadha .rana r +ini Marthanda Bhaira#aradh%a Manthrini n%ashtha raj%adh 4ri+uresi 7a%atsena Nistrai gun%a .ara+ara Sat%a gnananda r +a

She who gives the soul She who is the soul She who is being worshipped by Marthanda -hairava She who gave the power to rule to her form of Manthrini She who is the head of three cities She who has an army which wins She who is above the three /ualities She who is outside and inside She who is personification of truth knowledge and happiness She who stands in peace She who is the wife of 'apardhi (Siva with hair) She who wears arts as garlands She who fulfills desires She who can take any form She who is the treasure of arts She who is the art of writing She who appreciates arts She who is the treasure of arts She who is healthy She who is ancient She who is fit to be worshipped She who gives e4uberance She who has lotus like eyes She who is the ultimate light She who is the ultimate resting place She who is the ultimate atom She who is better than the best She who has rope in her hand She who cuts off attachment She who destroys the effect of spells cast She who has a form She who does not have a form She who gets happy with prayers using temporary things She who is the swan in the mind ( lake like) of sages She who has resolved to speak only truth She who is the real form She who is within everything She who is Sathee the daughter of #aksha

Samaras%a +ara%ana Ka+ardhini Kalamala Kamadhu$h Kama r +ini Kala nidhi Ka#%a $ala *asagna *asa se#adhi .ushta .urathana . j%a .ush$ara .ush$are$shana .aramj% thi .aram dhama .aramanu .arath +ara .asa 8astha .asa 8anthri .ara manthra 3ibhedini M rtha 2m rtha 2nith%a thri+tha Muni manasa hamsi$a Sat%a #ritha Sath%a r Sathee +a


)21 )22 )23 )24 )2! )2& )2( )2) )2, )3)31 )32 )33 )34 )3! )3& )3( )3) )3, )4)41 )42 )43 )44 )4! )4& )4( )4) )4, )!)!1 )!2 )!3 )!4 )!! )!& )!( )!)

Brahmani Brahmaa 7anani Bahu r +a Budhar/hitha .rasa#ithri .ra/handa 2agna .rathishta .ra$ata Krithi .raneshwari .rana "hatri .an/hast +eeta r 3ishungala 3i#i$thastha 3eera matha 3i%at +ras Mu$undaa Mu$thi nila%a M la #igraha r +ini Ba#agna Bha#a r $agni Bha#a Cha$ra .ra#arthani Chanda sara Sasthra sara Manthra sara 4hal dharee 'dara $eerthi 'ddhhama #aibha#a 3arna r +ini +ini

She who is the strength behind creator She who is the creator She who is the mother She who has several forms She who is being worshipped by the enlightened She who has given birth to everything She who is very angry She who is the order She who has been installed She who is clearly visible She who is goddess to the soul She who gives the soul She who is in fifty Shakthi peethas like 'ama ropa %aranasi. ;**ain etc She who is not chained She who is in lonely places She who is the mother of heroes She who has created the sky She who gives redemption She who is the seat of redemption She who is the basic statue She who understands wishes and thoughts She who cures the sin of birth She makes the wheel of birth rotate She who is the meaning of %edas She who is the meaning of "uranas(epics) She who is the meaning of Manthras ( chants) She who has a small belly She who has wide and tall fame She who has immeasurable fame She who is personification of alphabets She who is the panacea of ills of birth death and aging She who is being loudly announced as the greatest by ;panishads She who is a greater art than peace She whose depth cannot be measured She who is situated in the sky She who is proud She who likes songs She who does not imagine

7anma mrut%u jara tha+tha jana #ishranthi dha%ini Sar# +anisha dhudh gushta Shant%athheetha $alathmi$a 6ambheera 6agananthastha 6ar#itha 6ana l lu+a Kal+ana rahitha

)!, )&)&1 )&2 )&3 )&4 )&! )&& )&( )&) )&, )()(1 )(2 )(3 )(4 )(! )(& )(( )() )(, ))))1 ))2 ))3 ))4 ))! ))& ))( ))) )), ),),1 ),2 ),3 ),4 ),! ),&

Kashta 2$antha Kanthatha #igraha Kar%a $arana nirmu$tha Kama $eli tharangitha Kanath $ana$a thadanga Leela #igraha dharini 2jha Ksha%a nirmu$tha 6ubdha Ksi+ra +rasadhini 2nthar mu$ha samaradh%a Bahir mu$ha sudurlabha 4hra%ee 4ri#arga nila%a 4hristha 4ri+ura malini Nirama%a Niralamba Swatma rama Sudha sruthi Samsara +anga nirmagna samuddharana +anditha ;agna +ri%a ;agna $arthree ;ajamana swar "harma dhara "hanad%a$sha "hanadhan%a #i#ardhani 3i+ra +ri%a 3i+ra r +a 3iswa brhamana $arini 3iswa grasa 3idhrumabha 3aishna#i 3ishnu r 2% ni ; ni nila%a K tastha +ini +ini

She who is in the ultimate boundary She who removes sins She who is half of her husband (kantha) She who is beyond the action and the cause She who is the waves of the sea of the play of the 0od She who wears the glittering golden ear studs She who assumes several forms as play She who does not have birth She who does not have death She who is beautiful She who is pleased /uickly She who is worshipped by internal thoughts She who can be attained by e4ternal prayers She who is of the form of three %edas vi, )ig ya*ur and sama She who is in three aspects of self assets and pleasure She who is in three She who is in tripura the si4th section of Srichakra She who is without diseases She who does not need another birth She who en*oys within herself She who is the rain of nectar She who is capable of saving people who drown in the mud of day today life She who likes fire sacrifice She who carries out fire sacrifice She who is the doer of fire sacrifice She who is the basis of #harma-the rightful action She who presides over wealth She who makes wealth and grain to grow She who likes those who learn %edas She who is the learner of %edas She who makes the universe to rotate She who eats the universe in one handful She who has the luster of coral She who is the power of %ishnu She who is %ishnu She who does not have a cause or She who is not born She who is the cause and source of everything She who is stable

),( ),) ),, ,-,-1 ,-2 ,-3 ,-4 ,-! ,-& ,-( ,-) ,-, ,1,11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,1! ,1& ,1( ,1) ,1, ,2,21 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,2! ,2& ,2( ,2) ,2, ,3,31 ,32 ,33 ,34 ,3! ,3&

Kula r 3eera


She who is personification of culture She who likes company of heroes She who has valour She who does not have attachment to action She who is the form of sound She who makes science She who is e4pert in arts She who is an e4pert She who sits in the dot of the thousand petalled lotus She who is above all metaphysics She who is Metaphysics +ini She who is personification of this and that She who likes singing of sama She who is peaceful or She who is as pretty as the moon She who is consort of Sada shiva She who is birth death and living or She who likes the and tantric methods She priestly who removes all dangers She who has everything within her or She who is peaceful She who is by nature sweet She who is courageous She who is being worshipped by the courageous She who is worshipped by the ablation of water She who likes the never fading flowers She who never sets She who is always happy She who like the young son is red mi4ed with white She who is worshipped by the learned and ignorant She who has a smiling face like the lotus in full bloom She who is mi4ture of the koula and kevala methods She who gives the immeasurable heavenly stature She who likes chants She who gives boons for those who sing her chants She who is worshipped by the %edas She who has a stable mind She who has big heart She who is the greatest goddess She who does only good &he mother of the universe She who supports the world She who is broad eyed

3eera g shti +ri%a Naish $arm%a Nadha r Kal%a 3idhagdha Bainda#asana 4athwadhi$a 4atwa ma%ee 4atwa Martha swar Sama gana +ri%a S um%a Sada shi#a $utumbini Sa#%a+a sa#%a margastha Sar#a a+ad#i ni#arini Swastha Swabha#a madura "heera "heera samar/hida Chaithn%ar$%a samaradh%a Chaitan%a $usuma +ri%a Sadd thitha Sadha thushta 4harunadith%a +atala "a$shina "a$sinaradh%a "harasmera mu$hambuja Kaulini $e#ala 2narg%a $ai#al%a +ada dha%ini St tra +ri%a Sthuthi mathi Sthuthi samsthutha #aibha#a Manaswaini Mana#athi Mahesi Mangala $ruthi 3iswa Matha 7agat "hathri 3isala$shi +ini

3ignana $alana

,3( ,3) ,3, ,4,41 ,42 ,43 ,44 ,4! ,4& ,4( ,4) ,4, ,!,!1 ,!2 ,!3 ,!4 ,!! ,!& ,!( ,!) ,!, ,&,&1 ,&2 ,&3 ,&4 ,&! ,&& ,&( ,&) ,&, ,(,(1 ,(2 ,(3 ,(4 ,(!

3iragini .ragalbha .aram dhara .aram dha Man ma%i 3% ma $esi 3imanastha 3ajrini 3ama$eshwaree .an/ha %agna +ri%a .an/ha +retha man/hadhi sa%ini .an/hami .an/ha bh thesi

She who has renounced She who is courageous She who is great giver She who has great happiness She who is one with mind She wife of Shiva who has sky as his hair She who who is is the at the top She who has indra5s wife as a part She who is goddess of the people who follow the left path She who likes the five sacrifices She who sleeps on the cot made of five corpses She who is the consort of Sadshiva the fifth of the pancha brahmas She who is the chief of "ancha bhoothas vi, earth sky fire air. And water She who is to be worshipped by five methods of 0andha(sandal wood) "ushpa(flower) #hoopa(incense) dheepa(light) 2aivedya(offering) She who is permanent She who gives perennial wealth She who gives pleasure She who bewitches (ord Shiva She who carries (beings like earth) She who is the daughter of the mountain She who has all sort of wealth She who likes dharma She who makes dharma grow She who is beyond the world She who is beyond properties She who is beyond everything She who is peace She who has the glitter of bhandhooka flowers She who is a young maiden She who loves to play She who gives all good things She who gives pleasure She who is well made up She She She She who who who who is sweet scented(married woman) likes the worship of married woman has full glitter has a clean mind

.an/ha san$h% +a/harini Saswathi Saswathaiswar%a Sarmadha Sambhu m hini "hara "harasutha "han%a "harmini "harma #ardhini L $a theetha 6una theetha Sar#atheetha Samathmi$a Bhandh $a $usuma +ra$h%a Bala Leela 3in dhini Sumangali Su$ha $ari Su#eshad%a Su#asini Su#asin%ar/hana +reetha 22sh bhana Shuddha manasa Bindhu thar+ana santhushta . r#aja

She who is happy with the offering in the dot of Ananda maya chakra She who preceded every one

,(& ,(( ,() ,(, ,),)1 ,)2 ,)3 ,)4 ,)! ,)& ,)( ,)) ,), ,,,,1 ,,2 ,,3 ,,4 ,,! ,,& ,,( ,,) ,,, 1---

4ri+urambi$a "asa mudhra samaradh%a 4hr+ura sree #asan$ari 6nana mudhra 6nana gam%a 6nana gne%a swar ; ni mudhra 4ri$handesi 4riguna 2mba 4ri$ naga 2naga 2dbutha /harithra 3an/hithartha +rada%ini 2bh%asathisa%a gnatha Shaddwatheetha r 2#%aja $aruna m +ini rh% +ini

She who is the goddess of three cities She who is worshipped by ten mudras(postures of the hand) She who keeps the goddess &ripura sree She who shows the symbol of knowledge She who can be attained by knowledge She who is what is thought and the thought She who shows the symbol of pleasure She who is the lord of three ,ones of fire moon and sun who is three characters She She who is the mother She who has attained at all vertices of a triangle She who is not neared by sin She who has a wonderful history She who gives what is desired She who can be reali,ed by constant practice She who supersedes the si4 methods of prayers She who shows mercy without reason She who is the lamp that drives away ignorance She who is worshipped by all right from children and cowherds She whose orders can never be disobeyed She who lives in Srichakra &he beautiful goddess of wealth who is consort of the (ord of &ripura She who is the eternal peace She who is unification of Shiva and Shakthi &he easily approachable mother

2gnana dwantha dee+i$a 2bala g +a #idhitha Sar#an ullang%a sasana Sri /ha$ra raja nila%a Sri math thri+ura sundari Sri shi#aa Shi#a sha$thai$%a r Lalithambi$a +ini

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